THE SCTt ANTON TIU BUNK-SATURDAY MORNING. MARCTI tt. 1894, SIS CENT A Word. W ants of all .sun's cost thai mxteh, e. re,"( clftuaHona f?anttd,witfck an inserted FAfi w Situations Wanted. AfEu-PduT on; pebmanentoh traveling: hardware weferrod; fannlr arifli un hiii i ts' nlana. stock clerk, solid t. r or ooThsetor. Addresa "Jliddleton,'' 4W Mou roe hvi'uu". DKBboSa WANTING A LADV POB 1 washing or office oteanlttg, Call 41, Gib uou street. SITUATION WANTED i.Y A KKKSS is mailer to go out ly tho day. Andrei A U.. Trillions uftio.. ' ItTATlliN WAXTKli LY A PRACTICAL lii -i.-ui iKi r. 'i'U tii.T at ti.-inour out be tho Ha ' or week. Address. Miss F.M her Bbnfieid, ins Rock it rest, Bydt Park, Bcran ton. CITUAT10N WANTED BY A Y017NQ D man who la willing t do my kind of Woiksnse, IB: fair pennant pan furnish good reference Address A u. (Post Oflee),anaAi ton. Y A YOUNG MAN IN UliY HOODS OK uroiviv store, or b m business where no ittld work up. Sum experience, good refer s1 nnce, will work cheap. Montrose. Pa. Address P. O. box ' Agents Wanted. U-an it: 1 1 man w 1 1' u li fi: a x i pike insurance experience us soli'ito.' in Lackawanna county; g""d inducements to i got man. Address U2J-3U Beta building. Philadelphia, Pa. V AN IEP BOT8 .vNU UIULS WHO V wiii t" innko money when out of school: aend name and we will tell von bow; i ... money wttutud. F. BTAYNliR, Providence B.L 7T - Ur ANTED TWOYOCNQ USE OP GOOD addre.-s to call ou business houses. Steady employment for good Apply NATIONAu CLEAN raWEL COMPANY, Area Jo ' u 1 ling. Hclo Wanted- Male. IXTANTED A COMPETENT ADVKRTIB- ins aollottor. Must be of good address abd thoroughly expersineed. wood thing for r g it p ir:y Adurvsa J S. 1'ribun Oilloc, stuciug whore hit" rview euu bo hail Proposals. Dmoiorm 1'lnnsvi.vama i'dm.mis , SUM ol I-OUHHIl MIIIPI1.VN SlMiiOl.s, For Rent. J 'I UNSHED HOI SK li irjF.ES UIHUE L with large yard and all improvements for tent dnrlngtoa rammer to careful party with out children. Address "Comfort.' nVBNM BED FRONT ROOMS FOB BENT I? with bath, t.f.' Adams avenue, nOR RENT-SUITE OF FOUR BOOMS ON 1 flrt.L floor. Webster, avenue, at jlu. F. L Wood, Wood's College. 108 KENT- HOUSE ON No. Kat, ilrcu Ki.lo. MARION ST Mi IB RENT TWO 8TOKY BRICK DWEL 1' llng4ionae; modern Ituprovenuiuts; Mo for it court: rent. S'.V Apply to MAURICE COLLIN tti agent, "-i west Lackawanna 1 avenue. lAftBJSBUno. 1 a.. March I. I QEALEU PROPOSALS Alt!-; INVITED FOR 1' tho erection and conplotton of the Ad mtnlstrntlou llmlditig for lb l'l'iinsvlvaiiia Foldlera1 Orphans Isjonstrlal s boa), ut Boot land, Franklin oinnty, Penna. Plans and apaoiflonluna maybe ssen. blank furins of Monosjdj obtained and am toiorma tio;i hud. at tho office Ol tho architect, Thomas 1". i.otwdale, Manhattan lit" build ing, corner Fourth and Walnut Phila delphia, Pa. Complete seta of bias prints and BpociArationa can fie had upon appflcntion to the architect, upon payment of the sum of ten dolbur, 1 11 imif ,,f which will be refunded upon rot, u n of H iiil pviuts ami spoi illi ations. Pwniandapjoiflcatlona can alio boaouu and blank Eottn o proposals obtainedattba ones of tho Comntlsnon of Holdlers' Orphan sohnols. Capitol Bnifdiogti Barrisbutg, Ps.ioStcs of E. 11. Ripple, Bcrajal u Pu : phomaaS. 8am pla Ailsgheny, li .; Bn'lier's BxohanRs, l'lii'.n.lolphia; llnitin. or's oilloo, ,'. V, U. ft., t'!i.iuib:'rsburi:. l'n., and otttofl of George G. Boyer, Chairman Building Committee, oMner Becon 1 aim Market streets Barrisburg, Pi Proposjals to be delivered at theomoe of tho Commliiton at or befon ;i o'clock 11 m., Tuet day, March LVt 1. 1s.11. aaoh proposal to bo acoompanted by a certt Bad check for three thonaand dollars The oontractor will hays to htnuih aecurlty to bo approvoil uy tho aXBCUttT6 committt-o of niid t omnUsslon. for Bte amount of twonty tivo thousand dollars, and will bo required to fully OQmplote.the bolUUngfor use ami oocupanly by Oct,' 1, MH For aaph and ovory dav'e do lay two hundred dollars win in- deaneted from the ocatMol price as lianidated dam ages, Twenty per cent will be bald in re aerve from oaun payi&ant on account, until Una) completion ol the building, Bids of iri'ospousiblo parties or persoun not poaasastng tho requisite skill ami knowledge to properly psi form their oontraol will i rejected. Tho OummhMldn reserve tho right to reject any and all bUn. GEORGE (1. BOYER, Chairman Uuiidu g Committee. BALED PROPOSALS Wild, HE HE aived by tho Bcranton Hoard of Health t their oflleu iu th Muni.' pal I : in..- until March 5. 1894, at 1 :W p. m for the collection oigarbafte. eithor by districts hereafter do scribed, or for the whole city, subject to the following oonutious! 1. The contractor shall provide himself " th suitable rehttfe, to In- approved by tho Board, with water tight, meialnS boxes and as near air li-ht as limy be, 2, -Tlie collection of garbage shall bo made from cans conveniently locatedou tho prom lessor the retnoetive nronertv hold era three tunes a wwk ft out tho flint of June to the first if October, and twice a week from tiio Brst of October to tho tlrst of June. !).-Hids to be lia-ort 011 the price to hi Charged each family per week or monthJjor collet t Dg KSrbae as above apeoliled, with special ratea tor liotels. . The contractor shall collect his own bills, iis the Board of Health will assume no respons ibility. Tbe First dutttict shall am brace the first, Second, Third ami Tweutv-flrst wards The Second district ihalQsml race the Fourth, Fifth, sixth. Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Eigh teenth wards Tile Third district shall embrace the Eleventh, Twelvtb, NinetAntb and Twentieth wards. 1 Tho Fourth district shall embrace tho Elghtbj Ninth. Tenth, Sixteenth and Seven ti onth wards. 1 h. Fifth district shall embrace the Seventh nud Thirteenth wards. Hids tortile collection of ashes may also be enclosed, but must be mide separately. The hoard reserves tiie right to reject any or all bids THE sc KAN Ton BOARD OF HEALTH, WALTER BRI--GS. Secretary, GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES CEALED PROPOSALS O i-eivcd up to noon, lutii Mua RENT-STORE K00M ttS LACEA r wanna avenge ir un April I. also rooms on second door well tulaptvu (or business or huuwke.'p:ng. Also nouso litis i'aiiojmiae hue with all modern improvements, beauti fully pap.-reii. V. S. PAULI, l.Vsl Sanderson avenue ') 1 LACKAWANNA Enquire pi Henry avenue or at the MOB KENT -STORE 1' avenue, by April. 1. Frey, 4J1 Lackawanna yToinlsea, Pin; KENT IN Hl'itH UlU.UING.W A-lb i iiijTton avenne. a row desirable otlli-es and tilts. Rent very reasonable ifo desirable par-ti--s Can be aseji by applying to janitor iu 1 voiding. For totm's apply to C'UAKLIlS A. BL'KR. iU North Haiti avenue. LVli liUNT THREE HlHlMS. FRONT ON V becDiid floor, over N. A. Ilulbert's music store. 117 Wyoming avenue, from April 1. In quire in the store. ff'u LET FOK A TERM OF YEARS i. Part or all of three bun tri-d feet o! yard Ap;ly at M Franklin ri'm along railroad. svrnoe. ' i'u HF.N'T-STOUE Sftxii'i OR FURNISHED J! hall on Groi n Rldire street Very desir i- ole location and r.n reasonablo terms. Appiy to F Kep E. NETTLETON iblican 1 uudhsg. or C. S. WUODHLFF, WILL BE RE Inst., for the ex- avatim; reuuired for now builduie. conn. r of I Wyomtha avenue and Sprm-e struct. Plans and speculcatlons may be obtained upon ap ; plication to John a. duckwortr, Architect, H Coal Exohangs Iluihiiiur CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE ceived at the oflloe or the City Clerk bcranton, Pa., until 7.W o'cloc k p. iu. Thuya day, March 10, lSTl, to cooatruct two lines of sewers with th-- necessary manholes, lamp holes, basins and fixtures, as follows: One of said linea la to be laid from the main sewer 1 Poolar street Montr Snellman court, a distan of about 1,11 teet; the other to be laid from thei'udu 011 Poplar street along Koehe court and Anh i tivot. a distance of al'out 1,110 feet. Proposals shall be separate on each line ot lower, Hidlon shall enclose with each proposal the sum of live p -r cent, of the amount I id as a guarantee 10 ctui-ntcm-m-tract within tea days if awarded the same. Proposals shall be to cooatruct by. the lineal foot complete, including all basins, branchea, man hob a, lamp holes and fixtures, ami also to furnish all manner of labor and supplies, and shall be to finish the work in sixty days from date of i-omm-'ucumunt. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids By order of City Councils. M.T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Bcranton, Pa . Feb. isni. For Sale. I 'iili SALE -A FA KM oF EIoStV AClttS, 1? one and one ball miles trom Galtau on th" Delawar;. Lackawanna and Western railroad. First clasi farm house with a never fhUtotrsprteg netrbyi two barns, good land am! goiKi orchard will be old cheap, lerms as . Address B. F. VON STOUCH or ISAAC El. LIS. executors, Llaltou, Lackawanna county, Pa. AUCTION SALE OF GROCERIES -A, R. Harris will sell tho entire stock of gro-ceri'-snnrt fixtures. hnrs--s MM bafneas, I p ring Wagon, bugv. etc , at tit Wjommg avo-r.u-. Satnrdav, .March 3. at 1 mi p. m. M '; BALE - 91-ACBE and utensils. J. M. nros ave. i ARM, KfuCK SHEFFIELD, ia. 1,'ijR SALE I R E.Vi HANOE FOR HCBAN X ton property A bearing orange grovo fr.crea.sing in production and value yearly in the oranjrs Section, in Horida. Addres F. E. NETTBLETvN, Laflce Helen, Fiorim Money to Loan. A FONEY To LOAN' 310.1711). js.iitt, .iuv'' -1 SLOW, HifiO. io.ifjn anil Jl.ttm; on first m irtgagk I) W BBOWN, Att rney, .'ii 8 Spruce street. Scran ton. Business Opportunities. IXTANTED- A MAN WITH ?l&n capital v can secure a g lod paying bualnoas by calling on B. B-TAYLOR at St. t iiariw ho- tel. Summon. ipecid Notices. Sl IlAHTox. Fob. L 1KB, nHF. ' N'N'l'AL MEETING OF 'HIE I stockholders of tho Lackawanna Iron gnd S.teol company !or the gleation of dl rootoqrs afla trapsn-nion of snch ether hnalneaa as may properly coma lie.'ora thn met'n will be heldat'thn office aftne ooapany in the city of Mcrautoti. Peonsyivanhv on Wed nesday, March 7. IM'l, at '-' o'clock p. m. The pi 11- lll remain 01 on for one hour. Tim transfer booki win ba ewaeflon Fob U. UM and n- opiin on Maridt a, IKU J, P. HIOOINBON. Secretarr FiNANCIAL AND COMWEKCIAL Sticki and Eondi. New YORK, Vnrcli 2. Th cngasemcnt of Jl,2.10,ou0 gold for shijimi nt to France by ti'tnorrow's steamir checked the risinz tendency of the Stock market soon after the opening this morning. The renewnl of tho export moveniout oouipletely over shailowed tho passage of the Bland seijjn iorupe bill by tho house yesterday. It is not thought that the measuro will receive executive, Fnnction even if it should pass the tenate, nud coaso'inently tho street today ra'l hut little attention to tho mat ter. Sugar and whiskey were aoniu the features of the market. Sugar opened simultaneously at sdVfw.tnj', utter which there was h gradual appreciation to- 85. Later a decline to 88k followed. Whisky ranged between ','15 and 8B)f, rlosiun at 245. These stocks are still sensitive to Washington advices and Dioye up or down according to tint tenor of tli" reports from Washington. New York Gtatrti roso to HiOji at one time. The (flankers, anthra cite coalers and tbe.trnnk linea ruled firm until the last hour, when tho bears made a concerted nttack on the list. The, result of these raids was a ilcclim- all along tha lino . f 1 4. r -1 T-. . The market closed weak. Sales were 107,000 shares. Ths foil .wing omplote table phowing the day's fluctuations in active stocks is supplied and revised daily by Lallar A Fullor, stock brokers, .-I Wyoming aveimo: Open- iliL'b ins. est. Am. Cot. Oil 27 87 Am Sncar. flH 'i A.T.ftB. F MA i t;an.o eu nam. N. .1 WAi IIHJi ;i ris VTOUNG ma r: 1 WANTS I.ESSOVs IM stenngrspliir: woall teach t-legraidoi.e .11 iieturu. Aildr-ss "Telerspber.' Tribune Offlen BLANK Hooks. PAMPHLETS". MAGA sines, ntr , b'Uind or rebo.-.nd at Till: Tuinr.NB oBioi). fjick work. Reasonable Jirices. " I EAL TICKETS CAN nue Twenty table board. meal BK HAH AT 141 rankiln a Ucgete for jJ.,VJ. Gixd Ren Estate. I.OR SALE SINGLE HOUSE, WtigL'INGY avennsj very desirable location. Anplv O. P. REYNOLDS, or WILLAiiD. WAilKF.N KN'APP. dhMOWIUi buy modern news boom ' bouse, nil improvements; tonus easy; ror ner MsdiHon avenue and Delaware street. Ati plv BARRY LEES ton WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT corner Madlsoa nveuus and Delaware stmet. Terms easy Apply HARRY I. EES. Business Personals. CANTAO-FOR MEN ONLY GREATEST ID restorer and developer known, -trough ... ' nil-' n,, .111- u 1 ens, invujorates. I'nce fx. tluamnt ul sSi-ml stamp for cimll leiitlnl circular. Dr. II. T MIl.LEK. -1 luini nry sireet, Chicago. 1 ADIE-. X.J cc-ssful Bus TONTE IS THE ONLY SL'C. X DevelopiM- known Nev -r falls. IK0A Full Sonfldsntial pnrtic-nlar sealed) rbr gc stamp, Mis. Dr. u. T. Miller, i'i yiiincy ut.. Cnioago, Chic, ft N, W, C . B. Q Chic. Gss C.. U.. 0. ft Bt. L... Col.Hock.Val. AT. llWj I). ft H nv, II.. L. & W 1KB j Ii. A C. F -H H.VK n'4Wi 7S1S '4(i Mm l!'!k IHSM iseu MS Erie IM . IIM O.K. Co Gi 4lst Lake Shore ItTN 127' 4S. Kt UK ,io, m Low est. MM s.til 70 ItfiM III! Hm Sri I id i:t MiZ lfrV 4'i-i law 7's 121 nt m M Clos ing. 211-1, fi:p,i m im 101 77(4 in m taw ltt 2IJi PA I. I'.l, 47B1 1st 211 f.. ft N tH nannattan 1 Miss. Pan 24M Nat. Lead 2,s-4 N. Y. AN. E 10! N. Y. Central lOOM N. Y..O. A W IMf N. Y..S. A W U. B. C. Co North Pac North Pac. pf..., Omaha Pac. Mall Reading Rock Island R'.T , St. Paul T. 0,4)1 Toxss A Pac Union Pac Wahasn, pf W. Union W.ftL, F. W. A L. E. pf..., Chicago Oratn and Provlilom. SciiANTOg, March 2,-The following QttOjM lions urn supplisd ud o irrecteil tl ill v byj.a liar A Fullcr.stock brokers.Kl Wyonilog avii line. I'll-, le.i7M III .. n,v mi lot iii ... 4Vi B i'i 41 ,.. IsM KV I7i 17V ... 8TH hH In t ... 17t I7W I7 17)3 ... Bji 2!l MM 22 ... tin wu, u7i am ... M 4 Hi 4M ... HI U III 111 "'. i" ii" iatt isji ... 14 141 14 II ... HftW Will 4 KM ... m m 1 m ... 4j m, w vm Senator Brio?, of 0 do, Holds tin Senatorial Opposition to fru Coal, PLAIN WORDS TO FREE TRADERS Synonsis of His Forcible Argument Before tlio Democratic Senatorial Caucus in Favor pf Protcclion to the American Purchasers of Bitu minous Coal Important Develop ments of Crystal Lake Planned By the Carbondale and Forest City Street Railway Company Other Newsy Gleanings of Industrial Gos sip. Iu a Washington dispatch Senator IB iM i-i iUotcd us havini; in caticue in sisted Htrennotisly on a GO-cent duty on coal, but if coal t--, ou the free list ho wantu to havrt a provision inserted that it shall ooly le ad nulled f roe from such mutitrios us impost) no duty on coal llo says if the Canadian duty were ta ken off tho coal there would be a great ly increased market in Ontario for Ohio coal. Mr. Brice pointed out tho effect that froo coal would hava on watte nf coal miners in the interior. He said that Pennsylvania, coat ie now displacing tbut of Ohio in some parts of his state. At Cloroland, Hocking coal hns been supplanted by 1'ittsbnrg coal. Works at Akron, which nted to take from twenty to lifty carloads of Ohio coil per day nro drawing their supply now from Pennsylvania mines. One Ohio coal compftny wbioli used to amp 1:0!) carloads a lUy to points iu that state, MiobigAD und Indiana, is now sending; USXt to noni. Tho reason fur this loss of trade is du to the re duction iu tho price of Pennsylvania bitumlnoni coal because Pennsylvania miners have been working for lower wages for a short tirau past. The cheaper coal is crowding out tbe dear er. This oompetion cu only bo met by reducing wages in O.iio. Mr. Urice said that wou'.d bo exactly the effeotall over tlio country if Uina iU coal ware admitted free. It would take away the market for a vast quan tity of American coal aloiiK tho sea board and would compel a reduction of waues iu competing minus. These mines would than compete with theso farther in the interior which would be closed Dp unless they reduced WAgea, And thus, ho said, the thing wnnld reach across th continent, bo that thu admission of Canadiau 00n would compel a reduction of wages in all the American mines, just as a slight reduction of w.. ;. in the Pennsylvania mines hus at once taken awsv u UtfgO amount of tradu from the Ohio minus and will result in a reduction of wuses there. That auaiii will compel n rj d notion In in, liana, as already tlio Pennsylvania eoai I fi idiug laoreaaad salo in Indiana. And a reduction i:i Indiana will necessarily Oompsl a re- luctiou in Illinois. :-.;' i '.'.- .r.: r.u .. ' of Mr, Brice on tne aobjeot of coai, just like ibe argument o" tue L iniiiana puators on tue subltct of sugar, will apply to every other industry in tho United States Says the Philadelphia Stockholder: flie defeat ot tlio Diana of es-Presi- d--nt McLeol was an iidnintaite to the general coal-consuming public, but a very bud tiling for miners mid produ cers of anthracite coal. Just prior to his lancing tho Jersey Central and Le high Valley ruds the coal tr.ulo was in demoraliz-d con lition, and prices were so low that there wns little, ii any, profit in the mining of co il. In Pehru nry, 1801, the uveraijo of prices ut Bchtylkill Haven wns 13.811 per ton, and a vo ir later it had fulleu to n.28 ll-fore tlio end of the nest rear, that is, before the en 1 of February, lH'.iJ, the rage price of coal was advanced to 04, an increase over the "preceding year (loJvi ot -u cent per ion. lho iainrs themselves re ceived a portion of tho benefit of this advance, whil the coal-prod uc ing companies aliunde in mey out of it Ths collapse of the combin ItiOQ then followed, dragging with it tlie Heading OOmpgnieS and tho nrii's of anthracite coal, In January, 1884, the average price at .Schuylkill Btveu was 08 I 10, but last moiitii it w is down to '-' 4-1 0-10, a decrease of 17 5-10 cents ton over the proceeding month, and u decreAe of !l 1-10 i: nts as compared witii Pebriiirv', libl 'Ihi d.-creaso i significant. lime ins thitt, ib-apita tho t iforts ii: i i- to Itutaio prices, they aro raiiuslly, yet steadily, working to ward a lower level. Whether or not they will touch tho low prices Whloh prevailed before tha It lading deal re mains to bo seen. Forty men are now at work in tl o vicinity uf C.irboudule upon the con- siructiou of tho Carbondale and Fore: t City Street railway, it will In coin ploted by Juno 1. President J. w. Aitknn siys thAt the doting of the summer season will sue Cirboud ilo the center of ono of tho greateit electrical railway aystemi iu tho country. After reaching Forest City tho roai bui biers will turn at ii:ic t iwar I I rystal l.ik i and from that point rottiru to Ctrbou dale, thus forming a great belt line of railroad. The roml will bs eii'iipped with thirty-seven ears. Theso are now being built by the Stephenson compauy and lire of tho latest and h in Isouiost pattern. Two of them will bo of the parlor car style that m iy be chartered by purtles who wish to spend n day or evening at the lake. 'Iho coming sum uier will see enormous changes at that place made under ths direction of ths railway cnmimny. The plans for the improvement of tho spot iuclude the construction of a kite shupod track, grounds for base ball, fool ball and other sports, with a convenient grand stand for thu accommodation of epecta tuis. A largo pavilion is also to be crtcted. The pavilion will be arranged for dancing ptirpospi. It is possible that light comic opera i miy ou produced. Proposals. OROPUBAIifl WILL BE RECEIVED 1 until Thursday, March l4, by thu ui ttyrsigimd for the building i f a fouiuiatlon Wall for thu Mvthudiit I p se pal church of I'd kvill . Material such as si ie, lime. samL etc., To on fmhish -d and plaevd oh the ground by the builoiu; committee, Committn re4 serves light to i.-ject any or all bid' at their , discreti'si. H t HAi'.M AN. locrotary of com niitte. Box IM, Peckviile. Pa. Feckrllle, Feb. 2i, WM. . W II FAT. (itu'idng Highest Lowest (.losing.... CORN. Opening.... , Highest Lowest i ( !iing OATH. (ip.nlng i Higbc-t tyotreat Closing. PORK. Opening Highest lowest Closing. LAIttl. Opening Highest... Lowint Closing SH.iRT KiHH. OrsmlBg Illghent Lowest Closing Jar. A r,i (,7l4 rts, ill's Miv. mi s B4V2 (III MM tt mi Mi ajU m 118.", II'',, Ilea iiiii 70il 7lK '01 7U0 M ma thil 000 Mf '.'I" . aajZ o)t iinl: Hm i 1IT-J Ml ajj an air i bi un Ull" July (!! m mi In Is ir.iv S,1 18' mi MM on aw GHQ bin! iu; tid litiT e The Kending recetvnrs auuounce that on Monday Ihey will pay iu full the if .5000,000 owing to Spnyer & Co., the Now York bunkers. Tno loan, which has been extended from time to time, doeM not mature Until April 8, tin thu peyuivnt will be anticipated on Mon day, This will ro'.easi th collateral held us security for the loan. Mis ICLANEO0I HDCsTRUL MoTMl Senator King Is at woik on Urn lluclt mount alt) lunnel for (.'ox-) Hros. & Co. It will be 1,800 feet long, 11 feet high and IU feet wide. Samuel Hetlner. tradiugas Percy flaib ner & Fon, deaiers in nnthracite coal, who on Uec. '.'7, 1MM, tnndo an astlguinunt to Albert B, Welmer for tno bMflt of his creditors, hus rtsiinioJ busimsn at bll of BCH In l'hiladellihiu, Now Yuri; und Bos ton. Tho rumor wus again RUTSnt Pri-Ioy that President Harris, of tho Heading IT OIVSS WARN mo that there's trouble ahead if you're Retting thin. Ii shows thai your blood h impoverished, und your organs deranged, so that wftatevi r you cut. fails to propi i-l v nourish you. Anil just n. long as ou remain iu this condition, t n amotion, PtMnrooida. und other and dangorona nlaoaaca are likely to fasten t:iou you. Y'oii should litnlil your ndf uji with Dr. Pierces Golden Miilical Discovery. Purify und enrich tiio blood, rouso every urgWI into natural ac tion, und Luiid Hp healthy, wboleeoote, neMakary flesh. oeaon ftif,. Da. H. V. PlBBCBI 7Vnr Sir- Wo liuvo usiil your "(.M.n."hi our family and llnd nothing else to equal it. One of our children had thu pneumonia, und one lung become consoli dated, but by the ueoof the Discovery she baa entirely recovered, und Is now in good health, Pi company, will soon retire und bo .succeeded by John wanamaker. A 10 per cent, reduction went into effect, Thursday among employes of tho Wostorn New York and Pennsylvania railroad. A Pennsylvania railroad olllciul It quoted as saying that one iraiu a day each way between Now Y'ork and Chicago ii sufll cient for present passenger traffic. Oeorgo M. Hughes bus been appointed general agent of tho Now York, fiuiaua- luinna mid Western Railroad company, with hoadqnnrters in Now Y'ork. Tho general passenger agents of tha Trunk Line association have decided to do away with all unlimited tickets In recent years few of them were sold, ns they gave a curtain advantage to Bcalpurs, it has been finally decided to abandon thuir sulo alto gether. Notwithstanding nearly all railroad are showing decreases In earnings, tho re ceipts of tho passenger department of tho lieiiding Railroad company shows nn m creaso tor January, 1MH, as compared with the same last year of over $13,0i0. Thu Delaware and Hudson directors, it is expected, will recommend at tho stock holders' annual meeting an issue of $5,111)0, 000 stock to retire bonds maturing in Oc tober. Tills will leave only $ri,0U0,o00 bonds outstanding, winch will mature in PJ17. The contemplated iaina of il,ooo.o30Nw England receivers' certificates is ssid to ba for the purpose of paying balances duo connecting linos, mostly the Philadelphia, Reading and New Iviylaud, or Pougb-keep-ie llridgo rout-'. there is a revival in speculative circles, of tho rumr that .Mr. Jlrl.i ol would suc ceed Mr. Wilbur ns president of tho Le high Valley rudioad, tho Utter retiring voluntarily, . Fcraniou Whousala Markets. fcBASToN. Mar, 3,Vnvm akd Pro- nuci Lined apples, per lb., 6a7c: evap- prated apples, hallo, per lb.; Turkish prunes, 4taSc. -.English cuira;it."1u'J' ,c; layer laisins, tl.7ftal.S0; muscatel. tl.'JOa I.8U per box; new Valencia, tiu7c per lb. BsUNa Marrow, fats, 83.80a8.00 par bushel; mediums. 8l.70al.Su. Paaa (ireen, per bnahelpipllt, S,AOaiS.O0i lentels, SalOc. per pound. 1'oTATOKH OOaOec. per bushol. OatOXa- O iaTOc per bushel. llUTTKlt KDame, per lb. CbitESI KialSc. per lb. Edgs rreeh.18) falOo. pickled, 14al5c.; coolers, 18al8ft I'nl'LTKV Chickens, dressed, HVal2;c. : turkeys, l3al8o, MltAta nains, 1134'e.; large. lOJc; skinned bams, lOWo.) CaliforuiA bains, bJic; shouldera, a-).-.; dry salted bellies, Ub.l smoked breHkfast bacon, llc; tresh pork lotns, '.I'c; "Wyoming" porg sausage, lie.; Wyoming home made sail page, 8-pound pail, larded, 11c; butch ers' sausage, iifie., our own make; fresh Pork shoulders, re.: fresh pigs' feet, 3c; fresh pigs' beads, Sc.; fn-sa spare ribs, 8a I tresb leaf lard, lie; fresh kidneys, be. doz.; rough sausage meat, rSXc: tongus, ;'e.;plnck4, iie.eacu; whole hogs, "Jjc. Pong Mesa at 817; short cut, 818. Laud Leaf la tieraea at Ojefoi la tubs, BXe.i iu lO-pound inc.: mo-pound pails, lOXcj b-pound pails. 104's. par pound. I.'kcv Cholco sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. I'"i)OR Minnesota patent, per barrel. t4.ba4.iii); in, ,d Indiana amber, at t.TS; Urabam at i ..- . rye Hour, at Huckwiikat Fboua 83.85 per cwt. FaiD Hlxed, per cw;., at 81.00, UitAis Rye, DM.) corn, 4l to.Vie.; oata, Waloc. jier bushel. Rri hTUAW Per ton, tlilatii. Har-Per ton, rifiats. - NiwYoik ProCtUOS lYIarkst. New YuitK. March FLotra Steady, fair damn ml Wiikat -Dull. Ilrmer: No. '1 rel stor and elevator, BaaOlkt, ; afloat, USKc; f. e.b., 6Slt'a64c.i ungraded led, Bttatua.) No. 1 Dortbern, 00c. 1 options closed steady at nilvaiice. No. :) red March, llp.e.; April, 680.1 Hay, Mc: Juno, llilWe.1 Jalv. G0!c.; Aujiist, toijc.; September, OBKc; Deoemher. 7140, t ons Dull, lirm: No. 1 49fc ; elevator. 43c afloat; options NdVnON :,a3jC. and olueed Brmi March, 4'Jv,; April, 4'.'atc.j May, 2jTr. July, 4'c. Uatb tjulet and limit i i options dull and Brmeri March, foifc; May, Mjg'Cl No. g white. March, 117.'.; Spot price, No. li, 87c ; No. 'J while and No. 2 Chicago, 8tic; No. 8, WllVc; No. 11 white, aic.j mixed westeru, UHnanc; white do., BBa tSr,; while slate, WiiU. riKKF Cj.iiot, 'steady ;, l2.al4. BtU Kams-DuII. 'ilXBCaD Uixr lnactivu. Cur Mkatm Dull. Lakd Quiet, lower; western steam clo,ed nt It.OOetty, t7; March, t.M: Mav, 17.45; retlued qniet; coutineat, S8.C.1; South Ainenc.i.tb 15; comoouiul,;!''' ;e ac Pong steady. BuiTBii-yiiict, insy; stale dairy new, I6ot8o. I do. old, Dai 7c ; do. creamery, new, BSn. Poiinsylvainn do., '.Tic.; weslern dairy, new, HtalTc Blgiua, 8418a ; imi tatloa creamery, 14slH;. ; western cieum ery, lOaSc; do. factory and nil Is, llslOc usxaan Frtn, lair damaatl, unchanged. E008 Quiet, lower; ice bouse per cace, I8.80s8j western fresh. lfaKUo.: duck. IWala; limed,llallJc : suuthBiu,15al8c Phlladelpbl t Talloiv Markst. rniLAnacpniA. .March 8 Tallow was iu fair demand and Steady, Prices were. Prime city, in hoffhteMJiC,! pritBtaroua try, iu h"gheads, -ISfc. j lo. dark, In hogv beads, ()0, caku, Sc.; grease, 4 c. A Million Fi lends A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one nullum people have found just such a friend iu Dr. King's New Discovery for OonaumptiOtt, Coughs and Cold, if vim have pevet used tale Great Cough Medicine, ore trial will convitice roil that it bes Wonderful curative powors in nil divensps of ThroAt, Chest and Lungs. Knch bottle is gtiarnutei-d to do all that is .ilalined or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles fru nt Mathews Urns', drug store. Large bottles 5oo. and 11.00. DviprptU and Indigestion In I heir worst forms are cured by tho use of P. P P. If you are debilitated ami run down, or if you need a tonic to regain flesh nud lost appetite, strength and vigor, take 1'. 1. 1' , and you will be strong and healthy. Ifor shattered constitutions nud lost, manhood P. P, P, (tVtekl Ash, Poke Root and Pots.s.iuini is the king of all medicine. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier iu ibe worlj. For salo brail druggistf. Connolly & KID GLOVES All Sues and Every Conceivable Color. Our regular $z quality. At the Special Price of . $1.12 1 he greatest bargain in Kid Gloves ever offered, bo not fail to see them. CONNOLLY & WALL AGE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court Houss. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL KA1LK0AD OF I J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insurim,' cleanliness and comfort. 1 1 mi TAiu.r. in irrgcT ran. l, 's'.u. Trains leave Bcranton for Plttston, Wilkes Barre, etc . at h.iu, im:,. u m ,,. m, 2 11 1. 1 i.,' !!? l ltM " m' Sunday o.i a m., I.UU, J 10, , .10 p, in. For AlUintn-1 it v. s 1,1 u. in. For New York, S'ewark and Klizabeth. 8 10 Cexnreas) a.m.. 13.30 (express with Buffet parlor can, 8.U0 (exprets i p. m. Bunday, 109 p. in. ' PoRMAucn Chi k, Allintown, Bbtoi RBM, EASTOVana PniLADtLPHIA, S.IU a. in.. Utn.a.90, AUO n-xcupt Philadelpnlai p. in. Bunda, B OOjp, m. For Logq Biuaon, iu bam Qrovb, etc at s ,10a. in . IJ.--HI p. m. ror-BeadingLebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, Mi. in, 5.s. p.m. S'sndav. -SO p. m. For PettsvlUe, B.l0a. m., Uf:iiip m Keturtilug. leave New York, loot ur Liberty ,,,,",tlv,",' rlV,'r ilt !,1J (expreni) a. ill.', l lo, l.n, tjBfl (expreaa with Buffet parlor can p. in. Sunday. I. II i a. m Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, H.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4 ;ii ji in. Bnnaay, 0.S s. n.. ThroiiKh tickets lo all points al lownat rates inav be bad on anpltcattoo In advance to tho ticket niieiit at ihj sia'.i. n. II. p. BALDWIN, , ,, ... Hen, Pass, Agent. J. H. OLH.U SEW (ten Supl. AND I EHltia V.M.i.KY RAILROAD Feb. ii, lev:. Traiii leaves Bcranton for Philadelphia and New York via. II II R u ut H , IS. 10, and II :t"i p. m via D., L. A: V. 1( It, BOH, Mw,ll.-)a. in. .and LSD i-. Ill, Leave Bcranton for Plttston and Wilkes Ham- via II.. L Jc V. U.K., ft, 00, 809.U.2J a. in 8.60, ii.OT, B.JW p. m. Leave Bcrauton for White Raven, Haaleton, Pottevnla and all points on the Beaver Meadovr and fottavule branches, via E ft v V., ii III mm . v a 11. Ar II. it. It. at K a.m.. 1110, :is. 4.10 p.m . via D L. k V, . K. B HOD, H IB IWii a.m., 1.80, 3.U p.ia Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, lfcaoing, Harrisburg and all intermedial points viali tj II. R. R., -a in ,13,10,8.88, IL81 i.m.,via 1) , L. A- V. H. lL.ii.iio.s.os. ll.-.-u a. in., 1.80 p.m. Leave Scrsntou forTu'ikh-inno k. Totran 1 l Elmlra, Ithaca, Oaneva sad ail internediite I points via i. -til V: g.,D.0?n m.,12.10 and 11.85 p. to.. villi L. A- V. K It.. 8.04 atnn13)p. ni. , Leavrf Bcranton foe Bnehester, Buffalo, Kl- I BLpira fulls, D'tri'it. I'lucaito anil allnointi ' west via I. A H. R. 11. 8.07 a.m.,lS.10,H.ld,ll.8) p. n., via Ii. L. A V. R. H. and plttston Junction, stis a in.. KI0 0.88 p. ui.. via E V. It Ii. I'.ll p. ra. For Elm ra anil th Wt t via Sal mi mo via !'. II. Ii R 8,0 a.m.. 18 10,0.15 p. ni . v. a li L. A- W, IS. It., .s ns n. m.. l .to ,ui (i.07 ,, ln. PnUnutnpartorandaleeping orL. V. ohair cir.s on all trn.i.i lietv.-een L. ,v tl .fnn.-ii llkea liai-re and Ne fork, Phllad Iphta, Buffalo and Bnspenlon Undire Rill. LIN II WILBUR. H.'-i. Supt. K-ist Ui OHA8 s. I-: t: Osn. Pass Ag t, Pfilla.Pi. AW NONNEMAOHEB.Ass't Q in Pass AbI Bonth Bethlehem, Pa. i B l a W abb, lack a w a n n a J.f W1SHTSHN liAII KUAt) Trains leave Bcranton us follows: ExpreM for Now York nud all points KllSt 1.80, (.89, 6.M, 8.00 and 0..VJ a. m. ; i'2 Si and iM p, m. Bxpreaa for Baaton, Trenton, Phuadelphli and the South, 51 b.OU and U iVJ a. dl; iHi', Snd8.D0 p. in. Washington ami way stations. " 40 p. ni. Tobyhanna aocompiodatlon, oil p.m. Exnr .sa for Bingham ton, Oiwego, Bltnlra, Corning, Bath, Danavllle, Mount aforrle and Bnffalo, 1110, - li a. iu. and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at buffalo to all puiiitn in th'j West. Northwesl and Bontuweer. bulfalo Bfltlfimmedatlttn. 8.00 a. in. Blngnamton and way stations. 12.37 p. m. NicnolsoU ami wav stations. 5.48 p in. iiinliaiuton and Eliun.i Express, 805 p.m. Express tor ortleud, Syracuse, Oswego. I tics and Blchflcld Borings, 115 a m. and LSI p. in. Ithaeu. IM and BJIQ a. m. and I .'.'I p. m rorMoithnmberland,PTttston,Wiikes-Barre, Plymouth. Hloointhurif and Danville, making close oonnaetlona at Sorthrunberland for Wtlllanunort. Harrlaburv. liltimoiB. Wn.ii- J Ington and the South. Northumbtrland and Intermediate stations, il.OO. li.SO a. in. and l.DU und 0.07 p. in. I Nanttooke and intermediate itatlons, -in laud li.jn a. in Plymouth and Intermediate I stations, BAiand OtBe p, m. I'ullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tun itabl etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offioa, 828 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket ofh re. PRIEAND WYoMINl VALLEV RAIL- Train leavo Scrantou for New York and In termediate points on the Erie railroad at 8.85 a. in. and 8.84 p. m. Also for llawley and local points at A 35, 8.45 and 3.34 pm. Train leaving i 0.45 a re. andU8tp.n. are through trains to and from Uoneedale. 1 ruins loavu lor Wilkes liarre iitfl 10 ell p. ill. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, MARCH B. yr:l Norman i Scenic Production, Grass A Drama with a Kentucky Betting, ELABORATE EFFECTS A COMPETENT CAST. Sale i 1 pens Friday 'a. in. and WE BELIEVE We have the hand somest line of Parlor and I )rawing Room lin liVAlll- A V T ll,-i. ,r rfW ................ n.ii, ULl' fjw . BOH RAILROAD. ulinneucliiK -May at, IsiC trains will run ns follows: Trains leave Bridge Btroet Station. Scrantou, for I'.tts. ma m 1 m- i--i- f K M m l-'.V I --.!.. i 8 15 r ami u -i v in f" for N.w York and Phila delphia, BOO a, in, l'.'io, '.A L'.;s. 411! and 11.80 p. in. Fi r Ronesdale i from Delaware. Lackawanna und v est, .i n depot), " Ui, ISO, 10.10 a.m., l"!.0fl m . '.' 17. 5. m p. in. knir Carbondale and Intermediate stations I 5. Id. 7 00. S.ilO. It), in a. in . lion in ,i 17, 3.15,1 pi. u su .-mil so p. in. ; ti"'ii HNUge street I Ii n ,;, 2,iLi a. m.. 3,l7and 11 U p. m. Peel to Albaoy, Saratoga, tha Adi rondack aloantalna, Boston aud New Bnglund point, 5.40 a in., avri vi n; al Albany 12,45. Saratoga 2.80 p, m , and leaving Bcranton ut l p. in . arriving at AjhABV el i " ' p nv, Bare toga. l2..Vi a, in , and B. stOn, I.IW a, in The only direct route lii-tween the COSl Heidi and Beaton "Tho Leading Tourists' Route of Aii. orn a" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, LakeeOeorgeand Champlalu, Montreal, Ctc. Tlum tallies ihowine local and through train service bstwoon stations on nil divii m Di i w.iro und Hudson system, may bo Obtained ut all Delaware and Hudson ticket ofBoes. II. (i YOUNO, .1. W. BUBD1CK, Second vice President Ghen. Pass. ,vgt. Furniture ievcT shown in this , state and we would like you to see it. Connell ACADEMY OF MUSIC. I UESDAY, JI rVKCM 0. The ( lever Character After. FELL! X . ni 1 1 a iX PuMlDV MORRRIS P a -ntiuu thr.-e IB OCeeSUS A Game of Cards, The Vagabond, Moses. A delight raj and artistic blending ".' i athos and comedy. BgeellenI east Complete d tails. Itetf ular iincpa Bala opens Saturday. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, BIARCU 7 Tho Oerman Comedian, C H A3. A. L.ODER. In the Musical Farce Comedy, oil. WHAT A NIGHT ! Bescotetrneted and l-'e writtcn l,v Prank Duniont, antborof "ih Rainmakers." jttna Oenhell, Harrv llii on, Eyeltue remnle, Harry H'.-k'.?;. AlliD Jliir.hall, Marry-'. Bhank. Louise nice, Warren W. Ashley, HuUa Halvora, it c Cashman, Mrs Cbsa a. Loder. Side , puns Monday PROF. ALBERT & BOLLES Chief of, Bureau of Statistics an 1 member of the faculty ... University oi Pennsylvania, will nve his entertaining LECTURE, Illus trated with stereopticon, on THE WORLD'S FAIR For the Benefit of Young Women's Christian Asso. AT V M, C. A. HALL, Monday, March 5, 1894. TICKETS, :t5 4'KXTS. For sale at Sanderson's drug store, dteiio Seeley's and Y. M, C. A. Washington Av3. TP I- UCiFJt. Si ll M', I'M IION. in 1 nrci Jaanatf 9th ism. rili llnmiO. niiiii 11 Round. '.'Oil jti? tna I Stations at! ; -. ? x iTrulns Dally, BS - , , cepj sundny I ir aArrTve i.euvi .... 7D.-iN. Y Franklin Bid . .... 7 in, West 4pd street .... '.'w Wcchuttken r Arri.e Leave 1 He . . JnucUuu i' tin I- 1 IN .: '.s ".'.v 1447 sm 4 E Vi 111 ll'jl" 1 1 .'.!' II 41 '..Till IP IBM I taoiiian Kill 1 11'fii tm 11 -.'I fi U' II IT no ill in 4 VIII U 4 5. II to. r.-i fir 1;' 11 ie, i' ma ml.rsie llanciH-k Btarluhj Preston Park Come PorotgUe llciiniint, ritiasun mi. I 111 IlltSl ' I 01 -el City i Mih indwe While llrldne Muvt.i Id .lei tin 11 Aiililh.ild tVliiton Peckviile I'lv pU.iui I itck -.011 1 hriwip Pni.tdeiiei' Hark piucc i oranton .Hi iul iiis A M 785 : .vi 8SI V M '.'OS -.' II ; ji 4 ;u '.'41 DLV.I t lis 3 ol s mi I III :i ill h 1,11 I. IS When r.a'.iy as iii L-, i gam bef Cestofta, When she sjwaChtkl, the cried tor reasfgla- Vhe!l i.hc hecanie lls.i, iht, chuu: to i 'u.storia, Whtn she had t'Ulidreu, she gavethcui Culorto, i' a s l H 10 ; a T .11 7 4T I 7 :h 7 SI n ie 7 lis' II 51 11 Is f .I 4-1 II 411 II 'L'i Pi rt' 0 U.I 1, in if. is 11 i is 1:1 v in i- m Ail ti iiins run daily exoepi Bunday, r. sigtiiiies that afalna stop on signal for ius Si 111 i-l - Additional trains leave I'nih indole for Beran tun 1. in and o. is p. m , urrlilng ut ssot am in: 1 M and V on Leave Bcrsnton for carbondale a.80 ami s:io WTlvtngai Parhiodoloul . saml ti it p.m. Reeiire ratea via untarin .v tt'estern iietoiv rmrcliuslns tickets in d .n.' Ifloncj )aj aej Niiiifi BipresstoUie west. .1 0, Al'dclStin, Qnn, Pass, A -ft. T, l-'lltcioft, Dtt Pass, Act BCi'nnton,l'u Ariivi IN ,., I' 1 1 .... II 4.1 . . . li V. .... is w J I" A M 7 41 II It 7 H7 II Is PISS (. : i i U 1 1 4;i 1 81 DM g 4j i 40 10 it! I M it lilftfl1 1 54 ' is iii io a oi v M HI I.. I IM V S4 l'i IT in : M lOsnl i in I HIM in VI1 4 14 1 aii'jios: 1 17 S 09 I il .10 4 40 A HA M I M t-r? 'Ml ' r i - .CcPYRlC 9 - DON'T FORGET That arc headQuarters for everything In the line ot WATcWK. It you have ani Idee of purchasing anv kind of a Watch, lady's or gent s, Hold or Bflver, you will make a griev ous mistake it you do not give u- n sail and at our prices, which yon will Und far below all others, especially in all the high grades of LlRln, Walthain anil ll.iinpden movement. If voii have any doutils and arc at all petted on prh'es irlio una call and w. rill have no trouble in convincing you. Wo st III have a huge StOCk tO dlSPO'e Of, and Will otter you WOV deriui Indueetnents In Jewelry, Burerware, Cloclia tadallothsr gooda which we have In slock. C. W. Freeman PUn Ave. nud BpftlCI St. Week commencing atONDAT, FBR, an The Arcompl(sbed Actress, MISS ETHEL FULLER, Supported by th, W0HD8RURD DiiiMAlIC COMPANY. Monday. Tujstioy an I Wcdnrsday. The 4-act swictv comedy drama, Stricken Blind. ThursJiiy, Fritliy and Salurdny, UNDER THE GASLIGHT. ADMISSION, io '.'o nd S0CINT8 Opera ri siiscan he reserved. By number, every af lernooo. ffem 1.30 to a.10, for the evening's entertainment. Performances every afternoi n except Mondays and Thnradaya at 4.80. ,.i every evening at s 13. Doors open nt l.Jo and ...a) r.M. c What is Wloro Attruciivo 'Mian a pretty face villi a ffesk, bright complcxiouV For it. use Po.wnl's Powder, Mm mmm fii--tlndays. j I Will send PHBH to Itns ui. in. t Ihe pi'cserlptlon of n new HlluV , , , . 1 1 . , i - nil lieu j i' i en in rye -sniuii, pall organs, and sun- cure for nit WCehnOS' I i-i young or old tni'o. Cures ot lioai I un uh, mil. Rmtsslons mill Vewieioeele In ifl day : dlseaee nemer returns, cogreepond i iH-i- private. All letti i ..cut in piiiln si ii'ed inrelopo. Address, 'i'. t', BAHVKK, l.nrh i-tuox 3ot Bewa Dealer, nursimii, Mteki USHMAN'S ' . . BIJOU FORMERLY MUSIC HALL, Scranton. Have Hccksfe'iler.i.e.ssce; Fred, Baadell, M..u. Grand Opening March 5. lroutlnuous performance from 4 f'.M. to mm ' P.M. daily, Mil, 1'KANK CI M l IX, The Prince nf i omeillan-. The Wonderful ' n lA." 1 .u i.i:s .un. iiiis.ti,, iitropolltan Favorite, 111 KISTKllS IIIO.NKOK, I M 'MAItON imi MMv direct irom Tony Pastor'a Thtatre, Sew York America'. Pn n.ier MaleBoprSnO, . i l.l'OII.ih HAHS I LI., UM I I! M C iMI.TON, Bcrauton'a Wellkaown Comedian. i Hi PltlMttOSE til AH I I I I K TheMdreal and nlv KlsatH, Barnum's Jo,fJjO Ni veil v an I lats ..f Raverly's Mas todon Mtnatrelaand others. , raflaad entertalniaeat ii promised and WS Intend ladio, hii I .diiiilrea can at tsml wjthoot escorts and will be given every attention ana courtesy by tiik' attaches, un ileri'i" i" ui ii a.t.-v.ti..n "' Manager Ban doll. iTioesol adailsslae, 10, U aad.00 seats, with n (v.- reeerveo seats tor ji cents. THE'.LARGEST CHT5APBST UKirJT The Tribune
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers