12 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH 3. 1894. Bcecham's pills arc for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drucfstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,36 Canal St., New York. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Modes HE NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS AND Fabrics Our Fashion Monthly. Describe-; and contain the Leading Fashions. Latest Dress Materials. Stories, An ecdotes. Humorous Illustra tions, Valuable Information. Elevating an. I Pleasing Reading tor the Home to tuose cur store GIVEN AWAY who call tor it at We are sole agents in Scran ton for the sale of English Skin Food ,1151 Prica $1 Per Box. Clean vour Kid usinc: Gloves by Cleansoline Instantly removes S POTS or stains without injury to the Finest Fabrics. Kid Gloves. White Shoes, Silks, Laces, Woolen Goods, Car pets, etc. Has no bad odor; never leaves a ring on cloth after using. Price 23 cents per bottlo. NEWS OF THE SUMMIT ETenti of latSfMt flMUlld fir tha En tertainment nf Hurri! Raadars. fijierinl 10 the "rrriiUon Tribune. Cr.ARK'i mmit, Ve... Mirch 1. Mm. DaTid Owimer, of Newton, died yester day at p. m. Mrs. Hnry Kirn, sister of Mr. C) ?r. is Trr low, Marci has com in like a Iamb. It will nmlonhtelly iliow som of th; characteristics of the lion befora it goes on .. The weather last week d!ayad bnil I ing somewhat on the sverl p irks, bat this week has bronijht r-mwtil activ ity. Two more honse have been r:irsd there already. Oir roads in m-iny nl0H are very bad. Th'-rn re two (tactiona of public trots that h;iTe hn biockd with now for mi wki. Wnern are onr npervieore nd what ar tiicir dutlsat Simuel Smith, whoaolil his farm la fall to Petrirk & Co., has DOB ;nl a lot at the Oraen and will rect a neat oot take in the n-ar fntnr. Mrs. Ziba VosutirK is still very sick. There are rnrnors of a weddinit toon, Mesire, Frear & Shippy BaVS planteil a new steam paw mill at DSNBlmtr Cornt-rf, near the Billsids horn"). a OlVPrlANT AND VICINITY. A Newsy Ilitdtri' from an O.onlonal Corrapindint. Fpeeirtl to tb firritntnn Tritotn.. QutinuJn. Pa., March J -i'.iy at No. 2 and Eddy Creek OOlllHlM MOB-dav. P. F, Callahan, of Boraa! n. in 1 1 u A .. . . I. r. ,. Mnu ,. ,,r, .V.nlll.J .Mrs (iwennie Junes nri'i owagqw, f .1- .... . . ..I,... mute 1U'''iji, "'ki im ......... n im iiir .... ... ....... N. J., whm a caller in town a few d ly.t MO, Ha. .T It. Ellin, of MOBOH Pa., niii accepted a ciiltotho liUknly Ilnptist church, and will take oliarg-s April 1. Mini Lncy Karrell. of I J un mora street, left for New York Wt-dnoidny, where she expects to stay "ewrai weeks. Mia Minnie Mnson 1ihs recovered after a three weke' illness. .lonn nun, oi lecuviii", hvwii m . . - , ..'I. 1... ......... a .......tllii. flT T. II R 1 I L' -Olen's Christian Union will be led by Mr. F. L. Northup. Everyone i in vited to attend. The funerel of the late P. II. Martin took place this morning and was large1 ly attended. A number of people from oat of town were present. mi i CUM FOB traOUP 'UM ur. luuiniw Fclectric Oil according to directions. It is the best remedy for at sudden attacks of cold, pain and iiiflninmncioii, and lu ll r lea. (Out of town porrHHn'iimM of Tux Turn Unk ahoiild Hlirn llietr iianies lu full to ajaaO uens letter, not for pttblloatioi) uat to goara atsainat Ueceutiou.l FROM FOREST CITY. An lutarastli . ' uU-et of Nawa of Oon rnl Inttrnat ftMdallbtka Sir.mfon Tribune. Foiikst Cirv. I'a , Sluroh '.' Foreat City, with it l .Vii), more or lens, in. habitant, h the second town in popu lation in Baiqaabaona county, ami una nev.T been repieaeuted in the political offii t of the county. Itut we are go ing to havo a cm li. lute in the Raid for the ortico of repreaentatlva for thia oonnty m the panoo of Mttlal Thomai Brown, r., whose friends everywhere ara antboalaatio in his appori .Mr Brown is OOd choice and ia fully qoalltlad fur the position a nan ol clear judgment, wit1! a cool considera tion in UelitiaratiiiK on anv qtieatlOD, anil one of the b.-st rejjuUtors on knotty nuettioni 'oat a?tt took a plaoe In the Fortat City borough eounoll, of which boly ho wa the prttldOBt for four years. Bunihlneli madleiaa, a purifier and preserver of health Tbon s Cnnblnghani, the popular Krie itation Hg nt at Harriett, ipent Uat avautog with ralatlvua in this plaoa. "Dock" Kannedy, tha well known 1 all player, ia now a poIlotOUu iu New Y..rk citv. Mis Eliaa T, Bvani is visiting in Jermyo. Ms ljiz Harera, t!ie milliner, is I be gneat ol Olyphant frlenda Special lervioei will be bald next mi day morning and evening at tha Methodist Episcopal obnroh Morning aerviosi will bejjiu at 10 80a.ui.. Rav, J (.'. Hogao, preaching a special ser mon, subject ''Dbplloatee o( Dlvet," In tae evening a love feast will begin at 0 o'clock, to he followed by a icrtnon ai 7 o'clock by Presiding Elder W. L Thorpe, of tne Honeedate district. The aaerament of th Lord's Bnooer will be admlntatered. This will he the last qnarterly meeting tor the preaeut con terenc year. The funeral 8ivice8 over the re mains of J ia Dillon, were held thia tuormnir in S'. Agnes' Oatholio church, Kev. Father Coroner offloiating. The reverend gentleman pild kind tri bute to the deceased, and Impressed npon hia hearers tile brevity of bnmaii ife and tbeneoasitty of being ready at all times to meet Hod The pall btavera were: Patrick Trov, John Ke'ic, John Bell, John McC'ue, John (iillespie and John K ine. lue Presbytrruiii a short time azo held a supp-tr for the benefit of Fttv. M. J. Morgan, a forimr pastor now lo cated at Clifford. Toe sum of twenty dollars was riised and sent him. Thunder was hiard iu this placo to lav. Mrs T. B. Crawford, of .lermyn, was the uueit of her p ireuts, Prof and Mrs W. G. Trim, yesterday. The fellow who said this wonld be m open winter has taken to the woods. Hsrry Skeels, oue of Carbondale'a brUdit young men spent a few hours in this Dlaee yesterday. M. Lavene, of Cirbondale, was in thia town on buainsss today Fred HerrioK ip?nt yesterday in (treat Bend. Mrs. V7. L. Anthony, of Moosic.who haa a large and progressive class in painting waa in town yester lay and to dav. She ia a lister of Mrs. J. D Caryl. Thomas Stevena, formerly of thia place, bat now of Carbondale, ws in town this evening Crit cislns; a Youn Lady. "She would be a pretty girl for but ono thing." 'What's that?" asked Charley. George Her face is always covered with purple and red hlotches. Cuarley Oh, that's easily enough dis- poeedot Us-d to be the -ame way my self, but t cauifbs d to the trouble one day, and gt rid of it in no time. George What was if I barley Simply blood eruptions. Took a abort course of r. P, '. I t"ll yon, it's ihe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could hear him ho'ler clear noro-H the country every time ho moved. He tried it, and you know what an athletic old Kent he is r.ow. U somebody would give Miss Daiiy ii pointer, she wonld tuank them after wards. All tne drug -.tores sell it. ' HONESOALE MATTERS. Thi Lateet N wi from Wavna'a Capital Tera"!v RP 'rtad flpaefel la th Sonsaoa TVidaaa BomsDAtn, Pa,, Marob 8. Hon, Henry M Heeley I'-cturod at th Bap' tlatebnroh last, evening. Biaaabjaot was a trip to the A lirondtcks and Was told from his own experience. Tne lecture was rec ived with much prais" and was thoroughly appreciated by his hia audience. Misa Florence Allen, of Kirest Citv, is visiting at the resl lence of C. A ' rtright TbS Seranton TRIBCNI Portfolios of the World's I'.nr, ltd, can be obtained at the '! Kltit .N'K. agency I; iring a slight shower thunder was beard here tins afternoon John J Banmab, M l), of Jerssy City, is the g, lest of bis brother, El Baonan, Registered at the AUen Home today were E. H. Whitney, M V Meary, Carbondale i U A Us Itir, sVllkei Barre; mid In MltoUell an I C, s. Wood toff, Borantoa kuelilor.'a Amies Ralv. The l est salve In the world for ''tits Brntsee. HireH, uirera, Salt. Bbenm, Pever s.res, Tetter, (jjuppad Bauda Ubllblalna, Oirna and nil Hklu ErupiMuis, iiiiilpod tlvely rurHS Piles, or no pay required. It ii. guaranteed to kIv perfect aatlsfa'-tiun or money refonded. Price ttosBbtpsi box. For anle by .Matthews liros. THE PECKVIUE MIDWAY. Sights and Scanaa at tha Ltvaly Bor ough Graphically Daaoribad. Sorcittt to the Scfantim Tribune. Peckvili.r, Pa, March 2. Mrs Oeorge liogera, of Mill City, nnd Mrs. Ereaky of Seranton, spent Wednesday With Dr, and Mrs. I) Kelly, of llicltory street. Mrs. Charles Enapp, of Faetoryvllle, called on Mrs. W, 8. BloSS last Thura dav. Mrs. Babboth Williiuns, of Main Street, ii very eick. Kev. Thomas Vaughn, of Potts villa, is visiting hia parouta, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naughn. Mr llatlio Unapp. of Cirbondale. was a caller OB Mrs. Thomas l'opo on Thursday last. lr. and Mrs. Kelly will spend Sun dav at Mill City. i". ll Harding and Mrs. E T, Hard lug lire Visiting with relativea at South i libson John S. Jenkins, of PittStOO, visited his sous here the fore part of the week. Mrs, Thomas BoBSOB and daughter Nellie and Mrs, N-lon Hanson and daughter Graoe. of ilreen Ridge, epeut yeatarday wltb Mrs. Perry Harding, Mr. and Mrs. John Grtlssdtle attend ed the Cooper and Lswls wedding at Bsranton Thursday evening, Frederick A. Snyder and Miss Bmma () Boott were unite 1 in 111 linage at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Jesse Scott, on Wednesday evening, K v. I'. l'. Doty offloiating, The lm mediate frlenda of the contracting par ties wero the only guests. Owing to the reoent death of the bride's sister the more elaborate arrangements for the we I ding were dispensed with. The death of Miss Lily Boksf has cast a gloom over tu community Where she Was known. Lily was an active girl, lov d by those who knew her. She was a teacher iu the GhfSSSy Island Sun day school, where she will be greatly missed. Her funeral services wer held from tlio chur.-li in I'eckville, be ing conducted by lisv. F P, Dotv. who proaohed from the text, Psalmi OCJ JCRMVN AND VICINITY. "intent T.ipios Intelllgsntly Dlacuaswd bv an Ac lva Rportar. gpti iai to the Spfoatoa TWouae. JlRMYN, Pa., March 3 A chill of James Dinner, of Fourth street, is sick witn io irlet fever. The many friends of ReY. 51 r. and Mr. Netherton, of Fony Fort, con gratulate them on the birth of a sou. Charles Miller, of Fourth street, is suffering from un attack of Inflamma tion of the longs, A Mosher, of Cemetery street, iB im proving his propsrty by the erection of an addition to his reside noe Thursday a child of Sim, Vincent, of Fourth street, wss severely bitten by a dog belonging to Mr. Roberts. The dog lias been kllle I, N t Monday Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Shields start ou a southern trip. Dur iug their absence taey will visit tl?or gia, the former home of the doctor. The four children of Stephen Hunt, of Third street, are ill with the fever. Mrs. Joseph Wethertou is recovering from her recent illness, A lare number from 0 yphant, Pck- ville. Forest City, Carbondale and Seranton attended the tn.ietiug of Rnsbbrook Lodge, L 0. 0 F., Thurs day evening II Curran, of Seranton and Thomas Scott, of Archbald, were Jermyu visitors yesterday. Cn hia way from Uniondale, Richard Graves of Tomokinsville, called on friends here yasterday. Miaa Lvle May, of Winter & Co' , ?tore, is attending the funeral of a relative in Seranton yesterday. The First Baptist church mnmlier contemplate calling a pastor at an early dato. They have the. matter nearly decided. C. F. Baker was iu Seranton yester day. Don't forget the band concert. Tues day next, a tine programme has been prepared. Don't miss it The boys will give you a hearty walcoiue. CUPPBB from Canada "I'rosbyterian," nnder signature of C, Blackett Robinson, I'rop'r: I was cured of oft-recurring bilious headaches by liurdock lilood Hitters. e - CULLED AT CARBOM DALE. A Graphic BtOOrd of Evsnts of ths Plo naer Citv. Srieritit to tht. 'cranlnn Tribaii. CaKBOMDALB, Pa,, Marcii 'J This morning tne Brie psssenger train which arrived bere at S.fjO p. in brought the remains of Jam s Dillon from F u est City to this plsoe, where interment was made in St. R ise's cemetery. The (nneral was largely attended John J, Walker, of Mayfleld, held No 8406, which was tho Inoky number to draw iho hands una prllS of a gold watcb, which was given away by The Leader as their February prize to sub nbscrlbers. Miss Martha Thomas, of Mnlberry street, Scr niton, arrive I In this city today to apend Sunday with relatives, Emmons L Peck call id on lloues dale friends this morning Miss Mams Vslglsrd has returned to her home in Scr inton alter enj lying a viait in this city as the guest of Miss Amy Kmlmck. Mrs L D Wolfe is visiting relatives in W ayii" county. Daniel J. RobinSOD and bride return-d home yester lay ifteTOOOD rrom tlieir wielding tour. The Frnuklui bre ikr, which wae de troyed by lire early vVedn s lay m m ing, will he rebuilt, ten J. Meagley, b( Bingham ton, w is in the city ytster day afternoon settling with the Insur- B0OS agents, and wh-u this matter is iliipoeed of, contracts will be let at moo for the rebuilding of the breaker The boys' branch f ih Young Men's Christian aseociatiou led I a buslucsH meeting this evenlngntt their room iu association building. Mrs Blmsr Avrry nnd Mrs. Henry Mppen wero visitors in Prompton to day. C. N. DfOnSOtl and daughter, Clnra, are visiiiog rslatlveslfl tttdney, N. V. riOTHERS! HOTHERS! To know that a single application of the Cuticuiia Remedies will afford instant relict, permit rest and sleep and point to a speedy and eco nomical cure of tor turing, disfiguring, itching, burning and scaly humors, and not to use them without a moment's delay is to fail in your duty. Cures made in childhood are speedy, economical and permanent. C t "Am. Aiiout thr llLnoti, Skin, Scui.e, and Hmk," mailed fr. Cuticiwa RiMai tta ait auld throughout the world, Price, Cuticusa, o& I Boar, ajci KasoLvaMTtfi, Poma Dave ANU LIUU1LAL CUKf., BoM Plupk., Ilotluu, Disfiguring Facial Flemishes Arc the cause of much unhappiness 'which may be prevented ly CUTICUKA SOAP, the most effective skin jiiirifyiiio, and beautifying soap in the world, as well as the purest and sweetest fur toilet and nursery. if hall. A pleasing programme waa ren dered aflor which refreshments wore served by the ladies, LIVE TAYLOR TOPICS. Muttara of Qneral literal Trea'edby a Qrsphla Wrltar Flwciul to fkt fleroatoa Tribune. TaYLOB, Pa,, Maich 'J. No word has yet been received of tho borough qneetion, Mary Davit visited friends in Laflifl on Wedneeday, the entertHinment and suppar of the Ivorites on Thursday night was largely attended and a success. Subscribe for THB TBtBUNl, 48 canti par month. The Knights of the Golden Eagle lodge will attend divine servioea Sun day night at the Calvary Baptist church. All members of the order are invited. W. (i. Daniels was among today's callers to town. Mrs. Knapp. of Greenwood, visited horo on Thursday. The borough council will re-organize next Monday night. Iu all proba bility Dr. Weston will be re-elected president of the council, and John F. Tubbs, secretary. The Daughters of America will ban qnet on the 13tb. at Morris'a hall. The Price library association have placed an organ In their rooms. The association is still forcing ahead and is rapidly increasing in membership The setting apart of Wednesday night for ladies is something that the asao eiation should be complimented for, as it hows how they appreciate kind ness for what they have done. THIV HAD TO WAl K. fid" Young Paopli of IlonsdsI" Sleigh TTmlsr nimultlas. Spertol tit llie .SVrmtbel Tribune. BOKKSDALB, IV. Mar 2 -Miss St phie Clark, of Cherry Hi Ige. entur talued a party of young people that drove out to her house but availing Those who enjoyed the sleigh-rida ex perienced some unpleasantness from the hard snow balls of a score of town urchins, and the dsep snow drifts on the country roada. Twice the pirty were compelled to get out and walk. Tho party consisted of the Misses Myrta woodward, Hue Jenkins, Char lotte Mnlr, Louise Heft, Rena Tih betts, Sadie ltay, Klvira Southwell, Rena Keen, Cora Keen, Grace Whit ney. Rortha Clark, and 1'. A. La ltarr, Fred B Crossley, William Siurbiick, Josie Crandall, Charles Durdick, Ed. P. Clark, Professor llower, John Jen kins and Ju l Curtia. P. A La Darr gave a to;ut in honor of the occasion which was heartily re ceived. HOW TO MAKE MONEY 1 here lire hundreds of yoxms mow and young voinen in thit country who have splendid ability, but thoy have never beuu wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been on Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon arc tired of Inactivity and want to do lomething tangible come to the College, COMMON ENGLISH COURSE. BUSINESS COURSE SHORTHAND outs,, p g W00D( proprietor NEW YEAR OPENS JANDARY 1. II - mrm Importeti by Us direct from Saxony, Germany. Sole Agents for Seranton. A Beautiful Carpet Size Rue. made from -Bast Mohair on Hand-Loom, soft but tough Mohair Yarn, double tied into the back of the texture, thus making its durability everlasting, the more 30 as Mohair remains completely inacces sible to moths or dust. The silk finish of the "Mohair -Sultan" perfectly beat3 the genuine Oriental Mohair Carpets and tha cost is but One Half. We carry also a full line of Some Cheap Snni. Take a few cents' worth of bones ol beef, slowly stew, add sonic salt, w!ixr and mace, Thicken this with medium sage Either carrots or onions, or both, may be added. For the sago you may Substitute several small suet bulls, and so produce a different smi). If the broth be made from mutton bonce instead of he. f. salt, pepper and a very little oat meal may be added, or a little pearl bar Icy if the soup be for children. Buy a bam bone, stew it well, add a pint of dried pens, some mint, pepper, salt, etc., to suit respective tastes. This you will Bud very good, To any of the above add any bonis remaining from meat used in the house. Bits of gristle, etc., are excellent helps in making a good soup. In carving beef cut off the gristle, lay it 011 the side of the dish and take tare tu add it afterward to your soup. Dr. EX Grewer Ine Philadelphia Specialist, And Ills Itafl of Ensllnh and Oct man rarBMUM&aM uuw vurmaiioDtly lucatod Temple Court Building 31 I SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON Whuro Uiay may lie coni,ultod DAILY AND SI N DAV. TllO iMctor I A ffiniliint r.t th. rti1rnr.,lff Of Fnaafhraala, formerly demonstrator ot pbyKiulogv and turnery at the Medico Cbir Drifiral Colloue, of HiUdrljdil.i He 1 alao an honorary n emlwr of the Medico -C'blrur-glcal Aao:iatloD. anil naa phreknaa Hnd urifeon in rhtef of the iinwt nited Amrican and tlerman boapttMa, romos hlchly lndorneil B 'ha leading profeaaofa of Philadelphia nl New ork. HIk many vears of homtal ejtperienoa a iblee this eminent physician nnd Burgeon t- rorrertly alafOOM ami treat alt '. t rm es and diee with tho most Haltering aiicroaa, and fan lleh standing in the state will uot all w him o aeeept anv inenrable cae I nsl MAN lliiuli III - 10111 II 111 tkvi 111 Mit . mi i urn Ifyoilbnve oeen KlViMi up ry your ihysl tfan rail apod th" doctor and lie exiimiued. lie rures the w orst caacof Nervosa Debility, Borofola, I'M Hore ( atarTb. Piles. Femala Weaknesa. A iT-oti., of th, Bar. Eye, Nnsa and Throat, Aathmn. Tleafneai. Turaora. Tan ceia and Crlptilee of every descript.on (.'on lultation in Bngllab nnd Herman Frea. which shall 1m con aiderinl sacred a:ul strictly coiitl- ni'niial. unice Honrai n A. M. to o r. M. Daily. Snnday, II it. lit. to ' p til. Neapolitan Candy, Nothing can 1m prettier than a Neapol itan candy, which is made by rolling out six distinct layers of chocolate, orange, vanilla, strawberry, mnplo and lemon, mid laying them one on top of the other and then cutting in squares and laying on plates until dry. Sonielimes nuts are placed on top and frequently nul creams are snbatirntp I frtrthe lemon Invent Till, TRADERS National Bank of Seranton ORGANIZED ltX Sim. 1,. s. Beers Wciillietly. I'll. AN CUXiLlARY OHGAN IZITD. Lsillea J-In 'ho BrottMfOOod of Rillway Triil-man art t'eib nidnle. f)rr,ni to the yrrnntnn IWSBaa OABBoxDAtiB, Pa,, Uarsta 'J Yester day afternoon an anxlllary was organ izeii in the Old Fellows' hull on BeTlstn nviniiie. It. 1H OODip iseil of traillttleu's of Iras ami is mi sutltisry to . llendri 'k I, nlge No. HI, llrothel liooil of ltailway Traiuinvn The naiv lodga is sailed "faithful Worknrs" No 71, and has a charter Dambefihtp of twen tv it'll' ladlna li'ollowlug ara Hie ..11 it shosau to Herri) for tha lint term, Pas BtlstrSili Mrs. 0, A. Skoals; mistress, Mrs 0, W. Iciwdon; vicc nilatreis, Mra, Ruol Hmipton; trois urer, Mrs. William Perry) Journal agont, Mrs J. P. Thompson; conduc tor, Mrs John Mass; warden, Mrs Linwia llcalor; inside guard, Mrs John Cornish; otitiidj guard, Mra. Charles Btry. Tne work of completing tha organi zation of thn now lodge vrai done in the afternoon, and in the erening u rery ploajiint time waa had at tho Could Not Live Long So Thought tho Neighbors But Hood's SarRaparllln Porfoctly Cured Muscular Rhcumntlsm. "('. I. Hood & t o., Lowell, MiiHt.: " I hail runs, it l;i r i lii'innullsin for twelve years. I took many ii inoillos that were suggested, and was trealml lor three niuntlH nt the hospital at iiouiiebein, inii iiiti not reallis any relief, I'luaiiy Idei Itled to try llnod't Sartiiiiailllu. Alter tak ing ime hntttle I was surprised at Ita siu-iesH t loiioueii tne CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, PAMURL RINRS.ffreaMmk W. W WA'ISiiN, Vice President. a II. 11.1. iams, CaabJor, DiBBOTOaSi SAMcsit. IIiNra, JAMBS M F.vrnti tnT, Ibtibo A F tNcn. PibbcbB, Kinikt, .lost I'll .1 ,ll ItMVN. M S. K KM VII 111.. I HAS. 1' .11 A ITIIKWS. ,)ollV T I'll K 1 KIL w, W w t taoa PROMPT, ENhRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL nii'ii hiiiI Hi m tfi'iti n.lly. Axminster Rug In Various Sizes at the prices of Smyrna Rugs. Real Daghestan Rugs, $9 Each, Bokhara, Anatolian, Bahudurr and Kazae Oriental Rugs. KERR & SIEBECKER CARPET AND CURTAIN DEALER. 406 and 408 Lacka Ave. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Seranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Port folios would be to neglect the iwsi opportunity yet offered, The ad dition of the "Waoamaker" series makes it more valua ble. Read new announcement ou page 7. un ' ii' ii ami 11 lii'lni'il i Kilt nlntiK. I lutil tin' ivnrat klml uf rliniinntliai tlii- pin ln'liiK limit si-vert1 In tlm niits m( my Immja hiiiI iUBbC I oould not UM my rljilit arm ana tu nut it slim nl lirciwl. The nolKliliiirs UiuiikIiI Could Not Livo Long, so ill. ii mill I wished RIJNMU many I I lonkt'il un" i Unit i hh in i i arss sii iii i'ii f ur Nn .in ir qui i.i! tin. Mini I siiflcrtMl. Hut I IMS i. ik mi' HOOd'S MTStparUla M Is elukiiKUtl. flood's'-Cures I on llaap ell Kt tiliflit, SOBNthBUJ t huvonnt dsns tor ten nars, Hhw tiuinkiui I iuu fur the KUi'il I ilerivcil from lluoil's :n iii.mll.i My frlrnds vviitultir itt the cIuuikr." Mln. L s. ninns, wsattwrlx, PaDniyltrahla. Hood's Pills "ire liver ills, cdiuttlpatlon, blllousnuns, juumllce, slckhoadituhc, ludlucstluiv Third National Bank of Seranton. OWt.ANIZKD 1ST J Capital, Surplus, $200,000 $240,000 Tlila linnk BShM to ilpiiiikltiiis i vi'iy in. 1 1 ii, u in runted by ii" i balanoca imal- ni k- am) ri'aiiniiallill Itv. Special atti'iitltin M van to lnialnraa o aeunta latoisMt uaia oa Umo dtpoaila, WILLIAM I'ON'NKLU I'K'alihnt. ;i.o. B. catlin, Vloa-Prraldant. WILUAH U. i'i:i k, Catblaa DIBKCTOBS. wiiiuni Conaolli Qaoraa H. Call In, Alfrnl llanil. Jttiiiea Anlilinlil, Hnry llttllti, Jr.. Willi .in T. Smltli, Ltttlior Keller. fisWanaVsJltjSftsBsflslnB vBsr JS 1 aVSL6 Mm While we don't pretend to furnish a wife, we'll do the next iest thinj; by furnish ing your home complete from cellar to gar ret, anil at a verj snnll easli outlay. Have you e er teen the One Antique Bar! One Antique Drestcr One Antique Wxshtand Two Cane Chairs One Plush Rocber One Table Above for Marriage Made Easy M Kfivn ' ui'ii t t'Miiitii i 1 million i nQKIBi vxflt ift. ami ai ;i im sin in easn ouua . i lave bjm ill St; Economy Bedroom Outfit? JM One t.-wrl Rck BSakvfl One Woven Wire Spring JBbH One Husk a Cct. Mattress OeWi Onr Pail Filli-ws tlStH One Ingrain Carpet if ' . Tj One lamp oi Toilet Set i.ilHH 0,,,!U$39 U r ma IhSv An room Suits wsH