The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 03, 1894, Image 1
ONLY ONLY 29 DAYS DAYS (Erimme. ONLY ONLY 29 DAYS DAYS TWELVE fG PAGE8--&4 SCIi ANTON. PA.. SATURDAY M()llIN(i. MAM II .5. 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. 5 MOTHER MAGNIFICENT TWELVE-PAGE TRIBUNE TODAY, BJj HFUL OF BR GHTNE88 lid El ICIHEH 'INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF I STUDENT VOLUNTH I MOVEMENT fun FOREICN W15.510NS CUvfclnO GOES c DOCK Sessions of the Grand Army ol the Republic at Philadelphia. GRAND BANQUET LAST EVENING The Interesting Convention of War Veterans Closed Yesterday Offi cers and Delegates Elected Feature of the Closinrr Dinner Eloquent Orations Delivered Wilkes-Barre the Next Meeting Place -Commander-in-Chief Adams Compli ments the Department on Its Show ing. Philadelphia, March 8 JTIEN tii second day's session of tlii Grand Army of the Re public encampment was called to order a reception was tendered Commander in-Chief Adauis of Bolton. The commander spok briefly, complimenting the de partment of Peuntylnanla 00 tlie ex cellent showing mad. Other business to be takn np totl.iy Is the election of rive members for the council of administrate I, and the elec tion n( forty-tire national delegates. J. L Dunn, of pos' 50, Titnsville. was elected director, and the following council of administration was chosen: Levi V Shentfle. post 11. Norristoren ; Johu Maxwell, post 6 Philadelphia: W. J. Pattanotl, poet 117, Pittsburg, unil S. Lloed Fleming, pot 334, Philadelphia, The oncsmp raent tnen proceeded to the election of forty -five delegates 'to tha national en campment, which mets in Pittsburg in Septemher nxt. There were about 200 candi lutes for del-g it-s At the afternoon session the prin cipal business) nu the installation nf officers,which ceremony was conducted by Colonel O C. Bosbyehell. When Department Commander William E us ley had been installed h annonuced the following as his staff: Assistant adjutant general. James Morrison; assistant quartermaster general, Abra ham Levering; department inspector, Charles A. Suydatn . judge adroca'e, Harry White; chief mustering officer, Thomas Leei. Resolutions were adopted thanking the mayor, the Union League, the van ous Grand Army post and other organizations and citizens for having made the stay of the representatives go pleasant while in the city. The encampment then adjourned to meet next year in Wilkes Birre. THE CLOSlNi) BAKQUKT. Probably the most pleasant incident in connection with the encampment was the tonight in the Third regiment armory. It waa the con cluding event of the celebration and were laid tor 1,500. General Louis Wagner, of Philadelphia, was the presiding officer. An orchestra stationed in a balcony played patriotic airs throughout the evening and very often took up "war time" refrains .that were starte 1 by the old soldiers. The sf making began at 0 15 o'clock, when General Wagner intro duced Commander-in-Chief Adams, of Lynn, Mass., who responded to the toast ''The Grand Army of the Repub lic." ,The head of "over 400,000 strong" was given three hearty cheers when be arose and the orchestra struck up "Hail to the Chief. " Tht commander was non-plused for a moment hy the MOtptlOQ, but he soon recovered and began an address winch wag intensely patriotic and full of praise for the or ganization of which he is the leader. It was well received and liberally np planded, General Horace Porter, nf New York, responded to "The United States of America." After proceeding at some length in a happy vein, the general made a ten Rtrike by saying: "No men ever suffered more than we have suf fered from rum, rheumatism and re bellion." This allusion was lustily cheered. In the absence of Governon I'attison, "The Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia" was npheld by General J. P. S. Gobin, past department commander, Mayor Edwin S. Stewart spoke upon the city of Philadelphia in a ''Broth erly Love" vein and was followed by Congressman Josiah D. ilicks, of Al loonu, whose address was perhaps the most stirring of the evening. Following is a list of dologates to tha National encampment. H. H. Cummings, Tidioute; Fred J. Aiusen, Hcriinton; f T. Ho rollers. Warren: Theo F. Christ. Leinont: (t. W, R. (Jar to ret, Philadelphia; John r. (juinnan, Sus quehanna: Otto (insb, Bradford) Francis H. Ha). Harnshurg; .Tames H. Lnvan, Minersville; Ueorge S. Wood, Pittsburg; Phila Arnold, Pbiladelpl ia: Or, J, (J. Channel, Wriglitsville; Thomas Fretting, Pittsburg; John (lermnne, Philadelphia; Joseph E. Keppler, Philadelphia; Charles Miller, Franklin; Charles W. May, Reaver Fall": J. F. Osier, Shamokin; Llr. J. A. E. Reed, Lancaster; James K. Thompson, Allegheny City; Ge orge L Warren, Philadelphia; Edward Walton, Philadelphia: U. It. Harry Davis, Philadelphia: Edward (letter, Pittsburg; A. S. Greenfield, Oil City; M. A. Uherst, Lebanon; Frank T. lloldeu, Philadelphia; . 8. U. Losch. Schuylkill Haven; .lames' Mc cormick, Philadelphia; K. M. lteeaaer; Pbillipsburg; Wendell Miller, Pittsburg; James I'eters, L,atrooe: la, u. Shearer, Morristown: O. W. Wright. Mercer; John a Wells. Erie; Charlos .M. lietz, Philadel phia; Scott w. Fnrnee, Kittannlngi Will iam H. German, Reading; Edward s. Hall. Altooua: H. C. -i , Montrose; A. C. Koser, ilcchanicsburg: William II. McMa hon, Philadelphia; E. L. Schroeder, York; and John L. Wright, Columbia, GROWER KILLED THE BEAR. A Handsome Pelt Bears Testimony to the President's Marksmanship. Norfolk, Va., March 2. None of the incoming boat from the sonth bring news of the movements of the presidential party since yesterday forenoon, when they were viewing points of interest on Roanoke Island. When Mr. Cleveland retnrus to the white bouse a handsome bear skin will adorn the interior of the executive mansion as a trophy of the president's excellent markmanship. HAMtSa Round. CALoaA mMS2SSlBH lN 3. AS GALUSHA A, GROW NOW MEMBER Pennsylvania's Statesman Admitted vance of His Credentials. in Ad- HE IS GREETED WITH APPLAUSE THE TRIBUNE ARTIST SEES THE NEWS CF THE WEEK. CARNEGIE COMPANY FINED. Some Imperfections in Its Armor Plate Cause the President to As sess Very Heavy Damages. POWDER MILL BLOWS UP. Terrific Explosion at the Repauno Works at Thompson's Point Near Paulsboro.N.J. One Man KM Washington, March 2 The secro t try of the uavy tonight made public some interesting facts heretofore care fully kept secret, in ."ogard to the nrmor plate contracts of the Carnegie comnany for the new navy vessels. The statement says; "Early in September last the depart ment ascertained that illegal practices were being resorted to by one of th employes of the Carnegie Steel com pany, limited, at Pittsburg, in the manufaoture of armor for the govern ment, nnd that these irregularities had been continual for some time. A thorough investigation was set on foot I 200 to 500 feet apart. The building Pau-siioro. N. J , March 2 A frighiful explosion took plaoe at the Kepanno Chemical works, at Thomp son's Point, near here, this morning at 8 30 o'clock, by which one man, named L-tvi Ivi us was blown to atoms. At noon tint danger of adjoining buildings being blown up was so great that the company had men patrolling to keep the crowds back of the danger line. The chemical works are aituated a few miles from this place, and among the productions made there is Atlas powder, and for the safety of tho var ious buildings they are located from at once. It was ascertain that while nil the armor manufacture I for die government was good all excelling the lowest limit of toleranc-i in the specif! cations yet that portions of it were not up to the highest pissible mirk of excellence, which bv their contract, the company was bound to attain. "After some time sp-tnt in negotiat ing the Carnegie Stn-1 company, ap pealed from !the secretary of I the navy to the president, who, on Jan. 10. as sessed the damages the som pany ar $140. H4 !)1 and the company, Jan. 17, settled with the (Npartment. There was no evidence showing or even tending to show, that any of the officers above those immediately sup erintending the tempring and heating were at .ill COgnilant of these irregularities, but as the company was responsible for the acta of its employes, damages to that extent were assessed against the company and the contracts continued. The depsrtinent has taken such precautions at this and all other points where contract worif is being done for the government, that it is bo lieved to be impossible lor any regu larities to occur in the future without immediate detection." The secretary nd la that the gugges tion that tho imposition nf this line had anything to do with Mr. Car negie's celebrated lettor of Jan 3. jut previous to his sailing for Europe, in wbich he gave a qualified approval of the Wilson bill, is entirely gratuitous. MRS. ROCKWdLL IS DEAD. McNabb'a Victim Pnsae Away Calling; for Her Husband. PlTTSBUHO, Pa., March 2 Mr. Louise Rockwell, the actress known as Louise K"llogg. who was shot in 111 Hotel Eiffel Wednesday ovening by E J, McNabb, died at I 40 o'clock this morning. She knew last night that her life was ebbing away, lint had no re quest to make savor frenzied desire to see her husband. She had been told that he was com ing as fast as steam could bring him, About midnight the unfortunate woman sank into unconsciousness. Her aged mother Mrs. Lewis, of Brad dock was with her dying daugher to the end. FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. The police arretted twenty-one anarch ists in Paris yesterday, The Post snvs tho report, of a fight on the Prussian-Russian frontier, between Priihsian uhlans and Russian soldiers is canard. A dispatch from Montevideo says that M. Rllanrl was yesterday elected president of Uruguay. He wg president twenty years ago. Julos Dartheleiny.Saiut llilnire, ex minister of foroign affairs and a faiiirui" student of Plato ami Aristotle, is dinger oualy ill at Paris. The Pope was greeted and congratulated bv the cardinals nt Home on the occasion of tli3 celebration of his M4tli birthday end the sixteenth nuuiversary of his coronation. regarded as the most dangerous is the nitro-glycerine building, and is the one where th accident occurred. There are usually a half-dozsn men employed in this building, but to lay five of them left the house to do work in another part of the plant. Soon after came a terrtffic crash, an 1 parts of the building were blown in all directions, and mingled with the pieces of flying timber wers parts of the body of l.jvi Iving, the workman who had been left alone in the building. Just how the accidnt happened no one will ever know. Windows were broken in houses for miles around. This is the second explosion at this place. The first ocenrrod nine years ago, when live persons were killed OUTLOOK ENCOURAGING. Dun & Co's. Weekly Report Indicates That the Bottom Has Been Reached in Business Depression. Nkw York, March 2.-R. G. Dun & Co's. weekly review of trade tomorrow will gay: With no more definite in formation than a week ago regarding the outcome of financial or revenue disputes, perhaps more people have come to the belief that the end will answer their wishes. Certainly rather more are taking limited risks in busi ness, especially in stocks, It is usually a good plau for practical men to rely little on impressions which are assid uously fostered in speculative circles, where people rarely labor to lift pricjs of things they want to buy. A mure substantial basie is the slowly growing demand for goods, caused by gradual exhaustion of stocks held by dealers, and this has further enlarged the wi Tking force in manufactures. The fall Of silver below (id cents here, and, after a slight recoveiy, its renewed weakness, have an unfavorable influ ence on some markets. The passage of the seigniorage bill by the house has not had time to produce much effect, but it is financially re-aasnring. More works have resumed or in creased hands or hours than have stopped or reduced, but numerous re ductions in wages continue to lesieR the purchasing power of those at work. The most encouraging feature of the week's record is the continued decrease in number and imp irtance of failures. MOB AT STROUDSBURG. WASHINGTON NEWS BRIEFS. An investigation of tho Kicarngunn canal work In proposed by Congressman Geary, of California. Secretary Herbert hits aiipninted a son of Thotnus F. Kinmaus, of Laston, Pa., as typewriter pert . -nvist at Cramps' ship yard, Philadelphia, in conjunction with tho in val officers on d ay there, at a sal ary oi $1,00(1. Among the victims at taht time was I For the third week of February liahili- lles thus far reported are only 18,88(1 844, and for three weeks of the month only $11,420,418. The number reported in February is 1,200, agiinst 2,080 lu January, aud the full liabilities were probablv lees than $15,000,000 against (81,000,000 in January. .In November and Decembel tho amount exceeded $00,000,000. For the past week the failures have been 201 in the United States against 200 last year, and 42 in Canada, against 40 last year, scarcely any being of much importance. . BATTLE BETWEEN TRAMPS. Wandering Willies Indulge In a Bloody Encounter Near Tyrone. Ai.toona, Pa., March 2 A battle bet ween tramps occurred last night H short distance troiu Tyrone, the result of which is that William Jones, who claims to)be a wanderer, is seriously in jured, having been beaten and shot and Jonu McKamma, of Rend ing, is seriously, if not fatally wounded from the effects of tbree bullets which entered his bodv. Some little time after the tlirht oc curred one of the middle division freight crews found n body lying ncross the tracks, the hea I and face being badly mutilated. lie was removod from the track and while the trainmen were exuning his injuries a Insilade ot bullets came from either side ot the track, fortunately without injuring any of the railroaders. Investigation showed that tho man hail been dragged from the place where the fight occurred and placed on the track where it was evidently supposed the Altooua accommodation goon due would put an end to bis life. Follow ing a trail of blood, one of the partici pants in the tight was found lu a barn more than a mile awny. He was arrested aud placed in the lockup nt Tyrone, where ho slated he hail taken part in the affair and that his name was John McKamma and his home at Reading, Pa. The two injured msn have been taken to the county almshouse at Hollidaysburg. Five other tramps supposed to be part of tho gang have been arrested. anient Dnpont, a meinberof the fain lly which op-rates tue worke and those at Wilmington, Del. . i AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Assistant Secretary Ra?ncddt E.p uses Cause of Worthy Claimant . Washington, March 2. Assistant Secretary Reynolds today decided a case wh'ch will render pensionable a meritorious class of claimants. The case is that of Mary E , widow of Sam ii"l II Walker, who served a term ol ninety days and had been honorably discharged. Walker again entered the service and was commissioned, and while serving the second term of ser vice was killed, but not in the lino ol duty. Assistant Secretary Rsynnlds decides "even though the words "honorably discharged' be interpreted in their broadest sense, and held to mean an honorable discharge from each nnd every term of service, yet death in the ecoud term of service should be con sidered as equivalent to an honorable discharge unless occurring under cir cumstances which would have war ranted a dishonorable one." a TWENTY YEARS FOR M'NAILY. The Slayer of Hln Daughter R calves a Maximum Sentence. I'lin.MiKl rill , March 2 Judge Reed In the court of oyer and terminer, today, after hearing evidence in the car if Peter McNally, the murderer of his daughter, to determine the de gree of his orimej pronounced the pris oner guilt (of murder in the second degrse. The maximum sentence of twenty years was imposed. - GAVLORO MINE RUMORS. Tha Raacueri, HUH at Work In tha Hops less Search. WlLKES -BaRRR, March 2. There was a rumor current today that work was to resume at the Uaylord mine soon, but there is no trntli in it. Nothing has been discovered of the entombed men and the rescuers are still at work. It is a serious question whether tho bodies will ever be recov ered. THE STRIKE SPREADING. Forty More Silk Weaver Qa Out at Taterson Todav. Nkw Youk, March '.' - The strike among the Paterson.N J., silk weavers is still spreading. In addition to the 2,000 silk ribbon weavers out on strike yesterday forty more struck today. The strikers claim that others will be out soon. Five Hundred Men Led by Neighbors of Christian Ehlers Attempt to Lynch Puryear. SlROCDSBUBO, Pa., March 2 Last night at 1 o'clock a mob of o00 persons cougregated at the Monroe countv jail nere for the purpose of lynching Rich ard Puryear, the negro murderer of Christian E Ehlers. The mob was led by neigh tiors of the murdered man, Jameg V Wilson, a storekeeper at Mount Pocono, and Luther M Mich aels, superintendent of a farm at Shawnee. Word was received in tha afternoon by the county officials that a crowd from the vicinity of the mur der, ten mil.? from Stroudsbnrg, were gathering and would attempt to lynch the murderer during the night and pre parations were made for the defense of the jail. Twentv-flvo mm were sworn in as deputies fully armed and placed in the corridor or the .nil awaiting develop ments. About 12 30 the crowd reached town, by this time numbering 500 peo ple, many of whom bad their nerves up to a murderous point by the free use of whisky. A blacksmith shop was broken into and sledges, chisels and the needed paraphernalia to break in the jail were secured. Speeches were ma le by ex-Congressman John It Storm and District At torney Williams, trying to deter the mob in their frenzy, but without avail. With cries of "Hang the nigger!" an onslaught was made on tbedoora, using plunks as haltering rams. Policeman Weller, of the Stroudsburg force, with the of Mayor Ediuger and others, succeeded in arresting James Wilson, one of the leaders, and lodging him in the city lockup. lly tbe,offioert,in churge of the jail the mob was repulsed. The doors were al most battered in, and if the mob had succeeded in gaining entrance to the corridor the gu ird in the jail had posi tive orders to shoot, which would have undoubtedly resulted in great loss of life. As it was, Henry McLnskey, of Jackson, bad his nose broken and half a hundred black eyes aud battered heads regulted from the free use of policemen's clubs. Is is fearsd another attempt will be made on tho jail. As the mob left they threatened to have revenge and pro mised that the next attempt would be more successful. The officials are able to cope with any mob that can bo gath ered together. AN IMPORTANT SUIT. ef A Case Involving: $200,000 Worth Coal TrLd at Wtik Barre. WiLKKS-IUitiiu. March 2. An im portant suit is being tried here today in the civil court between the Algon guin Cotl company aud the Northern Coal and Iron company, the latter be ing none other than the Delaware and Hudson Canal company, It involves the ownership of $200,000 or more worth of coal. Tho lands In question lie uesr Mill Creek, four miles trom here. DEATH OF A SOLDIER. Col. J. Westley Awl Suddenly Called to the Last Inspection. BaBRISBUBCI, P., March 2 Another prominent citizen and soldier was called suddenly this aftornoon. While sitting conversing with his brother, Col. J Westley Awl suddenly expired from an attack of apoplexy. Coming so soon after the sudden death of Colonel W. W. Jennings on Wednesday, the death produced a pro found impression upon the community. Both were leading citizens nnd both had excellent records as soldiers In the 127th and 201ft regiments. Colonel Awl was 02 years old GLADSTONE'S RESIGNATION. He Has Informed the U o n of Hie In tsndtd Retirement. London, March 2 Mr. Gladstone had an aiidiouce with the queen before dinner anil told her of his intention to retire from office. The formal act of resignation, bow ever, may be delayed until after the meeting of tho council which the queen will hold tomorrow. - IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Francis Fryer, is years old, residing at Ureen l.ano, was drowned lust evening in the I'eikioiuen cnek. His fathor wak crossing the ice and had broken through The son went to the rescue and succeeded in saving his fattier, but perished himself. Pension certificates have been issued to the following persona: Pennsylvania Original Clayton Coinstock, Krie; tleorge W. Krisbee, Kizer, Lackawanna) Phil. J. Snyder, Jeiinyn, Lackawanna. Original widows, etc M H earls Evans, Bradford; Mi nor of Charles Small, Itush, Miqiiliatina. J. C. Prnllott was appointed postmaster at Wysox, Bradford county, yesterday. A Sub-Committee of the Committee on Public Buildings Authorized to Investigate the Public Buildings at Chicago Mr. Meridith Expresses Willingness to Back Opinions Ac cording to Marquis of Queensbury Rules The House in an Uproar. Wasiiinuton, March 2. n FTER the passage by the house of A the bill to regulate the settle -' meats and sales of lands in aban - u u uoned military reservations, an inleregiing incident marked the pro ceedings. Taking a place in the center aisle, Hepresentatlve Holman, (Dem., Iud,i, the "father of the house," ad dressed the chair: He said that thirtv-one years ago the Hon (ialusha A. Grow had left the place now filled with so much honor by the speaker at a period when the coan- y whs in the throes of civil war. Now. after this long period, Mr. Grow re turned to the house, having been elect ed last week a representative at large from tho state of Pennsylvania. He asked unanimous consent that Mr. Grow, who was present, be now sworn in, the certificate of the governor not having yet arrived. There was no objection aud, leaning upon the arm of Mr. Holman, the ven erable ex-speaker appeared before the bar, ami the oath was administered to him by Speaker Crisp. At the conclusion of the ceremony there was a gentle round of applause and the members crowded around to grasp his hand and welcome him into their midst. After paring his respeots to Speaker Crisp, Mr. Grow took a seat between Mr. Adams, of Pennsylvania, and Mr. 7 r., of New York. MR MEREDITH CREATES A SCENE. After proceeding several hours in a hum -drum sort of way, disouising the fortifications and pension appropria tion bills, an adjournment was bad at tbe close ot the mist sensational inci dent of tbe session. Mr. Meredith, tD.-m., Va.) had instanced the case of a pensioner whom he beliertd to have perjured himself to get on the roll, whereupon Mr. Funk, of Illinois, de clared that Mr. Meredith was not a good citizen if he did not denounce the perjurer to the authorities. Mr Meredith took this to mean a renection upon ms varaeity, and rusn- ing over to Mr. t link s seat, shook bis fist in the latter's face, while the lattor, disclaiming auy intention to attack the truthfulness of Mr. Meredith's statement, with his fist uplifted re iterated his charge or dereliction or duty and annouueed his readiness to back It up there or elsewhere. Tbe two men were prevented from coining together, but the incident caused much excitement and a great uproar. Speaker Crisp quieted the the members, re stored order and the soene closed. During the day the house authorized a sub committee 0" the committee on public buildings and grounds to visit Chicago and investigate the publio building question. MURDERED BY A MOB. Fate of General Dszt Who Abjcoodad with Bolivia's Mdnev. LaPask, Bolivia, March 2. -News has been received here that General Daza has been murdered by a mob in Urjuui. The report has created a pro ! mm I sensation. General Daz made himself notori ous by absconding to Europe at the be ginning of the Chilliau war, taking with him several hundred thousand dollars belouging to the Bolivian treasury. The Bolivian government declared him an exile aud a traitor. He lived in luxury iu Paris until bis money was gone, when he returned to Puuo, Peru. TO PROTECT AMERICANS. United States Cruiser Will Look After Cltisena Imprisoned in Syria. Paris. March 8. The Coustantiuo- ple correspondent of the Debate says that the cruiser Chicago bus been or dered to Iskanderum, northern Syria where two naturalize.! Americans of Arnieuiau birth were imprisoned sev eral weeks ago. The correspondent says also that a commission will be sent to Seevas shortly to investigate the action of tho governor iu imprisoning without appa rent cause an American doctor of Armenian parentage. THEY DIED GAME. Loulalaia Cu'-Throata Refuse to Lecture on the Scaffold. New Orleans, March 2. Dare John son and Mansfield Washington were hanged at Baton Rouge at ten minutes past 1 o'clock this afternoon. Both men refused to say anything on the scaffold. The men had brutally murdered for robbery, 1'rofesior Van Hofe, In Ascen sion Parish, aud Contractor Mike Rain, in East Baton Rouge last year. MRS. SHADE ELECTED. FINLEY'S Annual Spring Sale of SILKS In addition to our magnificent) stock of Printed India Silks, we have added a new line of Wash Silks, Louisennes, Crystals, Glace Brocades, Swivels, &c, &c. Extraordinary Values BLACK SILKS and SATINS. Four Great Specials PEAU D SOIT and SATIN DUCHESSE, 98c, $1.15, $1.35 and $1.50 The best values ever ottered and wear absolutely guaranteed. Cheney Bros. Black cade Duchesse. Bro- John D .Cutter' s (warranted pure dye) Taffetas, Gro-Grain, Mervelleux and Duchesse Cord. 010 and 512 Lackawanna Aw. IKE GUTTA PERU & FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSK. CHAS. A. SCHIEREN & CO 9 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak-tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AGENT 313 Spruce St., Scranton, Pi Lewis, Fleilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. She Ia Chosen President of the Ladlos' Branch of the Q. A. K Philadelphia, March 2. The ladies of the (irand Army of the Republic, today idccted Mrs. Julia P, Shade, M. D., of Philadelphia, as prosident. Her ouly oppouent was Mrs. Mary Houck, of Reading. g) 1 WEATHER FORECAST. I WARM WaRHiNoTos. March 2. Forc I cuit Of Saturday For ea$trn 1 Vnfuniiiu, clear, xlightlii peWeTi twrtiitiest wiladi paeosa tng uaHaeh, For leeefer ftnfteytaiafa, fair, ftignUii warmer oh th loAci, tarta bk ut'iiifi, MMMto0 south. Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Will cloww ovory veniufr hi fl.30 P.M. except Satunlay. "iiiiiMCiBsiiiiPsiiiiiii r We Examine Eves Free of charge. If a doctor i needed you uro promptly told so. We also guarantee a ier feet lit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. I. J. WEICHEL, ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.