TITE SCKATfTON TIIIBTTNE FRIDAY INfOROTXa. MARCH 2. 1894. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Dwl Baking NERVES WERE UNSTRUNG. Mrs. Short Was Leading a Life of Misery. Until She Used the Great Remedy---Paine' s Celery Compound. ABSOLUTELY PURE Falfc GORMAN'S BRAND DEPOT Modes AND Fabrics Our Fashion Monthly. March Number Just Out Describes and contains the Leading Fashions, Latest Dress Materials. Stories, An ecdotes, Humorous Illustra tions. Valuable Information, Elevating and Reading tor the Home THE MEWS OF mm his easing to those our store. GIVEN AWAY who call for it at We are sole agents in Scran ton for the sale of English Skin Food Price $1 Per Box. Clean your Kid Gloves by using Oieansoline Instantly removes SPOTS or stains without injury to the Finest Fabrics, Kid Gloves. White Shoes Silks, Laces, Woolen Goods, Gar pets, etc. Has no bad odor; never leaves a ring on cloth after using. Price 25 cents per bottle. ftiufof town oosrssponflontei of Tm Turn I'm ihonldaign their names in Cull to umu wwi letter, not for pubUoatlon uut to itiwrJ Uiiinst deoeption. JERMYN f.ND VICINITY. Concert by the OltilSM' Bund Three R bi liroken. apesfol to tkt scranton 'Tribune, JeRURN, Ph., Mrtrcli 1.- -As result of tivor exerting blmteU m th lire, Janitor Woodworth his pneumonia. The William M Kinley olub will hold a meeting nt ttieir rooms, under ih'' o ld Fellows hall, on Monday ev tiinu'. Additional candidates for clerk of the council tire S null 1 Waters' mid VV L. Hotig&ton. L"vu Plaer and J. P. Sampson would like io uo treasurer for the snsning your. Jolm Tigbe tras out yesterday for the tirt tint sinos bis recent Illness. James Prior is still vjjy sick ut his home on Second stroet. 'lb? many friends of Mrs. Harriet Ruisel, who fell Tuesday breaking throe will be pleased to learn that she la more comfortable tol iv. Yes terday her triends feared iaflimutiou of tiie Inngs, Willi m Fitz. of White's Valley, caiieu ou menus Here yesterday, The Citizeus' band will give an on tertHinment in ' heir nets rooms M irch 0. The lollowin ; is the program iue: PART L Belectlon, "Gems of Scotia" Bend Chairman1 address J. u. Shepherd Quartet "('"me Where the LUUes Bloom" Belle Uardner Sarah Bengough, W. T. Osboru . Johnson Bennetts. Bono, selection Mrs. V. Horswell Speech, "Boad to Success". ..J. D. Stockor Trio, "Fair Flora Decks" itrah Iienough, W. T. Osborne, A. L. Greeu. taut It Intro, waltz: "Valley of Forns" Band Speech, "Finances'' liev. F. Uoiidull Duet, "Land Ahoy" Nellie Hogarth. John Bogarth. Anthem "How Beautitul Upon the Muiin- tains -Methodist Episcopal choir SotiL selected Archie .Martin Bpeech C. D. Winter THE PIONEER CITY. Burden of Housekeepin Heavily on Mothers. IlousekeepiuL' is . . v,,-.. leas simple and more and more complex each year. home tout proteases to be wall regu lated today in far more difficult to i i ; : : 1 1 . - th. in u ,is tho same kind of u ome fii) or GO years ii'O. Upon the woman fa 1 lu the burden. Many work themselves into nervous exhaustion. Many mothers crow bo irritable that they fuel at all times half guilty, feariuii that, their disease for it is a dieease, and a most dreadful one mav result in affeotiog the otherwise sunny disp icltion of their children. WIihi nam is to the broken lnnh, snob is nervous Irritability totheex- liaustud brain. One is an real as the other. Hut thousands of irritable, nervous, tired and broken down women have found their health and strength, and regained their even tempers, through the nee of the greatest remedy the world has ever known, tho remedy first prescribed bv the eminent Prof. B E Phelps M. 1). LU I)., of Dartmouth college. Lt every woman rend the following voluntary testimonial from Mrs. K h,. Short, a hiir'ily resp-cte l resident of avcrhill, Mass., and loam of the thousands of wonderful cures that are Wrought by Palne's celery compound. "Though never very stront, I was alwave well until I was married, I was lit years old then and am "S now aud tun mother of four children. I got frightened jus before my little girl was born, and 1 have never wholly re- ovsred from it. I nave taken medicine Hough to swim In. I have been so lervons that I did not dare go out In the hack room after dark Unless some one went with me for fear I should cream. I have been very thankful that I Used Palne's celery compound, for as a fsult 1 can now go out evenings and not tool so awful. Lvery one tells me how well I loot I do my work all aione, and people ask me how I do so much, and I tell them because 1 used Paine s celerv compound, My husband hai spent enough money for me for doctors, nurses, and medicine to pay for a home, and hni very thankful that 1 tookJPaine's celery compound." KONESUAU HAPP-NING3. DOWN AT AVOCA. Our Bright Correspond n t'a Entertaining Pn FlMurss. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Avoca, Pa., March 1, Miss Lydl i Connor spent last evening in Scran'on Miss Mary Murdock, of the West Hide, and W. B. Mitchell, both popular young peopl" of this place, were quietly married by R-;v, A. Brydle at the homo home of Miss Murdock's sister, Mrs. A. C. Howell, at 7.80 o'slock lsst evening. They will immediately go to house keeping on the West bide. Miss Annie UeKeigney, of Arling ton, is the gu"st of Misi Sarah iloban Miss Maggie Walters, of Uanmore, cslled on friends here to lay. L. W. Stoflel, of Romoke, Va., was in town yertsrdny. Mrs. F. H Snyder left yesterday for Buffalo, If. Y., to visit relatives. Mrs. P. Cannon returned yesterday from Philadelphia. Henry Jennings, of Leadville, Co! , la visiting his home ia the North End. Aiiss Maine HoCrtndle gave a party to a nnmher of her friemls at the home of her later, Mrs. D. C. Morton. Among those who attended and en joyed the evening were Misses Mabel and Lilla Hatchings, Marion frreaue, El's Levan, Moosic; Misses Kittv Hang, Lizzie Wylie, Carbonlale; Mre. H, Davis, Avoca; Messrs. Amhroz- Al tenny. John Greene, Alonzo Elles, Homer Warner, B-rt Lewis. Mo sic; H. Davis. Will McMillan, Will Jen nings, Avoca; and J. U. Hammerle, WiikesBarre. Thomas Nolan has resigned his posi tion at McMillan's store, Hi will he succeeded by Teddie Qulnn. The branch of tne Cooperative Building bank at a reotttt meeting elected th following officers for the ensuing year: President, Sain lilock ; vice-preeldent, C Drnffnerj Htc.rotarv, E. C. Kellatn ; appraisers, H. P. Shales, John and F. F. Donnermnth ; direc tors, W. H. Holiister, El Lurd, Thomas Harding, Michael Dougher and Frank Devers, MATTERS AT MINOOKA. Kulak Viiwa of thn d.gnta and Scanes of Carbndle. Special to the SeroatoN Tribuni CaRBORDAXB, Pa., March 1. Heroart Wylie. an always welcome visitor in this citv. called on friends hers this evening. .dis. Purine, of torest City, was a visitor in this city yesterday. The Dlawareand Hudson passenger which arrives in this city at 9.00 p. m. mt with another misfortune this even i-g soon after leaving Scranton. As ths train was passing (Jreen ltidge crossing the cow-catcner caught in the 'rack, which caused a delay of twenty live minutes. Tne funeral of Francis, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Judge, of South Main street, will occur tomor row nfternoon. Interment will be made in St. Rose's cemetery. During the month of February thirty interments have been made in the city cemeteries. Twenty-four of thea-1 were the remains of decease I residents of this place. The greater number of deaths occurred among infants. Of the number who died in this city nineteen wire interred in St. Rose's cemetery and five in M anlewoood cemetery. Riven burg & Sly have retired from toe retail m-at business on Silem ave- nn -. Tneir successors are F. Ut. Hard & Co. Howard Johns, a Forest City bnsi QMS man. called on former friends in this place this evening. Grant D. Hutohins left' today for visit in Philadelphia Tonight's special meeting in Young -Men a Christian Association hall was conducted by James Nlcol, who took for bis snbjot "Forward to Victory. C. E. Spencer and wife are on a bri" visit to .ew lurk cily. Miss Bala Carey ins returns 1 to this city aftr a fonr months' stay in Fac- toryviUt, Miss Lottie (tiles, of Lincoln avenue is visiting fri"n Is in Bonesdale. Olive Leaf lodge of Odd V Hows have added the furnishings o. their oeaatl fill Salem avenue houso a handsome new piano. 1 A Million Fil-nde A trinnd in neeil is a friend indeed, ni not less than one million people Iihvo found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for (,oi:Hiini:,tion, oiigiis an C' lils, If von have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince yen that it has wonderful curative powers in all in-" i ' I I lirna1, ' tn h t. anil I, unit Each bottle is gnarantesd to do all that is . laoiu'd or monev will lie refunded. 1 rial bottles re' at llatliewi l!ro'. diug store Large bottl s hoc. mid IL OU FROM WYALUING. The Southern Suburb of Scranton Tersely Written Up. Special to the Sc.rnnton 7Wua!. Minooka. Pa., March 1 William Gavin, the popular shoe man of this place has removed his establishment to Carr's Patch. The child of Michael Welsh that died Tuesday was interred today. A dog belonging to Mrs. Best, of Msin street wss run over by tho cars yesterday. Martin Philbin who has besn visit ing his parents left yesterday for the west. A 7-year-old son of John Philbin, of Main streot was buried yesterday. In terment was made in the Catholio cemetery. Cure for Okoup Use Dr. Thomas' Fclectric Oil according to directions. It ie tbe best remedy for all sudden attAcks of colds, pain and ietlainmatioii, and in rhe of the Pioneer City, spent last evening in tins city. unarm Tucker, of uniondale. was circulating among his many Forest City friends tolay. n. iviward Taylor spent tins even ing In Scranton visiting friends. An infant child of Miko Feyora will be buried tomorrow In Oarboudale. Attorney L. P. Wedeuian will be in Montrosjjomorrow in oonneotion with the ar.eWof the estate of i, IS Divis CliarTes Alexander Bpeut this even ing In Carbondalo. Miss May Hallook, of the Anthracite City, spent last evening pleasantly at the homo of Monroe Tylur on Upper Main street. . 1,'nwa Notes of Q. iiuin Intsreat from tha I'lopli Cily. Svrcutl to the .'cmntoii Tribune, HONESDALE, March 1 About twenty commissioned and non-oomniissioned officers of the Thirteenth regiment at tended the inspection of Company fi In-re Ins: night. A very iargo number of spectators also witnessed t ie inspec tion and drill. Ihe ooiup iliy did good work and Dreseuted a hue appearance. Company E has been strengthened by a number of enlistments in the past few weeks. The curbing on our Main street needs pairing in a number of places. Our .:ntters are in bad condition and SO . ..-I up wiiu snow ana icj mat a thaw like yesterday and today is aura to flood the sidewalks with water. If he gutters would receive more atten tion pedestrians would he much bene- fittedi as it now is walking is disagree able and bad. The now stamp window iu t'.ie post- office is now open, and stamps can be procurred during the overhauling of the mails. O M. Spethgue will commence trans ferring his hardware to his ouarters in the handsome new block u-xt Monday. Miss Josephine Dwrlatd loft for Ditisville, N. Y, this morning with her sister, Mias Louise, where tbe latt t is going ou account of her failing health. Augustus Gramhs is home from Wil mington, Del. Mr. Perry Dean, of Danville, was th,' guest of his .Uughter, Mrs. W. M. Gardner, yesterday. C. H Everte, Wells, Fargo and com pany's genial route agent was in town to dav. D. R. W. Brady and daughter Miss Minnie, Mrs. diaries E Bale r and MissJenuls E. Itall.are in Philadelphia attending the stale encampment (i A. R. Entertain!-, x NnKirxts of Npwb Oompiltd by a Oiapldc Writer. Special to ihe ticrantun Tribune. Wyw.isinu Pa., March 1. The Methodist district ministerial meeting is in Besaion hers this week and largely attended. Mies Mam - Buck, of L? Raysville, spent a few days of last week the guest of Miss Sabra Porter. Miss Mm i Hi OSS is spending a few weeks In Willcos-Barre. George Sayre, of Horseheads, N Y , spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Nelson Welles. Miss Bessie Slocum recently returned from a visit to relatives at West Pitts ton and Scranton. Bben Lewie and wife, of Waterbnry, Conn., are visitingrslatives and friends in this vicinity. The ladles of the Presbyterian church will have a mum social at tholr church parlors Tuesday evening ifext. Sterling Ackley, an old resident of this place, was buried Monday last. He died from tho effects of the grip, agod 7o years. Henry Kintner entertained tho mem bers of his Sunday school olaas at his homo Wedueidnv evening evening lust. Tnoy were royally entertained. Albert Barnes, of Wilkes-Barre, ,1b spending a few days with friends in town. Miss Evangeline Porter spent Sunday at Lymau Chamberlain's, Vaughan bill. Core for He.idache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters lias proved to bo the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this reinndv a fair trial, in caSH of lielntunl coiiBllpalion Electric llilters.ciues bv glv ing the needed tone to the bowels. and few rahes lone n i-' Hie uxe of this mediciuo Try it once. Large hollies only Fifty cents nt.Matthi ws Hros. drug utore, . ST FORcST CITY MATTERS. Events of Interest n a Lively Town Ufl-flir Recorded. Special to Ihe Scranitm T ribune. FoitF.sr City, Pa., Mar. 1. Good sleighing lust week. UarbleS are m iking their debut by the small boy. A year-and-n-balf-old child of Mr and Mrs. Charles Cameron, of Railroad stre"t, died lu-si!ay. Interment nt Owe go, N. Y. undertaker Purple in charge. A lire started in the basement of Fred Cray's large block on Main street last night about II K0. Ths basement is empty, whore the fire started, aud it is thought to have been caused by some old clothes Ignited bv accident. A few buckets of water QUI inched tho llini'-B Mrs. A. S Lewsley, of Cirhoiidale, spent yesterday in this place as the gnest of Miss 1 me Tyler. .Mrs VV H Bites is spending tho week with Wilkes It irre friends. The following are the coal ehlpm Mits from tln llill.nl i Coal and Iron com pany s oollnries. in this place for the month of February: Forest City colliery worked ten days and t hipped 9Vtl ton of o ml and i'iliQ tons of culm. Clifford colliery shipped 7011 tons ol coal and 1710 tons of culm. Worked Hi days. F. J Osgood was in Carbondale ou business today. The funeral of Jaihns Dillon, the mention of wairb was made in to days lltlliCNK, will occur tomorrow ( Friday) at 7 o'clock at St. Agnes' Cath olio church, whore services will be con dueled by R iv. J. J. Coroner, the pas tor. Mr. Dillon moved to this plaoe from scranion some yours ago, and was ahvays uotod for his kin 1 disposition ami liberality, tie was .,, years of ag and In ivt-s a widow and tour children Interment will he In St. R o's come tery, Carbondale. The r-iuoi na will le taken ou thn "fLor" at 8.48 a in. A. S. Le Wiley, the energetic and graceful writer of Carbondale news to Tut: Tuiuunk, aud George J. Bsutou, PRICEBURG PICTURES. Nctti of Interest Penned for the Enter tainment of Hurried Readers. Sltecial to the Scranton 'Tribune. PhIOEBURQ, Pa., March 1 Mrs. H. B, Jones. Mrs. W. W. Williams and Mre. Isaac Davis attended the funeral of the late John Martin in Peckvilte on Tuesday. Dr. Maxwell, of lllakvly, paid uw a friendly visit during th Week. Tho large, substantial recently erected bv P. P. (i.illagher in Dicltaoii will be litted out for a hotel, P. P. hav ing petitioned court for license. Henry Thomas and Eugene Fell, both of Wilkes Barre, were welcome visitors here on Wednesday. A young ladies' sewing class has been in progress in town for the past week and ia meeting with success. Croohet, sewing, knitting and all kinds of fancy needle work are tauaht to the young ladies after school hours by Miss Par rot, of Main street. The class meets in O'Connor's hall every Wednesday. Mrs. John Qllligan visited her pa rents iu Archhald today. B. A Williams and W. E. Schrador, of Sterling, pa., registered at the Cen tral on Thursday. A local branch of the Co operative Building bank, of New York, was or ganized at the Central hall on WedneB day night. After the usual prelimina ries a board of directors and officers lor the ensuing year was elected. The board starts out with a membership of twenty. The ofti.-rs are: C. D. Snyder, president; 1. h Waters secretary. ihe new council will m-et in the borough building next Monday night. No doubt we will see a board of hoalth appointed a: an evidence of better gov ernment. MAPLEW30D ITtMS. Live News from th Vicinity of Beauti ful Like Henry. Special to the Seruntoa Tribune. MaPLKWOOD, Pa.. March 1 The young people are taking advantage of the skating by moonlight ou Lake Henry. G. C. Bell is tuving and shipping apples away io tho New York markets. William H Samson, our popular and enterprising butclir, is buying a irge number of calves which he ships to Scranton. The Consumers' Ice company are at work harvesting the ice from Lako Henry. 1 his lake furnishes the clear est and purost ice of any lake in Wayne county. I lie members of Harvest granc. No. U'.ri, Patrons of Husbandly, talk of tving an oyater supper iu the near fu ture for tho benefit of tho order. J C. veitb, of this rjlnco. m ide a flying visit to Scranton on Feb. 27. W llliam Mitohell, of Scranton, paid his parents a visit over Sunday last. Every day brings one to grief by see ing now and then an old soldier limp ing around with crippled logs or arms, in destitute circumstance drawing a small pension of S or 10 monthly. which ii liablo to be cut off at uny time. MOOSIC SCINTILLATIONS. Brief Notes of New Toraely and Brightly Writ! an Up. BpteM to ths Scranton Trihunt. Moosic. Pa. March 1. The Chris tian Endeavor cottage prayer meeting will bo hold at the home of D. Orceu. on Main street, this evening. Ureorge oennle la confined to his home with a scalded to it Mr. and Mrs 1. C. Ferrel and Mr. and Mrs Juhez Lee visited relatives in (own Wednesday. Mrs Frank Mnsteller is slowlv re covering from a lerioui illnesi. Ihe Methodist Episcopal prayer meeting Will be held Monday evening a Elm if He-lew's. Weakness may bo inherited, or it may result from neglect and care lessness. Thin, weak, " run down" persons need Scott's Emulsion Mr, J. Bm Douglass RaHsteed, Pa, Untold Misery Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach Cured. 'C. I. Hood & Co., lowed, Mass.: 'C en tie men -l was troubled with dyspepsia and catarrh ol the Stomach for over a year. I could not eat Hie least thing without Much Untold Misery. 1 took medicine oi different doctors but received only slight benefit, i began taUiiiu Hood's Bar- saparllla last winter and from the second day 1 noticed an Improvement My stomach Hood sCures did not sour nor my food rise nor distress me. I have taken leur bottles up to this time aud have gained several pouuds in llcsh. My Mandl idl speak about My Improved Looks end say they never saw me looking so well. When they ask what I im taking, my reply te ait is. Hood's Barsaparllla." Joun k. Douo i.ass, of the firm ol Douglass ft Belknap, grocer les ami provisions, Hallstead, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills act e:ivii, yet promptly aud efficiently, on the liver and bowels. Kc. tho Cream of Cod-liver OH and tho most nourishing food known to sclonce. It is palatable and more effective than plain oil. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't bo deceived by Substitutes! Prepared by Scutt i nmvno, N. v. ah Urungiitj. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Hai in- secured tbe BflOBIHB POBGSot vvilli 111 Illume & H in for n peruiani'iit bust neSS stand, I slmll romltiet Hvteiitifle and I'atliuloKleal shoe ig for the Prevention, Ke lie! and en, e of Lamensss and other impedl monte in the movements of Dorses Incidental ordne toimpei'li-c: hIio-ini; I hlmll irlvethn work ilk v pei'Minid at tfiil I n mid krnarantee no extra nbarire.uxeept for immovenii nt Lame mjss, ole., will he tieatii I iifternoous. A free clluii' and profusslouul edviie given i veiv Momlay Ii im , u . i- M. JOHN HAMLIN, D. V. I READ The new oiler made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. new TO MAKE Mm ! There an; hundreds of voting mm ami young women In (hf country who have splendid ability, but they have never heel wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity ami want to do somethinu tangible. come to Hit COMMON tSNOIilSH BUSINESS OOURSB hllOKTHAM) OOURSB. College. COURSE! NKW F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. MOHAIR - SULTAN BUGS Imported by Us direct from Saxony, Germany. Sole Agents for Scranton. A Beautiful Carpet Size Rug, made from Best Mohair on Hand-Loom, soft but tough Mohair Yarn, double tied into the back of the texture, thus making it3 durability everlasting, the more so as Mohair remains completely inacces sible to moths or duat. The silk finish of the "Mohair -Sultan" perfectly beati the genuine Oriental Mohair Carpets and ths cost is but One Half. We carry also a full line of Axminster Rug Dr. E. Grewer Ihe Philadelphia In Various Sizes at the prices of Smyrna Rug3. Real Daghestan Rugs, $9 Each, Bokhara, Anatolian, Bahudurr and Kazae Oriental Rugs. KERR 4 SIEBECKER CARPET AND CURTAIN DEALER, 406 and 408 Lacka Ave. Antl Us MSOoUUd lUffot BURlkh an I dor UM i iiyulcittu.;kro low uoriuiinoutly located temple Court Building Si 1 SPRUCE sr. SCRANTON Whcro tnoy may lw cousolttd DAILY AXD M Ml AY. ino lirM-tnr It a giaduat. ot thn Unlvoraity Pl 1 1'liniylvanh. fnrmorlr dumonstrator ot poyslolonr and rarnnr at t)m Uedloo-Chlr- ui-kichi cciiit-ge, or Phiiud.'lljia. Ho 1h tiso ii h. norary n .mln.r nt tin. Medico ( hirur- gicni asmoUHoii, sad u pbvslaM und iirKPiin -In chief of lb,- moat Botod Am-rican ana (li rman DOSplUU comes highly Indorsed New Yortt'1'" 1"'of,"",ora of WuWUlplMi nd llin many years ot honitil exporlono en Mes thia eminent physician ami surgeon to correctly diagnose und treat all defomlt M and illauases with the most fiattoring saoSSSSk ami lils bftb Rtandlng in tho state will uot all ,w him to accept any lr.cnrnble caa LOS! M l .MKMili KK-.TOKKI1, WEAKNKKS OF YOUNG MEN CUUED. II you have DSM BlTen up ny your physi cian call upon the doctor and lie examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Dctiility, Berofals, Hid Bores. , at.srrh. Pllo. Female Weakness, Affection! of the Ear, Eye, Nnsa and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Turaora, Can cers ai d Crii nine of every description. Con mltatlon in KngUsh and Oormau Krea. which shall I con SldSrad sacred ami strictly court dentlsL (iflten Hours: 9A.ll, to U V. M. llally. Sunday, II a. in. to ' p m. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF" inc n u HARDS LUMBER G Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. T 1 1 1-: TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CHOANIZED m CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, PAMt'KTi HI N'ES, (President, V. W. WATSON, Vice President. A. P.. WILLIAMS, Cashier. HI RECTona, BAmm RniMk JAMSS M rvrnnAnx, lllVIMl A. FlM-n, PlIBOSB, FlXl.EY, Joskimi J. Ji.iiMry, N h. K I M I, . CBAS, P. ltATCBIIfS, .IoHx T.Porsm S . W WATKON. PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage of business lin n nnil linns generally. Third National Bank of Scranton. OROANlZlCn IS 7.2. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would be to neglect Ihe best opportunity yet offered. The ad dition of the "Wanamaker" series makes it more valua ble. Head new announcement ou page 7. Marriage Made Easy While we don't pretend to furnish ;i wife, w 'II do the nexl iesi thing bj furnish ing your home complete from cellar to gar ret, and at a verj small cash outlay. Have you ever stu n the Economy Bedroom Outfit? One Antique Bed One Towel' Rack One ftntique Dresser One Woven Wire Spring One Antique Washstand One Husks, Cot. Mattress Two Cane Chairs One Pair Pillows One Plush Rccker One Ingrain Carpet One Table One lamp or Toilet Set Above for Outfit Capital, Surplus, $200,000 dsnoaitofl every ielr l)alani-es, lmsl- Tlils I, nun nlTers to Inelllty kvarruiiti d by Die ness ami respuuslhlllty. Spcrlal attention InVSII to business ac counts. Interest lS)ld OB time deposits. WILLIAM rONNH-T.I, rresl.lenl. . !:. II. OATLIN, VI Prraldanb WltUAM II. PECK, ashler D1BBOTOB& wiuinm Conpell, Qaoiva H. Catlln, Alfrril llnml, Jaiuca Arenblklll, llunry llln, Jr., Willi, in T. Smith, Luthtt Kvllcr. $39 m PRICES 'tfirM SOME OTHER DfJOOrAtsd Dinner Sots, 100 pieces Decorated Toilet Suta, 10 pieces Antique lleilroom Suits Silk Hush prlor Salts Bby t'srrississ Sitlebosrtls, Antique Oak 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers