The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 02, 1894, Image 1

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    In This Season
Of house hunting, donM
Wade through seas of mud.
f6 ;I
29 wmilp li mtmm::-
Try a Small
"Al" iu our cent-a-word
column iind make t li land
lord oome to you.
Fifty Democrats Vote Ainst and Nineteen
Republicans for the Measure.
They Expect to Run Things in I895
Senator Frye Announces the Cave
in of President Cleveland's Hawaiian
Structure 1 he Peculiar Position of
the Member from the Lone Star
State The Kearsage to Be Raised.
V 18H1KGTON. March 1.
HE Bland seignorage bill passed
yeas los, nays f."J.
Bv the votes of tzaetlr the
number that constitutes a qnornm of
the hnue of representatives MM jreai
and 13 nays, a total of 17!l the order
Itftitiac debate upon the Bland selgn
iorag bill was adoptet today on tin
first roll call, and (he end of the long
fight had practically cone. The re
mainder of the day was devoted merely
to making the victory secure.
Mr. Bland offered a substitute for
the pendiug measure, intending to
obviate tome cf the objection urged
against it, and several amendments
were prorosed. Alter deoue uiUr
the five-minute rule, proposed amend
meats were rejected, and Mr. Bland's
substitute accept! for the origin il
bill, sud passed, 169 to 139, fifty Demo
crats voting against the bill and nine
teen Republicans for it
The house then passed the bill nnpr.i
priating ft 3 000 to raia-s the wreck of
the corvette Ksarsaze, sunk on Rju-
eador reef.
The senate eommitte on finance is to
be deprived of the assistance and co
operation of Mr Mills. (Tex , who was
one of th sub-committee of three to
which the work of reporting a bill to
the Democratic majority of the com
mittee had been couflled. Mr. Mills
was not originally a m-mber of the
committer, bat he bad twen designated
to aet during the attsenca and disibil
ity of Mr. McPherson (NT. J.) As Mr.
McPherson returned to the city ssrue
weeks ago and resumed his committee
duties, the position of Mr. Mill was,
to ay the least, peculiar.
Yesterday Mr, Voorhees (Ind.) under
took to set tbe matter right bv snbeti
tnting Mr. Mills in place of Mr. Vance
(N. C), who ie at home and unable,
throngh Illness, to come to Vahington.
Today, when that resolution was laid
before the senate, it ws peremptorily
withdrawn by Mr. Voorhees, "by tile
reqnt" of the senator from Texas,
aa frye's Hawaiian speech.
Mr. Frye, Maine, conclnded hie
speech on the Hawaiian question with
the declaration that if tnere was anv
weight to be given to ciiarscter behind
words, or if there was anything in the
preponderenee of testimony, then the
foundation on which President Cleve
land had builded bis structnra haddis
appeared, and the edifice had fallen
The public printing office bill was
taken np and was made the text of a
political and tariff controversy between
Mr. Lolph. Oregon, and Mr. Allen,
Populist, Nabraska, in whicti th for
mer predicted that the Repufilican
party, and the latter that the Populist
party would be in control of ths house
of repr -sentativea in 889rJ, The senate
at 133 atljonrned till Monday.
Zn Attempt at Burglary Peanlta in the
Death of Four People.
Bomsvnxi, N. J., March l --A hor
rible tragedy ocenrred early this morn
ing at the home of Moor Biker, near
Franklin park, in this county. Mr.
Baker's wife and year-old baby were
murdered and Ihsir murderers. Will
ard Thompson and Henry Baker, both
young negroes, were killed by the fren
sied husband and father of the victims.
Baker is a powerfully bnilt young
farmer of about S10 ysars. He is quite
well off. He married Louisa Evans
three ago and a baby girl wis there
suit of the anion Ilsnry Biker, the
young negro, has worked for Moore,
Baker's father for years, and "has often
worked for the son also.
Yesterday afternoon Henry ssksd
Baker for a loan of 2, Mr Bikr
asked him if he could change a floi
bill, and npon the nsgro ssyinit no, he
produced the bill and showe I it to dim.
This money was wnat the negross
were after.
The coroner's ju y rendered a Verdict
of mnrder in the case of th mother
and child, and of justifiable homicide
as to the killing of the two negroes,
thus exonerating Mr. Bakr.
A. Clark, Post 140, Shamokln; Dr.
iSsmuel Itraham, Post ID. Bailer.
This evening a OalQp-Bra w is held
lu tho auditorium of tat Temple Uip
tist church. AddreSSSS were ma le by
Past Commanders in Chief s s Bar
dot to, of Washington. D O , nnd V
G. Veassv. ot Vermont; Auditor Geu
eral David Mi-Greg.;; Gotm-al Louis
Wagner, of this olty, sud Dsnartmsut
Commander Thomas 8ampla
A pleasant incident of the evening
wns (ha presentation, is the gift or the
department to Commander Simple, of
a gold Grand Army of the R ipoblto
badge studded with dlam n Is
FG surge frag; Wearily Along Esf re th"
U. s. Oemmlesloner
ALTOONA, Pa, .Match 1. -Th coun
ttrfeiting esses have beau slowly drag
ging thi lr way along before the United
states commissioner In this olty daring
th- peat two weeks
Mrs. Sman Peuey and Harvey
K-itit. of tins fit v, w re discharged for
want of evidence today, lu the esse
of Grant Yon, also of this city, the
commissioner has reserved his deoision
II A Smith and entries D Smith,
father and son, ot this oil v ; John 8telg'
ter, of Clearfield, and George Grove,
of AltOOna, have been taken to j ill at
Pittsbnrg to await tri il.
Ninth Annual Convention In S-ssion
in the State Fencibles' Armory
at Philadeloiiia
Philadelphia, M uch I. Tbe open
ing session of the ninth annnal con
vention of the La iiws of the Grand
Army of the R 'public wis hel l this
morning in the State Fencibles armory.
The organisation, though in a msasnre
an auxiliary to the Graud Armv of the
Republic, is entirely independent of
tho latter, comprising, as it doss, the
mothers, wives, sisters and daughters
of ex-soldiers, jailors and msrlncs.any
of whom is eligible to membership.
The convention was called to order
by Mrs S-slne B, Lenhart, president of
the order, who read her annual report.
At the afternoou session the
consideration of the reports of
the other officers and the working of
the ritual, 0 insnmed ths time until the
mesting lgiiu adjourned.
This evening ths memb.'rs were
given afscsptioo and dance in the
spacious drill room bv the women of
the organizatiou in this city.
The election cf officers will take
plactt tomorrow and considerable inter
est centers aroun 1 the selection of n
president, The only knowu candidates
uo'.v in the field am Mrs. Julia P.
Shsde. M. D., of this city, and Mrs.
Mary Houck, of Reading, both of whom
have a strong following, and tho con
test promises to be full of excitement
before a decision is finally reached.
Tne meetings of tiie Woman's Rlief
corps are hell in the Bth-Edsn
church, 8imnlt tneons with those of the .
ladies of the Grand Army of the Re
public at the state Fenoibles' armory
and the general routine of business
transacted is similar.
. .
The S'rllcers Gatberiar Uili'-la Com
panisa Ordered n Rjroain on th9 Scene
PlTTSBTJRO, March 1. A Charles
town, W. Vi. special says new has
just been received from Eigle that
1,000 strikers are gathering at Mont
gomery, and exp ct to attack Wyant's
men tonight.
The sitnstion is so grav thatCip
tain R. 8 Carr ha been ordered to da-
el ire m irtial law if necessary. Com
panies C and K, whi-h had been or
a end home, have reeeivo I later orders
to rem tin.
A Pittiburg Contract ir UaabU to Collsot
Money, Hanes Himielf.
PiTTsarRf), Pa., March 1. Jacob
Woessner, a wll known contractor
and builder nt Allegheny, committed
suicide this morning by hanging.
The only explanation obtainable is
that offered by W'oesener's widow, who
states that her husband was Worried
over failure to collect money due him
and consequent inabtlity to moot his
senate hiis rejected woman
8ays the Jacksonville Jury B-for
Whom Hie Case Was Tried
JiOXSOirvitXB, Fla., March 1. This
aflernoon tbe jury in the case auainst
James J. Corbett. eburged with violat
ing the laws of F lorida by encasing in
a prize fight, returned the following
verdict: "We, the jury, find the de
fendant not guilty.''
A broad smile spread over Corbott's
face as he heard it, and the sports who
crowded the conrt room would have
cbeered bad they not been informed
by Judge Phillips that he would send
any person to jail for contempt who
dared to express approval or disap
proval of the verdict. Mitchell was
present when the verdict was snnonn
Bad, and he leaned over and grasped
Corbett's hand and whispered congrat
Frocetdings at the Oatherinir of the G.
A. K in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. March 1 At tomor
row's session of the oncampment of
tbe G. A. R. forty five delegates to the
national encampment will be elected,
ae will also a medical director and a
crnncil of administration. For med
ical director there aro in tho Held Dr.
J. L. Duun, Post 50, Titusville; Dr. F.
Tim Iowa
A bill to establish an SplleptlO colony Is
before New York's legislature.
I'nemployed of Toronto paraded the
streets and distributed Anarchistic liter
ature. (ieneral .Innn If, Cortina, the noted
revolutionist is living at his h nno in the
City of Mexico.
Kansas Democrats who favor fusion will
bold a state convention July S, ignoring
the stalgbtontSi
Worry over tnonev matters drove Col
onel W. ('. Brcnnan, of tli't army, to shoot
himself at Minneapolis.
Defalcation to ths amount of 110,000 are
charged against B, C. Fahrman, a noted
Minnesota Odd Fellow.
PrinOSSS olonoa nml party arrived in
Bacrsmento early yesterday morning and
left later for Del .Monte.
Exploding Clieinleals blew n it the eyes
of tit. A. A. Hntobtns, of Clyde, o., and
will probably cause death.
Obeying a fancied bidding to fast. Mrs.
Burton, Of tfoblssvlllst bid., has gone
without food eighteen days.
Ill and financially embarrassed ''up
turn W. it. Dcllon, Obllesneonsul at Pam
lico, to takes Ins life at Seattle,
Angnr at a sermon by Hey. n, Bcall,
Fred Dover, a Lincoln iNu'i) gambler,
akHaulted liiai sml was arrested.
For an alleged btoW that killed Coach
man W. F. Bnnmsker, W, II. Thompson, of
(Chicago, is sued for ..", 000 damages.
A London news bureau statin that Mr.
Gladstone's lecretary has Informed it that
the resignation will SOOU he tendsrCd.
The Iowa house committee on odnstltn
tionni amendments reported favorably a
resolution re-suhmitting piohihltlou to
popnlar vote.
A special from Elisabeth Olty says Presi
dent Cleveland an I t arty spent the day on
historic Roanoke Island, Tho Violet Is
now anchored laOMtea Sound.
II. in I; K iirors, mansirsr and iirinclnnl
owner of the Fldolity BtOTSgS company,
Chicago, Committed suicide by blowing
out bis brains with a revolver. He had
been a sufferer from acute Insomnia since
December slid brooded constantly over
business reverses,
A Large Audience Wltnsues Ibe Commence
meui Exercises,
Captain Pratl's Theories Upon the
Indian Question Are Practically Suc
cessful Marked Progress ot tho
Pupils The Address of Lone Wolf.
The Essays and Orations of Gradu
ate.!, In Many Instances, Evidenced
Lolly Sentiments.
CARL1RLB, Pa., March f
H N AUDIENCE of almost -.',000
M people witnessed the intsrssting
I ) commencement exercises of tbe
U U linliui Industrial school this af
temoon The greatl interest of the
oecsslorj was further heightened by the
celebration at lh same tun n of the fif
teenth Nouiveraary of the Institution
which Csptaiu It. H. Pratt estab
lished in the heart of the Cumberland
vail y. As an miuy officer of many
years' espuriencs on the frontier be
early reached the conclusion tint the
tidiau question, if it was ever to be
solved, must bu accomplished through
assimilation and every lay contact
with the civil. zed whit people; that
the tribal relations must bo broken up,
that the Indian must be treated as any
other citizen and not us an alien.
He bad no faith in tho reservation
system and does not now believe that
the herding together of tho Indiana
will accomplish anything, except tbe
tnnihilation of the race. It was Cap
tain Pratt's origin il thought that until
'.lie Indian youths were scattered
among the whites their condition
would not be materially improved, nn 1
ho caroled ont this policy when the
school at Carlisle was opened.
His outing system lis been a success
from the beginning. Every summer
from 100 to 500 of the girls and boys of
the school live upon the farms of east
ern Pennsylvania They are in de
m ind and the application for their
services largely exceeds the supply
l'neir earning last summer amounted
in the aggregate to nearly rJ'-'o.OOO and
the boys ami girls were able to bear
their own expenses at tbe World's fair.
Today four big chiefs were present
on tho invitation of Captain Pratt, and
their expenses, over 1800, worn paid by
tho students, these uOiofs were Lone
Wolf, a leader of the KioWas; Cjitanali,
a rich Comanche; Cloud Chief, a Chey
enne, and Black Coyote, an Arrappa
hoe chieftain. -They wll' spend several
days at the school and will have a pow
wow with Captain Pratt, to wiiom they
boar messages of good will from their
people on the fi outior.
In a speech last night Lou Wolf,
who is a line looking, intelligent man
and an orator, dwelt upon the kind
ness of those who had given these
privileges to their children Captain
Pratt, he said, had been raissd up by
the great spirit to do this work and
added: "As 1 look into the faces of
these. Indian children I am thankful.
You have already started on the right
mad and all yon want to do is to push
forward. Keep your faces to the front.
Do not turn nnid", but go for
ward. I like to see the young In
dians grow up to be different from
what tneir parents iiave been. I like
the white man's rule. I now reallBS
that the white man's rnlo u very good.
While I am talking here (rod is ston
ing and be ig glad, I run sure, because
wnat I have said U all from my heart,
ami he known that although I am ig
noraat, yet I have the right spirit
within me. I am longing to nee the In
dun children grow np like white peo
ple.'' The commsnosmsnt exsreises were
held in the largo gymnasium hall,
which wns decorated with Hags n'nd
pi. nits. The Indian bund furnished ex
eeilenl music in ie were nineteen in
I bo graduating olasi and tho various
orations and declamations would have
done credit to any college. Many
of the srntim-.Mita expressed were
worthy the highest tvpe of culture
Several of the graduates could not
speak a wor l of BingllSn when tuny
wero admitted to tue srhonl. A pa
tbettC appeal was thai of II irtha Nap
awst, whose paper; "Put Yourself in
My Place," brought tears to the eyes
of Secretary Morton and others.
assembled on the sidewalka and in the
station, anxious to see the deposed
chief of Coney island.
Considerable deference was shown
Me Kane by the crowd, however. As
soon as tbe party had obtnintd thuir
liekels, they quickly passed to the
smoking oar. Twopolloeman guarded
the entrances to the car to keep out. i I
Intruders and tbe curtains of tint car
were drawn,
M"Katu arrived nt Sing Sing depot
nt :i 19 o'clock In ohsrge ol Sheriff
Bulling and Inspector Williamson.
MoKase was met in the clerk's office
by Chief Clerk Corwin and Deputy
Clerk Weitlake.
Upon being examined, $95 78 w.m
round in bispocksts. Clerk Westlaka
took his diamond stud, diamond cuff
buttons and diamond ring which be
sent home. McK ill" guvs Ins pwligree
ns follows: Occupation, builder; ago
ol, married, religion, Methodist , born
in Ireland, doss not uso tobacco or
After giving his pedigree he was
taken to the state shop at '. ;ij where
be wiim given a bath, a shave and n
prison suit.
. ay -
Jealousy Was the 'Jeuse of Her Sliootmit
bv Pitcher NcNabb. '
Pittsburg, March 1. Mrs. Louise
Rockwell, the uctr-s, known as LoUise
Kellogg, who was snot by E .). Me
Nahb. the professional base bull pitch
er, at the Bote! Eiffel in this city last
night, will probably recover. Her
condition is still critical, but the phi -sloinns
aro of the opinion that if no
sompliostions s-t in slio will pull
The cause of the tragedy
ouey. It is said that Mrs
who had been living with
was going t leave him
An inquest on the remains of Mc
Nabi) was held this liioruiin., and a
verdict of suicide) was rsnden d. Noth
ing new was developed,
The statement that the Akin Joslyn
OOlnpany, with which Mrs Rockwell
had been playing, had disbanded is nn
true. The management eay the com
pany is sun on inn roau and doing a
good business,
Trip of Governor Pt-.ttison, Secretary
Harrltv, Ganeral Greenland and O'.hera.
Philadelphia, March l Governor
Paulson, Ssi-retary of Commonwealth
Iliirriiy, Attorney General Hensel,
Adjutant General Greenland, Thomas
Bradley, James M. Break, Colonel Bol
lin H. Wilbur and J. Hensjf Cochran,
of Williamsport, left this city this
evening for a trip through portions of
the south.
About two weeks will bo consumed
in the trip, though somo of the party
will rem tin south until the close of the
was jeal-
Twelve Care Are Thrown trom the Track
by ths Breaking of a Wheel.
CoMMILLSVILLg, Pa., March 1 The
second section of B c ittle train on the
Bdtimore and Ohio railroad, consist
ing of fifty-six ears, was wrecked near
the Pennsylvania and Marylaud -
lino late, last night. Twelve or mop
cars of stock left the track and were
Nearly all of the cattle in them wen
killed or so badly injured that it was
necessary to shoot them None of the
tr 1 111 crew were hurt. The wreck was
caused by tint breaking of a wheel nn
tier ono of tho front cars.
Rraattlens Have No Tariff leans to
AroUSS a Larya Vole.
Rio Janeiro, March 1 -The polls
op oed at II o'clock this morning nml
closed at 8 o'olosk this afternoon
There were no SOldlerfl at any of the
Voting places Bnd not th slightest at
tempt at coercion or intimidation Per
feet order prevailed ibe voting was
by secret ballot.
Moraes and Psrelrawere practically
the only candid ite for president and
vice president respectively and there is
po donbt of their having been legally
President and I'aitv s.. for Duck
In tbe Marsboe,
Norfolk, Va,, March I. The
steamer Violett after lying Tuesday
night ut the government lighthouse
supply whsrl at Long Point. N. C ,
went smith toward Albermarle sound
yesterday morning,
It is Kdieved she left the Presiden
tial party behind, nnd that its mem
bers are using a small launch for d lily
ezonrslonsiu the neighboring marshes.
MoKane, the Deposed Coney Ieland Chief,
Goes to Prison.
New Y'oitK, March 1. - Judge Bar
rett denied tbe application of MoKans'S
counsol for a stay and McKme was
takon to Slag .Sing on the 8 15 p. m
train. The sheriff's deputy had great
difficulty in getting through the crowd
Be. Pereonslly Tendered to Cpiern
Vlcloila at tho Proptr Time.
L.iNlj.iN, March 1 I he Pall Mall
(izitle iu its (xlra special edition
any; "Mr. Gladstone will have an
andienc with tn queen oh Saturday
nnd will then place Ins resignation in
her hands.
"The public iinnoniicemrnt will lie
made on Monday, Lord Rose berry, sec
relarv of slat) for foreign aff lirs, will
succeed to the premiership, Mr. Glad
stone will retain his seat iu the house
of commons, but probably lie will not
remain in the cabiii 't.
y Warn the Colored People to Leavi
Troy, Alnb mm
I IP iv, Ala, .w arc ii i - White raps
posted n notice on n negro church at
Brantley tWO nights ago, warning all
colored people to leave the coiintri' I
March 10 or snffer. ths fate of Mack
. egars, who was recently lynched near
A crowd of regulator! went to Dr
Motley's plantation last. night and
whipped two negroes nearly to death.
- I.
II Accpp s an App lintmcnt as Arch
bishop nf Roitmsnln.
Milwaukee, Wis., March 1, Blshoi
ZeildStti, of St. Cloud, Minn,, who is
here, was today notified by cablegram
from Rome of bis appointment as
archbishop of It ouinsnia, and he SC
II" is rapidly recovering from insnm
ma, from which he has been IQffcrlng
81 it" rressorer .Morrison m Ins report
foi February show thai at the close of tim
month he had I.IMJ.IiiH h in the general
lii.Uoorgell I'avson, of I 'olorndo, die
toilnv at ihe NSidonoe of hi brother
William ti. Psyson, of Wilket-Barra The
ileein!ied was n giiubinl" in from the
Philadelphia Dental OOllegS,
Siiiieriiitinilent of I'ubllc Instruction
bchaeffsr has notlOeu directors of certain
school districts in the state that failni" t
leach phvslology in me schools as require!
Dy net or April S) I BOO, l cans., uf furreit
lire of the state appropriation.
The senate has confirmed tUe nomination
ol ilrnnville or Montana, ss envoy
exlraoiiliiiiii v and niinisiei- pleuipotentl
nry lo i'arngiiay anil uiiiguny.
A telegrwm was received at tho state de
part mSt at III o'clock yesterday afternoon
from I'onsul llMeral Hiltteudnn, at the
City of Mexico, stating that Hon. VY
Wilson is nut of all danger and that Ins
convalescence is sure
OolnSM executed at the mints of tho
United States for the month of February
aggregate ,7tlU,u70 pieces of the value of
12,01", MM).
WI1S ifrntrsn naien
,1 I an
;ejil OTj
k'T'iiSTf'! A
Gin Cave-in ot a Tunncll Entombs
Seven People Only Two
Are Rescued.
The Candidate from Philadelphia
Defeats Ihe Favorite of
Ali.kntown, Pa.. Mar L A fright
ful accident occurred this .morning at
i cluck lu the slate quarry of Gwen
I'. Williams ct Son, ui WillisinstowB,
i mile west oi Slatington Sevim men
were working in the tunnel of the
luarry when the roof of the tunnel
without the slightest warning, fell in.
I nu men working in the tunnel at the
tune Wire William It. Ji nes, Joseph
Reinaley, Samuel Kreiis, Griffith G
Ptitobard, John Valko. Mikles Bella,
( i-oi ge Nickultinz.
Tho greatest exitsmont followed the
Cave iu People rushed 10 tho s ieuo.
but their presence helped but little to
rescue the entombed men. ;
qu.ii rymen went to work bravely. The
marry had been iu operation for lour
or live years nnd was latterly regarded
as dangerous A number ol employes
left work recently in consequence. The
SSVSn men In the tunnel had not boeu
at work an hour when with a roar of
thunder t. roof caved in nt the loose
place, where the tunnel curved, bury
ing ihu men under the mass.
At 9.10 William R Jones was found
neur the outer edge of the fall. He was
only slightly hurt, esoaptng the brunt
of the fall. By 10 o'clock tbe refcuers
had dug til teen feet further and came lo
the body of Samuel KreitE. He was
found iu a stooping posture. Both legs
and bis txnlv ware badly crushed and
ugly cuts were ou bis head. Kreitz
was still breathing when found, but
expired shortly ufter. He was -10 years
ol age and resided in Slatington.
Joseph Bemaley lay twenty feet
further on and was still living. The
rSSCUi OS-party were able to speak with
him. lie was reached ut noon and
was removed more dead than alive.
Both legs and aims were crushed.
There are only small chances of his re
covery, ttemsiey is a man or tnmiiy.
50 years of age aud rosides in Slatington.
The other qnarrymon are buried so
leeply that it may require n week's
bird work to reach them Coroner
at proceeded to Slatington to hold an
inquest on the body of Kreitz.
Th Pension Reducer Honored by En
thiidastic Citizens cf Atalauta.
Atlanta, Ga., March l This even
ing at o ociooa a ainner was given in
honor of Hon. Hoke Smith, secretary
of the interior, at the Kimble liou-
Tbe dinner was an Impromptu alTair
gotten up by some of the most prom-
inenl Cltlssus of Atlanta ill honor of
the Secretary, who is making a short j
business trip to the city. President I of the hxpoiitiou com- 1
psny, presided.
A Cowardly Sleeked KutTUn Attack; a
Y'lUna- Girl.
New Castle, March 1 List night
Miss Mary Eellert on entering her
house discovered a lot of clothing
ablaze. She extinguished the 11 huh
with n bucket of water, but had no
sooner done so than she was seized hy a
masked vidian, who shot her through
the arm, knocked hr insuislble, beat
her brutally with a poker and then
The girl is In a critical condition
i -
Two Trains on the Union Elevaled Road
Crnsli Tcffelher.
Nr-u Yobk, March I, Twotrsinson
the Union Elevated road of Brooklyn
collided at Manhattan junction in the
dense fog at d. lo o'clock this morning.
Kugen Davis, fireman of the rear
train, had his loot badly orushod.
Part of the engine cab and t he cylin
ders were thrown into the Street below
fortunately none of the pissengers
were severely hurt.
They Sandbag a Cashier and Mak Wav
wl'h the ltuadv Fund.
DEXTER, Mich., March 1. -Adaring
bank robbery occurred here about 7
o'clock this morning. Two masked
men, with revolvers, compelled the as
Slstant cashier, 0, Gregory, to open
the vault, and esoapsd with between
$!l,0llll and fl HOI) after having sand
bagged Gregory, (saving him uncon
scious. The DeXtST Savings bank WAS recent
ly organized with a capital Ol 90,000
Th Chamber of Commerce Adopts a
Memorial to Congree.
New Yuiik, Mar l. -Tho chamber ol
commerce adopted a memorial to con
gress opposing an Income tux. A reso
lution was also adopted asking congress
that If the Wilson bill be passed, so
much of it asaffeotsoor trade with
Canada be suspended for a time.
A protest against the Bland Seignor-
ngo bill Was also adopted.
One 1 heUeand and Ports One App'.lca
tlon for Liquor Llceuaee,
WtLK RB-BaBRB, March 1 There
were 1,011 appliuatioiiK for liquor li
cense in Luzerne county this year. Gf
this number HI'J were refused.
Four new ones were granted iu addi
tion to thoas of last year, and thirteen
held under advisement tor a hearing
next Monday.
Exquisite Material and Finish,
t - I
I l- - - it i, ' s
PHILADRU'BIA, March 1, The first
snd practically the only business of
importance to come before the veter
ans this afternoon w is tho election of
a department commander. A spirited
contest bss bean waged for ihe o files
between Comrade William Emsliy, of
Captain Phillip R. Schuyler post, No.
rl, of this citr. and Comrade James B
Denworth, of Post 0I Williamsport.
Comrade Dsnwortn has twice befor'
bsen a osndidate for department
commander and no and liis supporters
urged his election on the ground that
the northwestern section of the state
has never been given tbe honor of com
mender and that it was entitled to iL
Comrade Emsley was the choice of the
infantry posts, while the cavalry men
supported the Willi imsport man.
When the voting began it le-arae
speedily apparent that Emsley would
be elected. With the exception of the
calvary postof Philadelphia, the entire
delegation from this city cast its votes
for their fellow townsman. This prac
tically assured Emsley's election and
anticipated the announcement of 619
votes in bis favjr ag.iinat 849 votes for
Outside of the depart tnc-nt com-mand-r
there was no contest for offi
cers an I the following were elected by
acclamation, Seuir Vice Commander
Alfred Dsrte, Post 07, Wilkes-Barre;
Junior Commander J. F. Beyers, Post
2lio, Bouts Isle; Chaplain Rev, John
W. Ssyres, Philadelphia. After tbe
election of officers the encampment
adjourned nntil tomorrow morning
when tbebusiuess Session will be con
tinued. The newly sleeted department com
mauder is a well known ;nam:fact nrer
of this city and a member of the state
legislature. He enlisted in Company
F, iltith Regimen4, Pennsylvania Vol
unteers, in Die summer of 1VV2 Soon
after taking the field he was promoted
to n sergeautry. Ha participated in
nil the battles in which his regiment,
as part of the Irish brigade, engaged
until the surrender of Lee at Appomat
tox. He wns promoted to b" a lieu
tenant and was reoommondei for a
congressional medal of honor for dis
tinguished bravery.
Delegates Appointed to Aesiit in Lc
cattna Pennsylvania RKir.ent.
HaRRIBB! RO, March 1. -Governor
Pattison hs appointed the following
delegates from Pennsylvania to assist
the Antietam battlefield commission
in locating 'he positions of the organ
izations from tbts state In that battle,
so that thev msv be properly msrksd
Gen. 3. William Hoffman, James M. Whit
taker, Col. A. '. Bellra,william B. Dixon,
t apt. .lames 11. Campbell, Maj T Moses
Veale, Colonel Charles s. Greene, Ma r
Joseph Aehbrook, Colonel Charles Boss
Smith, General B. P. Fisher, Ueueral Isaac
s. Wtstar, Colonel E, s. Stdlers, Colonel
Thomas J, Town, William S. Stockton,
Captain James C. Lynch and
Sergeant William Bottomj nil of
Philadelphia; Captain .lames Thompson,
.Major Robert w Lyou, General .v. F. H.
Collier, Captain Edward s. Wright and
Maji r K. A. Moutoolb, of Pittsburg;
Major II. 3, Bheafer, Abram L CrlatCap
tain George U. Boyer, Captain John w,
Morrison, Major V, r. Armor, Major
John Lookbart, Colonel C, W, Eok
manand Lieutenant Thomas McQsmant,ot
Barrisnorgi General John 1. Cortlnand
Charles Smith, uf Bellefoute; General W.
Warren stewm t, York Springs; W, Hayes
Crier. Columbia; General w. K s Barts
borne, Curweosville; Major E. L-. Christ
man, Wnshtngtoni Captain L n Mc
Canley, West Chester; General 8 lias M,
Bailey, Qntontown; Coioual Bamoel B.
DIok, Meadvtlle; Colonel Samuel M.
Jaokson, Apollo, Armstrong county;
Captain J. B. Cooper, New Cas
tle; Major Samuel J. Losob, Sobnyl
kill Haven; General J. K, Siegfried, Potts
viiir, i;. m. c. k Cadwallader, Bunbury;
Colonel Joseph W. Iluwley, Media; liell-
ernl w. w. Greenland, Clarion; General
Thomas M, Walker, Brie; Captain Jams
D. McHili. Allegheny: Major General lohn
li. Brooks. IT. S A, Omaha, Neb.; Colonel
F. L Hitchcock, Hereupon Colonel
Levi MaiSU, WssldnBtOn, D, C; Col
onel James M. wetbarin, Potts
viiie. Colonel p n. Carpenter, Conusant
vlliei Colonel li Watson Howe, Chambers-
burg: Colonel W, H, Armstrong, Hasten;
Colonel M. s Cuny, Heaver; Major Robert
w. Patten, Lewistownt Colonel F. u.
Bpeakman, Coatesvillei Colonel P. w. Col
lier, Clarion; Colonel John Wistiir, Dun
oanuon; Colonel B L Hawkins, washing
ion. Pa.: Colonel William Bell, Patterson;
Major J. B. Maltland, nil Cityj Coktae
Bamoel w. Wilson, Williamsport; Captain
Austin Cnrtin, Boland, center oountv;
A M. I .aport. Tyrone; Colonel P. F; Lynch,
Wllkes-Barre; Captain William T. Reed,
Ashley, Luserne county; Major 11. A.
SbeOton, PottStOWn; Ambrose H. Sharp-
lass, Casawlssa; Hen. William II. Bowden,
Allentown; captain Robert Adams ai
bott, Bstblebemi Dallas Dillinger, Allen
town; Colonel George W. 7. Black, Wash
ington, I). c.
Only Four Men Can Luber nt a Tim at
the Gevlerd Miii.
WiLKES-BaRRE, March 1 The work
of reaching th entombed miners is
progressing very slowly at the Gaylord
mines, Only four men can work at a
time removing the debris.
From the present outlook there is no
telling when the bodies will be recov
ered. 4)
WARM Washington. Mnrch 1. fore
cast Of PWday : for eastern
1 ftaasyivsiMta, ftrtr, riighUy
utaHner: tMHabis urlnda fur
Nfesfsm BraHsvivanfa, m'r, sovth or
soNtAwsst Mtlnds,
r i
Giving additional spaca
and special attention to thi3
department for one week
we olfor handsomely mado
GARMENTS at prices sel
dom met with. These
goods are of superior qual
ity and at prices usually
asked for medium grade.
Tho Embroideries used
in Trimming, the Muslin,
the Sowing, all have been
carefully examined, and
nothing unworthy is of
fered. During this time wa
sell the "Queen" Night
Gown, Tucked Yoke Val
encienes Lac 9 Collar and
Cuffs at 98c, regular price,
810 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Maltese Cross
CTIA's A. SCHIEREN ft ro'3
And Oak-tanned leather BelUiig.
H. A. Kingsbury
818 Sprao-e St., StoIob, Pa.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Reliable Footwear.
' ML
Feet of svsry description fitted at
Lewis, Reilly & Davie?.
Will oloit 6 Tory ovtMiiiiif nt P.M.
XOOpi Sjttunlay.
We Examine Eyes
Fi w of ohftrge. If a doctor ii
needed you ;in promptly told
so. We also guarautee a lve:1
foot lit.
AT COST for ono weak only.