THE SCR ANTON TRTBTJNE TIT LIT? SD A Y MOTlNlNO. MARCTI 1. 1894. RHEUMATIC SciatiOj sharp and aliooting pains, strains and weak nesses relieved in one in n i ute by the CtrocuiA Amr Pain IYamkk. It instantly relieves weak, painful kid neys, back aclic, uterine i a i n s and weaknesses, OQaght, colds anil chest .pains. It PMMMttnt ner ' vous forces, and hence cures nervous pains and muscular weakness w hen all others fail. Price, c. : five, $1.00. At dfUgglstS or by Dul. PoTTM DatS) and Chum. Coar., llo.stuit. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT HAVE Now Open Tbeir direct Importation of SILKS SPKING WOOLEN DRESS FABRICS LYONS SILK GRENADINES NOVELTIES IN FRENCH CHALLIES AND SATEENS, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. OVR STOCK IS NOW Exceedingly Handsome And Embraces the choicest goods for early spring and sumnur. THE NEWS OF NEARB I TOWNS rrutnr town oorretpoaaents or Tun Turn I'nk should hIjii thuir n lines in full U null news letter, sol tar psbuwtloo out to guard mount douuiitiou.l ARC M 041 D NEWS NOTES. A Weekly Paper Piomlifd Exoltlng Accident nt the D mut II . Station. 8p$okU to the flbronfon IWbana AHCHBaLD, Pa., Fob. 88. Improve ments are in progress on tha Carroll luil(liii) ou Center street. When the itiiproTemonts nro completed it will be occupied by J, Nauntmi as a cii;ar maouttotory and oontootionary store. Archbald is a town of 4,500 people with bandionn ahnrohN, electric liuiit. a good public lobool eystsu, two patMngtr and OHO street railway coiu mnnloatlni with other towns, mid it oujjlit to bo able to support a weekly oswspaper. So thinks Editor il.miil, of tho Carbondale Berald, who was in town j est, rdu looking I ho tnattor up If tht project tnetts with encourage ment Mr. U.mld will at one uiake ar rangements to supply ths public witu a Weekly shoot thai will contain all tho startling news of this lively borough. h"V. It. N Shaw, of VoorhtttvlTlt, X V., will preach in Iht Presbyterian obnrob on Bundaj morning and ovon- iuc;. Patrick Sweeney otlltd on Garbon dale Criendt yesterday, At the looal itietttnte to be hold at Mayfleld, ktaroli 8, s ma of tho Arch bald teachers will take a prominent urt. ProftttOt White will read a paper ou ''Arithmetic," Professor Datis will talk on "Across the Continent," ati.l Miss Alice Sweeny will doltve.' a recitation Martin Mahaly, of the Bait Side, is serious) ill. Miss Kate McHsls h 11 returnod from a pleassnt visit with Pittaton frltndt. P, A. liuiiiu. fa tries Hergau Him I Thomas Hanopby, of Jermyn, osllsd I frltndt In town last Tuesday. Last Tuesday evening a peculiar ac cident happened to the loooUOUVt at i t relied the Delaware and llulsou train that arrives here at ." 10, As tho train as Bearing tho Delaware and Hudson station oue of tho b dts hurst and the locomotirt tpptartd at i( it was in a mass of dim.'. The engineer stopp-d a ih rt dittanot from the station and piiHed the tire, and with the assistance of tbt locomotive that happtntd to be Dear, the tram was taueu to Carbon dale. Wbiie tho oxuiletutut was at its ueuht a team belonging to Martiu Cavrltr took advantage of tut situa tion, dashed down Hill street ou a run away and ran into a lamp post oppo site tho Catbolio church. The wagon wss somewhat datutged and out of the horses wss slightly injurs! MIRRORED I N M00SIC. Parch asert of SUkl aal Drass Fab rics wiil securs jreat a Iranians ia vis iting onr s'.ore at this time. Experience of previous years dera ccetrates that the choicest and most desirable fabrics arj alwayt sold early and not duplicated. The only way to appreciit-? them if to set them for yourself. 0 tr descrip tion nay be all very fine aal very ex plicit, bnt there is nothing at sitisfac tory as a look with your owa eyes And no mors convincinj argumsnt that we havs the flast (jools.the new est goods, the most s'.yiUo, goods of ev ery descrip'ton, than the fact that an inspection of oar stock always leads to a purchase. FRCM FAIR AVOCJ. An Ecttrtaiainat Balz-t of L v Local Newi Intelllsvn'ly Prsper.d. Special to fa.: .Scranton Tribune. Avoca. Pa. Feb 38 .Misses Lizzie Wyli and K::t7 Minz, of Carbondaln, are the guests of Mitt Msme IfoCrnd die. A. P. C'nrran, of Scranton, spent Sunday with bit partntl on Grove atr"t. M'-'srs. T F. ntnimmOM.J. Dorn, D Burnt, W. J Laelehole, Jo Craeiton and M Wlialan were among the vititort to tht county teat yssUr; day. Iiv. T. F Kiirnan, of Partoas. pre sided at the Lsnten services at til Mary's chnr'th last evening. ltUSJtl Agnes and QaMVitVt GHUm pie, of Pitttton, were visitors here on Hnnday. W. L. SebUftr, of Syracuse, N Y., Is in town visiting his family. Rev. Father Ionlan, 'it Donmcre, wa a visitor here Monday. Mrs Kate Lewis and family, of Brad ford, Pa., is visiting hnr sister, Mrs J B, Anderson. Will McLaughlin, of Hbaiaokin, made a bnirist trip BSTS Uoadtf. KitMt B. O'Brien and Fannie Wb ber attended a fnnsral in Wilkes Brr yesterday. The skating on tht old reservoir has been real good during the past week and wa enjoyed by onr young people Mr. hnd Mrs. Bfank Flock, of West f'ittston, are thn gir-sts of Mrs M. A loc.k. Lrugeists Uenniman and Manners Save both had a very nat lettering psinted on their store windows. Misses Anna Mxntahella and Anna Krantz, of PlttS ton, were visitors here on Sonday. The Women's Christian Temperance union intend holding an entertainment in the near future, L. B. Williams, of this place, was lately chosen president of the Thistle band at 1'lttston K-v. (J. T. Priee was in Kington yes terday attending a r .men conlerenco. - OVER AT WAYNE. An EnterUlnlnir Writer's Word Pic turos of tho Maple Cltv. fffic4at to thn Scrttnton Trthun. IIonkhdale, Pa., Feb. 28, - Hon. Henry It Seeley will deliver ths last in the series of lectures at the Itaptlst chnreb tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Judge Seeley should be greeted by a large bouse, Mr. and Mn. Audrow Thompson, Miss Jessit Grant, Miss Daisy Holmtt and Miss Clara Torroy, left yesterday for a trip to Nisgara Falls. ?TJi An oil painting of the lafe Giles Greene, father of Homer Gnetie, is on exhibition in the window of Jadwiti & Spencer's pharmacy. It was txeuuted by Miss Clara Keen and is a work of art. Cork for QlOtrr Utt Dr. Thomas' Fclectric Oil according to directions. It - the best remedy for all sudden attacks cf colds, paiu and iullaumittiou, and in A Live Rspjrtar's Buijot cf Eatsrtain ing News Sprtial to the Sc-mafoa IWoaat, IfOOSIO, Pa.. Feb. 88 Charles Wil lard, the tntlkra in, has purchased a span of bay horses. Maule. the oldest daughter of John Davis, of Brook street, is Very tick. Mrs. John Metz is under the doctor's csre. Tht Women's Christian Temperance union will hold their hnsinesa meeting in the church this afternoon. Tmsdiy eveni:ig;.Mr. au 1 Mrs. C. C. Howtll celebrated the ttuth anniver sary of their marriage at their pleataut home in Avoca. Th? following guests fr'ra out of town were ia attjndance; Mr and Mrs. Reese, of Wilkes-Bsrre ; Mr. and Mrs. D. Hss. of Welt Pitta ton: Mr. and Mrs Jabez Lee; Mrs. Thomas Turner, of South Eaton; Mr. and Mr? Howell and Blalf Howell, of Centermorelan J ; Mr. and Mrs, John Hailstone and daughter, Tina; Mrs 8, W. Bonse and daughter, Miss Min nie, of Moosic; and a numner from Avoca. Avery ploisant evening spnt by all. The presents were prttty and asuiu., Soma of the youn? people attended a party in Avooa, lues iy evening, at the homo of Mr. D. C. Morton. The Woman's Forei.-n Missionary society will mest ia tha church Friday afternoon. Mrs. Btoll, of Harvey's Like, is vis it! g relatives in town. Miss F.mtna Motttlltr has rtturnd hi. me a'tor spending a few days with friends in Moscow. Lake Clark took a trip to Marietta ai. ! pnrenate 1 i h-rse for Mr. Gillie -a daughter of Storm King, with a rec ord of ' 13. - -A Million Frlnd A li"end in neor in a- friend Indeed, and not ls than 'one million pcopV have found j'lst such a friend In lr King's New Ijiscovery fur Consumption, UougM and f oi ls, If yon have never uttd this Great Congh Medicine, one trial will convince -, . ; t.Niit 0 Ioih w.0.h-rf:il i urativn powers In ail iiisnases of Throat, ' host, and Lungs, F.orh brittle in gnaraOtted to do all tliat, is ..laimed or money will he refunded. Trial bottleafrn at Mathews fires', drng store. Large bot'.l.-s ."oc. anil I t ' PARTY AT PRiC. 3URG. JSi and v. . Innac Pivii Are A ablv ...I". I b v Ro-antoalans flpetffli to the ftciantmi Tribune. PklOKBUBO, Pi Fob. 88, On Mon day evening a sleigh loid of Scranton ladita agreeably sorprissd Mrs. Isaac Davison Hilstead street, Mrs. Davis w is tqutl to the occasion and a bountiful repast was serveil to which sll did jostle;. The remainder of the fiveniii:: was apoit in singing arid playing of games until nearly mid night when thov depu te I after thank ing Mr. and Mrs. Davis for their kind attentions The following is a partial Hat of those present: Mrs John .1. LtWll,Mrt Blohsrd T. Roberts, Mrs Haul Jones, Mrs Reeso Mad io.ika, Mrs Kran Jen kins, Mrs. Divio Williams, Mrs John Holland, Mrs. EUtat Bryant, Mrs Mir garot Williams, Mrs. i: . Me' 'all, Mrs. William J. TbotDSt, Mrs, Lucy Campbell, Misa May Btf Wart, Miss Liz ItBniiani, Mies Lizzie Williams, Mrs. H. B. Souse and Mrs W W. William i. Dyapr.p. la, and Indlgsatlnn III their worst forms at" CUrtd by the use of P, Pi P. if yon are atbllliatta and run down, or If von need a tnnie to regain flesh and lost iippetite, strength mid TlgOrj take P, P, P., and you Will l strong and healthy, tor shattered OOnttltUtlODI and lost manhood P. P, r, (l'rlckly Ash, Poltt Hoot and Petnseluinl is the king of nil medicines. 1'. P, I', is the greatest blood purifier in tho world. For sulo by all druggisle. o FROM MONTROSE. Intortttlnr Notsa of N-wi from a Cool County Capital Special to the Scranton Tribune. MoNTRfMB, Pa , Fab. 23 At an of ficial meeting of the Metnodist Episoo pal church held on Tussday ovouiug, a committee wss appointed to gat pledges lor the purpose of building a new par sonage, W. A. Titsworth, dtputy prothono- tory, has purchased tho Bard property, on Church street, which means that great improvements will taks place there the coming spring. Hugh MoCollum has received the appointment of deputy revenue collec tor in place of F. C. Fordham. Hugh is a young man who will make a good collector, and those Who have business with him will find him a pleasant gen tleman to meet. E ('. Pordham, tx-deputy revenue collector, will hereafter devote his tune to his increasing business. . FOREST CITY CHIPS. Local and PtMO&al Nawa Dlahad Up In mi App it.islntr Muniiar. ftprcial to tk ekvoHfoa TWoMst, Porxst City, Pa.. Fob. 88. Cantata. "Rtbtooa," March 17, at Davis' Optra house. TBiTltlBDNI is steadily gaining fa vor in Forest City. Mias Alice Gregory, who hats been ill the past few days, resumed ber posi tion in tohool today. John Coiuuy iuteudt opening a mer chant tailor shop in a few days in W. J, Maxey'a block Bd t'orey, of LTuiondale, spent yes ttrday looking attar his buaiuess Inter sais in tins thriving borough. The Fpworth League of the Forest City Uetnodltt Bpitoopal ohurob held a very Inttrtltlng session last evening before a largo audience, ICev. J. C. Bogan gave an extemporaneous speech, tbetnbj ot being, ''The Pnlptt and the Stag." A number of others spoke upon the subject, and go id arguments were made both for and against tho In fluences of the stage. The league lu ted is to liavo an interesting satMiou next Tuesday evening, to which u cor dial Welcome is exlalided to all. Superintendent W. A. May, of Scran ton, made the Hillside collieries in this place an official visit today. Mrs. Benjamin Maxey spent today with Carboadala friends, A wadding was celebrated the Intttr part of last week at St. Agues church, Rov. J. J. o Honor performing the ceremony which united William Evans and Mies Buttle Goodrich in ths bonds of matrimony. Mist Anna May Fox wss bridesmaid, while John Cotter served as best man. A gams ot checkers will lie played Monday night at the Olympic club rooms between Clarence Lewis, of Thompson, obampion checker player of Susquehanna county, an l J un Oar micuael, of Scranton, champion ottccker player of Lackawanna county. .lames Dillon, a resident of this place, and well known as a clover b iXtT, died at his home ou lower M tin street last night after an Illness of live days of pntumonia, Ho leaves a widow and lamily, The following were registered at the Forest House yesterday I F. H. Urea Ion, Pittaton; D. E. Neil 1, Scranton; J. E. MoMiobael, Philadelphia; J. J. Mag bran, Scranton; s. Jacobus, New York: C. E lionnett, Binghamton, N. Y. : S. S. Seamuns, Scranton, and others. Mrs. Charles Howtlls, of Gibson, it the guest of Mrs. X. Brundage, 1 TOLO AT TEYLDR. An Rpltomiasd Btoord of Paaalne Evsuts cf Local Intaraat. Si mal to the BcmiitoH Tribune. TAYLOR, Pa., Fob. 28 George Hag ndoru was in town today. The Piesbyteiian church htdd a re ception Tuesday night at Archie Boyd's, in honor of their pastor, Rev. Mr. Mitchell, who has severed his charge hero. John Bray, of West Pittston, was among today's callers in tht borough. Reports havo gotten in circulation that th" supreme court lias knocked out the borough. Th supreme court has bas not yet handed down its decision, although it was nrguad one week ago today. Miss F. lith Sweot. of Peckville, is the guest of her cousin, Carrio N'y hardt. Ex-Miyor John Follows, of Scran ton, was a visitor hero on Tuesday. Mrs. Jon s, mother of Dave Jones, leader of the Methodist Episcopal church seriously ill with pneu monia at her homo ou Ridge street. 1 lie BepnbHoan candidates don't feel the least disturbed about the report to at the Cltlaen's recent candidates will rout -st tho olection. Thursday night the Ivorito lodge will celebrate St. Davids Day with an entertainment and flitppir at Weber's rink. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache El-ctrie Hitlers has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick beadaohes yield to its influence. We urg- nil who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give tins rem. dy a fair trial. In rases of habitual oonstlpatlon Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tone t" the bowels, snd Few rases Ioiik resjs' Hie us., of Ibis medicine, Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at .Matthews Urof, drug store. JERMYN AN 0 THEREABOUTS. A Ruaum" of thi Current Hsppsningt, I'rnpar-d wi h Cars Swciril to the Srranltm 'Tribune, M. L. M.ller, of Moontdale; A F. ( jisse, of Bootti and George M. Patter son, of Oaroondale, were wslooms visi tore here yesterday The William McKinley II publican olttb are flxlng up tbelr rooms in the Old Fallows' building, Tbe COUtlSll held their laat msnting Tuesday evening, and after transacting routine business 'j turned, I ho new council will meet and organize next Monday evening They stand five Ra poblloans and four Deraoornta With J. F Nicholson at burg-a, th" ll -pub I ii an a have a working majority. It is said I hat. John Grant is a candi date for ileik and William Tennis wishes to be treasurer. As Ihcao offloSI pay ipiltn well, no doubt othera will be in the Held before election Mrs. Harriet Russol, while leaving Ilia residence of William Toman, Thirl street, yesterday afternoon, fall and ss rtrtly Injured herself, u is (eared that n number Of her riln are broken. s. w. Cook is in Philadelphia under medical treatment at tbe llaluiemau hospital. POINTS FROM PECKVILLE. i'nraonal and Olhor I'arairi npba I'laaa antlv Written ftt Live Headers. Stu-i iuf to the SOfOnfON Tribune. PlOKVlLLt, Pa., Feb. 88 Mrs. W. W. Brando W, of Scranton, spoit yes terday with Mrs I'r.'kering, of Hickory street. The Ladies' Aid society of the Msth odist Episcopal church cleared fill. 71 at their public dinner yesterday. The funeral service of Miss Bognrt will be bold this afternoon at II o'clock, at the Methodist Episcopal chnrob of this place, ou Iticted by her pattor, Rev. F. P. Doty. Interment will be made in Prospect cemetery. Mrs. Charles Miller, of Park place, called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. While, yesterday. Blakelv Council No 880, Junior Or der of United American Mechanics, will hold a basket toclal in Ltdyard hall Friday evening, March 8. THE CARBONDALE MIDWAY. Sltfhts and Scenea In tho Pioneer City Qraphloally Daaoribsd. Caucondai.k. Pa.. Fob. 28. Shortly before 1 o'clock this morning the alarm sounded for a fire, which proved to bo in the old i risbie breaker, now leased and operated by Ira J. Moagley, of l.ingbamtiiu. Sooa the whole struc ture, which consisted of the old breaker and a now addition, which was recent ly built, was enveloped in uncoutrolla bio 11 uues. The lire companies were at the Hcuiie, but could do no good, the lire being out of tho water district. Tbe breaker wuh cotniilelelv destroyed oaus- lug haavy damage to Mr. Moagley, who says is partly covered with insurance I he lira will throw 112 hands out of employment A special mooting!)! the Lackawanna club will tie held tomorrow ( Thursday) evening ut 'J o'clock for the purpose ot considering tha ndvisability of giving an afternoon, tea ou Monday. March D, James M Stewart and Minor Hump ated loft thia morning for Philadelphia, where they will bo in attendance at the department encampment of the Grand i my of the lUptihlio John ( 'iiuuingh am, of Forest Oity. was among ths visitors in this plaos to lay. Emmons L. Peck arrives in this city today from Elk Grove, Pa,, and will inak a visit with his parents, Mr and Mrs K M. Peck. of Washington atreal On Friday evening will bo hold a cottage prayer meeting at the homo of .Mr. and Mrs Walter Varcoe on Arcb tiald street, under tho auspioet of the Baptist Christian Endeavor society. Miss ituth iPblllipi, of Busquebauua, is visiting irlon Is in town. The funeral of Annie, the 2-yeur old laughter of Mr and Mis James Dry Ion, of Oak avenue, occurred-this after noon. I ni : m. or. was madu in Maplo wood cemetery. Una evening's special mooting in the Young Men's Christian association hall was conducted bv Rev. T. 0, Jep- ton, pastor of thn llsptlel tabernacle Ho look to his theme " I he Ark. II. R Hall pleased tho audience by ren dering a baas solo in his usual talnuted manner. An effort ia being made by the association to secure tbe aervices of Rev. R. J. Cain, of Pittaton, to come hero and conduct siveial of the special meetings. A very iniot wadding took place in this city last evening and the ceremony was performed at the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev, Charles L;ein the pretence of a few friends. The con tracking partiss were Miss Kate H. UurliirHt and Egbert A, Treat, both residents of Carboiidals. Mr. and Mrs. Treat have taken up their residence temporarily at Munu's boarding hous.e ou Linuulu avouue. e DEATH OF MRS. ROSE. An EnlrnabU Lady I'aases Iuto Rant a'. Port Jervlf. Special to the Scranton Tribune. HOHESDAU,Feb. 28 --Superintendent L. G. Rose receive l word today thst bis mother had died at hor home in Port Jervis at uoon. Mrs. Lovina C Hoao was 88 years oi l last Septetaber, and ia survived by four children- Wil Hum R. Rose, Pbillipsport; Lymau O. Rose, Honeadale; Charles C. Rose. Scranton, and Miss A. E Rise, Port Jervis. Superintendent L O. Rose and his brotiier, C. C. R"e. of Scranton, left here for 1'ort Jervis this afternoon. DOINGS At OURYEA. Christian End"avor Social Personal and Othr Britf Notaa fiptefoj ft fas Scranton Tribune. DCRYBA, Pa , Fab. 28 Miss Grace Marcy is able to bo around again after it brief illness, Rev. Jamas Mitchell left today for Washington, I). C The Christian Bodtavor society of the Presbyterian chapel gave a sjcial Monday oveniug in behalf of their re tiring president, the Rev Mitchell. Tbe Order of Sjns of Temperance celebrated their socond atiuiversaiy Monday evening. Colondl r.unk K'a Story. Walhlnglon Poit, "Major Winteratnith rushed Into.General Hanson' room one day in a slate of gi eat mental disturbance," i-aid Oolouel Kiigoro, of Texas. "General," be exclaimed, "a man nut here In be hall stepped in. just now nnd took me lor you." "He did P said Hanson, "1 11 go out and kill blm." "Oh, don't trouble yourself about Hint." replied the major, "I've killed him al-rradv." Beecham's pills are foi biliousness, bilious hWdache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, (natcd tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, w hen caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c, At drugsti rcs, r write B.F, Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Lost Manfeood:-';-; atrophy, ale., asrali eared bi IMvAPOttha eVi "l M hill., 1, it. I,.,-,, v . wit ii inalMitaeeaeMuieara, Bold bi m .in ia 1 1 1 , - a, miiiiihi, . SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. Savl soured Ibe BROBINU PORQR ol wiin in Blums A Son f..r a psrnuthentousl itaed, 1 simii rendnet BilsntlBc mm I'atbologloal Hbootna for tbe Prevention, Re hitf mut 1 luie of Liunentss and other imp.-di uitnttln ttie movements of Horses Incidental or dno to Imperfect shoeing I stmlt give lbs stork my personal atteotl n and guarantee no eatracuarge. except forlmmovement. Lams nees, etc. , will betreated afternoons, a free OUnlQ and professloiia advlcs slvi-n every Monday from 1 to. v m. JOHN HAMLIN, D. Y, S, Mr. V. Storting iliuel Winters town. Pa, Nerves and Blood Stronthenod and PurifioJ by Hood's Sarsuparilla Ecrofula Humor and Distress In tho Stomach Cured. The following testimonial eomesfrea Mr. D, Sterling HlUel ol Wlnterstown, Pa., who eon duets a prluting offlcs ani eolleettng agency and It tat jronhgttt Juttlee of the peace in the male: "('. L Hood A Co., Lowtll, Mass.i " Hood's Barsaparllla is a wonderful health, restorer, nerve strengthener snd Mood puriOsr. Vor the last four or live years I havo been trout, led win, humor and scrofula In the blood, breaking mil all over my body, which caused llehlui! ami kept me limn ie,t at niuht, 1 was also, at the aiui! tune, troubled ullh a Sour Stomach, which was anything but pleasant. I could not even take a IWallOW of watSf but what I lllf. feted from distress ami acidity, I did not enjoy u good meal uutll alter i commenced to use Hood's baruparllla, I could see the good tt Hood's5?"" Cures feotl alter the first few doses. I continued to nil- tbt medicine until now i have taken Hve bottles ami feel eutirel) oured." D, Htkhlinu MlTZBL, Justice Of 1'eaee, WlnttrttOWU, l a. Hood's Pills aol es lly, yet promptly and efficiently, on tbe liver and towels. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in thh country who tun e splendid ability, but thoy have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Ifus been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of Inactivity and want to do something taugiblo, (Hue to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COURSE. BUSINESS COURSE SHORTHAND COURSE n ,AAn n . . F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. Ni:V TEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. MOHAIR - SM BDKS Imported by Us direct from Saxony, Germany. Sole Agents for Scranton. A Beautiful Carpet Sizs Rug, made from Best Mohair on Hand-Loom, soft but tough Mohair Yarn, double tied into the back of the texture, thus making its durability everlasting, the more so as Mohair remains completely inacces sible to moths or dust. The silk finish of the "Mohair -Sultan" perfectly beats the genuine Oriental Mohair Carpets and ths cost is but One Half. We carry also a full line of Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And his ssepsitted stall of English and cor man i ajrafslanaart now tiriuuoutiy located Temple Court Buildin SI I SPRUCE ST. SCRANTON Vnero thoy may i consulted DAILY axd BI NDAY. The Doctor In n gra.luatu ot thn rnlrnrsitT er PMnsjrlvaais, formerly d. montrator of gayjuolojry sud snroery at tho lledloo chlr-nu-lcal College, of Philadel.liia. Ho U alM an honorary member of tim Medic,, chirur (ileal Association, and was physician and surgeon lnble( of the most n,.te".i American and Oerman hospitals, comes highly Indorsed ny tat leading professors of Phlladolphla sal New York. His many years of hnsrtital experienoe en bles thli eminent phyaleian Kiel nurgeon to crirrectly diagnose end tint all defomlt i Slid dlncnr os with tho most Haltering success, and his high standing in the state will not nil W him to nec-iit any insurable ca LOH1 MANIlWUII lll.linu It WKAKNKSS OP Vol Mi MKfi CURBD It you hats seen siren np ey your i.hysl flan cull upon the dis tor and ho examined. He cures th,. woi -d caseof N'. ryous Det illty, Ben tula, old Borst I ainrrh. IMlee. eml Weskneea Affections of the Ear, Eire, N.we snd Throat. Asthma. Ieafnes. Tumors, i 'aa reis and Crl inles of every description. Ooo nltatlon in Knklish and ilormaii Kroe. which shall be considered eacred and strictly coufl denttaL ones Heursi OA. M, to ' P.M. Daily. Sunday, it a.m. to s i m. Tl IB TRADERS National Bank of Scranlm ORG AM I ZED Utt CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, BAIfUEli niNEfl.lPreildenl, V. V V A I SON, Vice I'residnnt A II. WILLIAMS, I ashicr ninacTons, PAMi-ri, ttiNna, a tMM M rvrnnsnT. Ihvimi A. PtMon, PlBRuaB, Kim kv, JoSl.fll J .llllMIN, M s. Krmkiikii.. ciias, P. MAttaawa, Jons r Pohtbu. W. W. Watson PROMPT, tNhRGETlC, CONSbRVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites (he patronage of business men and III US gen. -rally. READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. Third National Bank of Scrantoni Organized istj. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, - $240,000 Tills liaek offers to depositors 1 . i',i.. warranted by thtlt balances, bush e ss ami responsibility. Special alt, tit ten given to business ac- oounts, Interest paid on time deposits. nriaXIAU CONNKLt, President OKO, 11. ( ATI. in, vice-President Willi AM M PK K, (ashler. DIRECTORS. William eiiin il, Oeorste 11. Oatlln, Alfii Hand, Jnmet Arrhhuld, Hear II. I10. Jr., Milium T. smith, Luther Keller. Axminster Rug In Variou3 Sizes at the prices of Smyrna Rugs. Real Daghestan Rugs, $9 Each, Bokhara, Anatolian, Bahudurr and Kazae Oriental Rugs. KERR & SIEBECKER CARPET AND CURTAIN DEALER. 406 and 7i()S Lacka Ave. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A M A PPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would be to neglect the best opportunity yet offered. The ad dition of tbe "Wanamaker" series makes it more alua ble. Bead new announcement on page 7. likaijL?' I evUiSerjQl SPECIAL An Elegant African Fibre and Cotton Mattress for $4.15 WORTH $7. See our Show Window, OUR SPRING LINE OF fiitii id mm Have arrived. Also Baby Carriages, Crockery, Etc. Bedroom Suits, with Large Mirrors, &15-50.
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