THE FCRANTON TTtlKUNK-TlIUllSDAY MORNING. MARCH 1, 1894. DRESSING THE HAIE, PREVAILING STYLES FROM WHICH TO SELECT A BECOMING MODS. J'.uiign ii Thing r tiic PmI - soft Waved l.umlntui and ClOM Fringe! An Pop ular -Tli r.inplrc style - Whin l.ntttiulf For Selecthin. Numbered with noticeable changes in f.isliiou is tluit which iilTivtM the (buss ing of the hair. The bans that has out lived bo many nations la al length n thitg of tlui past The f lahion of wear ing the hair falling over the forehead has now bwn in existence for nearly SO years, nml d nring that period great changes in the uppuirazu'ti of the fringe have taken nliuv. so imnh bo that tlu original idea of simply placing a f'w oft Lutirs carelessly over the forehead In order to (4vi great r softness to the face has been disregarded altogether, Tho frint has been gradually giving plaoe to softly waved Wi:idtiux, uudthe bandeaux ;uv frtvping gradually lower down, until the return stvms Imminent to the pnffed and wared bandeau of forty odd years ago. To young and delicate faoi-s the stylo litis an agreeable pinuaiu'v and palntniias. but to women oast tliir first youth or with strong, course fen tnres the bau; has a softening affect much to lt desired. Another stylo now gaining favor, and one beooming to round tsoes with low foreheads, is that of turning the hair back from the forehead loosely In a twist that is lost in the coils and ill A SENSIBLE OFFER. How it UlMOUrl I'ilrintT Pvopotei In Ke 'Urr thiiiil IIumiIh. Hon. John Walker, of Howard coun ty. Mo., ventilates a plan which has the merit of originality and probable feaalbility also. Mr, Walker saysi "I will give si per acre on every aore of land 1 own toward the building of a gravel road from Boohcport to Jaokann'a mill. My farm oonalsts'of (60 aeres henee 1 will take stock in said road to tlu amount of M.'". 1 will also give the sama amount for a gravol road from Itoohoport to Ashland church or (rotn the church to Fayette. "if we could gal the farmees onco in terested in such an enterprlsoi it would K bnt a few yean until weoonld have the best roads in tho west The build ing of these roads can bo aoooupllshed with lev. cost iii the long run than the present system of road working is now ooatlng the farmer, It most also bo remembered that each individual who payi In as much us 'loo becomes a DYSPEPSIA DYSPEPSIA CUBES DYSPEPSIA Promotes Digestion Harlan ssfhred Man iy nm$U for tbrM n, i ii" elded to trj BuMHXK BuxW) I'ii ri hs "nil eftor ejeas use i .til 1 1. .unit nrssUMi muck better thai 1 irsi saooarnmd t.'ii " mi. Hut; SfSW ' .1. S tills I II RVflMf M fullv rtfl 1 1.11 .i 1 .1.' 11. .1 mh r 1. or mull. ni". rewnig trulv mtstal 1.. n 11 II Mus Wiur. Tsbnrg.l Maids lb . H I, - ' i 1 11 1 1 THE Upholstery Department C! rs 7 A ' Ai-'vl' v. iL tS fA AU. I - . 1 mm Mm .t . OR William : Sissenberger Opposite Nuptial Church, Poim Ave line, Is replete with lino and ! medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Uockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will bo as good as new. k -3U& , mf 1 f : a n'f ..! a:t TTiTTn rurnrr style. mCs amaged in tho middle of the fon bead. In this style of coiffure the front hair is parted on either siJ? and twisted ; in the old fashioned way into two r. Us. Close fria'.-ea slightly pointed in tl;o centt r are becoming to many faces and are cocseqticntly wcrr. When the shat ' of the face adxnil of it. close fringes with a center parting are ad pted as newer and therefore affording a mere complete chango from the old styles. Parisians ar". soxe of them, dressing the hair in a clatssoal ftyle th-it really belongs to the period of the empire, but aTT:"s well with the 1880 jpwns. Other Parisians cr wjarir. the hair v ry mnch waved and pnffed oat at the aidt 5v:r tae ears. TTith the MTWg 9WOt of the hair at the back m-ricli latitude is iv?n, but one should be careful about changing tho j position of tho coils or braids, as the shape of tho head is altered materially by the dressing of th i hair, and symme try in shape should be studied equally with a becoming arrangement lor the. fare. The soft coils on the top of the Lead are becoming to many faces that A BO AO ttia CHICAOO, Drivias ou such ahijttiv.ay askeslllc irortil,- 1 stockholder in the road. In fact, stoclt can ho issued at W0 a share, and 1 will venture the assertion that thla money will return a larger dividend than in any other way Inveato L" Xlr.s has the right ri:.. It hits the r.ail squarely on the head and shows that Mr. Walker knows what he Is talkis? about. Next to railroads, sub stantial and lastin; public highways are worth more to a country, Includ ing both the tanners and the towns men, than any Other aingle investment that could be mule. The press and Citizens of Missouri and Kansas should take this question up and not cease a;ri t.".ting it until the principal tjwns of every county within tho two states ace Atlantic Refining Co. FtOM (Ac A. V. Tribune, Jlfefc t i-i2J. The Flour Awards "CmOAOO, Oct Bl.- Fhe lirsl dfllcial snnonocement of World's Pair di plomas on flout has bunn mada A ntdal him boon uwardiid by the World's I'nlr jtulL'01 to the Mnnr mann faotuted by the Washburn, 'rushy Co., in thu great WuHhlmrn Flour Mill, Hlnneapolla The committee roiiortu the Hour strong and pore, and entitles It to mnk hh lirt-eliihs patent Hour for fniuily and lukera' uau." MEGARGEL & CONNELL A IHll.ll I.I.AI.I.N'l SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL who will aoospt TkbTribunb flodr OOCPON of flour or BO un each barrel ol Hour. WlihlllllKtilll any or uto luiiuwiiit; iin-rciain .. of 'i't on euuh one buudrui jiouud av'iiiu ' tiTintcti V. J'. Prn', (iulil ll,l.l ISl'lIll I. Pnnmors P.P. Prlw OoM Ma Is) Rrsn I PnnrAare F. D Uitoley. HuptrUtlve iinm i. ttydefurk. Canon It PtTlk Wwthbnru f t. Oelil Mr. 1. 1 Brsndi J i-upll A Y.-ar ,,M.,n. uveniiii, Buporlattve Brsua, tirei'H uiiie A L.HpanMr.OwM Uedal Brand, .). T. UolUie, Huperlstiva froi IQouom Fsnner .v ' Ibeppalt M Mum ya mi.'. BttporUtire UrandlU J ullkunla W, Mut ion, i in1.. I Kedil Qrand oiytihhiit JMuei Jordnn, Buperlattvo linmi Pel tvll.o Hit ill - , K Is r Ni.pwrliiUv i. Jermra 0, i. Wlntew a: f : auniraiatiTa Arohbnld sloaoe, J"i rapson .v Ci . (l ild Mmlui. CftrboniUlo B. H CUrk, ii.ii.l Medal Brand, ILiikmUuIj I N l'.,si,ir ,V Co (lull Moll.. Miii.t'ldi M II. Urollo. Taylor Jndfo A Co,i Sold MedSl; Atherton & Co., Buperlstlvia Durynii .Lawrauoa BtofS Co., Qold M.:lal. John MoLTlndlo. Gold M i ntta un M w O'Boyle, OoW 31. dal I'iiu k'H Uih.'ii Praee it Parser, Bqpsrlative. Uiirk1! .-itiiiiint K. M. Vouuir,QoUI Medal iMlton s K, Finn A Bon, Grow MsdsTfiraod. Nl' li I "ii .1. i: lltr.tliiK- wm.ri) m . Btlasjt Hi.u, (iulil MadaL Fantoryvtlle rinuiw. iiunim r, Qold MadaL lli.iil.olton N. M. I'liui it f-oii, Hold M. dill Toiiyhui na Tnbrhanna A Ltnisn Lamba i i o bold Mi, tot Brand ii. .ii ! A. Mann Qoll Medsl Bran d M..-. ..V. HaV. I 'l.on. Iit, I ed.l Mcillll. LkkaArUl ) ... A horino-. liol.l Medal. ForeatCity J. L, Morgan i: Co., Qold Medal Manufacturer! and Daalsis In lllaminatlag anil Lubrlcati Linseed OU, Mapthas and Uar.o liaes of all. grades Ax!o Grease, i inion Grease and Colliery Com. pound ; nlso, a lurje Huu oi Par tafftne Wax Candlaa the Famoui CROW1) only family safety Joined roa Is.-" lasting n tas Citj macadam or Times, rrawi WANT C.COC ROADS. We also handli 1 ACME OIL, tho burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manag Ofliee: Coal Bxetutnge, Wyoming Avj, W ork-i at i'luu tlrook. J J FI yF.w coir. POTN'TED. PABTKD. WTild not lyar the charri outline gives T.? People ef Cenntj, X. Y., Leas'. the riei ssalnii The county ia th- state of New York ilrit to avail itself of the provision of the "ixid-roads" law, which was ligned last April by Gov. Flower, is Oneida. Th'1 rupervisors ..f that coun ty met In I'tica recently and Super visor McCreary Introduced a resolu tion for the adoption of the county system Briefly stated, the provisions of the .'.ate law allowed the supervisors of any county to assume the care and im-pr'.vem-.'nt of any bigbwsys they may (iesi-nate. The cost is taken from cit ies ar.d townships and paiil by the coun ty. One chiefradvantage of the county r- .t.-ra is that it doe. away with the evils of allowing taxpayers to "work cut" tl-.r ir taxes on the road i ariously enongh tho opposition in Oneida county Is nt'.t in the country districts, where tbe bene::, would be ereati- t should the system be adopted, 'ihe i tatimentm theeitlesof Home and Ctiea i-s rr"i iral in its favor. The friends of the movement nee very hopeful of success in securing tbe adoption of the county system It has Wn pointed out that, thi rrrdit of hav insf been the first tj securi (rood roads through county control would be toth" benefit of the people of (;neida in many ways. Aside from the. direct personal pain. fftTid roads Wfuilfl Ixt a strong fac tor in attracting to the plaei dtirine; nmmer mnr.ths cany rialtora who go N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, - M'VOMUta AVtj, SCUAW10 Mercereau fa Connell M LACKAWANNA ,V'.;NLti DIAMOND and Fii'ie Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a Brae, Sterling Silver Novelties. Si 1 In tbe snip of tbe hhf-ars, The bondholder beam The Bound of his juoii ;hanciD Why Dot copy his way, And clip every day Toga something that's quite as entrancing. ce B SB B BTK1NWAT A sni DECKER BROTHEBf KKANUIl tc It ALU BTU1.TZ at UAUKH All Prices and all Sizes. Foote Sc Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER AMI cctsas by the compact little pns at the middle a jrreater distance for fine scenery and of the bark, which i such A charmin? j delifrhtful drires. arrangement for others. Wbert Ibere an f,f hair, the new coil of elonjfsted arran'-ment, coyeting the back of the head almost from the crown to the napi of the neck, will lie fonnd effecthrA simple pioad It XTill Do than Fifty l or rry ViVuX OilllliaSi Very yonnR children are wearing jiic- lunaqus pelisses niade of soft, silk or woolen fabric, falling in fall folds frornft yoke, (boss Cloaks are lined with flnn- '.Inrr Nt.ll'l Vior!; Mrn wilh Mif.vrla. The J armers' Voice advises those who hr re charge of roadmaktng to pnrchaSe the very lest machinery th:i, ; is made for MS purpose. It is the j ebeapest in the end. Bat if any mad 1 authority nrill not do this, the follow 1 inf illustration will nhow how a rond lcel' r ''an l" made: It. will not. be ex- , '; " Ay. '- rr.iJHSK WWfl ' apk. nelette. The biir liufTii of the sleeves end at the SlbOVi and tin' cloHcly shiirMl lower pan ia borclerea st the wrist with Bilk beaver. The tatpk is flAlahad with n ibaped tippet, edgfetj with the beaver. Dull nrtistie shades of color are used for these garments. BQtially pretty are the jielisses made in a fleecy Woolen Okateria known as fancy l!"ecy, nntl buttoned down the front wilh pearl buttons. Many of M6a pelkatt ate pads With 11 cape borderetl with fur. The little hood is in the name motive at tho pcli.w, and also bordered with fur. Tiny muffs of tho eame fur nre provided. Outer cloths, embroideries and thelikc nro being reserved more exclnsively for luncheons than for dinners. OS M IP PHI FIT J 1 n !t:n Ktfk of firtt-nltl ORGANS Ml SUM, MEItC'HANDIAla MUBIC, ETC., KXU KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT PLASTERING SEWER PIPES, FLUh LINlNuS. Offico, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. MT. PJ.KASANT AT III TAIL. foul nr dm lioat (I'tolltv for fliiinontlc BSaaad nf nil i,ns. ilollvor.ifl In ntiy f rt of thu rity Hi ion t-t prlea Ordi ft '"ft it my ' (!l"n. no. iia, wvomiro avrnvr, Rear rona, Int floor, Third Rational MmiIc. or .flit l.- HSU or lolephOlM tO tho BnlHSj Will root Its prom pi At.totitto.-i. 1 . 1 W I itttfaetS will be mndo fur th., nnla mi'i ilullvi rr of Din kwhi'iit C'onl. WM. T. SMITH. pcn'.ivo to malic this, more work In a riven jMluiiiT iiiinv;iy nnd it, Will dO time upon Ihe itlblle highway than flfly men with f hovels, ex'-ep'.insr vhere It is panel ary (0 mako turnpike. Take two planlts Ik! or M hWboa wide nnd " inches thick; saw one end of each.! beveling about, two mehea, L a, so that one edge will be ahorter than the opposite. This is to make tbe top Hare cut when the planks tiro put together. Tin- BOattl Nreili. (.mid l::iln. (iond roac.Mtre Ihe prrsning need of tbe south. In this vicinily nnd SOtlOn they nro very bed, SO remh SO thu. r.oinelimes in ntldwinter 1t ir. ulino'T Impossible to travel, especially with any kind of a loaded Wagon. J. (!. Trice, President Livingston College, f:ali' l.ury, .'. t't .iiniort. "How rlo-s your new (flrl like It with pott?" asked the caller. "She seosns to bo contented." "Hoes she do the work well?" "Koj but she doesn't llnd fault wit It the way 1 do it." Wa bin;rton Star. Trimble In BSNAStSI, "You lOOh depressed, Wintio." "I feel depressed, old man." "What's the matter? Husinoss or love?" "ImsinesH. Alice I)c Million has just rcfui.ed mc.' Lifu. WEAK"MAN m mm tv SI m . 1 FIFTEEN DAY.-i. 1 r 111 1 to any man the Drssarlotlon ol " new um'1 nnaitlve re 1111 dv t.'iilnrreiinnll. end nrUftii t, .. 11. . nre e.ire inr nit wnmiu w in 11ill1l' '11 i.!'l in. .. ftirei i'!l'.e. l.l I. owl Manhoml. icm wioni mi Varleoetl In ISflayitj dlnenM never returns. Coireiponcl mi . private, ah i item wniln pili invnfone. Adilrosn, T. v. BABltBS, Lscfe ttn I'm, Roses Dsaltr, rtinmiutii, miih. mm MbvuH 1 i'"Wf,P(np(vni.mj HI PCJjft under rum It, Iwi"! hy V'$ ' "I M Mrj B r.-.l.e .ril mi. IH'ipayt kok , ill'tolia'nl '"KlS nt:ni:n MitoK 00., b. :Vvu ai.Hi.oon. DKST Bi.r.o HlfOH IN nil WORtn. ".I itttltar ntirrit hit Mfaf rlMM,H 1 h; ttrfMiios'aallij fn mi. hoii.-ui.i km um ton IU:Q1. dfillvcreil fl'" BO Will 1 0 In 'lir U.fl tl.r.rl.l ol ' nli, Millwy lll'lh't, fir PoOUll Itatl for fl.'i.t. lliitttilii evrry wny IBO hootf idI'I Is n'.l rrt.-iil ItorM for ti.m. Vft nuln thtM hoot Minsivsi, ttwofsru we unter liatt tijU SSd IM If r.ij'o:if In DOt MUSflM wo will refund Ihn D000 or M"j.l nnotlirr pnlr. OjK-rii. 1 mi or i omnion srtiw, wlilllui I', D, I', ft KK, iiljH'ii 1 to H r.ti'l I1.1M iiwtr ICIrf fit yon. 1 IlluXr-,' 1 '' t1 t'nia I..i'i.k -j I.'ttn" tteflSa1 0 FRh'.C "13 FESEkAL ST.) m 0, MaVHHMMRaWI frm' aW tt was mm 1 awie 1 nil 1 i ir -- r- -1 1 T P L? Z Z I.j E . . .pok p.- .1 1111 i 11 u en j 1 a. 1 ji sj raaaaTllenTflsntaTTT You Can Do It! Bl SHIPPING AND CLIPPING YOU GET U VALUE FOR TEN CENTS Just to think of the delights of a trip ah ovir cur own country, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico! Being able to do it in easy stages, at TEN OEKTS "a stage," induct ing the services of a guide! Vet, that is just what we do for vcu. AST JUST THINK OF Realistic Pictures from ever part of America, done in NEW process indelible typogravure delineate the journey. The incomparable world-famed traveler and lecturer, PROF. GEO. R, CROVSWtlL, is the guide. Journalistic enterprise Is the conductor of the trip, America "From Alaska (o tbe Galf of Mexico. will be pulillslioil i weekly mTieg of sixteen view. (each vi,w llslSt inch, fully worth $1 50), anil will embruoeth pliysicsl ami aosnie woudew of Our Own Lazid, tho whole idlM hf Prof, Q Ii. CromWftU Baoh series will eacUaeJ iu battaionM ooTtn Th II pllOl, W; nHlnulon. I In nntinoi), Urimloel I ft Hit l Ho nil riqMArti N u o K i n I h!I, tti ii nnr aimmi, i olorW Clii Rlntit Mi . .! 1 hllnlltlilH. I I llnwstmip I nils, IV)rtjiing Bl 1 nl on 'h 1 i,i. I . -iiir;ii Pnrk, Wlntiinlli Auditorium iintri. 1 . . 3 Loitg s,-nit KapiiK m. : irnrr HiTrr. rumple MpiHir. -nit Lk city loiintMln House, 4 rrxitoti Splint, Mnliincton Monument. Itnltlmurr. Rntl SIhm'VuIIr, Mnarn. 1 it v ol Vloiorlo, 11. G THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable 11 sSonvealt ol iii Fair. Quran babx whion von know how shod IN PMZKrl Wiiiii DID imstimim 1 i;d TO niosi; DOING THU VSUSIjH IN THE HHUltTKBT IPAOR or TIM 14 ion RALIt nv ALL NKW8 sroKl'.s, OH BRMT PH10R, "Jf 0MNT8, ominii;h RTATIONKHH ANH AT toy TO ANY A IMMt 1 .' UPON UKCK1PT OF r y COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO, IIS AND ill SOUTH EUTAW BTRVIRT, UALTIMOHK, ih .'II 11 1 1 ' . I It . U a Ir. d lii 'ira hHiiviHi ioli- MOli Itttth 11 1 Wrnh MrHt'" T. trflMOi UrnUi I'nwiT. 11 UMbOi Wtiki'lulnow. lii'i'l MrMthmhl, NWhtty Kntsnt ur, Nyrvnim,RllMrninnnni1 Inanf j onrr liMi(.irrHltfnOrifni)rin(i,llti(,i H'jtciiiniiMfiTnxorpini (on,snUAilerrora) pxrrnivf iMO nf l.'liinvu. "I'li'in or RltiPuUntn, whlrli l iiii l lnUiinltr, t i'ii- i.l.M., , !..w,..,ll.. I', '.f,rrii.lli. . . 1 Ml - 1 1 I. 1 M ' 'jSikJih'' ""tl iT'M'ni. With it Ml oilier oglvr A w rliirM iiiaranlrrln om c -..I'k.uil 11,.. 1. t rii.-M'i frt-r liv nil ill ' I A iU fur It. 11 kP wrUlliMOineanUIIlo.BOOtner. Aiii'M m:hv; ki'.kii winmnic ici.iiiio, t uicauo.Imu For SiUo in Sotanton, PeVaby Bad BANDSR80K, IyttTlrti o Wihlngtod Each Series Lasts bat one Week, See That You Get Them All. IIIIHUIIIHIIIIIIlllllHlliHHIHHIIIHKHillKHfltllHfiinHSHIIIIIIIIIIIiHIHIU 1 AMERICA COUPON NO. S. 1 m Bend or bring two of tbeao coupons, dJfferentl) numborod, s K with Ten Ceuta, and get the oral Berlosof sixteen magnificent s photographs, IHIHHIIIHIIHIHiftHJHHilHISinillHHIHilHilSHIilHiSHHHIIIIHHKHHHlSK HHIHHHHPHHHaHliniPnrifiiHHHIHIHlHIHHHSHini3HHHHHHHHHPj MARCH i This Coupon, with two like It, but of different $ dates, and with Ton Cents in cash, will secure one rS I part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four j parts the one announced before. I I II Auk tU i-r-f.-jrnirjJjT' T''n on 1,7 nr-To, ntirn nnd o. fm' "XT raltablo Kcmcin VJJA MARCH i ever oiTrroil to Luiiim, eurocHBlly rooomir.ond- wi ea io married l-tuiiee. 1 ' UTT'R' Mf.-n'BOTAL VX&W and taho no oil,. -v. pMKMw '? v sont far nironlor. Pru-o ai.00 per box, Races for Ss00i KMFg- ' i-J i. a:otts 'iii;amc-.: '4. - Cltstalanas Oirtea iui auiu byC .11. UABHIa OiukkIiK, IS1 I'oiiii Avonuo. This Comion. with another like it, but of differ- 3 . 11- 1 til. .' ft 1- la mill MAAMWA a cnt uaie, ana wan i ivo uents ju uusn, wm aov,uio I the "Trip Around tho World" portfolio of photo I graphs, a rare and interesting glanco at noted HHIHiHHHHliliHllHlllHiHIIHHHIHIHHiH!iiHS!HHillHllilSI9HliOllliatHlR al
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers