0 TI1E ANTON TRIBUNE -THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 1. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF II PITTSTONS The Son anton TMBOirefl Pittaton de partment li la charje t J. M Pnhy, to whom newi Items mo oomplaloti may bo referred, SQUEFZtO BETWEEN CARS. William Pabus liahavh Va!ly Em plora Fatally I' jard. William Palanea Lehigh Valley rail road car Inspector received i: juries yesterday morning that malted lu his death, Tim accident occurred about 8 o'clock yesterday morning In the vi cinity of Cozton yard Paleus it ap pear boardo l a utornlog train for the purpose o( riding to the yard, lie bad partially succeeded when a car stand ing on another traok oaoght bin The l pace between tho oart wii s am .11 that ho (Ml fairly iqaeeied to death. (V hen the morning train bad passed on some persona who hud wituesiel the occurred harried to the spot and plotted him up. Tho nnfortunate man wa plaoed aboard an engine and taken as tiniokiy poetiblo to iho Pittston hospital, bat hi spirit 11 d a tew minutes after reaching the Institution.! Palsn wai it Biiii(io yoang man and boarded with Pis titter, Mrs Isaac Joins, of West Pittaton. Hit remaint wore taken o Mia inonu of Mrs, Frank Buaiman, 809 York avenue, another sif ter, front which pl ies the funeral will take, place Saturday morulog at 10 o'clock. The body will Irn taken to Ashluy for Interment. FUNERAL OF MR. BANKER. Lt d to Rst with Iinprow.vs Ceremon-i- iu Pittaton CuuitUry. The fnuer.il of C't rl B inker tok place from tho family home on La Grange street at 9 30 o clock yesterday afternoon, Divine services wore eon ducted by Kve. .1 li Sumuer and Dr. McNnlty, The funeral :ortirf was a large one and included Qobonta lodge, Independent Order of Odd FellOWS, ot which he was a member. A quartette composed of Mrs. K, Miller, Mitt Speeo, T. R Stnley aud A Matthews reudored several pretty hymns duritit; the ceremony The pall bearert were the following members of Oohonto lodso: C. H. Fotter. Gh M. I?.tx, T. 'R Lince, Cornelius Evans, John Anderson, L. Goodman. Inter ment was made in Fittstou cemetery. Among the out of town people who were in attendance wore: R-v. O. M. Colville, D. D., and wife, of Blngham ton; Henry Banker, lleorue Banker, George Haine, Mrs Martha 13 inker aud John Beedsr, of Wilkes B.irre. VERMONT'S PRIDE. The Remedy That Makes People Well Paine's Celery Compound. Among Burlington Institutions none of tho col!, ue nuil lins comp tro witu the Medical School. It is tho firs: building shown to strangers, The imildinu where i; many fruitful investigations Uave been c.mijd on celery compound Piistant headaches go, Chronic combination no longer tronblet you, anl thj terrible heart throbbing from wblob SO many tired worn 'u suffer leav, them in p ace. Beoautsof this wonderful dtsoavsry PITTSTON LOCaL 4 ffi 4- m j aV;Vlfc.-f -"-'-hf WSk'-Wm W ,iAal 1 'I' at, ,: '. ;"iV- mm m-s--:- UEDICAL DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY or. VERMONT. Epitcmizid Newti Notes of Interest to Wide-Awak BtadefS Qnrally. The weather of yesterday, while very disagreeable underfoot, wae all that conid be desired overhead. 'The District Fair" will be the at traotion at Music hall this evening. The play it an excellent one and is de tervinu of a good houv J. J Curt, of the Wyoming Valley Home, it in Cforristown trying to have tatistied a claim for 189 20 auintt the "Rube Stacy'' comedy company, which played here last week. Mifi Maria Barrett, wno accom panied her brother. John E. Barrett, to N'ew YorK, haa returned home. Dr. Underwood, of South Main street,' it on the tick list. The Fairmonnt colliery at Cork Line, which it owned by M. W. Amtbury. but which was leased for a number of years and wa9 operated by the Uallory estate and other coal operator, passed into possesion of Mr. Amsbnry on Feb. lSinsl The ininea have been idle for tome months, and there U no prospect at yet of retnmption. Gazstte. The Black Diamond Hook and Lad der company's fair, which has been held for the paat sis daya in Armory hall, cam to a close at 2 o'clock yet terday morning, after n very suocetsful ran. The net receipt! will fool up $1,200 in cash for the six days. The Stevent Coal company h is pro tented the Hookies a check for $23. Seven o'clock is the boor fixed for the opening of the tnpper at the Meth odist churcii this evening, but ono ta ble will be ready at ti o'clock for those who with HUpper at that hour. The fnneral of C. W. Carr will take place from the family home on Wyo ruing ttret this afternoon at 130 o'clock. Rev. T. W. Swan, assisted by Dr. Parke, conducted the aervicet, and the interment will bo in West Pittaton cemetery. An unknown Italian tritd to pats tome counterfeit silver dollars in town yesterday, but wat detected in the act. Toe Downey Misaionary tnciety, of the Broad Street Methodist Episcopal church, will hold a tea at the parsounge on Broad atreat this evening. Ik TOB have made up your mind to bny Hood 'a SursHparilla, do not be persuaded to take any other. Be sure to gut Hood' i-arsaparilla, wbioh possesses peculiar curative power. Hoop's Pili-s rure all liver ills, bilious ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headnche. NICHOLSON NOTES. Paragraph of Interest Qracrfully Pam nad for Hurrlad Raadtra filarial to the Scrnntim Tribnni. Nicholson, Pa., Feb. 23 a branch of the Republic Savings and Loan nt sociation of New York, is being organ iaed by A. B. Clay, secretary of the ficranton board. Lee & Phillips, the Tenntasae fun makers, will give a concert at the opera bouse on Thursday evening, March 1, Mr. and Mrs. B D. Cooper, of Elm hnrtt, are visiting parents in town. Edward Farrer loaded a car of cider this wetk. A. II. Moore loft town this morning on a busmen trip to Jenuingtville, Wyoming county. Criticising a Yuunir Lady. "She would be n pretty girl for but ono thing." 'What's that?" asked Charloy. Heorge Her face is always covered with purple and red blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to b.1 the name way my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time. George What was it? ( barley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's jhe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that ycu could hear hiiu holler clear across the country every time ho moved. He tried it, and yon know what an nthlotie old vent be is now. If aomebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would tnank thuni atter wards. All the drug stores tell It. But It will Not Shrink. FhittKti'luhia Times, Pern. The majority for Grow indicated by the official figures is 180,241. Mr. Grow ia cer tainly justified In considering himself elected and if his majority next time thould shrink a hundred thousand be can still consider himself one of Pennsylva nia's favorite sons. and to much hard work accomplished is a matter "f pride with every trui jinmnate of Vermont University. To th. credit of American loientlstt it is i-uid that the first fruitful investi gations of the Influence of the nerves upon the proper nutrition of the body were made by Prof, Edward E Phelps M. D, LL. D. while active professor in t tie Dartmouth Medical School and lecturer iu the Vermont University dc partmenl These researches have since been cir rled on in Europe; but the result by far tho niott valuable from all these la bors It Prof. Phelps' discovery of the prescription that has come to be known as Paine's clery compound. Now and t' en a discovery like this one ie so greatly in advance of its day that it startles the whole body of con- orvative physicians. N o great remedy ever caused so much talk and inquiry its Paine's celery compound. Scien tific men all over the country and in Europe have analysed aud discussed it, and the mdical world has agreed in recommending it as a truly remarka ble remedy for dii orders originating In im nre blood and impoverished uorve tissue. Paine's celery compound is pro nouued by physicians of ail souoolsto be the most decided stop in the know ledge of diseases of the kidneys, liver, and stomach. Refreshing sleep comes from Paine's of Paine's celery compound, thousands of homes have been made brighter and hosts of sick men and women led from despondency to health and activity. Sunlight has n it cist more brightness into thousands of horn ;s throughout the country than has this greatest re mtdf of the nineteenth century. Ner vous women suffering from pain and depression find relief aftur a few days us of this wonderful remedy, The thousands of testimonials from men and women all through the conu try tell the story most convincingly of tho value of Paine's celery compound as a sure reliaf in the wortt forms of nervous weakness. Paine's celery compound will build up the boby iu strength and healthy tissue. It roba old age of its sleepless ness, depression, and feebleness. Permanent oure in difflonitand ob stinate cases of Bright'sdisease are told by men and women of the blithest standing in their communities. No medicine is so universally used in the homes founded for the aged, feeble the weak and suffering, A list of the public Institutions alone where this great compound is daily nssd would ex tend to great length. A sound body and a sound mind urn sure to follow the persistent taking of Paine's celery compound. Try it and be convinced, at thousands of others are, that it la the greatest remedy in tho world. J Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE PITTSTON, PA. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes daring siilc at less than fost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever shown. Ladies' FolfHftts, thia season's styles lOo. each. Hoys' Winter Wuiata lOo oach. Mnffl 30c. each. Cloaka $ 1 .50 each. HOSIERY, UNDBBWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. B. Thatcher 18 TH BEST. (Jet prices and ten iho furnace and b con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello und GaUSS Door Ranges, CONLAFSEARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. MALONBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO, OWN S BEE HIVE. PITTSTON, PA. BB MOOSIC POWDER CO. f. Robinson's Sons' SCRANTOiY MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at the UOOSIG and BOBH DALE WORKS. Burning! Manufacturers and DaeJers i ll hrioatlnrr ilso Shafting and Journal Groasi 0FF1CE:-7S1 West W kawanna Ava. WuHKIt:- Meriillan Strait Lafflln ec Hand Powdor Co. 'a ORANGE GUN POWDER lOlectrio Batteries, Kuso for oxplod big blaatv, Safety Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives What is More Attractive Than a jiretty face with a fresh, briuht completion? For it, uc Pozzom'a Powder. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of tho Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: KNOWLEDGE POWER i FOR WORKWOMEN. Small v:-.u"i That are Cortaln te Re turn Large Intert. TV. ere is a widespread i lea that books are eostly luxuries, and that only those possessed of abundant wans can afford to b9 the owner of works covering a yery wideranneof topics. Hence many men, young as well as old, who are desirous of educating themselves, are prevented from so doing simply be canse It is iinposiihlu for them to spare the money ueeded for obtaining the neceteary books. It is quite true that the possesaion of a complete library involves large expenditure, which is bayond toe reach of persons of humble means. But it is a fact that the ability to educato ona's self does not depend upon large expenditure for booki. At best an education is but an epitomization of the knowledge of oth ers, and does not involve original re search excopt iu a few cases. To ob tain such an epitomizition does not necessarily involve a detailad study of all the works upon any desired topio. mnce this has already been done by the best scholars, the results of those la bors are confined in those great con densations known as encyclopedias. The encyclopedia is the poor man's complete library. Iu it is the concen trated wisdom of tho best minds the world hns ever seen. It is authoritat ive and complete. The amoont required in order to ob tain possession of that gieatestof all eucvelop sdias, the Britanuioa, is so small that no one can plead povorty as a reason for not purchasing It. The in significant sum of 10 cents a day can surely be laid away by anyone who Is regularly employed, no matter how small his wages, and yet that is all that Is needed beyond the first cash payment. A little solf-donial is all that is nee -nsiary, and it will prove n literal cast ing of bread upon the waters, for no money Is so well spunt or so certain of refnrning a large interest as that de v jfeil to obtaining an education. TllK Tnnn.SK invites every working man in the city to call at the encycln pedia headquarters, 487 Spruce street and examine this wora, which is put within their reach for less than one fourth the price heretofore asked, and anon the unequalled terms of 10 cents a day. pronounce; these rapidly. Bix thick thistle stick-i. Flesh of fri silly fried flying-flih. The sea ceanetli, but it suflicuth ns. Hinb roller, low roller, lowor roller. Give (Irimee Jim's great gilt gig Whip. A box of mixed Mscnita, a inixod biscuit box. Two toads, totally tired, to trot to Tob- bury. Strict, strong Stephen Stiinor snnrnd slickly six sickly silky snakes. She stood at tho door of Mrs. Smith's Bsh-Mttoe shop, welcoming blffl in. Swnn swam over the sen; swim, swnn, swim: swan swam back again; well swum, swan. It is a ehamo, Sam; these are the name, Ham. 'Tie all a sham, Sam, and a shame it is to sham to, Ham. A haddock, a haddock, a blnck-spotted haddock, a bluck spot on tho black back of a blaok-spottwd haddock. Susan shlnetb shoos and socks; nocks and shoes shine Susan. Hhe cnaseth hIhii- ing shoes and nocks, for shoos and socks ehuck Susan. A Choloe Thet'a Inexplicable. Chicago Daealea, If Colorado doesn't like free raw mate ri I why does she put it in her guberna torial ohniiV Tiikre is nothing like Dr. TbOOMS1 Eclectric Oil to quienly euro a cold or re lieve hoarseness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Follows, burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. tj "plIE possesses of men's I?and5 are quietly con ji stifned, but Knowledge, uvr;ic;r; is tr;e mind's 5 NORTH END. The funeral of John Leonard, of Keyser avenue, took place from his home on Tuesday and was largely at tended. Deceased whs an old and re spected resident of Providence. His remains were conveyed to the Holy Rosary church, where high mass ot requiem was celebrated. The pall bearers were: Patrick Anthony, John, .Michael, John, jr., and Thomas Leon ard, nephews of decerned. He is sur vived by his wife, tivo sons and one daughter. Thomas Crofton, of Putnam street, arrived homo from West Virginia Tuesday morning. John Salmon, of Putnam stroet, fell into a man hole at the Von Storch mines on Tuesday and sustained severe spinal injuries. The elopement nf Warrsn Kimball nnd Nellie Coles, ot Green Ki Igo, took place last Satnrday. They were mar ried at Binuhamton and returned home Monday. The parents of the bride re fused to give the couple their blessing or allow them to enter the parentHl abode. Thomas Harrington appeared before Alderman llorau a few days ngo and had warrants issued for the arrest of John Harrington, jr.. nnd two aocom plices whom be charges with burg lary. The warrants were given to Constable Davis who arrested Hairing ton. The case cam" up for a hearing hofnre Alderman Horan Tuesday even ing but sn Harrington did not havH all bis witnesses a postponement was granted Harrington claims the no uf"d stole the money while assist tin; him to move his furniture. The amount stolon was $50. Charles Martin, of North Main ave nue, proprietor of the Psdriokl hotel, had Kiohard Coslett nrrestod for rais ing a disturbance on his premises on the night of Feb, 21. Coslott assaulted Thomas Deacle and broke a window and showcase. Tho matter was com promised, DUN MORE. Miss llama Golden was taken to the University hospital nt Philadelphia, whore she will be treated for rheuma tism. Mrs. Wnrdell is quite ill at her home on Orovo street. Preparatory aarvieM will be held in the Piesbyterinn cli nch tomorrow evening. Mr. Broueon. assistant to Ksv. Ralph Uillam, will conduct tho meeting. Mis Kate Ssoor called on Pittaton frwnds on Tuesday. Abner Bpsnoer is oonralesoing after being confined to bis home by rheuma tism during thH past month. The funeral of Matthew Steen, who ended his existence by snooting him elf last Sunday morning) was held at Moscow yesterday. One annoying feature of the Trae tion company's cliangs is their re fusal to carry and transfer No (1 pas sengers to to the Lanrel Hill Park liuo when making the down trip. People residing along Butler stiout are com pelled to wall: n, long distance tnseenre rapid service or tnke the Suburban li: o to Keratiton. The officials have proba bly ovorlookcd this matter, which, it is hoped, they will soon remedy, Miss Mary Thornton returned from n visit to Wyoming yesterday. G. S. Kirwin, of Olyphant, was a caller here yesterday, Frank Gallon has leased the Pnroell property on Drinkor street and will open a news stand. Mrs. Law, of Avoca, in visiting nt the home of Andrew Allen on Upper Blakely street. ripest estate, qndurift or?u?r." v VngHg7 A V" i) cL Mat8' ENLIGHTENING THE W0RLD. Hnstan I.y.-.x CircnLir rap:e, 'J iuohns. H.W Electric Seid Circolur C.ipes. 24 in 8.M Astrakhan Circular Caijrw, U in KM Wool Htfcl Circular Oapaa U ia 44.0) nvm- Nart'ii circular (Japes, SI in 40.00 Brown Martao (Jircuia- Canes. 24 la 4i00 Otter Circular Capei, 24 in 50.U9 Seal Sacques Hoat SaconoK. M lnf.to lnn Seal .1 v... 5i inchea Soal Jackets. 21 Inchea I'iuj , Airrakbaa Jackets, ai bubs lotu. ....9180 oo .... 10.J.U0 .... UIUU .... 35.UU Circular Capes Seal Circular Ca, 30 Inches long, with: llutterlly Cape " ; j o Otn i- Circular Cape, i)u incbee loan; Witt Butterfly Cap mM fiabiu Circular Oapa M laches long an oo Astrakhan Circular Capa, 80 inchea long a 00 Kloctric Seal Circular Capo, 30 in. long.. 20 00 fir.iy Crhtttner Circular Cupe, UU tn. long SJ 09 40 dozen American B al llufta at 81 25 ouch 1 lot t chilrlren's sets at ugc. each 1 lot of blelgh Kohos, plush linod S3 uacU Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier in the city. Seeds and Fertilizers Urge Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. Hotel Waverly European Plan. First-claa Ear attuchoj. In pot lor Berguer A F.Lgrl'a i . - Bear. N. L Cor. tin and Filbert Sto., Pkilidi Mot desirable for resicianta of H E. Poun" lylvaula. All coiivt-ntcuce for traveler to ami from Broad Sire't atation and tho Twelfth and Market Stroet station. D ilrable for Scrautonlana and pu lie tu the Anthracite Kagioo. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kiudi Fretfc 1 lab received daily. Fancy StnokeKl Halibut Boneless CoJ, Yitnntitilh t'.l is Milt Mtiekerel. RoekawATi 'itnpenk Hav, Minute lilver dive anil Illue iii I OYSTERS etawftjSw i,,,mml " TukWlaM than your neighbor you aro to that extent a "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. n If any one! uMicationonn bo eaia to contain ail human knowlogde it ia The Tribune edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Truly it ia may bo mini that wimt it does not contain is not worth knowlni M 000 Taies r Laws Ouarto Val i 1 !k 1 lJi "2 BSH w"1 by M1"'cU1 Ronttibutors, rormtnS fonr-Btthi of the entire work. 88 Pull SKShSSSSi Uhutrfttl0M Ending 887 Colored Map., Tlli81noZT(!'rVn,'r!,!n,;fr1?Htl,i'l'le for yimru- i ww o0t yon 8,000,000 of don. ! i , : ' . K1S" n h .at retail, thereat work would coat you in the Ediu 1. . V ' J . .. awiir uuviiniiige nt tne wliolenale club ratea which TllK IK1UUNE freely extends to you for a short tnuo you oau secure toll M igniQe.nt, Unequalled Library at 10 CENTS PER DAY. Tho nntrinfifi' .ifilia l'n.re!o.,j;.. r..:i - .... ,,f ih, ,iZ 3 .V - .V. iT " ,l".,,I,,Cft ",,H V(,r u,,,,n qiiostioned in any Court of Justice. It la the essotice of the ripest scholarship and tha koeuest getttttl tho world has over kuowu. nRl'URm.VP ZUTtXT.ri0 ' aI,"' frUn'ai", of kn,0 No wonder such a mar. as the London divine, &XS& n& oMMf b01" "t0,t'd b8 Ut tha Bibl8 " would m fill R 8. DEPT., IS? SPK ST. (iofl Sltetl Clams Shrimps SettlUipH, a 1 W. H. PIERCE, PEXN AVE. RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIED, FIRE AND COMMON B RICK Best In the market. Brandt Clay Productuo OFFICE; Binghamton. N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt, Pa. AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contractor and builder of Conors l l . . i ,.r, I'oncroto Blooka, Potato, Buttar and OM Blna Wei Callari drld up. Ordora may ba left at Toompeoo & Pratt, WIlliamB A Co., Main and Kynou Strwto, or at Sorantoa Btovo Worla. Alto Voundattona. Olalerua. I . Win- Tuuuelaaud Cotluia. nagtflne'for Ulardaa Wallu,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers