The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 01, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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S it Will Be (iiv.n at the I
B Theatre By the Bund
n Frothinbaiu
lusic Society.
nmmiiiiiiiunidniHi imiiisiiiiiiifl
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
JOS Fonn Ave.
Very Choice Line of
415 Lacka, Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc
127 Wyoming Ave.
The Cantata a Work of High
Character Story Based
Feast of Belshauer and
truction of Babylon The
Will Be Accompanied By
Full Orchestra.
The select council will meet in regular
sesMon this evening.
"The. Ktrngfjle of l.ifo" will be repeated
at tho Academy this evening.
All salaried employes of the citj will re
ceive their salaries for February today.
A regular meeting of the Homo for tho
Friendless manager will be held tomor
row morning at the r.sual hour and plnco.
The annual banquet with which tho
Welsh citizens of the city observe St. Dn
Tid's Day will be hold at the Wyoming
Manager freorge N'. Davis, of Wonder
land, took oat a state theatrical license fur
his house from the county treasurer's ofiico
The will of Thomas Wagstail, late of this
city, was admitted to pr ibaM yesterday
sad letters testamentary granted to Eliza
beth WagHtaff.
Contractor assessor of the Hixth
ward of Carbondalf, returned his asaois
ment booh-s to the county commissioners
yesterday with his assessments completed.
Wilson W. Jigger yesterday began an
nrtion in trespass against the People's
Street Railway company and the Heranton
Traction company to rosovor 110,000 dam
ago. All members of Lackawanna, conmnnd
ery, No. 3T, are requested to meet at their
lull this evening at Penn avenne and Lin
den street. Business of importance will
be transacted.
On Saturday evening at, s o'clock Cush
man's Cornet band will givn a COOOert in
front of the Bljoa theater, formerly stasia
Uali. prior to tho opening of that amuse
ment place to the public.
The choir to compete in tho rendition of
"The Rivulet," In the eisteddfod at Wiikns
Harre March 17, will meet at the Wuab
burn Street Presbyterian church tonight,
A full attendance is required
Miss Ethel Poller Is delighting large
audiences at Wonderland hy her snperb
a-: u.if. "Under the Gaslight" will be
played by Wonderland's Btook company
tonight and the remainder of tho week.
Tho Ladies' Aid mciot.y of the Asbury
Methodist Episcopal church will give ft
supper this evening at, tho church. The
Electric (lien club will entertain tho pa
trons of the supper. The proceeds will bo
for the benefit ol bniiding fnmi.
Marriage licenses wore granted yester
day by Clerk of tho Courts Thoroaa to
Charles II. Carveti, of ilonesdalo, and
(trace M. Fault, of Hcranton; Frederick
Augustus Snyder nnd Emma Ophelia
Scrott, of Peckville; S. E. Armstrong, of
PMnjBeld. N. Y., and Mary Arnold, (if
Winfleld, N. Y.
The Morris Ridgi Coal company, of
ScrantOD, capitalized at I 0U : was char
teredat IIarrisburgytorday. The direc
tors are Willinm Chappell. John Seism,
George W. Finn, (feorpi W. Iteale, Uiles
L. Clark, George R. Clark, Marlon W.
Finn, E. It. Griffiths anil Clureiice It.
Shryer, all of this city.
Plundered th- Botll of Martin Etrly, of
West Karlm'. Etrett
Tho hotel of Martin Eirlyon Weat
Market stroet, Providence, was en
tered by burglars Monday night and
$35 In cash, several bonds, whisky, im
ported cigars, pair of patent leattier
khoes nnd gold headed cane taken.
An entrance was affected through a
window. Auction sale of household goods and car
pets at Harris' Anotiun Store, Peun avo
LUO. Everybody can be served at Coursen's
. today. Telephone, MM, Store, HI Wash
ington, next to Connolly & Wallace.
The Sjcred Music society hits com
merced work in earnest on tha "Fall
ol Babylon," a dramatic eintuta, which
will bo given at the new PfOthtnghAm
theater in May. Tho chorus will uum
her fully 500 voices, and tne Oharaoters
will la) taken by leading soloists.
The cantata is u work of grant DOWW
nnd is of a high musical char ietor. The
story is bated on the feast of Bilthai
zar and the destruction of Hibylon.
The avents that occurred at tho close
of Belshatssr's brief reign In the year
588 B. C, ire as instructive and im
preesive an can be found in the whole
imiga of lli'de history. At this time
the Jews nad beou iu captivity seventy
years They were taken to Babylon by
Nebuohadntsaar, who was the father
of Nabenidas, who was tho father of
Babylon formed the capital of the
Babylonian empire. It origin wai so
remote that history OM not tix the
date. After the destruction of Nine
vo!i it became tho molt celebrate 1 city
of Assyria, and the residence of its
kings, It was located in a great plain
ui on such side of a branch of tho
Euphrates, which flawed through the
city from north to south, it was built
in the form of n square, measuring
about lifty-.ix miles in cicumference,
and contained 0,000,01)0 Inhabitant,
whoso homes were Mattered over thi
vast space like a collection of villaa
within general wall. Upon tho eie-t-ru
side of tho river stood the
largest royal palace, nearly seven miles
in circumference an l enclosed by three
lofty walls with prodigious to wore, Tho
strength and resources of this vast city
were of the highest order. Two walls,
an outer and inner, completely sur
rounded it, having a thiokoessof about
eighty-tire feet, aud the height of
over 1100 feet, outside of winch
was a wide and deep ditch lined with
brick and tilled with water. In the
walls wore n hundred Kates made of
silid brass, and of prodigious strength
and eiz Upon the walls were 20J
era tcb towers. At the points where tho
river entered and left the city wero
ponderous water gates, which were
closely guarded and kept closed at
The Jewish captives had their own
local ru'ers, or governors their reli
gious chief and gavo music and song
to the feasts of their heathen'capton,
living in the midst of whom as a na
tion they were cured of their idolatry,
and brought nearer than over to the
true God. They believed in tho pres
ence and appearand of angels, and rs
the years of their captivity etrne .to a wero coufllent of restoration to
tbir native land.
At this time Cyrus, king of Persia,
had been for yetrs fcesiegiug Babylon
y?i'h no immediate prospect of success.
Nftbonides was king of li.ibyloti, but
with hi army, had left the city to tight
the Persians, placing his impetuous
and riotous son, Beishazzar, on the
throne, with N'ilocris. the queen
mother, as co-regent in his absence.
The tim for tho grtat annual festi
val in honor of the Babylonian deities
had fiome, and Uelshsmr had deter
mined to give a feast surpassing every
thing that had gone before, as if in
mockery of the UedeS and Persians,
Thorn camo as the ministers of a God
Whdm he would not serve." He
gathered "a thousand of bis lords."
and brought in his wives and concu
bines. "They drank toasts nf enthusi
astic patriotism, sang songs of bound
less loyalty, and shouted dettanos to
every foe. The high noon of the feast
came. All hearti were bounding, all
spirits joyous." The kin descended
from his thro::e, drank in the most
public manner, aifd then impiously
called for the holy vessels robbed from
the temple at .TernarfUm by his grand
father, Nebnohadnemr. This sacnl-ge
waa regarded as the worst of orimes;
bnt inflamed by wine the king would
not n restrained. Then, over ng linst.
tho seven-branched candlestick from
tho temple, appeared the lingers of a
mysterious hand that wrote etranao
words upon the wall which none could
ttiauLT of the WBirmo,
The ravelrv was hnshed. "fne enp
fpll from the kino's nand. His knes
smote together. His glaring eyeballs
nro fixed on the wall beforo him, h b-
holdina some horror from which tney
tumlil not tnrn awaV. A t.'ir'.ll of terror
rierces through every eool." nnd shrieks
of alarm are mingled with cries to
Baal, and the king loudly commands
thai tho Astrologers, or Magi, be
htfnnoht to read i he writing. The
Miri of whom Daniel was once Hindi
chief "were counsellors of tho flov
ein. administrators of justice, and
ndnentors of tne heir aumirent to the
"None could occupy the throne who
woro not so trained by the Magi. It
wna the nroner name for priesfe among
fhp Panlana Thov worshipped fire
nnd water. Baal was their God. Their
nriests were converstl.t with tho se
crefa of nature, snirits, genii, and
nn!4.W." Such wero the men whom
tha ktas aneamoneiL They camo but
wero dnmb,
J),'.niel, formerly high at court under
Nebuchadnezzar, in the new regime,
hmf ironn into obscurity, perhaps shar
in. the bitter fato of his despised and
two nerfMl ted fellow exiles, watching and
v.nitinif for the day when tho Lord
lionld iiav mercy on Ids people and
restore Israol to the laud of their
fathors. It was over thirty years since
Daniel had stood before Nebuchadnez
r If,, was now VU veaia old. anil no
Ion l' had been his obscurity that BjI-
sluizzar had forgotten him; but the
virtuous and regal Nitocrls remember
him and auKiwsts that he bo called. He
eaino and declared the hidden meaning
to be that tho king IS Weighed in IM
balanoeand found wanting, and that
the kingdom Is divided anil given to
the Medes and Persians. The promised
reward iH at once given to Daniel, who
was mado third ruler of th kingdom,
which was tho highest office in Bel
shn.zar's gift, lie himself being second
While this was transpiring at the
palace Zsrnbbabel had found his way
to the camp of Cyrus; between whom
the opinion is ventured that a secret
Mid serviceable league existed, and
Cyrus was thus kept inform il of all
that passed in the city. Acting by ths
command of (tod, through an angel,
and by the advice of Zsrnbbabel, Cyrus
marched into tho city byway of the
rivir gates, burst (utO the palace with
a b in 1 of Persians and slew B ! h . . ,r
on the sc no of his iutploBS revelry.
Soon afterward, led by Zfruboabel,
the Jews returned to their own laud, by
command of Cyrus, and Babylon li.nlly
frll into sneh oomplete decay that
scarce a trace of it remains.
The drum die paraonVB of the work is
as follows:
Belshassar, King of Babylon Mass
Cyrus, King of tarsi TsnOI
Zernbbsbel, Governor of tha Jews.. Tenor
Daniel, Prophet of Israel Ilusi
Foetus, Lord Chamberlain Tenor
Nitoccris, Qneea Begem Soprano
Antonla, Queen of Belshassar Soprano
Hhelouilth, Wife of Sernbbabel Alto
Child 01 Eerubbabal Soprano
Angel Mezzo Sopran i
Jewish Princess Soprano
I UdieaofBel. ) oVv:u
Wise Men of Babylon j1
Chorus of .Maidens Sopranos
Chorus of Jews, chorus of Babylonians,
Persian S ililieru, Babylonian Guards,
Louis nnd Ladies of BeUbasssr's Court,
Babylonian Captain, Jailor, Executioner,
Generals of Cyrus' Army, etc.
The work will be givan in full cos
tume and with all its sptciacular ef
fects. Banar will furnish an orohostr
of twenty to twenty five pieces. The
names of tho characters will be an
nounced in a few days. The musical
part of the production will be nuder
tho charge ot the conductor, Mr. 'faille
Morgan, who has produced several can
tatas before, and all with groat sac
cess. The management will be lu tho
bauds of the directors, A W. Dicks in,
Colonel E. II. Hippie, E. L. Fuller,
Luther Kwller rnd Tallle Morgan,
Honorary membership tickets have
been Issued, and placed lu the Inn Is
of the metnbsra of ithe chorus These
certificate! are sold at $j enoh and en
titles tho purchaser to two resorved
seats at tho inrtormauce of "The Fall
of Babylon, and to a special pass to
all rehenrsals besides. The resorved
seats will be 1 each to tho public, and
those holding honorary membership
certiflcatsS will have the first choice of
ssals, therefore, it would bo wise in
every one to SOOUre one or these oor-
tlfioatai at once,
Taxpayers of Winton Borough Obtain
an Injuction Against Borough Offe
cials Returnable Next Monday.
Seltel Ageat Appointed by Pow Bond Reu
den Accouai.
rtubririiuiiriuuit ui nunii uuu
Showing the Amou.its Contributed t.i
the Mayor's ilclinf f-'und and by
Whom Contributed- How it Was
Disbursed - other Contributions
Received A Balance Exists Will
Do Used in Emergencies,
There is trouble in Winton over tho
( fferts of the boroogn council to have
the streets illuminated by night with
electriot lights. A preliminary in
junction has been obtained to prevent
uch an occurrence.
The injunction WSJ iifked for by
Christopiiur Ssvers, James Bell. John
t. Barrett. Michael.!, wiute, Micnaei
J. (Tallaghur and William Kennedy,
taxpayers of Winton, against Charles
Sheridan, sr., burgess, and John F.
Cummings, Jamss Kane, James Strong,
.lames Ward. Patrick F. Godfrey, John
Lilly and John Custello, members of
the town council of Winton, and the
Crescent Electric company.
It set forth in the toil of complaint
that the borough officials had entered
Into a contract with tho Crescent Elec
tric company to jnt up thirty Electric
lights in the borough for which it will
nay fio per ugnt eaon year, mis con
tract is for a term of five years.
Iho complainants iissert that this
will increase tho rate of taxes
which are already burdensome. They
also assert that the officers of the bor
ough have no right to enter into an
agreement with the electric company
without first submitting the question
to the taxpayers for their approval.
On tho application of Attorneys
Watson and Diehl, Judge Edwards
granted a preliminary injunction and
made It returnable Monday next at !t
It Was Tendered P. W. Gallagher by Uis
Recent A s 1 . on The Tribune.
The members of the SCR ANTON Tltlli-
ITNE editorial stalf tendered P, W GU
lagher a complimentary farewell din
ner last evening at Louis, Lohmann's,
Uter two years with rHBTniBUNB Mr.
Qrtllagber yesterday left this paper to
accept the position of assistant mi; -:
intendsnt of the Hcranton Truction
Besides TIM TltlBDNS staff, tl.ore
were present tsetect counciimun
(Charles Westpfahl, Superintendent
fiormley and Assistant Treasurer
Noyes, of the Scranton traction com
pany. Remarks were made by Livy S
Richards, John EL Blackwood, .lames
F. Mitchell, Arthur T. Uaynsford, E
T. Sweet. Charles Westpfahl an 1 Sup
erintendent Gromley and Treasnrer
Mr. Gallagher was tho recipient of a
number of valuable rmembrancs
from the BCRAHTON Tuiiu ne, and also
from his lale editorial associates. The
Traction company's assistant superin
tendent will enter upon his new duties
today. It is superfluous to state to any
one who knows Mr. Gallagher, that ho
will prove an invaluable employe. He
has the warmest wishes for success
from The TmbONB
Uoad Injured In a Fight and Drnppid
Deed on the Street.
Isaac Havel beck, a Hebrew, 487 Ray
mond court, dropped doa l last night at
iho corner ot Peun avenue and Mul
berry ftreet. Ho received an injury
about the head while engaged In a
light several weeks iifto The cause of
his death will bo investigated bv the
police department, and Coroner Kelly
may hold an liniusst today,
The body was first taken to tho hos
pital. The coroner examined several
persons, who said Hartlbeck had been
subject to sinking -pells slid heart
difficulty, Under these circumstances
the remains ware permitted to be re
moved to Havmond court.
A police olloer learned later that the
dead man had received an injury about
the head loino lime ago in a fuht and
iiad been going about with his bond
bandaged. Those faotl wero brought
to the attention of the coroner, who
later in tho evening took stlargl of the
body. An autopsy will be performed
today and if anything is found to war
rant tho suspicion that death re; ulted
from other than natural causes, nil in
quest will be conducted.
iUleaend from tha Penitentiary Aftnr
Bovine Ills B'ntenci.
Daniel Morgan, of this city, was re
leased from tho Eietvrn penitentiary
yesterday, where he sorved a term of
imprisonment for burglary.
Morgan was convicted of havine
burglarized tho store of Fanner it
Chappel at Providence, and on Juno
'-!7, 1801, Judge Guilder s-ntonced him
to spend three ye irs in Warden Cas
sidy's retreat,
Good conduct caused the term to be
cut down.
Standard KonU, That Are
moat iti Awsy.
Interest iu Tuc i'ltiui; x j's lit o f
books oonttanes so uninterruptedly
that it has been thought WlSS SO re
produce some of the Lest, offers, Just
read these titled uu i see how prices
make them:
Begniar Tub
) 'rice.
Pictorial History of the (ireai
civil War
Pilgrims' Progress (lllrM'ed)
Earth, Ken nod Hky
Marvelous Wonders
Lire aud Works of : purceon
Pictorial History ol he Bible
Museum of Wnuden
Prom Pole to Pole
PlctorieJ History of he Uni
ted Stater. ...00
8, SO
Mrs. A. E. Prltigrew, relisf agent
for tho BcraUtOU poor district, com
idoted her labors mid retired from of
Qce yesterday. Mis. Pottigrew has
been most aSSidttOUS in tiii) discharge ot
her duties. Cases of indigence and
Want have boon relieved, the agent
visitiug every home in person. She
had been n witness to inauy sceiiss of
destitution, ami hr.s helped brighten
inauy homes during one of tho most
trying crises this city has ever passed
Mrs. Pettlgrow was the disbtirser of
the Mayor's Fund, and at this late day it
may not be uninteresting to road again
the mimes of the donors Tli-y aro as
follows: Friend, ft); friend, $25; friend,
S0j friend, 110; friend, 110; Horantoo
nolice fund. 30; Daviesifc Griffln, $100;
E Robinson's Sous. 200; Lfwie, Holly
A- Datls, jilO; P. II Covue. ijtlO; H. 0.
Reynolds, ;-. Orderol Kiks. ftU0; Vic
tor Koch, sjcJO; Sprnks Bros.,
Stephen QutheinB, !j'J3; Bcranton Brow
ing comiany. ISO; Hotel Protective
soolatiou, $100; B B, Sturges. ISO; F
E. Piatt, tlOj Dnnmore Episoopal
church, E 11. Ripple, $35; Deutsche
Binigkeit, 3; Wonderland, 1381;
thro - little gtrlr, $130,
This does not iuulttis $100 givan by
W. T. Smith in orders at ins store nor
tliu suns amount given in like manner
by Connll or ( k. The sssoolated
charitie.s, too, oontrlbnttd $309) and
that amount is not iuoluded.
How IT was DI8B0BSED
Of the total cisii contributions re
cived Mrs. Pettlgrow disbursed $380,
but the total disbursements seceded
Before tho appointment of Mrs.
Petiigrew, tho Mayor's Relief omniit
tee, oonSistlng of Juim Gibbons, The -dore
Wolfe, Charles Neula and Philip
Kirst relieved much of the distress that
prevailed on tho South Sid. They
made a hotiia to bonse canvas an I
every case of want they discovered was
The appointment of Mrs, Psttlgraw
by the poor bosrJ wis IntOfldtd at a
relief to those gontlemeu who could
not spare the tim necessary to com
plete the labors required ol them, and
that lady has acceptably performed the
lUtiSS imposed, and tomorrow SUS will
render an accotii.liug.
liesides the amouiits referrsd to
above as huimr given for relief, there
wi-re other contributions, lha ( nn-
sum .TS Ice anu coat company eonir to
uted fifty tons of coal nnd the Moun
tain L ike Land and ImnroTemsnt com
pany contributed ten tous, and F. M.
Boston's Sunday school class in the
First Presbyterian church gavj two
tous of coal. The First Presbyterian
Sunday school g ive eight barrels of
flour, 200 pounds of oatmeal and quan
tities of tea, coilee, sugar, rice, crackers
and potatoes. Clothing from many
sources was received, but in nearly
every case tho namta of the donor did
not accompany the gift.
There is still a balance In tho bancs
of the mayor amounting to $i:!7. Tnis
will bo used for tiie purpose tor which
it was originnllv intended to bs used.
is emergencies may arise, The total
amount of money expended was
i icruR: upon thi world's fair.
Profsssor Albert S. Uollos to Spaa' for
HnfH of the Y W. O. A.
Avery interesting ovent next Mon
day evening will be the engagement
of Professor Albert S. Holies, chief of
the Bureau of Industrial Statistics of
Harrisburg, who will give a desorlp
tive talk on the World s fair lor tne
benefit of the Young Woman's C.iris
tian association in You;i Men's Chris
tian association hall.
By those who have heard tho spsaker
he is pronounced intensely interesting,
He accompanies his talk with beauti
f ul stereopticou pictures of the build
ings, art views and alo pictures of
former fairs, including Psris, LjiiJoii
and Philadelphia, thus giving ins au
dience a chance to oompsre tho recent
Columbian exposition with other Inter
national fairs.
No one should miss this opportunity
of visiting tbo White City and again
beholding the wonders of that boiuii
f ul scune.
Lieutenant Governor Watres warmly
indorses tho entertainment and states
that no one should miss attending
Large audiences have listened to tho
speaker elsewhere and it is hoped the
ball will bo taxed to its utmost upon
tho occasion of Ins visit to this city.
Members are selling tickets, which
may also be obtained at Sanderson's
drug store.
Arrangements Beinir Msds for the DU
trlct Convention at Carbindali.
Thn Ecranton district committee of
the Young Men's Christian association
is making preliminary arrangem int l
for the district convention to bo hel l
at Csrbondaln too latter part of
April. Twenty delegates will attend
from this city.
Tho mechanic il drawing class will
finish a twenty woeki' course next
Tuesday, Under the direction of II
W. Rowley. II D. Dean an 1 A. C.
Sloan flio work accomplished has been
highly satisfactory. Tho educational
Committee will iesno handsome certifi
cates to all who have satisfactorily com
plied with the requirements of the de
Secretary M ihy addressed tho Evan
gsllstla westing last night at ths Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church. His
subject was '"Taking Hold."
bcranton Qlrl nnd a RonSSAals Mei
chant l iu" In i nraonv.
The wedding of Miss (iieco Fsull to
Charles Curwin occurred ycBterday at
the home of tho bride's mother, Mrs. S.
10, Fault, 688 Adams avenue, Tho
OSremony was performed by Hev. W.
11. Pearce. Miss Enima Bradley was
biidaamsld and Arch Rldgeway best
msu. A wedding supper was sorve 1
and the couple departed on a short
tour. They will resl lo at Ilonesdalo,
where tho groom U ODgagetl Int he mer
cantile interests.
Thos who wltUOMad the c eremony
wero .Mr. and Mrs, C. YV. Rulgeway,
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Ridgeway. Mr.
aud Mrs. Ridgeway, Msiars L. G.
French, ,1. Stronse, HtmlltOO Hill,
David Hill. W. V. Dsvlor. esq.. J.
Parlor. J. E. Elliot. W. II. Faull, Mr.
and Mrs Tait and daughter, Miss Dcdla
Davis and Miss Chan Her.
.'l '
1 '"
That Is the
CuiiiioH of ll)'t of
Libert! Uigte,
Lecturer Remsljer6,,of Atchison, Kan
sas, Says the Sunday Laws in this
State Are Unjust, and Should Be
Wiped Off the Statut-j Books Every
Man Should Observe It in His Own
Way, He Thinks
,7S .20
.75 .20
.75 .20
.7.1 .20
.75 ,80
.75 .20
.75 ,20
75 .20
.75 .20
.75 .20
Science of I i'.
Lifeof Barn tn
Indian Hon rs
if "' pi u
Shepu's Phot graphs
Columbus, tl Navigator,..
Webster l)i tioiiary iiiono-
balf ltusi-i'
Lifeof Ohr st
Lifeof Bii ins
Health, Wealth and lUppi-
T. S. Arthur's Works:
Ur ppllng with the If a-
i tor
W. mail to the ltesctl . . . .
Weddti g tlueat
Mother' Ui le
Saved AsBy i no
Word of (y'lieer
The True Path
friends and Neighbors. . . .
Cast Adrift
Our I looms
Six book for 75 cents. Una thou
sand volnmes to select from.
Handsome Prissia Will flu Olvsn to the
Winners of th Contes.s.
The annual indoor nthlstici of the
Young Men's Christian association
will be held on the evening of March
15. Ten men, the cream of the SSSO
Olatlon'l athletic contiuent, will
strive for honors. They will In from
the following: Coleman, St. Almond,
Bardlng, Foster, Blttubeu4er, White,
man, Nuilea, Gibbs. Jay, Curtis, Wil
Ron, Reasa and Tonking, Every Thurs
day night , ts been set aside by the
physical instructor, Professor Weston,
as an athletic night, when the gymna
sium is devoted to t.iete man for train
ing purposes.
Asilvrcup for tha best all-around
record made the night of the contest,
and a gold luudal will be given for lint
prize iu each event, except the potato
race, in which the snocMsful man will
receivo a silver me'lal.
Tho ovents have be-n arranged as
follows: First, running high jump;
second, running broad jump; third,
pole vault; fourth, putting 13-pound
shot; fifth, potato race. Tho events are
so arranged as to test a man's wind,
body and limb muscles, and physic il
control Tiie winner, indeed, will huve
to b: a good all-around athlete.
Phetcffraphlo Panorama of the World's
I'air In Now Roady.
The "Photographic Panorama of the
World's Fair" in four parts, which has
proved so popular a feature with read
ers of The Tribune, is now compute.
I'art l rounds out the series in mag
nificent fashion, beiu rather tho best
number of the four.
TbOSS who have not availed them
selves of this splendid opportunity to
secure unudsotns souvenir views of the
greatest exposition in history should
not delay until the present supply
shall be exhausted. It is soinethiug
which may never be duplicate!.
rcrnnton'j Busy Interest.
THE TtUBUNB will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of tho
leading wholesale, bnnkiug, manufactur
ing and professional Interests of Bcranton
and vicinity, The edition will be hound
In book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure views of our publio build-lugs.buKliie.-'N
blocKs, streets, etc. together
with portraits of leading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an equal re-
piesentntion of Scraiirnn s many nidus
tiles. It Will be au invaluable exposition
of our busiunrs rosourcos. Sent to
per?om outside the city, copies ol
this handsome work will attract
newcomers nnd be nn unequalled
advertisement of thn city. Tbo circu
lation Is on a plan l ent cr.nnnt fail of good
results to those cone. rued as well as the city
at large. Representatives of TBS Twbumi
will call upon mOUS WHOM x ISDN
are DKsiuicn lu this edition and explain
its nature, more fully.
Those desiring Views of their residence'
in tilt, edition will please leave notice at
tho office.
tucUlen'j Arnioi Salve.
Tho best salve In thn world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheuin. l-'evor
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblaius,
Coma and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Files, ur uo pay required. It
isgnarnnteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded, Price 2i cento per
box. rCC oalc by .Matthews Bros.
John E RamsbsrgtOf Atchison, Kin.,
delivered B loctnre on "Free Thought"
at Music hall lust evening. After the
lectors a Liberal league was formal.
Theobjeot of the orgadiiatioo la to s --
euro the measure of liberality and
freedom to all nun and to entirely di
vorce state and leligion.
The speaker was brought to this city
by Thomas C. Jones, of the West Side,
oneof th i leading liberals of this viciu
ity. Mr. Remsberg's lecture y.-as devoted
principally to wtiat is known as the
Christian Sabbath, which he holds to
be an unnecessary Institution, lie of
fered 100 to any one who would show
him a text iu the Rible, in either old or
now testament, which authorized the
observance of tue Sabbath,
Ho declared that Paul was ojpossd to
a Sabbath and that the early church
recognized no such day as ths Christian
Sabbath as it is known today.
It was not until the Fourth century
that the necessity of the Christian
Sabbath was discovered, the Speaker
said, and it was thereupon ordaiti'j.l by
the Emperor Cons'.aatio') that there
after every seventh day should oe ob
served. Mr. Reiusbrg Mid that Lu
ther, Calvin and noarly all of the early
reformers rij .'cted the Christian Sib
bath ai a divine institution. He de
Clared all Sunday I iws that have n
pnritanioal tendency should bo wiped
uff the statute uooki.
The Sunday lsws In this stata hi
held to be unususlly sviire. They are,
in his opinion, very unjust an 1 should
bo repealed at once. Sunday laws ho
does net think necessary. It they are
wiped out. Sunday will be ob irved
even more fully tuan it is mw, b;i . as
a day of rest and rational racreation.
Every nun should bo ailowd to ot
serve the day as he thinks best, pro
vided ho dotts not interfere iu any vjy
with his neighbor.
The case of California waj Instanced
as n state where there ure no Sunday
laws, bnt wnere people observe it of
their own volition si a day of rest.
After Die leclure eight ladies and
twenty-light in-n remained in the hall
'ind organized a Liberty League. John
Lloyd was chosen presilerit, and
Charles Dreher, secretary. After as
many of those present as cared to bad
enrolled as members, tho league ad
journed to mest at the call of the pre
sident. The movement in this city i the re
sult of the efforts of Senator Fryo end
Congressman Morse to seenr.- legisla
tion looking to a more strict aa 1 gen
eral observance of the Sabbath.
Tiii; best place in I ne city for meals to
order ou short notice and at ail Lours.
Also lunches of nil kinds always on band.
John Lohman's.
SlB Lackawanoa avenue,
PRNDLETONIn Bcranton, on Wed
nesday, Feb. 9Dt at the residence of A. I).
Holland, Jeffenon avenue, l'lnllip Clay
ton, son of Rev. . Phillip 11. and Kdilh P.
Pendleton, of Scl.i ni ctn ly, N, Y., age! 8
years. Tha burial service Will OS said on
Friday, Mar. 'J, at 11 a. m.. at the above
reeMenoe. Interment private.
ANDREWS-At fH Ouini-y avenue.
Mary A, wlfo of W. A. A. Andrews, nee
ililss M. A. Meruit. 1 uneral noliee later.
Best Sets of Teeth, 00
Including the painless extracting
rt teeth by an intirely new prw
S. C. Snyder, D.o.s.
Lackawanna Avenue
This will he our new num
ber after APRIL 1st. You
can buy anything in
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
and Sterling Silver Novel
ties very CHEAP at our
old place this month, 303
Spruca Stro9t.
Surprises even tha oldest inhabitant.
Henry Battin & Co.,
126 PEN N AVE.
128 Wyoming Ave.
All the popular makes. The
only QloTS and Corset Store in
tho valley. Wo are now open
for luiiuesp.
E)r. Hill & Son
Pel teeth. sajDj beet set, ?s; rr fl,ix rapf
end teeth without i lates. gelled erewn nd
liridye norlc, call for pnOSS and referei.o
roilALOlA, tnr rstrartin : teeth Without
lum. JJoetber. No
We have a
ment of
Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA, AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until midnight.
Eureka Laundry Co,
Ccr. Linden St. and Adiu Av.
Court moie sijuahb.
All kinds of Lnuudry work (,'u iranteoJ
t lie best.
We still allow 33 ; ;,
cent, on
Cloaks and Furs
Aud a largo discount ou all winter good.