3 THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28. 189. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report PriVfaJ Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE GORMAN'S granddepot HAVE Wow Open Their direct ininortntioti of US SPRING WOOLEN DRESS FABRICS LYONS SILK GRENADINES NOVELTIES IN FRENCH CHALLIES AND SATEENS, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. OUR STOCK IS NOW THE NEWS Of I TOWNS Out of town eorreepaBdeatl otlll Turn I'M: should sUn their naoses in full tii eeob iiews letter, Dot fop publication uut to iruarii suuiust dceoiiiionJ PLEASANTLY SURPRISEO. Mr. And Embraces tho choicest poods for early jprini; an 1 summer. Pnrctassers of Silks an 1 Drms Fab rics will secure ureat alvanUge ia vis iting our store at this time. Experience of prnviona years dem onstrates that the choicest and most desirable fabrics are always sold early and not duplicated. The only way to appreciate them is to see them for yonnelf. Our descrip tion may be all very fine and very ex plicit, but there is nothiti? as satisfac tory as a look with your ow.i eyes. And no more convincinc artjumsnt that we have the finest noois.the new est goode, the most stylish goids of ev ery description, than the fact that an inspection of our stock always leads to a pnrchase. MINOOKA MATTERS. Nusrfrtta of N.wj Pickad Up Ab-,ut the Lively Snb'irb. Sjweial to the Scranton Tritoine. The street car run into k sragonlosd of hay yesterday on M ini street. The man in chaies of the wajjon did not pay attentian to t'u ringing of the b-?ll and would not get out of the way of the car. The Borderland Dramatic company have procured the lemperauue hail tor their rehearsals It J. .Indite, of James J, Liwler's, was at Archbald and Carbondale on a business trip yesterday. James Flynn left for Chicajo yester day n fter a brief visit to his home ia this place. A valuable mule belonging to the Greenwood Coal company was killed yesterday. Misses Mary Hanehon, Bridget Con nors, Mary Lally and Bridget Lally and Messrs. P. F. Hanehon and John Cusick, of Old Forge, cullod here on Hnnday. P. F. O'Hara, magistrate, it conval cai ng. ("cue for Group Use Dr. Thomas' and Mm. Swallow Honored Unou Their Twelfth Annivruarv. Special to the Amrnton IVtbuss, Cl. auk's Uukkn, Pa., Feb. 27. The twelfth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. William 11. Swallow was appropriately observed by a number of their friculs who visited them on Fri day evening last, and passed a very pleasant evening. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lutsey, Miss Nellie Lutsey, Mr. and Mrs W. S Frace and daugh ter, Luolla. Mr. and Mrs. O, W. Hie-s.-cker, of Maid Mount ; Mr. and Mrs Freeman Leach, of Ohiaobilln ; Mr and Mrs. Welding M. Swallow, Mr. ami Mrs, N. S. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. M. EL Coon, Rev. A. E. Douglas1 and wife, Mr. and Mrs. a N. Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Austin, Mr. and Mrs K. J. Chap man, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Aylestvortii, Mr. and Mrs, SiUa White, Mr. and Mre. R. E Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. A A. Davi', Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nichols, Mr. and Mr. O R. Jones, Mrs. C. E. Hall. Mrs. F. S. Benedict, Mrs. Cooper, of Taylorvllle; Miss Drake, of Lacka wanna; Mrs. Datii! Swallow, of Wa verly; Mr. W. R. Parker. J. E. Calen der, Miss Nellie Calender, Miss Fie Clark, Mr. J. D. Knight and Miss Knight, of Plttston. Many congratulations were exteuded to Mr. and Mrs. Swallow during the evening, and the party oroKe up at about midnight KLYSTONE ACADEMY NOTES. A Go3ip7 Batch of Items from a Popu lar Institution of Learning1. Sjtcrial to the Scranton IWftUae, FaCTOBTVILLE, Ph., Feb. 37. H, W. Mnmford has beu spending a few days at hie homo in St.irruca. Miss Lucy Hall spent a few days at the Academy .last week visiting b-r sisters, Misses Agnes and Mary Hull. Mis Martha Tompkins, of Pittston, a former student, has been spending a few days among friends and school mates R. U Capwell, E J. Ducklee and B. F. Thomas were summoned to East Lemon on Friday evening to act as judges in a prize contest in an enter tainment given by the students under B, M. Stark, u former student at the academy. Robert, the little son of Professor and Mrs. E. E. Whitford, met with an ! accident on Monday last by falling upon a tin can, which severely cut the flesh between the thumb and fort i finger of his right hand. Dr. Heller dressed the wound which, with proper care, will be heak-d iu a few days The entertainment which was given by the young ladies on Thursday even ing was in every respect a graud suc cess, and much credit is due to those who participated. It has been said that the recent entertainment was the best giv n at Keystone academy for several years. Tiie mock trial to b given hv the members of the Phi Mi society will take place on .Saturday evening, March 10. . A Million Friends A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less thnn one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, If yon have never used this Great Counh .Medicine, one trial will convince you thnt it has wonderful curative powers in nil diseases of Thniar, Chest and l.uncs. Karh bottle is pua anteed to do all that is Dlaimed or money will he refunded Trial bottles fre. at Mathews Bros', drug store, l arge bottles !ioc. anil I.W. MO.'llROSf MATTERS. Movomonti of the itufl ltd Residents of the BretBV Hill Rncord-d. Special to t'te Scranton Trilmne. MoNTiiOSK, Ph.. Feb. 27 The It publican county convention convened in the court house yesterday, Tna re sult will be announced In tomorrow's Tltll'.UNE. Rodney Stack and'wife (nee Miss M ay Scott), of Waverly, N. V , were guests at R. 0, Scott's nn Monday. L. B Park, of Hickory Grove, was her" yesterday. H. L. Beach and E C. Fordham were except Saturday evening, iu the Young Men's Christian Association hall. Miss Sophia Falk lias returned to her home in Syracuse after enjoying an ex- d-d visit with Miss Millie Sahin, her cousin, of South Mem street. Mrs. A. s. Lewsley, will spend to mori -w in Forest City as the gusat of Mh.s lona Tyler. Arrangements are bing made by the Cottage Hose company for their first annual ball, winch will be held on April 80, in Keystone hall . Rev. E, J Balaley, rector of Trinity church, preached a sermon in St. James' church, in Jormyn, this eve ning. A. W. Daley, of Church street, will leave tomorrow for Philadelphia, where he will represent W. EL Davis post, ef this city, in tho department encampment of the ( iraud Army of thn Republic, which ni-ets iu the Liaker city on lurch 1, 9 and 8, This morning Horace Fox, one of the proprietors of the Niagara hotel at llultalo and the new k'lit House and cottages at Lakewood, arrivod in this city. He called on Mr. Frantwein, sec retary of the Anthracite Land Im provement company, with the object in view of renting tb, Hotel Anthra cite and running a tirat-class hotel. Mr. Fox, in a short conversation with Tin: Tribuni eorrespondent, said he had looked through tho new hotel ami is very much pleased witn the way it is planned. He also says he has been iu the hotel business since he was 1 years of age, and with his experience and knowledge of the business we feel con fident that should he become the pro prietor of our new hotel tliat it would be run iu a tyle second to none iu the state. Delaware and Un ison p isseng"r',train No. '.'8. drawn by engine No lii, which is due to arrive in this city at 5.88 p. m., met with an accident at Arobbald this evening which delayed tho train about thirty Are minutes. The acci dent was caused by the stay bolt blowing out, which wrecked the boiler, and to keep the boiler from i x ploding the fire was at once drawn irom the fire box, and it II iw in ill di rectioOS, setting the cab on fire also the wood work about the tender. The fire, however, was extinguished and for some timetiie accident ctuse I great excitement A freight train whicn came along at that time was side tracked and the engine used to brin ; the passenger train to this city. .lainrs Murray, a miner residing at May field, was hit at that place till afternoon by tho Delaware and Hud son passenger train which leaves this city at 12.10 p.m. After having his injuries attended he was brought to the hospital iu this city iu the com pany s ambulance, where he could re ceive better attention. WAFTED FROM THE SUMMIT. Dcing-3 of Residents Upon the Briozy Plateau Above tho Notch Special to the Scranton Tribun. Clark's Summit, Pa., Feb. 27. A poverty supper u announced to bo held at the Methodist Episcopal chapel on Wednesday evening. Two judges will be in attendance to decide wuo is I:.. most poverty stricken. Mrs. Zibn Vosbnrg is a great sn!T;rer from a stroke of paralysis and her lite is despaired. Thomas Schilling and Mr. Van AU- tyrs have each lost a valuable horse during the past week. Miss Clara Vosbnrg has been conGusd to the house for notiie days past. Building is still the order ot the day Resides those already in progress of construction contracts have been made for the erection of eight or ten more George H. Nichols passed through here on Saturday afternoon last en route for Cleveland with horses be longing to Messrs, Oleland & Simpson from their Ani l stock farm. George Rsed has, disposed of his OutcDvring business to Messrs. Ball & Bill, of Factory ville, who will coa tinuo the business at the old stand. Tho Ladies' Aid society held at M. E. Clifford's was a voiy enjoyable and profitable affair, CLARK'S GREEN ITEMS. 3undry Ksnri ftotea frm a Locality Where People Never Grw Old. SpHtal to the fieraafon Trtbunt, CLABK'8 GREEN, Ph., Feb., 27. A Ackerlvy and family are visiting the parents and relatives of the former in this vicinity. Many of our oltlseni are suffering from severe colds which are quite pre Talent, Mr. and Mrs Emory Stone Attended the golden welding, in Green Grove.af Mr. and Mrs. Ira ('lurk, which was greatly enjoyed by their many friends, The phonograph entet taium nt given in the Meth dist Episcopal church last evening was well attended, The Epwortb League entertainment given last Thursday evening Was well Attended! and many words of praisj w re extended to its m tin oars and its efficient coi pi of workers. Charles Van N'ort, Jr. of Scranton, spoilt Sunday with his uncle, A. T, Brigbam. Mr. and Mrs J. L. Lntsoy spent Sun day with the parents of the former, B. F. Courtright an I laughter, Jen nie, with. Mr, and Mrs. W. V Good, Sttends I the funeral of the brother of Mr. Courtright on Monday lest. man went to the Temperance hote',and representing himself as a telepnone lineman, engaged board for hitnsolf aud three other co-laborers. Hs then told the proprietress of the hotel that he had his tools at the depot and being little short of cash, would like to borrow the above sum and. a bair. He inpearod" perfectly honest and his wishes were promptly granted. After receiving the money he lett for partB unknown, and the owner of the bag aud money is patiently awaiting their return. A iiitm bearing the same de scription "worked I uiikhannock yes terday aud secured "good wages there. Moral Rad the daily papers and bo prepared for nuch scamps. .Mrs. Charles Kuanp, and daughter, Bertha, are visiting friends at Puck vllle tiiis wosk. Mr. Stanley Reynolds spent Sunday at Harford Presumably the attrac tion was to view the oil fields. V preliminary meeting was held Monday eveninii iu the lecture room of the Baptist church to organ;. a sight singing- class under the direction of our talented music teacher, W N. Man chester. Tliero were about fitly in at tendance, and forty persons gave .their names as members of the class As a teacher Mr Mansfield has had large experience, ami is conscientious and thorough. Il would bt difiicull to find his inpei ior outside ot the large cities He was at ouo time teacher of vocal music at Keystone Academy. Ihe ice harvesters are busily engaged filling the cream ry ice house, wliicn furnishes work for a large force of mm and toHius. George Spragueis building a barn nn tho land he receiuly piucliased from ( Ibarles 1 i ir iner. Mrs. M. J. Watiiins, who has bten seriously ill, tiin result of u fall on the ice, is slowly Improving. W. N. Manchester ami wife and Mis Alice Northnp spent Suuuay witn friends iu Pittston, B Freeman is moving into his new bouse, about a mile from town on tin Wall's ' lomers road. Charles M Waiter, principal of the graded school, has moved into room- iver Hellers drug store iu the Sisk building. H. Bedell, of Sorauton, spent Sunday with triends iu town. - PENHEJ AT PcCKViLlE. Kr.teitalnlne Nrwi Nitm Culld with Care for Wl.li. Awake Readers. Special to the crouton Trihttiw. PrCKVILLB, Pa.. Feb. 27 Mrs. S. M Rogers is improving after suffering with a savers throat trouble. Henry Purdy is gone to New York on a business trip. Mr. I s Graves, of Jertnyn, was a caller iu town yesterday. The dancing class held a social hop at thn home of Maple II 11 last. Friday evening. All were delighted with the goo 1 tune they had. Mis. William Pag is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism Daniel Tutbill, of PromptOO, was a caller in town yesterday, Lillie May, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles II Bigart, of Orassy, died at her homo yesterday afternoon, of peritonitis, aged 16 years. Funeral arrangements will appear later. Miss Carrie Frssier returned home yesterday after a week's visit with friends at Parsons. Don't forget the dinner that will be icrved by the Ladies' Aid sooiety of tho Methodist Episcopal sbureh at the Grand Army hall today, from 12 to 2 o'clock. SPRING INSPECTION. The KembtrS of fompany E Will Be Kxnmind Thin Evening-. Sptdol to the ScritntoH TtibuHt, HONESDALR, Feb. 27 The spring in spection of Company E will be held iu tuo now armory . iv evening, to which tho public is cordially invited. Fha following oflicer from out of town will br nrosent: Colonel Ripnle Lieutenant Colonel Coursen, Major Mattes, Adjutant Miller, 1):-. Fulton, Dr. Parke, Sergeant Major Oakforu, Inspector Rifle Practice Pratt, A tjus taut Mattes, AdjUStant Dttwiler, Lieu tenant H. B. Chase, Lieutenant Mc Ciiusl and, Montrose ;Lien tenant Jessup, Montrose; Sergeant Conkling, Sergeant .Teacup, Privates Qunstsr, Jeehops and others What is Eczema? It is an agony of agonies. A torture of tortures. It is an itching and burning of the skin almost beyond endurance. It is thousands of pin-headed ves icles tilled with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin. No part of the human skin is exempt. It tortures, disfigures and humil iates more than all other skin diseases combined. Tender babies are among its most numerous victims. They are often born with it. Sleep and rest are out of the question. Most remedies and the best phy sicians generally fail, even to relieve. If CUTICUKA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind. It not only cures but A single application is often suffi cient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure. CUTICURA works wonders because it is the must wonderful skin cure of modern times. s..id thronshoal the world. Price, Otmctnu. SMc; SOAP, ilJc. ; IUsOLVKNT, $1, I'OTTEB lUll.o .m Oiit.s. Ooap., Null- Props., !!""iuu. "Ail bboui ihu Mu uuu hiuoj 11 minima flee, HOW TO MAKE MONEY 1 here are hundreds of young men and young women iu this country who have splendid ability, but llu-y have never becu wakened up, Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of youn-; people. If yon ore tired of Inactivity aud want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COCUSE. BUSINESS COURSE. SUOflVaANU COURSE. ri t? mrrt T , F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. m:w yi:.k opens January i. IMS - ma Ri Imported by Us direct from Sxxony, aarmany. Sole Agents for Scranton. A Beautiful Carpet Siza Rug, made from Best Mohair on Hand-Loom, soft but tough Mohair Yarn, double tied into the back of the texture, thus making its durability everlasting, the more so as Mohair remains completely inacces sible to moths or dust. The silk finish of the "Mohair -Sultan" perfectly beats the genuine Oriental Mohair Carpets and tha cost is but One Half. We carry also a full line of Fclettric Oil aoOoMiUg to rtirnntlons. It I the Montrose delegates at yesterday's is the best remedy for ail sudden attacks Retmblioan convention. of colds, pain and juries. iutlniuination, and In- OLD FORGE NtWS. A Reoord of the Sportinir Evsnta in a LIvMjr Town. Special to the Scrnntnn Tribune. Oi.n Forme, Pa., Feb. 27. A rand pigeon shooting swe'it ilcej w ill be held Saturday, March 17, at Iticoby's hotel for the local shots. Entrance fee, 60 cents. A gold watch will be presented to the beHt shooter. On Monday, Mnrch 19, a match at quoits for (51) Bside will b jilnyod between Thomas Morris and Thoinns Hell, on Hiooby's ground at the blbley. CominsncH riisrp at 1 o'clock ft m. forty-one. (jnevn'a Kame. John Iticobv, stookholdor. Tho contestants have already deposited $10 each with hini. MisB Stella Tendered, of Jertnyn, is oa a visit to her sister, Mrs. L. Morris, ut KendhHtn. Toe quoit season here betcins on Mon day, March II), at Kicoby's hotel by a match for $50 asulp between Tom Mor ris and Tom Ilnll, play to begin at 1 o'clock p. m. shurp; forty-one quoits game. The contestants have deposited ench $10 with the etaktiholdur, John Ricoby. Cure for Headache. As n remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Utters has proved to be tho very best. It effects a permanent euro and tho most dreaded babitunl sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are ufflicted to procure a bottlo and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Trv it once. Large bottles only Fifty conts at Matthews Bros', drug store, We had a taste of the recent cold snap ou Sunday morning. The ther mometer registered If to ,'0 degrees be low zero. The Unsh stage came np on wheels yesterday. Herbert Wilbur has gone to Blag hamton to be doctored It is Imped that he will return greatly benefitted Conductor Carpenter, of tho L. and M enjoys thn sleighing as much us any man in the county. Company O will give a hauqnetnext Frid.iy night aftur inspSOtion in honor of thecolonel ami staff aud Inspecting officers. That it will be a first class banquet there is no doubt, for thecom pany never do things by halves. Laat Monday morning Mrs. BSllsa bet Shelf, of Fairdsle, dropped ilea 1 while attending to her household duties. CAR Bo N DALE NLWS. R Happenings in ih, Pioneer Cltv onrdxd for IntslUtrent Readers. Special to the i'crantnn Tribune. Cariioniialb, Ph., Fob. 27. This morning ou the 10.05 Delawara and Hudson train the remains of Benjamin Moary, who died on Saturday last in Dunmore, were brought to this city, where interment was made in Maple wood cemetery. Mr Geary was at one time a resident of this place, and is the father of Charles B. (Jeary, of (irove street, and William IJ. (ieary, of South Churoli street, this city. Tonight the Temple quartette enter tained a very appreciative audience in Masonic hall on Salem avenue. Mrs. Edward Lswsley, of Seventh avenue, attended the Ctould-VanKirk wedding in Scranton last evening. A series of special meetings are be ing held ever evening for two weeks PENCILLED Al PRICEBURG. II i'i , of the Day In Reran ton'e North'n Suburb Bi 1 11 ; Reported Special to the fcrflftfon Ti'ttmnc. PBIOBBDBO, Pa., Feb, 27. A ltepul) lican club will lie organised at the Central Hotel hull on Wednesday oven ing, March 5 All oltisaui wuo desire to join are requested to attend at 7 o'clock, p m. Benjamin Hall, Jacob Yarku, Itich ir 1 I! irrou. N. T. Dick, of (.'rot on, N. V., is stay ing at the Central. Mr hick Is here to superiniend the building of tho now iron bridge in this borough. I. F. Cronln, of Arobbald; C. W. Fuller, of Pittston; L B Lewis, of Providence, of Scranton, were among our visitors during tho wouk. Matthew MoPberion spent the Sab bath with friends iu Wilkes IWrre. Dr. A. A. Lindabnry, of Scranton, w,i in town ou bnsimtsa on Monday. John O'Hara visited friends in Jos sup yesterday. A valuable dig belonging to K. O. VVeatherly w.is killed by tho cars Mon day. (live your niimo to the carrier hiy and you will have THS TttlBUMB bright and early every inorning. The sinkers engaged at eUohmond's No .1 at Providence struck th hiiiiii of coal known us the Clark vein on Mon day night. From indications it will be a splendid piece of coal. -4 . FROM FACTORVVILLE. A Brx Batch of Interesting News From an leterprtslnR HamUt. Sverial to the Scranton 'lrihan-. Factoryvim.k, Pa., Feb. 27. - J, C, Reynolds has opened abik 'ry in his si building near the bridge and has engaged Barton Butts, of Scranton, as baker. One of our oitlgeni was nicely duped out or o is touay. a tall, well dressed Dr. K. Grewer Ihe Philadelphia Specialist, And lim usoeUted tUSof English and r,er man i D)rslelans.are uuw tieriiuuMwsbr located Temple Court Building :i i SPltlJCR sr. SCRANTON Whoro ibey may im consulted daily and , SUNDAY. Tlie Doetnr Ik a graduate ot thi University er renniyiyanla, rormerly denonstrator ot pliysio Ion and snrgerj at tho .Mi dl.-o-Cblr-i:rKicl CII.-ku, of Plillnd.'liihl.i. lie I.-, also si. lij norary i, emlaT ot the Medico ( hirur yirai AstoeUttoa, and was pbysidaa and sfSon-ln-ohltl uf the meet noti-ii Amerloaa aii.i Oerman bospltals, eomse blehl Indorsed NawY l Protsssorsot PhUadelpMa and His many years ot linsnital rxnerienoe on Sums this emlnnnt phyilotao and surgeon to correctly diagnose mid treat all (b-tormlt ai and dipcaios with tho moMt flattering success, aud hja : i.h Standing in the stat" will not SUeW him to accept SUV incurable case Mini MANHOOD REsTOKKD WEAKNESS OF VOUNQ Ml N 1 tlllFD Ifyootaave oeen given up y your phjrst' nan cull upon the dm-tor and ts examined. He cures the worst cases Ql Nervous Debility, Berofnla, Old Horea i atavrb. l'lles. PemalS Weakness, Aff actions of th- Ear. Bye, No and Throat, Asthma. Daatnees, Tnniiirs. an- eers ana unnpies or every di-scriptioa. (on- snltallon In KngUsh and Herman Frea. which shall Iw considered sacred au.l ttricUy c-ontl- dentlal itSSasllonrai DA. M. to l) r. M. Dally. Suiiilar, u a. in. to V p hi. Cured of Catarrh Feels Like A New Woman Since Taking Hood's Indigestion and Sick Heartaches Also Relieved. "0. I. HOOd ft Co., Lowell, Mass.: " i have been taking Hood's BarsaparlUa sines hit i mber tor Indigestion, catarrh ami ick beadaobe, and It lias made me leel like n new woman, When i oonuneneed taking it l did not have any appetite and tor years i had to be ren careful about my diet. Now i can sal any kind ot fond without any distress afterwards. I hod a lotrere ease ol catarrh, and tins with uiy Indites- turn hroiiglit on rieiiient ult-ieks of sick hi-inl- aehe, Tboy hnihercd me rery much, nut since taking severs) bottles ol Hood's Bsrunsrula All Is Chnna;od. It has eured me ol catarrb and my other troubles, I hODS every ono similarly nr llictcd will try Hood's Barsaparltla mid he Hood's'sCures CollVlhoed ol Its merit." Miss BLLA John son. I J I. -i A 1.1. r Slie.-t, I'luhidelpliia, I'.-iui. Hood's Pills are hand made, and eicl Iu proportlun and apNnrance. Mc. a box. Tl 11 E TRADERS National Bank of Scranton 011OANI7.KD im CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, BAlltTEti HINES,Prettdeni W.w. WAT80N, Vic President, A. U. WILLIAMS, ouihior. Min i Tons. BAMtnti IIinrs, jamv.s M- KvrnuAnT, IRVino A. FlHOR, plBBCB B, Kim.kv, JosaPII .1 Jkiimvv. M s. Kemkiikh.. vBASi r. KATTUBWS, "OHS T. PoKISBi W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This hank Invites the patronage of DnSUMSS men and Brins generally. READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. Third National Bank of Scranton. OmiANiznn US72. Capital, Surplus, - $200,000 - $240,000 ilepnKltnrl every Ir Imlnm-fN, bnsl "i Hank ellcm in laelllty warrnuted by the liras anil ri'spiiiisll.llll,. Special attention given te inmiiiriia ao eouats, Interest paid on Urn deposits, W ILUAM ( ONM I I.. Vre.l.l.nl. UKO. B. CATLIN, Vleit-freildcnt, W ILUAM 11. I-KI K, imliler. DIHBOTOBSL Wlfllaas Connell, Gaorae 11. Cattle, Alfred il,,,,. 1 jnniei Areubald, Henry Helln, Jr., William T. euiith, Luther Keller. gs In Various Sizes at the prices of Smyrna Rugs. Real Daghestan Rugs, $9 Each. Bokhara, Anatolian, Bahudurr and Kazae Oriental Rugs. KERR & SIEBECKER CARPET AND CURTAIN DEALER. 406 an I Lacka Ave. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HARPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would be to neglect the best opportunity yet offered. Tho ad dition or the "Wanamaker" series makes it more valua ble, Read new announcement on page 7. MIS as .,' t .-II . . a iff a ir, HNi Vam UUH SPECIAL An Elegant African Fibre and Cotton Mattress for $4.15 WORTH $7. Sec our Show Window. OUR SFRING LINE OF RNITURE ID CARPETS Have arrived. Also Baby Carriages, Crockery, Etc. Bedroom Suits, with Large Mirrors, &15-SO.