THE SCRAKTON TTUIiUNE-WEDN I SDA V MORNING. FEBRUARY L8. 1894. RULES FOR SINGER3. Ilow and When to Practice Avoid the Tremolo Pronounce DUtlmilj. Tho following rules lor Blagem luid flown in The Ktude are worthy of the at tention of omatears: o perfectly natural. Sing as you talk and read. All practice should bo Cuuo with medium pow r of voice, with out forcing. Forcing a voice moans ruining it forever. Practice must Iih regular, thoughtful and systematic, ex cept iu cases of sickness. (July miss practice when dinner is misted. Under ordinary circumstanoes there should net be less than an hour daily devoted to voice exercises. This should be divided into three twenties or two thirties. For these voice exercises, each ami every Vowel sound should be taken iu turn. Half an hour daily devoted to declam atory reading aloud and reciting, aapa cially of tho text of songs, etc, to be" Fung, will Ik-very well spent time. Prac tice standing t rcct before a mirror, and without any accompaniment. By this means many facial contortions and man nerisms will bo obviated. Acquire ease, felt' control, grace of meaner and poetry of motion. An audience is often capti vated as much by the bearing and man ner of a vocalist as by the singing, Bo unremitting iu the effort to enlarge, ex tend and enrich the voice. The muscles controlling the voice will surely yield to treatment, just as any other of the bod ily muscles. All that is wanted for in suring flexibility is the aforesaid regu lar, thoughtful, systematic practice. Al ways dwell well on the vowel sounds and round off the consonants clearly and distinctly at the end and otherwise. Be very careful where, when and how breath is taken. Neverm t!" middle of a word, never in tho middle of a sen tence if it can be avoided, but always where it least disturbs the sense of the words. Sense tirst, Bound second. Al ways, where practicable, breathe through the nostrils and "from the hips." By no other method than deep diaphragmatic breathing can the lungs be thoroughly utilized, especially iu singing, and re main sound, healthy and vigorous. Breathing is so vitally important to good 7tZ FINANCIAL SIDE. I tone production that there should be daily practice in Bpecial breathing exer cises, and in whistling if possible, in the open, fresh air. It is, moreover, abso lutely nt cessary for good, easy breath ing that the clothing round the chest and throat bo loose. Avoid all gliding, sliding, scraping and '"tobogganing" in producing tone. Avoid the tremolo as you would a leper. Let your motto always be, absolutely pure tone or none. Study the words to be sung through and through and sing them as though you felt them. Try to let them come from the heart as well as the throat, as this is the only way to reach the hearts of others. Be very careful to prououuee each word correct ly and to nrticnlate e very syllable, every letter, as clearly as it is possible. One singer who can be easily understood no matter what the language snug is worth 30 whose words are mouthed, rauuibled and lost to the audience. Art Serge For Curt iim. A material sold under the name of art serge comes in neutral tints, chioily pea cock blue and soft green shades. These serges are designed for window curtains. They are double width, very durabl I, and are to be lined with satin to match, supplemented with ball fringe. The combination produces a very harmonious result, and if the curtain is looped up to the overhead valance and left to hang in graceful folds the effect is very elegant. Preparing suit For the Table. The head waiter of a hotel gives this advice: When you dry salt for the table, stir in a teaspoonful of cornstarch to a piart of salt ami let it grow cold before it is put into saltcellars. Then the salt will not grow moist iu damp weather or cake together in lumps. A Convenient Veil ,.. . A case for veils is a convenience that every woman will appreciate, for it keeps tho veils smooth and free from wrinkles. Do you want to make one for a friend? If so, follow these instructions from The Household: Cut four pieces of cardboard 10 inches long and T inches wide. Cover two of them with white linen embroidered with small flowers in white or colored silk, or u xik sJ L d mm -Jmm j B A 1 f I ! J U C D A CASK FDK VICILS. with somo npt quotation if preferred. Cover the other two with some palo tint of India silk and overseam them to gether, the silk With the linen, tho silk to form tho inside of tho case and th linen the outside. Take l yards of satin ribbon 2 inches wide, and cut into four strips, two of them to be cut 2 inches longer than the other two. Tack these as shown by the diagram, the two shorter ones nt 00 and D D, the two longer ones at A A and B B. Tho ribbons, thus arranged, servo to hold tho veils in place, and the casu can bo opened on either side. Seen in in Domestic Economy. A heated knife will cut hot bread as Bmoothly as cold. Do not iron black stookiBga, but pull them into shape ana r'.ry in tho shade. To keep cheese from molding or from drying wrap it in a doth dampened with vinegar and keep it in a covered dish. Try equal parts of ammonia and tur pentine for removing paint, then wash ing in suds. Do not wash windows with soapsudB. A little alcohol and water rubbed on quickly will leave tho paneB bright and shining, if wiped dry. (low Got. Albert A. 1'opi Would I'.aUe E'uuon for Cootl Kuadi. During the past year thousands of ar ticles ou the subject of the betterment the highways have appeared in the newspapers of the country. The great ralnB and importance, of good roads no intelligent person questions, but how to raise money to obtain them is a diffi cult problem about which opinions widely differ. 1 beg leave to suggest ill your col umns a plan which 1 believe to be the least burdensome ami the most effec tual and equitable for providing good road-- Let each state establish a graduated succession tax on lalfcclea end Inheritances, Buoh a tax might be arranged as follows: On all estates veined at 110,000 up to (1,000,000, 1 ler cent; on estates over 11,000,000 and up to ij.OUU.l'Jii, 1 per cent, on the Hist St, uoo.ooii, a per cent on the remainder) on estates of over $:, 000,000 up to 10, 000,000, 1 per cent, on the first ll.OUA, 000, 2 per cent, on over thnt sum up to 15,000,000 and a per cent, on (0,000,000 to 110,000,000. This general principle of 1 per cent, increase every additional (5,000,000 to be the fixed rate of inheri tance and legacy tax. For example on an estate valued at 130,030,000 tho tax would be as fol lows: n.oe.DJO. l per seat tio.uoi ,000,OJO, it per coat hj.ujo &,oui,w. ,i per oeol iw.uuo &,o'OJ), i percent "JJii.ikio &,uoo,iak, o per cent iio uiu 8'.v,oju,ojj 1000,000 John Stuart Mill expresses the views held by the ablest students of social sci ence when he savs: "Inheritances and legacies exceeding a certain amount are highly proper subjects for taxation, and the revenue from these should be mad:' us (rreia oa it can bs made with out giving rise to evasions byodonation during life, or concealment of property, such as it would be impossible ade quately to cbeek. The principle of graduation, that is, of levying a larger percentage on a larger sum, though its application to general taxation would be in my opinion objfCtiouable, seems to me both just and expedient as ap plied to legacy and inheritance duties." England in 17L--0 established a tax ou legacies, and in 1859 the succession tax law was enacted. In the United States a collateral succession tax law went into force in 1804, but tfiat act hw since been repealed in common with Other in ternal revenue laws, in New York there is a collateral succession tax law of $5 per 1100. This tax yielded in ls'JD (1,U7,08T, and it is estimated that at least (2.000,000 will be received from this source by the state during the present year. A similar law in Pennsylvania brought to the state treasury in 1801 the sum of $1,337,808. The collateral succession law reaches comparatively few estates because this tax is simply ou the devolution of property ou other than direct descendants or progenitors. Thus the law adopted by. Connecticut in January, 1889, is as follows- "All property conveyed by will or death of intestate to other than to father, moth er, husband, wife, lineal descendant, adopted chil 1, th" lineal descendant of any adopted child, the wife or widow of a son, the husband of the daughter of descendant, or some charitable pur pose, or purpose strictly public, 5 per cent, of its value above the sum of 81,000, for the use of tho state." The Massachusetts law of 1801 is substan tially the same with the exception that the amount taxed is $10,003 and over. The rate Is " per cent, and charitable, religi ous and educational bequests are exempt The succession tax that I have pro posed will not fall on the poor. Those whose estates amount to 310,J0O can well afforJ to give 8100 to the state in return for ail the protection of its laws which has enabled wealth to be ac cumulated and enjoyed. The succes sion tax is founded on the broadest principles of equity. I maintain that the wealth possessed by every individ ual has been created directly or indi rectly by the help of others, and there fore he owe3 to others or, generally speaking, to the public obligations which ho ought to repay. This is par ticularly true in tho United States. Every citizen, whether he be rich or poo, is equal in the eye of the law and has behind him for the protection of his rights the entire power of the na tion. It is therefore no more than just that every person who accumulates property should pay for the protection that the state secures to him and his possessions If each state were to es tablish a tax on legacies ami inherit ances such as just proposed and devote the money so obtained to the construc tion and maintenance of roads in a few years the older and more populous states would be provided with roods equal to those of England, France and Switzerland; and good roads, when rightly constructed, can be main tained at comparatively small cost; and as the wealth of the states increased the succession tax would furnish suf ficient revenue to meet all the expenses of the state after paying for the main tenance of roads, thus relieving Un people from all direct taxation for state purposes. The advantages of the succession tax are now being brought very prominent ly before the people. In Massachusetts the recently adopted platforms of both the republican and the democratic par ties have planks recommending the adoption of the direct succession tax on Inheritances and legacies. It Is my in tention to publish a pamphlet on the subject of the succession tax primarily as a means of constructing and main tainlng roads, and for its ultimate ob ject the abolishment of direct taxaliou. Albert A. Pope, in Breeders' Oaiette. A K18VOV8 cow is preferable to a stolid one. The chances are that she will give more and better mill: than her dull, mopish sister. There are degree-, of mental development even among cows. Intelligence often ac companies profitableness as a milk yielder. Do not kick the cow because you are angry, go and kick the barn door or the milking stool until you recover your senses, A few lessons will break you of the kloklng habit MatrlmonUl NHeitles, His Wife (as they start for the call) That necktie of yours is horribly loud. He Well) no one will hear it while your hat is in the neighborhood. Chi cago Record. Merely AtUml for Form' Sake. llorer Good morning. I hope you arc not busy to-day? Mr. Iiasyman I am very? Why? llorer BeO&QM I'm going to take up three or four hours of your time. Chi cago Nowa. 11 , ' - A -rru Thread Work. A border in drawn threads, especially suited to coarse material, such as lim n for table covers, sideboard cloths and the like, can lo understood more readily Mm ....r... BORDEfi IN DRAWN THREADS, from an illustration than a description. It is also suitable to be worked on nain sook, cambric and other material iu which the threads may be readily drawn. This drawn work is particularly effective in linen of medium texture made up into bureau covers, chair tidies and lunch tray covers. Homemade Nut Curuiuei. Two CUDS of molsSSSI. 1! cups of brown sugar, a cup of milk, a tablespoon ot glycerin, a cap of grated chocolate, a piece of butter the sir.e of a large egg, u cup of chopped nuts (walnuts or shag barks). Boil rapidly for 'M minutes the first four of these ingredients. Add the chocolate ami butter and boil for 20 min ates longer. Test by dropping a little into very cold water, letting your judg ment determine the desirable degree 0 1 hardness. It will be of the same hard ness when cold as when dropped into the water. When done, add the nuts and pour into u buttered tin. When nearly cold, mark into squares with a knife well buttered. r WOttlFL Ulf 1111. V WEAK MEN vooa, lTf Nrr'?N Great English Bemody, Cray's Spaclflc Medicine if Villi BUFFER troui Nor- uliltv Weakness ot Body snd Mind. Sperm toi t li.-a, end Impotoauy, and mi diseases that arise from uveiwouutacfwo tad self .abuse, sa Lom of Moinorysnd rower, Dimnessof vis ion, Prematura ok) Aso and many other dU eases that load to Insanity or Consumption and no earl j grave, write fur pamphlet Address QUAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. The speclflo Medicine is sold by nil drugfftsta at J ier package, or ix packages for S,orsont liytnatl on n Ipt ot money.and vita ovory t&OU order WE iUAAiTF.E a cure ot money refunded . On account of counterfeits wo have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only ijeiiu Inc. Sold in Bcranton bv Matthews tro Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers aud Dealers In Ulaminating and Lntoicatioj Linseed Oil, Napthas end Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, 1 inion Grease and Colliery Com pound ; also, a largo lino oi Par n.ltiae Was Candles. We also handle the Famous CROW.'I ACME 0'L, the only family safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manay:r. Office: Con.1 Excliaii:, urkii it l ino Brouli WyonUug Avj N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, WYOMING AV. SCHANTOJ NTKIWVAY SON DECKER ' .liu 1 1 1 Kits Aira KHAN'ICH & KMJk otbjjm S . 1 l.. .'. it ItAUKU PIANOS 1 1st n isru-e stock of Brstekus ItUSICAti MEItOHANDlBla all; SIC, KTO, ETU MT. PLEASANT AT HI. T All,. Colli or Um Iwst quality or domestic unn,and of nil fcUuH, delivered Iu . part uf tho eity nt lowest prloa. Older.1 left at my OfflCS, x. 118, WYOMING ATRMUBi Rear room, Drat Boor, Thirl National Hank. or sent liy mail or telephone to Mm mine, will receive prompt atttntioa Hpeclal Sonfraota will be mnile. for the sain sinl delivery of Buckwheat Oust, WM. T. SMITH. Ins tfitrtn nkssAu ie..-:oti-j: I "Nl-llC HP-tl- I P'litiif l.m Ai.l Ho k l.iok. i r.ultmld Iron I l.f- ' '. I ' l. f I ' I., mill li .,.,!!.. -. mi-. I I me Mifiuyiiil. 'wr Miiela Remedy w! I sSilsl urn eSSS kssITiiv ro . .h in i"rfS2IB.iilK-,.l -ULi DEXTKi; Rfint: W.,lr'p.CspJtol,lWjOej. BK8T SM.iO HHOM IN TH1 WOULD. '.l ioUur PMrfil inn ii'-'titr rarririi." This lilies' Solid Prencli Hangout Kid Tint ton I'.oot delivered free snywhulS in tho U.S., un S -e.rJl reeelptiil'Caiih, MoneyOrdW, ..- rutlsl Nolo lot SIM, it., m --J ps.t -y Y.tuuiU every wm tlu reiAll Hinri'D ior d nil Wo nHute ifiii b oumlVMi Mieiworo wo jjnnr' QllfM thojfi(elW and NMr. mv.i '.i imy dim (l not imtmlltxi wo v. ill Kiiiiui tko RMioty k or MM UKH bW ln I r. Opera ?V Toa or Cod not) 8ojhoi L'V WrdUji r, p. B, ft IX, I Sj ' I't 3 JliuHt.,!,-! FREE Dexter Shoe Co., ZSii& Sj-txiul Itrmi In JJiuitrt, U h.fl i , i i . i ; It cut fks K i'. Tribune, !oi: 1, 1 M The Flour "CniCAOO, Oct. 31. Fhe firt ofHcial nnnonncement of World's Fair di plomas on floor has heen made. A medal has been twsrded ly th" World's Fair judge to the Hour manu fsctured hy the Washburn, Crosby Co, in tho threat WV.hlurn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong unl pure, and entitles it to rank as lirst-clans patent Hour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AGENT SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo brand of Hour can be had nt any of the following merchant, who will sooept The Tribune flour coupon of 'J'i on each one hundred pounds of Hour or 60 on each bin rid of flour.' Ecrsnton F. P. Price, Washington svenm I QoldMeda Brand, Duumore F P. Price, Uold Medal Brand. Dnnmore F. 1) Uanley. HuperUUve Ursn I. Hyde Park Carson A Davis, Wainbarn st. tx'ld jlediil Ursudl J M-j'h A. Mearn, Uain avonno, Snperlstlye Brand. GreenRHi A L.Spei :-.inl,l Medal llrsnd. J, T. MoHalo, Rupertstlvo, Providence Feuner Ac i lmopell. N- Muin a VI nne, Hsporlatlve braadiU. J Qlllssple, w. Market street, Hold Monti Brand Olynhsnl -Jamos Jordan, Bnperlatlvo Brand. Peekvllie Shilf'-r 4t Kils-r Hnporlatlvj. Jermyn t'. i. Winters ii Co Haperalatlve Arohnald Jones, s hiips..ii ,v Co . hold Medal Carbondsls B. s. Clark, Hold Medal Brand, i llotioxdulii 1 N. l-'usier ,v Co (J! I .M.iJ i . Mlnooke M. li. Uvelle. Taylor Judge A Co., Uold Medal; Atherton A ( !o., Siiorlativo. Duryea Lawrence Store Co,, Gold .Medal. Mooilc John McCrlndle, Gold Modal Plttston M. W. O'Boyle, tiold Medal. UlarkViUreen Fraee & Parker, superlative. I'lurk'M Kuminlt-K, M. Vouoir, Uold Modal. Dal ton S, E. Finn & Son, Oold Medal Brand. Meholiu J, E. Harding, Waverly-M. , HUh Bon, Oold Medal. Fai t iryvflls Charles tia'- r. Oold Medal. Hocbotto n N. M. Finn A Sou, Oold Medal. 'livhsiiin 4e l.-nia l.umlw r Co. (mil Mela! Brand linu dsboro B a. Adam. i l 1 Medal Bran d Mnteow Oaige A Clements, Oold MsdsL Lake Ai i.-I Jamea A. Bortree, Oold Medal. 1 orestCity J. L. Mul'Kali & Co., Oold Medal Closing out the bal ance of our FUR CiLPHS at following prices: Russian Ly ix Circular Cap's. 21 luclios. $.US Electric seal Circular Capo, 21 In 8.08 Astrakhan Circular Capes, 21 in 9.98 Wool th n Circular Uspes, 'il in liiu stoiei Marten Uh-colar Capes, 21 in io.oj ilroun Marten Circular Capes, -i iu ILOO Ctlur Circular Capes, 21 iu 0O.U0 Seal Sacques Peal BacqUflS, 3d ineioi ohg gl.VI.03 Beat Jackets, M Inobea 100.03 teai Jackets, M melios long en.ou Ahtrakin.u Jackets, ill inchei ion; aj.UU Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape, ; inciioa lonn, with! liuttprtty Cspe l.00 ottor Oironlar Cape, 8U inubH loni?,with liilttel-Qy Cajio lO.j.01 Knblo Circular Cape, li) inobea lean S3 00 Astiakban Circular Cape, 111) inohs long ti 01 Electric Seal Circular Cape, Kl In. long.. -0 00 liray dimmer CtrcularCaps, join, loug in m dosen Amerlosn a-ai Muiln st.,,,I.U each 1 lot c 1 children's nets at SSo, each 1 lot of Hklgli Rolii-a, pluib liu:J 21 uacb Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. 07 LACKAWANNA AVUXUU DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quct Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. i All Prices and all Sizes. Foote Sl Shear Co, 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. Br n r Sjifl " ntuaua m. 1 s PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT gT AND POTASSIUM S Makes & Connell J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. Ti;e only Trscticsl Furrier in the city. eeds and Fertilizers Urge Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and I Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO, Pimples, Blotches 35 and Old Sores Catarrh. Malaria 49 Marvelous Cures $r in Blood Poison liE Rheumatism grand Scrofula fi1 i p. p. parifltt tii bloodi boUdtnp iigUi thn VMik nad lioMlltatjfl, eg strength t'i WWtki Dl '1 DrT6t vkhU Ofl1 1 rUiMMMsglTlDg tho imttcnt hcftlth and fftfc- - bai'LiUi.'Aii wliuro HkknuM, nl'nij iMiiagt aod Uuiuiafl tirst prv:uiui. Is- PorDrimftry.tooondary tnd U u BvptilliH. lor blood pottonlog, meroa Gs- rial uoisuii, naUrU, dyspopaU, unil xftsu. In nil blond antl bklit (lltitH(. Hko ZZ blotdhcH, blmpiMs old chronlo uiotr i 3P11 tvttur, si'iihi hoHd, hotip, eryifpelu. eczema wo may unv, without f pontnwottontut 1. P. P. in th t (BHfr- ' blood purifier Iu tho wrldtmid DQlkei iMi i vt . BpudJy and petmanuDt euros In 1I casus. M Idti whox tyitmi re potsonvd and whot6 bloodli to d Impure oi ai jgfr iii n. daa to inunitrual u- tiinri t ( , J1a aro DfOQltarly bohollted by the wmi wr dorful tonlo BOd bi i floatirtlnjr proii- gm trtloaol r P. v. Prlukly Asn.PoCe Root and PoUMlttm. jffW Hi iiisoi i ri p, Mo. , Auk. 1 Uh, IS'.'. I. 71 I own ripnnk In tho Ugfivtl MRUS Of fivV vQwnodtolM from my ownpanoDau .-m Kiiowlt' lKo. I wuHiiffoett'd wlih hoin-t dl.-eiiso, pl(uny and rhtiumatl) D f"r J B6fMff was treated by tu Wf bMt .gn phvrilelani) unn npeut ImndreiN of do- " larf. tried every known remedy with e out tltidltirf relief. 1 havo only taken frmrM one imttlu ot TQttf r P. P., and can ohuerfuiiy tiiy it nu done memora flfc Kood than any thine. I btl o ever taken, i cm recommend your medit ino to all wiiBurer ef the hh: o d I sennet, MRS. M. M. YBARYs ' t-,-l mi li- i. Qru County, Mo. 'f1 and Kidney Troubles Ai't entirely kww - ; I'rl. Hly Asb. Poko Root an.l PotAS sluin, the greatest Liuud puritltr oa burlb. AssrAcitH, O.. July J 1,1901. Mssms. Lii'I'man Brhs.. BSTsnosb, Ga.: 1i:ar Sihs-I txiuichr sbottieot y,,iir P. P. P. .it Hot m-riiia!.. Ark., anil It in doDsine ntorssooothss tiiro mnLtlis'irt'iuaitMitai tl.o Mot SjirlDga. fcwliil tbrM bottles t'. o. u. ilesucvtluliy yuurs, J.H. M. NEWTON. AberJeeu. lireKu County, O. (,'apt.J. JuhiKion. 7,' Sll ItsOSI it tnnj tonrerr: I horo by testify to th wonderful properties of P. P. P. lor erupuoDi at tho skin. I BiiilHroil for several ytnr3 with nn un nlirhtly sua dlssgrssable eroptloo on lny laee. I trleJ I'Ver--kiio-vn reine tly luit In vriln, until p. p. p. wiisuned, sntl am now entirely eured. (Slsnoilby) J. D. JOHNSTON. Siivsiuiiib. Ua. Nhlu Cnnroi' Onrsd. Testimony J mm tlu .ljyw 0 .ieiivtn.Ttx. QOUt.TSX.. Janunry 14. 1S93. Mh.sRxs. UPPMAM Piiios. , Suviuuiuh, Oa. : Osnfsmts Imvn tried your P. P. P. for a ,lls -n ie of ih .-.kin, usually BOWS as hkin eain-er, of thirty vears' Ntandiiiit, and louiiil itn st relief; It IHirlll.'.nlio hlood and removes all u- rltatlon from the se:'t of the disease mid prevents any siirradlnir of lhu orss, I have tnken fl o,.r six bottles mid feel OOnudsnt that another eoursu will offsot a enre. It lins also relloed inu from IndlK'esilon aud atoiuacli tiuublus. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. Ul'HT, Attoruoy nt Law. m on m DUwsej Mttii Free. ALL DBUOOISTS MELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PKOPR1ITOB8, 1 i)i' ,m 111. - ill, rl Mo.niiiati.Ca MM RESTORE LOST VIGOR if ,lM..!fe,,? , ?.'""" D-' y, laissof 8SSJSJ F0t in sllbslMZ, - . n.,.H .mtmuj tiiiiM-. 11 nt-yi. '-u-.i, mirn ireuttlcs If-iiil t eoi-Miinptiiri vt , ci , i,, i f IM,, ti t.-n. fm j With , t t f, rirsaii) by JOHN 11. PHBLP&. I'lmrumcist. cur. Wyoming Ave. snd Bersnton, Ps. - pi net st., "NEWVESEEOS. M i i i i J , , . I. ,,, r- i, . 4 siH tiffti'tis dl. pkm'i. ittch as Wpnk Mtn:r;, of Bralb Powrr. Hetdftohe. Wakeful ncM, Y.oM Msiilu.od, Nlplitl y Kinlwsjoiis, NerToiiuii')n,iilldmlimni1 losspf pOwf? InQenttnitVeOntllttOf either rod nosed by ovito vert ion. youthful errors. e.vrrmlTO lout nf ti.liueen. oulllin or KtlinnU til, which hnl lit luttrmli v. run. hsomptfonOMnrMtntty. Oko hocarrlnd In vest D04 eL 91 iht bbf. l lor Us Aw tn 11 1 1 ItMMM V. I ! ' .i IsK m-rtiT MM n . I : j t .- n . . . . . . , , . bEFOMjUIDAniRUSINu.UOOUior. Adctresi NSBTl tMBDCW., MaM i.k Ttn.idb, OUOMOsUb For Salo in Soranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Dllinlst, WaihtngtOfl inrt BorU06 BtNOtBs DR. MOTT'S MCUVKKIM' PILLS llMU'rent remedy fur nnrrnus r'"ntrstloii and allnervnindlsi'isej of T.'. . " .' ... . t.i'i., p..,. rui ri ur ee , 1 1 : 4 l, r.lll BHI He: or l,st Ai.inlioo.l. ImiioteiK-y. Nlicri t 1 v lanlsUtiis.v.m; ;f ,, iJSv- Meu'iil Wi rry.e.xei'ssive n,iof Toluioeo or Oplnm, Which loud KiCiin. SB. nu. ii.iion and liueiilty. With every Sli order we mvi a written unar. ULi (Jilt A.NU 1 i 11 14 WU.NU. a':t'ito,.Mtuo rel'.in.i Hit-money. Sell al S1 .X" er POX. bosSS I oi i. Il.i.;i.l-, UiiiKtUi, H i 1'ouu Avenue. t.'i.'ijw-rf . ;jt-- rs, n RESTORED MANHOOD y.' ,SJ lf,UWWII'STWlSSIWBII Willi IIISSSSSSSM Hotel Waverly Ftivcpcnn Plan. First'OlSSI Par sttschod Depot ior Btrgnsr a Engtl's Tsnnlususfr Bscr L Cm lit. and Filbert StsM If oft dtftlrftbln for resident of tV.B.Patll tylvAlitsV All 00 D TOD ten CM lot travolert to Mid trotti Urond HU fltntt n nnd Ibe Twelfth nud llirko: Btftet itlitloa Ds liTstble (or TltiUng Scrantonl.iiis nuJ voo lit in Uio Aiitliraclte Ueielou. T. J. VICTORY, FROFRIETOR. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All kimW : . -ii 1 : ii 1 1 t i v i I daily i ancy Buioked Halibut, RoniMH Co ', Viirinouth Bloaterti nlt Miickirel. RnnlnswuTi ChMftpwsska Hy. Hiinrlee Rtver Cove ami llhio I'ulnt OYSTERS ott Bbell Clnmi, Bbrlmpji NcftllapB, ato, W. H. PIERCE, IE NX AVR RICK DRAIN TILE FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW. VITRIFIED. FIRE AN D COMMON B R I C K Best in the market. Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICE: Blngbamtos, N.Y. FACTORY i Brantlt, Ps. AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Vr'i3li!nglon AVMHlti Contrsetor Utd liuilrlorot Concrotn riauglni, l oneret'i IIIik'Ich, Potstn, lluttor and Cosl Hinn, Wet Collins ilrioj up Onlers mny bs left at Thompson 4; Pratt, Will tuns A Co., Aiiiin niul Kyuon MuriSts, Of st bcinnloo MOW VrOrkSi Also Kotui-latious, Cmturns, Pish Wire fannsMMMl Collins. Fisulni lor Usrduu Walks. GREAT PAINTINGS. For centuries brilliant artists have been i;iiiitinj' beautiful pic tures, aud the best of these pic tures are carefully preserved by wealthy people iu their mansions, or by governments aud cities iu public building,. They form the great attractions to many of the old world cities, and can all be seen only by much traveling and at great expense. As outlined below, a lover of pictures conceived the idea of plac ing these delights of the eye with in the reach of greater numbers, and the result is the beautiful art work, ferpieoes FKOJI THE Mas Art Galleries or THE World Being a lover of the modern styles of pain tin;,', he includes in this grand collection all that is popular and good iu ISf TBDAT As well as the choicest bits, and the famous and historical pieces of the artists of all ages. This is undoubtedly the most beautiful and complete art work ever published: and well it may be, for,it contains the best work of the delineators of all that is beautiful. These pictures are engraved on copper plates by the half-tone photo gravure process; aud are PERFECT REPRODUCTIONS U.' the original paiutingj, even to the very brush marks. They sre mrvle from photographs tnken ilirect fr:m the original paint ings. Ech part contains fifteen of these engravings sntl one pags cf ds icripttva mattjr of tha picture and the artists, nr. 1 PRACTICALLY AVE GIVE IT AAV AY To our readers. Why do we go to this ex;3:i- it Circulation in a nswspapst la every thing. If. by Riving these magnificent parts every week to the resders of I Iff FOR TEN CENTS AND A COUPON SVo ihUI 28 per conr. to our circulation, will bo uioro than repaid for the cost. The Way to Get It For tho first portfolio, bring to this office one of the coupons printed else where on this page and 10 cents. For subsequent parts send three coupons and ten cents. SCRANTON j