G THE SCEANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF no PITTSTGNS Tire Pcbanton TmncsE's Pittston le pariuient is iu charge of J, et. Fehy, to whom news iteuis and complaints may bo refurred.j INSPECTOR M'OONALD'S REPORT. It Shows a Dsireaae la Coal Production While tb Death lint Advanoee. Miue Inspector McDonald has com pleted his annual report for 1893. It is mi elaborate one covering every de tail, and hIidws much hard work It shows a total ooul production for the yuiir to ho 5,629,914 tom, or an d -crease of 99,816 lone compared with the vear 1898, Thy fatalities left ISO widows and 100 orphans. Tiie number of days worked in 180o was 180 'i'i, as against 808 00 in 180','. The table shows the nuiiiber of fata! accident.' to hive been 84, and tho non-fatal 178. In 18!') there were "ill lives lost and 168 more or less H -riously injured. The inspector has classified the accident as follow: CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS ago and has resided hero ever since. He v n9 prominent as a contractor. He waa 73 years of nge. IU is survived by his wife, who was Mary Yates, a daughter of Francis Yates, from whom Yateaville derived its name, and the following children: John P. Banker, of Overbrook. Kansas; Mrs. Rev. d. M. Colville, of Biughaiu- ton; Frank H, ud Mini INellie id. Bunker, of this place. Tue funeral will take placo this afternoon. Services at the family home on Ligrauge street at mi o clock, conducted by Kev. J. li. Suuiuer. iuturmeut in rittstou tun tery. W. C. Smith, commander or W. U Nugent 1'oit, No. U4o, department oi' Pennsylvania, (i. A. R., ami Dr. D. L. Koss and Lientenent C. H. Dorr, dele gate elect, leavo today noon ut 19 34. lor Philadelphia , to attend tl.e annual encampment of tho U A. K., which will be held in the Uuakor city ou Thurs lay, Friday and Saturday, Mi. John Dcinpsey of Nugent Post, will also attend, and the Woman's Keliwf corps will be represented by Mta. D. L. Koss and L izsrna. Insurance Aiut James Kolin, of Wilkes Burre, was circul .ttinj among our ImsiiiHss men yesterday. John Birmingham, the well known scribe, was a visitor m town yesterday. Fatal. By explosion of carburated hy drogen gas U Fall of roof and coal -s Crashed ami run over by mine cars 11 By fnlbng down shaft - By explosion of powder and blast 3 By miscellaneous causes under ground 4 By miscellaneous causes ou sur face 6 Total oriTt'.vriON OF 64 Non Fatal. lit SO 31 -'0 17 11 178 PERSONS KILLED OR 1N- ,i (WED, Killed, injured. Miners H '0 Miners' laborers IS 88 Drivers and runners 11 -4 Door boys and sinte pickers 7 11 Miscellaneous underground..., 19 98 Miscellaneous ou surface 8 Total. 04 ITS POOL PLAYER JONES CHALLENGED. JERMYN JOTTINGS. All Clem Kerch's Backer Rilling to Wagara Stake That Jonte Can Be Btaten. The Journal of lust evening is au thority for the following challenge, which is self explanatory: PrrrsTO!!, Pa.. Feb. 24, VSl'lr I, Clem Marsh, ot Sernntou, hereby chal lenge Will Jones, of Fittston, to play 400 point game of continuous 1 5-bull pool, 'J: Ml points to be played in Hyde 1'ark and -00 in Pittston for ISO or 10o per side, the match to come Off Within thirty days, the rooms in which the games ure to be played to be mutually agreed upon. Pnil.il' RlNSLANDi For Clem Marsh. As Jones ii a formidable amateur player it is more than likely that Mr. Rinsland will be accommodated. HURT IN THE MINES. Jacob MarecUall Receives Serious In juries in the Mines. Jacob Marschall, a Polauder, aged S!4 years, aud employed as a miner, was the victim of a fall of rock iu the Mount Lookout colliery, at Wyomiuir, yesterday morning. W hen extricated from the fall of debris he was found to be severely injured, his right leg being badly fractured. He was removed to the Pittston hos pital in the company's ambulance, wnere his injuries are being utteuded. Death of C. W. Carr. Chsrles W. Carr died at his West Side home, 234 Wyoming avenue, at 130 o'lock yesterday morning of dys enteiy. Mr. Carr was 70 years the 31 of this month and a number of the Pittston lodge of Odd Fellows. Ar rangements for the funeral will be made immediately upon the arrival of his daughter, Mrs. Van Vint, of Go shen, N. Y. In 1814 he cam to Pitts ton and entered into a partnership with James Mott. For a number of years the firm conducted a milling and gro cery business. Their mill was located on the site of the old stone mill at the Ferry bridge, and, like its successor, whs destroyed by fire. He resided on Wyoming avenoe, Wast Side, and spent his time in looking aftr his property, of which he bud accumulated consideraly. 'Where Are W At P The News-Dealer of yeeterdny has this bit of Btartling intelligence con cerning our town: "Pittston is said to have the bigges t gambling game of any place in the state. It is just about midway between Scranton and this city, and gam biers from both places buck tne faro layout, or sit in a big stud pokr game, where the cover is off the limit Men drop a thousand or scoop it in just as tho ugh it didn't amount to Bhucks. And ti. toys are never molested by the author ities, either." In view of the above statement, our neighbor migi. go it one better by relating the Whole ..ninir, location and all. A Substantial Rntcemberance. Mm. John Everhart, fornrrly of West Pittston, but now a resident of Philadelphia, although separated from recesses that she holds 1) ir, hs ovi dently not forgotten our firi'min. Dur ing the past few days the treasurer of the Eagle Hose company's fair received n check from her tor $200. To say that that the boys were pleaseJ tl but mildly expressing it. ii e importance oi hi-uiniif; nip liver ami kidneys In good condition cannot be overestimated. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a great remedy for regulating aud invigora ting those organs. Hood's PI1U act. easily, yet promptly anu euecuveiy, on me liver ana bowels. " PITTSTON LOCAL. Fp:tcmiz.d Nawe Notes of Interest to Wldu Awake Readers Ganernlly. Halt, the colored man who was shot some time ago hy one Havard, has so far recovered aa to be able to sit up every d ;iy. Superintendent Gibson, of tho hos pital, reports all the patients "are do ing nicely." The West End Hose company will give a complimentary hop to their lady friends March 27. UuggUs & Manning, of Pittston, have No. 1 Magic City, the moBt unique and beautiful of oil the World's Fair pictures, which they will sell at 10 cents for each part. The book coupon cut from The TRIBUNE and 10 cents will take the Magic City, or auy one of the three beautiful piotures, "Good Morning," "Telephone Girl," or "Swinging." Inadvertantly "the death of Charles Banker, one of Pittsiou's oldest resi dents, was omitted from publication in yesterday's issue. Mr. Banker passed away at 12 1-10 o'clock Monday at his home on Lagrange street, after a very brief illness of congestion of the liver. He was ill but a few days. Mr. Hanker came to Pittston fifty years the Events of a Livoly Borough Toriely Reported. Facial to the Scranton TWMoitf. JERMYN, Pa.. Feb. 87. Miss Susie Knight, who bus been visiting her friend, Miss Vail, left yesterday for her home in New York state. The lelalOQ of the teachers' institute at Mayfllld will begin promptly at 0 a. ui. Saturday, All rrlendi of education will be welcome. The Mineral of Stephen A. Taylor took place yesterday. Services were hshl at the house, after which the body was taken to Orvis Corners for Interment A largo number of friends and r-l iiives from BsTonton, Forest City. HollistorvilU and Clark's Green were present to piy tho last tribute of respect to the deceased. Charles Jones, ot Green Ridge, and F. P. Brown, of New York, registered at the St. George hotel yesterdoy. After a seven weeks seige with scar let fever Charles Maynard ventured out yesterday for tho first time. Mrs. W. S. Bsdger returned yester day from a visit with triends in Dela ware oonnty, N Y, March 27th is the date of the enter tainment uuder the auspices of the C. M. B. A. society. Buy a ticket and help the cause along. Henry Btowe is assisting at the school house during the temporary ab sence o( tiie j luitor. A number from here attended the concert in Carboudale last evening, ilieodoro K.. ; da has again enter ed the employ of Richard Bunt and will be glad to see his old cu-touiers itn. Lung Troubles show a tendency toward Consumption. A Cough is often tho beginning. Don't wait until your condition is more serious. Take Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-livor Oil, at once. It overcomes all the conditions that invito the Consumption Germs. Phy sicians, the world over, en dorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! l'rcparej by Beet! 4 Bowoe, N. Y. All Uruemet. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE UOUS PITTSTON, PA. E, ANNUAL CLEARIN A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Gooda. cloaks and Fur Gapes daring Bale at less than cost of material. Every inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever BhOVi Q, Ladies' Felt lints, this seuuon's styles 0c. each. Boys' Winter Waists Oo eeoh. Muffs 3o0- eflcu. Cloaks $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. ( 014 E, IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. TH E Thatcher It THE Bf ST. Get prices and see the furnace and be con vinced. A lull line of BEAT ERS, Appflllo aud Gauze Door Kiingo. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO, Manufacturer! nmi D,;ii,'re UIU Boininj llihlinsfinrr CjTinds ilso Shafting and Journal Greasa. OFFICE: "ji West Leekswantu a u I'oi.a -Meridian stroe; A. B BROWN'S BEE H PITTSTON, PA. IVE, MOOSIC POWDER CB. Robinson's Sons Rooms 1 and I Commonwealth Eli's SI RANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at the MOOSIO nml RUSH DAL11 WORK Lsifllin & Rand l'owdor Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Itsttprine, Fuse for explod ing ulasU, i-aiHty Kumj ud RepaunoChemical Co.'sHigh Explosives A Handsome Complexion In one of the Kioutvat charm a woman can possess Pouo:trs Complexion Puwdkb Birrs it. Lageh Beer Brewery Jlnnufecturers of the OlobrateJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, :: KNOWLEDGE POWER :: BIS a TS& :j 6 T)"'E possessions of neo's tyands are qiiiGly ;od- suried, but t)Owecje, u)ty is tl;e mind's 3 ripest estate, ?7dtir5 jor?u?r." k h vTDUCMAIIK C pnaae a wen Man of I vHfflSTX VI. p 1 x 1 till fe UK AT HtNOOO REMEDY i I: . : .. TIIC IBOT1 ItFM'lT" hi BO AV. CUTM all Nf-v.ui lM''t, Failin M nipy I':in-i. Hi.'i)ltssnns . Nit'litlv Kliiif- lion-, tc.caii'Wtl by nt utuw" Livtn vljcur uml Ate to -'hi Unkctl onMlM, Uld QQlokly Dllt mircly NttOfM I.ot M ii hood in Old OT Voting I Mili cnnlrd In veil pOCkot i t I u purl. ur-. Si V tor feYOO with ft writ It-11 u it 11 it 1. 1 . . to VMN or MWtff piTumlpd. lon't l-t itny UBPrlROlpM dnMlrt Nil T'Mi "ny kind ttl HnUatum, lru ut un uvlng INDAPO nonotnr II he lun not tfot It. wi- will wnd it hy mail upon f.-rripf of prlcp. I'nmphle-i m l ciivrlopr fn-r. Aihlrciv Orirnlul Mi ill ui Co , Prop-., I Mfaro, I II. (irunriuttntB. SOIeD by MatthfA Brm , Whulrsalr ;mci Kttnil prutfwtt, SCRANTONi PA., aud other LtaU- inK iJidKsisti. Every WomaD .Wd' S'ometimes needs a roli 1 nble monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Aro prompt, Mfr enil cprtaln In rmult. Th unm ii"!iur. raU'e) never dieaMolnt Benlaaywhefa 11.00, I'oal McOlrlne Cu . Clevelaud , u. BoM by JOHN II. PHELP.H rharmnotrt wraer WTomins tveiiaa and Bpraei etreot Bflruntnn, Pik Complexion Preservsd DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM RomoTce Freeklei, Pimple. LHr - Moln, Blackhoedil Sunburn ami Ten, ami n (torcn tho tlilu to Ita origi nal freshness, protluclnn a clour and Deal thy com nlerVei. mraenrlflf tnejl tmrm mpuatlOlil and prrfcrUy bnrmlrsi. At all (Jrut;glsts,ur mailed lor m t. BeuU lor Circular. VIOLA 8KIM 80AP l 'Imply InrampK.Mo M ('tin f Itin H-i.p, uQonnilM Tor thn toilet, nnl wlUinut . rtviil fur tl.o ruriTrr. AI-wIbu-Iv w and deucttatt u. .ll nut. It dmmiliK, Price 25 Cento. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Tolcdo, O. For Halo hy MutthrwH Uroa,MorKanHro8,nnd iforaaii Co. Eeeoeeis er tt Hiohmt Midiol AuTMoemte SNEMTHOL NHAIfR iXfUSt CATARRH HEADACHE nEURAl5W ibnununi. TlllB MltNxnoT iniiAi wit win cure you. a PJeWIUI l""'U MiHoinni fmtiiOolila, MornThrunt, ln(1iirnz:t. KrunchHU. nr II A 1 fV XTVto a...i. rnmHHakrmtf' Anefllclonl . w - , irinrnv. rrnTonirni in rnrry In pnrknt.rrnfjv to mn nn flrnt Imhration of cold. ro'ltntird 1 r.ffrcla IVrmnnrnt Tnro. Hntlafevrf ton murantaml , , .......... i ti . .. CU cents. free nl lirn.-ni.t. . . H. D. MmfiLf Mlr..ThrMRi..m e.rh II I f OTTSHMAW'S r. i... . , . MENTHOL T,,il" "uro"1 1,11,1 fetl remedy for w. . ,: , """twJririoniR, lien. Mall BheimMili LSOjee, llnrna, TuU. Woneernil rura yljfirPlI.Ea. Prlee. el., ut Kruu-r 1 aa dt.or hy mall prepaid. AiMromaaaboTi'. DWLWI For alt) by Mattliowa Bros,,Motgan Brox.and JUorgun A (.0. 1 jaar laill 90 'irort K N ( si ENLIGHTENING THE W6RLD. WA Hi I Wm H I ft A Hi if mm W Tn the snip of the shears, The lioiiilhoMer IiMis The sound of his money enhancing; Why not copy his way, And clip every day To get something that's quite as entrancing. You Can Do Et! BY SNIPPING AND CLIPPING YOU GET $24 VALUE FOR TEN CENTS Just to think of the delights of a trip all over our own country, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico! A tk I fA Being1 able to do it in easy stages at A MO TEN CENTS "a stage," inch.;. 1 1 I O "1" '" serv'ces f a guide! Yet, 1 that is just what we do for you TTHINK Realist'c B'ctures from ever part ' Ann America, done in NEW proce IIP indelible typogravure delineatt: Wi the journey. The incomparable world-famed traveler and lecturer, PROF, fi" R, CROMWELL, is the guide. Journalistic enterprise is the cond i of the trip, America "From Alaska to the Galf of Mexico.'1 will bo publinhel ia wecklv 9ris of sivteen viewj (encli riew llxt:l fully worth $1.50;, aad wilt ombracetbe puyeienl ad totnia wooden ui Our Own Lane the whol edited by Prof. Q K. Cromwell. Eich series will b ooloi.'l baaJsorne covers. To nuv of our roaders who will cat out six six coupon', diffjratlv i bereJ, mid britii; or lnd to this ofSoo with ten' cents to covar cost of nun i wo will (jiTe or mil the urst nud second serloi, now ready, which cout.iiu i fullowiug views: Liberty ntnl iRnornnce ennnot go hand In hand, slave to your neiifhbor. If you know loss than your neighbor you aro to that extent "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER." If nny one iiiiblication can bo said to contaiu nil hamui knowlflffdo it ie Trie Trltune Edition ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Truly U ll tutf bt laid that wbul It dooa not contain It not worth knowing. 89,000 Pages, 25 Lafgt (jnarto Vol umes, an average of H.V) I'ages per Volume. 16,404 Articles, avoragiug H pages each. 3,!1!)9 Artlcli-s giguod by special ists, 148 ptf voinmo, 10,255 page, written byspeottl cimtribntors, forming four-fifths of the entiro work. 11IW Full I'age Kngraved I'lates, containing ovr 900 separate illustrations. 071 Maps and Plans, including 887 Colored Maps, 11,1102 Illustrations, exclusive of Maps and Plans. If you were were ordering this made for yourself, hiring all the work done, it would cost you II, 000,000 of dollars. Thig no one person could afford. If you were buying tbo bookaat retail, this groat work would cost you in the lCdln burgh Edition from $185 to 900 but, by taking advantage of the wholesale club rates which THE TRIBUNE froely extendi to you for a short time you can aocure this Mugniticeut, ('netpiaUed Liorary at 10 CENTS PER DAY. The authority of the Kncyclopedia Britannica has never been questioned in any Court of Justice. It is the essence of the ripeet scholarship and the keenest genius the world has over known. It is the pipe line connection to the grent fonntnin of knowledge. No wonder such a man aa the London divine, DK. Hl'URUEON. said of this work: "If all other books should be destroyed, the Uible excepted, the world would have lost but little of its information." HE HIE E. I DEW., ill SPICE SI. Tln Capitol, WaihlagtoBa Th CoBunon, Huston Printing House yimr-. N n York Brven rnlle, Cbeynnae Canon, i olorado, Cheetnnl tr el riillailclphla. Yellowetona Palls. Wyaning, Drenfton's ove Newport, Central Park, Mtuuoapoiu. Andltorlum Hotel, riiiraen. Look Him i Rapids, m. Lawrence rtivor. Temple Square, :li Lake Hy. Mountain House, i resiou sprliiK, Pa. Washington Monument, lialtlaiure. Horae InoeFevlll, Nfuifura, Ctti ol letorla, u. c. Kltka. m i Each Series Lasts but one Week. See That You Get Them All. UIIUlIUIIIIIIIctllllillHIIIilllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllHSU I AMBKICA i COUPON NO. A. S Send or bring two of these coupons, differently numbered, s B will. '1, .,,,.1 ,,.,.il,.. ...... . :.!....... B photographs, r fiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iaiii.iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiihiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiR I FEB. 28 I This Coupon, with two like it, but of different I s dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four S parts the one announced before. FEB. 2e This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- jjj ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one I part of the celebrated "Wanamaker" Portfolio, de-1 scribod above. New part each week. Part One I now ready. FEB. 28 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ-1 E ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo s graphs, a rare and interesting glanca at noted spots in all climes. iiiitii.yiiiiiitiiiaiiiiii.ii.iiiiiiiiiuiiuikiuiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuuiiiiuuii