The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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52 m
1 Valves
School CoMrollers Meet and EO'.ct a Ri
Norrmanfi Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
?08 Peon Ave
Very Choice Line of
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc.
127 Wyoming Ave.
' The Btrnggll For Life" will bo pre
sented nt the Academy tonight aud to
morrow eveuiuc;.
Jndvriu hns sold the Nettleton properly
opposite thf court Presbyterian church,
owned by ftIorib, toC'uaritM McMulleu
ior ru,uuw
The Vcilnnteer Firemen's union will
meet in regular session this evening In
R'lub's hall. The comruitteo ou chartur
will make its report.
It esolutlone Ari-jred by Christian En
deavor Society of Grnce Church.
At a meeting of lite Young People's
(Society of Christian Kndeavor of Grace
church the following preamble and res.
olutiona vore adopted : ,
inasmuch as it baa pleased oar Heavenly
Father in ills Infinite wisdom and love to
call home to Himself from among our
midst ilia faithful and devoted servant,
.Mls Mary M. Hackett, and
Inasmuch aa we deaire, as a society, to
(rive expression to the creat enoom and
love of her. which she has won from us by
her sweet ami sunny disposition, kindness
and aymjathy, forgetfulness of aolf, her
tireless eneriry as our co-worker, and
ntiovu all by her love for her Master
chowii by her earnest Christian life, There
fore be it
Resolved. That we do Inroby extend our
deepest and most heartfelt sympathy in
this their bereavement to the uurther,
brother and t-ister?, and other lovitn; rela
tives who have lost a devoted and oltedien t
dnughtor. n kind and gentle slater. Mid fl
wise aurt Christ-like friend. And further
bo it
Resolved, That n copy of these resolu
tions be spread upon the minuto book of
this society, aud the secretary bo horeby
instructed to send a copy to the family ot
our departed sister.
il. H. LtATBBOrS,
Mum c E. Boktnir,
Services Held Yesteiday Morning at
Graoi Reformed Enlace pal Church.
The funeral of Mill Mary A ll.ik
ett, who dlB(l at the residence of Col
onel . H. liipple on Sunday, was hold
yesterday morning. Services worn con
ducted at the Grace Reformed church,
of which Mies Hackett was a member,
by the pastor, Rev (Jsorge L Alrich.
Interment was raado;iu the Duumoro
Rev. Richard Hiarns read a ecrip
tural selection, after which Rev. Mr.
Alrich spoke feelingly from 1 Corinth
ians XT :87, "Thanks be to God which
giveth us the victory through our Lord.
Jcsos Christ." He spoko of the high
and noble christian attributes possseaed
by Miss Hackett and of the work she
bad done in the work of advancing the
Lord's cause Anting her life.
The pall bearers were S. G. Smith,
M. W. Lathrope, Arthur P. Tuthill,
Thomas E. Lyddou, R. II. Frear aud
V. H. Starrs.
" - ii
Tiik beat placo in tuo city for inosla to
order on snort notice aud nt all hours.
Also lunvhus of all hinds always on hand.
John lohman'h.
219 Lackawanna avenue.
Auction sule of household goods and car
pets ut Harris' Auction Htore, Penn ave
nue. i
Everybody can be served at Coursen'a
today. Telephone, 9658. Store, 211 Wash
ington, next to Connolly & Wallace.
Mr. Jennings Pays His Respects to
the Republican Nominee ior Chairman-
Mr. Von Storcli Makes a
Noble Speech of Acceptance Ho
Asked the Members to Leave Poli
tics Outside Mr. Fellows Re
flected. The school board met and rsoriran -ised
last evening. C. H. Von Storcli
Was elected chairman, E D. Fellows
secretnry, and H A Knapp, solicitor
John H. Williams had a child serious
ly ill and could not atteud.
Mr. Worniser was elected temporary
president, aud Mr. Fellows was elected
temporary socretary. The secretary
.ailed the roll and stated that he had
obtained the certificates of eiectiou for
the :::i-inl' u who hud been elected last
Tuesday. The chairman liked
for nominations for chairman. Mr.
Mitchell nominated Mr. Von
Storch and Mr. Coar socondsd the
nomination. Mr. Jennings said: "l'urty
politics sre not supposed to euter into
the deliberations of this body. 1c is
not unusual for the representative of
each political party to make a selection
as to its choioe of men for positions of
honor iiml of trust. Such is the case
In this instance, nud in behalf of the
minority 1 desire to Mate that a more
acceptable selection could not be mad '.
Every action ot his during the years he
has served with ih hm shown a spirit
of fnirniindi dness that is very rare in
partisan politics Mr. Vou Storeh is a
learned gentiomau. aud ho will brine
to the position of chairman maob. dig
nil v."
The roll was cnllol and all thu mtm
bers vot-)d for Mr. Von Storch,
Mr. Wormier appointed tit, Mitchell
and Mr. Langstafl a committee to es
cort Mr. Von Storch to the chair. That
gentleman declined their MliltlQO
and said ho desired to make a few r
marks from his old place ou the floor.
Ho said: "Dr. Spencer has said that
Soranton is uomoan city. This is par
ticularly true regarding its school in
terests. Ttie school properly in this
city excels $000,000 In value. The
Ihl'Ii school committee when on n tour
of inspection lust year saw very few
.schools that were superior to the eight
aud twelve room schools that have liter,
rrroted duriug the past few years,
still wo have been erecting buildings
at the rate of two a year and still the
accommodation is not what it onht to
be. We have to rent apartments in
every section of the city, and this jraar
w propose erecting two schools hesidoi
tho high school. This year will be a
very important oue Tne completion
of the high school will make it neces
sary to rearrange the entira system of
dis'ricts, and we uiuit, to act intelli
gently, begin early.
"Coming here aatho servants of those
who sent U3, we represent Republican
and Democratic war is, but it would ha
unwise to BOt as partisans in deliber
ating for the common good. We siiotil 1
drop Jill political an 1 personal consid
erations, If wo attend to the duties
which we have assumed, if wo look
after the maintenance of the schools
aud the welfare of their patrons, we
will have enough to do, without watt
ing time in political controversy."
Concluding, Mr Von Storch said:
' During my term of sorvica I have
endeavored to make no enemies, and 1
think I baVO succeeded fairly well. 1
msko this pledge of conduct for the fu
ture. If I err, I assure yoa before
hand it will in julgtu?nt, not in in
Mr. Vou Storck proceeded to the
president's desk, and M-. Wormser
rose to nisc-t bim. The Eighth ward
gentleman said : ''It affords me much
pleasure to present you with this gave),
tne insignia of your snthority. I be
lieve that you will make an ideal pre
siding ofllccr. Your short term of ser
vicn hns so imprecsed us with your
worth that 1 have no hesitation in pre
dieting that the result of this night's
work will be a glorious one for yon, as
Well ns for tho entire district Accept
my heartiest congratulations."
The now president asked for nomina
tions for serretary. Mr. Wormier
named Mr. Fellows and ths motion
was seconded by Mr. Mitchell, Mr.
Watroni and Mr. Notz. Tho latter
gentleman said: "We have been gral
llied with Mr. Fellows' conduct (luting
the past year. He is the essenco of
courtesy and his ability is unsurpassed,
lie bus shown his fitness aud it pleaa-a
me as a Democrat to be able to say that
he shall be retained.'' The roll was
calied and Mr. Fellows made a neat
speech in accepting the election. He
thanked the members and promised to
serre ns faithfully in the future as be
did in the past.
Ou motion of Mr. Jennings, the sal
ary of the secretary remained un
changed, anl u committer of tbreo on
rules will to added to the regular list
of committees.
Hie Pluck and Fueh an Example of the
Rucceseful Dullness Man.
A good illustration of the pluck and
enterprise ot the Scranton business
men is exemplified in the successful
exortions of E. G. Conrsen slnco fire,
wuter and smoke ruined hi. grocery
stock in his Lackawanna avenue atnre
Burned out Sunday afternoon, Tuesday
morning found him ut a new store,
stocked witn a complete aud fresh line
of goods from New York.
Mr. CourBen's old friends are stand
ing by bin aud no doubt he has won
many new onos by bis push and go
aneadiveness. When Mr. OourBau
began negotiations for his present tem
porary quarters he found that a Isase
was held by u third party ; $986 was
paid tho latter for one mouth's posses
sion. Such an evidence of Scruutou
hustle invites admiration. A stock rep
resenting nearly fi.OOO is in the new
store at 211 Washington avenue.
PoetmattT Vandllnir Undeservedly At tacked
by the Damr.oratio Organ.
The Scranton Timet in its issue of
Monday contained an attack upon Post
master F. M. Vandling, charging him
with keeping Republicans in olllco who
were negligent in the discharge of their
duties, and cited the caae of n letter
tbnt was sent from the New York ofllco
of the Central Railroad of New Jersey,
and which the Times claims was ad
dressed to the Sisters of the Home of
the Good Shepherd, ut Providence.
When n Tkiiiuni: reporter spoke to
Postmaster VauJling yesterday about
the ehargjB in the Times, ho pro
nounced tuein untrue and without any
foundation whatever, and substanti
ated bis story by producing letters
from the Home of the Good Shepherd
aud aim from tho Cjavout of the lm
uiaeuluto Heart.
The letter to which the Times re
ferrud arrived at the Serauton post of
fice on Feb. 10 and was delivered by
letter carrier to the Home of the G30 i
Shepherd. It was return-"! to the
poe toffies as the person addreesad
was not know.) nt. the institution.
It Wi!s next delivered at the
Convent of the Immaculate. Heart on
Williams street and also returned from
there for the s una reason. Tho per
son's address not h iving bean found,
the letter was returned on Feb. 17 to
to the sender, the Central Railroad ot
New Jersey, At Now York. The ad
dress upon thu letter was:
"Mother Josephs and Sisters.
"Home of the Good Bbepberd,
"Williams Slreet, Scranton, Pa."
The sisters in charge of the two in
stitutions have each written Mr. Vaud
ling that the letter iti question had
born left at their institutions, but had
been returned to tho post offiuS lor the
reason that the persous addressed were
not there known.
Small Saving- That Are Certain to R
turn Large Interest.
There is a widespread idea that books
are costly luxuries, uud that only thos
possessed of abundant lueau can afford
tube the owner of works covering a
very widerangoof topics. Heuce many
men, young us well ss old, who are
desirous of educating themselves, are
prevented from bo doing simply be
cause it is impossible for them to
spare the money tieed-d for obtaining
the necessary books. It is quite true
that the possession of a complete
library Involve! lurgu expenditure,
which is beyond tne reach of persons
of humble means. Rut it is a fact that
tho ability to educate one's self does
not depend upon large expenditure for
hooka. At bast an education is but an
epltomlcition of the knowledge of oth
ers, and does uot involve original re
search except iu a few cas?s. To ob
tain such un ipitomiattion duos uot
necessarily involve a detailed study ot
all the works upon any desired topic,
mice thiB has already been dons by the
best scholars, tho rosults of those Is
bun are confined in those great con
densations known as encyclopedias.
The encyclopedia is the poor man's
complete libraty. In it is the concen
trated wisdom of the best minds tho
world hns ever seen. It is authoritat
ive and complete,
The amount required in order to ol -
tain possession of that greatest of all
eucyclopodi is, the Britannic i, is so
small that no oue can plead poverty ns
a reason for not purchasing it. Tae iu
Biguifiosnt sum of 10 cjnts a day can
surely be laid away by anyone who is
regularly employed, uo matter how
small his wages, and yet that Is all
that is ueed.'d beyond the first cash
A little self-denial is all that is nec
essary, and it will prove a literal oist
ing of bread upon the waters, for no
money is art well spent or so certain of
returning a large interst as that da-
vMel to obt.uniny an education.
Tin: TlHDU.fB invites tvery working
man In the city to call ut the encyclo
podia headquarters, Snruce street
and examine this work, which is put
within their reach for less than ou
fourth the price heretofore asked, and
ution the Unequalled terms of 10 cants a
i a
Arbitrators Llatsn t Tsstimiay Wi'b
RJgird to It.
The case of Minor E WordlU against
Shifter Brothers, contractors, was
heard before Arbitrators C. W. Daw
son ; Uyron Akerly and H. L. Taylor
yesterday in the arbitration room At
torney John F. Scragg appeared for
the defendant and Attorney W. W.
Baylor for the plaintiff.
Mr, Worden sued to receive 117 00
for work and tnateri ils furnished for
buildings Which Sdlffsr itrotbsrs had
the Contract for erecting.
The defense is that nothing is dttl t )
Mr. Worden; that he has beu paid
certain sums which he now claim) ami
that extra work he asks to be raeom
loosed for. wasiu the original contracts
and does not OOmS under the head of
extra work. The defendants otfcr as a
sot off to any Other amounts Mr. Wor
den may claim, a claim of f.'.OJO dam
ages for a defaitlt bv the plaintiff on a
sub contract ou tne Zi Her building on
Franklin aveoue.
The arbitrators listened to all of the
testimony in the case yesterday but did
not make an award
, . i
Tho Candidates lha'. Will Be Maiu.d by
Ii W, Powell, chairman of tho R3
publican county committee, has re
ceived from R. F. Gilkeson, chairman
of the Republican state committee, the
official circular concerniug the Repub
lican state convention to be held in
Hsrrisburg ou Wednesday, May 28, at
11 p. m
At tho convention candidates will b)
nominated for governor, liouteuant
governor, two members of congreas
from the state at large, auditor general
and secretary of internal affairs. Iu the
convention one delegate is allowed "to
each legislative district for 2,000 Re
publican votes, ami an uddilioual dule
gate lor a fraction exceeding 1,000
votes, each district to have at least one
delegate. "
Ou this basis of representation there
will be -01 delegates iu tho convention.
This county iu entitled to four dole
delegates and Luzerne coenty six dele
gates. Two delegates have already
boon elected iu this county.
Attorneys to rettiion the Court to Have
the ChntK Made.
A petition is being signed bv mam
bers of tho Lackawanna bar askiug the
couit to huvu the road records iu the
clerk of the courts' office rewritten
aud reindexed for the reason that the
present records ure incomplete and
The records with regard to roads are
found nailer the head "I He's," but the
attorneys think it expedient nud advis
ablo to have a complete and sep irate
record with index.
It is further recommended that the
same action lie taken In the in itter of
keeping records of wards and election
Th Value Fixd by th Appraisers Ap
pointed for That Furpjse.
15. 13, Megnrgee and William Troth
eroe, who were appointed to appraise
the value of the personal effects an l
real estate of Dr. A. E. Rurr, filed
their report with Prothonotary Pryor
They found that the doctor's prop
erty is worth 9t),898jB5 and thut thero
is property valued at ijtfOH -10, which is
claimed by both the doctor and Mrs.
Burr, making a total of $91,11)1.05.
The gronter part of intaatnouat is
reproseuted by tne doctor's brick and
stone building at 133 131 and 130
Washington avenue. It is valued at
$03,000, hut Is encumbered by a mort
gage of $10,000.
Mituager Swift in Philadelphia After Flayers
for the Coning Season.
Two Pitchers, an Infbld, two Out
fielders and a Catcher Who Have
Been Secured to Play with Scran
ton's Stale League Club A Direc
tor Announces That Grounds Will
lie on the South Side.
.Manager Martin Swift, of the Scran
ton Rise Rail club, is iu Philadelphia
ou a limit after pluyers for the team
that will repreeeut this city in the
Pennsylvania State league this season,
lie has already signed a number of
players, who are all good and who will
form the nucleus of a remarkably
strong club.
The men who will wear Scranton
uniforms the coming season will prove
formidable antagonists tor any other
crowd of base bull tossers who are out
for the avowed purpose of grabbing the
peuuunt. When it comvs to lassoing
Hie bit of rag with the word "Cbaui
pions" inscribed thereon, at the round up
this souson, Martin Swift's cowboys
from Serauton propose to bo in the
gAms for all they're worth.
I'LAV lilts ALKKAOY SlUNtl).
The pitching department will be
looked utter In good style by Jack l)o
rau and HoJsou. Dorau is a youth
who formerly tirod thoSpauldlng league
across the homo plate at Elmira and
Wilkei-Barre, Ho is well known in
Scranton as a twirler who. if he looks
after himself in proper style, can hold
his end up with anv pitcner in the
league. Hudson, who will alternate in
the box with Dorau is a familiar figure
to Scranton fans, who will remember
him as the crack pitcher of last year's
Altoona club. .Manager Swift will to
day have an interview witu Lovell, a
Southern laagae piidier of last sarson,
The receiving end will be looked af
ter quttj acceptably by Robert!, a
young man from State college, Pa.,
who comes hi;bly reoommenJed by
Hogan, who has played with him and
knows him to bo one of the most prntn
IsiUK young ealoheri that ever donned
a mask nnd protector and jolllnl an
official SOOret in Hie grand stand. Witn
Roberts will bo associated either
Patclien, or Armstrong. Kitchen was
a star catcher up iu the River league
last toason, aud Armstrong was rated
among the best receivers in last year's
Southern league.
a sTitoNG mriitD.
Beranton'i Infield is certainly a strong
one ou paper aud the chances are that
it will show up in great stylo on the
tnri diamond. On first will bs located
alatiey, ou whose account so much of
a kick was made by Scranton and Read
ing ut the recent milting of the Stato
league in this city. Reese, a young
player who comes with a good reputa
tion from St. L mis, will cover second
big, while Wetlsl, a clever State
league player ol last season, will tramp
about the United States iu the vicinity
of short tiold.
The dandelions around the third bat'
will have their ffilthetic blossoms
crushed and mixed with vulgar West
ern hemisphere mud by George West
lake, who made such a great record
last season by his magnifient work for
the Altoona club. Mr. West lake is a
modest youuirater, but when it comes
to the "gittin' that" portion of the ua
tional gome, he can give high, low and
jack to any bug or tapeworm that ever
made a record in this Uome of the brave
and the land of tiie free.
Iu the out gardens where tho week's
washing is bnnaf out to.dry, Hogan,
who was so popular with Scranton
crowds last summer, will be seen again
in center field, uud he will hav as ran
mug mate old war horse, deorge
Staltz, who used to send Wilkes
Rarro crauki to the Keeley cure by his
brilliant work In the field. He will
look after the left pasture.
The directors of the local club have
iust experienced a setback iu their
plans tor tho coming seusou. When
it was first proposed to secure new
grounds tho directors waited up m
General Manager Archer, of the Scran
ton Traction company, who assured
the base ball men that be would assist
them In their efforts to secure grounds
more suitably located than the Driv
ing pirk. Recent events evidently
have changed .Mr. Archer's determina
tion, and when thu mount the head of
Soreuton'l base bull club called upon
him yesterday they were informed that
the Traction company could not assist
Tne announcement of Mr. Archer
must have caused the base ball men to
change their plans regarding gronnds,
for one of the directors last evening
slated to a TbIBUMI reporter that the
club had given up the idea of securing
grounds from tbe Delaware, Lacka
wanna und Western railroal near the
old Drlviug park uud would fix up the
South Side grounds.
While it is doubtful whether bsse
ball with grounds located ou the South
Side will prove a paying iuveslmunt,
the local association uppars willing to
try the experiment and claim that they
will make money.
Vote for Jickson and Orow Ssnt to
Ileal u. inner J.
A few days ag 0 County Treasurer
Powell, who is also chairman of the
Republican OOUnty committee, received
a letter from Thomas I. Hick', presi dent
of tho Young Republicans' clnbjof
Philadelphia, asking him to fnrniib a
certified copy of the vets iu this county
for Jsokson last fall and for Grow at
the reeent election.
The certified copy was transmitted
yesterday by Mr. Powell to Mr. Hieks,
These ligurea will lie died In deter
mining who is entitled to the bannor
offered for tho county whose vote at
the recent election would show tho best
results when compared with tho vote
at last November's eiectiou for Jackson
for state treasurer.
Lackawanna county should bs up
near the top of the Hat.
Waltor Sanf.inl's Fumous Spectacle at
the Acad- mv Thin Evening.
"The Struggle of Life" will be seen
at the Academy tonight and tomorrow
This is one nf Walter Banfdrd'l big
productions, and it is said tobocquip
ped with as fine a lot of scenery as any
play ever carried on the road. It deals
with Now York life an I many of the
well-known points aud luildings in
the city are reproduced In the scenery.
Tho story of "The Struggle of Life"
is interesting, many ot the scenes are
intensely dramatic and, altogether, it
Is a production worthy ot this young
manager's sterling reputation as an
elaborate producer of melc-druma.
Eiiif Sketches of the New Kembers of
the Board ef Contra!.
Throe now meni Kami iiP Hi hn-n-l nl'
Coutrol took their seats Lst evening.
They wre V. J, W-leh. C. J Conrad
and F. S, Barker. Tho following brief
sketches of the three gentlemen will be
rena with mteiest :
V. J. WeUh, who succeeds George
B. Tliomrismi iiu humuhI .liw.. f.-,.tn
tho Ninth ward, was born In Miners
ville, Schuyikill oountv, in 1850, and
Csme to Scranton iu 1800. He was en
gaged In tb market business for two
years. In 1878 he become associated
with Captain J, W. Howell iu the
North Western Mutual Life Insurance
company lu ltis'i Captain Howell
wont to California and Mr. Welsh suc
ceeded him us general agent, and has
been actively engaged sinoe, building
up a very successful hnsiness. He is
and ever was a Republican, but this is
his first eaaav into public life. He is
married and with his wife and two
children has a very cozy hems on Jeff
erson avenue.
Charles J. Conrad, the D mocratic
member who succeeds B. F. Moore,
was born in Montonr county In 1866.
He was educated iu the public schools
and is a machinist by trade, lie is a
Democrat in politics, standing bigh
In the councils of his party. Mr. Con
rad was married ahoot a vnar a:o and
resides ou Cedar avenue.
F. B, Barker, Mr. Kingsbury's suc
cessor, wee bom in Csrbondale in 1803.
His family removed to tho Seventeenth
ward four years later. He was edu
cated in the high school r.ud is a m-m-ber
of the tirm of S. G. Barker & So'i,
manufaoanrer and dealers In sciie.
Like Mr. Welsh, he is a Republican in
politics and, like that gentleman, he
has made bis bow in u public capacity
for the first time. Mr. Barker is mar
ried and three children add brightuess
to his Madison avenue home.
Ezpiota to Take His Beat on the Eeach
When Court Convenos .Again.
JuJge Guuster is still confined to his
room in his home in Ji ff-rson avenue,
but was levling somewhat stronger
yesterday than aty day for a week past,
tie is stiil quite a sick man, however.
Y'eaterday soma of his irieuds were
allowed to sen him and to them he ex
pressed surprise concerning the rumor
about bis rt tirement.
He expects to be able to take his seat
on tho bench as usual when court meets
The 3Jayor Dida'; Appreciate Her Voles
and Fined Her 33.
Jenuie Jones swung into Lackawanna
p.v. one Monday night singing "After
the Ball" und a repertoire of other, pap
ular and classical ditties.
A crowd followed her and conldn't
reetst joiuiu iu tho chorus Mill Jones
wss intoxicated and Officer Palmer
took her in tow and conducted her to
the station home. Miuy a tims before
she had been there, so the mayor fined
her KB yesterday afternoon, uud re
quested her to hereafter practice voice
culture in tho seclusion of hor domi
cile. SOLD THE Ulbli: FOR DRINK.
Janus 'White's Father Says He la an
Habitual Drunkard.
Jamil White, 1214 Lackawanna avs
nne, was arrested yesterday on com
plaint of his father, who charges him
with habitual drunkenness and theft.
He says the young man i over 31 years
of ags aud will do no work, but steals
and turns his plunder into drink.
Yesterday he sold tbe family Bible,
valueii at $10, lor '.'5 cents and spent
the prooei is tor rum.
-4 -
fcranton'e Busy Interest).
Tin: Tkiiu nk will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of tho
leading Wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional Interests of Scr.iuton
nnd vicinity. Thl edition will bo bound
iu book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
UBSibuatUese blocks, streets, etc. together
with portraits of leading citiaeai, Ho
imUar work has ever given an equal re
presentation of l-cranton's many indus
tries. It will be an Invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
peroiie outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
newcomers and be au unequalled
advertisement of the citv. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well ai the city
at lame. Representatives of Tbi Tripi xk
will rail Upon TBOBI wnosa names
are drsiiiko In this edition and explain
Its nnture tr.ore fully.
Those desiring viows of their residence!'
in this edition will please leave notice at
tho oilice.
A Card.
The advertisement that the College
buildiui: is for rent is calculated to excite
some com mont. There is a difference be
tween the owners of the hull line and the
management of the College as to tbe prise
of rent. We wish to assure our patrons
and friends that ample provisions will be
made for the luaintenane- of the school
and every department will be sustained by
larger nnd better appointment!.
Wood's Colmwb (,k Buaixiai Aitn Buobt
iiamj, f. E, Wood, Principal.
Tiik delegates from lirillin post. Uraud
Army of the Republic, to the department
encampment to be held at Philadelphia
.unroii in ana zu, win irav scranton to
day at 13.1) p.m. via. l Ii. U. of N. .1. The
post is represented by Rev. N. V. BtahL, s.
V. Baopt, W. E Thayer, J. R Thomas,
Fred J, AmideO, D. if, Jones, liev. , I).
Puller, George Dear; and the oommander,
B. H. Hotti They anticipate a very large
gathering of the veterans at the camp lire
to he held Thursday evening in ti e lltp
tist temple ou Broad street. General Raw
ley, General Horace Pol ler und Andrew
U. Curtin will be among the speakers.
' .'i Ami i Salve.
The best salve la tho world for Cuts
Uruise, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Purer
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corn i. and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively curea files, or no pay required. It
in guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
rr money refunded. Price ' cintl per
boot. Pof sale bv Matthews lire ee
Best Sets of Teeth, $S00
Including the painless extracting
.t teeth by an entirely new pii-
S. C. Snyder, id.d.s.
The new offer
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
Mistake in Lailng a License Brings About
ComiCdl Results.
Did Clerk Thomas or the Groom Be
come Rattled-Rev. W. H. Pearce
Weds the Lady to a Mythical Hus
band She Became Nervous, but It
All Ended Happily -It's New in
A double-jointed marriage was per
formed Monday afternoon by Rev. W.
H, Pesroo. The clerk of the courts,
tbe contracting parties and the ror
erond gentleman were all mixed up in
it, although investigation shows that
uo hlatne ahould be attached to the
minister or to tile lady.
Iu these inventive times there are
double-jointed peanuts, machinery and
hone structures, duplex wssaing ma
chines nud other things ; but a double
jointed marriage cerumotiy hud hereto
fore been a matter of doubt, so it de
volved upon Scranton, ahead in all
things as usual, to give to the world this
now kind of marriage.
It all happened through a misunder
standing of names between the pros
pective husband and John II. Thomar,
clerk of the court, who issued the li
cense. After the marriage ritnal bad
been gone through with, Dr. Pearce
found he had been addressing his re
marks to a mythical person, the pros
pective wife beciims nervous, a new
license was immediately procured and
finally everythingended happily. This
is how it all happened :
Warner M. Craino and Martha Id
Italdwin, both of Fulton, Osweso
county, N. Y., applied to Mr. Thorn, e
for a marriage license. They secured
the certificate and repaired to tho resi
dence of Rev. W. II. Pearce, of tl.e
Elm Park Methodist church, to to
made one Mr. Pearee'l family gath
ered about, witnessing what they sup
posed to be u marriage, and everything
went swimmingly until the tniulster
extended his hand to Mr. Craine and
said, "Accept my hearty congratula
tions and well-wishes Mr. Miller."
" 'Miller'.'' why. my uaruo isn't 'Mil
ler,' " sid be.
Tae supposed bride wns receiving the
usual "wish you much joy, etc," from
the minister's family.
"Verv unfortunate, mv dear madam,"
said Mr, Pearce, "but, nm-er-tbat is,
it seems I have wedded yiu to the
wronit man."
Smelling silts might have been
needed bin for a hasty explanation by
Mr. Pearc?. Someone had mixd
names in nuking out the lie-use certi
ficate, and Mr. Cralne's name uppear'-d
as "Miller." He aaid the ceremony,
while all right lu tho spirit, wus far
from correct in the eyes of the law.
Something niu-it be dono nud at once
to straighten matters.
The conple hastily returned to the
c-nrt house, where tho mistake was
rectified by Mr. Thomas. They then
made a second visit to the parsonage
and were madj one.
The bride is -U years old and was a
widow; tho groom is two years her
junior. He obtained a divorce f r in
nis first wife in January, 189J, and the
wedding iu this statu was necessitated
by its illegality In Now York.
Since the circumstances of the case
became known Clerk Thomas has been
asked what kind of a marri ige licetis
factory he is running, and other simi
lar questions diflicnlt to answer. Mr.
Thomas owns the corn, eo far as the
truth of the matter is concerned, but
says the mistake was made by Mr
Craine. Anyhow it all ended Well,
mil Scranton leads on comhinatinu
marriages with several back districts
to hear from.
John K. Remsbnrg, the noted lecturer,
Will appear in Music hall this evening. Mr.
Remiburgis an accomplished orator and
deserves a lare audieuce.
Removal The Woman's Exchange to
4-7 ispruce street ou March 1.
JL Barrel
Dr. Hill & Son
et teeth, fJUX); bestaet, ag; for coU cans
and teeth without plates, called crown acj
lirim.n u-rtrlr ...II f. ... A UJ .
lONAUIIA. fol extracting- teetli ivitiiujt
! iaiu. No ether. No
We have a lar3 assort'
incut of
AS 1)
Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA. AVE.
Our Lackawanna avenue
milTHTHii l restaurant open until mid-
owning n.ght.
Surprises even fo oldest iDhabltant.
Henry Battin & Co.,
126 I'ENN AVE.
Eureka Laundry Co,
Ccr. Linden St, and Adams Ave.
Cocat Bouai BqvAaa
All kinds ot Laundry work guaranteed
the best.
We still allow 33 'j per
cent, on
Cloaks and Furs
Aud a large discount ou all winter goods.