THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28. 1894. II A Word. Wants of all Mltd cost thai murlt, e.v eept Situations 1Fanted,wltivh arc inserted FHSS. Situations Wanted. PfT;GEIEflIL PS . ULll S nr itiniiPTmro Q1TUATION WANTED BY A DRB88 O maker to co tmt l.y tho day. Addl es A U.. Tribune ni.-.-. SITUATION WANTED BY A 1'KAt TICAli o dressmaker, work either at honaeor out by tl' day r wuek. Address, Miss Bather Bonfield, lull Rook street, Hyde Park, Bcran ton. IXT ANTED 8ITUATI0N BY A LIABLE VI VpUDS man. Reasonable Wage Ad' flross 'B" Tribune office. CITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG C man who is willing to do my kitul ..f woik;age, IV: fair penman; oan furnish good reference. Addms it, O. (Pott 0fnce),8crau ton. J)V A YOl'NU MAN IN DKY GOODS 01! Xj krocery stjro, or s "no tuinness wher" ho "ould work up. Sonio experience, ifood refer ence, will work cheap. Address P. o box tj. lloutros.'. Pa. Agents Wanted. IX" ANTED A SALESMAN, sai TO $.. weekly can be nude with our nods In iiny locality, win prove it or Forfeit $100. Salary or commission as you prefer. The re wilts of a few Hours' work often equal n week's wagon. Addreea, "MaNUFAOTUR EEs." P. O. Box 58U8, Boston. Una. Ur ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND FIRE Inaurance experience as soltoltor in Lackawanna county; nood indnoententa to ricbt man. Address USt'lN Betl building, Philadelphia. Pa, V7 ANTED BOYS AM) OIRL8 WHO VT wish to make money when out of school; semi name and we will tell you how; 1:0 money wanted. P. STAYXKH, Providence B.L Ur ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OF GOOD nddrivv to ealt on business houses. Steady for tfood men. Apply NATIONAL ('LEAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade budding, Help Wanted Male. Ur ANTED A COMPETENT ADVERTI8 inn solicitor. Must be of good addreea abd thoroughly experienced. Good thing for right party. Address J, S., Tribune entice, etatim; where interview oan be had. Wanted To Ren!. Ur ANTED ONE OR TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, Address to fl. A. fare of Dr. E. Grewer, No. all Srruoo sr . ;. tor Rent. VOR KENT 7 ROOMS OVER STORE OF J? A. J. Thomas, corner Webet r avenue and Mulberry street, F. K. W0( ID, Wood's College, tOR BENT APRIL 1 THE ROOMS NOW occupied by the Telephone Exchange, B06 Lackawanna avenue. Apply at tb 1 offl if Lehigh Salt kilning Co., Third National Hank LjUildiiiR.L.S. and V. V. Fu!ler. TOR RENT HOUSE 1 " WYOMING AVE V nue from April 1. Eleven rooms, all the modern hnprovemen s, rent ISO per month Apply to F. II. CLEM0N8, 4- Lackawanna avenue. RENT-STORE ROOM tlb LACKA- '' 1 nvs? irn?j Ann.! 1. also renins on second tloor well adapted tor business or housekeeping. Also house 1408 Capouse ave hue with all modern Improvements, b 'autl fully pap -red. F. 8. PAULI, 1554 Sanderson avenne. foil RENT-STORE fill LACKAWANNA JT avenue, by April, l. Enquire or Henry Frey, 4UI Lackawanna avenue or at the premises. foil HUNT-IN BURR BUILDING, WASH X ington avenue, a few tteairabl i oQic m and cats. Rent very reasonable kto desirable par ties. Can be seen by applying to jaultor iu building. For terras apply to CHARLEd A. Bl'liR, 24 North Mam avenne, Von RENT THREE ROOMS. FRONT ON X secoud Ho. r, over N A Hulbert'.s me-de store, 11" Wyoming avenue, from April L In quire in the store. "t'oli RENT-i IVii.STiiriY liKICK lAVEL X ling house; modern imornvemouts. .'Hi Forest court. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, atteut, T'.'l West Lackawanna avenue. TO LET FOR A 'IT.KM OF Y EARS Part or all of three hundred feel of var.l room along railroad. Apply a: liM Franklin ati-mie. nro rent stoi'E asxin on furnished X hall on Green Ridge street Very deslra Die locntiou mid on roa-socnblu terms. Apply to F. E. NETTLETON or c. s. WOODRUFF Republican l uildine. rr Sale. wwv . 170R SALE - ftt-ACRE FARM. STOCK X and utenslia. J. M. SHEFFIELD, tM Monroe ave. ,'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SCRAN- ton jiroperty A bearing orange grove increasing in production and value yearly in the oranco section in Hnriria. Addl es F. E. NETTLETON, Lake Helen. Florida Money to Loan. JON'F.Y To I. OA ilil.'(K). is.inio, 15.001' 11 14,000, 180(10, 12,000 and l,0UO; on first mortgages. D W. BROWN, Att rney, Spruce street, Beranton, Special Notlcea pARTY "WITH!irslNIS KLCt ath , 1 and experience hm fn m $3,000 to $6,000 to invest with services in bumoeSS, Andres room W. Commonwealth building. BcUAirrOff, Fob. 81, 1S04. rpHE 'NNUAL MEETING OF THE ,1 stockholders of th Laokawanna Iron and Steel oimpuiy for the election of di rectors and transaction of such other business as m iy properly come before th i meoUn will bo held at the olMne of the company in the city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Wed nesday. March 7. 1M)4. at '2 o'clock p. m. The polls will remain or.nn for one hour. Tho transfer books will be closed on Feb. 24, 1MI and re open on March 8, Ku. P. HiGUINSOK, Secretary. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, BfAGA zlnes, etc., bound or rebound at Tile TntBcna offioe, Qui-k work. Beaaonabls prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN HE HAD AT 144 corner Spruce, street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal ticXStS for 18,50. Gooil table board. Hen Estate. TOR sale SINGLE nocs&"ftTyunCY X avenue; very desirable location. Annie (1. F. REYNOLDS, or W1LLARD, WARREN A- KNAPP, li,5M WILL BUY MODERN NEWSROOM HP house, all Improvements! terras easy; cor ner .Madison avenue and Delaware struct. Ad ply HARRY LF.F.S. 1,411) WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT W corner Madison nvanui aud Doiawara street. Torms ussy. Apply liAI.'RV IJ-.M.s. Proposals. C HALED PROPOSALS WILL I II 1:1 O celvedat thoofHe of the City Clerk Scranton, Pa., until 7.80 0 clock p. m. Thurs dny. March 15, UN, to construct two lines of SeWrS with thf necessary manhole::, lamp liolos, basins and fixtorea, as follow; One ,.f sn;d lines is to bo laid from the main SSWer on Poplar str.ct iong Bpellman oouri n distance of about 1,0411 foet; the other to be laid from the main sewer on Poplar Htreet along Rode. court and Ash streot. a distance of about 1,110 feet. Proposals shall be separate on eac h Una of sewer. Bidders shall snolose with each proposal tho ram of live p -r cnt. of the amount bid us nijuninnten to esaettteaotB trnct within ton days if awarded the. sum . Proposals shall be to construct by the lineal foot crmplote, including all basins, branches, man bob s, lump hoi, s and fixtures, and nlsot.l furnish all manner of labor and Supplies, and hall bo to finish the work In slxtv clavs from date of commencement, The city reserves the right to reject nny or all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVBLLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., ioh. 27, 18(4, A Poet's Corfes5l'n. Wheno'er my Pegasus I goad, My miHB will gallop fast, and yet, Though many a trtgbtlal debt I've owed, I cauuot writo nn ode to debt. Nete York Journal. TllErE is nothing Lko Dr. Thomns' Eclectric Oil to quicKly cure u cold or re lieve boarsenes1. Written by Mrs. M.J. fellows, Burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Interesting Facts Relating to Itu Celebrated Viaduct Uvtr Panthtv Creek. VERY NOTABLE BIT OF MNRY Resident Engineer, Published in Last Week's Engineering News. Anthr.icito Sales Agents Decide to Continue the Fitly Per Cent. Re striction Policy During March. Other Gossipy Gleanings Relating to Industrial Affairs. To a late issno of the EnuiueeritiR News, M. s. Raigbl, of Dan more, resi dent engineer in charge of t he cele brated Panther (.'reek viaduct, con tributes an interest ing technical des cription of that massive bit of en glneering, which forms by fur the most interesting and important single fea ture of the nw "Panther Creek," or Wilkes-Barre & Eiatem railroad. Ac companylng the artiele ia n picture of the completed structure which makes the description of its height, length and size seem doubly impressive. Some of the f n eta in Mr. Knight's article have been printed before, but many are new and nil are interesting. Under the original survey a circuitous route hud ben laid out which would have escaped the Panther Creek ravine as the colored gentleman proposed to get tne better of tiie river, bv going around U. Later, it was decided to bridge the rliMsm. Thil plan involved ,f75,0J0 ad ditional espouse, anil many e.igiimer tug difficulties, but it sived time by shortening the diatauc, and thereafter it was unhesitatingly decided upjn. The vin:!nct is 1,030 feet long. It is composed of plate girders, 7 feet from center to center, vesting on steel low ers, There nro 30 iron plate girder spans, each 31) feet long, one 00 feet. o:ie 4U feet, and ten tij feet long. The height from the creek channel to the Wise of rail is 101 feet and from the t p of masonry to th lue of rail i 154 feet, Oi inohea There are 30 sup porting towers, each resting upon a concreto pier, with ltMneh cap stone 4 fest square'. Tho total amount of concrete nsei in the foundations is 333 cubic yards; and it was put in place between April 11 and June lit of last year The ereotion of the viaduct was begun, without the use of false works, Jane 28 and completed without loss of life or limb Aug. 3. The differ ent pieces fktcd BO closely that the end of the last girders cams to Within Oaf sixteenth of au inch of the engineer's murks on tho bridge seat. Twenty eight days of actual work by fortv men sufficed for the erection of 1,861,637 pounds of irou, the viaduct's weight, The structure takes rank with tho lin est and most difficult in America. The long suspected suspension of work in the wiudow glus factories is 'Wpexted to take place oaring the week. If n decisiou to close down i reached ; the suspension wrtl Do followed by every window gl iss factory in the United States and remain ij force Until a reduction iu wages snfiicient to meet the exigencies of a low tariff is conceded by tho Wiudow Workers' union. A telegram from Leetonia aiys the mines of the S.dem Co il compiny are likely to suspend, work altogether, beginning on the first of Merch, Mana ger Bailey, of the Sligo mills, says the turn has no intention of making a pro position to the men to malt-the mill C' -operative, William P. De Armit president of the New York & Cleveland Coal company; says if u compromise is affected In the tariff or coal placing the duly at 30 cents it will simply hi a tax upon tho consumer, as Canadian opera tors will sell it with the present duty added and will pocket the difference between the present duty of 70 cents and a duty of 30 cents, while tut gov ernment will just be out that muoii E istern operators will be driven out of th" market by a duty of 30 cents and will not help the consumer. NEW YORK, Feb. 27, The coal sales agetils have decided to continue the 50 par cent, restriction in production, making the output for March about 2.200.000 tons. No change, iu prices was made and no action taken regard ing spring prices. The next meeting of the agents will be held on March 29, when the spring prices will be determ ined and the production iucreaseJ, weather permitting. As a result of recent exporimouts with soft coal on tho Reading railroml it hag been decided to use it instead of iinthracite on about 200 locomotives. It is said that the soft coal costs $1.50 a ton as against :2 30 for the anthracite, and that the cuangu will elfict a sav ing of $100,000 a year. Mi.SOIt ISDUSTHlAIi NOTK8: The sinking of a number of shafts iu the valley ot San Marcial. Sjn ri, Mexico, baa disclosed the lact thai the district is rich in nnnnrnritu ronl, which bas been practically unknown in Mexico np to this lime. A dispatch from Graaymat states that mining operations are to be beun ut once. Mrs. Mary Barrett has leased to Daniel I'. Hughes and W, W. Watkins a tract i f land near Carbondala kuown as Sandy's field, containing about seven acres of coal. The firm announces their intention to erect a breaker with a capacity of liOU tons per day. A gHDg' f thirty men are nt work near Hanon Chunk putting in the automatic block system on the Lehigh Valley inil rond. Lat week the Iteadiug company bnulod 190,000 tons of conl down the main lino to Philadelphia Pennsylvania railroad officials say the report tost bunpest on their eastrn lines has i SOChed a low elh is exaggerated; that while business is very dui1, there were weeks In November and December of lust year when the volumo of truffle wan smaller. The monthly statement of the Pennsyl vania railroad voluntary relief department for January, li, shows nn aggregate dis bursement of 148,018. DA, or which 118,600 was paid out in death lenctltr., 10,780.88 SO- (incut inn. elite and 890,808 in sick benefits. The total amoant paid out eiuco Feb. is, 1KS0, M3,85l,t80.7B. , FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Ftocks nni Bond. Nkw VoitK, Keb, 27. Speculative Inter est shifted to a greater extent to the rail road list today, although the lodsttrTali were not neglected by any means. St. Paul was advanced from .vk to and tho stock figured lor 89,000 shares out of n grand total of 147,fi2l shares. The other grangers outside of St. 1'aul udvanoM W to 1 percent., while the tt unk lines moved npiftoK' It will be seen from this that If the Qrossoop deditoii la of inch start ling Importance it certainly has not raado iis effect felt. 1 ho decision simply af firmed the well known priuclple of law thut a witnoJBhus tho right to rofuse to answer any incriminating questions. The antliracitecoiilers were dull. Tho indus trials were strong for Sugar, Weueral Elec tric aud l.eud aud Irregular for Gas and Whiskey. The market closed firm nt a 1 5 per cuut. higher. L'he following complete table suowinu the day a flnetuanona in active sioeks is supplied ana revised dally by LaBar Kullur, utook brokers, III Wyoming avenasi Open- Hi ill- Low rim lag, est est. line. Am.l'.it. Oil '.'7li 'JTUj litis Am. Sugar NUj v., mu H. A. T.ftrt. F mi lnu liiU Can.. Si ;0.H f OLjJ ;VI ;0.H On. N. J mU n;,Wj )i;,u II t Chic. AN, w IIQU an n:n lOHtj C, B, tt y :iiih ;au J6U 18U Ohio. Uas ill j;i s; f:.'4J C. c. O. He 8t. L... IIS WW KM Km Col, Hook. Val. T . it 11 latru I87U l:iti7 111. P., L. & W D. 0. F litis BtM H3N tiu Krie ioQ aQ leQ uj2 9. K, .' ml w! wU Lakoabure IIMU rJuJa lima IWja L, AN SlZ M tHH MM Manhattan I22M 12)3 DBtf V--h Miss, l'ae Hi'li HM i !!i Nut. bead alii f!U 'HU U7 N. Y. N. E IHt ilU II 11 N. Y. Centra! UgB MU V K.V.,U.W l.Sik4 W W ION N.Y..8. AW 7 ..' .... I). B, c. c. North Pue Noith l'ae. pr 1T, IS I'M lOJa Oinuha Illl liiiU 111) 'Mi I'm: Wail ITU lt)i I? li Hesilliiu nn? 23 H4 2 Roek Islanil li7'M 7M ti7t ii'H B. T l HZ St. Paul i7a ilig t7K T..C. 1 Texas A l'ac Union l'ae is lsu,, 18 lsji Wabasn, pf 14 u im 11 W. Union M mi NJ Mtk w. & u b im al m -M W. & L. E. uf Igj 48)4 4i 4SJ4 Clileag-o Qraia and Provisions. BonAHTOit, Feb, IS. Tbe folio srlng quota- tlonsare, saiiplleil anil Onrreoted dally hy La Dar & Fuller, stock broUers,ll!l Wroininir avenue. siii:at. Opening Highest Lowest Closing CORN. Opening 1 1 'j'lertt Lowest Closing OATH. Opening Highest Lowest Closing POllK. Opening Highnst Lowest C'losiUB LAUD. Owning Highest Lowest Closing t)H ItT ions. Opening , Illl'liest Lowest Closing Feb. m !I4 mi in KJs Msv. m m tB 0M m2 July. 0 M S:h4 MB lil4 kU nn nn uio IMS ItW IJCJ0 lltt lis;, 1210 llM I'M UIO 730 705 7ft; im iu ai m ;tr2 7ua 'Si 710 7U3 Oil 117 ISK ii (37 m 6I.1 817 ttK Bl'U K7 uau Nsw York Produce Markst. Nkw York. Feb. 27. Flocb-Du!1; offered nt oasicr price. Wheat Dull, he higher; No. 2 red store and elevator, OIKd afloat, flOcif, o. h., til ,aG3c; No 1 northern, WjMa60C options closed firm; February, 01Jc. ; ldnrcb, RlKcj May, 03;,c; June, (lac; July, 66Xc August, 07,'iC; September, 68)c.) December, 7l;c. CORK Dull, firmer; No. 2, 41Jia42c; ele vator; 42&a43c,, nlloat; ojitions advanced aj)o. ana closed Arm ; February, ir.c; March. 42c; April, 42?C; Slav, 42; ic; July, 43;:jic. Oats Dull; mixed, easier; options dull, firmer; February, inc.; March, :ii;c; May, 84,' c; spot prices, No. 2,LI7fjc ; No. 2 white and No. 8 Chicago, 3SfCi No. 3, ftijc., No. 3 white, 37c; mixed western, 3SaB'Ji!.; white do. and white btate, 86a49c, iblgg Dull, steady. liriKK IIahs Qalet. Iibbccd Bibs Dull, Cut Meats-Quiet, steady, unchanged. Laud Qalet, firm; western steam 7h0;city, fkto.1 February, 17.80; March, 7,05; May, i7.5'); refiaed,qulet; continent, 18.85; South America, -fl3; compound, Q .in fcfi . FORK -Moderate demand; mess, jl3.5Ua en 00. BOTTIB Qalet, weak; state dairy new, lta24c. ; do. old, 14alSc. ; creamery, new, 24,l4n26c; Pennsyivania do., 'Jjaifje; western dairy 13.U7c. do creamery 17a 28c; do. tactory, UulOc.; rolls, llaloc; oli;ins, 25;iai6c. CnBKSB Fair demand, firm) large stato Bailee; fancy, llJalP'ic.; part skim, UalOc; tuU skims, lXa8c. Boos Moderate (demand, firmer; Ice bouse 82.ii0a3.ou per case; western fresh, 20c; southern, lS)nn20cf ; Philadelphia Tallow Markst. rniLAnvt-cniA. Feb. 27. Tallow was in fair demand and steady. Priceswore. Piimo hoqshends,4c: prime coun try, in hogsheads, Vic; do. dark. In hogs heads, ljjo.1 cakes, OO. ; grease, 4c. 1ms It Fails. Indianapolis Journal. Wiiaits What do you think of this the ory that a man is what be eats? Potts It doesn't always work to perfec tion. For instance, when a congressman eats crow it makes a cuckoo of biffl. ei Alt iBd Conditions. ChtcOffO Tribune. "Say, Haggles, you haven's hoen at any meeting of the SiniJe Tax club for two or three mouths. Been sxkl''' "No. I I've beoa looking oftor some vacant town lots I inhumed lately from an uucle.'' Ths Only Obstacle. alicMion Globe. Some poonlo could traoa their ancestry bark to Adam if they ouly know his last name. FItOOF POS1X1VB. His Honor What's the charge, ofll cer; drunk'.' Officer McQurk No, sor; crnr.y. His Honor How do you know? Officer McQurk Well, nor, he la proprietor of n daily paper, and I heard him tell a man thut tho paper probably had the smallest circulation in tho city, nnd so lii'i Honor ThS padded cell, quiclcl -Life. CUPrap from Canada "Presbyterian " under signaturo of C. Blackutt Hubin-on, PTOp'ri I was cured of oft-recurring bilious hcaduchoa by Burdock Blond Hitter. 1. RTien Haliy wn3 slelt, wo pare her Castorte, When she war, a Child, iihn cried for Caslnria. When Kho heonme Miss, sha clun' to Castorla. When she had Chllorea, she gave them Castorla, STAMPED JT bjood-ppisoni of every name und nature, by Dr. Piereo's Golden Medical Discovery. It rouses every organ into healthy notion, purifies nnd enriches the blood, and through it cleanse:) and renews the whole system. All Blood, Skin, and Seal)) Diseases, fnun a common blotcn or eruption to tho worst Scrofula, are cured by it. For Tetter, Snlt- rheum, Bcsema, Erysipelas. Both), and Csrbunclas, tho "Discovery'1 is u dirott remexly. n i s. ' isuuni nsn- i.iiv, of Comei, iuiuu leln en., .llo., writes: "1 suSerod for ono quarter of a century with "fever-son " (uli er) mi my leg and edema tous eruptions ami gave Up all hope of ever th ing woll again, Km 1 mn happy I" sny that your Dr. Pierce's Oolden Med ieui Dlaooverv made a ' ' i.iimnlete i lilt- nf niv nil. Cabousb Wskxuy. menbj, although I had tried different doctors and almost All known remedies without effect. IC Guar antees a URE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS AM) si RORONS. DK " K. II KAN, iJi-eas r thu Kyi Km Tbioat and Bar, 6m Bprnoe btreut. oppo site court hoassi Die. a. J. cu.,i..i.l. tilth 2ul Wasningtua svonno, comer gprnie street, over rranoke'S drug Store, Residence., 722 Vinost. Omoa nonrsi I0.8U to 12 a. m. and I to4 and tn 7.1W p. in. Sunday, t to 11 p. in. DR. W. K. ALLEN, Office cor. Lack wanna and Wasblngtcn aVOS. 1 over Coon srd shoe atorvt oflloo hoars, 10 to U a m. and 0 to 4 p. n.j evunlDK-s at resldeiico, 012 (f. Washington sve. jii. c. l. KRMY, Practiof limitod to Dis XJ eases of the Kys, Bar, N.isoan t Throat; officii, 12ii Wromlng ava Keaidonce, o2K Vi.jtf Itn-et DK. L.M. UATKS, Illl Waahlnaton Avenu;. Otllcu hours, eto'J a.m., l.liOto J and ! to S p.m. IOHN L. WBNTZ, M II., Ulilee, Hi Mild ! Commonwealth bnlldlngj renideneo "It Madison are; oSos bonra. la to 12, g to 4, 7 to 1; onndays 180 to 4. evenings at resiUcuco. A specialty madn of diseaaef of tho eyu, ear, nom and throat and iryiioooloe;v'. DU. li. I). MXKKAV, specialty uind on dis eases ot eye nnd skln,21lj Wyoming Ave. Dllie,- luwrsi I ntil lii a in ,j to 4 and 7 to fc p el. t K1 BttlNABK BOBtiEOMa. 1? BTURQE, Vuterinarv I j. Mstry a pooialty; j;ld mnda tarlo Netoriiinrv Colteire. OIKee. livery. ffi Dix St.. near Keller's currlaga shop. Telephone Ho. IIS, Burgeon, Den. list of Oil- nmmsr'i LAWYER LFBEUUAKU WILLIAM J, - V torneys ar.d I M. C. UANCK'S Law and Cllertloa of. J. fica.No. 1117 bjirueo st., opposite Forest House, Beranton, Pa,; collections a r.peciatty throiuihout Pennsylvania; roiinbiu oorreepona entii in every county. JEHbUPB UAhU, Attorneys ami Counsel, lots ut Law, Commonweiiltb building, Wnshingtoa ava. v 11. Jaaarp, HORACB B. Hano. W 1' Jr.. f!-. -Hi. U'll.LARD. WAKKENfc KXAl'l", Att ir neysiiud Coiiusiilorsnt Law, Kenublicau liiiildiiu. Washiicton avi'.. Seiantou. V i. PATTEBBUN A WILCUX, Attorneys and 1 Counsellors at Law; olhcos U and 8 Library luildmg, beranton, l'a. KOSWBUi 11. PATTSnSOE WILLIAM A WlMJOX HAND. At- counsellors Common wsolth building. Rooms 111. "(land TTENRY M. SEELY Law offices in Trice 11 bolldlng, llll Washington avenne. 7 HANK ')'. (JKr.LL, Attorney at Law. Boon '0o Excbanire- Scranton. Pa. MILTONIyT IOWBYrTAtt'yi', L"J7 W j.-Ihtic" c. II VOX NTORCH. I'tonav. I li wpiaio IAJIES - OAKI'dHU, Attorney nt Law. I rooms K). At and IK, Couiinmiwoalth b'l'u (JAMUEli W. BOUaB, Attorney at Law IJ OlMee. 1117 Bnriieest.. Srrntiton I il T A. WATRES, Attorney at liw, t'J i-i. Lackawanna ana., Seranton, Pa U P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Office. 1 rooms 54. M, M Oommonwenlth biiildtne K PITCHEB, Attorney at Law, Com-mo-iwea'th linilniiiir. Beranton, fa C. COMEQTB, IBI Spruee it u. i li REPLOOLB, Attorney Loans uo:o- l' tiatcd on real estate security. 40s Spi n.-... 1 I KILL AM, Attorney at Law, iai Ni y It, omingavenne, Beranton. HAVE TOUR DBBDS AKD fOBTQAOBS written and acknowledged be .1 W. BBOWN1NO. Attorney and Notary Public, i'l Conunonwealtb llnii llnir. St IIUIH.s , i 1 1 , ii 1 1 i 1 1 ' 'i-liri iel.'.ui'ivw J i ton. Pa., ttrenaroii bovi and sirla PaviviIImm u. hhii uwhu . i iii. euiuireu. .. t.:i AU HI li ,,n-- . RBV. Thomas M i'Vn. v. ALTRH II Ht'KI L SJI.hs WORCEflTEllH B1NOERQARTBB ill an.l Bebool, 112 Adams avenue Puplli received at all times. Next torui will open iSTiuurv vii 11 KN riHTS, 1 U. LAUUACH, Burgeon Dentist, No, IU t . Wynl'OM:: riyi- It" M. MKATliiN, ,,Hi,-e Cut Kxelmnk-e LOANS. rpiIE HBPL'HLIC Savinge and Loan Asao X elation will loin OU in inei on ea..i..r terms and pay you batter on investment I hull SMI Other awoeiation Call on B, N . GALLBN, Dime Bank huildiuit I 01 l is AMI RKSTAVnANT. 'IMII. W K.s'I'MINs'l IlK, ii: Jin Wyoming 1 ave, Hooms heated with steam: ail mod em ImprorviuentH. C M I'M MAN. Prop. ZIEOLKRS HOTEL, I:.1: Laekawanna ave nue, . i .oil Rates reasonable. P ElBOLBB, Proprietor AT KB'f JtlW BTEB HOTEL V W. Q, SCHI.NCK, BSiinngor Bixteenth streot. one block east of llroauw.iy. at L'nlou ijquare, New York. AmerleHii plan. a lie per ilnv and upwriril C'OYNE IKICtoK Kurnpeun plan; cowl i rooms open day and nutbt. liar mip pllad wltn the Va st. p n. coynf.. Proprietor. L.H UANTON HOC-1., nriir 1 ii lenger depot. Conducted on tho European L A W pas plan. VIOTOS Korn, Proprietor i i BAND CENTRAL 'in largastand Bsel l emiliipol hotel in Allonton-n, Pa. ratal mid VM per day. YlOTOn D. BAWWSS, Proprietor. ARCHITRCTS. DAVIS HOCl'i, Aruillteuts Kooins Ji, M nnd iM Coinmoiiv.-i'iilth h'ld'ir. Hernnton. L L. WALTBR, Arehltect Library uotio- li. ink- Weonitln Hemi.' Seinnl in. V L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prlco r liiiildlnir. I'M V nahlnfrton Av-.,s;rrant.n, II MIRCEM.ANKODS OKTON K 8WARTB- WHdl BBALI liuiilier, b and U LMiiu Hank Luililiaif. Seraiitoii. Pa. I KOAROEE ItltOTItKlW, PRINTERS' 1I upphes, envelopes, pnpur tiags, twiun, Warehouse, 1J0 Washington avo., Hrrantox Pa " MOI'TE'js LIVr.RY. I.VM apoww Trenira." I' First class arriai. D L. VOOTB, Agt Punersl Director and Kmiuimrr. TpRANK P. BROWN CO.. WHOLE I pule dealers In Woqdwsre, Oordage ami oi. cioth, 7'jo w. Laokswenns avenua l ) At : SPB Old IHEBTBA - ML'MIO flirt li halls, plrnio), parties, reosptlona vred' illncs anil conrei t work formatted. For terms iidilroM R. 1, Bauer, eeuduotot, tW Wyoming ave.. ovor lliilbert's musie itorS LJSBA FINN S- SONS, builders and ',itrai j tors. Yards: Corner Olive It and Adami ave ; corner Ash st. and P tin live., heranton. i i i - . SEElia (3 b. ci.AHK co., Besdemen, Ftorlaki T. and Nurserymen; etore nil WaSttmgton avenue; sreSB bonne, IflBQ North Main avenue; ftori leienhotts "s.1. II. As. IIHANH UNION''! EA CI i.. Jones Ur n. A FEW HINTS FROM OUR I3res3 GroodLs Department Novelties and Fancies in great profusion daily ar riving. The Crow's Foot an d Shep. lierd Checks are new and decidedly pretty and neat. See them. Our stock now presents a remarkable offering that Will meet with a very ready sale: Ten pieces Scotch Heather Mixed Cheviots, 54 inches wide, 50c. per yard. Worth double. We arc showing a preat bargain in i ludde rs n e 1 d Bieges, 42 inches wide, at 75c. Never before sold un der $i, SOME BLACK GOODS SPECIALS Several pieces of Merino Guipure, formerly sold at $1, now 50c. Five pieces Bedford Cord, forty-eight inches wide.made to sell at $1.75 per yard. Ou price now, 65c This is a great bargain. j Our line of ENGLISH 1 SERGES, 54 inches, I without doubt, the greatest 1 value ever shown in Scran ton. Three cradoq Si fin $1. 12 and $1.25. These must be seen tobeappreciated 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIKE TABLES. I J. ON. KUKTTKU fn Lsekiiwniini nveiui beraatou, l'a., Maul'r oi Wire bcreeue. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used eselnstvelr, insuring cleanliness and comfort. TI.MI-: TABU I.N BTFKCt FBO, I, Ml. Traini leara Beranton for Pttuton, Wllkee- For Atlantic City, B.111 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.10 (espress) 11. m.. 1130 (express with BnSet I'arlorcarj, 8.W (eiprew) p, m. Sunday, .:.'KJ Pon maith Chunk, allsktowk, bktih.k- !!.':;'!! .,.ST'.""""1 PMItABKLPHIA, h id n. ,n.. um. U.KL (u (oxcept Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, "(Hi p. in. 1 For Loaq urahcb, Ocean uhove, etc., at sjoa, rn.. l-.-'ifip. in. For Keiidmf,'. Lebanon and narriahnre, via Allentown, t-.lUn. m., ItOU, ;,.i, p.m. Sunday. 2.1 0 p. m. For Pottarille, 6. It) a. m., 12.80 p, in. Itetnridng. leave New York, foot ot Liberty ,lo.,";,i'.r.,h nvu'' Rl uw (eaprres) a. m., I. ii',, ( wiiii Ballet parlor car; p. in. Sunday, 4.I1U a m. Lnareralladelphla, tteadlna Terminal 9.00 a. m., -'.oo and 4.;f p. m. Bunoar, i .7 a. n.. inronah ticket to all points at lowoet ratal may bo had on application in advauco to tho ticket agent at Iho atatiou. li. l. BALDWIN, J-aOLHAtrSBN, Gen-raAnt. Hi'll. Sutit. I BHIQH VALLEY (tAILROAb XJ 1 Kll. 11, 1891, Train leavea Scranton for l'hlladelphia and N.-w York via. L, A: II. it K. at li n.iu , I:.', in. 2. Wand U.aB p. m viaD.,L R, ji , u uo, 8.(0,11.20 a. m.,and 1.30 p, in. Leave BcratttOU for PittSton ami Wdkss Burro via 1)., L & W, H. K.. 11,00, e0!, 11 i a, iu , l.s I. BtU, S.07. 9.8J p. m. -Leave Beranton for White Haven, Hnloton. l ottsvillo mid all point on tho Beaver Meadow and pottsville branehes, via E. ,v W, ., 0.l;.m., VIS D. A- H. B, H. nt 8 a m.. 12.1 1, tM. 4.16 p.m . via U.. L. ft V. It. It., B.O0, U.90 n.m., 1.30, 3.S0 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Henclinu, llarri-burn: ami all lut -rnvdi.-i 3 p nnu via D. A-11. K. R., s a in ,12.10. 2.:H IL IJ p.m.,via U., L. A- w. K. B..a.0O,b.W3, 11.20 a. m I. 80 p.m. Leave Seranton forTunkhinno dc. TowanH Blmlra, Ithaca. R.inav i and nil interniodi it t pointa via V. A- H. R.R.,0.UJ a.m.,12 iu and 11.33 p.m., via D. U ft W. R B B.Oi ain.,lJ0p m. LeaV" Seranton for Hoehe-tnr. H'.ulalo ","i aitara Flli, llotroit. Cln-aso and nltpdati west vial). H. B. It. B.W a.m.,,.au.n II. in. via U. L. & W, R. It. and PitUtoa Junction, b 03 a in., 1 JO 0.88 p. m., Via E ft W R It.. 8.41 p. m. For EUnlra and the wet via8almscoi, vii p, ft 11 K R I'.n; a.m., 10,ii.i5 p. m , :a D U W. it. it.. ,iwn in., un and 8.07 p. m. Pnllman parlor ana aleept as or L. v. ehalr card on ail traini iiotweon L A: ii Junqtion or likes Uarro and New York, Pnliad.lp'di, Ilufl.ilo ano snnponlon rlrnliro BOLLIN H WILBUR, Gen. Bnpt Baal Die. . ..9&&Si l'.K,;- '- Pas. A-!. Pniu.Pi. A. W.NONNEMACHER, Ase't (tjn.Pas .w t. South Bethlehem, l'a. " 11 DELAWARE AND HDD SON" RAILROAD. Commencing May to, ihj, trains will run aa follows: Trains leave Bridge Streot Station. Seranton. for l'itt'i- ton, ukes Barre, etc., 8.00, J.07, 8.87, 10.42a. m., lilu. 1.25 2.38. i lii. &.1A 11 IS all and 11 :iA p. in. For New York and 1'hil i oel.nia. Hliua. in , l.'.lO. i.-.'.i. 458, 4. in ami 11,80 p. m. For Qoneadale 1 from Delaware Laokawanna and western depot), 7.0, 8,80, 10.10 a.m., lt.oti m .. 8, 17, ii. 10 p. 111, For Carbonaale and Intermediate stations. ,'..!, 7 01. s.iJO. It), in n. m . liiKi m ,2.17, 8.25,0 III, 0 20 and 8 88 i. m, ; i'rn-u Bridge street 1 lepot, 2,09 11. 111., S.lfand 11 Cfi p, m. Flint express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adl rendaek Soantalna Boston and New England points, 5.40 a m.. arrlvini at Albany 12.45. Baratoga2.n p. tn., and leavint Beranton .1 p m., arriving at Albany at 8.80 p. m., Sara ti tta. 19.88a. in , ami Biston. 7.00a m The only direct - between the coal Held) and Huston "Tho Leading Tourists' Route of America" to the Adlronda 'k Mountain r.-- ssrts, iMsaQewgeandChamplala, Montreal, ote. Time tables allowing local and through train sei vice between stations on all divisions Data ware and Hudson system, may he obtained at all lielnwure and Hudson tleket otHces. li. (I YOUNG, J. W BURDIOK, Second Vice President Sen, Puss. Agti Nt'ltANTDIS I I l-IUN. In Bffeel January 98tb, 1804, Konli nminif. N " y OUth, iiui iui os V.MK) MU7 ItOA r stations - 3 l. " "4 '1 . 5 2 B w (Trnlus Dally, Bs-g ? g S s J r, 1 cent Kundiy 1 - g ,5 h Arrive Leave 1 80 N V 1'rnnkllu s: 7 in West, 420d street 7 nn Weehswken 1 ' HArme Leave m 8 n ... N 10 ... 11, 7 ail 7 an .... 17 in 7 n 11 II IN m ia ii it 888 n m r. m da 0 '.'l ffl 19 11 IB hi 18 0 Id p m 'r m 1 lo llaneeeii .limeilun ii 0,1 (191 KM 1471 ie.'K 1818 19 18 tlSDQ 11 ri ll i (1K0 fS29 ....1 n-.nn (i-'lj .Ml I I 'JH n iinuic. g 1 li m n it 48) 451 f 1 r.s.' 4 51) II 81 II 17 11 in n i '. 11 10 1 i or m Leave llancuek Btat'lhrbt Preston Park Como l'oyntille llelmoilt. ITe.isant mi. Cntnadale Poraol city cm bondsia White Bridge Manlild Jertnyn ArohiMtd V.Tnt.on Peokvills Obposnt Dh'kson Thrnop Providence I m l; l'l.iiM seniuten 11 1 ii li 1,8 A M 785 I 7 50 I SHI r H i 03 a 11 sS , 8 81 08i! .... 2 41 84. II.V) 8 45 ,. 9 r,s 8 85 .... 3 ot tllftSl .... 8 UO Ifl A M B 19 M 0 It 3 :;i St II Is 18 3S (1 19 19881448 7 81 9 88 5 43 t 1 ' to ca; :i nt ; :i 111 r-51 :i in ; 4.1 in 10 3 rn ! 13 10 13 104 7M 1(117 '117 7 M 1(1 till 4 10 Soil 1094 t 14 Nr-iiouii 4 17 8 0. MM) 4'JI Arrive a it 1 t m All (rains 1 1111 dally nimhiv. r signifies that trains stop on sjjoal tor pa1; senaers, Addlil'iiiiil trains leave Cnrbuidale for scran, tan 1,10 and 0,15 n, m., arriving at Boranton 1 n and , '. Leave Rornntnn tor Carbondale r. mi nnu ssn arriving at Csrbondtleat f.88nndtt,i8p.m, 1 cure rates via Ontario a Western before purchasing ticket! and save money, Day and riinjft Siprosa t o too i st .i.c Andorson, Gen. Pssa Art. V, Hltoroft, llv I SSS, Agt scranton, ra. Ladies Who Vaiuo A rcflnnd con-pltxlon inuit r.uc Pononi's Fow- der. It produces a xclt mid beautiful skin. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD Trains leave Soranton as follows: Express for New York and all poluts Knst. 1.60, 8.60, 0.1e, 8.00 and 9.60 a. m. ; 12 81 und OSO p, in. i.:ipres for Easton, Trenton, Philadelphia nnd the South, 515, 8.00 and 8.6U a. m.; OM and 3.60 p. 01. Washington and way stations, 2.0 p. m. Toliyhunnancomrnodatiiin, 0 HI p. m Espr as for Blaghunton, Oswego, Blmlra. n''","', ,rit'';, Uansvllle, Mount 51., rris and Buffalo, 12 W, 218 a. m. and 121 p. m.. mukina ctose Manoctlons at Buffalo to all points In ih West, Northwest and Bonthwi it. Diill'.ilo rccommodatliiii. 1) (ii a. in Blogkamton and way stations, 1J,:J7 p. m. Nicholson and wav Stations. 6.48 u at Blngbsmton and Blmlra Express, 8 08 p m Express for OprlUnd, Fly 1 souse, Oswego, L tlca aud Rlchflill Spriairs, 2.15 a. 111. and 1,21 p. nt. Ithaca. 2.15 and n.ifl a. in. and l '.'i p. in. PorNortbumberlsnd,Pittaton,Whkee-Barre Plrniouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, m !kin" S4SSS oonneetwns at Northumberland for WUllameport Bamsbnrg, Haitimoro, Wash- Ington and tho South. 1 Northumberland and Intermediate stations. 6aT0, 960 a. in. mid IM nnd (1.07 p. m. Hanttcoko and Intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11,20 a. 111 Plymouth and intermediate I stations, 8jyiand 9,88 p. n:. 1'i.lhnan parlor and sleeping coaches on all ; express trains. I 1 orilctnllod information, poekettimitatiloi ote., rpply to 31. L. Smith, city tick.-! offioe, I :J Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Wed. and Tha.-sJay, Feb. 28 and Mar. I. Walter Banford'a superb production of the scenic melndianiR, THE STRUGGLE OF LIFE A new story tt thriiline snd amusing lact aeniH in and around tho gra' -i etron clls. Now York City. Illu-trated with afinosorteeof beautiful stsfo pictures. Battery Park in winter. Rut er's Slip in a SHOW nlorm. Exterior of St. Patrick's Cathedral iypi-al D i-ico Hall in Walter St. Deathtrap in a deserted cellar. Sale opens Monday. TItlKAXD WYOMIHa VALLEY RAIL- Train 1 -avo Seranton f termedlatc point 1 on the a. m. and ;i.'ll n to. A points at 11 35, R.45 and 1 ram learinir nt Ui n. Week commencing MONDAY, FBB, S". The Accomplished Aetress MISS ETHEL FULLER, upported by ihn train leave Seranton for New York nnd in- ............. j. ,.,.- 1.1 i.ri ;il .1.,, rt r r w in. and :i.:M 1, li. Ah., f e l..,v-lv Ill H .", : ! . A .N I liiMilir rOUD'llV '..,,... 1 .'i, aro (orougn trails t,. and from ilonesdelo. Trains leave for WiUces-Barre atd.Ua. iu. and 8.41 p. ui. ire ripoc in Monday. Tu;s-'ay st: Wednesday, Tho 4-act society comedy drama. Stricken Blind. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Th- Benratlonal drams. UNDER THE GASLIGH ADMISSION, io md cl..iii -.eao be reserved, by tcrnoon, fr. m 1.8(1 to B.1 u. SO cents. Ororn nnu : . every a - WBg s for thi eniei winment. performances 0 very sfternm n excopt Mondays and Tlmrsdaya at 2.80 nn.i .it c.ij. i.oo:s open at !;U'.! every ovenin .on i'.l February TCT VRY person wlio has had much experience in furniture buying knows that between seasons is u reat bargain time nf all the year. Owing to the freshness of our stock throughout, which only dates as far as 98, we have no undesirable roo Is to dispose of, lut we have 11 few odds in PARLOR SUiTS BROKEN SUITS ODD PIECES, ETC. Which will bo soli nway below manu fnciurers' cost to tlov who reach the ttore iu lime tu pick them up, HILL & CONNELL Scranton, Pa. SCIENTIFIC SHO Havln? secured the SHOEING FOKOE of vuiii-in Blam- A- S a tor a permanent busi ness stand 1 shall conduct rVicutiflo and pathological hhoa ng for tbe Preveutinii, lie net and Cui a of Lain onoss and other imped; menta in tbe movements of Hors Incident I or due to Imperfeot sbo ing I shall give lb work my personal attentl n and guarantee uo extra cenrge.except fortmnn vement Lamu ness, etc., will bo uoat afternoons, a fre 1 clinic and professional advicti given every Monday Irem 10 - r. ii. JOHN HAMLIN, D, Y. S. THE lii n ypocisiefi j ueDansiii OF DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTINO AND fc'PORTIXO POWDER Manufactured al tho Waptrallenea muk Lu lorns county Pa,, ami at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. Third National Hank Uuildiug. Aonifctca 71ms. PORP. Pittston, i's. JuHNB BMlTHASjONi Plymouth, Pa. K W. Ml'LI.ttl AN, Wilk.-s-Barrc. Pa. Agents for tho Hepauno OhsmtosI Cone pnny'a High Kxplomvei ' Druggists AND DEALBBB'IN BURNING nnd jfE O LUBRICATING UPnd Aiiimtir temi gad Frenoh'Zina Vuiu Linseed oil. Turpentine nnd Vnrntslte. Readymlsed Paints In all cotor, Gliders' milting, PaMS White anil Knlimln oil' vttroi. Marble Host uud tvindow Olasi William : Sissenberger Offosito Baptist Church, PcMin Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new- THE LARGEST CHEAPEST BEST The Tribune 4W DON'T FORGET That ere are headquarters for everything la hhv If you hav asidea of purchHsinx nnv kind of n Wntcl,, lady's Of genf 'ii. Uold or Silver, you will make 11 nriov Sue mlatalio if yon do not (,-ive ns a call and Ret our pricos, Wbleh you will llnd far liolos all otners, especially In all tin. hlga grades of Blgln, Waltaass and Hiciden . .. wm If you have any doubts and are at sii posted onpiieesaivenss oallandws win have no trouble lnconvlnoln;; srou.TVostlll have a lsre Htoek to dlspoo of, nnd will otTor Tor. won derliil inducements In Jewelrv, t-'llvorware, Clocks and all othor ;oods which wo hnvc iu Htoek. C. W. Freeman l'cnn Aye. and Spruce St i