The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1894, Image 1

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    'JMIE Greater Scraivton
That's Coming Will
Kot Have Dirt Boads.
5i i n 1 1 mi LjaHMHi
W W 6SPi1
EITHER Will It BeTor
mented With Bqulrty,
Wooden Block Pavements.
An l$Mment ExpjcteJ Smii on the Ques
tions at Issue.
Another Caucus of Democratic Sena,
tors Changes in the Bill as Passed
by the HouseProspects Favorable
to a Sugar Duty The Proposed
Tax on Coal May Be Stricken Off.
Washington, D. C, Pun. 27.
TIIE best ju.i3 anions Hih Demo
cratic senators fel weil con
vinced that an a(?reemnt til 1
be n-itciied very noon on the
questions etill at wins in the new tariff
bill. The bill in it! praatnt shape Una
iron ore. wool, lead in all loriiu. and
uncnt diamonds on the five list. Very
few. and not verv Important, changes
have been made from the free to the
dutiable list, except iu the owe of
sngar ami coal. Snar hat a
duty of one cent on raw and
li cents on rtined, as tne bill
stands now, and bituminous coal a
specitie doty of fifty cents a ton. The
prospects now seem entirely favorable
to the adoption of soni1 kind of a snicar
duty. Coal may, or may not take one.
A treat deal will depend on the de
mands of the iroc men. If they insist
on a duty the proposed duty on
coal may be stricken off, on the ground
that if both are nude dutiable there
wiil b no logical ground for refusing
to replace dntie9 all along the line.
The reason so many senators nr
ready to concede a duty to the coal
producers, while ru ing out iron or-,
. that the cost pro iu -t is so uniform
in its conditions as to make tb- duty
valuable alike to all producers. It) the
case of iron orj, however, tne condi
tions in Minnesota differ widely from
those in Pennsylvania, those in Penn
sylvania from those in Alabama, anl
in Alabama aain from tho" In West
Virginia and Kentucky. Hence the
various iron ore producers would raak
a doz-n different and irreconcilable dj
mands for duties, and no one duty
would equally satisfy any considerable
number of them.
Tne reason a duty on su?ar seems
likely is that the strongest tariff re
formers in thtientte favor it for ill
revenue feature, while the so-called
"conservative'' element like It be hub
it is a more or less efficient substitute
for the bounty.
Mrs. Cleveland DilUh-.s Society in the
Absenc of the President.
Washington. Feb. 27. Washington
society is delighted tnat the absence of
the president enables Mrs. Civ jland
to appear at entertainments outside of
the executive mansion. She was the
guest of Mrs. Harriet Lane Johnson at
an amateur performance last night, '
when tiie actors, in costnme, were
presented to her, in her uos:osses be
half. This afternoon she attended an en
tertainment for the benefit of a free
kindergarten at the residence of Mrs.
Hearst, the widow of the California
senator, and she expects to look in
upon a "Midway Plsisance concert" for
a charitable purpose tomorrow even
The Storm Compels tin President's Craft
to Huif the Shore.
Washington. D. C, Feb. 27 The
lighthouse tender Violet, with the pres
ident and Secretary lireshsm on board
as the guests of Captain Evans, was
compelled to seek shelter from the vio
lent storm in an inlet below Mount
Vernon soon after leaving hero .Sun. lay
She proceeded to the naval gnn prov
ing grounds at iadun Heed Monday
afternoon and continued down the
river, making a stop late in the evening
at the Cedar Point light. Sho then
proceeded on her wsv and was lyii'g
at l'iny Point at 1,80 this morning,
eighty miles frota the mouth of the
National Entl RovLinsr the Laws
Governing G.imtn.
New York, Feb. 27. The annnal
schedule meeting of the National Hise
Ball league in the Fifth Avanne hotel
adjourned tonight aftr finishing the
revision of the playinu rules anil offer
ing a trophy cup. The championship
cup is tbo gift of a friend of the league.
Its value is gaOO.
The new hunt hit rnle which was
udopted yesterday was reconsidered
and the following substitute was
adopted: "A bnnt hit is a fair hit to
the ground within the field " This
change was made in accordance witti
the protest of the club managers as
the new rule previonsly adopted did
away with one of the scientific points
of the game.
Section 5 of rule oft was amended to
allow the umpire to remove a player
for improper language without first
fining him. By the schedule adopted
the season will open on April 10.
The Sable Son of the Jungle Entertains
the Briiiih.
Lonpon. Feb. 27 A dispatch frem
Rtar Admiral Bedford, commanding
the British West African fleet at Bat
hurst, Gambia, says that a large force
of natives under Chief Fodisilah have
invaded British Combo. The legisla
tive council of the colony immediately
met to devise means of protecting
themselves. Tbo council decided to
organize patrol parties, which are to
be led by members of the council.
There were two hours fighting be
tween the natives and a detachment of
the West India regiment on Sunday.
The engagement terminated with the
defeat and rout of the natives, who lost
a number of killed and wounded. None
of the West India command was killed
and only three were wounded.
ft Ei -Jth, xt--is- IHE OUEEK HftD
IH llf - I I I I T eeV t l
TTEB Titti -
r's Kacy Testimony
Lieutenant Young's Funny Account
of the Closing Ceremonies of the
Hawaiian Parliament -Her Majes
ty's Supposed Timidity Turned Out
to Be Something Else.
ViN c. T H E ! t nr. a rg E5 E1" ' r
UK: u Hs vj th e rcow n th e b ,r o. l ks
Eulogies Pronounced Over the Dead
Dramatist at tho Scenitor
ium in Chicago.
Chicago, Feb. 27. All Ithat is moral
of Steele Mackay- rested this afternoon
before the footligbte 00 the stag" of
the Michigan aveuoeSceaitoridm, The
remains arrived at noon and were re
ceived at the depot by a delegation.
When the Scenitnrium was readied
there wvi laid upon the plain cloth
covered caiktt, a wreath of bride roses,
with the simple inscription "From
Henry Irving. Beside it rested a
wreath of laurel, enveloped in craps
and with a s.r--atn-r with the inecri ,i
tion in gold, "tiood night, sweet
prince. "
The funeral exercise commenced at
I o'clock. Tho chant, "1 Know That
My Redeemer Livetb," was rendered
by a quartette, ami then, stepping to
the front of tho footlights. Professor
Swing commenced an oloqivtit oration,
in which he enlogised the life who bad
passed away, and spoke of his services
to the domain of dramatic art.
When the notes of the organ had
died away, Roland Ried came from
behind the scenes, and sinking his
humorous personality for the time be ing,
made a brief but touching ad
dress in eulogy of the conferee who
had passed before. Another selection
was rendered by the chorus, and after
an address by E, A. Barron, In behalf
of the press and literary circles of Chi
cago, the exercises concluded with the
singing of the familiar hymn, "Abide
with Me."
The lid of the casket was tlin re
moved and those present were sfforded
an opportunity of gallng for the last
time upon the familiar features of the
dead dramatist. Half an hour later
the doors wre again opened, and the
remains will lie in state until day
break on Wednesday.
Lio' of Ooonieaos in
Gladstone and Mr. Morlay.
DOBUN, Feb. 27, -The Dublin branch
of the Irish National League hold a
special sm.-. last night, at which tiie
following resolution waspassed: "Wo
avail ourselves of the presence to point
out that he ami the government have
fulled to keep the promises made to
John linrrv, membef of parliament
for South Wexford, inn lo a speech in
whicn ho expressed n lack of confi
dence in Air. Morley rnd alluded to
Mr. (iladstonoas the "Grand Old Hum
bug." -
Atmtteeof Itev. Dr. T. DoWittTal
mage's tabernacle. I!r ooklyn, says the doc
tor will never leave the tabernacle.
It took eight policemen to arrest Chia
tello liisgi" after tho iattxr had Ktiibte-d
and terribly gashed Andrew Kearns in a
Drooklyn saloon.
For the murder of OffloOr Et. A. Whit
man, who surprised him at it burglary,
Abiier DoloB Thorn, a schoolboy, m on
trial at Paris, Me.
Frank Fanning was fatally, and John
IJorrls and Thomas F. Bonify were seri
ously injured bv th fall of a h.avy-lnden
freight iterator In Boston.
l!ay (Irant, a prominent resident of
Grand Junction, CoL was siiot and killed
yesterday at Weal Water, Utah, by Jack
.Smith, a miner, who seOSped.
Five sisters named Dorris narrowly as.
raped from a burning bnililiiiif in New
York by walking over a narrow board
from an upper window to a roof.
"A victim of hypochondriasis'' Is what
Senator BttUer, of South Carolina, calls
Ahrain S. Hewitt since the lalter's ar
raignmentof soiitherneis in congiesi.
Jobtl H. Hopple, win. had a ticket from
Dee Moines to Kansas City, b' canie insane
on board a Chicago and (Jrent Western
train yesterday ' drew a pistol, dfOTS OUt
bis fellow pasiougers, mid then killed him
self. Thomas Lavier, of (Jgilen-burg: Mat
thew Stclner, of Syracuse, and I', liarrett,
of Montreal, started to drlTO aOTOSS the
St. Lawrence on the ice about 8 o'clock
last evening. They drove Into an airhole
i and Steiuer and Usrrett were drowned.
Mrs. Victoria Woodhull Martin Wins
Her Case Apainst the British
Museum Trustees.
London, Feb. 37. In the Queen's
Bench Division of tho High Courts of
Justice, Baton Pollock, In lummlug up
in the case of Mrs. John Biddulph
Martin (Victoria Woodhull) against the
trustees of the British museum, said
that nobody in England, not even the
trustees of the British museum, with
statutory duties to perform, eould alter
the ordinary law of libel and mk a
law for themselves superior to common
The jury, after two honrs' absence,
found that the matter contained in the
two-books relating to the ltecher-Til-ton
trial complainel by Mrs. Martin
was libelous, though the defendants
and their agents noted upon the bona
fide belief that they were discharging
their statutory powers and duties and
did not know the hooks were libelous,
Thsy were not gnilty of negligence.
1'iit they did not discharge their duty
with proper care an 1 caution, and the
judgment or the jury was that thev be
aesessed damages to the amount of 20
"hillings. Tho point of law will be
further consi dered.
- s
Reported Collision Detween Russian
Dravonns and Praesian Uhlans.
MOSCOW, Feb- 27. A sensational
storv Is current in military circles her.',
lu Miustauce it is that a fight has taken
place on the Russo-Qermsu frontier
between a detachment of Russian dra
goons and a uumber of I't-iissian
rjhlans, Several are reported to have
huen killed on both sides.
Tiie Russian officers iu this city who
have been questioned on the subj 'Ct
decline to specify cither of the regi
ments reported to have suffered, saying
that they do not wisli to cus" inter
national complications.
The fracas arose out of the fact, it iB
claimed, that Prussian Uhlans were
using the Russian eagle, fixed to a
frontier post, as a target.
Two Addi'lonal Canes of the DissAse
Reported Ytsterday.
Pittsburg, p., Feb. 87. Two addl
tionnl cases of mm! nox developed this
morning and were r loved to the Mu
nicipal hospital.
The quarantine at the West Penn
hospital is rigidly maintained, but a
Sense of security prevails within the
Institution. Thus far there are no in
dications of a spread of the disease.
' --
The Edinburgh Nwn l-'ixts the Date of
Mr. Oladntone's Retirement
Edinburgh, Feb. 97. The Beening
News declares that. Air. Gludstonohas
resigned, to take sfftOl after Bsster,
Also that tiie premiership was offered
to Lord Itoieberry, who declined it,
and was then offered to Blr! Spenoer,
who accepted it.
, .
Howard U Miller, the Brst health COn
mittionor of Reading, i'a , at his home in
that city. Ho was once chief of police
Dr. -I.''. Suavely, ox president, of the
Lancaster C'nuuty Medical society, and ex
memherof the legislature, at Manheim.
Fa., aged 75.
Harrison i- Plumtner, sued ho, a por
trait .painter known tnroughout America
and Uurope. Ho paiuted a portrait of tho
King of Italy for a fabulous price.
Judge James F. Wiley, Ti years old, of
Elisabeth, N. J. DeCOaied was elected
state senator In 1070, and was appointed
postmaster by President Cleveland.
Suddenly, at St Augustine, Fla., Colonel
Jasper li. Dresser, aged .10, of Lafayette,
Ind., who commanded Dresser's battery
and was wounded in the tlrst battle of
Hull Hun.
On a railroad train, near El Paso, Tex.,
Major Horace H. Strait, who was a Repub
lican member from the forty-third to tho
forty-eighth congrosos, iuclusive.from tho
thiid district of Minnesota.
Latest Advices--Thc Whereabouts of
the Dynamite Cruiser Nictheroy
Are Unknown.
Riu db Janeiro, Feb. 27. Many
contradictory rumors have been in cir
culation in regard to the happenings
recently at Bahia. The fact that the
government cnt o(T telegraphic and
cable communication with that port
gave rise to the statements that the
government fleet at Bahia had revolted
and that the insurgent war vessels,
Aqutdaban and Republic, were oft
that port with the Intention of engag
ing the government lhet.
Tiles rumors aiv set at rest todav bv
the United States Consul at B-ihia, Mr.
K P. McDuniel, who telegraphs here
that all is quiet at Bahia, and that
President Peizoto's lliet is still in the
harbor of Bikhia.
The rebel warship Tamsnlare is
preparing to put to sea on some un
known mission. She will run the
gauntlet of the forts tonight, and ths
latter are said to be rea ly to give her a
warm reception.
Nothing seems to be known here con
cerning the whereabouts of the dyna
mite otnissr Nictheroy, and news oi
some description is anxiously expected
by all those interested.
Dan Crsedon end Dies Qloore Entertain
Aesthetic Hostonians.
Boston, Feb. 27. Dan Creedon, the
Australian middle weight, t.nd Dick
Moore, gavean exhibition of the fastest
sparring ever g"on iu Boston, before a
good sized crowd at the Casino tonight.
For ten rounds they faced each other
and during that tun there was fight
ing nearly every minute,
Creedou's work was superior to that
of Moore's, being more scientific, end
his stylo closely resembles that of C'or
bett. Although he had the best of tho
match in the minds of those present,
tiie referee, Jimmy Colville, declared
tho contest a draw.
The Missing Cornell Student Turns Up
at Last.
Ithaca, N. Y., feb. 27 Carl L
Dlngens, suspected of complicity In the
freshman banquet poisoning case, has
returned to tho city, after having been
absent since last Wednesday morning
He claims to have been called home on
that, day by a telegram from his folks.
While returning to Ithaca tho fol
lowing .lay, he says ho was taken sick
and went to Syracuse for medical at
tendance. He win not allowed to see
tho newspapers and consequently did
not know of the charges made against
Attorney BoOUrioB the Stat of Nuw
York for n Favorable Judgs.
Ouwaoo, N. Y., Feb. 17. William
Kennedy, of Syracuse, and a New York
lawyer arrived In town this morning
and met Justice Wright, at his cham
bers, where they mads an informal ap
plication for a stay of proceedings in
tho ease of John V. McKane.
Justice Wright declined to bear the
matter in any form, stating that as
Juetiee Cullen had reviewed the case
and decided the matter adversely it
will be proper for him to reverse Jus
tice Cnllen's decision.
It is said that tho lawyers have gone
to Watertown where they will apply to
Justice William.
Exquisite Material and Finish.
A Northern Central Passenger Train
Dashes Into a Side Tracked
Freight at Ralston.
WlLUAHflPORT, Pa..Feb. 27 - North
ern Central passenger train No. 0,
from Canandaigua, bad a thrilling ex
perience between Ralston and tbts bits
this evening. A few miles son'n .
Ualstou there is a switch on which
freight trains are sids tracked to per
mit the passaue of the faster trains
Between " and fi o'clock this evening
as No. tl wag dashing along at the rate
of thirty miles an hour tho locomotive
entered the switch, wbloh had been
left open, and dashed into the rear of
the freight.
The engineer had time to reverse and
apply the nlr brakes and then he an I
the fireman leaped for their lives. The
shock shattered tiie glass in the car
windows ami gave the passengers a gi'
vere shaking and several were cut by
Hying glass.
The train kept the rails and after the
excitement had been allayed pro ded
to this city. An investigation as to the
responsibility is now being male.
- -
Honorabln T)i- : , Granted and Com
iniisl in Issued at He ido inrters.
HaRRISDURO, Pa., Feb. 27 .An order
was issued Iroui national guard head
quarters tonight granting honorable
discharges to First Lieutenant Michael
J. Tierney, Compauy K. Sseond regi
ment, resigned, and Second Lieutenant
William F. Bushier, Company Q,
Third regiment, resigned.
Commissions were issued today to the
following national guard officer! : Da
Vld Morton Bend, battslion adjutant;
William 11. Pearee, captain; and El
mer F. Berkheisor, lirst lieutenant.
Company C; Robert A. Cavin, captain.
Company A; ill Third Rsglmsnt, Phil
Trominont Peopl. Who Will Take Part
in the Exorctjes Today.
Cahlisuc, Feb. 27. Among those
that will participate at the Indian
school exerciseg here tomorrow will be
Secretary of Agriculture Morton, In
dian Commissioner Browning, Sna
tor Teller, Congressmen Bnglish, Belts,
hoover ami Mansur, and Secretary
Hoke Smith
Four prominent ndian chiefs aro
expected to be present, representing
the Kiowas,, Arapahoea
and Cheyeuues.
Seven Ilundred Op-iratore Aflected by
th Shut Down.
PHIIXIPLBDRO, N. J., Feb. 27.-The
strike o( the IW weavers at the Stand
ard Silk mill here, against a reduction
of 12 per cent, in their pay, caused the
mill to shut down today at noon for an
indefinite time.
There are 700 operators affected by
the shut down. The ntnkers held
meetings today and thare are no pros
pects of an early settlement.
The sennto has passed a bill providing
for a commission to the Antwerp Exposi
tion. The Haition government has officially
certified that Miuistor Smyth's conduct
has been in nowise undiplomatic.
Howard, convicted In Tennessee of using
the malls to swindle claimants to my tlii cat
Bngliah estates, has appealed to the su
preme court
Days Mora Will Be i; , i ,. l to
Find the Kutombad Miner.
WILKKS-BaRRB, IV, Feb. 27. The
situatiou at the (jaylord mines
remains unchanged. The rescuers
are making but little headway.
The latest report from there is
that the explorers had cleared away
:ll feet of debris today.
They have no idea of reaching tho
men within the next ten days.
Wife of the Ex- Policeman Expires Eaily
This Mornlmr.
The wife of ox-Policeman William
James died at 12 :iu o'clockithi morn
tng at her home, 1109 Bfhon street.
Funeral particulars will be an
nounced later.
Washington, Feb. 27.
ECIDEDLY th-- must racy chapter
iu the hii ky volume of Hawaiian
testimony is Lieutenant Lumen
Young's description ot the last
days of the monarchy. Lieutenant
Young was an ofiicer of the Boston,
and attended the cloning ceremonies of
the Hawaiian parliament iu full uni
form and in an official capacity. Lieu
tenant Young's description of the scone
is picturesque in the extreme. He
said :
"When 1 got there there was quite a
crowd around the rear end of the build
ing, and two ur three leading Ameri
cans, and Judge Hartwell, who was
one of the leading iatvyers of the place
end minister under Kalakaus. inform
ed me that the queen contemplated the
promulgation ot a new legislature im
mediately after the adjournment of the
legislature, and asked me if I would
not go on board ship and inform Cap
tain Wiltse. I went in to speak of it
to Consul lieii'-rsl Severance, and he
laughed mid said, 'I do not believe a
word of it.' I went iu and was shown
the seat assigned me iu the legislative
hall After waiting some little time
they commenced, and 1 believe it was
about the funniest aifuir I ever saw iu
my life- -a circus.
"The procession was headed by two or
three lackeys, and then followed the
governor of Oahu, fattier to the heirees
apparont, dressed ill a gaudy uniform
covered with gold and orders; the
chamberlain with attendant nil dressed
up, in uniform, and then came h-r ma
jesty, with a long train, and four lack
eys in kuee breechef currying the train,
and then the two royal princesses, la-dies-in
-Waiting, a staff, the four minis
ters and other attendants, It wag a
Very amusing scene. Afterwards the
proclamation was bapded to her in a
portfolio, when ehe stepped to the front
of the rostrum and begMi reading, first
I i Lnglisgi and then in Kanaka. The
Kanakas and every one w.-re decorated
with the various order of Kameha
meha I and Kalakaua, consisting of
great big stars stretched out on the
lireast. After the legislature was pro
rogued thr qiieeu passed into her recep
tion room.
"Did you follow her'.'' asked the
Lieutenant Young replied: "Yes; I
passed on through the door. The con
snl told me he was going back to the
ollice. 1 told him I Wasjthere in an of
ficial capacity, and felt I. it my duty to
go through with it."
Senator Gray -You wanted to ee tho
sights of the side clrcusf
Mr. Young "Yes; the governor of
O.lbU, Mr Clegiioru, stopped meat
the door and talked to me iu a nervous
strain as though to retain me, 1 passed
In and bowed to the queou and her
ministers standing on (be right, her
aides, and passed on through the door,
me queen looked at me rather sav
agely, and did not return .uy saluta
Witb any cordiality at all,
I noticed that she acted in
a peculiar way. First, when ahe
was reading her proclamation, 1 thought
she bad a little stage fright; out iu the
rec.'pilon room I saw that she was un
der the influence of a stimulant; In fact
she was drunk. There is no question
lu my mind about it at all. Then I out into tiie yard and started to
go over into the palace, and 1 was ad
vised not to go. Then I was told again
on the outside that as soon as the queen
came over to the palaoa she was going
to promulgate the new legislature. I
was also informed that at the palaos
the night, before there had been placed
lour or five pieces of artillery, enfilad
ing the approaches to the palace, and
that the queen's household was said to
ho under arms. I thought affairs
looked very serious, and that it was my
duty to go immediately on boar 1 the
ship and inform my Commanding offi
cer, Which 1 did. "
Seme Pittsburg schools are so badly
heated that the pupils are ick.
A broken water pipe ruined SI, 000 worth
of clothing In Moses Ulman'a store, Will
Isms port.
Pottsville will celebrate the opening of
its new 1300,000 ichool house on Friday
and Saturday.
Dragged lor a long distance by a runa
way horse, J. tl., of Taiuaqaa, is
dying with a fractured SKUlL
To esrano from their burning home at
Willlanwport, WiUiam s. Johnson and in
Wife jumped from a secuud-story window.
All hope having died out, Murderer
Charles Salyanls, who will be hanged on
Thursday at Carlisle, lias collapsed physi
cally. The trip of Adjutant lieneral (ireenlnnd
and stall to Qettytbnrg was abandoned
yesterday, owing to the deep snow In the
Five Bocialista and one Moderate Ucpub
Ucan were returned in the eiectious iu
Prance on Sunday.
An attack of crip upon one of th would
be principals hni prevented a duel n
Prance between Audinel Gilbert, of New
York, and Sener Don Manuel Depllar do
United Statei Milliliter Terrell has in
formed the porte, in Constantinople, that
he never ciiticised the Turkish govern
ment's treatment, of Americanized Arme
iiliiiis, as reported.
WAKniNOTos. Feb. 27. PoreCOSl
..... M-...J......J L , I
Jj in if BM nMWtu i fuv ri,.-.rrr ii i run
syisoain, Mr, foUovtfd iy in
creastno ofoadiiicfe. vnnini
scuta (Off winds, For leevfcra RnrasuiM
( y.-v f
Givincr additional space
and special attention to this
department for one week
we offer handsomely made
GARMENTS at prices sel
dom met with. These
goods are of superior qual
ity ?nd at prices usually
asked for medium grade.
The Embroideries used
in Trimming, the Muslin,
the Sewing, all have been
carefully examined, and
nothing unworthy is of
fered. During this time we
sell the "Queen" Night
Gown, Tucked Yoke Val
encienes Lac 9 Collar and
Cuffs at 98c, regular price,
olu ana 612 Lackawanna Ave.
Maltese Cross
And Ouk tanned Leather Bel dug,
H. A. Kingsbury
SI3 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa.
Lewis, Reilly &. Davies
Reliable Footwear.
Feet of every description fitted tt
Lewis, Reilly & Davie3.
Will oIon ri ftSToniiu at 680 p.m.
XG6pt Sntuiilaj.
ni'o, pdrtly cloudy, rariabls winda
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. I f it doctor is
needed you are promptly told
so. We also guarantee a jmr
feet lit.
AT COST for one work only.