The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 27, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Now Open
Tluir diroct importation of
Exceedingly Handsome
Ar.J Embraces the choicest goods
lor early spring and sunimar.
Purchaser of Silkl an 1 Dress F.ib
ics will soeura great a Wantage ia vi
iting our store at this time.
Experienc of iraviHis years dem
onstrates that the choiceit and most
deiirable fabrics are nlwari sold early
and not duplicated.
The only way to appreciate them is
to see them for yourself. O ir descrip
tion may be all very Boa and very ex
plicit, but there is nothing as satisfac
tory as a look with your own eyes.
And no more convincing argument
that we have the Quest gooJs.the new
est good", the moat stylish goods of ev
ery description, than the fact that an
inspection of our stock always lead to
a purchase.
fOut of town oorrosponaGnU ofTnn Tttin-
1. juwmu aiHii nii'ir ikuiius iu iuu ui aoi
uwi letter, not for publication uut to gunrd
Witmur. L.ioT.f I. ii. I
PlBaincr Fvn's in thfi Eatarprliln Bor
ough Intellinantl7 Written TJd.
tipectal to the Scranton Tribunt.
Tavlur, Pa., Feb. 20. The borongh
council reorganize on Wednesday
John Runlle leaves Wednesday for
school in Ohio.
The Price Library association will
meet Thursday evening for a short
busines seesion. This is afsn ladies'
nieht for this week, and hereafUr it
will be every Wednesilay night
Dr. Timlin, of Old Forge, was a
caller in town today.
William Goodman has been confined
to his bed since last Friday with sick
ness, Jennie Nichols has been hired as
teacher in Taylor graded school, Miss
Burke having been promoted no the
Continental school in plaoe of Martin
Rev. W. W. Smith's farewell services
at the Methodist eharcb on Sunday
were attended by large audiencos. Mr.
Smith felt sorry he was to leave, but
was thankful for all th good that was
said about him. He leaves tomorrow
for his new home at Portland, Conn.,
and he leaves hers with the well wishes
of all, regardless of sex or creed.
Resolutions of respeot were adopted by
the Christian Endeavor society ami
were presented to the pastor at the
farewell service.
Pcieibilitv of a Strtf in Court for Poi
aeasina of Taylor Offlo,r.
Taylor, Pa., Feb. 21. Rumor has
been circnlated that sevural of the citi
zens recently candidates propose to en
ter a contest npo-i tax collector and one
councilman, E. E. Weston. THE TRIB
UNE correspondent yesterday inter
viewed one of the leading citizens upon
the subject.
He said, "Wo could overthrow (he
wiiole election, as il was illegal. Ac
cording to the D ikor ballot law, candi
dates names must appear in full. Dr.
Weston's name for council appeared
on the ballot as E. E Weaton. John
D. Jones was Jno. D. Jones. A candi
date for two offices cannot appear on
the ballot. If a contest waa started
Andrew Dole will be burgess, Alouzo
Ilkiidershot, tax collector, and C. H.
Horn, jnstice of the peace."
The affair has recoived much atten
tion, bnt nothing reliable can bo ascer
tained as to whether n contest will be
Oreat on Unconstitutionality!
I'iltuburg Tiinrt.
Taking his hjm-ocIhh as evidence, tuo
aew jndgoof thuMiprome court would de
rldo that protection, the oleomargarine
law, the anti-lottery law, the natioual
quarantine law, are all unconstitutional.
Maybe Preitldtnt Cleveland did not know
This Hav Bj Hrarded m Official.
St . Ijouit (Jlobe-Democrat.
The only certain thing about the presi
dential candidates for lM)0in that the one
who secures the KnpiiMicau nomination
will havo his mail delivered at the White
House on and after March 4, 18U7.
Price of the Dlllv Dally.
rhttmUivh in .v tocMoMtr.
It is estimated that tho inactivity of the
senate upon tho tariff question reunite in a
loss to capital and labor of 110,000,000 daily.
Cure for Hcadaohe.
As a remedy for all forms of Headacho
Electric Bittors dub proved to be the very
best. It efforts a permanent cure and tho
most dreaded habitual sick headachee
yield to its influence. We urge all who are
afflicted to procure a bottle and give thi
remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual
constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv
ing the needod tone to the bowels, and few
rases long resiat the use of this medicine.
Try It once. Large bottles only Fifty cents
at Matthews Bros', drug store,
Entertainment by the Citiztna Band.
Local Institute Ptrsona) News.
Special to the S'cranton ZViOtttM.
Jermyn, Pa.. Feb. 20. Richard Gen-
dall, who has been spending a few day
at homo, returns to Wyoming seminary
Friday Miss Nettie DeGniw, a clerk
for Simpson & Watkint at their May
field Ktore, foil from a chair, breaking
luir arm. Dr. . Scanlon set the injured
member, and sue is now quite com
fortable. .Mrs. W S Hidger and sou are visit
iug friends in Hancock.
The anniversary supper of Evening
Star lodge, 65, was held Saturday eve
niug. A large attendance contributed
materially toward making it a success.
Prank Williams and Joseph Far
ringer, of Scran ton, called on Jermyn
friends yesterday.
Miss Lizzie Roberts, of Third street,
is the guest of Scranton friends.
Rev. E Samuel Thomas conducted
'ervices iu the Primitive Methodist
church vester lav.
The Jermyn Cltiien'i band will give
an entertainment iu their new rooms
on March 6, when all their friends will
have an opportunity to see their new
place of meeting.
The local iuatitnte to be held in
Maytiald March J, is to be the first of
the series. The following programme
has been prepared: Qti irtrtte, Martin;
brothers; primary uuiubers, Miss Mil
ler; primary history, Misi N" Martin;
arithmetic, Professor White; recita
tion, .Miss Sweeney; history, Professor
Biivard; quariette, Martin brothers;
address, Superintendent J, C. Taylor;
"Across the Continent," Professor Da
vis; fractions, Miss Mulbolland; geog
raphy, ProfessorjMartin.
Rev. F. Gendall will deliver an ad
dress hefore the Honesdale Ministerial
association at its next meeting, Tues
day, March 0. Subject : "Euoourag
ing Features of the Temperance R
Miss Lizzio Rimron, of Uniondale, is
the guest of ber sister, Mrs. Thomas
Yesterday Miss Mary Bloomer, of
the East Side, returned from a few
day's visit in Scranton,
Rev. Mr. Williams, of Peckville, oc
cupied the pulpit of the M. E. church
last night.
Members of the C. M. B. A, are busi
ly engaged selling tickets for their en
tertainment, which will take place tho
latter part of next mouth. The $50
prize will be disposed of at the same
Simnel Brokenshire has resigned his
position with tho Jermyn Milling com
pany. The funeral of Stephen A. Taylor,
who died Sunday evening, will be
held today from his late residence on
Fourth street. Interment will be in
the family plot at Orvis comers. Mr.
Taylor was one of tho old settlers of
Scott township, and was well known
in the vicinity. Taylortown waa named
after him, he having lived there from
boyhood. He was 81 yeara old at the
time of his doath.
The alarm of fire at 10.15 a. m. yes
terday, caused considerable excitement
when it was said that the school house
was on fire. A water pipe in the base
ment whs frozen and the and janitor iu
thawing it out usod oil which set fire
to some loose papers. It was extin
guished with no damage except the
scorching of tho paper on the wall in
the janitor's room.
The Happenings in a Livaly Locality
Tersely Rpoirdd.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
PbICBBUBO. Pa, Feb. 2ii. There are
thirty-one applications for license to
sell intoxicating drinks in the First
ward of this borongh, eleven of them
being new applicants. Remonstrances
are few iu number. There nre also
seven applicants in the Second ward.
Miss Annio Hartee, of Carbondale, is
the guest of her cousin, Mrs. John A.
Murphy, of Main street.
Rev. Father McCawley, of Archbnld.
looked after the spiritual welfare of
the Catholics of this place last Sunday,
during the illness of Fatlier Conway.
We are happy to state that Mrs. El
ward Wilson, who was injure I by a
sling chain while crossing over O plane
in Olyphant last Wednesday, is entire
ly out of danger.
William McAle-r, of Corning, N. Y.,
was iu town on Saturday, looking tor
a good (dace in whicii to open a harness
The Eaglo Hoso eorapany held their
fourth animal ball last week. It wai
a grr I affair. Delegates from several
out of town fir companies being pres
ent. The boys will realize a snug little
sum from tiieir social.
Giles Docker, of Scott, was a wel
come visitor here on Saturday last.
M. F. Fadden and A. Corcoran, two
good ami true citizens of this borough,
will S'rvH as jurymen on April 2.
John Turner will be given a trial in
somo of the exhibition games next sea
son as a profeaiionftl ball player. John
is a good all round player and tuny
pigu with some slate league,
A Literary Society Organized RuitUrs
Are Again Abroad Other iToploe.
Svecial to (he Scranton Tribune.
Dukyra, Pa.. Feb. 26 Miss Sadie
Benedict is attending school at the
Wyoming seminary, Kingston.
Some of the popular young peoplo of
this place have organized a literary
society called the Adgiud. The soci
ety starts out with a goodly number of
mombers and the following oapable of
ficers: 1). II. Evaux, us president; vice
president, Miss Anna Maiuwarring;
secrolary, Miss Anna Walch; treasurer,
Mr. 1'atriek Uilboy.
The lumperance address given by
Rev. Jamea Mitchell Suuday evening
in behalf of the order of Sons of Tem
perance, of this place, was largely at
tended, and ably d-divered.
Rev, Mr. Stevens, of Pnuceton I he
logical seminary, will preach next
Sunday evening iu the Prssbytoriuu
Hui-glars have again visit-Mi this
town. A few months ago a number ot
business places were broken into but
the thieves were not very well re
warded for their trouble. Last Friday
evening the Pullman bouse was again
visited, but they mot with their usual
uck in this town, and went away with
two overcoats and u few packagos of
A Brief Rioord of Taseing Events in the
Muple City.
Svecial to the Scranton 7Yi7w9.
Honesdale, Pa., Feb. 20. Dr. Reed
Burns received a Itolegram from W. S.
Lambert, who is at Tnomasville, Ga.,
aturday afternoon, stating that nis
little daughter Helen waa very ill with
a fever and asking him to come there
it once. Dr. Burns left for Georgia
this morning. Mr Lunbertweut to
Georgia this winter with his family oti
account of his wife's poor health,
William llow, of St. I'aul, Minn., a
former Honesdale hoy, is in town.
Miss Anna Brown returned to Wyo
ming Seminary this morning.
Inspection of Company L at the new
armory Wednesday night.
H. T. Dolmelsnh opaueii up his new
photograph studio today.
Snow fell to the depth of eight inches
during last night aud oday. The
storm came just in time to save the
sleighing we havo been enjoying so
long. Oue or two more days would
have worn it off.
The grand jury met today and ad
journed without doing anything of
Conferees and Delegates Eleoted to State
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
HoNKSDAt.E, Pa., Feb 26 The Re
publican spring convention was called
to order at 2 p. m. today in the Allen
George W. Wood, of Eqninnnk, was
elected chairman, and N, B. Bigelow,
N. E Hause and George P. Ross, sec
retaries. Thirty-five delegates were
' Henry Hill, Scott. No. 2; N. E.
Hause, Hawley; Joseph Boyd, (Damas
cus, and W. W. Wood, Honesdale, were
chosen as senatorial conferees and in
structed for Hon. E, B. Hardeuborgh,
of Honesdale.
W. N. Albert?, Honesdale ; J. E
Woodniansoe. Eqninnnk; G, L Waltz,
Drehr, and Henry B Ely M D., Ariel,
were elected congressional cotiferoes
and instructed for Hon. M B Wright.
G. H. Lancaster, South Sterling, was
elected delegate to the slate convention
and inatructed for General Hastings
for governor.
IfAmong the resolutions passed was
one that Wayne couuty would present
a candidate for congress in loim
Brief Ilention of Current Evente Tersely
Reported for Live Koaiiere.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Nicholson, Pa., Feb. 26. Miss
Lucie Hartley died at Gleuwood last
Thursday. The funeral whs hold on
John Sherman intends to move this
week on John Weaver's farm near
Last Saturday the thermometer
stood at zero all day.
Last Saturday night Newell Snyder's
boy was driving to town and in some
way he fell out of the curt, the horse
became frightened and ran down the
mountain hill and dashed up .Main
streot. Somo ono stopped him just as
he waa running by the postoftice. No
damago was done.
Patrick Coyle goes to Philadelphia
this week,
Charles Price is able to be out
around after an illness of some time,
The Luiid Flames Lick tha Rosldence of
Jamee Doolittle.
Special to the ticranton Tribune.
FoitkST City, Pa, Feb. 26. Between
the hours of 8 and 0 o'clock Saturday
evening a cry of (ire was heralded np .n
our streets. The house on flro proved
to be that of James Doolittle, situated
od Delaware street. It is thought the
fire originated from a stove iu the base
ment. The Enterprise Fire company
conneoted their hose with the water
plug in front of Dr. Blakeslee's real
dence, but, as usual, the water plug
wss frozen.
In a few minutes after this the Hill
side Coal nnd Iron Company's Fire de
partment bad u stream of water upon
the bn.ning building, their hose being
connected with the plug at the Forest
City House. Soon the fire was ex
tinguished, the interior of tho house
being quite badly damaged. This is
the first fire Forest City hag had in
four months.
Not Necessary.
AVie York Ves.
"She didn't love him. but she marriod
"Did sho pretond to love him?"
"Oh, yes."
"Does sho still pretend to lovo himr"
"Of course not. Tliere' no need of that
now since they are married."
Detroit Free Drum.
Lady (In a book store) Can you tell me
whore Packer Institute Is?
Clerk (trying to think) I'm not sure,
madam, but I should say it was iu Chicago.
i - -
Notes of New Gathered by an Enter
prising Writer.
Special to the Scranton Tribune..
Peckville. Pa.. Feb. 26 Mrs. Wil
liam Day and daughters Mable and
Grace, are visiting with friends at
Mrs. Sahotb Williams, who has been
indispos.'d for the last two weeks, is
Henry Oeerts has returned after
visiting with friends in Pittston.
William Snyder, of Mill City, is visit
ing Ins parents. Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Snyder, on Scott road.
Air. aud Mrs. John Whitic returned
homo yesterday after a couple of woeks
visit with tho parent! at Hazleton.
Mrs. .Tossie Friar returned home ye-t-terday
after spending a few days with
her daughter, Mrs. Hoyt, at Green
J. P. Hollister anil daughter Jessie
nre visiting his parents at Hollister
viilo. Twenty-one new members wero re
ceived into tho Methodist Episcopal
church last Sunday morning on proba
tion. The revival meeting will be
continued the coming week.
Marriod, at the residence of John
Warren, at Bell Place, last Saturday
evening, by the Rev, F. P. Doty,
Jamea M. Snyder, of Scranton, to TiUle
A. Tanner, of Lako Wiuola.
Rev. F. P. Dotty made a business
trip to the Electric City yoaterday.
Nuggets of Ndwa from a Hustling Town
Ovtr the Bordr. ,
Special lo the Scranton Tribune.
Foheht City, Pa., Feb. 20 Miss
Alice 'A Gregory is ill at tho home of
Henry Box on Railroad street. Hr
place in the schoolroom Is filled ac
ceptably by Miss Jessie Smith.
George S Dunn, the popular and
genial station at Jermyn for the On
tario and Western, spent yesterday
with his parents iu this place.
Mrs. William Graham who was quite
severely Immed last Saturday is pro
gressing slowly under the skillful treat
ment of Dr. F. L. Grander, who thinks
she has a chance of recovery.
John D. Nealson. of Carbondale, was
looking after his trade interests in town
today, also, John Williamson.of Wilkes
Barre. Clifford colliery waa idle today.
The interior of the Forest House is
being papered aud painted in an artis
tic manner.
E. A. Wheeler started today for a
three days visit with friends in Wilkes
Barro and Scranton.
Dr. D. Dwyer, of Carbondale, was in
town today.
About three inches of snow waa
added thia morning to our good sleigh
ing, which we are enjoying in this
Wells Burdick, of Vandling, went to
the Pioneer City today.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friond indeed, and
not less than one million people have
found just such a friend in Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs aud
Colds, If you have- nfver used this Oreat
(.'ough Medicine, ono trial will couviuco
vou that it has wonderful curative powers
in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do nil that is
claimed or money will he refunded. Trial
bottles fre at Mathews Bros', drug store.
Large bottles iioc. nnd IL0Q,
Bad One on tha Boss.
Wtuhingion Pot f,
Editor Singerly declares that thoro is
something rotten in Pennsylvania and In
timates that tuo putrid quantity is located
in tho vicinity of the Democratic organiza
tion, oh. Harrltyl
Fiokle That Doesn t Preserve.
JVttO York' Prt'js.
"There's a peculiar thing about Mrs.
"What is it?"
"She has been in n pickle nil her life and
yet she doesn't look well preserved."
Criticising h Young Lady.
"She would bo a pretty girl for but ono
"What's that?" asked Charley.
George" -Her face i always covered with
purple and rod blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the same wav my
self, but I caught on to the trouble oho
day, and got, rid of it in no time.
George 1 What was it?
( hurley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a ibort oonrae of P. P. P. 1 tell you, it's
he boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that y iu conld
hoar him holler clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know what an athletic old gent he is
iuuv. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, s)n would thank them after
Wardf, All tnc drug stores sell it.
To the Point.
rh iiud ia ' Record,
ouest tin German res tanrant(- What do
you pay waiters here?
Manager A dollar a day.
Gneit Well, don't you think you should
pay mo something? I'vo been waiting here
nn hour.
Why It Miw Up
Bo(ON Home Journal.
Mr. Dinks The paper says a big flour
mill blew up yesterday.
Mrs. Ilinks flood gracious! I s'pose it's
whore they make this new-fangled self
raising flour.
Went Hlin On Belter.
Olemlaad Plain Dealer.
First American Hoy Ya-a-a! My sister
went abroad 'u married a briars!
Second Auimicun Boy Ho o-ol My sis
tor stayed nt home 'n married a man.
ct iik von (iiitirp Use Dr. Thomas'
Fclectric Oil according to directions. It
is the best remedy for all sudden attacks
of colds, paiu and inflammation, nnd in
juries. Clevslnnd'i One Sucuose.
Kama t'.tn Journal.
Clovoland tins almost succeeded in mak
ing Adlni shine as u statesman.
Emily Found.
linliaiuii'ttlin Journal.
Everybody knows where to find Senator
Ho Is always close to the pie
What IU Inu.
ntttbnrn Bulletin.
Beneath a fair exterior
A rasoal often lurks;
It. is trun of men nnd watches
You may tell them by their works.
Bcccham's pills arc fot
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Hook free ; pills 25c. At
drugstores.or write B.F.Allen
Co., 365 Canal St., New York.
Upholstery Department
William : Sissenberger
Opposite Baptist Church,
Penn Avenue,
Is replete with fine and
medium Parlor Suits, Fancy
Rockers, Couches and
Lounges for the Holiday
Trade. Prices to Suit all.
Also Bed Room Sets.Din
ing Room and Kitchen Fur
niture. Parlor Suits and
Odd Pieces Re-upholstered
in a Substantial manner.
Will be as good as new.
Lost Manbofid '"i
ntriiuhy. He, nurHv
11 it. i.i- id in. . 1
w,wu muiitiv emltilont.
arvd by i.Iaivo. th maf
rly. V.'ltli MrlKtnuuarnnltrioriir. iSuM B
BA'lIUliWS bu- .1 1 .,.,: : . BcnOftNL To.
1 ne new oner
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
Mis Enemy
Dyspepsia Causes Much
Pains and Distress After Eating Re
lieved by Hood's Snrsnparillo.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" 1 must pntlM Hood's Siiissparilla for the
good it has dona me. I was troubled with dys
pepsia. I had severe pains In my heart, and the
swelling ol my Stomach ud distress after eat
lug eaused me inuoh suffering, l tried different
remedies without getting relief. Filially de
cldod to give. Hood's iSarsapurllla u trial, being
the lirst one in lov.11 to take It. Alter taking
flyr bottles, I felt perfectly well and have enjoyed
good health ever since. Many of the towns
people have asked inu about the success of
Hood's BarsansjrtUa, and I have cheerfully rec
ommended It teellngtndeed (jratefnlforthe good
it has done inc. l-'riends and relatives have also
taken Hood's Sarsaparilla with good results."
Millard a. stkink, Strineetown, Pa.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, oonitlpatlon,
biliousness, ttundloe, .sick headache, Indigestion.
Dr. B. Grewer
Ik Philadelphia Specialist,
And US lato.l htalT of English and Her
man rnyswunStare uow permanently located
Temple Court Building
.11 1 SPRUCE ST.,
Where Ihoy may bo consulted DAILY AN'D
The Poctor Is a graduate ot tho t'nlvorsitr
ct 1 eunaj-lvnnia, formerly demonstrator of
physio ogv iind Furgery at, tho Medlco-Chlr
urgent College, of Philadelphia. He Is also
aii honorary member of the Medieo-Chirur-gleal
Association, and was physician and
surgeon in chief of tho most noted Am-irlcan
BBd i (lerman hospitals, comes highly Indorsed
hv the lending professors of Philadelphia and
new Ton,
Hi-; manv vcars of hosnital exnerienoa n.
hies this emlnont physician and surgoon to
correctly diagnose and treat all deformities
and diseases with tho most flattering success,
and his hlh standing in the state will uot
aUeW him o accept anv incurable cass
Ifyouhnve oeea given up oy your physl
r'an call upon tho doctor and 1m examined
He cures the worst casesof Nervous Dotiillty,
Scrofula, Old tSorea i atarrh, Piles, Female
Weakness, Affections of tho Ear, Eyo, Nose
and Throat, Asthma, Deafuoss. Tnmore, Can
cers and Crippbis of evory description. Con
sultation in English and (lerman l-'rea, which
diall bo considered sacred and strictly coull
dunttal. 1 lll. c Hours: 1) A. M. to t 1'. M. Daily.
Bun. lay, tl a.m. to 2
TI 110
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
BAVtJEL RINE8,rPree(deni
W.W, watson, VleaPretwenti
A. li. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
BAUtnt Hints, jaiim BT F.vr.nrtAnT,
Immra a. EiNcn. PiaHcaB, fim.hy,
JoSCPB .1. JklUtYK, il. H. Kkmkiikh..
ciias, P. iiAmiKw. John t Portm.
This bank Invites the patronago ot business
men and llrius geuerally.
There: :ire hundreds of youag ftUU) and young wonim: in foil
country who have splendid ability, bat they have DreT bv?u
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an Inspiration lo hundreds of young people. If you
are tired of iua.tiwty ami want lo do something tangible,
come to Hie College.
MIOKTIIAND COURSE. w ti xnrnr vt i
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Organized 1S72.
Capital, - $200,000
Surplus, - $240,000
This bank errors to tloiK.fiitore every
laeltlty Warranted It their linliiiiers, b.ial
beei ami reipunilblutr.
S.i-rlal jtlanttOfl nvea t lmlnrm iio-
cumitft. it.ifi'cftt fial.t mi tlnke depoalte.
WILLIAM CONMKIX, rreslilrnl.
Ul-:o. It. QATUN, rint-l-ifKltlont.
WILLIAM it. I'M k. Cmahler,
William t'niinoll, (imiren It. Cntlln,
Alfred Hand, .lumen Arrlitmld, Henry
Keiln, Jh, William T. Bniltli, I.utlier
Carpetings !
Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets,
Body Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains, &c,
now ready. The largest line of new pat
terns and novelties we have ever shown,
which we submit for the inspection of
buyers. Prices will be found thoroughly
Japanese and China Mattings, in Plain, Figured and
Inserted Patterns.
Linoleums and Oil Cloths, in all qualities and widths
from one to four yards wide.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Tribune Art Feature
To miss THE TBIBUNE'8 World's Fair Portfolios would
lip lo neglect the best opportunity yet offered. The ad
dition of the "Wanamaker" series makes it more valua
ble, Bead new announcement on page 7.
H-'-TTHirr-g .pi, flip lPilitiiii
Aii Elegant African Fibre and
Cotton Mattress for
J $4.15 !
WORTH $7. Sec our Show Window.
nun id u
Have arrived. Also Baby Carriages, Crockery.
Etc. Bedroom Suits, with Large
Mirrors, $15-50.