The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 27, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Fittings I
I i
NorrmanA Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
108 Pcnn Avo.
Very Choice Line of
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, eta
127 Wyoming Ave
The fnueral of Mrs. Jobs A. JlcNarnara,
of Providence, will take place tills after
noon. The men's league of Hie Peun Avenue
Baptist church will bold their regular
niouthly meeting this evening at 7.;0.
A marriage license eras granted bv Clork
nf ibe Courts Thomas yea!rd:iy to Warner
M. Ciaino and Martha If, Baldwin, of
Fulton, Oswego county, N, V.
As soon as the snow ceased falling yes
terday tb county commissioners put a
force of null at work under Janitor .lames
Stone who cleaned tbe MOW off of all the
walks about the court house.
. - -
She Mnlcti an Excellent Showing In the
Society Play, Strioken Blind.
At Wonderland Ust night Miss Ethel
i'uKer. in making her first appearance,
wa given a hearty welcomt by a Urg
nndience. Manager Davis secured Miss
Fnll r to assume leading roles in sev
eral dratnae, and if the standard of her
work histevening be sustained through
oat the encageinent, Wouderlund's
nndiencei will be treated to remark
ably good entertainments.
Miss Fuller as Kato Medlnnd in the
society play, "Strickin Mind,'' gives
evidence of ability of wore than ordi
nary merit. Iltr methods are natural
and strong and she is bound to become
h great favorite during her stay in the
In "Stricken Blind" the several mem
ber of the Wonderland stock company
are aeen to excellent advantage, espe
cially V , D. Corbett, Gus Homer and
J. O. Ha '.
"Stricken Wind" will be repeats 1 at
Wonderland thi and tomorrow even
ings and afternoons. Tbe attract ion
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday will
be ''Under the Gaslight."
or Words at Green Ridge, Saloon Rc
uionsirancc Keeling,
A Condemning Ordlnanca to Be Intro
ducd Nxt Thursday.
John E. Roche of the special commit
tee of councils on the eroction of
bridges waa in the city hall yesterday
and as a result of bit visit City
Solicitor Torrey is preparing an ordi
nance for tbe condemnation of that
portion of the Plutt estate necessary
for the proposed new approach to the
Pittstou avenue bridge. This ordin
ance will be presented to councils at
Thursday night's meeting
The bond ordinance will not be in
troduced at this session of councils, but
the approaches and the ground neces
sary for the abntniouts will all be ob
tained. This is a preliminary that it
absolutely necessary, for according to
a recent decision of tbe conrt, the issue
of bondt before acquiring the ap
proaches and tbe necessary abutments
would nullify tbe bond issue.
Tuk best place in tue city for meals to
jrfier on snort notice and at all bours.
Alto lunches of all kind always on hand.
John Lohmak'b.
219 Lackawanna avenue.
Fall line new
next to Connolly
goods, 211 Washington,
As Wallace. Telephone,
Auction sale of household goods and car
pets at Harris' Auction Store, Penu ave-iue.
He Takes Exception to tho Spirit of
the Meeting C. L. Hawley Talks to
the PointScripture Misquoted by
w. w. Lathrop Not a Lot of
"Nodles" to Fight-A Petition
Remonstrating Against Saloons.
In response to a gennral call for n
mealing o Thirteenth ward eitizins to
protest against the re-gMDtini of a
liquor license to John Horn, IMG Diok
so.i arenup, and three now lieenees, a
good sized audience gathered in the
Asbury Methodist Episcopal church
laitnigbt Tho fatur8 of tho meet
ing ware a number of religo-politlco
speeches which had little, if any, bear
ing on the purpote of tho meeting and
tho spaecb of lisv. Frank Scholl lial
len tine,
The hitter's talk was to the offtot
that too much bluster and too little
business wero evidenced, and brought
down hissss from one portion of tho
house and faint applause from the
Tbo meeting was opened by A. G.
Thomason. Those who spoke were
Rav, W. J. Ford. W. W. Lithrop,
Miner 0. Carr, G L. Hawk-v, R. W.
Kellow, J. L. Hangi and Bar. F. S.
ISiilloutiue. With the possiblo excep
tion of Mr. Hawley and Rev. Mr.
Billentine, one uninitiated would in
fer that the gathering came together
for the purpose of expressing Individ
ual viewH on, religion and prohibition
Mr. Hawley really opened the meet
ting hy an outsooken talk, rree from
Liible quotations, bat replete with
practical ideas whicii Beamed to meet
the approval of a goodly portion of the
There was a climax of excitement
when Uev. .Mr. Balientino took excep
tions, apparently, to the moaning of
Mr. Hawley't remarks, and in sub
stance told tha BUdUtlQs they were on
the wrong tsek, unl offerad his view
01 to how tho saloon evil should he
eliminated from Greein Ridge.
Mr. Hartley Introduced his remarks
by saying that there would be "a lit
tfe plain language from truthful
Jame?." The gentlemen who had pro
ceeded him, he said, bad been too deli
cate in tbeir ideas; yet ho didn't want
the audience to be I:lc- tho farmer who
prayed for rain, and when a deluge
came said, "Oh, Lord, this is not what
I wanted; I only wished a withy
wiishy, drizzly drazzly sort of ft rain.'
There was nc use in mincing matters;
the audience should cure the evil by
going to its fountain-head the ballot.
Tho Thirteenth ward has had u yearly
remonstrance excitement for twenty
five years, which would continue for
twenty-live years to come, unless the
beginning of the evil wns cured, tho
same as n doctor cures diseases it its
source. The audience really, he said.
had no more business to suppress ttie
saloon element in Green Ridge th;n it
had at Pine Brook or any othar local
ity, Yet, said Jlr. Hawley, 1 will sign
by name to tne remonstrance.
Ha presented four propositions and
challenged contradiction: First, John
Horn and his business are no worse
i mm the license he holds; tocond, tho
licente is no worso than the law which
allows it; third, the law is no worse
than the legislature whicn makes it;
fourth, the legislature is no worse than
the men who compose it. The voters
cast ballots twioa a year to keep the
saloons going, and meet onco a year
to remonstrate against thoir own bal
lots. They remonttratoto forget
they hove dona.
Tho seutiiuanta expressed by Mr.
Hawley brought forth tbe plaudits of
hit hearers and everybody soemjd
Just then it came timn for licv. Mr.
Ballentine's inning, and that gentle
man threw off all superfluous s-nti-
ments and got down to a plain business
discourse for which the religo politico
clement waa unprepared and which,
though the only practical tall; of tha
evening, was greeted at one point with
hisses and ended with no evidence of
Mr. Ballentine fuid that the enemies
thny had to fight were among the mo.l
Infloeotia) citizens of tholwaro,tnan who
knew more about religion or politics
than many who had quoted Scripture
in the meeting. Amoug those gontle
men is one of the brightest lawyers of
the state or county ; another it a mem
ber of one of the most tucoetsfnl legal
firms in the city, one of the building
committee which constructed tha
church wherd last night's meeting wit)
held, one of the, if not the, leading
members of that church; another lived
onu block from the meeting and was a
member of the Presbyterian chnreh;
anctner lived in a houni on BaidortOD
avenue, the most costly in tliolty.
''These men, "Oe a iid, "are not '.lo.lloa '
"They are of the must intelligent,
brightest and successful of the citizani
of Scranton. They, and the granting of
the licenses wbtcti they recommended,
mutt be met in u business may. No
'v.'isby-wntby' tactics, tuah as heard at
the meeting wilt thwart their pnrposs."
Tho speaker aaid that E B. Sturgea,
who is now abroad, h id In the past
kept tho saloon evil out of the ward.
In his absence the citizens should fol
low bis example. Mr. Sturges want
about it in a business wnr.epent money
if necessary, and paid money for a
honse-to-hous-? canvas. Hi alsj ujd
bis personal influence.
Tho meeting had been caplur I, he
tald, by Prohibitionists, who would
attract the evil instead of driving it
away. Putting tho outaide parti of
the question in the background, the
preteut purpose of the oltiitni was to
tight tbe licenses appliol for. The
meeting should get down to business
aud not inuke n big noise and then
consider it minion ended, An organ
ization tLould be effected and ugents
paid if necessary to do the work.
At tbit point someone hissed; tbo
signal was taken up and hisses and
groans, suppressed out; evident, cain
trom different parts of tha audlance.
Rev. Mr. Ballentine paused n mo
ment, but, unaffected by the rebuff,
aaid -
"Yes, yon can bias, but I am here to
talk common sense ; I can't be put down
by hitset, but can stand as long as you
can bin. My talk is not of the 'wishy
waahy' aort.
Then it was time for n rap to be
given Mr. Lathrop, who had mi
quoted the Bible in his remarks. Ha
had said, "wot unto him that putteth
tha bottle to hit lipt that m ik-th him
Mr. Billentine took exception to this
and remarked that the text had bean
misquoted for the purpose of argu
ment and had been mutilated, He cor
noted tho gentleman aa follows: "Woe
to him that givath his neigh
bor driuk and putteth the bottle
to him, that inaketh him drunken also,
that thon niaytst look upon thoir
nakednees." Tbere is only one text the
Pronibition party can atand on '1 will
not oat meat so long as tho earth aland
elh, if it make mv hrother to offend."
lie hoped the meeting would get down
to tho busineaa it was called for.
The meeting did not. however, fol
low Mr. Ballentine's adrics; it passed
motion as its voice that saloons were
not needed in Green Ridge. What
the particular purpose of the motion
was did not appear. During the meet
ing n collection waa taken, the purpose
of which was also to be inferred. A
petition was sigued before and after tho
meeting; it will be used as an argument
for the non-granting of licenses.
In addition to tbt Horn license the
following are also asked for in the
Thirteenth ward: Janus Kelly, 1507
Von Storch auaona; D. V. Kearney, SIS
Green Ridge street, and R. Uesbe, 10'J'J
Dickson avonUi1.
Companies C aud D Fsacod Xhrouffh
the 0;dal Latt Night.
Tho animal spring lnspeetion of the
Scranton companies of the Thirteenth
roiimeut btgnn latt night. Major J.
Riilgway, Wright of Wilkea Barre, n
member of the governor's staff, was the
Inspecting oflicer. Colonel E H. Rlpnla,
Lieutenant Colonel II. A. Cooron,
Major U. 0. Mattea nnd Adjutant W.
S. Millar, of the Thirteenth rtgiuunt,
were Ion the drill floor with Mojor
Wright during the lnapection.
Company A, Captain Stilwall com
manding, and Company B, commanded
by Captain Kellow, were inspected last
night and sustained their high stand
ing as soldiers by tha nnpsaranca, con
duct and knowledge of tactics.
This evening Compmies C and D
will be inspected.
Brought to Kacjvar.u Property or ths
Amount Due on It
Attorney A. A. Vosburg, noting as
arbitrator, gave a hearing yesterday in
the amicable tjs-ctmeut suit of Lwih
Raberts, William H Williams aud
Rowland Thomas, executors of the last
will and testament of William L. Grif
fiths, deceased, agaiust Mrs. Catharine
1 1 Mrs. Williams bought a pro
perty oil the West Side from Wiliiam
L. Griffiths. There was due on it when
she received her deed $1,200, None of
the principal and only a portion of the
interest on the sum has been paid up
to this time and tue sum due on the
Dfopsrty at pri?saut is $1,448
An award of that atUOUOC was ren
dered in favor ofjtbe plaintiffs an 1 if it
is not paid within ninety days the land
will revert to Mr. Giiflith'a executors
who have brought the uctlon.
Ira Fox' Inhuman Act Tward Four
teen Yaai -Old Clara Blxbv.
Ira Fox, of Hyde Park, was arrastad
yesterday on a warrant issued by Ald
erman Wright for committing an as
sault upon Clara Bixby, 14 years of
At the hearing before the aldermm
Fox admitted the deed, but thonzht
himself irresponsible, as he claimed the
child bad received pay. He w.u held
without bail along with his wife, win
is accused of abetting the criin?, to
await the action of tu.' grand jury.
Mrs-Bixby made affllavltt in tho
oase to Caief Simptu i. Fox and his
wife were arretted by Deteotive Roc no
and Officer Dyer.
Three Focllsh South Siders Duped by Green
Cootlj Operators.
All They Got in Exchange Was a Box
Containing Fragments of Plain
White Paper George anil Charles
Engle and Jacob Wnlz Were the
Young Fellows Who h'.id ths Pass
word and Were Duped.
Young John O'Hara Charged
Throwing tho Missile.
John O'Hara, a pupil nt No, 9
school, Pino Brook, was arrested yes
terday on a warrant sworn out by
Jacob Pelt, a peddler who residea on
South Wc.shington avenue.
Felt claims that on Siturday a num
ber of boys followed him, calling naina
and throwing missiles at him. One of
them, which he says was thrown by
O'Hara, struck him in the mouth, In
flicting an ugly cut.
The boy, wu is 14 years of ago. waa
neld in bail to keep the peace and
directed to pay tbe costs.
A Yonng American Girl Fjund With
a Crowd of Dagoss
Sergeant William! an 1 squad rai led
tho disorderly Italian resort at BOS
Jackson street, Hyde Park, early yes
terday morning.
Antonio Litena, the proprietor,
committed to await the graud jury iu
default of $500 bail; Nellie Connors,
an American girl and mi old of! tnder,
waa sunt to jail for twenty days; Mi
ehael George, Michael Fanalle, An
drew Or.son aud Michael Greco, were
each lined $5.
He Did Not Deny Miss Phoebt Schoarar's
Charge In Poliou Oourt.
Tho man who atolo two rings belong,
ing to Miss Puoabo Schoeror was ex
amined before Alderman Wright yes
terday. He cave his name as William
Campton, 1520 Cedar nveuu?, aud sail
he was born ut Bristol, Englaud.
Misa Scboerer was present and nude
a statement which Campion did not.
contra Jict. He was remanded to jail
in default of $500 bail.
It Has Bosn Awarded to Maltr & Liwls
of New York.
The contract for constructing the
seven and one fourth mile Boulevard
between this city and Elmhuret has
been awarded to Maier & Lewis, of
New York.
Work will begin on it as aoon es the
weather permits, and the contract
epecitles that it shall be completed by
Aug. 1,
Say That a Bilaeca of $ft,000 Is Due to
Hayes, Furman & Co. yesterday be
gan an action against the city to re
cover 5,000 they say is due them by
the eitr. The suit Is to the use of B.
H. Throop.
The contractors say the $5,000 ia a
balance of principal and intfresi due
theiu for the cjnstruotion of the Third
district main sawer.
The Shakospeare Circle, with Miss
Kathsi Ine Parker ns leader, will ineot for
orrantzation Thursday evening nt 7.U0
o'clock. All desiring to enter tbe class are
it quested to be present at that time.
Tuesday evening is the members social
evening at tlio rimms. Tonight a soap
bubble party will be Jhvld, to which meiu
bera of the asFoeiation are Invited. Every
Tucslay evening nn onlrrtmntnent aocial
or nracticnl talk will be free to mmhrs
and once a month a general serial will be
held, when uon-meinbera.will be cordially
For many months "green goods" cir
culars have been freely distributed on
the Sjuth Side. Attention has been
called to tho matter from time to time
by all the papers of ths city, and It
was generally BUpposod that everyone
was aware of the fact that tha circu
lars ware but auar.'s to trap the un
wary. But such does not hapnen to have
bean the caae. The foolith ones ure
not alt dead, and New York "green
goods" or counterficit men can yet
catch verdant youths iu Scranton. This
wa3 demonstrated lant week when
South Siders clubbed together in re
aponao to one of the decoy circulars,
and betweon them raited $240 for the
purpose of becoming rich quick. Now
their $240 is gone, and they have uota
iug but an experlenc .
The names of the men who war
duped are George and CharUs Engle,
of Cherry street, and Jacob Welz, of
Willow street. They were, according
to tha circular, to recuivo $3,500 for
$240, aud the trio forme 1 a combina
tion to capture the nrizi that meant so
much to them. Individually they had
not the money but they constituted
themselves a corporation and collec
tively were enabled to put np the
requisite amount of good money.
George Engle contributed $40, bin
brother Charles contributed $88 and
Walz put up the balance, or $112. One
of tho Bnglea Who give the game away
after having been duped in New York
Ust week charges a man named
Ronald with abetting them In their
It appears that G.'orge E g'a was
made the -head of the tri-utnvirate
and was also tr-aasarer, Oiorgo
acknowledged to an officet that he trie 1
to "do" his partners, but be was"done"
instead. He hud all tho fun and while
he lost some money he was not as
heavy a loser as ths other two who
were implicated
George Engle went to Now York last
Wednesday without the knowledge of
bit brother or Walz. He had no diffi
culty in reaching bis destination. One
of his passwords was "Joseph and the
other was "978," and after using them
he was on very Intimate terms with
the confidence men who undo him feel
at home He was shown samples of
the counterfeits he was to get, aud they
being in reality genuine, he waa easily
duped and gladly purled with bis
Scranton money.
He imagined everything waa in proper
order. Ho took the box containing, as
lie supposed, tho key to wealth, and
started for tno Barclay stroet ferry, ac
companied by one of the confidence
men, who bade him an affectionate
adieu. When he arrived iu Jersey
City he attempted to open the box, but
It refused to reveal its contents to his
anxious gszj. Lest be should be
discovered with counterfeit monoy in
Ida possession he determined not to
break the seal that stood between him
and wealth till hs arrived home.
Boarding n Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western train ho was whisked to
this oily, aud the miles seemed to be
very long to the impatient traveler.
Arriving at tho depot In this city, be
could not wait for a South Sido car
hut started home as fast as his legs
could carry him,
At his home ho had to invoke the as
sistance of a sledge to open the treas
ure box, but when the contents were
revealed, Engla'a horror may be imag
ined for instead of the "long green"
that he had feasted in New York,
thero was instead, I box full of bitt of
white paper.
Engle was iu a rage and Thnrsdny
last ho sought a police offi -er to obtain
redress for his wrong. He got poor
consolation The officer asked him
wiiy he did not coutnlt nim before go
iug to New York but Bugle could not
reply. He was determined to getsatis
faction however and decided that if lie
conld not obtain redrew aa he uoniid
ered righteously, he would tmto ont
judgement in hit own way. He accord
ingly borrowed u revolver, and wns
fully convinced that the ouly way be
could atone for the wrong that hud
been done was to go to New York and
kill tho men who had deceived him.
His acquaintances thonght he wonld
certainly carry out his purpose, but he
waa frustrated. When he arrived
homo Houold wus wating for him and
informed him that the office of the
sharks in New Y'ork had been burned
down and tho men engaged in the con
spiracy to defraud had engaged Other
FUND butter, 99 cents; eggs, 10
Keinourt's market.
five cents to Wagoner, but it wns refused.
Shire, us soon us he wns acquitted, began
an action U'-aiust; Wagoner lor falsa im
Tb la action him just been tried by Su
preme Court Jiiaiico William J. ttayuor
and a jury. Tbe detente set Dp tte cLaiv
of petit larceny against the conductor, h it
Cue court iu charging the Jnry dlatluCtly
instructed them not to regard thia charge
at petit larceny. The jury brought in a
verdict for Slilre, the plaintiff, of $110
damages for fulse nnpiisniimwut. Tho
court held that In accepting pav for spool.
t'.c purposes the payee is not obliged to
make Change and that changing a bill it
merely nil net or courtesy or custom with
out means of legal enforcement. '
Johu A. O mid and M'.Ba Kary V.mklri
United for Life.
A verv pretty welding which united
for life John A. Gonld and MUs .Mary
Vankirk, both oi this city, occurred
hist evening at tho home "f tli bridV
mother, Mrs Lucy M. Vankirk. 520
Olive etreet. At S o'clock the bride
couple rtood up undar an arch of evsr
green and were made man and wife i y
Re?, W. H, Poarce, pastor cf the Elm
Park Methodist Episcopal church.
The btat man waa Arcnie Ridgoway
and Mrs. Maggie B, Kunpp acud us
bridesmaid. The bride waa prettily
attired in a dreas of green silk, Tno
hridetmaid wore a cream albatross
which became her exceedingly well.
As the bridal party cmiii benouth the
evergreen urcli they wero accompanied
by W'llber Norton and little Lizzie
Kemmerer, who opened the festooned
gates that barred the way. The cere
mony was performed In Rev, Mr.
Puarce'a musl quiet but impressive
At the conclusion of the ceremony
the happy couple received many oon
gratulatione and than all sat down to
refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Gould
left for New York city and other points.
They will also visit tho groom's home
In Bradford county Doforo returning
to this city to roside. They were the
recipients of many valuable presents.
Thorp who witnessed tho marriage
were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Kemmerer,
Mies Lizzie Kemmerer, Mr. and Mm
II. Ponte, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ada ins
and daughter Dora, Air. and Mrs. Jo
seph Poller, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Beldeo Gather
cole, Mr, and Mrs. John Sear
fis.i, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clark Ridge
way, Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner,
Mr. C. A. Lee, Mr. and Mrt.
Henry Burdick, Miss Annie Watton,
Mint Bertha Ltvinttine, Miss
Edith Softly, Miss Gertie Griggs, Miss
Dora Griggs, Miss Maude Matthews,
Miss Mary Shaw, and Frank Ingle,
Cuarles Manzsr, M. Mulligan, Joseph
Slattery, Israel Wentz, L Huntington,
W. Bnrdick and A, Cresimau, Scran ton
; Mr. and Mr. Orin Griggt. Mr.
and Mrs. E M. Morgan. Wilbur Mor
gan, Mrs. K. Lewsley and J. W.Gould,
Carbondalo; R. H Ualstead, Terry
town; D. If. Gould, Noxen, and Miss
Ella' Drake, Menoopany.
High School and Building GOBUnltteei Make
Some Rfccianenriitioas.
C. H. Von Storch Nominated for
Chairman and E. D. Follows Named
for Secretary Democrats Will
Place No Candidate in Nomination
for Chairman Mr. Jennings'
Conduotort Are Not Conipslltd to Make
Change Uphld by Supreme Court.
Considerable friction hut arisen nt
various times betweon street railway
conductors in this city and passengers
who hand bills aud coins in payment of
fares ranging from $5 to $'.'(). In many
caaes thia may be accidental, but thero
are oaaea where everything aeeins to
indicate that the action was designed.
The following extract from the cur
rent ittne of The Car, a atreet railway
journal, will be of interest to all read
era, but more particularly to that clasa
that never have any sm ill change.
Ulviug change after all seems to be only
a matter of courteey. There was an opin
ion or decision, pi nimbly banded down
from the dictum of the-people, that con
ductors were compelled to give change to
amounts up to two dollars, but according
toSnprODM Court Justine Hayner the giv
ing of change for even teu cent pieces is
merely rourtssy.
His decision on the matter was bai 1 08
the fullowiug facts: Henry Bhiro was a
conductor on the eloctnc road from Col
lege l'olnt to Flushinz, I'. I. Last month
George H. Wagoner got on his car nnd
har.ded him a five-dollar bill, remarking
tiitl be had uo Change, 8hlre didn't hive
the change, and mnde ItvCral ineffectual
efforts in 1 v stopping cars going In an
opposite direction and aktus his tellow con
ductors to accommodate him. Wagoner
got to ttio place whero ho wanted to ct
off, and the conductor still had hh five
dollars. He demauded it peremptorily,
hut Shire sid he wonld bave to koep the
five dollars until be got to the end of uis
route, where ho would get the change
from the treasurer, lie offered to take
Wagoner's name and nddre-s, but the lat
ter went away without bis cliango and
very angry. On Wagoner's affl lavit Jus
tice Luke J. Con nor tun, of Flushing, Issues!
a warrant accusing the conductor of larc
toy. Shire had a bearing and was acquitted
by the Flushing Justice. The superintend
ent of the roid, Mr. Uriswold, appearodlu
court and offered four dollars and niuety-
They Have Ssrved ths Public Well and
Three msmbers of the board of con
trol severed their connections with that
body last evening. They are H. A.
Kingsbury, G. B. Thompson and B. F.
Mr. Kingsbury ia identified with the
growth uf this city since its inception:
Ho has seen it build from a hamlet to
a city of no small importance, Helms
aided materially in that growth in
many directions, but principally edu
cationally. He has served aa controller
from tho Seventeenth WaJd for many
years, and the schools erected in thai
ward during his tenure of ollbe have
been models for other portions of the
citylto pattern by. He has served as
president of the board and has been
uniformly courteous and affable to his
George B. Thompson is another man
who has devoted many yean to the
public srv:ci without any remunera
tion ave a consciousness of duty wall
dono. Six years n city Bremen, nine
year! a member of the Thirteenth regi.
tn-int and eight years a member of the
board of control it a record in the
public service that any man might
be well pr ul of. During the
past year Mr. Thompson has been
chairman o the hih lebool committee,
and has aided a great deal in pushing
the preliminaries to their present ad
vanced status. He understands every
thing pertaining to echool construction
nnd it would be a graceful act on ihe
part of his late aeeoclatee to mako him
inspector of th" new i nlldlng.
B. V. Moor.', the other retiring mem
ber, was one of the most modest inem
bcrs of the organiiAtion, He was
comparatively a young man but exhib
ited much interest in tnu deliberation
of tho organisation, bjin : present at
every meotinir.
FBESH butter, 89 cents;
lteiiihart's mni Ket.
eg:jB, VJ cents, ?.t
A Card.
Tbe advertisement that the Coiioge
building is for rent It calculated to excite
some comment. There Is a difference be
(Ween the owners of the butldlng and the
management of the College n to the price
ofeot, We wish to assure our patrons
aud trionds that ample provisions will ho
made for the DMiDteDaDOd of the school
and every department will be sustained by
larger and better appointments.
iiaxii, F. F,. Wood, Principal
t .
Everybody can bo served at Coursao's
today. Telephone, 2553, Store, l!!t Wash
ington, next to Connolly A Wallace.
Funs 13 cents nt Helnhart's market, t
and 30 Lackawanna avenue.
l.u.U" .i Arnica Falv.
Tbe best salve iu the world for Cuts
Biuiscs, Sorm, Ulcers, Snlt Rhenffl. Fever
Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corn;, and nil .Skin Eruptions, aud posi
tively cures PUee, or DO pay required! It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 12o cents per
box. Fur aide by Matthews liruu.
Uo to Relnhart'l market for fresh llsb
durinj Lent.
Best Sets of Teeth,$8i00
Including the rainless extructliig
ct teeth by an entirely now pre
S. C. Snyder, D.13.S.
The new oiler
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
The board of control mot last even
ing. President LangstaB presided, It
ens the firat rjsular meeting of the
biard he has attended, for tome time
0 1 account of his recent illness.
The nigh school committee recom
mended the payment of the following
bills; Lackawanna Store fHnseciation,
$1 0; M, Norton, 1.16; Frank Cat -lucci,
)M 0. Sohroeder, 235; BJmnnd
Bartl, 1899; J. V. Snyder, ij,;3; W. B.
Ware, $820.75, and Uf nrther reeom
mended that the question of making
tho new high school building fire proof
he laid Over to the next meeting to give
tho members time for consideration.
Tho additional cost would be from
30,000 to $07,000.
Mr. Thompson, of the building com
mittee, reported favorably on a num
her of bills that were ordered p kid.
The committoe made tho following
That the earn of $30,000 or aa much
thereof as may be necessary be appro
priated for the construction of No 27.
That the heating and ventilation of
10. 27 be thrown opon to competition,
meclian'cil ventilation to be use. i.
That Bernard O'Maliey be appointed
janitor at No. 7 vico John O'Maliey,
The recommendations were adopted
and the board adjourned sine die, ai.d
Secretary tallows, who is a notary
public, administered tho oath of ofuce
to the members that were elected latt
BIPUBUC&X9 in caucus.
After the board had adjourned the
Republican members held a caucus at
which every member wus present. Mr.
Langstaff wns mu le chairman of the
caucus and Mr. Mltcuell waa choten
There wero two candidates for the
presidency. Mr. Mitchell nomiuated
Mr. Von Storch an 1 it Wat seconded by
Mr Csrson. Mr. Sciireifer Dominated
Mr. Watrons. The vote retulte I ; Von
Btorcb.8; Watrons, 3 On motiou of Mr.
Bchreifer the nonination of Mr, Von
Storch waa made unanimous. Mr.
W'ormser nominated Mr. Fellows for
secretary and there was no opposition.
The Democratic members of the
board did not canens. They are nil
satisfied with Mr. Von Storch. Mr.
Jennings expressed ths sentiments of
the minority when speaking to a Tkib
DKS reporter last evening he said:
"In Ciiso Mr. Von Storch is nomin
ated, we will have no candidate in op
position. During his year of service
Ue lias shown niuisflf liberal and fair
minded, and he possesses our entire
t cranio 'i Busy Intorssts.
Tn:-: ToiBCKD Will poi n publish n care
fully compiled and csilled list of tbo
leadinc wholesale, bankiDB, manufnetur-
tng and professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will bj bound
in book form, tanatifuliy illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, business block?, streets, etc. together
with portruits of leading citizens. Ho
similar work has ever given au equal re
presentation of bcrauton's many indus
tries. It will b? an Invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
newcomers and be an unequalled
advertisement of tho city. Tte circu
lation is on n plan that cannot fall of good
results to those concerned aR well ai the city
atlaree. Representative of Thi Tbddri
will rail upon ti.ojk whosic
are nr.sniCD In this edition nnd explain
Its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residence; '
in thi' edition will please leave notice nt
be ortlco.
iL Bane!
RinovAL The Woman's Exchange
427 Spruce street on March 1.
Fun Hue groceries goto Belnhart'a mar
Dr. Hill & Son
Pet teeth, tMO; best set, S1: fur gold r.vis
nnd teeth without idalos. called erosm and
endee work, call for prices and refereoeaa.
rONALUIA, for extracting tcet.i
l ain. No ether. HOgaa
f; OUR
' Zlk PROilPT!fESS
Surprises even tiu oldest iibabitut
Henry Battin & Co.,
We have a large assort
ment of
Leave your order at
or 4 13 LACKA. AVE,
Our Lackawanna avenue
restaurant open until midnight.
Eureka Laundry Gc.
Cer. Linden St. and Adarr
All kinds of Laundry WOI k j;
the beat.
i icteed
We still allow
cent, on
1 1
Cloaks and Furs
And a targe discount on all winter goods.