I THE SCRANTON TRDiUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 27. 1891. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. FOBMSIUI) DAILY AM) M ILKI.V IN ScnAN- ton. Pa., uy Tnu Tuiuumi Puauaniao COMPANY. Kkw York Omen: TitiiiUNa BOltBltCOi Fiiank B. Hkat. M..vai;: r iWrrrd at ttie nt:Jire 'ituh(h, Tit.. u flkoond-Ctoii J.'oil Jfo((r. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON, FEBRUARY W, 18M. REMEMBER THIS. STha Philadelphia Hecord mal,es a prediction which ought to be prtterxed for reference, fieri it is yH3anareu will soon at t. The hardehipt of the In dustrial situation u iil gradually dis appear. The army of tdlen will find renewed occupation. Tariff reform the tnoment it become operative will justify itself Nothing ought to be fairer than to test the. tree by its fmits. Let Democracy ilandor fall by theretulle of its own work. THE MANTLE OF GROVER. One of the ingenious political pecu lations of tlif day professes to scent mi ulterior purpose in I'ouiaioilore !?iii(er j'e robust thumps at tiie Harrity Dem ocratic lunchiue. It is not that the commodore himself - : .-. to profit by a chtugii in fie leiidershtp and the methods of the presont machine man agement. Individually, Mr. Siuiterly is represented as having neither in clination nor tiuii for the task of at tempting a re-organi. ttiou of the Dm ocraiio forcss upon the basis of his personal advancement. The ultimate recipient of any benetita from woh an overhauling, according to the rumor iu question, is the commodore's sitaut partner, Robert Kuiory P.ittiaon. There is much that It plausible in the intimation that, by his unexpected ag grandizement, the governor's secretary of state has become, in eoiii'S particu lars at least, persona Don grata to his nominal chief. When Governor 1'atti aon invited Mr. Harrity to take the foremost place iu hit p llltioil cabinet, it is intimated bo had no idea that this elevation would be ui-relv a prelimi nary to schemes of political ambition which, in a surprisingly short time, made Harritv, and not Pattisoa, the foremost power in Dmiocratio state politics. For one who labors under Governor PattUon'l belief that he is a "man of destiny." it must have been peculiarly aggravating to tee the scep ter of iuiluince coax ;d out of his grasp by one who, nil the while, was hit nominal subordinate, tnus gradually but surely outing a shadow ovjr thoje presid-nti.il atpiravions which ever since 1883 have abided iu Governor Pattison's mind When Air. Cleveland, after his elec tion in 1.'. cast about for a noiitlcal legatee, tlw paraonality of Governor Pattisou stood out in striking promi nence. He had prestige, wealth, enr ucter, social euiinenoo and unlimited ambition. Just then the line Italian hand of Mr Harrity began its manipu lation, and by slow but certain itagCS, the two-times Democratic governor of R-pnblicau Pennsylvania receded into semi-obscurity, aui bad, with question able eatisfactiou, to see a subordinate rise just as steadily into power, influ ence and national reputation. Although there hat been an outward s mblance of harmony between them, it is not a disputed fact that this involuntary re versal jirrad on Governor Pattison's thoughts, nor is it a wide itretching of one's credulity to believe that effirts have been begun to bring ILtrrity down a peg or two. The visit of E litor Singerly to Wash .ngton, his intimacy with the presi dent, who is yet known to regard Part ner Pattison as a promising potential ity with reference to 1S!)8, and the ahort, sharp and Idecislve proceedings that signalizsd Mr. Hingr-ny's return ell are cited in aupport of nis interest ing hypothesis. It is further sail that there is no intention of sacrificing Har rity, provided he will consent to keep within certain political bounds, aDd not occupy an attitude calculated to thwart Pattison'a presidential hopes. But if he shall grow obstreperous, Com modore Hingerly is credited with the in tention of adopting heroic measures, in which he will h ive Grover Cleveland's full permission and aupport. We give the story for what it is worth. The mantle of Cleveland must fall lotnewbere. Why ghould It not descend on Governor Pattison? New railroads somehow flourish best in the months of frost and snow. It is a pity that Uncle Sim cinnot afford 'to surround his new federal building with a respectable tidowalk. According to plausible reports" it Las cost William Waldorf Astor two hundred thousand dollars in one year to introduce Anglomaniac journalism in London. It is a cunone commen tary on our instituiiona that wealth wrung from poverty-stricken occu pants of ABtor's American tenements ahould beat liberty thus to distribute itself in foreign extravagance. We are Unient to our alien landlords. Wili'N mi: ballot thief is rated with the sneak thief or footpid, electoral reform will bo here. i According to the senate committee nobody did exactly right in Hawaii ex cepting Dole, (And from tho adminis tration standpoint, ho was too right. SNAP JUDGMENT. It is with surprise that we porcoiv) how ready the esteemed Reading Times ia to jump on Erastus Wiman when he is down. Our contemporary is so dis pleased because Tin: Tribune counsel ed moderation and charity in the dis cission of Mr. Wltnan'e misfortune that it falls to calling him naine',whlch can certainly do no good now. We do nut know how the v If Kl edi tor of the Heading Timea fdels In the matter, but with Oi it iuvariably ex cites pain and regret when a good man falls from grace. Wo see nothing In anch a lapse to gloat over or to justify nnapplsh comment iu advance of the complete testimony. Mr. Wiman may have done everything with which he is charged, and inoro besides; yet for all that) hie public career has been a pub lic ndvautage, and the Rood he has achioved will no doubt countorbalauco the bad. Wo do not like to condemn so able a man upon the heresay vvidenoe set forth iu untrustworthy newspiper re ports, if he be the guilty being that seusatioual reporters say lie is, thero will be time enough in which to ex coriate him when tho courts shall hav passed upon tho evidsucj In any ovent, tho tendeooy iu many American newspapers to fawn upon SOCCSej and pummel the life out of the first poor fellow who makes a misstep is not onr idea of journalism's mission: and until that idea obanget, we shall not engage in that kind Of work. Hawaiian ANNEXATION desirable.' Of course it's deelrtble, And what's more, Cleveland bus m -ide it inevitable. . Mu. Cleveland, by a lamentable misfortune, is president of the United States. That fuct alone entitles him to a respect which, when h dnsc?nds to bandy words with tho uewsp ipers, he doos not pay himself, -- Osu op tho pleas mt features of local politics was disclosed last night When, after C. II. VanStoroh had been named by his Republican colleaguus for the presidency of the board of con trol, it was unanimously decided by the Democratic .lavmhers to m.ika no opposing nomination. 1 1m graceful compliment comes opportunely to a young iScrautonian who is faithful, untiring and uniformly affable in his official as well as his professional rela tions; and it is in all sp.cts one of thess occurrences iu politioal life that give ono a higher respeot for politics and politicians. That form of literary ci iticism which consists of assaulting trutnf ul reporters will be unpopular in Scrautou before the latest Instanee of it has passed into history. . Ik tiik senate committee excuses Lilount because he simply obeyed or ders, wnat does it think of the man wbogave those order? THE MAY CONVENTION. Iu Chairman Ullkeion's call for tho Republican couvention which will meet ! in Harrisburg on Wednesday, May 03. at 11 a. in., to nominate candidates re spectively for governor, lieutenant governor, two oongreaitntn-at -large, auditor geueral and secretary of inter nal affairs, attention is called to tue rule adopted ot the statu convention of 18H3 providing for tho basil of repre sentation, as follows: ''Representation in future state conventions shall bo based upon the vote cast at the presi dential or gubernatorial election im mediately preeeding, one delegate b-j-ing alloted to each legislative district for every 3,000 Republican votes and an additional delegate for a fraction exceeding 1,000 votes, each district to have at least ono delegate." Coder this rule, each of Lickawao na's four districts is entitled to one delegate; Luzerne will send six dele gates; Monron ono, Pike one, Susque hanna two, Wayne one and Wyoming one. Out of n total of two hundred and sixty-four delegates the strictly an thracite counties will ssud eighteen, while Philadelphia will send sixty three and Allegheny twenty-four. Combined, the Northern Pennsylvania group of counties sends only twenty five delegates, not counting Schuylkill, which.frequently acts iu sympathy with its northern confreres. Including Wavn county's delegate, selected yesterday, eighty-four dele gates have already been chosen, and all are for 1 General Hastings for gov ernor. Susquehanna and Cnmbia counties will tcday chooso two dele gates eacb, and these will undoubtedly follow the popular trend, which is unanimous for the hero of the Cono mangh. In the lieutenant-governorship light, John B. Robinson, of Dela ware, and Walter Lyon, of Pittsburg, lead, with Secretary Thomas J. Stew art a good third. The situation with respect to the remaining positions is yet unsettled, but the convention al ready promises to bo one of exceeding interest. This is a Republican year. It 18 doubtful if Scr.intonians yet sufficiently appreciate the Columbus monument. It's such a convenient thing to scratch a mats!i on, While the Democratic party was entirely capable of defeating itself, It-publicans did well to help the good cause aloug. It is a novel point which is involved in the threatened suit of Congressman Gardiner, of New Jersey, against Speaker Crisp, the clerk of the house and sergeant-at-arms, for illegal ar rest. Mr. Gardiner had been present at every sitting of the noose, bnt through an error was put on the Hit of absentees and dragged up before the bar of the bouse (or sentence, if damages are awarded in this case, it will be another feather in the cap of Tiiomns D. Reed, under whose rules no such thing could happen. i President Cleveland is not ill. He only has that "tired feeling." It i a plensuro to note that there Is no likolihnod of a contest in the Grow Hancock election case. - THE PATCHED TARIFF. From what bus thus far been made public respecting its action toward the Wilson bill, it appears that the senate has, in eome particulars, justified the confidence which husinef-s men gener ally have hud in its intelligonce mid fairnesa, In the form in which tho Democratic tariff left the house it ex posed to dangerous competition nearly every large northern industry, and threatened the dpletel treasury with a further deficit estimated nt eeventy fivu million dollars oach year. The house culled this Htntesmanehip and Democratic members of that house, some of them from this state, are proudly circulating spooches eulogistic of such doubly inefficient and harmful legislation. While the senate committee has not Jhought it fit to afford any general pro tection to Amerioan industry, It has made nt least one change which cannot fall to recomm"nd itself to common sense, It has pitched up a portion of the d.ficit by increased tax '8 on. whis key, wines and tobacco; and it baa re stored a fraction of tho duty on ooal and iron ore. To be sure, a tax of one cent per pound is plaosd on one of the leading ueaessari-js of life, sugar, which tho MoKtnley tariff made freo; hut even this kind of a tax is better than the awful spsotable of national bankruptoy, which tin Wilson bill iu Its original form would bring uear to every forseeing CittfetD Tho common sense of the Atuoric in ptnple will readily concede that if a Democratic tariff bs unavoidable, it had better be a tariff tint will produce requisite revenue than one which sim ply aggravates our national indebted ness. It would have been a thousand tiuiee more manly, consistent and re spectable h id the Qtmosratio eeono mists iu the house emulate 1 thessnate's theory that n revenue tariff involves tho oolleotloo of revenue, for (hen they would have ended nil uncertainty iu tho matter and at the sums time ful filled tho pledges of their party plat friu. . IT is EKCOUIUapra to renliz. for the first time, that Ltchawnnna's court ju risdiction is at last completely divorced from any allegtauo) to mother Li zsrne. Too only court In which We'rs willing occasionally to lnt thS old alli ance stand is In the tribunal presided over by Judge Cupid. BtVCBAL improvements inthepist office service which were impossible iu the old quarters will now follow the occupation of the new; but purchasers will still have to put up with the m)ae- liest quality of stamps uver issued by a great nation. Senate iu no senate, it will never nit well with tho Amerioan people lo have one of their servants try to thrust an ass assin's dirk into the vitals of a friendly foreign government. MOTED Just As Found. Although treading perhaps upon ta booed ground, 1 am constrained to ex press the opinion that the point ad vanced by thtt attorneys for the defend ant in the Hun case was well taken when they rnlsed objections to the fac tion of one of tho jurors who took notes of tho testimony during the hear ing. While having no particular in terest in tue case one way or another, it seems to me a dangerous nrecedent to allow one juror In a. hearing of the kind to jot down such evi dence as he sees fit for the purpose of placing it before the remaining five at their secret deliberations of a oass. It is not difficult to see that a juror thus fortified conld hold the key to tho situation every time, if written evi dence Is to be placed before n jury dur ing their deliberations noon the merits of a case it should be full and com plete, transcribed, by a legal court stenographer, and not the rambling notes of one juryman, who, by proper omissions, could easily distort the ap pearance of any case in accordance with his own views. e The writer rememoers witnessing a case that was tried before Justice J. B. McCollntu som-s years ago, waen a stenographic juryman received a discouraging rebuff. As the case opened the first witpess had scarcely commenced bis story bo fore ouo of the jurors produced a pad and pencil from his pocket and began taking notes in the most business like way. In a few moments the judge dis covered the enterprising individual. A brief stay of proceedings was oallel, and the Court quietly requested the juryman to cassi taking notes. The star juror hastily put his writing ma terial out of sight, U a smile went around tho room, and was ever after contented to depend on his mtmory when serving on the jury. see If there is any one cittzsu of Scran -ton in honor of whom tho public hat should be doffed, Offloor Thomas Lowry at present seems to be entitled to the distinction. The unerring aim which brought down a desperate thug and prevented another Ellis c.ise, stamps Officer Lowry as a proper guardian of the pjace. The coolness displayed by Officer Johler, also, who, as the bul lets whistled about his ears, rofrained fiom returning the fire of liurner for fear of hitting innocent persons iu range, is worthy of the highest praise. Mayor Connell and Chief Simpson havo just reason to be proud of the bravery of tho Scranton police force. I notice that Hon. James T. Du Bois. of Great Rend, has been obliged to al ready announce that he is not a con -gressioual candidate, in order to head off the boom in hii favor which was aroused by a personal refereuco to tho talented editor which appeared In The TRIBUNE a few days ago. The circum stance is ono which may be noted with pleasure, as it not only evidences the popularity of the able (Susquehanna county journalist, but also demon strates the fact that a majority of tho psople of northeastern Pennsylvania are familiar with the content) of Tin-: TitiiU'Ni: each day, and appreciate its judgment in suggestions upon various topics of current interest. The ObsiRVIB, Important, If True. Hatleton Srntine!. Today the governor of Pennsylvania dues not' spaak to Mr. Harrity, his secre tary of state. 'I his is a remarkable state t affaiiri. It la true as gospel. The truth mustbe blurted out by some of the organs before long, and an open rupturu between I'attison aud nit cabinet Is positive. It Is due now. - Colsntl MoOlur,.'! Bold Cionfisilon. Philadelphia Timet. The only one conspicuous result of tho present cousin s i thus far Is an impresHivo lesson given to the Amorican people that the Democratic party ii unfit to govern the Republic. II U Qreateet ClUm to Fame. M'nthiiiytiin Pntt. 0:io of Von BulOWS good points was tho manner in which ho demonstrated (that one can play a i iauo without wearing eccentric bair. - - U Would .( .. j. Oood One. sflthlapon Pvdt. It Is now in order to list Oalusln (Irow with the logical presidential candidates. - An Intimation il Puzzle. Kvm Port Recorder. When peace comes how will Brazil know the difference? Mmt Hnve Held Nitdl. She knitted a tidy With consummate care Aud put it on salo At a little church fair, A pious young follow Attended the fair, And purchased tho tidy To put on his chair. He llxod it on smoothly, Ho did, on lbs chair, And enrly thereafter Ho learned bow to swear. - Atlanta Journal. Peuntylvanl i Otj'O's. IFewkCJIgleM Fyerial o ftottM IUe Journal. President Cleveland remained at the tel ephone until 1 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. At that hour word was received that Iteiiiy's district would give a Republican majority of over 1,000 aud Little Billy liuies' district a Republican r.iatorityel nearly 1,900, He rung nfT In disgOSt and immediately wired Whitney: "iioid Nova Scotia cmii syndicate matter In ubey auce. Pennsylvania objects." - - Ou. for Larffer Dane, )Vaehtnyton Poet. Uoveiuor McKinlev refuses to butonilit- ed by the senatorshlp In hand. Be prefers touaiiy wmi ine presiaenoy in iiw u"u. WK CURE Dill :.k:;nm:ss ami THU TOBACCO HABIT No Injections No ine inveniunca. No Lotl of time, treatment at your own homo. Cures after otber nieilioilrt fall. Ask your drawls! for l'llo-ltl.'-0. Con solution and treatment lr"e. Addis s, eon Bdeutlally, "PHO-RE'-NOS CORE" CO., Boianton, Pa SEE WHAT Will buy in the way of a GOLDSMITH'S G. ft BAZAAR FIRST IN THE F! EL IS. OUR MOTTO AND OUR CUSTOM. B B AT CONRAD'S B LANK HOOKS LANK HOOKS MEMORANDUMS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEADIKQ MAKES. Fine Stationery W I J tT,W A.TEEM AN aud FRANK LIN FOUNTAIN FENS. All liuuruntecd. A&Piits for Crawford's Pens and Hack's Flexible Rubber Stamps. Reynolds Bros, Stationers and Engravers. 817 LACKAWANNA AVli NEW STYLES of Outside Spring Garment now open and ready for inspection. You are cordially invitedtu visit our CLOAK DEPARTMENT Upon the Second Floor and see the new things in Capes and Jackets. You will behold a wonderful contrast between the fashion of 1893 and 1894. ARTMEUT Spring stock for 1894 coming in daily. The immense variety and Low Cash; Prices have made this Department one of the mo3t popular in our establishment, and now it u a household saying: "If you want to save money in Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Curtains and Shades, visit Goldsmith's Bazaar. DO YOU SELL? OR ARE YOU MAKING PRESENTS? Of Mixed Candy, Clear Toys, oraiiy style of Candy or Nuts, Express Wagons, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Doll Cabs, Drums or Toys of e cry kind. DOLLS China Dolls, Wax DolU, Patent Dolls, Jointed Dolls, any kind ol'doll from L'jctoijij SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Boys, Girls or Dolls, iu Maple, Oak or Iron, from 20a to 115.00. BICYCLES We have tho goods and our prices are right. Wholesale aud retail. NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND RIIiVKR EX1 RA SPECIAL BANDERHON'S ENGLISH JEBSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STKEL HORSE SHOHS TOE CALK TIRE MACHINERY SPRING SOFT STEEL ANVILS B8LLOWS HOUSE NAILS WILEY & RVSSEliL AND K'ELLB BROS, C I T T IMG MACHINERY. WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HI 1! SPOKES m.M STEEL SKEINS It. It. SPIKES S( REW . J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO, 311 Lacka. Ave, W make a 81'EC'IALTV of supplying com mittee lor SuuiUy Schools, Fairs, l-'ostiva'.s. iittenbender&Go.,$cranfon Wholesale ami retail dealers' in Wugomnakeii' aud Blacksmith SUPPLIES. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKBB-BABR& PA, KANCVA0T0BBB8 Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General OftW. SCRANTON. PA F.L Crane's New Prices E FURS! FURS! CAPES 18 INCHES DEEP. Fronch t'imoy Capes, IS incuts doep.... Astrakhan Capo-., ' ' Astrakhan Capet, " " .... Ataraknan Cape, " " .... Dyed Opoaeun OapM " " .... Mnimoy Capes, " " .... Monkey Capos, " " .... Nat. uttiT Capi. " " .... Nat. Utter Capos, " " .... Krimmnr Capos, " " .... Heaver t apes, Nutria Capaa, M " Heal or Toman f'arjoa " Alaska Seal i 'apos, " " Alaska Seal Capes, " "' Mink Capes, " " llruwii Marten Capes " " 3 HI t (M 6 01 11 Hi ti no 11! 110 18 nil n n 3D mi 13 (HI mi U in :i 00 H 00 ,'KI 00 611 no i'5 uo CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. Astrakhan Cnpps, inches deep J',0 1X1 Baltic Nea ( apen. Klectrlc si-al Capes, French Coney Capes, Mink Oapaa, Drown Marten Capes. Monkey Capes, 18 ill 15 00 t; im Ui 00 I su on tt UO Highest Cash Trices Paid for Raw Furs. Repairing Furs a Specialty. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD 423 Lackawanna Avenue. The Fashion 308 Lacka. Avenue. AND Our New Stores, 400 and 402 Lack awanna Ave- SA LE OF THE WALTER'S STOCK SPECIAL for MONDAY 500 pieces Best quality Indigo Blue Calico. Our price 3 ,c. yd Worth 7c. yd. 5 cases new Spring Style Dress Calico. Our price, 3:c. Worth 6c. yard. 2 cases newSpring Styles ! Ninety pieces Extra Good Apron uingnam. uur price, 3'c. Worth 7c. yard. Dress Ginghams Our price 10c. Worth 12 to 15c. 150 pieces Linen-finished Glass Toweling. Our price 5"c. Worth 9c. yd. 100 pieces Dross Goods, all kinds assortment. Your choice 25c. yard. Worth 39c. to 09c. 125 pieces Bleached Mus lin Fruit of the Loom, Our price 6c. yard, Worth 9c. yd. Throe cases yard-wide Un bleached Sheeting. Our price o;c. Worth 6c. yard. Two cases new Spring Outing Flannel. Our price, 9c. yd.; worth 12 and 15c. Fifteen pieces Checks and Stripes Honesdale Flan nel. Our price 29c. yard. 12 pieces Tabblo Linen, Bleached, Unbleached and Turkey Red. Cur price, 35c; worth 50c 18 pieces ail-colors Bro caded Velvets. Your choice 25c ; worth 75c. to $1. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWE DELICIOUS, MILD SUOAB. CUBES ABSOLUTELY I'XJXiaD HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL. OF LARD BRANDED. piTB$SFPLiBD fgg ST0WRS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA fPHE DUTHEIL 1 315 STUDIO, LACKAWANNA AVfiMOB, HOIIAMtOKj PA AVISO M.ur, p. iwtitnwt wlrt Y TT J" r- r, n:i!,'t Willi ' 9 U iramn laetarj' to turn t.nt l.n1 T XI ? IWUArti UtWMin DOTT noil C'lirnt J laaa, 1 V.h toanBouttco tth, m avtff n-iini 1 m waxa ui'.NT'i:. :; CBAYOK rcK-iiiAli' c,rtM irwa any mm ua.i ABBOLUTKLl FliiiS o" OHAKOB, LATkal BTYtiKH or PUAMKa CUOU Vi.oo CfWAUIX Wof kaiafiahip ctioivnt,'i.i. Prataal M Mt cent, loan than rrgiilar priji K. DUXUlilL, ArMit