1 THE SCIfANTON TBI B ITS E T tJE SD A Y MORNING. FEURUAftY 27. 18!4. STELLE&SEELEY NEWS FROM WEST SIDE MR. J. L. STELLE will continue the business under the tirui name of Stella & Seeley. THE EVKR POPULAR WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN Q BEAT VARIETY. ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable ami within your reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Have taken ovor 100 first rromluras !r, the past tlfty yearn. Olhflr DWkM of Pianos. Four mtt.s of Organ1; In beautiful new designs. See otir ItOOk More baying. We hare the goods. L'nr pried are rigBfc Everything in ths IUUMC lui. STELLE & SEELEY 184 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton. Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G., B. 8c Co , lmnrint! en E'.Ph Clear Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, NOSE AMD THROAT. fircir.a annua !loujpA.iL. J . ..j. T IL '35 WYOMING AVE. PERSONAL Miss Augusta Wright, of Madison ave- lue. is visiting friends at F.aston. Representative ICuhbach and e-Troa-urer Barting, o( VVayne county, were m the city yesterday. L. v. Stoflel, of Roanoke, V., is in the city "u boainaaa connected with thd pro posed new railroad ; New York. Mrs. William W. Van Dyke, of Jefferson avenue, hai just returner! home from an extended visit to the Pacific coast. DUNMORE. The Young Men's institute held a meeting at the lilirary Sunday after noon and eleated officers Tha follow ing were chosen: President, B. 97. Cooney; first vice prsi'lent, Frank C'nl len ; second vic?-nresident, John F. Golden ; recording seeretarr, W. J. Crane; financial secretary, P. J. Fin nerty; marshal, Arch Miller; oorre iponding secretary, Frio!: McHsIe; executive (.ommittee, Tbomaa Mahon, P. W. Tavlor, Jamtl F;nnrty; c iap lain. Rev. Q McMurray. Miss Eisi Colgate, of Hwlev. spent Sundav with Mias Blincne Bloes. Mi?ses R.'sr Warner and Anes Nich ol, of Hooeic, visited at tne home of Robert White on Sunday. Mrs Sudier Hopkins, of Drinker street, is convalescing after a snort ill ness. The gsntlemen of the Presbyterian congregation will hold a meeting at the chorch parlors this evening to mike final arranirern-'ntfl for their social, which is to be held on .March 13 The ball of G-eorg M Wallace lodge, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, promises to be grand affair and hun dreds of tickets are being sold. H, A. Mare, chief dispatcher of tue Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad ex pects to occupy his new homo on Dad-1-y street at an early date. Anthony Horan who is erecting a new residence on I)n ilsy street thinks "an onnce of prevention is worth a pound of cnr-i" so will have false nil lars built in the old workings under bis house and lot. The new schedule of the Scranton Traction company wiil bo appreciated by all who travel via No. 6 section. It is much more of mi accommodation to the traveling public all over town than the old plan was It fills the place of the old branch car and also gives C'h'stnut street people the same erviceth7 formerly haif The com pany should now build some kind of ihelter at No. 8 junction so p.issongers will not have to stand in storms when waiting to make connections It would cost but a triflt compared with th9 in creased favor in which tho public would view tne offisials. Mr. and Mrs. James (islatt, of Sus quehanna connty, Pa, are guests at the home of Engineer fironson, on Elm street. The Times has secured a correspond ent fur this place in the person of 'Sqnir.i 15. W. Cooney. The 'sqnire is an energetic and up to date personage and willprov-j valnableto the daily hs represents. Dr. Chamberlain being the five year nppointee on the lately appointed board of hnnlth will act mh ahairmnn and will shortly call a minting to consnra mate an organization of that bo ly. Miss Mrry Cooney, of Pitta ton, spent Sunday with MissAuuie Cooney, of Pot terjstroot. Mrs. Trooph, of Drinker street, is ill at her homo with pneumonia. Miss Lizzie Cronn, of Drinker street, is visiting friends in Hyde Park Messrs. M. J Mcllale, John Fad len and Lawrence Howard, of Olyphant, wero visitors at this place on Sunday last. Misses Elvira Harris ami Knima Gray, of Hvde Park iivontio. spent Sun day with Miss Alice Spencer, on Bloom street. Mr. Stephen Allen is confined to his home by illness. The attendance at tho Methodist Episcopal Sunday school la-t Sunday was 807, tho largest number the school has over had. The funeral of Matthew Steen, who shot himself on Sunday, will ocour to morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock at Moscow. W. C. Kestell, of Peckville, called on friends here this week. Over $50 wai realized from the Fannie Crosby entertainment given nt the Methodist Episcopal church Friday evening. Paiist Milwaukee Inger beor on draught and Rockaway oysters fresh from the shell nt John Lohman's, 210 Lackawanna avenue. s of a Day That Will lntorest hyde Purk lleata DEBATING OFFICERS NOMINATED Important Mcptinp; of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating Society. Members of tho Tabernacle Con gregational Church to Observe 61. David's Day by Giving an Enter tainment Short Nows Notes. The West Sid office of the SivitiMl Tluni'ifK is located at 188 BOUID Main ave nue, where subscriptions, advertisements ami coiainiiiiicatioiis will receive prompt attention. An iuteresting meeting of the Hjrda Park Literary and Debating society whs held last evening m its rooms 00 South Main avenue. The following of ficers for the ensuing term were nom inated : President. Philip Davies; vice president, John M. Ed wards; record ing secretary, Effierson D. Owen; cor responding secretary, Wallace U Mo tor; treasurer, Will J. DaTls; critic, Oharlat Boom; sergeaut-nt-arme, Ar thur Davis; executive committee. John Hughes. James Powell, Will Davis, David Davis, Charles E Daniels and Herbert Hall; ineinbershiri committee, D. J. Evans. (teor T. UrilHths, David Owens, Haydn I'.v.ms and Walter Jones. The election of officers will take place at the next meeting. The regular literary work was afterward taken up and was of an Interesting na ture, Treated for Cancr. 11. S. Brown, of North Sutnntf ave nue returned from Philadelphia ou Saturday evening after an absence, of nearly two weeks. Mrs, Brown, his wife, umUrw ' a critical operation for caucr a' (capital of Dr. Llod 11, a week a. last Siturdnv. which was attended DT Dr, M. J Williams So critical was Mrs. Browh'l condition that it was COUttdered by her phvsi oiani BO almost fatal attempt. Mrs. Brown's condition yesterJay was so improved that she was able to sit up in her bed. From present indications it is expected that sho will be able to re turn to her home in the course of a few weeks. Entertainment; and Social. The members of the Tabernacle I r ..tin., i ,,i,,,r,,i, twill -., (.,,. rim following programme at their annual otiservance of St. Davi I'sday on Thuts day evening: Kt-marks. Chairman Uejamin Bnghos; solo, Llew Herbert; son. Miss Fannie Jones, address. Judge !! M Edworda, solo, David S: evens; solo, Miss Cora Storms; addresses', bv the bards; solo, Daniel Protberoa; reci tation. Mrs. T nomas Jamea; solo, Mrs L J. Lewis; solo, Llew Herbert. At the close of the performance an i-xcel-lent supper will be Barred by the ladies of the Sunday school. An Evening- Social. Avery pleasant social was held in Mears' ball last evening onder the aus pices of the Sir Knigbta of Plea.-ure. Trie affair was a complimeutary given to the pupils of their class, and th-y also entertained the members' of Enter prise dancing class of th East Side. The hall was neatly decorated. Bunt inican lfligs were gracefully draped upon the walls, making the scene one of great beauty. Interes'ing- New Motes, Lother Lewis, of Eyuon street, now Undergoing treatment at the Albany (N. Y. i hospital for spinal trouble, is slowly improving and his attending physician predicts an ultimate recovery. Mrs Thomas Beach, of North Gar field av--nti, will leave on Friday for a visit with friends at itsa ling and Phil adelphia. The funeral of John Davies, of BeHe vue street, will take -place this after noon at 1 80 o'clock. Eynon and Taylor car No. 'il left the track on W-st Lackawanna aventi" bridge yesterday aft-rnoon at 5:30, causing some delay in traffic., Miss Bertha Riese, daughter of S. M. Reese, of North Hyde Park avenue, arrived home on Sunday from New York. Mias Reese recently graduate 1 aa a nurse at the Bellevue hospital an 1 was among th twoout of twenty seven graduate! whe received a peroentageof 100 in surgery. The family of L in Stevens, of North Sumner avenne, has recovered from a severe attack of scarlet fever. David Davis, of Wanamie, is the guest of friends on this side. Charles Sanker, of South Hyde Park avenne, has returned from a visit with friends in Danville. AMUSEMENT NOTES. "The District Fair" which will be at the Acadtmy of Music this evening lias a number of sensational features. There is a hurdle race, where two horses jump several hurdles at full speed, a bnrinng blacksmith shop and other scenes of a like realistic charac ter. Tho company is said to ho a com petent one and the scenery will un doubtedly be all that oan be desired. THE STKL'KII.K V0B LIKE. Walter Sanford's grand production of "The Straggle for Life" comes to the Aradeiny for two nights, beginning Wednesday, Feb. 88, Tho scenic feat nres display extraordinarily elaborate variety an I perfection of detail. Bat tery Park in wintor, with view of the statue of liberty and New York harbor by moonlight, Rutget's alip In a snow storm, with a view of the shipping on Eist river and St. Patrick's Cathedral on Fifth avenue are among th many marvelous stage pictures presented with realistic truthfulness. ii a i , AWARD FOR MASON a SNOWOEN Arbitrators Say that Thty are Eatltlsd to $307.04. The nction of Kiieon A Bnowden, (Ireen Ridge lumber dealers, against Qwennte Morgan, owner, and Bsland and F.vans, contractors, was heard be fore Arbitrators John F. Oominlngc, (ieorgtt W. Bealo and Fred It. Stark in the arbitration room yesterday. Tho plaintiffs soiigut to recover for lumber furnished for u h i- on Weils street, Providence, built for Mrs. Mor gan by Baland and Evans. The arbitrators gave an awarlof 1897.64 in fevoruf the plaintiffs against Mrs. Morgan. Full lino new goods. Telephone, 8MB, Coarsen. Hakkis sells furnittiro Thursday after noou. Pen avenue. Muslo Boxen Exclusively. Best made. Play nny desired number of tunes. Qautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orrhestrlal organs, only t5 and (HI. Specialty: Old music boxes carof ally re paired and improved with now tunes. TRIED TO VICTIMIZE MERCHANTS. A. W. Dickson and Q. J. Babooes: Worked Upon by Jamea Tyrsll. For some time past a man ban been going about the ci'y representing him self as a purchasing agent for Clark Bros., the West Side merchants, and claiming to be shortasmr.il sum would u k it of his victims tu complete a pur chase. A. W. Dickson and (I. J. Bibcock were approached by the. man last week and on their complaint ho was ar rested, He gave his name as James Tyrrell and biiaddreti as Philadelphia, lie was remanded yesterday by Alder man Wright Frederick Bronno, shipping clork at the Weston mills, said that Tyroll monobalantly entered his office and in quired for the superintendent, in whose abetnoe he was referred to Mr. Dickson. Tyrell approached the latter and eald he had just purchased a quantity of poultry for Clark Brothers bat lacked a small sum to complete the sale, and asksd Mr. Dickson to supply tho amount The latter said lie Would, but as a mat tor of precaution stopped to the tele phone to Inquire of Clark Brothers il everything was right. Tyroll passed out ami said he would return again. He did not c una buck. George II. Easterly, employed by Q. J. Babcoek, slated that Tyroll tried to play the same game witii his tirm. In answer to the charges Tyroll said be had no recollections of the circum itanoea. Ho would make no other statement, NORTH END. The Father Whittv -society retained drillim: at St. Mary's bull last night They mustered in strong force and an swered to the roll call upwards of two hundred strong. Their Winning of the Catholic Total Abstinence union tro phies last fall brought them promt nently before the public. Their excel lence, in a military sense, remains un disputed by military critics who state tiiat the Whlttye f oue of the bill drilled companies in this city. Rumor has it that Company 0, of Pittaton, their former vanquished rivals, re about to Ichnlleuge them for a large amount of money, Should the rumor be true the Providence bovs will glad ly hall the opportunity of meeting the men who refused to relinquish the tro phiee honorably won by tho Wbittya last September, Mrs. John McNamara, of Wost Mar ket street, died Saturday night. Shu is survived by her husband and six children. The untimely demise of Mrs. McNamara is regretted by a large number of sorrowing friends. A lire broke out at the house of Thomas Thomas, living on Putnam street yesterday morning at 8:48 o'cloek. An alarm was sounded from box 81, which promptly brought the fire companies on the ground. They Were the Liberty, Excelsior and Col umbia Hose companies. Their services were not brought into requisition, as the bucket brigade had succeeded in extinguishing the blase. The tire caught from a cooking stove in the kitchen in the rear of tho house. A tiortiou of tho furniture and the kit chen walls were damaged. Lodge 38, Lsyal Knights o'. America, will hold a social and entertainment In Overhaul's hall, West M irket street, tonight, Visiting lodges from Hyde Park, Taylorville and Olyphant will attfnd and help to make thj event one worthy of their presence. The Primitive Methodist enngrega tion on East Market street, will reopen their church on Washington avenue, opposite tbe county jail, on March 11. Rev. Mr. Savage is pastor of the Rtst Market Street church of the dennmiua lion. Tiie members of the church will hold a meeting on Thursday evening at S o'clock for the purpose of electing a pastor for the ensuing year. The funeral of Mrs. Jefferson, of Mill Creek, daughter of the Rev. George Lees, will take place today. A large number of the clergy of the North End will attend the funeral. The de ceased was well known by many people in this section, Zebediah Knapp, of East Market street, is convalescent after a severe illness. THE FIRST RAV OF SUNSHINE. It Has Fiitttd in Upsn the Poor Man's Aspirations. To the masses, heretofore, the pos sonsion of a library lus been but a fond dream, the waking from which has been but disappointment. Halls of state, universities, palatial homes and occasionally the professional man's lanotnm were tho abode of such lux uries. The advent of the Encyclopedia Britannioe, in its present state of per fection at the price and on the easy terms, was the first ray of sunshine that (littod in upon the poor man's as pirations. It is truly n library cover ng fully Biid accurately all human knowledge. From a condensed cyclo pedia lor tho convenience of people owning libraries, it has gono through nine revisions, each time being en Urged, until flip present edition, com pleted in 1889, omhrsces twentv five large quarto volumes, a total of 81,000 pagos, besides, ahont 9,000 pages of supplemental msttor written since 1H0D it is a happy union of encyclopedia and library, for by the adoption of al phabetical contents and marginal rof gronOM it is rendered the most availa ble of encyclopedias. Thus, in the his tory of a country, you can readily turn to the paragraph touching such points as mountains, rivers, lakes, produc tions, animals, birds, reptilos, races and tribes of mankind, etc., poottiiarto thst country. This system of classifi cation extendi to all manner of ittbjiotl treated. THB Tiiint'M'.'n off r utiJl.OH per volume must soon he withdrawn Do not miss the opportunity. You do not moan to. Then why hesitate? Do as hundreds have done and qo not wait till tho last day, Address TlfK TrIBONI E. B. Dept., s'17 Spruce street. 0 It Could Do W i rat, as It is. flbringAafOi IfOia, Cfaioa, If CongriHiiiah-elecl. (trow of Pennsyl vania was ton years younger the logic of the situation might possibly catch on In him for 1890, s - Time to orhtlalas, Oafoeoo OlejMeJi, Governor Campbell says bodoeah't want to run f or any offloe. Look out fur that man. Ilenven l'mhld. Ckicogo DitpnicK, Must Dakota lOfVO lis a matrimonial es cape valvo fur the effete nobility of Europe! A Valuable Addition to tho culinary list la Borden! Peerless Brand F.vaporatnd Cruam, an absolutely pure, uniweetened eoadeneed min so carciully prepared that It, keeps indefi nitely ami is alwiivs available for evory recipe calling for milk or cream. 1 BaMUS sells furniture Thursday on PenO avouue, next door to Windsor Hotel. Mi'lliuiiK's new Tnrkish hath. Every thing now. WO Spruce street, opposite Court House. MOTES 0 she Happenings of a Day That Will interest llany Tribune Readers. CONDITION OF TIERNEY ESTATE Owiii3; to Debts Contracted at Brewery There Will Be a Deficiency of Several Thousand Dollars Church Socie ties of St. John's Parish to Build a New Hall - Several Deaths Reported. Successful Concort -- Two Acci dents. W.J. Hand, admlnlitrator of tha Tiernoy estate, was on tho South Side last evening looking after his duties by endeavoring to dispose of the hotel fix tures in the hotel on Lackawanna ave nue. From Mr Hand it was learned that John Befferan, steel blower at tho south works, would probably take po session of tha hotel April 1, and Mr. Hand's visit was made with the Inten tion Of disponing Of the fixtures to the intended proprietor to the bust advan tage of the estate. In refereneo to the condition of the property Mr. Hand said: "Whun the attain are wound up there will still lai deficiency of some $4,000 or $5,000, Were it not for tho brewery the estate would realise to the legatees about 17,000 or ifH.ooo As it is, the imouat 1 have stated will not be liquidated." Deaths and Funerals. Mrs Fred llaium, of Kim street, whose serious illunas was referred to yesterday, diod before tho paper had gone to presa Mrs. llanim was to nil appearances a healthy, rugged woman good for a long lease of life. She had lived ill the Niuoteenth ward for many years and reared a large family. Her husband ami ten children Hiirvive her. Tho funeral of Mrs. Thomas ( I'Mal ley, who died Saturday night, will take place from her (ate residence on South Wyoming aveniio at 0 HO o'clock this morning, Servicis will be held at St. Peter's cathedral. Mrs. O'Malley was a bride of only a few mouths She was the daughter of Mr and Mrs John O'Ronrke, of South Washington ave nue. Thomas BigglM, who was injured at the south works a week ago last Fri day night, died at the Moses Taylor hospital on Sunday. His remains wero tsken to the residence of Patrick Cou naboy on Cedar avenue where the funeral will lie held. Interment will be made In Wilkes Btrre. James Mears, of River street, who has been ill for a long time, died Sun day afternoon. His funeral will take place this afternoon, lie is survived oy his wife ami seven children. A Prctl'.able Concert. The concert given at the OedaT ave nue Methodist Foiscopal church last evening was most snacesslul, Thu church was taxed to its entire capacity. Tne street curs brought over numbers from the central city, all of whom were intevsted in bearing the new organ. The ooncert was a snccess in every way and under Misi Richmond's fingers the instrument seemed to be imbued with life and speech. The following programme was rendered: Chorus, "(Jh, Father, whose Almighty Power" Choir Solo (Selected) Miss Mitchell Recitation l'rof. Bvani Solo, "Jwns Only" P, A. Carr Chorus. "Send Out Tby Light" Choir Solo, "Flee as a Bird" Miss Mary Davis Chorus, ''And tho tilery of the Lord,' Choir Solo, (selected) Mis4 Marlon Jones Chorus, "Wo Never Will Bow Down," Choir Solo (selected) Miss Mitchell Duet Misses Nellie Sullivuu and Minnie 'iitleburg. Chorus, "Magnify, Glorify" Choir C. J. Carr was chorister aud S. T. Jones presided. To Bull.l a New Hall. A movement la on foot, to erect a hall in St. John's parish. It is a consuin mrtion that meant much to the people of that progressive congregation. It is intended to put up a building thst will cost between $8,000 and $10,000 and will be fitted up with all modern im provements. A meeting of tho three church so cieties was held Sunday afternoon, at which much enthusiasm was mani fested, Although no action will be taken until Father Melley's return a committee of nine representing the thren societies was appointed to devise wave and mnaiis to push the project to n speedy issue. Two Accidents. James McCoy, foreman of the forg ing department of the Soraaton Axle works, fell Sunday evening while go iug to the coal shed for a pail of coal and sustained a fracture of the leg, A son of Mrs. Msngsn, of Prospect avenne, was injured Sunday evening while playing With his companions. Dr, Maul. attended him. . A Card. The advertisement that tho College building is for rent is calculated to excite some cumin ait. There is a difference be tween the owners of the building and the management of the College us to the price Of rent. We wish to assure our patrons and friends that ample provisions will be made for the maintenance of the school and every department will bo sustained by linger and better appointments. Wood's Colukii ov Busixass and Short hand, F, B, WooO) Principal! Anheuaer Bueoh Bear. Louti Lehman's, BDSHDracesti TO loll- HiH tL-ShlFll.AilL.ftb L'QR itr.N"'' M- ide house; nine toomaj I with all modorn improvements F.ila Pal nter, Ml, I ll ve street.. . Ity, UAMI.II Til It iv K INKUIINISHKI) rooms in private dwelling, within tif lent minute, walk of court bouse, Address (i w. s TrtraneoAoe. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL Thursday. March s. Siuneil for tile liuiMitlir for the Methodist Eplsoi vlils. Material BOOh B I to i.m (tunished and pi act the li illilmi! - in 1 1 tit I t ifltit Hon. tu". Mux MM, Peckvlue. Pa Peokvills, fell. U, I MM leUL by the uno f it riiiiiumtien w .il pal ohuroli ul Puck. hi", lime, land, etc,, il oh the ureunil In i " -."Me . reserves tprojpRl any or all imisat their dtto re- II. ( IIAI'MAN. Micrelary of commit FEBRUARY 27 , 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON You!- choice of three beautiful pictures, "Telephone Girl," "Do livi'rini ('lit isliutis I'lcscnls" and "Maidens Stringing," Bend by until or niessengcr or bring coupons liko iiiiniii throe differ cut (lutes, with it) cents, stamps or ooln, to TRIEUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. 1 4 New Bicycie. A new bicycle worth 87o will bo sold for f. ... The niachioe is )unrauteed and is a rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the 'tribune office. if you want the later styles and fiulsh in photography, you ran net il at OriOn's, Wyoming avenue. We are introducing now noveltiee oonsiantly. Eendleaton & Wonra's and Ballantlue's Alee are lha best. K.J. V. au.ii, age..., a Leckavanua avenue. 4 NEW LINES Progressive Euchre Tall Flower Vases, WHITE CHINA. JARDEHIERS. Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothas for Almost Nothing? on brand-new Suits aud Over coats in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. P B P L , R A 1 A fm$m 1 N A A N Q N M Wiie Lamp Frames for Covering. CHINA HALL WEICHEL k MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS I AST YEAR he had Baved $300. He bought a house worth ls."i0 paid 1300 down,1 gave a niort WW for 11,550. Today he esti mates as follows: Kent saved interest on mortgage. Taxes ami repairs Net saving on rent.... Saved ou sularv J-.MII Ou fW 0.1 .... 26 iO llli '0 vi 60 160 no To apply on mortgage J270 511 MM LECTION "In KU.it yean that llonse will be free In. in debt and I hull have Iiiiiim. of my nffn." GBEEN BIOGE In tbe nrndUf for homes, I Inn 4 Sons Imve recently lin Ished a beaatlfal vlilu. which they offer, on eimy paymaats, a: sis.io ali nt their ofllce, between Washington mid Adams on Olive street, EZRA FINN & SONS, iiiiinigiiiiiiH(i!i!ii!iiirit!: S The OENU1N1 New B 1 "MATHUSHEK" PIANOS f ;:: ESTAB. 1866. N-.v yorn wararooms, No. BU Fifth avenue, S S E, C. KICKER Si CO., B s"''' floelors in this sei tlon. H Offloe 1st Adams svenns S rsiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuBiir The (iiral Marvel Of Dental Science AnsBsthene A recent discovery and the solo property of Henwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. W 1 1 AT J, ( I. SEA MONSSA YS AHOUT AN.KSTllKMv nits. BENWOOD A WABDBLtl After having eleven teeth extracted t oiir,imtt by the painless method, i pro. aonnee it entirely setlslhetorv In every partlonlar. j. , gKAMONg SLEDS AT COST FLORET & HOLT 408 !! Scranton, Pa. 0 A Martin &. Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. M COLUMBUS II HOUSE Is tho most, popular musical establishment in Northeaston; Penrw sylvania. The highest grade of Pianos and Organ. Tlie lowest prices obtainable anywhere arid the meat liberal terms ever offered to purchasers are some 01 die leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED Sohmcr Pianos. Everett Pianos, Vose & Sons ' Pianos, Mrhlin Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RENOWNED Estey Organs, Story & Clark Organ:. Chicago Cottage Organs. Paict'i Organs, Aud ail binds ul Misdeal McrBaallvs ctustLiitiy on baud. The Iloli'lays aro here, and this is the plact to buy Pianos for a Cbristtiia Preeent, Prices are lower than any other music store in Scranton. S;ioial Attention Remember always when yon Mart ont tc search for ( Piano or Or fan that Christotilier Columbus points with his right hand to tbe exact place you want to go, Now here Itia: OPPOSITE COLUMBUS MONUMENT. scf.axtc::, pa. 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, J. W. Guernsey, Prop. PRING . . . Styles of HUTS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. Special for This Com ing Week. Men's Cork Solo Laco Shoes, Goodyear welt, $4 grade. C") K to ba Men's Cork Sole Lnce Shoes, hand.sewedwelt.fS grade, to dQ ("to be O''"' Ladlea Dongola, Ki.l Button, Patented Tip, Goodyear welt, Common sense last, all Q OA 1 1 . 50 grade, to be O -. 0 7 Ladies' Pino Kid Putton.cork soles, hand turn, Common Sense last, only a tew pairs QO ) of the in, fi grade, to be... 0'-' Ladies' Dull Dongola Pntton, double sales, Common Sense O') . only, $1 grade clos.sl out at C-' ' Misses' Straight Gnat Button, sprint: heel, sizes 11 to 8; 3 i? I( grade will sell at (Mi l.' Boys' School shoo?, button and laoe,slasll to 0; $199 will it" sell at FIG AT $5.98 A A 1 $9.00 I AT $12.00 A Rich CLOTH J AC K ET, Full Skirt, Balloon Sleeve, na y,blacli and tan. Cosl ti make, 16. 'or S5.!S. We w ill cive you tho choice of 40 Jackets, all this season's make. Not one in tlip lot that cost less than $12 to $20. JACKETS, cloth cvrrs PUB CAPES and WRAPS, It w ill pay you to see Uiis offering of Tailor-made Garments. ' We need room for new Sprin i Slock, Visit us, ,t SC HANK'S ftroada Shoe Stern VOMINC3 AVK V. -T 1 'Ivor i ik a, ruwttt 0. W. OWENS 8t Co. Ladies' Ta.l.i" . Oloak linkers an. I Furriers, CAO Bl 'RTJOB a r.. UVO COURT HOi:sr: SQUARIS Miinin!!9(fjiinniAtiiifti9iHi!iiiiiiiij Scientific Eye Testing Free is TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON, I et an I Tlio KporlalUt on tho Kyo. r, - nnA KWTOtttnMI roliovoil. Atoll uml ItiHtl'orMi 8tyl Of Bft (UfuisfH Atiil .Sj.LMt-aoii at thit Ijowesl PrtOMh Ikvit Artttlalal Kyes IUHM for 5 SI'HUCE ST., op. Post Office rOOR r IhcM OOUPOM8) pt ieilt:d Hi 'Th i'rlbiin 'Oftlrc. for nor l'.'ni swni'ii nu ' 8prv r mrit, eBtttlM Milt hoUtw M Uie (Tit ilouiit of Ihkl tuitarnHrUd (-, for rtlntrlhtttitti; pofiulA1 bookjs amonc our I i'H!crs. lit vtoi usiait.' by Tho Trlbo&O ttMMktfMMM ii- ftollowii 15 OMKT9 rtnrt Knar t .m.j.,..- !ut nny ritUlm in tho Ouliunbn VlflO, Orrr lOOtitlen to totsert rmi. 75 mid Totir Cunpobs lor w 10 , volume K?t of TSok0im oottip! workn. g HO CI" NTS uuri Kan; CupufU Jbt nny boU in thei Htisby nris-. V5 CI NT8 nl Vnur Co.poni for Ml book In tbsOxfnnl Sarlt HlllllllllllllllilUHIIIIUUillillUIIIIIIli,' I