6 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 2. 1894. LIVE NEWS Of TWO PITTSTONS The Scraxto.n Tiubunc's Pittwton de piirtiamit is in ooarga of J. to. Fully, to whom nowe Items aud complaiuts ui;iy bo reXorrud. WILLIAM STRtET FIRE. A. It. Brown's Kssidsuue (Jutted by ths Firv Monster PNdwly at 8 o'clock yesterday after lioon the resldsuea o( A B, BrOWO ou William street WM dilOOTared to be on fir. An alarm was turn til in from box 4"), iccnUil it tba aomer of Main nil Water streets. TIm tiro companies g( the districts responded iiuicUly aud In a few minute nad two atraame ot Water OB tlie Imrutntf structure. la tue mesulirae ttio large throng of peo ple, who hail besn attracted to the scene, rendered mucli effeotWe work by ateUttau tl9 ramofal of the banta bold effscts to plaeea of safety alOM by. The tiro was fouud to ba lu tlie rear of the house, a el roumi lance whio'i did much to hinder the tiremen from working. Owing to the positiou the house occupied by boiug elev.ited in frout nud i :-.!ii, a steep lull iu the rear, the work of getting at the seat of tli lire wm elow and te Hon, la apite at theae obstacles, however, the tiro iheu succeeded iu extiujjuisuui the fi unes before uuy yre.it damage wai done, Tue origin of tu in as near as could be learned, w.i oauted by a de feu tife ehlmnay lu th-. wetb kitchen While the damage to toe buildiuK is ineigniUoaal, tue furuitur is utterly ruined trom the water aud siuoks. The toss to both bmiditu aad furuiture is :o vexed, by iusui'acce. THINGS OBSIERViO AND N0r9 The tire of yesterday iluiousirtM tba uc?eity of placiu au alatni box in the vicinity of te Stjye Works. When Mr. Beujauiiu s residence was found to be ou tire iu order to turn iu tue alarm a uitseug.r was ootupeHed to run fuily three blocks distant. To cover till distance rn ured not a littlt time end incunven'.eu?e. As a rtilt tlie tlnuee geioad surlicMu!. headway to repel wh it a few buckets of water would have accomplished had au alarm box been close at hand. The uecesslly demands that a box shoukl be placed iu tue viun.ity referred to. wijea you stop to consider tuat tint fleventu ward pay nearly donbte the atuouut of taxes of any ward in tan borouju. Properties in the ward ranging iu value from gl00 to $175,000 apteee us the case now simds are tu. accorded one bit more protection than localities In which the assessed viimtion is not ft -. as muua. By all means, gentlemen of tue eouucil, ijiva the locality an alarm box for it sadly needs it. It wi'tild appear all is not settled in the Ninth ward as yet a to who will rill tue offices of school director and councilman, if tue correspondent of the Truth is Correal in bis assertion. He says: Corcoran md Sweeney intend puttum tne 'contest for councilman and scaool director In the Niutn Ward, and have retained Jauie-i L Morris, of Pittstca, and (inn-ral McCartney, of WtlkeaBarre, as their attorneys. Political contests are expensive lax nrifi. While many ny, "why don't 3 n contest it?'' they evidently little know what such a proceeding co.its. To enter a coatett reqalfe an -rpsndi-tnreof valuable time .ind an abund.iaee of money. Ouce begun tuere is no tell ing where it will end and what will be tin? result To bein such an action th deflated candidate is required to fi'e a patition containing the namesof twenty qualified persons who are wili ng to bear the expense which such an action woosd entail iu the event of the contest and losing his case. It would ba well, therefore, for those so inclined to stop and consider what they are about to do befon their rashness over comes their good judgment and not be led astray in 3QCh a serious matter, a a a It is apparent beyon I question that there is something radically wrong with the electric fire alarm strvloa. It ii nothing bat a coa tinned testing from one end of the week to the other, so that peaple are entirely at sea with themselves when a fire reilly does o cnr. Why this is, evsrybody is at a loss to understand when it is known that In all the towns around ns there is no such dillydallying. When the alarm rings you can depend upon it there is a fir. Not so with Pitlstoo. Undoubt ful if the majority of the firemen were not under the impression yefterday, until they learned otherwise, that it was another case of testing. Th Wilkea -Barre oarraapondtnt of the H-izleton Plain Speaker in com mntiu.r upon the carries m-'Sfl or lack of knowledge of certain election offloerl in performing their dntles sy: "The election returns for the year a fiM with the prothonotary show a very great lack of knowledge 00 tho part of cleotion ofllo irs us to their duties. If any office of general importance were atake the loosen. m I cnralnsRneae shown by the ratnrns filed wonld un doubtedly give rise to many diapntsi and contests. In the following die triots the rntnrns were wholly wanting or very fanlty i Plyinonth borough, third war 1 ; Fair inonnt township, E W. and Middle districts; Harvey villi ; Marcy town ship, N. and E districts; W. Pittston borough, third ward; Ehvardivlll borough, third ward ; Nanticoke, third ward; Plymouth township, fifth ward, W. division; Foster township. N. W. and W. Woodaldn dlstriots; Kingston borough, tbird ward." a a One of tho prattiest pi ces of verse seen iu some time is the following from the pen of Louis L. Downing mention of whoie work lias heretofore appeared in this column. It is entitled Las' Years Nest end is as follows: Iu the orchard 'long the r .) whore tho corn wan stacked las' fall, Where yon sue tbeui berry vines still a alingin' to win wan. In the far down ..astern coruor, where tho sun first moots tho dny Ih a little lart yar-t blrdf nest maJo out ol twigs an' buy. It ain't so much to look at ez it hange them cold an' drear, lint I alwayi look up at It whenever I go neHr. An'it lllls my hourt with stilnces every tune tliat i puss oy, An' it often starta the tear drops a trlnklin from inv evo. In the Biimuier whin the birds waz a liuildiu' of thai uost. An' I set 'neath the apple trco a talkin' of a rest, A little Ught-huired uialdon com' an' climbed upon my Knne, Au' laughod au' chutted gaily 'boat the bulldln' in tho troe. An' sho said ez wu set tnlkin"moi,gst ninny another tlnne. 'An' pap, will tbeno sanio birdies livo in that nit nex spring? ' 07. tt they will I'll watch an' drive ether birds away. What is Oaatorla is Dr. Samuel ritchor's prescription for Infixnti and Children, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otlur Narootlo nnbatanoe. It la n harmloaa Bubatitnte for Paretrorio, Drops, goothing Byrnps, and Castor Oil. It is Plenaant. its guarantee is Oiirty jean' no by BUlUou of Mother. Coatorla deBtroys 'Wormi and allays feverlshness. Cast or la prevents voniilinu Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Cnstorli assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach anil bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cat" toria is tho Children'! Puuacca-tho Mother's Friend. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Castoria. " Castorla Is i axoaUsnt nirtlli-liio for clill dnu. Hothen have repeatedly told Bis of its good utfeet upou llieir ahlldren." Da. Q. o. Oeoooo, Lowell, M.isrf. " Oa-itoria Is the best remedy for oliililn-n of vfhich i uui atnuialnwJ i hops the d.iy is not far dwtaut when mothers will ooosider the real Inlsrest of their chltdrta, and use Oaatorla in stead of U various quack nostrums which are ilsstinjlim ihrir loved ooes, by forolog opium, morphine, soothing syiup and other hurtful agents dOWB their throat, thereby seiiihus them to (ireiuature graves." Pa. J. f. KlNOIItLOE, OOBWay, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria hi t o Bell adapted to BbBdlBfl that I reooBunead ij. -u.-n pMsrtpHon kuouto mo." n. . Aaoaaa, M. D., Ml So. Olford St., IlrnoLlyn, N. Y. " Oar physifians In the children's, depart mi nt haui kiU-ii highly Of their expert enoa in their ouuiiio practice with Oaatorla, and although wo only have ejnOttg ottr metlio.ll supplies what im BBOWB as Ngulai produota, yet we are free to oonfess that tho merits of Castoria has won OS to look will) favor uHi it." UmTtu RaaaitaL Nn Dismnuar, Boatoa, Muss Au.E" C. BBRB, Yes., Tho Centaur Company, TI Murray Streot, Now York City. An' lot thoso two birds have it thot's a buildlu' it toilav!" Ah: little did I think the: before spring time wus hi re. The little lifht-haire 1 mai'ieu would leave m looo au' drear. But its thet tht makes me sail when I yo upasr. this plaee; Iu the twijr-i uu' straws o' the uest, past ruer.i'ries iotorlace. PlTISrON COSOEKtSATIONS. Pithy auJ ' rttaaat Parasraphs Promis tniecuoudv Pncl!l1. The th-rmotiieter at the Water strea t brtlge offije reuitered zsro at T o'clock yesterday morning. lhe stiver se;-v.c sat winoii lua oeeu th adtairatioo ol evorvoody who has attended the Eatfle Hose company's fair durinii tha last thru davs was won Saturday Bight by Mri. MiSi Ztigler, wife of the late Henry Zslgler. i.'cie wes from to-ilay will occur tlie foruiatioa of the uev council. The roster of the organization will be Hor ry Knowlis, of the Fust wnrd; Anthony Clifford, Sesond nMrd; H J. Lynott, Third ward; J. H. rinr. Fourth ward; Junes Hennlgan, Fifth ward; James K lined v. hixth wnri. (eor?e a Kiap, S .venth ward ; John P. Kearney, F.tghth ward: M. J. Donnellv, Ninth ward; John J Manijaii, 'fentn ward; Patrick Maloney, Eleventh ward. C harles Ktirchel. of LJroad street, wc. the haudgoiue gold headed cane at the "Hooks' " fair 3tnr ly evening. Tony Farrell, the popular Iri-ih com elian, supported by a capable company, will present "My Lolleen at .Music Hall tomorrow evening. The Connregati mal church of Coal dale, Pa., has secured as regular paitnr Evangslist R. ft. Harris, the present assistant pistor of the West Pittston tabernacle. Mr. Harris will remove on or aboot April 1, and the best wishes of the people of this plscs will go with him to h'.s new held or labor. The funeral of the late Mrs. Thorn js O'Brien occurred Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from hat late home on North Main street. Tho remains, accom panied by a lark's gath-rlng of friends, were conveyed to St. John's church, whure a high miss of rtqaietn wai celebrated by P.iv. Father Greev. At the conclusion of tno ceremony the re mains were conveyed to Avoca, whero intsrmiat was mid in St, Mary's Catholic cemetery. Th-5 pall-bearers were John Flynn, Avoca; Thomas Mo Hugh, T. ilogati, Luke Nolan, Jntni Farrell and Michael Toole. Mrs O'Urien wrh, provious to her marriage, MUs Mamie Brehony, one of Avoca's charming danghtr. She war beloved by all her acquaintances and friends and her early death Is greatly mourned by them. Her husb ind h-is the sytn pithy of all in his bereavement. John E Dsinp"y, of this place, rep resentative of the tr ilumon on the Le high Valley strike grieva-ce commit toe. Saturday received a di-tyatch from P. H. Morrissoy, first granrl maeter, and Wm, A Shcooan, grand secretary nd treasurer of the Order of Railroad Trainmen, nnnonncing that th -y will reiioh Wilkes-Iisrre Sun lay morning and would make their headquarters ut the Wyoming Valloy hotel,' and on Monday will be prepared to pay those of the trainmen who woro in the strike on the Lehigh Valley road The fnneral of Mrs. William .Monk, of Hamlowti, who died i hursday after noon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Oehhard, of llamtown, occurred yes terday (Sunday) afternoon ut I o'rlocii, Servie.H wire held In St Peter's Luth eran church and interment was made lu the Hnmtown Lutherm cemetery. The "Mery" H?d iBbaoriplloB fnnd whloh the O'izstto started a few weeks ago lacks but a few dollars of being one half ($35) of the snm n quired to endaw a brd to the new hoepltal. Tba nadertaktng is n commendable one and it U to be hopsd that tho Marys of Pittston will swell the amount Huflio ient to the ri quired flgnre ns soon as possible. Tho hospital has nineteen patients at the present time, the last being ad mitted Saturday. Collieries No. H, 10, 14, lUrnum and Centra) will rceum-i work today and all others will be Ml. T esrller symptom of dyspepsia, surh as distress after OBtiafi heartburn, aud occasional hewlnch", fdwuld not bo nr glrcted. Tnku Hood's iJaisaparillii nud be cured. Kool's Pills nre tho bo!, family cnthnrtic nnd liver mediciue. HaruilusH, reliablo, rare. n Knbw. Tiirt-. Teacher (to rlH') and now, children, whom do people uioiin when thoy spoak uf the "Qrand Old yixnV Little Johnny llmptydiimp Mrs. Lenr,e, of Kansas, I r.-ness. Dr. Wood s Norway Pine Syrup was used for years as a proscription -y a suc cessful physician. It is In ull rotpecta the Best cough medicine made today. ' Sold by all dealers on aguarautee of satisfaction. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goodfi, clunks and Par Capes daring Nilr ut Irss than cost ir material, Everj inch d' counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever nhowu. Ladies' Felt IlatM, this season's stylos I0l. o.ich. Hove' Winter Waists 1 00 each. Muffs 30c. each. Cloaks $1.50 ouch. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COMB. IT WILL FAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. LB BROWN'S BEE HIVE, Thatcher IS THE BEST, (let prices and see the furnace nnd be con vinced. A lull line of IIEAT FRS, Aypello and Csuzj Dooi Ranges, CONLAN'SHARDWARE PITTSTON, I'A. MOO C POWDER SCIt ANTON, MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made at t he UO0BI0 nnd BU8B- DALE WORKS Lsfllin ifc Hand l'owdor Co.' ORANGE GUN POWDER EleotriO Hattorles, Poaei lor nxplol ing blasts, f-afety Kuse and RepaunoChemical Co.'sHih Explosives MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Burning, H AaoJ lubricating U I LO m Also Shafting and Journal Grease. Officii Til Wan Uakawanna Ava. i'KKH Merlillmi Mtrnsi PFiTrn MOM 00m laj'B. n'ti, I .ouo.oop. BEST sJl.liO Sliul; IN Till' WOKI.Il. 'A ilnllar teeesl l n d'tlltir ur"l.' This Lexlles' Solid P ranch ii.niili KliMinl Uiii Hoot cle llvmrH Iroi niiywlifro In 'hu t'.H.,on rfBiiihil itcisi, M iify Diner, H I'nsinl NdUi Mr II JO, Baual svery vray tho tsiots snlil In nl i 1 il stnri'S for t'j.iwi. W laak otto boot onranlvfs, thi-rrfore s guar milt? UJW Baal vor. U if mi' "ii- In not n.'H i. il -ii win r"fuiifi ttio noaey QrB4aottMf petTi Da Inn nr l nninmn Munnf, wWltiH r, I), IC, U KK. sltrn 1 tu S one hslf Uts. Send your ttt; III lit ft, lllu.t ,ti 1 Cntn- loaai rnte. Dexter Shoe Go, S tpmu irrnu to uttiiert. tlHnll Y. 'V wno .. i oil' i-,v.;.v 1 IliMHi PITTSTON, PA. Mrnmrnnrnrnmrmmmwa i5CP D D Plnrtples, Blotches 1 ' ' 1 and Old Sores 3 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT r . . . and potassium Catarrh, Malaria z Hakes gr Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism Sand Scrofula ct- - P. P. p. pqHOm th blood, bnild np inn whi iino (i&nuitHttm, given Btrttnput to WMkCIIM expelfi iihxiuflus.KlvliiK tho pritlont liesltti uU oapulneu when U Kiihsb, 'luuniy fcllug.s uiid UunltU'tu tlrat prevailed. For tirlDiarv.si'uoii'lurT nnd tertiKry nyiihlll.'s, i- r i ; ! polnnltiK. uierou rlal poltoOi niaUrlu, tvnmtltt and In all Nooii and ukin dUuasaA, llku I ' 1 -. plmplt-H, old cbroulc ulcora, tot tor. lofluMllI, boila, eryHlpelns. ecema wo may iy, ultamit far uf oontnidlction.Cliat P. P. P. la tho heat blood purifier In the world. and tniikea pOtitlT6 Kpuody and peraiauenC cures In all NM& LftdlM Wbote RTItMDI aro polaoDOd and VfhoM blood In In au Hon due tn inrustrual ii ; '.rl- , are ptnulUrly benefited hjr the WOB dtTlul tuiilo and blnud clenniinK l -'r ertloaof P. P. P- Prickly Aah, Poko Boot And Pmaatdum. pmnrortBU), Ho, auk. Wth, it 13. 1 can !pfak In thn hllu'Mt trnia of your luouicinu from my otr.n personal knowledge. I WM ftaootod uhti lioart dltOAM, pleniiljf and rlioumatlm for y." years, wu trotted by tin very bet whynit'iana nnn api'nt hundreds of dol lar, trird i-very known remdy with out nndliiK relief. I have only taken one lmttlt of ynur P. P. P., tod can obeerfally nay It ha done menwro Kood than anything 1 have ever taken. I can recommend your meilclnu to all IttfiWefl of i ho above UrataN. MUM. M. He YKABY. fiprlnplleld, Green County, Mo. and Kidney Troubles Arr I'DCiri'l.r rOMOVOM 5.r F.F.P. '" -Prlrkly Ash. PokO Boot and PottsV flliiin, tho greftteat bluod purlflur on Bw earth. -if) Abehdi-en, 0.. July 21, 1801a MEHns. n Broi Biivennao Oa. . w.kw Hi km- -I iMiuu'bt ttbottloof your P. P P. m Hot Hi'i Ins, Ark..a.id h au done me noresoootuui throe itiontliM' troairoeutat lh Hut Hprlukid. Hund three DOttlei C. O, D. . Iteapectfullv yuara. bb. J AH. M. NKWTON, Aberdeen, brown Cuunly, 0 tJf Cnpl. .1. Jolinaiou. To nil ipAoin it nmy conornt I Uore- ""w bv testify to the woudt-rtul propcrdea of P. P. P. lor rnptsns of the akin. I iiiffored for BOTOrel J Sift with au un tightly and diatgreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known rt-iue- Tl fly but in vidn, until P, P. P, WU aed, - tnd am now ontlrelv - ured HlK00dby J. I. JOHNSTON, " toavanuab, oa. r"W Nkln t'onpr Cured. TittirMny from thi Uayoi oj s(tuinSex. Heoi in.Ti'X., January 14, 1893 Z Mi ifJBf!, LlPPMAM Bitos., BBVaaUSOi (Jh. : OmUtmtn- l ban tried your P. -rfjjt P. P, fur e dlseeeo of the skin, uswnly jTI know n aa frklu CA00er,0( thirty yearn --J?J btandliiKt and found treat relief: it punlloH the bl M-d and removes nil lr- tW7 ritatlon from th" neat of tlm disease . and preTODtl any itrt-flding of the Bores. I have taken five or fix bottles and feel ooofldenl thai nnotiier course will enVct a uaro. it hoi alao rellei ad too rrom IndlfestJon and atomacb troubles. Yours truly. . .'.m k APT W. M. RUST Attorney at Law. ' Emu on BI9C1 Dissoses u free. ALL DBl'aOISTS SELL IT. " LiPPMAN BROS. I'HOi'RIF.TOR3, a UppsBSUS'e Ulurh.Sa.aunab, Oa 7UUUuuUUUUUUiUluWUi a.? PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair grin; EASY WHKN von know now Sivm l PR1ZI1H WIM. DIC DISTRIBUTED TO TIUlsK DOIXO Till; I'l ZZIjE IN THE BHORTE8T SPACE OP TIMK POR BALE lv MAi NEWS COMPANIES 8TATIONBRS AND AT TOY STORES oil BENT TO A N V ADDRESS UPON MECE1PT OP PRICE, ar. CENTS, HY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO, 112 AM) III SOUTH 111 TAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD RESTORE LOST YIGOR N.' rliHOfry. Will brsre yon tin In a wp1i floid with WRITT1N il1 A k AN i Wm i DOta Narums luliihtT 1 ..a nf fIsiiiibI rwr sallh liiTiilnntit r KmUitftai fraii any enns ' If aaflteted, aeoh ironhlpN Itad i QoainnMsWi ai inui ivy, li on ptr boa iy mall, 6 boiaa fM With tttrf & oiilr ws tire a wtsUtan guaranlvr to fluta 01 itund th uoncy. Adartat IK A L SIMM If, OU. i I. ..!. .1. hi For late byJOBM Di i'HELrs, PteraaeltK eon Wyoming Avo. end BpraooBi, Rrrenton, Pft, Deform auU Alo i i -n,-- MANHOOD RESTORED! ;"Si-'x ps.sk. i.iM-1, n. Wniik M.nniirT. l.onuf Brain Fewer, lli-nilsoh,. WskHfulnau. i.iiai Msnliiiinl, Meliili ir.iai.inni, Nr,ooiioM, allamlasane lots n( ponor lriil,'.i"rnilvaO,4(in!.i'f flllliPr,ortMsr.rt by OTprvxeriLm.otapili-rr.. fX-oimlTo n.i i.rl'ihaoee. nplnni or ,U(milmit, wblo.losj to lnnrmlt, in inmi'ilniinriiiMiplT. Can l'i f arr1i"1 1 n t,,i ponkt't. Bl perb01,3ror9Bi t.w ....II .... i ..I' Will, n .1 ,irS,,r tl, rtl.i. n 1 r.(...,l 11 mil ..(r - to I'lin- BEFORE UNO AFTLR U&1NB " a.uih- .t;'BTr inmn . Msmiie 'fempie, onic.sao.iM. P'orR.'ilo InHcrnnton, PiL.byH. C. SANDK1180N, Drugyllt, cov WaMhinjflorj nd Siiriicu itraatBi n dr. Men's HIBTKBUli PILLS UhHiHI. iJU A for Sillo byf LK US1MO. RESTORED MANHOOD pnintrompdy for norTmia pnntratltni ami allnerrotifldlwasea of inr fMirniiiTii nruiin 01 on in r nt'j. nuvn a J voni iTimiraiirn. r ftli t Inc Off I Manhood, linpotrncy, Nlfilitly ittriUislonp.Voiitlirul Krmra, I Mental Worry. Hxopiini to niw of Tnharrn or opium , which loail to Con niruitlui mid uuultTs with ovrrv !. onlor wo nTt n Wnttsin una on ten to on iv orrcluit.l tlio itioiidy, Sol at fll.OO ocr luu. tt huxes for 05. OO- W tt. ItUTT'O CaiEM KAI, to., Cleveland. Ohio. mm In the Kiiiji ol the shears, The bondholder bean The sound of bis moncj enhanohic; Why uot copy Lih wav, And dip every ila.v To gel (joiiK.-ibiug that- quite as entrancing. You Can Do It! BY SNIPPING AND CLIPPING YOU GET $24 VALUE FOR TEN CENTS Just to think of the delights of a trip all over our own country, from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico! Being able to do it in easy stages, at TEN CENTS "a stage." includ ing the services of a guide! Vet, that is just what we do for vou. AND JUST THINK Realistic Pictures from ever part of jfB mm America, done in flSW process Up indelible typogravure delineate Vl the journey.' The incomparable world-famed traveler anj lecturer, PROF. GEO. R. CFiOMWtlL, is the suide. Journalistic enterprise is the conductor of the trip. America "From Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico." will bo published in weakly series of sixteen views (..ich viw 11x18$ inch!, Inlly worth $1.80), and will embrace thu physical and sceaic wonders of Our Own Land, tho whoU edlUd by Prof. G R. Cromwell. Eicli Mtiw will encloieJ in handncme cover. To anr of our readers who will cnt ont six ix conpoas diffmatly n lim bered, and tiring or Mod to this o(B M with ten cents to cover cost of hatuUinfc a will ;. or mail tho first and second aerio?, now rdy, which contain tha following views; Tin Capitol, WaahtngtoBa Tha Common, Uostoa I rioting Hoonc Sooavo, n Vora s n i hHh. t boyofloo Cotton, Colora4oa ChfttOOl Mri! Iht liuli iphlH. Votlowitona Patla, Wyoniag. Rronton! I ovo, Nowooit, Control Park, ti imn Hpoiu. Anil (tor turn Rotel, (liimo. Loir &ott 11 Rapirta t. Lowreooo Rivera Temple aqooro, it i,h ity. MiMinttln HontOi Cii'Mnn Sptloir, I'll. vt aahlmrlon Monoment, iiniiiniorr. Rnttti shot I hIN, VlHKitrn, it ni TletorU, n. r. Mika. Alaska. Each Series Las(s but 0112 Week. See Thai Yon Get Them AIL ailHlllltllllliniHIIHIHIHIIINHIHIIIIIIIillAilHsIIIIIUCH'lf!salSS!lllllllU AMERICA 1 - I COUPON NO. 2. I s i 1 i Bend or bring two of these coupons, difforentlj nnnibered, s S with Ten Gents, and get the lirsi series of Bixteen magnificent 3 B photographs. niiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniBiiHHMiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiR MiiiMiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHisiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiginiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSi, FEB. 26 5 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different I dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one 5 6 part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four I parts the one announced before. FEB. 26 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ-1 I ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one I j part of the celebrated "Wanamaker" Portfolio, de-1 I scribed above. New part each week. Part One I 5 now ready FEB. 26 M. 1IAUKI, l. ii(iii,i, 1V7 I i' ii n Avvuue. This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ- a ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo- S graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted a spots in all climes. HlllllllllllllllllllllllllllliniillllllllllllHIIIIIIlllllllUIIIIUIUIIIJIIIIlHUIUII