THE SC ft ANTON TBIBU5TB MONDAY MOENISCi. FEBRUARY' 2ii. 1804. btl 9 A Word. Wm&tof all fcfacfi cor' mueli, rx rrpt BUyaHoM i ! -lf "ff'j ore iusi-rtf t rftEK. w s I lUATlON loan wiiu ih wnline Situations Wanted, ANTED BITUATTON LY A it. IJABL15 vmiiiir iniui. Hi iiu l.i wairoj. ah- dress "H" Tribune offh e. WANTED I IV A YOUNG t i iUi uy k .ad "I wk; fair DMiti ; -:i furnish Rood nbruot. Address .!. t;. i ist Omoei.Bcrsu ton. r)Y a young man in dry goods or 1 grocery stor.-. or uuo Imsino where be could work up. Boms experience, good refer nre. will win-!: cheat). Addre " o. box Montrose, Pa Agents Wanted. NTlTlATlALEti MAX, 8211 TO S-.J weekly cm bo mule with oar croudx iu fnv locality, will prove it or forfeit jiou. salary ur eonuntMioa yon prefer, The re f uiuof ii taw uoaiV work often ninel a woik's KMti, Addles?, "HaNUFAOTUB ERs." 1' i). Box ! .. Ronton, Moss. U-ANTKIl -TVM MBN, WELL AC- V qbainted iu tlu i Ity, to nil artiolo that v. ill i el twenty doUurspor week t bustler. Apply alter loam 1 1 Are uie. ' ANTED MAN WITH LIKE AND FIRE insurance rxncricucu tn oii'i.or m Laokawauna county; good Inducements to light in.iii. Allures 1125-20 let.; building, Philadelphia, Pa, lA'ANTEU BOYS AM) GIRLS WHO ' wisn tu make money when out of rcbool; sudusmoand wo will i--:i youkow; i ii money wanted. !'. BTAYNEB, Providence t ITANTBU TWO YOUNG MEN OF GOOD V adores to rail on business houses Rteady employment lor good moo, Apply NATION A ii CLEAN TOWEL COMPANY, Arcade building. ror j.'c IS RENT APHII. l THE Rooms NOIV 1 mnp od by the Telephone Exchange, DM Lackawanna nvenno. Apply nt the office of i chldi salt Bluing i ".. Third National Lank building, i. ami K. t. Full v Moll RENT HOUSE 4 17 WYOMING ATE 1 nue from April I. Eleven rooms, nil the i lorn improvemeu'ft, rent SVi per month Apply to P. H. CLBMONs, (Si Lackawanna uveuue. .UK RENT-STORE ROOM IKS LACKA I' wanna avenue irom April I. also rooms on second Boor well udaoWu forbussaaas or housekeeping. Also house I MM ( apouse ave i 'ii' with all moleru improvement, benuti lully pn p:ured, P. Ii. PAUL 1581 Bnndoraon awuu. OWE ror rent Htre-d In ; iw at ill Mulbary LACKAWANNA Knqulre ol Usury i nue or t tuc MOB HEN'i mi 'Hi . i avenue, by Apr I. i Prey, 01 Lackuw-nmi i remtsea IOREtSN r IN BCBH LiMI.OINli.WAsU. 1 loirtoti avenue. few deni fable oflloel ana Rata. Kettt veri reaaonable Wo il 'Mrablopar lifx ran beaeen byupplytnu to janitor i:i i lldinj. For term npply to CQAHUStf A l.t'i.'K. !l North Main avenue, "(,'"( KENT 'THREE ROOMS. FRONT ON I wojtnd lloor, over N. .. llnlbert'I ianio htore, 117 Wyominjc avesua, from April 1. Ia uuire in tlio etore. MOR RENT I'WoStOKY BRICK DWXLr J liiiu houao; utodorn Improveiuoute. sij I orcsl court Apply i.. MA rRlt'K COLUN8, GENERAL WS OF IIDUSTIS J aSOtbff Njw RiiliMatl Cliirlerod lo llie Aniliracile Cm! Fields. Esttt A SLY ROVE OF 1HE PENISV TLo Lino Is On'y Twenty Miles Long, but i; Is Airc.idy Heralded as ; Connecting Link in a Great sys tem ef Competitive Liius, by Which The Pennsylvania System Is Ex pected to Get in . Dip; at the Le high Valley Other Live News and Gossip of an Industrial Tinf,e. agent, .'-I Woet Laekawauna 'llllt.. IV LET FOR A TElt.M or YEARS J Tart or uii of tlirou bttudrcd fcot of yard Apply 'M i-ruaiaia .in uio:'j railroad. nun. ' hi RE NT-STORE SxfflOR FURNISHES In.. i on (iroi'ii Ridm atreet ', ry desira- ati'iti and on reoeouable tcrni-. Apply . F. K. NETTLETON ppnbliean liiiildin ot v.'. .S. W OODBUFF, f or Sale l.'OR SALE 63 l ami otantUs, Monroe ave. ACRE .1 M. FARM, sroc: SIJEFFIEUJ, tu Ml li HALL OB EXCHANGE FOR SCBAN X ton properttr A bearing oranee arova iiicreaalog in nroooction aud valnfl yearly lo tin orauffH leetton In Florid Addres K E. NETTLETON. Lako Helen, Florida Lost. l OST DARK RED POCKETBOOK.LAROE I j ilto, hetween Eighth nt. and taiekawanna ft, and lit'l Adama ave. Finder will he well rewarded. Chix II. McKarlan. Wl Adamn av. bpeclal fioticcs. rPBE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDINO HAn"k I ..I Kaw York. It is dearred that all Ftockholdarain the above named bank lirleg tn Scran too ..r urroandtng towne lll at lend a tneatlog tolm held on Tneaday area, i Feb. 27, at H o'clock. In Baub'a ball. IM v ndng avenue, over sioii a- bealey'i nuwlc etore. An Invitation i nlaoextandad to : i othera wlabiug to attend 'or mfortaation t . l.o piei nt. K !'. UEBBIAM, Local Becretary. i . i:vi mi v i sECi'BlTii:s si X PER I cent. Baal mortgage bunde of the Soraaton Asle Worki lot aal by s:.iTH I:. .Mi it. Commonwealth Building. TJABTY WITH BUSINESS EDUCATION .1 and pxperlenoa bn from tS.000 to I6.0W toinvcal with aerrioei in buai&ea$. Audvta mm, Oommonwealtb bnildimc 8i:iiATOX. Feb. 21, IWI. rpHE 'KNtJAL MEETING OF THE I )tockholdi of th Laokawanua Iron sial Btael company for the election of di ! -tors and tr.iiiaatt'.on ot .virii otluT bnainwj rh may proper!; come before the mettin will be h"ll at the office of the com pany in l be city of Bcranl Pennaylyanla ouwed- i laday, March 7. I8H at 2e'clonk p. m. The poll will remain oi nn far one hoar. The tmnsfor booki will in cbieodosFeb. 21, W)l, and i e-open mi March h. H8I, .:. i'. iiioiiiNsON. secretary. TJLANK lltiuh's. i'A.MI'ltl.Klr-, MAOA 1 tinea, etc., bound ar rebound at Tiik TttiBrita office, Quick work. Banaonable price. fEAl TICKETS .V corner Hproca mi... Twontv meal Li,,:. i beard, CAN UK HAD AT III. str,iet and Vran kiln ava tiKi"..s for SS.DO, (lood ;oi: SALE kit! SIN Catati oi.u HOUSE KSQUINUV iuHi itvpi.ui': vrv acairame oi-atinn O p. REYNOLDS, or WiLLABD, WARllt A LNAPr. WILL BUY MODERN NEW li-KOUM linuixi, r.ll lm).rovi incnt; turn.i easy; cur in v Madbtun aventt and Dtleware atraeb Ap ply HARItV I.EI.S l.iin will BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT arner Haauon avenue ami Doiawarj t. Torint cany. Apply HARRY LEES, ttr ' ' rs. mtle'j iweet Not. Yet A'cie Yorl He'AbleaVd wlm in bar kliino nnks: Noun ever for bar dreaetag Ua tn waii ; sim wear i alow-erowned bat nt jdays, and aiki Her mirror onljt :i" thai li-.t'o:i atraieht. Ti on sln is llwajfl risht. MM ne','r inttttl, A little nn me no terror bu far Ii .t: j- ii,- kaepi ft ni crct well, and h!n eglftte iu tip.' hbaglnation, gentle sir. Drrpplnif In'. Poetry Oivr Dole. MinnctipnUi 'i'rilmn1' Lore's kind lccafl to Mr. Dole, who bucked our (bfoaisnitlw ia n hole. - a woun to riii: H fas. i Tbe Beaver Moasow, Treiokow and Xuw Bottoo railroad i1 tlm latest Itn p'oting trunk lino to leave a blnck trail on the pvsd of northeastern Pennsyl vania. It chartered last week, will ba twenty luilea Ion;;, is capital -ized at (SOO.OOO and the ili rectors are A. S. Van Wickle, B. W. Wilde, B. I,. Chamberlaio, C, J Klriohner, J. F, Harbor, A. M. Eby ami P. '. Wsuvor. L'uli company was formed (oc the pur pose ol balliling or suciiritrz n conn-tut-n link from t'te mines of A. S. Van WieUle A' Co. at Beaver Meadow and Treaekow in the I'eunsylvania railroad at New Boston. 'I'lie output of Mr. Van Wickle at Mlnsrsvlltu Is shipped vin tlio Peunsylvauia The road now projected will yive the Peuniy an eu trance into tiio Beaver imiulow region ? j as to compete with what wag aiwayn regarded as distinct! Lehigh Valley t rrytory, .ir VanWiekle i looked upon in railroad circles ns a friea l of the Pennsylvania. If bis road is built It will basteo the completion of the link between New Boston and Toru bicken, ami if the Bentinel i correctly informed, brius the Pennsylvania into BasletOD over its own lini. The increase in the consnmption of anthracite co il, noted by tin Pailailel phia Stockholder one week ngo, litis changed generally. Rastrlotton isstil! in orJr, and there is every reason, from n business point of view, why it sbonld bo continned, The market is quoted dull in the east,agud quotatloui are said to be wsak and in buyer' fa vor, bnt in spite of this fact, and alsr that water tales ere molt favorable, trade does not sttr up it is said that there is no likelihood of any im ot bny ing for future requirements until after the end of Marah, This ia another reason way tiu output should be kpt well i i hand. The decreatn in ship ments for the your up to Fob. 17, ac tforuittij to the Bureau of Anthrsoite Coal Statistic, am units to 1.371,203 ton?, ami still there are complaints of over-production. Juiise Bimonton of tin Dsupbla county court bus just filed tin impjrt niit npinion in the ease of toe common wealtii against the Allien Coal coin pany The cotnpmv appraised it e'tnttil stock for 1802 at $S)a share, mounting to $400,000 and forwirdsd :!:is appraisement to the atplitor-een era! who appraised Its capital stock at 2,250,000, ami on this valuation set tled an accoant against it amounting t" $ll,9$0. n.e company appealed from this settlement Considering all tlie factsintba case, ,fti Ige S:monton appraised the sctnal valne of the atock at $150 per share, amounting to $750, -000, being 1350,000 more tban it ap praisement by the company, and on tins ggvou judgment in favor of thi eommonweaitb lr debt, interest an t commission amonnting to 4,850. In the opinion of the I'uiiiidelphia Press, very s-Klom.ifever, have the au tbraclte compaoies restriot'd tonnat.' as heavilv as during the lait ix weeks. Th proinction (i'jrin? tli iame period in 1803 was heavy, thsri beiug great rivalry anions the loading lines dnring the first months of that year. Now the demand for conl ii very iight. and notwithstanding the ship ments are 1,371 O'JO tons. or fi ! par cent, leas tbon lasl year, stocks lacregged largely m January and fprices are not what they shoal I be tram a proluOW'l point of vie..-. The decreased limuad h uu inuicattoo tuat caniuatrsar economizing in the use of coil, a pro cess whic:. has been assisted by the weather. lltno Inspector lirennan'a report of the worki i the Ssventh anthrasiM cIih tr for the year 1803 shaiva that 5,1 18,881 totis of coal were mined. u attainst 5 404 678 tone in the previati" year. S ve.ity aeveti lives Were lost, being an increase of thirty-two fatul itiM over 1892, For eaob man killed H8.037 tone of coal were mined, Tim non-fatal accidents numbered M0t uu egoesa of eighteen over last year. Tije man and hoys e.ui!'r;jil numbarad 19,170, ana B75 Ions of coal weremlDed t it- oncu workman. The withdrawal of line L illijf)' opposition '.j the petition of the Bead iiv-' receivers for lewva to isiue 15,000, 000 coal trnst certificates pave the way lor early vn organization. Mf Rice will n it. it is said, attempt in uiiy way to Interfere with the rebabUitaa io i o! Lie company, although lu W.i nrmjy convinced, eoiui tiiud ago, thai the Reading was solvent, and that it conld he extricate 1 from it difficultie without the Intervention of the court. Tin extent of future railroad build ing is beginning to b liscnsed by n-jino eminent writer of tho day. Not a few ta'.ce the ground that the con nbrnctlon of new lines must be limited, CM iming that lua world now has nbot) ail il !. for n, .'iv years to come :;ut others hold s different view and point to the small mileage in many section of our country, as well as in other lands. The effect that k creased railroad building would hove n iron consumption la being dii unseed, and in t ,ie connection Abram a, Hewitt, in a letter to the Manifsctumra' Recordt gives the fol lowing views: "J huouI I . i that the house-building era of irou mid steel which is now in fnll dovelopmeut -would absorb ; i inucn steel as . lie railroad h i ve heretofore done for v OOnstmction. Wo ar living in n ago of fore expeuded in industrial utreeuon, I do not pretend to esti mine the limits of its application ! 'radically, all that one generation in bents is the work ot the generation immediately preceding it. No doubt the progrrss of invention will lead to uew avenui s of consumption." Minor Imu'strial Ncrjtl: I). u ur(: 18M the Panhandle railroad shipped i,Coo43s toua of coal, while iii 1601 ii sblnesenta rcai invi 2.917.571 bona. The tauter lUe at staaatina and the Mon- on uru already nuccsstuly iutrodocing Kentucky coal into UBlCegO and the uorth- weati llei-bncr Qrotbere1 large store nt Port I'arltiii, . I i I. ; 1,1 i, i I... f 'h ml ' " lain Coal company, and it will be inhdo a "company" store for n now mine. Fire were lighted last Friday iu tho Eethlebein Iron ciunany'a isteel mil!, which has been idle pir some time, auil work will be resumed on 'double shifts" iu r.ll departments todav, pivie;; employ incut to 1 100 hands. The pnrcbaetngdepartment of the Penn syiva: ia Mailrcad company will remove to the new Broad street station In Philadel phia, nest weal;. TbeLebigb t'onl and Navigation com pany earned u (I per cent, dividend Inst year. Tina la explained by the W'ljkes Barre News-Dealer a follows: The com' pany paid I2, cents a ton Iihs ror miuiiig ci a) Iti is'.i I than it did iu isir.', and there voio Ul.OTD tons mined more than the year previous, Tun Central railroad also paid the Company ISO, 183 more rent tor the uso of the Lebtgu and Susquehanna divi sion than it did In 1802. A SXilli.m Friend A fHend in need is a frieud Indeed, and Hot less than one million people have found .io-t such a friend in Dr. Klngt New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, If you have never need this Qreat Cough i'pdicine, one trial will convince Von that it baa Wonderful curative powers in nil disea-es ,, Throat, Chest and Limes. Much bottle is guaranteed to do all that is tdaitned or mouey will be refunded, Trial bottles froi at Mathews I'.roh'. dtUg store. targe bottles Soe. and 11.00. e - FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stccln Hnd tondi New Youk, Feb. 84. American Sm;nr Reiluiug uud DlSlillerS were tho great speculative cards at the dock exchange to day. Iu fiu t thuy absorbed the attention to the exclusion Of almost everything else. The total transactions were 1321103 snares, ot which 49 ri ! were Sugar ana 44,958 DiH tillers, leaving about :;o,ou:' shares for the other stocks tiadeil In, The lndiidtrial stocks named, us usual of late, wero lullu oncuil by advux from Washington rela tive to the probable action of tbo senate SUb-OOmtnittOS on tariff aud internal revenue matters. It, Wai repoited Una the sugar people had gained their point in sSCBrlng a iargjr duty on re fined than on raw sogers, while the advo cates of an increased tax on diatilledspird" had suffered defeat. Sugar rose 'i to S.i and whisky declined Vi to 23?t, the deal ings iu both having been animated nt in terval. The flactnstlon in the general list were comparatively siiftht. The tend sncy of prices was downward in the oaiiy tradiug. The buoyuuey of sugar flnnlly alarmed some of the smaller aborts and their purchases led to an advance of to Jt, during the last halt bom of busiuesa The market closed Hrm iu toae. The loll iwlng complete tatile HUovvina the day's flnotuatioustfl activu is supplied aud revised dally by LaHar 1c Fallr, stock biokoie 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Ui.b- Low Cloe lllg, est. eat. leg. Am. Cut. Oil Am. Sujiar fl M's 81 KM A. T. & S. F 12 12 11 f- Can.So. Con. N. J Chic AN. W imti IP2M H2M n,-.; C . 11. ft o T." 75 M ii Oblo. Oos iM '2 esM WM ,, CU. ASt. L... 38 no Sd : Col , Hock. Val. & T D. & It D., L. A W 17 IB! Hi i li D.AC. F I ?4 21 Erie '"' fl, E. Co US :h KK fs Lake Shore MM l-'o I2tij-i l:W L. & N 411 4H 4'. 411 M.'iUliatt.-in I'JStfj I224 I14 1 2244 Mins. Pac Nat. Lead :'4 '.'si4 5M -i't N. V. A N. B II II it H N. Y. Central H"M V :"'h ITM N, Y.. 0. A W r.u lehi Wa ItV N. Y..S. t: W if. s. c. co irm i.'.ti isu vm North Pac 41 4' i !'l IM Omaha Pac. Mull....'. Reading SIJ4 21 W xlttj I1U Rock aland di HIM Wl Wit . T St. Paul f.ili 6 CCU, tliitj T..C. ft I Tcxaa ft Pac Union Pac 18 s l,s U Wab ii, pf H II II II w. Union Mttri n SRM N W, & L. t 18 ISM I2 Mi W. iu e. nt . Chicaco Qrni'i and Provnioni SCBANTOg, Fob, 2k The followlM ouota- r luiis ore liar Ii Fi nue. uill'.AT a lpphud an I e irrect ad daily by La illor, etook brokera.131 Wyomlna arc hamlng Ilgbeat.,.. .owest Closing CORN. Ipenlng lilfliost i lowest Hoeing OATS. )ticnin? llMiest .oaest .Totlni' PORK. limning HltfllOEt .o'.v at losing LARD. Ineninu lllijlii'tt lowest h ijng KM iRT Kills, iienlair Itilfliest Lowest 'iosiui; Feb. ol mt MM 8(0 ill's ilk toy, get tNM WJS 1305 130'i itio" 12i.i nu i '.'i i 121 May. S iu. iv j,; HI io',. WK mi mi 1220 1820 18IU III , T'J 1 V-ll :i; 71", una V.'T JlllV. m m i.ii, UN s& Kit ts I22U 1 i 1280 710 rt KB) US! SleEEPI-ESSWESS, H Nervous Do- SJei ii H!iti'' Nerv- V ' ' ' l.""'i.'io- y tor Ataxia, ' ' Melancholia, and klalrod allrnsnta, whether mMltlng from over uuxiotv, overwork or study, or from unnatural "habits or SXMSSM, are tinotod an a uooulfdly, with great succchs, by tho Statl' of Bpcs3allets attached to tho Invalids' Hotel and Surgical institute .it BntTalo, N, V. Personal cxarninstlone nob id way neceessry. Many casts era success fully treated at a distonco, a DmrriT A now and wondoriiilly AblnMrl. ii, fill trout meal, ices been diseovcrnl for AtilimaMid hay Fcvr, which cun be eent by J.'inii or Express, U is not .simply u palliative but a radi al Ci'rc, For pamphlots, question blanks, refer ences and particulars, in relation to any of the abnvo mentioned dissseea, sddresH, with ten cents in stamps, World's Dispens ary Medical Asa elation, tsii Main street, iiiilalo, N. Y. aa 'W" ffc.. A FEW HINTS PRO At OUR .: -. J. .-,. ... ,s .., ... 'a.. ',. . . ' ...Iv "; j f - v-.'ir i ; jv ner 'u ak.rf. aSk. 50c. pe BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHY8H 1ANS AM) RVRflEONS, DB. o. K Id, a . , DtseaM ot tho Eye, Nue Tin oat and Ear, MM BpiUee hti eet. oppO' ntu court bouse. JJ'ai Novelties and Fancies in wide, great profusion daily ar- double. We am bargain 75c. Never before solt rard, howing in der nvmg. The Crow':; FdotandShep. herd Checks are new and decidedly pretty and neat. See them. Our stock now presents a remarkable offering that will meet with a very ready sale: Ten pieces Scotch Heather Guipure, formerly sob Mixed Cheviots, 5 inches Inow 50c. Worth Five pieces Bedford Cord-, forty-eight inches wide.raaclc a creat to sell ar r:.i.---. ner varrl fin . . r . " 'I J J - iiuad-ers field price now, 65c This is a inches wide, at great banvain Our line cf ENGLISH SERGES, 54 inches wide, is. greatest un- SOME BLACK GOODS aev ;ral r a T ' pieces of iMerino ton. without doubt, the ever shown i: 1 hree crrades. valu Scran- fl LOO. at $i, fL I2y3 and $1.25. These eaooreciated must be seen tobi. Rb v, XJ wuali IB, I. U liATEK, IU M Cirico hours s i u a m.. v. J. cONNELL. iMiii 11 Ifcil Waahmgtun a'ciiu.'. .oinei llhO stre't. ovui- rraucKe a drui; btore. K.'ililoiu-o. ?B vine t. I Offlae hours: iO.elto It a, 111. ana 2 lot and to 'i.m p in. Buuday, 2 to 11 p, m. W. ):. ALLEN. Olllce cor. Lacks, ua and Wmdiluotou avaa.1 over Leon. aid sbao store; ollice hours. IU to 12 a. in, anil iito 4 p. in.; evening si residence, 12 N. 1 Washington ave, Dice. I. FRsvy, Practice llinttad to Dis-' iucs of the Eye. gar, Noee ud Throat! , olllco, IZl Wyoiuluii ..vj. Rutlden-jo, 'iii Viiu ; itrset. Washington Avenn 1. 1 M io i! and , I ii.tu lOHsl L wt.N'i;;, m. li., Omew Ki and 0 l 1 . .1.111 aitb balldingi residence 711 sdisonave: omue hour Into 12, 2 to 4, r ti II SuinJuj u 19B to 4. evenings at realdonca A IplK'talty lliudii of iIL-ciu.ih of tho eyo, iar. llonu andtbroat and ByneCKlIogy, Oh. U, l. Mo Kit.-', Y, specialty made 00 d ease 1 f eye and skIn.SU Wyoming Ave. Offleehoora: ''ntil lit a n. 3 to : sndj t'1 sii.m. VI. 1 URINARY MVROKOM8 gTOROE Veterinary Burseoo, Don I. tbrtry a apocialty 1 gold mUnat of On tnrio '!iermar Collexii Omee, Hummer' livery, )i: si., ucar iveller's earrlige nhop Tefepnone No. 11 : 209 WASHINGTON AYE. Opp. Couri House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J, tSIIIGHAMD SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION knthraelto coal used exclusively, Insuring eh nnluM se and umfort, TiMUTAMLei.v grrgi r pkii. I, isei. Trains leave gcranton for Pitteton, Wilkes Bam. etc., at 8. 111, U.ID, II.2U a. m., I2.HU, 2.00, ;.:.o. .", n.n;, ,,. m Kundaya 9.00 a. w.. LOU, 9,00, 7.10 p. m, For AllnntUi cnv. b. 10 a. ru, For New York. Newark an i Elisabeth, 8 10 (rapresa) n. in.. r:.:i (esprusi with Buffet parwr ear), u.JU(expret) p, 111 sandm, 2.01 D' o. in. r: :ii. ;i.i. Siindav. 2011 ror I.IIM; l!l'..l.M. II. 1 li r.l , (IllOVIi. etc., at Hew York ProttUOO tlarkat. llltw Voi'.K, Feb. 21. VLOUR-Dnll. firm. iiFAT- spot market moderately active for export, lower, closing steady. No. :J mi ator i ami elevator, eifiaouKc: afloat, O0J4C.: 1. o. b,, OSxaeBytO.; nnararted red, 5tti2c. No I nortnern, OUa401?e. : option Were lens BCMVe am! Ji', under ycs'.crdav. declining Ljafjc, eerly uloeiog weak; Na 4 red, February, 6IKiC March, Hike,; May. CI -,c.: Jnly, 07kc.) August. (i7;,e.; Beptembor, fiSc.i December, in. CORN Spot dull, lower, weak: No. 2, 42)Me. etevatorj 41 e- afloat: options were dull and s)C, lower, with wheal and the west; dosed weak: February, 42l,c; March, 42!,e.: May, 42,e.; July, Uats Spot dull, whites, easier: options dull, easier, February, Met March. 34c.j Uay, B4JiO.! spot prices, No. 2, BoC.i No. 2 white,; No.9 Chicago, 80c.; No. a, Biv, No. a white, 37c mixed western, IIwOKC'l white do., and white state, I9n 420. ibggr Dull Bi ar Haus Quiet. .iKRi rn Bstr Doll, steady. Cut Mkats Quiet, steady. LaJIO QaJet; easy; western n'.enm clo-eil at, tVS.O'J; city, 7.0.) February, IT.W; March, IT.TBi May, ST.Wl rellned," ipiiet; continent. $s.4i; South America, .Sh".; compouuo, fi;.a tijc. poax Quiet, Brtn; mess, s;a.50au.oi) liCTTSK t,;uiet, easy, stuto dairy, aow, I8a24c ; do old, I4A190.; creamery, now, IIMe.; Pennsylvania do., '.0j,: western dairy llglTe., do creamery 17a StSKc: do. factory, liable roUs! Ilal6c: eijiii. . '.''' ' : Imitation creamery, Uglec C'iiuksk Qniet, rlrm; unrbanged; statu large, '.Ml IV-: fancy, llkallMe-i do, small, lOWallKc, ; part skuas, aiue; lull skima, la3C. Kou.s Moderate deuinnil, Hrm: ice house pur enso t2.fi0aU.INI; wetern, Ittci limed, i2e.; sootbern, nniuc.; duvfc, Xhitlc, Pblladelpbla Tallow Market, i ii 11. a 10 1. en 1 a. Feb. 24. Tallow was dull and unchanged. Prices wero. Prime city, iu bogabeHit-, 4Hn4Ur.: prime couu- iry, in bogsheada, 4HjC. ; do. dark, in bog, lands, 4I4C; cakes, Sc.; gTeSSIr, 4)4c. Ct.ippgn from Canada "Presbytsriaa," under signature of C, liluckett Knbiu-on, Propr; I was cured or oft -recurring bilious heoAnclios by llurdock Blood Hitters. ee When Deny w sirk, gave her CseafeA When she us s hiiJ, sin- cried forcsstoils, boostne Ml, he eking la 1 a SOriS. Wksn Shs bud Children, abe StVeUMia) Ca-;loraL 1 i o Kite, I M ('. RANCK'H Law and Colleetlon ..' ti . flee, No. in." Borne at., opposite Korea t House, tkn'auton, Pa,; collectiottsa ipeolalty taroagbout Peuusylvanlai reliable correspond. iirta in ev- ry ooun ty. LfsSc-s .V lia.iii, Attorneys and Counsel- II lorn at Law. CommoBwaallh bnlldtnjt v. .'ii.. . . W. B. Jsasni, Hokai'i. L Hand. v. II .lessee. .In UriLLARD. VAltREN & IC.N Ai'!'. Attor nays and (VmoAelor at Law. RepnbllcaQ bnUdinv. Wonbtngton ave., Heranton. Pa jjATTKhStJN .V; WILCUX, Attorueys uJ 1 Couneellora at Law; oltloasU and - Library kulwugi ttcranton. Pa. ROSWRU H. PATTBRSOg Wl 1,1,1 ii A. WlLOOX 1 LFIIKI) HANI). WILLIAM I HAND .'.' '. torneys and Oouuaellora, Cotnmouwealts hullol is. Ronnis tp, 2U and si. n E.MCi II SKELV Lav. ottrn in Price bunding, UU Washington avenue. 7 BANK T. OKaLL, Attorney at Law. U00U) 1 '.. Coal Bxebaugi1. Beranton. Pa. "Oil SIAlll IICIIirXK, ALLCATOWN.BrrUI R ill M, EASTOS) at.d PntLADKLPHI . s.l'i n. in.. w (except l'lillniu!;iaia 1 p 111, 'iti villa, in.. ItHOn. in. for Reading, Lebanon ami Uarrisburg, rin Alli'iitoi. u, 8.10 a. iu., I ..!). 8.141. p.m. Biindav, - i p. 111. For Pottivlll, s. pi a m , J.aip 1 .. Returning, hare New York, foot of Libert) atreet, north river, at 1. 10 fexpresa) m., Lie, I, W, 4.3ft ("express with liut's-i parlor carj p. ia. Bnnaay. iiin a. iu, 1iave Philadelphia, Keadlns Terminal, 0.00 a. 111.. 2,00 and p m, Bunuay, 0.27 x. 11,, Through tickets 10 nil point si lowoat rates inay behad onajiplloatlou In advance to the ticket agent at ih stnibu. II v. BALDWIN, li. n, !'u-.s At;eu.. ' IT. OL1IAC8KN, Qen. Mipt. lELAWARE LACKAWANNA AND Wlstki:.-: i:ai. .itiiAii ; I rains leave Scram, .11 as followe: Expros for Now York aud all p unts Last. I jo, 180, 8. If, 8.01 aud 0.80 0. m.t If 61 and 3.80 p, 111 Exoreei for Imston, Trouton, Philadelphia uud the South. 5.18, .w and 0.60 u. tn,: 12.68 and 11.60 p. in. Washington and way stations. '.'.40 p. m robybanna aoopmmodation, u iu p. m. Expr f...r Bughamton, Oawego, Blmlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morri and Uuflalo. 12.10. 2 If, n. In. and I ( p. n... miikniK : uloce coneecltonsst Luttalo to all 1 is in the W es'. northwest and Boutbwest. Buffalo ni commodatton, tf.oil a. m U BlngbamtOU and way atatluiis. IZJK p, Ul. Nicholson and wav stations. 5,46 p, in. BlUrfbauiion and Elmira LipiL-i Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. I ilea a, at Richfield Springe, 2.16 n. ra. and LSI 1 p. . 1 Ithaca, 2.13 anu OjX) a. m, and 1 21 p, m, j Por Nortbmnberland, Pitteton, Wlixea-Barre, I Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making oJon oonneetions at Nortbamberlaud for Willlamaport, Rarrlsburg, Baltimore! Wash I lllgtou and tin- South. Northumberlann and Intermediate station. I IkoU WSOa, in. and l.SU and li e? p. m. Nanttcoku and Intermediate stations, sue j and II. VI a. iu Plymouth and Intermediate itatioM OAland tttts p, m, 1 PulUnan parlor and sleeping coaches mi all 1 sspree trains. ror detailed information, pocket timi table, . etc., apply to M. L.Bmitb, city tUdcot offloe, : :; Loekawanua avenue, or depot ttckotomce, The inad reade It is one 5 public. new offer to Tribune rs on page ; the bust made ct ACADEMY OF M US I UKHDAV A. y, PEAlt?ON'H 11 It ; KRIt'AN tLLE RAIL- HILTON W, LOWRY, 1 Att'ye, (J H V(l?" hTOitCH. I ton av . ', Washing 11 on mire IAMEHW. OAKKDRD, Attorney al La v ,1 rooms 18, et 10 id 66, ttomiuonweidtb bH'a CASiuia, w. i.'iuiAit. Attorney Law 0 Offlce, :ilT Borneeal . Kcrantou, Fa. 1 A. WATUKS, Attorney at Ijiw. i.'i li. Lackawanna que.. BerontOn. Pa I) I'. BsTlTH Counsel or at Law. Oflti 0 I . room 61. 6 66 Onniin'rtiWMilth hnljdlrai K. PITCBEM. Attorney nt Law, com u. c. coil koyb I Spl U"U r-t. 1 H BKPLUOLK, Attorney Lean tie Y't liaicii on real eatU ecurlty.4us Hprum II 1. KILLA.M, Attorney at i-aiv, l-J Wj ora uu' S.-rantou. n AVE YOUR UBBDS AND MORTQAOL written mid aeknowledsed by J. W, BROWNING, Attorney and Notary Public, n Cfimmouwealih Bnlldln r. EHlGa VALLEY RAILROAD. ' l iai 11. itn: train leaves Beranton for Piilladelph a .oi l New York via. 1) i; 11 I: R. at H mil, 12. Ill 'iM and 11.99 p. 111 ia L) . L. W. I:, li . i;w, Mb 11.20 a. in., an I 1.30 p, in. Leave lleranton lor" Pitteton .out Wllkea Barre via D I. .t w. R, u., n in, ses, 1121 I. 111 . 1. :fl. 8,611, 0,07, i p. m. Leave Beranton for wbltu Raven, llasleton, Pottavitle and all pointi on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllie braiiabea, vial-: ,v v. ,'.,iHii,i.iii.. v.aD. AH. B. Ii. at 8 a.m.. 1&I0, :'.iv 1 in p.m . via D l. n w. 1:. it.. 0.00, s.iw I I. 21 a.m.. 1.80, is ) p.m Leave Beranton to.- Betblehem, Kaaton. Reading, Hnrrlubnrg and all lutermedlat point via D. A B. ii. it., 8a.11 .12.10. 288,'i pro,, via D., L. a- w. ii R.,ti.oo,, ii.ajn. m. l u p.m. Leave Soranton forTunkhana :;. Tows 1 1 1. Blmlra. Itbaoa, Oenevu .ml .01 Intormedlit! points via !;. H H H Kl , n tn. IJl'lam! 11 p, ia.. '.is l). I.. .V . K li.. jjli a in.. I .: ) ; . 111. Leave Beranton for Knobaiter, Buffalo, .i sgaraFslls, Detrnlt, chican ami aitii.,l'm westviaD i II It. R, 0.07 i.m,, 12.tO,H.l ,11.81 p. m. via L). L.A W, li. li. and Plttito i .Turn lion, s IW a in.. UU (.28 p. m.. Via E .'. W, , ii ii. ... 1 1 ii. ii-. For Elm in and tin weal vlaSalimwe . ii ; U .v II. 11 It lie;.!. i.i. , 12.10,0.16 p. m i L. .' w. i. r., .iiii in., i island 0.07 p Pttuman parlor nd aleeplug or L. v. enai.' I eai . on all tra ns I. itwi ,. ,. 0 Juaotlou or Wllkea Barru mil New York, Philadelphia,' PutTalo and Pnapeusion Lridta ROLLIN H WILBUR, tie 1. Bnpt, Bud Dii cil as. I, CE den. Pa A't, Putin ,P A W NONNEMACHERsA- i'i O in Pa 1 Ag't .-o.iili Botblehsm, Pa. nRIE AND WYOMING J LOAD 1 rain leave nrrantou tor New York nndin termedhito points on the Erie railroad at 0.88 a. m. and 8.21 p in. Al-.. for Hnwloy and local point at il 26, 0.46 and 1121 p.m. Tram leaving at 0.45 a. m. and a 21 aro through trains to and from rtoneadalo. Trains leave for w ilk' -Bnrre a; O il a. m. and :j 1 1 p. in Tin; DISTRICT By Bdwln I. Mid 0 11,. Il It. ;.u: iwmm I Prices in i 6F . Q I rfinr narv wm ii til j n UTtKAT lIUItDLb: I: V. '! ; Special Scinio and Michanioal ifhcu. ACADEMY Ob- MUSIC Wfj. and Tharolay, fo. 28 arm Mar. I. Walter Banford' superb production c; ta ncanlc mulodiamo. THE STRUGGLE OF A now story r; it dentil m and ar olfcv New Y. with a line lltluir inuntrutuil cturoi, s RCUOOLM CHOOLOK Tin; LACK AW tNNA, Benin ercaUege chlldrs'U or bi.euiL-s: Ihoioutfidv train vuiiu; kataiogue at reiiue t. Rev tmomax M. can.-j, WALTI u H PURl.ts Mils - WOftCEBTKR'H H and BcnOOli 412 Adai r reived at ail tun launarv K1NDEROAR1 ... llUf. I'uOlH . , ., ' ;'. i,. .. a ' will c li at, c LAUBACfl Wyoming ave -Til ATI i IN, 111 N I'ISTS. burgeon Dent is'., oat Itxehsnse 'I Ml I. REPUBLIC Savincs mat Loan A 1 nation will loan itioi and pay "ii b ntlier Hw-0v'Li: DER, Dim ' I so il tn aiev on noalnr ertn, 'r on Investment ih in hny . t ail on B. N. UAuLkN building . HOI Ll.s AMI REST A I lt.lNTv 'pUli VLSI'.MINSTI'.II. 217-215 Wyominil 1 ave Room heated with steam: ail mod irn Improeemeut, 0. M, TuchaKi Prop IJCULEB s hotel. 8T7 Lackawanna u hue, Beranton Ratss reasonable. p, i i.i.i rh. Proprietor Ur KB'fMlNUTER HOTEL W. (1. HOHENCK, Manager Blsteentb stront, nun Hock east of Broadway, at union Sheer, New Yora. American plan, Igefl per ear ami npwant. lOYNK HOUBK, Buroueou plan; good rooms. Open day uud night bar nr a best I' II. ( OYNI5, Proprietor yCRANTtlN 110 CHE, near D L A; W. pw.- v gsMICMl1 lleUWiL 1 'mill net il OR I tie Kitrutina'i plan. x M t z (" piled nun the DELAWARE AND HUi) BON It ULROAD, ( ommenctng .'.lay :... is;'.', tratna i.l i uu us followv: Train leave Ri-Mr- Ktre : st it on. ocrantoe, for Pitts t WNIkes BSI n-. etc.. S i" HOT, V.;. I ' IS a. iu . 1410. .Its 4 It-. 6.16, ii 1", U.I3 am. 11 u p. ui. 1 or .ii'iv tori; and Phila deb In... N i"a. in , ! 10, gas. 116 and II.8U i. m. For Ronesdals I from Delaware. Laekawanns and western depot), 7.0 . 8.30, le lo a.m., 12.00 in.. 17. "i 10 p. ni. For cat boiuale end Intermediate statinna 'Hi. 7 oil. .".in. 10.10 a in . 12.01 iu ,2.11. III, 6.31 end OKI p. ra.; Irom Bridge btreut Depot, 2U1 a. in.. C.l7S0d II la 1 . in. Fat express i Albauy, Saratoga, the Adt iu tack Doautaina Boatun and Now Eugluad pot.nta.A40 a marrivlnt si Albany b'oritog 2.2ii p. in , and leariu i Beranton ::t p iu., arriving at Ai'.au, l ift'p, m, , Bars i, go, IS Vi il m . and B late i M i a. ra. The only direct mat'- between tho conl llel.h and It, stun "The Leading Tourist' Ronto of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re suns. Lakes Oeorge and Cbamplaln, Mont real etc. Time tables shoe in',' local and through I rs i service bete ecu atatiouson nil diviaions I ;,... ware and Rudsnd system, may be nbtalm I at a',i Delaware and Rndeou til kot offl .- . II. ii. YOUNO, -I- W. BURDICK, Second Vice President. Hen. Pna. a ,-u ER i ponon who has lit'1- much exi TiciicA in furniture buvinir knows that between season ia a great bargain titao of ml the year Owing to the freehneai of our stock throughout, which only dates us far as J '98, we lmva no nirjeslrable goois to dispose) of, in: we have iv few odd PARLOR SUITS Lattery Park In winter, Butiror' s::j. In .-, siio . ... m, Bxteriov "f St. Patrick' Cathedral Ty) i al llanre llilt in Walter St. Baletopona y. n lay. :i.v k I-1 :' Week ei mm . Ing jtoxn v. BROKEN SUITS ODD PIECES, ETC. MISi Which will be sol i nw.ty b low manu facturers' cost lo tbo who reach the Store in timo to pick them up. . j. ei mpuflhed Ai ; rose, 1 n mr-n t -r, - - WOiiDERLAdD DUUIATIC COHPAHY. Monday, Tasasay an : The l-a attricKjsn Tiiursley. Friu sv ant Wcdnrsdiy, i medy drama, Blind. ba. pday, HILL k CONNEL Beranton, Pa. ! in unds::,, ?:.i3 gaslight. cntcrtainiiient. Pertoi mannrsevi ry (tei no. n except Moneaya and Thnrsdaya at 2,88, and every evening at si '. r.i pouut l.iliaini si i (7 I i- ..' .'. ji' D UPON PS s( PIFIC SHOEING. MINING, DLABTLN'n AN"I SPORTISU :al. ' RAM) CENT 1 1 enuippel holi l la Allcut : and $2.0 per day VIOT u Km o. Proprietor 'J tin largest sad n Ml latoi 0 Pal Proprietor. a Vis ,e mid s; i AiiciiiTEtrra, inn PT, ArcWtecta Houiiis 2k inroonweaitb h id ir. nerantnn li is L WAI. I ER, Ar, bite 1 i in. Wyotntnc avenue . Library Hm antnn, L BROWN. Arch R, Architect, Price bnlkllaff.iai Washiiiifton Ave.,Scraiit..n. At Isc til l. A NI DI 8 HORTOM 1). KWAKTs WHOLEBAlIk lumber, b and l liauk ItrlhUng) feorantoa. Pa. SgBOABQiE BROTHBRH, PRINTABB' mipplie, oiiviilopas. per baa, twine Wiirehniwti, Ia0 Washington avu., Hrrantuii, Pa I.Oi'TLS LIVERY, 1838 (epos, nreuuu. 1 First dans rmrrisjte D L rOOTK, Agi Knuoriil Director and Rnilmlmi r. MBANK P. BROWB Jt t o. WHOLE 1 sal" dealer Id Wood ware, Cordage and 01! Cloth. MO W. Luekssviiniia avenue. FOR wed itliurs and eotieurl work turiifshed. l-'or term. uddiesa K. J. Biiner. coniliiutor. Ill Wyohtteg ave., over llnlbert'ii iniiair store PZBA EiXN . HUNS, builder and rootrssr letora Voids: Corner Olive it- Had Ad ami nve ; corner Ash at, and IVnn eve , Scraiitou. R'KATON niTItON. tu i li. ci Janaari CBih, imj Worth Hound. jilt I 207 VOA r -n ' a - J. .M ,r ? ;e in Biatlona r ni 8e 8 111 ti 1 4a 7i : U ? r, b , OM l. 51, nsi i mins UaHy. ::. - 2 : z; eepi Sunday -r MiArrTve tenve rsejN, Y. Franklin s: , T ni Weal 42nd suci foO weehawken .... c m. mi he LeereiA u I IMlltliCOl',, I ' ' ' I ! I, M l 08 is HAUEB'B 0RCHE8TBA MCSIU bl, picnics, parties, roceptlons, 12 47 IS 62 IS r, ii lit nen a ll 6V 82 1 1 1 1 erf i itn t6 48118 .... li i ' 5 Ci 1 1 81 0 851 Mill 2S ni ,-i i times ii '.'5 :, la 1 1 SI ett r, (t n lr til ru ti 6 i if ire ii in ii a 16; ii li in in ra r.w1 .,, 1 11 10 4.H' 11 U', c ni1 hi m Letnc II an Dock starlit! in PresuiG Pars omo Pin litrlle lleliuunt PI isant Ut, I ulocdale t'eraet city Corbucdaio White thi tic May tic lit I I'I IS) II A re tubal 1 Wlntoti PeeltvlUe oiypAaui Ulokson I broop Prot tduncc rai l; Ptaee hcraiitoii Mouth BttttntJ, i .02 iii i '."i .4 - C. I ; ' l m i ; .'... , ;m sk. ' ' H 1 ii-, 211 I N I .'41 ; a si i llsnufncturedat Ih Wapwallopon Mills. Lu- i ei no connty Pa, and at Wtl I mlngton, Delaware. W iili in :ll i lies Btacd, I'athob glcal mi uts in tho nr duo to mi! work ;a" pc. extra cnaree nee, -'i . v ollnic nt .. Mouduj .i ired (he BBOEINO PORGE oi i ts 8 ai for a pormanonl busi I Bbati roodnet fcktentlflo and -' for the Prevention, Re of taimoncia nd other imped movoinentaof Horses Incidental lto2P, M HENRY BEL1N, Jr. V. 80S . a in . Usi : at. . ii 18 ii 66 , IH.1S , r in a General Agent nr tba Wyveamg iititrirt. oil Wyoming Awe., Scranton Pa. Third National Tank llnilding. AORKCtn. TIKIS. FORD, PltUtoO, Pa .IliUN 11 SMt'IH A SON; Plym,,uth. Pa. !: w Mi'LLlOA. Wtlkea-Berre, Pa, Agent ror tn itepanno Lhemieni com. '.. nn High Exploaivi ns l 8li1 I .: OB ' A IS I ill nua' ts io nil J SU llllSi I III ! M i,m; 4C, 76S,Mil il,) H 00 In IM 4 11 SOS 10 BI 117 s 08 : a ::n a SJ Arrtvi a i, ji i h All H al'is inn dally cuvpt siindav . t signifies thai trains stop on sliosl tor i as. MATTHEWS BROS. gi irufi AND DBALBRS IN ffi. scsgers Ml f-EEIis. t Ii. CLARK .' co see. i allien, Kloristi r ami Naeeorymon! store hi Wa,biuntou avtune; green houao,laM North Main avenu; More tlepli..ii" 789 UKAMll IMo; vi: As. i BA i . uiiti. JOB KUETTEL, beranton, Pa , 6i1 Laerawanna sveana manul r of Wire Bcreen. idltl mid Imbu b are Carb iiid.ihfnr . ran. Ml .' wanton and too. 1 in ami us p. in . arriving st and r " i Leave Kcrantoo tor Carb indole ttirtilng ul .i.i. Lie ut , .iiiund niRn iccure rates Ma Ontario j, Western bstore iiiiL'ha lug it ketsut'lfl Ilionej Day and Niniit k i pi ess in tin- weal .i fj AoAoreon, (leu. pass As't. T. 1 liter t:, tu.. Pass, Alt Kcrgnton, Pa BURNING and LUBRICATING A I tu ii Iii t cad and Pvseeh Pure Unseetl on. a urpeettee ami evnialios Ladio Who Vaiuo Atessied eetnplexton mtisiusc PosfouPe Pow-J oer. It pTodeoeS a ofi and bvatrtffUl SkftS. i-adv-mlved retat In all colon. Ullders' w ettleg, I'aiis Wttlt and KeUesalae, Oil' 1 1 nil, ats)thte Uiut ami l induw (.ho ) DON'T FORGET Tiwit we arc bsadqaarters for every thlai m the linn of WATOtftta If yon b-iv I ant I I M of imrcbiwing any kind of a Wan. Ib lady 'a or I .-(-ti s. Oold or silver, yon will nia'.e a criov ygj mtstsk It yea dead gtye ns s eslt end el our prices, which you will BSM far bsleW all otncis, cspcclaliy In all the high grd Sf ttlgin. Wiiitlcliu and Hiiicpiluu tuvicmentn. Iryoe have aay detthte au am at ail pt'w,i on prices gl re use ealland wa win bate no ' trouble in convincing you. We atll ha to a largo atnek to disp-o of. and will offer yoii ot. ' ocrtul ti, duel i.i 'uts .n .rewrh v, SdliTm arf QecJH and ail othei gOOcts-Wmfb we have In sto-k. I C. W. Freeman P uu Ave. and bpruce Bt