The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 26, 1894, Image 1

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Music lovers will read
with pleasure their news
department ou
At ii.rni politics will in
terest the politicians. Set)
PAGE 4. !
J! .Mil ai18-
- ?
Preparing to Pass tin Coming Week in the
Usual Way.
A Wrangle Promised on the Tariff
Meisuro Mr. Bland Proposes to
Keep His Scheme Before the House
All Summer if Necessary Several
Contested Election Cases in the
Back-Ground There Will Be no
End of Talk.
Singing chimes, dm volunteered 1 fur
ntlb and conduct a chorus of from 000
to 700 singers gratuitously. It was
decided that a chorus of 200 voices
should be provided.
President John W. Keller, of the
New Y'ork PrtM club, has accepted an
Invitation to deliver n address on the
relation of Mr. c'ailU to the vrltori of
the l'ress, and Congressman Amos J.
Camming! Is expected to d.-livr an
WARRING Bf;.'ZlllflNS.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 25.
THE present week in the senate
promises to be barren in legisht
tiou but fertile in aotion, look
ing to the shaping of tbe policy
of the party in power on the tariff
iineBtion. Three very important mat
ten ar expected to transpire tomorrow,
tbe presentation of the tarilf bill to the
Republican mem hern of the finance
committee, the Democratic caucus with
the mine bill a a basis lor the discus
sion iii which dissatisfied Democrat
are e.xtiected to b most active, and the
renort of the committee on Foreign af
fair on the Hawaiian investigation
For two weeks, Mr. Bland has nu
avuilingly striven to bring a majority
of tbe bonss to th support of bis bill
to coin the seigniorage of the silver
bullion in the treasury, or at least to
induce a majority to vote upon the
question of olosing debate on the meaS'
nre, and thus brlnu it before the house
for disposition Mr. Blitnd says that
the struggle will he kept up until the
bill shall have been vot--1 upon if it
takvs ail summer.
An impression prevails Shut the ne
CMBBiy and long desired iti irum will
manifest itself tomorrow or Tnesd ly
A prominent member, who ha not
taken an active part in tits controversy
over the bill, but who has voted to
consider it, laid this evening "1 very
much doubt tbat the bill wiiuh passed
even if a quorum be securer! to act
upon If thn Republicans will vote with
the DemocrHtfl Who nr- opposed
to the bill in the present form, it can
be shorn o( Ha most objectionable fost
ureM. The first section can be changed
so as to permit the issue of certificates
BgainSt the ssigniorage only so fast as
it shull be coined. With the pr-sent
mint falJlltnW wonld amount to
about two millions a month, distribut
ing the issue over a period of nearly
two and a half years And the second
section can be stricken out altogether,
The proposition to incorporate author
ity to issue bonds in th bill will not
be adopted. Willi the changes sng
nested the bill will probably be pssssd,
but not nthrwise."
Whenever the bill shall be disposed
of, the election case of O'Neill Vs.
Joy, from the eleventh Missouri dis
tiict, and of iviglish vs. Ililborn, from
tiio fourth California district, In both
insrs of which tbe committee has re
ported in favor of ousting the stated
members Joy anil Hil horn - will bi
taken up and afterwards the appropria
tion bills will be brought forward
There are are livs of tlmse on the cal
endar already, and four others, the
river and harbor, postal, navil and
Diplomat ic and consular, are practical'
ly completed and ready for report at
ai.y time.
A 8mll Revolutionary Plee, Is Discov
ered at Nftplnn.
Naples, EPeb 25. -An luterssting
trial of socialists and anarchists will
begin shortly In this city. Tiers will
be forty-two defendants, on of th m
i deputy. All are Implicated With the
Sicilian socialist deputy, de Felloe, and
the exiled anarchist, Cipriann, in plot
ting to start a revolution in Italy.
The plot had Imuu formed with
great deliberation and detail. Fires
were to bo set simultaneously in sev
eral parts of Naples. The working -nien
wer to be led into tlm middle of
the city during the confusion coined
by the fires, were to be Incited Into pi 1 -liiging
the uriuories and shops stocke.l
with weapons, and finally, after hiv
ing been fully armed, were to be
murcheil olT to stir the rural districts
to revolt.
Ministers of the Antl Bowmnn Denotn
lnatlon Occ ipy th City Churches.
Kkauino, Pi., Feb 85, A large
number of churches out mi le of tho
Biiti Bowman Evangelical dsnomina
tion were occupied today by ministers
attending that conference now in sea
sion hero,
Great Intorest centres in tomorrow's
secret session of tho conference, whst
liishop Dubs, who has just arrived
from Chicago, will lay before that
body important, matters relating to the
cause or thoe opposed to Bishop BOW
man, also of Chicago.
A Matrimonii Ventura Ruini the Proi
pcis of Mr. Q linn.
Jkhsey Citt, Feb. 26. Evangelists
ColT and Omnn have iloeided to ilis
solve partnership anil yesterday their
parlor car Roanoke was sent to Wil
mington. Del. Mr. and Mrs ihlt ami
their son returned to Buffalo, where
they formerly resided.
Mr. and Mrs. Oninu will make their
home in New York for the present.
Mr. tuinn attributes the dissolution to
the refusal of the ministers of this
city to forgive him tor ids clandestine
marriage with Mi (1 iff.
Psrvioss Will Bo Held hy Tj-p-iaraphicft!
Union, No 6.
New York, Feb. 85.- Services in mem
ory of (ieorge W. Childs will be hold
tit 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 11, under
the auspices of Typographical union.
No. 6, iu the Fifth Avenue theater.
Frank Dnruroscb, leader of the People's
0tov?rnmeiu' Eur Foic UnsbU to Cap
ture Da Gnmii'j lvo Hundroil.
KlO DE JaKEIRO, Feb. 31, via Monte
video, Feb. 25 The insurgent cruiser
Republtea, with Admiral Mello aboard,
was off the bar on Tuesday, Feb 2 ).
She sxobanged shots with tne govern
tuent forts and signals with Admiral
Da Qama'a lligship. At 8 o'olock this
mornitii: the insurgent warship Aquld
ahan ..i.l I sway. The government
search liiflit revealed her later about
two miles from the torts, and within
ten minutes n tint fire hud been opened
from all the guns along shore.
Tne Aquidaban returned the fire
briskly and was assisted by Fort Vilie
gaignon, which tnrned on all its guns
as the warship was passing through the
narrows. The Aqnidaban was struck
with many shells, but apparently did
not sutler any serious damage, After
getting outsiiie she shelled the military
dhool on tbe neck of the peninsula, op
posite Fort Santa Cruz.
Admiral Da Qam with 500 men is
bidding Cue bay and five islands
against the government's 10.000. The
omcers or tne uoite.l statm cruiser
D-troit report that the govern in ent is
winning ground slowly in the south
ern provinces.
Larry McDonald, Cfcaiged With Minder,
Hangs Himself with a Sheat
The Well Known Actor and Dramatist
Expires on Board of a
Western Train.
La Junta, Col., Feb. '.'j Steele
MacRaye, author and dramatist, died
atlO o'clock this morning near Tain
pas, on board a Smta Fe railroad
train, while en route to Sin Diego,
Cel., wh-re it was hoped that he
would be able to build up his health.
.Mr. Maokays, accompanied by bis
wife, Dr. Parker and a nurse, lft
Chicago Thursday in the privitecar of
Ueorge R Peok, of the Smta Ke road
lie had been ill for several days pre
vious to his departure Since leaving
Chicago Mr. Maottaye's condition was
t tought to be slightly improved and
his death, while not wholly unexpected,
ciino suddenly.
Although it has Keen claimd that he
was an Englishman, the dead dramatist
ami promoter was born at Fort 1'orter.
on the banks of the Niagara river, now
s pnrtion of tho city of Buffalo, about
47 years ago. At the age of 18, while
slowly sonvalescinvt in Francs from
an attack of brain fever, ha occupied
himself with painting and modeling,
tiio artistic instinct Inherited from his
mother having by that tints Strongly
asserted itself He returned to Anur
ia at the breaking out of the Rebellion
and enlisted as a common sal tier. At
the end of the war he returned to
France and resumed his studies. H
became a pupil of Qsrnier. and later
on of Francois Del urto.
After appealing with marked success
n a number of Shakespeare a plays,
notably iu the title role of "Hamlet,"
be begun to apply the knowledge of bis
irt to tho writing of pbiys. In co la
horatlon With Tom Taylor he produced
two plays in London with success.
Arkwnghts Wife- and "Clancarty ."
His Dead Body Discovered Early Yes
terday Morning Hanging to the Cell
Door In a Communication to the
Sheriff the Suicide Admits That He
Killed His Father, but Claims That
it Was Accidental and Tbat He Was
Intoxicated at the Time.
Special to (he Seraaton Tribune
HONESDALE, Feb, 2.5.
N Sunday, January ?, the holy of
aged Thomas McDonald was
found mutilated in the sitting
room of bis home about two
; above Prom p ton, His sou, Larry
McDonald, was suspected of the mur
der. The coroner's jury later found
him guilty and he ivas placed in the
county jail to -iwait the action of the
Urnnd jury. Etrlv this morning the
other prisoner in the j-iil failing to
arouse Larry discovered hi b ! sus
panded in his coll, When Sheriff Mur
phv came to feed them he was
notified and Coroner O'Connell
was summoned. Later Tint Tribune
reporter visited the j til and
found the body of Larry etretcbed'oul
on his cot, A twisto I piece of h sheet
iar across his chest and the tlesu about
ins neck was drawn up. His body had
been out down by the sheritf and the
remaining portion of the sheet with
which he tiling himself was tied to the
hinge of the iron shutter of the win
dow, He had securely fastened th
sheet to the hinge, made a slip-noose
and standing on a rn or fastened il
about his neck, kicked the chair out and
strangled to death. Coroner O'Connell
viewed the remains, and as it w.ih a
clnar case of sniolde di I not summon a
'Hie deed was probably committed
about 1 oi 2 o'clock, a. m. Tho window
was open and the temper. itur.i of the
room was about 80 degrees blow zro,
and tbe body was froten, L rry left
the following note written with a lead
pencil iu a .Scrawling hand ou both
sid.'s of a sheet of paper.
FfONBSDALE, Pa, Fob. 21 Sheriff Mur
pay, dear sir: This is grief not guilt as 1
am accused of. 1 always meant good to
everybody from a good heart which yon
will hereafter learn; but now my folks
have gone bark on me, wbleh cannot be
helped. No money, no friends. Qoodbye
all Signed L McDonnell.
Second page
May God prosper yon anil wife; there
are a groat many trials which I bavo to
ay and I had my share, and vet the whole
comninnity Is down on in. Ma God
have mercy ou me and all Sinners.
cant stand t.. tan- the people as I never
was before a grand jur. I don't want
to now. My dig ciiiHed tho death of
father 1 was drunk and that caused all
1 thought to striko the dog awav and
truck my father i i his stead. Drunk
Sim, whs found lying dead agaiuxt an
iron railing outside Page's hotel Inst
night. II Una been Identified as Ren
jatniu Low, a wealthy shipping agent
of Gloucester,
It was thought that Mr. Low was
robbed ;ind foidly dealt with, but ac
cording to tbe autopsy today, the im
mediate ennse of death was a conges
tive chill, inducing bear! iailuro,
Th Coruull Bophomor tfas Not as Y.t
Discovered Himsf.
ITHACA, N. Y., F -b. 25 Dingen,
the missing student, Is still absent, but
his frieu ls assert I hat lie is absolutely
innocent of any connection with the
iffair, and no good reason has yt been
made public for entertaining such sus
picions, lhere are some circumstances,
however, which he will doubtless Lo
called upon to splain.
The sudden way Iu which he left
town has been accounts 1 for by the
aasertion which is apparently reliable
that he went to Syraonse to meet his
sister, who was on way to New
York, where hh is to undergo an oner
ation. It is for this reason that his
relatives iu Buffllo wore tillable to ac
count for bis disappearance, but it is
likely that he will he called upon to
tell, if ho can, something; about the
mysterious piece ot wrapping psper
found with the jugs and having writ
ten upon it the Usui" of K L Mitchell.
The Robinson Training School for K :
Mli dnct Totabv Destroyed
VlNELAND, N. J-. Fob. 2.1 -At 8:45
this morning what is known as toe
Robinson Memorial cottage at the Now
Jersey Training S:hool for Feeble
Minded wis discovered to be on lire,
and waa totally destroyed J, fi. Sage,
the engineer, and his wife w re burned
to dentil, hut tbe other inmates, six
teen in number, were rescued in their
night clothes. The weather was bitter
old and several were badly frozen.
(ins Shear, ateainstarat tho training
School, was the hero of the fire. No
ladder long enough conbl be found to
reach the second story windows, but
by placing it on his shoulders It reached
the window sill and six women came
down that way,
The Amatour Cb in p. una of Europe Mako
a Creditable Showing-.
Stockholm, Feb. 85 The amateur
skating cbamptonabip of Europe was
Contested day at. Hainan .Norway.
In (he 1,500 melre race, Ostlund,
of Norway, Won and beat tho record,
having covered the course iu 8 minutes
2S i-5 seconds.
Toe 5,000 mter race was won by 1
J Eden, of the Netherlan Is, He beat
toe record by covering the OOUris in
1 minutes, U7 8 5 second-).
Grand Tr-murf-r of Rsilroad
men Dintr luitei Oah.
PlTTSTON, Pa., Feb 85. The grand
treasurer of the O.-der of Railroad
Firemen cam here yesterday and dis
tributed toe money dun members who
went out when the Lehigh Valley
strike was ordered and who have sine-
been unable lo obtain work. The men
wr re paid at the rate of ISO per month
1 1 1(4 expected that the i irder of Itnl-
road Trainmen will pay its members
in this SSjotlo i wiio are still out of
work, tomorrow
The Lehigh Valley strikers have so
fur rectivsd nothing from tho order.
I lie men will receive three months pay
at the rate ot S80 per month. Train
men who have obtained employment
on tbe road again sinosths strike will
r- c'dve two week-: pv at the rat- of
a month. Trainmen who aro still
idle will be paid 39. ;t month untill
such titti" as tiiey obtain work. The
unemployed men belonging to the
Brothererhood of Engineers are recev
ing 60 a month from the order
4. - -
Foslorlo Has a Well That Discounts
the ProspicU at Brooklyn,
FOSTORIO, ), Feb. 25 Another
phenomenal nil well put In an appear
ance In the Fostorio fi Id late yesterd iy
afternoon. It is now Bowing oil ove r
the whole neighborhood at the rate of
7,500 barrels per day.
It is on the properly of D ivi 1 V, irt er,
an aged negro, who heretofore has
made n living by paddling vegetables.
He will reoelve one-eighth of the pro
duction, winch will ensure him a small
MbMPBTS, Teno. The ground is covered
with snow Irom one foot to fourteen
Inchosonths level. Trafflo on many of
the railroads is almost entirely suspended.
Damage to the early vegetable and fruit,
cro; h was heavy.
BUNTIRODOR, W. Va. Western Virginia
and Bastern Kentucky were visited by s
heavy snowstorm today, it began snow
ing at I a. in. and is yotconiiug down.
The ground WaSCOVerCd with eight inches
at Hi o'clock tonight.
AuaOSTA, Ga. There fire about live
inches of SUOW and elect all over August a
and Vicinity, in Some places i-hels and
roofs iiavo bren Crashed iu !y the wrlgln
upon them Mini gi oil. of merchants ium
aged. Trains are delayed.
Atlantic Cry, n. J. The most severe
mow storm of the season la raging hers to
night, ami promises to be of oousidvrable
duration. Ihree incl IBS Of SHOW have,
already fellefi since 1 o'clock. The ten.
peraturs is now 32 degree , having risen 37
degrees this morning, when Observer
Emery, of the weather bureau, leportod it
us roijiBtcring 5 degrees above aero.
Northnait-rn Sa-n(t- bund Eleats
Aiothi- Preildent
NEW oR1v. 1-eb. 25 -A sieciiil
meeting oi the NortBeastorO "saenger
bund was held Ibis afternoon at the
Lexington avenue opera hous. There
were present delegates from Baltimore,
Philadelphia, Trenton, Newark, Jer
sey City, Troy, Albany, Brooklyn ami
this city
The meeting was culled for the eec-
lion of a pr".sidant in th i plaoe of Wil
linn B Lohman. Major Ktrl Bints,
of Newark, N. J was obossn his sue
censor. Former President Lohman,
who was cashier of tin"x :i boar I in
Brooklyn, N. Y , recently disappeared,
leaving a shortage In his accounts
. 4.
Th Bvloted T-m
Arp 1'itad a Vhrilanc
Chief FcdislUh and His Watrlors Glva
All VUilors a Warm Rioptton.
London, Feb. 85 -Despatches from
Ralhiirst. West Africa, say that tho
parties from the warship Widgeon and
Raleigh lost a held piece and 6.000
rounds of ammunition in their encoun
ter with Chief Fodisilah and his war
The Alectro, a small special service
vessel, tiied afterwards to laud a party
f marines at Gonjos, but WSS driven
off by the natives
4 - i .. .
Kdward MulhiiUand's Rason fir Asking
Damages from Water Company.
There was a hearing before Viewers
John Kelly, of Cirbnndale; J. W,
Swiok, ol Jermyn, ami E I) Dlmmiok,
J. P. Snyder and Peter Davidson, of
this city, in court room No 2 ou Satur
day with regard to the damage done to
the. properly of Edward Mulhoiland, of
Scott township, by the Rush 1 trunk
Water company.
The cOmpany increased the depth of
tho water in its dam thr.-e foot, which
caused it to submerge a portion of Mr
Mulbolland'a laud.
Anoelntlnn Hn
London, Peb, 85 John Morley,
chief secretary for Ireland, baa refused
to receive a deputation from the
evicted Tenants, association. He
banes his refusal ou the ground that
the government has decided to Intro
duce 11 reinstatement lull In the next
sension of parliament.
Tho evioted Tenants association of
Cork resolved yesterday to return to
the principles of the land league. The
association appointed a vigilance com
mittee to render more effective the
boycotting of the land grabbers
Ho Fjnnils th Div at th? Bedaid of His
Sick Son.
Ni w Vhkk, Feb, 84, - Erastus
Winiati, released from Ins unpleasant
si journ in the Tombs prison, epent to
day with his family at his homo in St.
George, S'aten Islsnd. His son, V
Dwiglit Wimun, whose home udjoins
his, but who has been dangerously ill
with pneumonia, seein,ed better this
morning, and tbat was considered an
especially favorable sign, this being
one of the critical days of the disease.
With afternoon, however, a relapse
Came and it was feared this evening
that he might not survive the night
Mr. Wimun received no one during the
Fssblo Chancn of Rscovurinir the
Dodlss in tbe Mlns.
WILKE8-BARRE, Pa., Feb. 25 Very
little headway lias b-en made by the
resouers of the outom bed men at the
Qaylord mine today. Up to 0 o'clock
tonight word from the mines gave DO
further indication of the early rescue
Of the insn.
The Opinion of tiie people is thai the
bodies will never be recovered
- St-
A Wealthy IMpptofJ ot rxplroi Sud
denly on be Wlrnst.
Nkw YOBJC, Feb, 85. A gray-haiiel
man, 00 years old, whose face resem
L-l.-d the popular o iricatutes of Uoc;e
The World-Renowned Preacher. For Twenty-five Years Pastor of the Rmoklyn
(N. Y.) Tabernacle. Recently Announced His Resignation ol the Charge.
Tne Norristown Woolen nulls, which
baVO been shut down since last August,
will resume operations tomorrow With 2'UI
bands. Enough orders have been reoel red
to run six months.
it ia atated tbat Governor Pattiaon, Sec.
retary Sorrily, Attorney General BaneeL,
Adjutant General Greenland and a party
of lrie!:ds will stan, this week for Florida
on a pleasure trip.
penalon certificates have la-en issued to
tbe following pars ins. Pennsylvania- H
Issue Levi Blaine (deceased) Loserne, iu
.erne; Charles P, Bversou, Burlington,
Bradford; Rosa Blaioe, Luserue, Luserne,
.lames Elliott BhittdeL ensign of the
touted States navy died at the home of
his mother in Tamaqna yesterday Be
was 80 years old and was ooaaidered one
of th brightest young men ol the United
States navy.
During a drunken row at Lewiston laat
night, in which twenly-llvi Rungarian
and Polish miners engagou, Peter Nooslo
eras stabbed in the abdomen. John Puker
had his skull crushed and John Nutch was
shot in th shoulder,
The attorney general's department hai
referred the affidavit of Colonel Thomas G,
Sample, charging Thomas W. AbL of Car
lisle, with attempting to bribe him as
Uember of the soldier-' orphans' school
commission in favor of .he Boiling Springs
site for the statu Industrial school to the
district attorney of Allegheny county. with
a n quest that he instit ute proceedings.
Congressman William L Wilson,'whois
111 of typhoid fever iu Guadalajara, was
somewhat more comfortable vslerday.
Hon. B. L Hewitt, of Bolldaysbnrg, ex
speaker of the state house of representa
tives, is lying seriously ill at the Bingham
house, Philadelphia
Oaihler Ferlea, of Vienna, who smbra-
zle 108.000 DorlOS from the department of
the public debt and Bod dining the Official
Inspection, has committed suicide.
Charles IL Olenoy, sheriff ot New York
county, died last night. He had besncou-
r.ued to his hoins by on attack f pneu
monia, which he oontratt d two wseks
Aii immense warehouse at Botaerhtthe,
ii suburb of Loi dott, wa- burm d last even
ing. ThOusaUdS Of tons of grain pours 1
Irom Ih" stun room into Hie i ham l Ltoel
Benator David, B. Kill has written a pri
vale letter to tbe editor of the Amstaidan
Morping Bentlnet ssylng (hatha was not,
and would uotLo a gubernatorial nominee
tnia year.
Considerably Reconstructed It Will
Probably Be Made Public Today.
Sugar taken Care Of.
Washington, I) C, Feb -i: It is
possible that the tnriff bill may be
made purlic tomorrow. 1 .he sab com
mittee . f the senate oommittee on fi
nance will meat at ! tomorrow morn
ing and give the bill tho finishing
touches and at 10 will lav it o-fore tin
fnll committee. Tbe hill is full of
concessions ami tne onmmittee believes
it has met the nbiections mor-i than
half way The bill as framed will, the
committee hops, receive th united
support of tho Democratic party in tin-
There ia no reason to change the
statement that sugar has been taken
care of by putting it ou the dutiable
list at aboul a cent a pound Sugar
and coal have caused the most conten
tion, but the committee lielieves that
it has solved the iiuestion justly. A
week ago it was definitely decided that
the tax on whlskv was to be increased.
Certainly not less than 8 cents a gal
Ion, nvr th house bill, but now there
is doubt about the trms of thr senate
The oommitte found many evidences
of inequality in the house measure, all
of which they have endeavored to
straighten out. This has resulted, as
one member said tonight iu some
changes fiat will come iu the nature
of surpi lses.
Floyd Carr Charged with the Murdor of
Moors and Mis. Raymond.
MONTICELLO, N. Y , Feb 80 -Floyd
J. Carr, of Brtshvllle, a youug farmer
residing near tne home of the aged
couple who were murdered Thursday
night or Friday morning, is suspects I
of having committed the crime, an 1
was accordingly arrested this after
noon Young Carr has behaved Strang I
ly since tne murder and the people of
Bushville attribute bis eonduot direct
ly to remorse because of the murder of
old M ime ami his aged housskeeper,
Mrs. Ravmond,
Sheriff Beeoher, who was informed
of the matter, wrested Carr at the home
oi Louise Centred, a young woman of
unsavory reputation, and lodged him
in jail at Montloello He was searched,
and ii live-dollar bill, bearing bloody
linger marks, was found on Ilia person.
flie bill had evidently been washed to
removed tne aoiiea spots i no v. an ire n
girl was also placed UO ler arrest as an
important witness.
Touna Cr was greatly agitated
when arrested, and strongly protested
against tlie oiiuer taking nun in cus
tody. Much surprise Is express id at
his name being connected with the hor -ribie
crime. RS he comes from an hon
orable. respectable family
The stuto Eiscirtoiao Preparing Appat
Mtus for Tomorrow h Ua.
BlNQ SING, N. Y , Feb 80, All the
arrangements nave oeen maue ior tne
electrocution of Alatthw .lohnson,
which will take place just b-fore noon
State Electrician Davis tested the
dynamos and asp iraths an 1 h is aseer
tamed that a current ol 8,000 volts
may easily be maintained, siuce tbe re -Winding
of the arm snitures, while it
wee diffloult to obtain 1,000 volts on
all former oca odous.
A My M i .Mi .i! Lsft tha Door of
u Paris Juryman.
Paris, Feb. 90 A metal cylinder,
filled so as to resemble a bomb, was
sound to-day next door to the house of
an ironmonger in the Rue Des Abbss
The ironmonger served on the jury
which found Auuust Vailliint guilty of
throwing a bomb iu the chamber of
deputies, The cylinder is believed to
be a bogus bomb. It waa aont to the
municipal laboratory, where it will be
A Wsatorn Minister Prsachas
Fiery Ordeal
CiNiiNATTI, O. , Feb. 25. -During
services nt the Reformed Presbyterian
Bbnrcll this morning the minister's
subject being '"A Fiery Ocdeal,"the
bnii ling v. is discovered to be In flames
The daim created a panic among the
childn n. tie 1 lore time it looked as
though rainy would be crushed, but
luckily none were iujiiied. Loss 04,
Exquisite Materia and Finish.
i El
Dcouraged at tbe Disorder iu Dem
ocracy, He Will f -iko Revenue
Upon the Vcbfoots.
Washington, Feb, 35 President
Clove an ! sailed aw-y from Washington
ibis afternoon at 'A "o o'clock in the
lighthouse tend.-r Violet for a duck
shooting triii along the (forth Carolina
coast. He was accompanie I by Secre
tary Qreaham and Captain Robert D
Evans, the naval secretary of the light
house board Every arrangement had
been made for the trip and the usual
secrecy was observed oonoerning the
intentions of the president.
The snow fall was Intrly blinding
when Mr Cleveland an I Ills com
panions arrived at the wharf. Cap
tain Evans alighted lust, then came
Secretary Grreshau with tbe inevitable
cigar between his teeth, and !at of all
came the president, carrying a Isntner
gnn case under his arm Other suns i..
Cases, and cases of ammunition and
cases of other things bed bueu sent
aboard the little tender yesterday. All
three of the party wore derby hats.
It was very slippery on th upper
deck of the tender, to which the gang
plank ran, as the president found out
the minute his feet touched it He bad
considerable difficulty in proceeding
toward tbe ladder leading to the lower
deck ami ttie entrance to the cibiu A
sailor walked ahead of Mr Cleveland
sweeping away the snow.
Theduskimg season is nearly lit an
.ml but there is said to be good sport
m tlm North Ctrohua soiiu I and rivers
It is the intention of the presidential
party to proceed to North Carolina by
wuy of the Dismal swam), where they
may get a shot at a bear or sum other
lug game.
Tho president's trip has been in con
mplatlon for awoek or more. In
private conversation with friends be
has not heiitated to express openly his
iissniistactton with the present aspect
if affairs in congress and elsewhere,
snd his desire to get away for n time
from Iiis disagreeable environments.
md to ito where no could
reach him and no reporters follow him
lie has spoken iu strong terms of the
hick of unity displayed on all import -ant
party questions. The inactivity of
the stuate on the tarilf hill is to iiim a
source of much concern and the ap
parent determination ol the Democrats
f the house to force the coinage of the
silver seigniorage has also given htm
great uneasiness, added to the party
troubles in Now York, the dissatisfac
tion of nn element of the party iu
Illinois over local appointments, was
an OBlooked for complication.
A Nw Drpirtura in tha Public School
Synium at Pittsburg-,
PtTTBBUBO, Pa , Feb 'Jo Last night
the board of directors of the Riverside
school, in the West End, determined
upon anew departure in their man
agement of the public school. Five
Sisters ot M'-rcy, or Catholic nuns,
now teaching iu St James Parochial
school, will be transferred to the pub
lic SODOOI ami ttis parish school clos-d.
The sisters have passer, an elimina
tion and received certificates from the
Central Hoard of Education, The
Hiblv will not be read in tne school and
no sectarianism will bo tolerated.
. .
La Bouritoirn Exp o leiic.s Hsavy Bwslls
and Zro W eather on tha Pond.
Nltw VidtK, Feb. 24 -The steam
ship La Bourgogne, which arrived to
day from Havre, experienced a terrific
northwest gale ou Feb 2i! and 24
Enormous seas wer running and in
tensely cold weather prevailed.
The latter part of the voyage was
finished in Boro weather, and she
looked exactly as might the mythicnl
toe ship Her hull was covered with a
wavv coating of white frozen snow
several inohes thick The big life boats
and rigging were frozen soltd.
WAaHROTON, Lob 85. forecast
Jor .Wonrtujf: For OBBtSra Vim
xiyroaiiT. vaoic. wnnnw norilfi
uiaalaiai .'.-.,, all a.a th
suWi pnoraHgod prooahl (funny .Won-.
iiity; worwisr, rarfaolf itftaaa
Sgteofut wsotAt) euffcMn TAe chief n
tki weatsee bwreae mnttie fas fttUfibtn
oawoiincei'iiiif.- ".Vnotr tetfl cntend ore
MidoVe .tl'aatffl stef.-s und upptr OMo
saiies IfonoJav nietwap. u iia meWea
hum ( Act fas saoieUU uml bs Isseiey Snd
mo Intersre with rofsroed tmwi,"
Giving additional space
and special attention to thi
department for one week
we offer handsomely made
GARMENTS at prices sel
dom met with. These
goods are of superior qual
ity and at prices usually
asked for medium grade.
The Embroideries us 3d
in Trimming, the Muslin,
the Sewing, all have been
carefully examined, and
nothing unworthy is of
fered. During this time W3
sell the "Queen" Night
Gown, Tucked Yoke Val
encienes Lace Collar and
Cuffs at 98c, regular price,
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Maltese Crosa
And (.ink tanned Leather belting,
H. A. Kingsbury
813 Sprue St., Scran-ton, Pa.
Reliable Footwear.
puiic Dpi hi fid
V 1K
ft M
I l sJfijf
FpsI of every d'tcript'.n fitted ab
Lewis, Reilly & Dav13.
Will oloM oTery nt Q -'c P.M.
OXOOpt Saturtlny.
We Examine Eyes
Free of oharge. Ii ti doctor Is
needed yon an: promptly tM
so. We ttlso j;iiiiniiitei! u per
fect lit.
AT COST for one week oulV
n i WHicnm.
u Miia i
215 WYOMING A' ..