THE SCE ANTON TR I7?T JNE S A T D It D A Y MORNING. FEBRUARY 24. 18iH. SGRANTON TRIBUNE f. e. WOOD, General Manager. rrilLIBnitri DAILY A.M. WEEKLY IN' Sc'lUS- nix. Pa., uy lac 'luibu.Mt t'luusuiso "Comcast Se YoBK Omen: TntODSt BtTTl.DTKO, rn.itu a ur.t. Uanaobk. EWerfil at the AxfoflM l Amnio, Pa, Snond-Clai 3att ilattrr THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. sckaNTON. fbbbuari m. Attention (i oaiM to tka mayniitcent ficfrc-puii- iMfttr which form tins istue of THt: TRIBUNE. If bM"ai ptatHamo wtpiMj time'u eoiamml untiwoif (Htoratytd keartoW YmliasW. ovtatM ia ourrfWJ, it' ionW (Mm (efcaoui if und iMtyni M. WHAT FREE COAL DID. It is instructive to OWJllttor tU uieaniuR of last Tuesday's vote in ttiu four couutiM which coiunris niuo teutbs Of tha avaiiabU tutlirseite coal inthe Uaitd StatM It was industri ously couUudod by Lutooratio orators and organs that wbattVW uiitfiit b true with referencs to othsr ladmtrias ia othr sections, th industry of min im u.l of ttM trantportiou of tu;ro ducts of milling was in no wise jop srdsd in Laclcutrmiuti, Luzerne.SirUuyl kill auil Carbon couuties bjf tbe fre OOal olattM of tb Utinooratic tariff, inasmuch as t'auailiau uituniitiotis w.ts not a competitive factor In inlets reached bv our anthracite. ( ;piie 1 to ibia sophistry wis :ao rapMUd dec lanilofl of leading anthracite pro damn, acojtapansd bv BaurM in :'io f, that with tr.e duty off. Canadian OJal, under the developinj touch of tbe uveal Whitney ayndicate, could be laid ,!oira at our ss.ib ari ports not only t elow the competition of oar western fenasylvani.i and louthera bltominoui Clippers, but also btlow thttofdofti' ers in tbe industrial all M of anthracite, which tins comprise thirty pir csnt. of the entire anthracite output These nrguments vtcr tire falsity, and is therefore untitled to the beuefit of a fair, frank and explicit vindication. But be is unfortunate in servlua a diploma io mperlor Whoae ornitic comprehension of international Uvr and equity has Riven the color of possibility to any tale, however fur it nuy be from real facts. The public will now listeu to El mund Fortatie. who first ra?f publicity to this romance about Aliniiter Bmythe, He has the Bsor so to speslr. for tt pUMUont, If bo has deliberately stanilerfd the otli ial repressnta'.lve of this government bo ibould make im mediate KlSendl in a publlo uiiuiier If ho baa Met) Innooontlv led into the circulation of false report throui;h the mUtnformatlon of others, be ibnnld give th name of his ontrnetwortby In fortaanti, and tbeio infortnnnti should retract or else bo held iii to dtcrved corn. The diplomacy of our Demo cratic friend bai enough aotn 1 blunders nodtt ivhieli L itaKf'f alonit, without the Addition or alleged mis take! which have n esiatanoa la fact. Till Qsow protidentUI boom i largely complimentary j yjt we could go further an I fare wore Iuxorasck Of the Uw w.h ineir.'Ot ualiy pleaded la behalf of tbe Mane - Held rloteri, and till court has acted 1 prudently m Impotlog upon these tneo good, round lentenOO'. ItdOOtnot re quire a high grade of Intelligence In any class of oitlsin to lead to a re cognition of the commonest rights of property; and When tin lateillaenee of any resident of thU reouhUo falls bj low that level, ho will be none the worse for a liberal term In jail. Loss MoKaNI li t Is that 'though the decalogue may have no plans in poli tics, the j ill has. - BURY THE WIRES. To paatage by eoxautoa eounoll of tiie Browning ordinance afflllug a tit of one dollar oa each p lit belonging to electrical compmies la this city was in response to n popular dm in I which Crew in proportion as there s-semjd an iucreasinj: probability of soon gsttiu,' well rid of ths poles and of their 00 nyhtly overhead wires altogether. So presented l"g s tbe question was merely one in- with considerable distinctness oa bD'.h sids. Upon this local issue rested to a large decree tbe wnola questiou of jroteotion vs free trada; sine the de dal of the former to our principal home industry would necsssarily in validate anv scliem of tiriffs that ..' nv .(Mfetan m A ' Lst us then see bow the voters of these four ' all prove to bo a forward step coal uroducinii counties, with this In the dirsction of pi icing all electrical prominently before; wires aateiy nnaergronna, im volving ii new form o' oubliu taxation by the indirect imthol of Increased charites imposed on th- public, TBI TRliiL'XE could not sao the expjdieucy of the move, and was frank enough to say io. At the same tim Itiseqatlly frank in tin assertion that if this dol- qustiou most tUoUi, rendered thfir decision la tn brief period elapsing since list Novem ber a Democratic plurality of U3 in Carbon coauty was converted into a Republican plurality of 'M; in our own county of Lackawanna, a Repub lican plurality of 3oJ his expanded iuto jnenf 3.02S, in Laz;rne the plurality f ia received by Mr Jackson has rowu to one of 3,173, and tinallv, in Schuylkill, th'j home of Representa tive Reilly, who supported the Wilson bill, free coal clau and all, a Demi cratic plurality of ITT three nsonfhs ago has been transformed into a Re publican one of 1,408 In other words, wires safely anaergroanu, tu in- ereased cost which inoh a step will iu evitably impoie oa tht public will be a good investment. It is as plain as any fact in nature or logic that this doll ir tax will in the end be paid by tbe public itself. There s nothing in the theory of oftn petition calculated to make the electrical com panies pay this tss out of their own dividends, for the simple reason that saving competition does not exist. If we could import electricity more cheap ly than we can get it from the eonV panics now ia existence amonir OS, three months' tareat of free coal Uliht be a possibility of getting the Ly the D'inocratic revenui reformers has resulted in a net gain to the Re publican parv, in these f'jar counties alone, of 'J.7IJ vjtes. it has anchored safely into the Republican column two coal-producing counties heretofore re garded as certainly Democratic, that is to say. Carbon and Sjhuvlkill. And it has made Luzerne and Lackawanna barren soil for Democratic missionary work for a whole generation to come. This computation of Raoublican ?ains is, made upon the basis of the vote cast last fall, when Pennsylvania g its What was then the largest R-pub :aan plu rality ever recorded in the common wealth. If tve take ai our btsisof comparison, the vots two years ago. by which Representatives Kines. Rjilly and Mutchk'r were electel to the con gress in wbieh they each betrayed the interests of their constituents in voting for free coal on final passage, we shall discover a popular reversal nearly twice as striking. Toe two former would find themselves, on tiie strength of last Tuesday's vote, defeated entire ly, not to say ignomini mily, while the latter would emerge sncoessfnl but much the worse for wear Indeed, fruin any purely parti an point of view, Republicans have mnc'a for which to be thankful to the Democrat! because of thir singnlar perversity in champi oning free coal. A few more such blunders as this, and tbe northern states would join na-.ds with industrial this tax both directly and entirely from tbe owners of the poles, la this case tbe dollar tariff would not be. aa our Democratic friends ars so fond of de claring, a tax ad. led to the price paid by the consumer. liut the supposition is practically impossible of realization, and we have to face the cold, Inevita ble fact thst the dollar "duty" will come, by processes as certain as the sunrise or the tides, from tbe public which contributes to tho revenues of cur telephone, telegraph, illuminating and transit companies In other words, the public will, until such tint? as it shall tire of the anomaly, pay for the pleasure of keeping up poles and over head wires, when it is the public's fundamental desire that these poles and wires should coma down. It is to b hoped that this lllogi. al situation will eventually work ont its own solution. The point which we have desired to tn emphatic from the very beginning of this discuasion ia that it is the public's right to have the whole abomination of poles and wires wiped out entirely, and that any dabbling with the nuisance; any tem porary compromise with it, would be in the nature or a surrender, rather than, as some have contended, a vie tory by the people. In our growing West Virginia. Virginia and Alabarns i l'ifv w" canllot w(11 "ff,r'1 t0 M ,h in cordial repudiation of a policy so needless in Its championship and so ruinous In Its effects. Com, COME, esteemed Democratic contemporaries, ugly words butter no parsnips. - - - - Thk fkofosition to pension flrjuisn after twenty years of r'.ii'hfnl ssrvice has been revived in the NW Fork leg islatnre. Wbile it Is the democratic dogma that every well-paid employs should look after his own the matter of providing for old age, w transgress this in so many other direc tion0 that it would seem to bi no mors than fair to give the harl-working firemen also a show. Tho oommunlty will lose nothing by such gineroaity. Erahtcs Wiman was not tb first and will not be the last man to preach bet ter than be practice 1. SMYTHE SET RIGHT. It Is far from complimentary to the etandardof diplomacy set by tbe Cleve land administration that tbe report of Minister Smytho's interference In the domestic administration of the govern ment to which be was accredited should have reached the American pub lio at a a time wheu it was prepared to accept any rumor of ministerial in discretion as possible if not openly probable. The fact thnt tho American execu tive had himself specifically Instructed his rspresentative at Honolulu to enter upon n campaign of despicable inter ference made it a plausible tale that this executive's representative at Port an Prince might also have nssuined an attitude of dictatorship over President Kippolyte, of the Haytian republic. Minister Smyths has since supplied abundant proof of this accusation's en- electrical companies i ff so easily as this present ordinance will let theiii off It is not enough to say that by In payment of one dollar p-r pole they may have the right to deface our streets uud jeopard our properly, com fort and safety. While in the mood to assert our authority, we Iboold go to the full extent of the evil and insist upon a complete cure. Down with the overhead wires! ' 1 r OUGHT to be eay to reach n Unit ble medium in tilis Batter Of collegiate tbletioO, How Would a "eottnd mind In a souu 1 budy" do ; a c iiupromiseV .. It is unkind in the Hirrisbur P -triot to expose the fact that in every county wbere Mr. Harrity has distrib uted federal appointments, there have been heavy Democratio losses. The Patriot should have mor.t mercy oa tin huni;ry expectants in Lackawanna. diacover, has been tin wise in many of his investments, aud has lacked that strict adherence to coinman sense com men ill principle! whioli be has alvo cited with good elf-ict in essiva in structing young men in the conditions Of bnilnesi inooees; and while it seems probable that the aggregatioa of losses thus incurred, accentuated by great anxieties Inseparable from a wile spread business panic, has weighed upon his mind until rash (lends were the result, it nowhere appears that he wis the calculating and Qtltbodlcal Vlllata whom the law hi) in m'nl when it Imposes strlngstit psualties upon cOOVloted forgers Udttl is an accurate insight into tho oontll lioui of temptation winch inrronnded Mr. VYtntan, any severe ohnranterU t llon of Lis appirent orlrai w.nil I bi obviously uncharitable and unjust. At the name ti'ii i it c tOOOt over -looked tint .Mr.W. m an's downfall sup plies a wholesome moral lesson. U is ei qnent in its teaching tint two wrong! can never, in the economy of business, OJmblue 10 M to make one right. Tiie error of ja) dp; inept Which lea !s to commercial lllfl ition.OVet ip0 nlation, in short, to nnsnooefsful gnu bliug, cannot bo rootifled b.- uuotlier error which, in its innrsl principle, dif fers htllu from i th.-ft. It ii unsettling to lonnd morality to iturss the failure of ope who baa long been, respected a an embodiment of commercial honesty. The greater the fall, the greater is the strain imposed on popular confidence in fundamental principle of probity and honor. Yet this tension of distrust, in the very nature of things, is bound to be temporary. The vry fact that ii great and respected mm cannot with Impunity violate law which are ac cepted m nuiveroa proves that these laws ire nnlveria'. ami that obedience lo them wan unalterable requisite to lasting success - - ANOTHER OF Tuesday's queer trage dies is recalled by the WllMs Uirre Record, in the fact tlntoue of the men eutouilwd in theCnylord colliery was a candidate for a ward oflUe and was elected at a time when heroic tneu were searching for his tuangiod body. This Is one of the most geuuiu.) bits of pathos evtr encountered in politics. In i UK opinion of Commodore Siu gerly, "if the handwriting on the wall shall bring Democrats together nnd induce congress to stop making its damnable lUOUtbl aud pass the Wilson tariff bill, it will hi a very opportune blazonry.'1 But opportune for whom'' i'or England' fc'or Canada? . TBIU aur. the days when Dre'r Dana takes out his enicttersnee aul whets its borril blade with ghoulish glee upon the resonant sides of his calf skin boot leg. Ig Scrantos may tax the poles one dollar eaeh, Serantoa may insist on their coming down entirely. And that's juit what Scranton should do. The Tnoiisi.E with Rer Q, Mills is ; that he is unjust iu his estimate of the j relative vain of the other Cy.D'JU, 999 inhabitants of this republic. . EbtroH SisnEKl.Y's fliroe nttack of political indigestion has had one pleas ing effect. It has made his papsr tbe most readable tblng going. e AND it II a noticeable fact, speaking of Lackawanna's -majority, that it be gan tn grow at about tbe time Tug TbIBCMI began to boom. - - It Is ii'Itk possible that Mr. Han cock goose was cooked, among other thiug. by too many cuckoo cooks. Mi:. Htsi.s would relieve some anxi ety if he would kindly inform us whore he stands now. Editor Darn Litis a So! p. .v, ir ror! fllli. Promises repudiated and Insolently ig nored. U'.'niociacy trampled under foot, responsibility shirked, lying and cowardU evasions substituted for ths unqualified declarations of a few mmiths nito. Amer icau sentiment outraged ami defied, per sonal whims or personal spite inudethe tarty' law: here we have in forty words tbe history of the first year of a Douio cratic administration that began with aolden prospects' Ilcfea. with dishonor, that is the bitterness of It; and the dis honor is worse thua tho defeat. What will the senate do? No More Secret Plittlnir SpringMId tit., , taipa, .Mm iter Willi-.' reply tu President IJole's letter of "specifications" indicates that our representative has gut down frombJi high horse and Is trying to keen the peace. The era of secrecy ami chicanery at Itoiio I iu u has evidently come to an end, for which wo may all be truly thankful Conslttsro'lon lacarnnte. fiidlaaapoffi Annul. I OanOOt sing the old song. Tboiiah they're the only true one-"; And I've too much love for uiy fellow nan To sing tin- latest new ones. The 0 lanlaians C I ibno Yurn. li', faattSorf .c'o.. feres, Let the Hawaiian matter drop. It has already received more intention than it deserves. This country ihoeld keep its bands oil monarobies and oligarchies. Nit at Admirer t Bake tn . IfVlflsitrort TVates, iMm, Becretary Qreebatn sun iiiawi his pen sion, but thousands Of rand deserving still draw blanks from the pen. aiori bureau. Brother Dana's War Daac. .Veil) fort u'i. Political disasters anil u'sw buuiiliations ure closing in upon tho Democracy from every Quarter. The poi uiar condemnatiun of the dishonest, anti-Democratic wliaon bin, the Insane Income tux prelect and tho Infamous nmnarchi tal plot which the present administration hai made Its dls tlnotive feature, takes au linprelve lorin whenever uud w hi ireVer tho Ullot boX.'S ure opined Ur. 's a Ke: Tonstu Tr symre Moments. A precocious, Impubdve young Mr Was in love with i girl and he Kr. rSatdshe; "Sir, go bloir, Fur I'll have you to kpovv 1 in to you nothing more than n Sr." GOLDSMITH'S $ BAZAAR IN THE REALM OF SILKDOM WE i tut: DnUNKKNNISH.4 AMI Til N tobacco Habit No injections. N Inconvenience, No low oftonu. 'ireatmenl at your own heme. Cures after other raetnods fan. Ask ronr druggist for PIIO-tlK'-NOK, r..n miitai i. in ii. ni trsatment frss. AddreHS, con Adeutlally, "fHO-BK'.NOs cuai; CO., iu: Hilton, Pft. 3EE WHAT . . . Will buy in the way of a HIS 1 not our own thought, bul It ta the ranwrk recently madebj one ;i the many lady admiren (.Lour large, new collection of Silks: The countless styles, patterns and qualities shown by ua now would Oil ;i I'oluina If we weul Into detail. Japanese. Chinese. Franeii ami Vmriiin aiib i. u till represented and in the acme of perfection in both the printers' and weavers' art. To dwell in poetic fancy over them would be an insinuation upon vour nerceotive faculties Ther. , fori, wo will simply ask yon to call and sec, when we are nii' sure thai your sense of ecstatic upprecla j lion will be aroused by the spread placed before you. In former years the purchase ofo silk dress was freqnently looked upon as an acl of extravagance. Today, really ii is a matter of economy, because silks are actually cheaper than bigh-chws dress materials! 21-inch Printed Bilk Pongees, that are good and very bsautiful, only 29c. 21-inch Printed China Bilks, of the most exquisite designs, 49c. 24-inch Real Japanese Hahtnai Siik, made upon hand looms; full of life and durability; colorings fast; washable as any cotton fabric; every desiga; a poetic dream of loveliness. Only G3c. 23-inch Oorean Bilks, cream grounds, floral designs, washable. Only 49c. CHAIRMAN GrlUCISOX may" that prize hamirr to t'hairuiau Uavi ; Powell - ONLY ONL HULE. Lis to the credit of tiie American jieople, nn.l nspecially t ti DCWflMpsf presii somewhat too fond of aennatinn hHhui, that tbe report of Kranlui Wi man's inisforuiues hai i-liclteil only ex pressions of syuip'ithy Bo far ni the facts in the case i, ,v i. i in ide puh lie, it appears that, while technically Kttllty of ii grave crime, for whlc!i the law provi.ies stringent panlihnent, bis real offense, wsinheil iu tho true (cale of symputhet.c anrl charitable jnli;tneut, is lrsi flaring than appears In tbe nake'l acciitntion upon which be wm committed, without bill, to the Tomb. While Mr. Wiman, so far as we can 0n Befell Thai A hMs. MMtadrii ale vri. The lionoralil.i Uauil V. V,.orhee still .xtiib.ti bin ohUtime ability to make n Hpettiuiilar a of StttMOlf before the up lilttd (Vetof a ureal p.Miple. Nut 7 . I- . Applaudsd. W'tishiny'On ljt. Tho proposition t-. ilbok the wtgej of DOO'VoUnj oonanrtanien Is tsperleotlng nnoh diiTleuity in getting u foothold in thu house. in We fan Only Hop. Tt Will ftikuti I. mi tnUtti$i Will tho Dem'.cratio statx COOVeOtloa this venrsgui save the nerve io swallow the Wilsou bill, BOdj, 1001 anil breeches? beekinf in ttadteasni ji faflgvfd, AftlSS,, I'niun. Benator ilill will be hkcly lu anil Wash iORton life rathiT ilnll ivitbuut asupieme cuurt llk'hi on hh ImniU - Not Worth Mu'.lonj. Juityr. -!: ia not jealous. y-t shn wiiheil to know If iiny vulentiuoH 1 had rOOelVod This yi ar uuve hem and When I auiworod no, Although I blunli"d, I knew that she be lieved, 1 Med, of OOttrSej but why should 1 n-gslu ber Abuut thu little onei sent by my tailor! an AT CONRAD'S B LANK BOOKS LANK BOOKS MEMORANDUMS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEADINt! MAKES. Fine Stationery WIRT,W ATKR.M AX aud FRAN K I.IN FOUNTAIN PEN'S. All Ousianteed Agent for Crawford's Peas aud Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps. Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engraver. 817 LACKAWANNA AVB If you haven't secured one of our j-bution Kid Gloves, in all colors, at 39C. a Pair s0 before they are gone. They cannot last the week out. Goldsmith Brothers & Company. DO YOU SELL? OR ARE Voir MAKING PRESENTS? of Mixed Candy, Clear Toys, or any style of Candy or Nuts, Express wagons, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Doll Cabs, Drums or Toys of every kiud. DOLLS China DolU, Wax Doll?, Patent Dolls, Jointed Dolls, any kind of doll from 'JOoto-flj SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Roys, (rirls or Dolls, in Maple, Oak or Iron, front ''jc. to $15.00. BICYCLES We have the goods and our prices are right. Wholesale and retail. NORWAY IRON Bli U K DIAMOND MI.V 1 .11 l vi tt SPECIAL SANDERSON'8 ENGLISH .IKiisoP'S ENGLISH CAST STKEL HORSE BHORB lot: CALK Mill M il lllM.lll si'itiNt; SUI T STHLI. ANVILS I! LLOWS HORSE NAILS W I LEV & ni'SSF.Ui AND WELLS BP.Os CUTTING MACHINERY WAGON WHEELS AXLliS SPRINGS HCBS SPOKKS iti.-.ts Vi lli. I. SKEINS It R. SPIKES SCREW J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO., 314 Lacka Ave. W.iukaa BPACIAITI ot rapplylnf oom nittM lu.- SuuJy BohooU, 1 itira, r'otiva!i cue iiftenbender&Co.,Soiaifoii, Vi'ltolesale m I retail dealers' in Wsgonmsken' anJ Blscksmitbi EDPPL1ES, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCBAKTOK AXD WILKES-BABRE, PA.. lUaTUFACTOBEBS Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General OftL-e. SCRANTON, PA FURS! FURS! CAPES 18 INCHES DEEP. Kren-h t'onry Cftptti U l&ohti dMp AstrftktiHU I ape, " " . AHtiakhitij I'uDufl, " Atrtrakhan V, s. " l)yU i"- in i : M " Muimbv C'hJH'M, " " Monksy Oadmi 11 " , Nut otter QAptli M " Nat. ttttr Ciptt " " Krimmcr Cupai " " BMVVf Ptpij. ' 11 Nutria roh, 11 M Sl -r I'trtnn t'oo " ' Alupkrt Sinl t'uD 'n, " 11 AlllHku Sl'dl Cf4pf). " Mink t."uitH. " , '- -'Iht 1 i " '' he Fashion AND ,, :i ou 1 . 4 mi . . ti DO in . . on .. If IU . . M iJ a. oo . . 8.M0 . . i -' ' . . ts no . . a in . . s.'i in . i) Oil ! .. :.o tii . . l IK) . UU Our New Stores, 308 Lacka, 3 Avenue. 400 and 402 Lack awanna Ave CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. AMiuMiAii CapM, iBObM UMpi $10 00 liultl.- Mod i pin. - S (U KMOtHti -i'al CSpM. " ir. (Ill Preach Cooty CtpM, " u'1" III. Ilk I - is, " til HO wown HaVten Capa " 611O11 Munki y 1 'apetj " 'J j 00 Highest Cash 1 rices Paid for Raw Furs. Repairing Furs a Specialty. SALE OF THE WALTER' SPECIAL for MONDAY STOCK WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES! EDWIN G. LLOYD 4'! Lackawanna Avenue. 500 pieces Best quality 5 cas63 new Spring Style Three cases yard-wide Un Indigo Blue Calico. Our Dress Calico Our price, bleached Sheeting. Our price 3 c. yd Worth I 3c. price 3 .vc. Worth Gc. 7c. yd. Worth 6c. yard. yard. 2 cases newSpring Style3 Ninety pieces Extra Good ' Two cases new Spring Dress Ginghams Our Apron Gingham. Our Outing Flannel. Our price luc wortn ivya price, worui tc. piice, su. yu-, wuim to 15c. yard. 12'. and 15c. 150 pieces linon-finished 125 pieces Bleached Mus-1 12 pieces Tabble Linen, . .. j -l t . I a J rr..l.l..l.Aj Glass Towelinc Our Jin rruit oi ine iioom. ieacneu, uuuiuduicu price 5 vc. Worth 9c. i Our price G"-c yard, yd. "Worth 9c. yd. 100 pieces Dress Goods, i Fifteen pieces Checks and stripes tionesaaie flan nel. Our price 29c. yard. all kinds assortment. Your choice 25c. yard Worth 39c. to 69c. and Turkey Red. Our price, 35c; worth ouc. 18 pieces all-colors Bro caded Velvets. Your choice 25c ; worth 75c. to $1- ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWERS' DELICIOUS, .MILD BTTOAR OUnHD ABSOLUTELY PTJnm HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. immadk hupflied iHE STOWERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA HE DUTHE1L STUDIO 315 I a H CranM facial y iraui i uatvv i luaa, I m!i to LUKAWANVA AVRNCE M'tMXTON, l'.V a conlraot Ml .1 to tarn oat LO uatwatn now aad L'atii lul, l.iun( ...!... ... ... Mil I Will ;.k(' HKNttTNE ck.wii.n tui; 1 k , 1 r ...i.ImI irmii nv email oa ABKOl.VTKI.Y FIU'.B OF OBAROE. i.A iLM rrvi.Ka of pramxi tnon .' an 1 rwAim. forltnuuMp linnuttMd, l-'iHuien iW pr it-at. l than rofii'ar prl fl B, DtflNMDII Artlat.