8 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 23. 1894. m 1 rsn u mm ,URITC. hard times consumers cannot afford to experiment with inferior( cheap brands of bak ing powder. ' It is NOW that the great strength and purity of the ROYAL stand out as a friend in need to those who desire to practise Econ omy in the Kitchen, Each spoonful does its per feet work. It; increasing sale bears witness that it is a necessity to the prudent it goes further. N. B. rocera sav that every dollar in vested in Royal Baking Powder i worth a dollar the world over, that it docs not consume their capital in dead stock, because it is the great favorite, and sells through all times and seasons CYAl PAKINO POWOER CO., 10 WAU ST , NEW-YORK. FOUND DEAD IN BED. James Cadden, of Oarbrndale, Rioelvea Sudden Summon. .'. H i( fn thr SbrnmlM IWssss, Cahhonimi.k, Ph., Feb. M -Junti ('addon, of Duudar? strutit, wat found drii.lmli.il this morning. It" rutlrnd tlio evening lire v i out to apiiareut sound health, mid it win with much turbriet that hu friends found bin dead thin morning, Dr. Kelly, tho coroner, wni tent for who sinpanntUtd ihe following Jofi Mioiin.nl Morrison. Pstsr PtanntMy, E .1. Mrii.iin. Patriate Bulllvao, Michael Oonnar, and John McAmliaw, who de Oldtd the lyuung iii. n i ' death win canted from heart failure The de ciiaied was KM yearn of ago. Ilia tuuri.il will lie hold mi Batarday aftsrnoon at M o'elook, Services will bo tiouduotsd iu Ht. Kuan church. Title KKItltimiE DID ir C "Xi - V" V" v;-' x v v v v v v v v v .- v-'- --- '- V" GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT THE NEWS OF 8! TOWNS THIS ii the month th thoughtful honsewife thtaks of the advent of taring ant the aivtaug of getting mwis doaa daring the enforced nuist HM WASH GOODS Do vou rnwru:nr the beautiful assort-on-'o: we ve yju Li-t year' They are handsomer this year than ever . POMlga oreitiee ana uuuiest: z staple, seleot now wale the aeaoraniat : so abound- i OCR USES DEPARTMENT Is replete w.th wiecuon u'.otated by the taeten aa I wants t ,ur patrous. electetl by experienced buyerj. The liarreet is rady N. vws v ior thu arisistui'e jf the m.iuy indent, tuuuey -saving houaewivee of our city to help gather it For Good Linen we prom.ee yon warns beyond all -xpec rations Lmei! Tabl" Damaak. Cnehea ml Fowettng; mcludinK all the beet maaos of Kitclien and tioller Towel ing. Hemstitched H sk Towels. Axi'l stoclc of Linen the prde of the house vife HKE rs AN D 9HEET1NG8 M, M. KM W.i har wv.-a! the Boot Stlons of "h.- narset. The dilerent jaal ttlaa, veaes. w.dui and yarns aseU. We can lay that theee foods wL stand the tell-tale wash tub tst. Widthi are right ' Qoalifttaa are mint And oar prices are nuht:: EMBitOIDERlKS In reit varieties. The greatest ollectioa for v i.u.m m l pattern u hav ever pat upon our counters, CAMBRICS Embroidered in ail 'he newt designs, suitable for ail kinds of Dress Trimmings and Caderwear. QCILTS Extra unatity. fiilsizi Toilet Quilts. Fall -Mar eil.ee B-ijpre nU of ail kind Shown t i be sold now. MISia.V UNDERWEAR A grt aMortment for the critical buyir Oar line w irthy a upecial trip to see. You will rind nothing unworthy oar reputation aa Up to-Date Merchandisers. DRESS GOODS The arrival of new goods for spring ne reaeitates us to clos ut many Eiegant fiooda Xacwdlaaa of Cost styles are not always the tmn,. novelties of last reason must go. 3r.apli Oooda must make room for others if ugkter toxtnre and dlfTsrn abadin.'i. Ken buyers know this as well as -re Your ebttdran in school and daughters ,n ladies' alleges all would like new t1r"es. Now if your opportunity. Do not mies It : HLKfl When it is the season to wear them. There is no reason why you should not have them. Evening Siiks, Black Broead .latins, White Sapan S.iks. Broche Pongees in evening shades Home and see them. Vou are sure to -jvantt tbem. FRENCH CHALLIBi Just from Paris, the brightest makers. Fairioacing Designs. In all wool anil silk tnd pooI. Designs all our own. Don t buy old. sryloa at any price Wo will sell you the t,'p-to-Dato Printings and charge yon no more than last year's left overs at other plaes WOOLEN UNDERWEAR We won t carry these goons over, ff 7on have a plac to keep them, n t n.-'ling them for present wear, grasp 'his ' hance for money saving. Nearly all the sizes and of many different makes LACES Wash Laces, f.'nderwear Lar.es Venetian point Laces and Insertings. i ,od valaes. Big assortments. HOSIERY New Ooods arriving early More Improve men's, letter dyes. PTf6tO In vle ing, heeling, and no more Injurious sffects from ifT dyes fet your supply early JERMVN NEWS NOTES. BappnlB In a L'vsly Borough R cord.rl for Oilck Reading fttifcinl lo tin y.rranUm IHasMM jKiivtym. J'a., Feb. 'ii J. H Whnair, who recuntlr cat his foot with an hx It able to be ont again. A Inrga and appreciative, andience greeted the Hev lit. I'naroa lait nvsn ing and listened to hia lacturw. The account of his travelt through the Holy Land it vary interesting and wax very much appreciated by all. Evnlng Htar lodge, No. C'i, Ameri can I'rotettant atsocistlon, will bold the entertainment and supper Katnr day evening. Coma out and help tb boys. A number of the sporting element want to Olyphant yesterday to a tli Jerinyu birds whip tlmi from below. AMrs. Daniel Fotterman, of Wyom ing, la Tititing friends here. The Jermyn Citizen'a band havk moved into the new building on Third street purchased from the Salvation army, and now have one of the most cosy band room in the county, William Scull attended a birthday party near Scull pond Tuetday. He wat the youngest of a party of ale van, whoso agee added, made 709 year. Miss Emma Bcutt accompanied the funeral party to Kalis yemerilay and will spend a day or two with frlendt there. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 8yrnp cure coughs and colds quicker than any other remedy, because it comblnee the lung henllng quality of the pine tree with other valuable medicines. Sold by all dealers on guarantee of satisfaction, Put of town correspondents ofTna Tats I'M! should sign their uauies in full toetetl Sews letter, not for publication uut to guard etfaiust deception i FROM FOREST CITV. The Citiztoa Are Patriotic In the Observ ance of Washington's Birthday. Special fo tae Smajttoit TViuae. iT.'rkst City, Feb. 'i'i. Washington's birthday has dawned upon thii place, which is covered with a tnautle of beuatiful white, and the patriotic peo ple are observing it in a royal way, iu noaor of the father of oar country J.J. Janswick was the first to plac the I tan and itripes fljatiug upon the the brez; others have followed until the town premata a gila appearance. Nearly all stores are eloteJ, and work at the mine is snspepded. Harry Smith, sun James Smith, of this place, and employed as a inul drivtr at the Cliifjrd shaft, met wirii a painful and what may prove to be a teriona accident yesterday while at. work. In pursuit of the mule which i had got aw iy from him, he ran with j terrific fore? against the sharp edges of projecting rocks, cutting his bead in a terrible manner Three large bones were removed mar hit forehead. The unfortunate young man was tiken to the Carhondale hospital, as soon as possible for treatment. Fred Herrlck. an attache of Lara bee's toosorial parlors, has been so journing the past few days with Great Bend friends. H. K. Viughn is on a businest trip to towns along the "Jeff." Miis M tu !e B ynolds' pipils are en joying a sleighride to OaroondaJe to day, an 1 a number from B F. Msxjy's room who were unable to go last Satur day are among the happy ones. John Oard, a student at Wyoming seminary, it visiting his parents in tnis place, returning to his sctiool duties if on uy. Mrs. W. J. Pentecost held a "rag Dee" at her home, on the Wayne comi ty tide, ytster lay afternoon A large nnm r of ladies from this place at -tended. Ernest S Csry, an employe nf tha Hillside offle at Scranton, spent a short tuns with hit parantf In this place yes terday. Jsrae T. Dubois will give hit popu lar lectnre, "Met Abroad, " at the Opera honse tonight. A large numbir of tiekets nave ben sol I and undoubtedly the d!,era hons will be well filled, as the el 'pent tpeaker hat a good repu tation. A number of Forest citizent joined the 0 W excursion to PoyottlU to night and 9nj yed a few hourt of skat ing by moonlight. s Electrlo Bitters. This remedy is trirnlng so well known and so popular as to need no sp( rial men tion. All who haye used BttCtriC Hitters sing the same ong of praise A purer merli' me does not etist and it is giiaren teed to do ail that is Haim d Rlei-t ric flitters will dire all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys will remove Pimples, lloils, Salt Rbenm and Other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from MM system and prevent ss well as enre all Malarial fevers. -For cure of Headache, 1 ontispation and Indigestion try Klect.ric Hitter K.nt.re anslarrion guarantee.!, or money refunded. Price M Ota and tl per bottle at Mnlthews Brot,, Hrug store. Dan Caasy Ver iweared yo'd be true tu me, Aiiiistiisiu Dooley, naataaia Doolay 01 did; but tlu daughter uv erroan wot'ta porlosot oaalfer and u gintleman cun t wuik whin alio tiilica bcr uiriug. It's tbu kerrldgt wot ketohed me, Judge. ITAVINU DIM 01 I . UNDER BAIL FOR THEFT. Th Preadtnt of th Linkport Fihr Gompaav Ohatfftd with Laroeny. ', ..a' As Srr'intnn 7Vniae. FlnoOOnOMi Pit., Pib. 28 Jesse Peterson, president of tb Lookport Fi bre company, was arrtstod today on the charge of larceny of varnishts, pill and patterns In the mill of the Key tton Fibre compa ny, at East Strouds burg, wliloli com p my preferred the charge Both th" Keystone company and tho Lockport company are engag In the manufacture of pulp palls. It is claimed by the Ksyatnmi company that they manufacture n better nail than th LoeHport people do. Peterson visited the mill of thu Keystuno torn pany yesterday and patterns, oils and varnishes were found in his possession which led to bit arrest. Peterson wat taken before Justice Drake, of this plane, and bound over to appear at the hearing on Friday, He denisa the charge and claims that what was found In his possession was given him by C. Valentine, who is an em ploye of the Keyitone company. He it president of the Look port Fibre com pany, which hat a capital stock of 65(),U00. He ii a prominent Democrat and a man of considerable wealtu. Not Much on Sprinting. Philadelphia 7'im. Dem. Mingling war time memories with the gentlor battlos of the polls, a Hancock never did rnn well in Pennsylvania, CARBOtiDAlE CHIPS. llriuf and Iuteiantlu- New fioin the Pioneer City Njieciaf to the Scranton Tribani. GaRBONDALB, Pa, Feb. 'JJ. Mitt Mi rntt Douovau, of Balam avenue, lelt this evening for Starruoi. where the will bo tli guest of her tittvr, Ml t Strong, duriug the eomiug turee week. Horatio Moore, of Scranton, recently tn employe of the Heudriuk Manu facturing company in thit city, wat sailing on friends hart today. B, F. Maxev, an enterprising school teacher of Forest City, allowed hit pupils to enjoy Washington's birthday by treating them to a tleighride to thit city. Frank Berry and Sidney Birkett were iu Strati ton this evening, attend ing the Assembly social. Oau J. Kobinaon left today for a visit to Now York city, Mrs, C P. Halloi'k departed for Wiikts-Barre today, where she will be the guest of rslativ.'S M L MoMillio, of Nicholson, was among the visitors in tint city today Owen Pciney, of Now York city, called 00 friends in this city today. Washington! Birthday was observed in a very appropriate manner in this city. Many of the business placts had trie stars and stripes in the Inezes in honor of the day. This evening a sup per and entertainment was held in As sociation hall by council No. 972, Junior Order United American Me chunics. The entertainment programme consisted of songs and recitations and was very interesting. J. B. Nioholson, E. W. Mills and Edward Clarkson leave tomorrow inerning for Paterson. N. J., where ttiev will be in the employ of the Elec tric Light company. The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth odist church held a supper iu the I chapel thit evening win , was liberally patronised s OURYEA DOINGS. E.itertatnlog News from a Hustling VaiUy Hamlr. A'peoal fo the Scranton Tribune. Diryka. Feb. 23 Election patted oft rather quietly here, the honort be ing abont equally divided between D-mocra'.s an 1 Republicans. The successful contestants are: For jnstif of the peace, James (Hlboy and Haul Urban; for las collector. Peter Jackson; for school directors. Thomas Joyce and Thomas C isgrove, for troas nrer, Henry Eith; for supervisors, Itobnrt Herron and James Monaliau. Rev J us. Mitchell is able to lis about gain. The employes of the Connnll Coal company of this place received their monthly pay Wednesday. Those of the Hahylon will get ptid Friday. I he work on th new olinrch is being pushed rapidly Miss (trace Msrcy is on the s'o'r list. Hev. Jamas Mitchell will preach a pedal sermon Sunday evenin" iu the Presbyterian chapel for the Order of Sons of Temperance of this piac. s MARTHA WASHINGTON TEA. A Pleasant Affair Under the Aiiaplnea of the Prsshvtsrlan Church. !ilrtinl tn thr Strnntnn Tribune. EfoMttDALS, I 'a.. Feb. 22. -At hat been the custom for the puat few years a "Martha Washington ' tea was served at the Presbyterian chapel this even- iug. Tho llditOfium was prttlly deror -uted for the occasion Tables were spread In the circular gallery 00 the floor below were the booth trimmed with the stars an stripes, from whioh cut flowers and nandlea were sold A bakery wns another feature but pro bably the most interetntiiig and novel booth waa tho.Hrownie booth, from Which a large Dttfflbef of the cloth rs praeutativHK of this unique and widely known rain was disposed, Daring thi evening the following tolos worn rendered' Miss Nettie i in.. h II. violin; Ed Heed, (lute, Mlts Alios B, TillOW end BoWtfd Tracer Vocal. , s HONESDAIE HAPPENINGS. A. Few Snap nimis From th Camera of Our Reporter Njirrint to thr Srran'on Tribune. Honichiiai.k, Feb. 22 A spirited team Osf gray OWDsd bt Frank Wane gcr became frightened this morning and dashed down Mum street at a frightful rate, causing a great c num.. tion along the route. They wsr stop ped at the corner of Htxtli stroet, No damage done. Benjamin Fitch is moving into his house on upper Bait street. School was closed today for the re mainder of the week. T.J. Moore. 0. J BolanS, John Kcheuer, J W. Shear an 1 F. 0 Fer guson, of Scranton, were registered nt Allen bonne today, tikwark or KiiAiuiH. Ho sure yon got the genuine Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil. It cures colds, croup, asthma, deafness and rheumatism. 1 llA Misa Pinkcrly I hope you will see me in a new gown when you call again. Young Tutter Whon do yon expect to pet it, Miss (Tara? Miss Plnkorly Oh, not for several weeks! Puck. BKTTLIt THAN MKU1CIM& "You and your mother-in-law seem to be on excellent terms. When you were sick I saw her sitting by your bed." "Oh, that was because the doctor had prescribed a sweat bath.' Fliegende Blaetter, or ROME DSK. Old Ootros tin hia fashionable son)- You and your set thoroughly disgust inc. VoU could gel nlnliff lis Well Milli on! a bend ne with one. A ljry Aw fawther how wtdton lnusi Why, wheah would fellah weab his hat? Puck. "AT TBI I Mi i ins norn." gMs ifJJlU'' ) Judge. What is Moro Attractivo Than a pretty fco vrllh a IrSSh, brlht sseMtstloal For it.aiso possoni's Powder, READ The new oiler made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. Mr j. If. ItUHh Aiialoinliih, I 11, n. A Wonderful Cure Ulcer in tho Stomach Hood'n Sarsaparllla Restores Flesh Stronuth and Health. '('. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.: "I fssl It my duty lo Ujsrin liumaiilty to l(lvea nt.iliiiiuiit o tin, wouileilul cum Hooil's Bartaparllla hnmniit shout im ut. Ovsi two yssrs an" 1 bsestns hi, line tosaulserteni Itomaeb. 1 hu.t 111 tu MVtn dinnent phsl. limit, ahOSS utaiwIliiK wan ol tin, Ugbssti lut tin y 1II1I not run, inc. I WSt hioken duii Iu USSitil ami lost In vsiight tiulu 14ft to 118 Pounds. I I'uiild h;u illy ti' l around, and utter buffering ttrsrely for about a year, i sosssssnssd un, a Ueod's Hsrtapsrills, Aitti thu Brtt huiii i bs linn to h ii like a new man. 1 purchased an Hood's!; Cures other hnttle ami bad not taken half nt It when I asseuredof my trouble i am now in baslth, I baok to luy old wiighl uahi hint ulh-inlliiK reg- iiinrh to my ui k I firmly bellert Hood'i hut. Raliaiilla lived my life " r, W In mi, Aimlo inlnk, Ptnnt) Ivanla. cl Hood's, Hood's Pills in'' band made, ami perfect In proportlOU ami uiijcaiaiwe. it:. pst boi. HOW TO MAKE MONEY lherearo huiidreils of youn' m;u uud youug wouieu iu thit country who have hiileiitlid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand lias been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you are tired of inactivity aud want to Uo bowcthiiig tangible, come to the kulege. COMMON BNOL1IH COUltsu iu si i ,ss CO CRM B. .HoBravii covbmk. f QOD, Proprietor. . N,;W YEAR OPENS .JAMJAUY i. KERR & SIEBECKER Carpetings ! OUR LINE FOR SPRING, 1 894 consisting or Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains, &c, now ready. The largest line of new pat terns and novelties we have ever shown, which we submit for the inspection of buyers. Prices will be found thoroughly satisfactory. Japanese and China Mattings, in Plain, Figured and Inserted Patterns. Linoleums and Oil Cloths, in all qualities and widths from one to four yards wide. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, And Us tooUn.l ,tfl of Enelli.li and Qm niu i brlctaus.ar duw iieruiauuutLy locate 'temple Court Building SI I BPRVCR ST., SCRANTON Whcru Uiey may x i,lkulted DAILY AND , SUNDAY. TJS Dootir Is a graduau ot tns Tnlvorsitr St Pi'nuaylvaBla, foruierlr a. monitrator of WSMoai and tureory at tlm llwUco-Cblr-urulcnl College, of Pliiladtlj.lila Be la alao ii. noiiurarj memlmr of the Medico Chlmr (leal Aas...'Utiun. am) naa jihynlclan and iirneoii In chief of the moat not-d Amrican ind Ocrman ho,itals. comes highly liidorsad B 'ne loading profsssBfS of Philadelphia and New Wk. Ills many yean of hrwnltal experlenaa en ables this eminent physician and inrfeon to correctly dhpnowi and treat all deformitiat nd diseases with tli nnsit flattering iuccom, Hid Ills 1 . h standing in the state will not all'W him 'o accept anv Incnrable can I.OKI MAMKillll I.I - 1. 1, I i Ml I KM s t,i N(; MK CUBED Ifyonhsve isi'n fvnn up ny your phyal dan csll nimn the iis tor and 1 examined lie cures the worst caseof tfartpnt Debility, tjcrofula. Old borua I atnrrh, Pllaa, Female Weakness. Affectlmia of the Ear. Eye. No md Throat. Asthma, Deafness. Tumora. Can cels and Crirtilna of every description Con mltatlon In English and Oerman Erea which thall lie comiilerisl sacred and strictly coiiQ drntlat. UfSai Horn.: SA.M, to V t. Hi Dally. Kiinriay, U a.m. to 2 , in. 406&408Lacka.Ave. 'No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED is! CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World s Fair Portfolios would be to neglect the best opportunity yet otlered. The ad dition of the "Wanauiaker" series makes it more valua ble. Head new announcement on page 7. BAMVEL RlNKS.tFTtslJilen v.v WATSON, VloePrvatdtal A ft WILLIAMS, Cashier. IHIIM'Tons. PAMVBI. HINTS. .IAIIIIS M KrFnil ART. Ihunii A FiM it, P1SR0S ft Fiki.bt, josn'H j jaiiMYK. m s Kajisssa, CliAe, r. SUniirws, Johx T Tonitu W. W, Watson. PROMPT, LNhRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invite die patronage of business men and firms k. Third National Bank of Scranton. Organized kstj. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - Tills ftnuk offers tn deimsllntl every la, illl) hi muted by their Imlanues, bual less ami responsibility. Npeclal attentlun I i tn biislnesa ee cuunta Interest iald ou time depuslU. W1I.MAM ( UN M II, 1'resldrnt. (.i n II. (Mils Vlee-Trealdent. tVH.MAM II. I liK, Catbler. )IHKt:TIHa litlnni s .m.ii.ii. Oenrse II. Catllo, Alfred Hand, Jmnei Arenbald, Henry llelln, Jr., Hllllniu T. Smith, Luthar Keller. The Furniture Men After Whit comb Riley's "Man in the Moon. " Ol "ECONOMY" has jrot the Ntt furmturs ttora. Wlii Whom! Don't you wish Ton were thorn T And their yinoea are (hoaper than erer Wfors; Ami their roo,li hid so haniWome a king rrould be glad To own moh OarpttS All he wanti ean t had If haM jutt go to 'KOOXOMY," st 1 would sdvise. My eyst! But won't he lv wits If he gost to "ECONOMY, " aa 1 would adrite? And "BOONOMY'8" got carriagei that sltewhere you can't but Whaal Whtngl What a tingnlar thing? That o'er carriage men lure they soar far on high. Their bedroom itutt haven't their eiiual in town, And 1 know that tlieio facte are authentic all round. Whang! Hoi Why ceitainly sol 1 know that thete factt arc autheutlc ail round. You will Bad "ECONOMY"," Noa 235-7. Ueel Whlzl What a great place it it I Nettling down on Wyoming Ave's romantic eliine; Jutt loaded with furniture, matairs aud flue, Everything that you want, to jutt call any time. "ECONOMY" tell their goo la cheaper than any ons can Wlilng! Whsuul What marvelous nieu! What very remtrkublo. marvelous men I