The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 23, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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iDteoovery of One Mads Out iu the
Year 2300 B. O.
pi took. I.Iks a Chiur-so Pqt, Bat V. i
Drt-adel ly CluUdtM BaibSBd-Cot-IT
Hot-. Worn by iho l'llu.l
f Antiquity.
Etrypt 1 li.-en oalL-it "the laiul of
BUrpriMfl. ' fesr attar JIM Uie ox
ploranin ths KUa land bring to light
soms new ami startling exatnplei .-i
urt, rSTaaling to us the (astonishing
character of tho curly civilisation of
the Egyptians, Kjfypt has now a rival
lu the lister otrilication ot ancient
C ildsa. although in art Cbaldea is
far behind the land ot Ihe Nllei esps
eialljr in the art of paiatinrf, the re
toratlou of llw rally civilisation uml
tiu- parted )L-tur.- nhU-h We can f jrm
of the lifo aiul Bumpers nod cut ton ot
the people are almost aa aomnlete us
thote which we can restore ot Egypt
side, The satlne should hsrep ftoral
lijfiirc in bold ileMfTH. Vil,h till t; (folil
thread, outline sash figure, MO-seallng
or darniug some oj the potulb and
leaves entirely. I'ine fr 1 r. rope, dou
bled ii ml twisted, is flsa&e imo tassels
a.- u tiuibh. Auuu liiuiielta, in Kuial
Now Yorker,
I jj ... JE
o : i
t,iVl llAS liBWSUiktUi tUXL.
If S s
In the pyramid ac. The -.tjirtliiig
feature of the disooterie resulting
from the of the cunel- ?
form InacHptious has been the nutner
oaa details of popular Ufa watch sin
aoeessible to us. The little clay tao-:
lets uot only contain the record of
kings and prince, but ev .-u of the
poorest of the people, slaves and beg
gars, lu great a literary la'ul an i
Chaldea etein transaotloa, uo matter
boKsmall, was recorded iu writing, j
a ad thu we have many details o' I
transactions which would otherwise '
have been forever lost. Among the
documents a hlch lime been dk covered
ie a tablet which way be wed called
"the oldest'-i bill In the
world." It was the custom of the
Uabyi-juhiii kings to present to the
temple j ei. oi robe for the ue of the
priests and priestfs.stfs. Th:s was ,
Usual' done ever;, year, aud we Lave !
many of these lists In the ;
museum. The oldest hitherto known:
lia been that of a kin-', about 1459 li.
I mtmim i '
A I'luk anJ lllue Apartuii ut u( ltetuitrti
Sole Attraittwaaes
I had s-. t my heart upon having lUOh
un apartment, uud (ortunatelv- the pa
per of u.y room wn u neutral tint,
Not belmr satiaflsd with the border I
bought tWO pieces of u decided blue
paper at a cost of forty cents. This 1
cut iu hall' the paper being too with)
to suit my idea, 1 then pasted It over
the old border, being careful thai the
SdgSot mj blue paper should touch
the edge Of the Ot tUtUf, and this I tin-
i-hed with a narrow it tit border whisk
1 pastod oh the colling, A carpet oov
erad the floor, as the boards were uu
equal iu w uit ti.
t procured from the manufaotureraa
plain bedstead, bureau, wardrobe with
nickel-plated knobs uud locks, auil
tio of the pl.iiiu-t kitchen chairs,
without pointing or finishing ot any
kind. 1 gave audi piece in the set two
coats of blue pulut and a coal of var-
ntshand had site glass In Ihe bureau
changed to rreuch plate. .u old
wlckeY reeking chair .i patuted
white and oruumeutcd with piuk and
blue ribbons. The Uedapread and
bolster case were inade from ordinary
twelvt w tit scrim, having baby ribbon
run through the luce strlpcs The
stationary waahstand was hlddaa by a
coinuion three-fold screen, The cover-
j intf for th s, as was uUo the wiudow
; drapery uud chair cushions, was of tine
China silk of pluk and blue, 'riu
I ' for t' e Standl&g lamp, nude
from crinkled paper, the bureau scarf
i and glove case were all of the shades
j of ptuk and blxao. Dho beauty of tin
room, completed at a cost ot seventy
; five dollars, eaa hardly be iumjriued.
Laurie Duckett, In l adies' Home Journal.
WE AK MEN your attention
I,," j ... i is CAUiSO to im:
Qrssl : i 1 . Reon if,
Gray's Spedllc iedlctae
IHWust I'M ss
t"i i hvit, uuu 1
IF YOU SUFfl in. I Miud.
incj , uod nil illm-t:
rlM trow oesr-ladalgsoes sad islf-abosej
L as oi tfsnjorrsno rawer, Dtautsssufvu
ion, rrsBtstareoid ssssnd iuny utbi-rdii
eases tnai Ism to latsaltjr or (asnnptlon
mi. I :uu'urly tfrnvo, wnttor iniuiptilet.
.ildri tilt A V MI'lKINt: CO., Buffalo,
N. Y The gpeslfls Hsamne Is sold by all
it ucglsti st S per pseksfe, is i pscsstM
lor loiorssnt brsnsll oa rscelpl ol noasXtsnd
with vtry SSiOn nrdr w i I'AHA Tt-.K
n . inrti or monoy rHfuhusil ,., mm
Cv7-ou soooont of counturfylts i lum
illoptnl tin-VilK.w V i ni-i-t . I Ik, only ,: uu
tuts bora la icrsatoa in Mattasws Uns
&l un in ttclu rtiia ef the CslobrAted
100,000 Bbl For Annum.
p Mm
M i T ti mni mi
vi-. r",.v
l(.ll thr K i.Tf.bunr, Kisa I, tti
Th F
"ClUOAOO, Oct tH.FbS lirnl iilllciftl
niinutiticemi'iit of World's Kuir 41
pliitmis on flow hai been msds, A
medal bai Iwao awarded by the
World's Fair juilgei to tin- floor maun
iHi iureil by tbeWashbnrn, Crosby Co,
in th Washburn Flour Mills,
Miiineiipolri 'llm committen reurts
the flonr strong an'l pun, and entitles
d to in uk ns tfrtt-clau patent iluur for
lamlly ami bakers' um."
v nun i i t a i . i n i
'J Im above brands of flonr can be had at any 'if the foiiuwin nsrshants,
who will scoept ThbTRIBUXB rmi R COI HON u,' :.'o ou each oas buttdnd jouudi
of Hour or 50 on each biuret ol flour.
torsnton r i Pr'.i. Wsablngton svsnni I
Quid Its 1:1 111 .Old.
Punmors V I' Prioj, Uold tloJal Bruut.
paumiirs r t itsnlsj Hsporlstlrs brsnl.
Hydopsrli Cartoan Psvla W ni-tiiniru St.'
. it,. id Medal Uraiid; J mjM A. Uears,liaiu
' idoiiue, Uupsrlatlvs Brsnu,
On-n Hldw a UHpnaaer.Qolil Med M Brand.
J. T. 51. II ile, Hnixtrlsttvs
Pro iiii-ii.'.---i-'einiur a (Jhspjiell N Muln avu
bus rtuperlstlvu lirstulivf. J Ullliaplii, v.
Market utrest, Oo'il Mead Brand
(lviiiiani Jsnes Jordan ffnptirliitlvS Brsni)
Peekvllis Mti 4ir -r a K- Un Huperlstlv.
Jorisyu '. ii Winters aCo Buporststlvs
Aruhbsld -Jonea n uin n . (I ,i, Hodsl.
t'arbou Isle It. B. Olsrk, OoW M.-t Brand.
Il.uiestlalu 1 N, Poster A tjo Uoll M3l
Muiiuk.. M II. I.tvell,
Taylor Judge A' Co , Medal; Atberton
Co., auperlstlve,
Duryoa l.;i.i r.-in rom-u I'.i . liiild MeUI
M., idn John M. i 1 1. idle, i : Li Modal
Plttston V v, ii Boyle, Uold it Ui
i 'lurk n Orson Vrace c Purkoi Buptrlstire,
i i. -i Huniinll I'M youjiir, Uold Msdsl
Dull. in S K. I nei A Ho d l!c lu hrau-l .
Ni h .i-iiii - i j: Harding.
Wav. rly-.U. - Bliss Bon, Oold Msdsl.
r I- toryvillt lusrlss Usrdm i Hold Modal
Hnpitoitos N. M rtDu&tJon, Uold M.-tut.
Touyliatns T'lbyhsnas a l.iblgti l.uuiio i
I Iio.d .Mi- 1,1 1 111 Kiel
II. .11 il,b h A. Ail uu, II ,1 I M U. Ill il
M w (islge 4 Clsnisnts, Uold Medal
).,:.- Ari-I ,.,uia A Uorlrie, Uold .VeUal.
Koreat (.'!() J. I.. Morgsn A Co., Uold il. . .
.Mituutactun-i uii.l Ueiiloi's in
n Easy lloihed of Preservleg i rm for
an luitritnite Period,
It is over ; quarter of a century since
the folio wluir appeared In the Harden
ers' Monthly. Coming back again to I ... ,. , . , . ,,
rt HiUHiinatiiig and Lubricating
worth republishing.
Atlantic Refinini Co. Mercereau 4 Course
" The following
which comes fr,;a
ancient method,
America us new.
There are several of a later period, I may be worth repeating and trying:
, the doe neu'. before us is far ui.ler
thM ajiy yt fcc::d.
'I'he tablet, which is of limestone.
was discovered In the ruins of the u-m-
TsUs verji line saud, wash it perfectly
clean, and when dry si:' it Ihroagha
titie sieve into a pau. When the sand
is deep enough to hold the liower, m
t Nip -.r In southern i uu upright position. ta!;e some
pie iu the
Chaldea. This temp dedicated
tn the gtrOSt ;"od aa.l bad a very laive
BriesthtWii sttashsil to it ironi uie
v, le of writing, which la extremely
arehaie, and from the curious svalem j
of aumerals tnpl iyed, the table can
not be of later date than SSUO B. C. It
aontalna a list of ninaty-twn vestments '
uhich were presented t. the temple by :
the Iciutf. 'l'he name ot! the aiur .s in
A.rumteiy not 'ive::. The end of the j
tablet reads: "In a.l aiasitj titn pure
vestments, the bill - list' cf the :nr.;..i
f.;r the priests this year." .Many of the
words are unknown to us, as they are.
Bo doubt, uiauc of them technical
terms employed that modistes of the
period. Some ot the lines, however,
ure uf particular Interest those that
-an be satisfactorily deciphered,
Among ; ue ....-tiis are- "Twelve white
robrs of ttie telnplr. eight ruo-.'-. of the '
lars. tWO Wide robe-,. Hue item -if j
jle'-iai interest occurs near the end?
"tour scented robes,' This reminds .
naof the passage In V nlv., suea.;
lag of tue robes redolent of "myrrh i
nad aloes and cabala." 1'. was, uo
aioubt, the custom in Baby! mis to per-
fnma the robes, as it la to this day in
Persia and India. A.iuer itetn i:.a.,o
ilius.trative of en-ti-rn lif-: "Two
winders." probably searfs used I r
binding round ttie wsisf Thisdora
asanthas likewise an additional ral is
in showing us the ifreut development
which had tal.--.. place In the tes .
arts in baldea oven at tins i-anv
period Thedacorationaon the statues
of ijudca i B. i 3B00), the embroidered
triages, show that ihe skll of, tue
.-..-aver and the smbeoidercT was far j
advanced, and it. l a. trli ts featnrs
to notice that nearlj all the sltempts
s t deuussll rs wovh ia carle Chnldea an :
ii, patterns which are dei'.ved Cfom
teJtila deaigna
fety r.-nrlr On May Ha Mao. at a
Trlltlae Cip-as.
Embroider eompanions besides fnl
SQing th.- mission implied by the parae, ,
ure made to gn.ff the r .om In the j
shape of sacbel bags, The triangular
fancy is rntended only for light needle
prk. it la liiu iis of ebamols, nine
Inches -uare. etnhroidT-l with sin-.'ls
blossoms and sprigs of forget-me-nots
lifted saad and carefully cover them.
A. spoon is a good tiling to take for
this, a, it t,.4s iu every chii.' and cran
ny witii.. ;' breaking or bending the
leaves. V heu the pan is tided solidly,
leave the t. dry for several
days. It Is a good plan to warm the
sand In loe oven before using it. a.- the
flowers will theu dry more thoroughly,
I u taking the sand otf. great care
l-e t..l,.-u not to breaic the leaves, as
th ;. are now dry and brittle. Pan-leo
pveservad In this nay will keep their
ihape and brilliancy of color all win
ter, a.ia many oth r flowers can be
e.iaaliv saciMaafully treated uny
thing, in fact, where the full pressure
of the saui! comes on boiu sides of the
leaf: otherwise they will shrivel To
nil In flowers with eup-llka shapes It
is better to lay them on the sand, and
with small spoon tili iu and around
each flower. Ferns when prsrved in
this way have a taore natural look
than when pressed, and the maiden
hair fern looks ft 'inns', as Well as when
it is freshly gathered,'
Linseed Oil, Nnpthai mul tiaio
Tties of nil grades. Axle Qrease,
Pinion Grease and Colliery Com
p 'tnd ; .ilse, a liiro Hue of i'ar
ratline Was Candies.
We also ban lie the Famous CROW I
ACME OiL, the only fewlly safety
burning oil in tho nt'trket.
ici.-e: Coal Ssebanae, Wyoming Av
oris ul lu;o lir.Hja.
7 I A Iv.t v WN A A.l All.
and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods,
Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables,
Shell Goods, Table and Ban
quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a-Irac,
Sterling Silver Novelties.
Oomplexion Pi&tiVMi
Da. Hcf..'S
v!ou mm
T -
All Prices and all Sizes.
a a
P.ftnoypi rrseklti P'-npii-,?.
lhr . Molor, Blsc . : .,
jj.ificurn aau in, nuu nj
tU .-. 1,1" I k 'J X'J 1 J I ;-; j-X ..;
nsi iRsnnos, LKuuugun a
clear aad beliy cn:-iBP.
I . ....... v ,
j.iuu. BUlvnW Mir::,Ji:J
wepsnittons and perfectly hemic?. At all
uruijsl!i.s,oruiail- d to: Met, fceu-t lor Circular
VIOLA SKIN SOAP l Sastf liiBirsr.)it.
s'f , p'T!.,!r -"V, oii'tiaJsi', ,-ir iht tnthtf, ftnl VHkMl
rifil fliTtl B'irsejfw. AMtaMlY rnirw ac-l d-ill :a,Wlf Bfll-
rattsvt A t dratflftai Prion ?S Crnlt.
i. C. BITTNCR 4 607,Tolido, a
It l llad Visible iiy tfsnn o
. rranRem.--at.
In Popttlar Astronomy. Eliza A.
Bowen shows how the earth s revolu
tion may oe marie manifest to the eye.
Dr. L, v..if-. in 1'opuiar Astronomy,
says: I'.ai; on the tl'xr of a room free
from tremors ami air currents a good
tized i.owi nearly filled with water
anil sprinkle over thn surface of the
mater an even coat of lyeopoiiium
powder, nr.ii aer -,s this make anar
row biaek line of pulverized charcoal
Place the bowl so that the blade line
shall soinefde with a oraak in tie.
floor ir, If the i wm be carpeted, lay a
stick upon trie lloor. exactly parallel
iVith the mark, After a few hours it
will be found that the line is no
i ,n;,'iT parallel with the stationary ob
ject, but h.,s niovcl frotD east, to ivest.
pruvinsj that, difrinrr this Interval, tho
earth has moved from west toenst.
fhe r ason appears to me to be that
'.lie solid floor baa with the nth anil
Ixiv. I movii from tvrsf to . art, :t r . 1 sci
has the uat'-r als., but at M slower
rate us there It s sllfrht ii" rtia. of
ivhlch the yielding llqnkl do . notln
etsntly pnrtaWe. to bn overcomdi It
nrlllbeaeeo that lbs line or charcoal
lu pule bias rii.hon work, doc tith 1 marh always MOfsd from skat to west
crinoiuif aieiv.; ia-..-r ot ; -r.teii
iiupl Pee ni,
llat'.liewj fir
ilormn t
M . Morgan Brus.anJ
" v T" HlSMItt Vrs,-,, ImuM.
,1, Imuitn tstti esre y a i
Jxjfr f Doorfal bona to itif ir.
if-. ,: " " "nil, mnrr- i nrunl,
Lyi Jnriirr.r.,, Ilrnnrtillli,
-s, i rll fr'FVKU. .i
limaf diati ft lUf, An efticlt i.l
rrini'llr. f i l t.. r an r
In pn-(t.raily to BSS nn Sit l;..i.mi.len of OoIJ I
AnilMii-il ( fi; . r ..t ton, . .Mtl..nsiiirant''i1it'ir iiioiiey retuiiiipij Prlrr,
.". . Trlsi iri.. i.t l)nitin. In-iiiM. rivi , n . . 1
dOoratS. C. u. CCSSSIJ, K!r.,TbuiiliTOMjii,tJ.S. i. 1
citt n it net asv
MFNTHfll 1 ' " SnS e ii -.t
nuniuuu n . i akirnlMiaujCiTiiniii. it. n ;(
Rhmim ii 1 Horm Hu.-n. ri. tV,iniU-ru1 ,u, i
r..rPII KS. F'" ?',.. i ,
gift nr le mull pr-.l. SiMi--- i tsWLfl
For sals hy tfatthcwi Bros Morssn Brus.and
llortsn & -I.
OfSco, 813 West Lacka
vanna Ave.
Quarries anl Works,
Portland, Pa,
n D P Pimples. Blotches
rr 1 and Old Sores
mm a
Man of
aheet'Waddlns'i and faee with ffataared
blue satin. The gathered lining la sx
ttuiieii and turned down an in h aa
jpouJ the chamois, formlnffa Mil. Ths j
square is then folded iliaffonnlly. and '
the tWO niues ure joineil to lliilke II trl- !
angular bag. Jn ths romst'sara fast
ened tassels mail.- ()f the ieiiialiiiii(f
bits of leather, out into narrow stiips,
uml tied together with blue roM silk.
A blue ri'ubou for hflmglng cmnpletes
this eraation in popular blue and. yel
low. A design for larger pie.-es of f incy
work lsmuueoi i-rencu saline. A prae
tieal t-i.e is one yard long, sud half the
. hlth of the Kou s. Before sewing lip,
slip over n large bone ring. I 'old in
the middle, sew the bottom ainheuch
side, leaviuir u opeuluu at either top I huppeus. -Judgu.
Paper fti ii Usdroetn,
Illinf;, b-'dro , pH"rs are much ill
demand, and wonddrfally beautiful
some of tin ui ara 'I'ht one fault In
rooms of any h.t: iilaekof character
uml a somewhat faded srJserable, but
even that lias been Obviated byaclever
device, In tilts home of n-receut bride
of art I itlo lastf ; the n alls of t he guest
rooM nr.- pap red with a ilisi;.'u of pale
pinh upon a creamy, white ground,
and the llefeet of ti, pule lint i isen
tin iy overcome by a bordering of olive
cartridge paptir. blach of the four
e.uils hai lieuodifl a panel, and the
plain tint runs around uil side... to
'hat tie sweet, ti.-iuler pUlks un- in"
i-iou'd in n bramsaad tin room ssu
whole f u in i the dignity thai Is desired
IMIeffiW Wsrvevs Hesisuha
'1 he i.i din i i-y nervmis hetttlaehS Will
im (rsatlj relleveu, and In many m .
entirely enrwl by rstnovlng the Waist
of one'adreas, kuoUlog the hair high
upon the head out of t!ie wuy, uml,
while leaning over a baatu, placing u
ipongs 'onked in water as but us it
ean bo born's oti the back of the nbi h.
Uep-'ut this munv timen, also applying
the rtpoagt In hind the ean. and the
strt load mnsoles and nerves that have
csnssd somnoh misery will be felt to
relax u nil smooth thrinsclw-s out dell
clOttkly, and very (roquantly ths paiu.
promptly Vanlahes in conaetttSMa
The I nr i. ihJ.
lie Why. Ml-.s libier. this is n sui
prlfcc! I thought yo.t were abroad this
She Oh, no. Yon haven't heard,
then'.' 1 uu tp be jnurrieil next month.
He Will, well! this ia itarlJinr
new-.: nut then the unexpected ulwnvs
SW . tT I J
Sra-r Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
l ltOM ( K- fit. ht.V..
1(1 s , tt K( HA V. ' H - "It
Nfri DotHNi tftsflit'tl UtetlOfJ
r.i--HM, Mi.-'-t. - rifiti, Styntly fcmji
, ii. t ' .il-il I . 'I'M - . i 1 " i, e i if i - it 1 1 1 1
l' In inki ii otafftrih' am 1 -inU-Mf tut PtirJiv tun
I t .!.,.,,...! I AArtT voMftf I .. I!'. ' ml -Hn
pOQktfl lil'$.H (. .... Mini i HAWlrhh -I
ffrtttf?! finti ml t r- Wt nii' i 'l t HjlNfll l I' n '
Itl Mni inttrtnolptaid dftifOMrl 'II ou nty ("' tj
tmltntlm n I un Imvt.if IHHAI'O noiitii il
fit li n t Rullt, ffrft will r ml it r v nmll upt'ii itilp
uf tJl M l'ii(-hlt-' III ! hi riivHln'ii- rrtffi AduffM
OrWfftUl ll-UI. l lo.l i' itp i, 1 1 III 'aajii) III., llfftlftii
SOI 1 In Mallhtwi Dro . Wholettti and tUlftll
tnl ii s( RAN TON, HA , tnd olhiif Lttw
iris! Drufiiiti,
and Scrofula
Every Womar
Bonstllau i ued) n rail
ibis i inflthly rcfiil.itiug
i 4
Hr Pi: A l R
Su lesv I . I W Vl aa W
Ar:i iiriimtil, mto unit i priiiiii in reatila Ths SSDSi
I 'in. Posl'i . nsn i utaspsoint, snt snywawa
.."'j. nsl MsdlMss Co , UisvslsM o.
hm by .ii'HN ii. PIlELM PhSrausUI
rurnar Wv tiling sveuuf ami Bprue utreat.
Hornt',i:. IV
H IVt.r: i , 'jjtt
H oJy, uutltr i 1 i . m
Mnin Ffotj EtB
HH iifafini ptff.,i'' rntil n ' Will I (X) Rjffl
miwfiii, u Mnald i?mij ''S3H
BB pMiilval) .'is. fiiH HTV(. iii in,,,,,, in. IM
I. iv iv MiirKW-ii ttu1.t mi, Imii-Uup
tbfl wwiu n nl iMl)ilttnt,o, jtlvt-H
itlt'ltK' D 10 Wl'llk"fH"l U' T n- , sxpi'!n
,1 - . . i , , i iti- Mtnnl bMltn and
MppiDeM whore lrhntti, filoftnj
l Iiirh ii ml l tiitLuJo flrt pmKli'-ii.
t-. r iMlun"y.i imlftrr uml terlisir
nvphflir. lOfiHUOjd boliotlfii, ntrott
r it I pOlAOO, iiintfrlii, ly4HtttU, nml
jn till hluutl ttii l akin lIlMiM, MN.O
bloienti plnpjM, niu obtobio nlofrt,
ttttWt lOtld nMVi ItollB, rj
n p-i-ft mnr nnrf withiut fvnr r
mimdlotlon,tbA1 r. p H, umbwit
li.. ni pvrlstaf in ihe woi Id.tM ttskfl
pMlil ro. npuii'ly un J if rmnnitnt mrtf
111 uM
esiiesisM.i fJissi us mi i is n i ffJMffJsTJMffJffJI s
,H'tln whij-B yitonm trt botflool
mihI who' tiii"dmld Hh tuiiMit I ri'iMit
mi, ihi to monstrtittl m r . in? it Iti,
fit) j.rt'ii'Htrlv uAtiefltm iir tio Wutl
iii rai tovlo lodbra nioli tntlnj pfotH
nrlli-iiif P I' I' trldlt A-l. IVkt
Hout nii'l rOtatllBIII
pi RIHUI k i L Mo. , - Off, t liii. i Ml
- I , ,u fp 'iik In Uu lilHbi itirm I'
mr tUffKiMsin froonf own prrmtniii
Klinw I ' ." 1 WMUCt wild linn i 1
1Ui':it. pii'tit '"v nml rlii iiiniiilati) i.t
.i 1 fa . Wtl IrMtOd MJ li vn hvi
phvl luni nii'l api'tit liinulrtMl u iloj
lut ir iil i M.ry lUpWO iHtti.Miv with
out MOlll rilli'i'. I MMffJ "iilv it.kt n
Opfj Mtt.0 "f T 'ir IV IV P., Mini ( nn
Uu'Tftiltv lAJf U lifts Unlit' tDfllUOffJ
ft Milt 1 it 111 Ml' .''I I 1 ' '
1 1 'i,n i s "M ni. i.i i font joodiofsit to ail
Miifjii'tr of tti' i i'".i 'II it Miiti.
Mil1. M. M. VKAUY.
Iprlttf&wdi iirt'.tii Voffiiy, i.lo.
Catarrh, Walaria 5
and Kidney Troubles
t t sttlrfl i'tiittii ri p.r.i.
- v tti 1 m ttooi in -i v. -
him, liSs- i.T. M ! hinn'i pm tiw 1 'i - --w
AmnTFitv. n., Jolr 2tv18t11a '-0
. I u i-mn llHt.ft., hAVMiinah. I0T.
Oi IIRARBIM I 1-tnitfht nbottlOOf 5
.'.ii p I. r. iti Hot ppiiin:. Wk .and . -'
ll hm dpsMeVt B0njO0dUlll IBMfJ
Uioothr 1 ntttmonl ii thi Rot IpliDgftt
Htiiid lhrsf tMir t left t '. I). l.
K' lpf .Hlullt yi'iirft,
JA-. M. rV TOV,
Ahn'eu, BfOWS r-'uni), 0.
up; li ii. JliaHHi
To nil vf-om it mny tOHttfltt hrffl
. io"tify t tin wniuhTiiil pMprni'
of P. IV P. (Of nrnpU-.n ( fh -'kin. I
nifT't'l ItM sHvirl e.trii vrltti nn UU
lelfhtiy tml illmKrfi'ithle oruptiim a
iii fkoi I trltja Tr kttowii ,,ini
tl but Hi t filn.tnii li p. TV v wh inc. I,
ft Itl fltll IIKtt t'lllir-'! ' "IS'tl
(llgBOd b) i J. L. JOHNfl POK.
hnvHituiih, iid.
Mitin CAsff r Onrtfli
Ttttimcni- fn;n th Mayor 9 vnifl.iVT.
MHIIti TsMsi .itimiHry 11, IM L
Mi 'fur-. l.m'Ms Blot. i Mitiiinnh,
OA,) tim i'en htff tried voiir r,
Iv I . If - ii dtiwur if iht Uhi, umirtily
known skin otnonr,oc Mriy j t .r
itHn.lin. nl tnuml Krftl rAtlr: It
piirMPtD tlin Id I iit.d rt'inovK j nil ir-
rttttloO fr tin fu rent f 1 h si i ' n -
mid priTPiu any t-cri BulnM tM
Mirri. I llt'e tHkl'M flf"l ll&bil I M
nnd fipl Ddatnl thftttnothtPci nitn
in tsffnal n tfUfVt II nti nlio vHioi
Hi" fmtii liiilltfrtttltiti :md Huiuuili
troubli?. Y.ilin truly.
At i .it usj ni Ltiw.
l,lipnnii'. u ' ' l,.:n
I - 'Sti . -.iau
Ladies Who Valuo
A ri-Bncil rou-)ltTliii nmut nco lnjzoiil'i, Puw-
dcr. Ii priiilutoii v. 6fl uud boautltul VIn.
Urt.n. .ua ai ,-f iMIii
N ' Tf i'i , r ,, v W I lit,..'.. , i Hi. in A Bu L . .1 . . , 1. I I c
'it asst. I. K i i ii to N.ttniDftmmy, tail tsS.iii.i r..w.r iiln mi,
ili, i. Ui. i v nrwiiati ns any . ii ..InMS. . imslM i.n.t i.
nni ui..),U"ii ..r ii.,h- mi, i .ii. per tint by m.ihikflitN foi tiv Wits tf f -i
i i.i it .11 ..mi. t,. en ,,, . ,,i.i,
.... I, I lino.
rsai Mnitcuk v
Closing out the bal
ance oi' our
at following prices:
Ruvlait l.y x Clroolsr Cap's, it, ti ki
Elsotrla Heal Olroular Ospsa la., sa
A.trakliau t.'iniilar ' api. '1 lu . . '.i'ji
Woui .s. u. cirenlsr 1-11 U is ti-t'i
Mess Martsfl Ctreulsi Cspss, Is sMO
liiuau Msrisu cirenlsr Cspss, 24 m IMO
tjtui Cireubu Cape, ui in
Seal Sacques
Seal Bseqsss, ' laal m I'jiis 1110.00
Si-hi Jeokets, W I nc be 100.00
i-uiit ji-ku. ;:i laabss lens 'i,i'
Astrskbso Jsaksts Hi Insbsi lout OS .00
Circular Capes
Cirealar Caps, DOiBsb long, sr!tbj
Itutunlty i.apa ', t
Ottsr Clroolsr Caps, 'si u.ubes lous.witb
ButUrfli Csps iuj.Oi
Bsbla Ciroular i;aiB, ni losssloog, ;,, KIK
AfciiakLau Circular Csp, :U iucln-s lung :;;' Itl
Elsetris isai Droulsf Cap, in. iub.. ai ev
Oray CrUamir Cirenlsr Cspsg mtn loaf DOM
10 doses American H ui Mutt. at. ...yi ir, .cb
1 lut . t abildrsn ti at Hr. sscti
I lot uf rjli-iKti Robes, viuiu liurl 'i osnb
Ladies' Plush and Cloth
Coats at Your Own
For t-i.'uturies brilliant niti-K
have bWO painting birautiiul pi'.'
lurerj, uml the let ol tbH pic
tuna are carefully preserved
wealthy people in their luaosion-i,
or by govertuneatsi aud cities iu
public buUdiug. They form tho
great attraotioivi to ruauy of tho
old world cities, uml inn till ho
seen only by much traveling and
:it great expe&te,
As outlined below, :t lover of
pictures conceived the ni?a of plur
ing these delight of the eye with-
iu the reach of greater uunbera,
and the result is the beautiful art
1 work,
i'huil THE
j. bolz Art Galleries
Foote $l Sliear Co.
138 Wyoming; Ave.
Tiie ot.iy Praetieal Furrier 10 the city.
Seeds and
Urge Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
lieing a lover of the modern
s i, vies oi painting, he Includes iu
Ibis grand collection all ibal is
popular and good in
lintel W
As -well as the thoicest bits, and
the-famous and historical pieee
of the artists of all ages.
This ia undoubtedly tii- most
beautiful aud complete an work
erer published; aud well it may
be, for il oouiaius the bet work
of the delineators of all that is
These pictures are engraved on
capper plates by the half-tone
photo-gravure process; and are
Fnropr.m rin nrst-SUS Fur sttaSkSS.
in pot '.u" BsrtBsr at Kufti'. TaaaatMssi
I. E. Cor. 15tti M Flkl sti., PhAiui
Most il riraUn for rSsMSBtS cf N K rr.n
tylvaiiia All ror.Trnieni-K lor trsrstsrS
to ami from Hroail StTSSt aiatl. n and th.
' ''.! tU sod Mm-kst Btrst ttatioa. I'i
tiralile fi-r 1siUn SsrantoalsaS ani
kit u tiin Astbri ions licgiDs
KM kind FVtsk 1 lati r,-c.iii dal1
I an, ) Rmokc! Maliliiil.
Bonalvss t'n...
hi montti Btnstsrs,
-hi MiKkiifl.
Iturkni, n. ( lii .iii-riiKo llni fi IT T 111 T. Tl P l i
Msurtc iiu.r . o .; htm r,ri;
tif the cri(;insl psiiitinj-j. ereo to ths
very b:uh msrks.
Tney re luai from pfcotOgTSpbi
tsken direct fr. ta the origiasl psial
1 legs. Ech psrt contains fifteen of
thes-s t-Dgrav.ncs and one psgs cf de
icrifitive mstter of the picture sod
! the Artists, sni
To our render.
Why do WSgo to this eipsns.-?
QroolatiOO m a uswpsper :a svtrv-
III11, l oiiil
v,iii Mii-ii Clsssa ShrlaH
SCSttApS, 4'c
l uranl" by JOHN II. PsTBLPS, I'lini uisci.t, cor. WjTOnlag At nuil SpiuceSt.,
ScrauK-u, Pa
B K 1 C K
Best in the market
Brandt Clay ProductCo
OFFIOBi Blattamtotti N. Y
r.(ToKV. Brandt, Pi
If. bj cinnc thsss raamifiosBl r.Tt
.very week t,- the resdsr of
IE f 811
VFs sJJ Sfi psr cent, to our circulation,
will ho mote Ihsti repaid for the cot
The Way to Get It
For the first portfolio,
bring to this office one of
the coupons printed else
where on this page and 10
cents. For subsequent, parts
send three coupons and ten
JOG South Washington Avenu.i,
CsBtrsStor anit InitttW of PonrroU PISgl hit,
I'oncrsU Rloska PsisSa Hmt-ir aad 0ml
BIllS, Wst CollsiS 4lfi ap. tlnlors may bs
li-tl at ThompsoS a Prstt, Wnlsns it Co,
Main ami Kam BtrestS, Bf ac HersatOS
Ht.ivn VSoi-Ich. Mu Kumd.i'.ioiia, i'mtarna
V. il, Wii'u l uuu.l.auil Cnttna 1 lan.-.u fur
Uai-tlau Walk.,