THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 23. 1894. LIVE NEWS OF m PITTSTONS The Sciunton Tribune's Plttston de partment is in charge of J. M. Fahy, to whom news items and complaints may be referred. AN EXCITING FOOT RACE. Two Sprlattrt Strumrls for Supremacy on tht Bridge. E. Q. Lynch nnd Joiiu J. Donnelly, of the Niagara Engiue couipauy, in dulged in a sprintlug match yosterday afternoon, greatly to the edification of n large bust of their admirers. The race was run at 4:80 o'clock and took pi 105 on the Water sirjut bridge, The distance was 100 yard. Lynch cave Donnelly five yards start. Jake Pflllgstou was starter and s?nt the men off In good thane. The race was hotly contested up to the last tw.nty-tive yards, when by a huronloau effort on the part of Donnelly Us broke the tring ten yards iu advance of Lynch. At th slots of the raee the victor ami vanquished with their friends re paired to the coupany's rooms on Water street whsro a few hours' ioliti catiou wa indulged in. mm THE NINTH WARO CASE. Court Orders th Ballot Box Placid In the Custody of the Prothoaotnry, The p)titiou of Thomas J Corcoran, the def-ated candidate for oouuoilmiu was considered by the court yesterday morning, Tne court decided that they had no authority to ex.iiniue the bal lots in the disputed case at the present, but ordered the ballot box of the ward to be sealed and placed ta the custody of the prothonotory until the limit of time for Instituting contest proceed ings shall have expired PITHY PITTSTON POINTERS. A Batch of Spicy Paragraphs for Hur ried Perusal. Washington's birtudiy Wis appro priately observed iu this plaee place yesterday. The weather all that could bo desired and had tne effect of bringing large crowd of people to the streets. As a mark of respect many of the business places were clossi. Iu the eveuing the faire now iu progress under the anspices of the Eigle aul "Hooks" were the objects of attraction for the young people and their visiting friends, Tony Farrell, the popular Irish com edian, will appear at Music hall next Tuesday evening iu ''My C.iUeen." The news of the deatn of Mrs. Abra ham Nesbitt and J. M. Courtright, two well known people of the county seat, which occurred yesterday, w is received with much regret by many persons in this place. Attorney J.imes L. Morris, of this place, has oeen appointed one of the tellers to make the official count of the election returns. Tne count bezn yesterday aft ;rnoon bafore Judges Rice and Woodward, The Gazette isrred last evening whan it quoted the judges of our courts as saying "that tney had no authority to examine the ballots in the disputed case." They have authority but not at present. A Hungarian, Mike Palakawitz re siding at YatesvilU wis admitted to the hospital yesterday. He it suffering from an injured leg which it is thought will'havsto be amputated. While walking the railroad in that vicinity Monday last wit run ever by a train and one of his legs was badly in jured. He was taken to hit boarding honse, where was allowed to remain without medical attendance until yes terday, when he was conveyed to the hospital. Mrs. Elizabeth Bryden, relict of the late Jamea J. Bryden, of the West Side, received yesterday from John P. Green, reporter of Wyoming lodge, No. 69, Knights of Honor, a draft for $2,000. the amount of insurance car ried by Mr. Bryden. Tne Pittston township eleotion was one of the most exciting in the history of that locality. It. resulted iu the elec tion of James Keating and Patrick Granahan as supervisors, Patriek Jor dan and Martin Tierney, school 4i rectors; Own McLane, tax collector; Martin Holleran,treasurr,and Tuoma Brown, register assessor. Mrs. Thomas Nichols, of tho West side, is on tne siek list Mits Kate Sax was a visitor in Scran ton yesterday. Burgflss-elect Maloney was in Wilkes Barre yesterday. Abednego Reese and wife returned yesterday from Pittsburg, whore they have been visiting. George HeQallUn is visiting his friends at Maucli Cnunk. Mrs. Andrew Allen and children visited with friends here duriug the past ween. Mary, wife of T. W. O'Brien, died at her home on North fdtio ttr-et latt evening after a bnof illness. She was 24 years old and was a danghter of ex Burgias Bahony, of Avion. The fun eral will occur an Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at St John's cburcn, where a mats of requiem will be sung. In terment will be made in St. Miry's cemetery, Avoca. Mrs. Rogers, of the West Hid?, has gone to Reading in response to a tele gram announcing the illness of her nephew. Mrs. William Speecs, of Soranton, is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. E W. Milligan and family, of Wilkes-Barre, passed yester day with the family of M. W. Morris, on William street. Miss Theresa Lenshan, of Wilkes Bnrre, is visiting the Misses Maloney, on North Main street. Do not put off taking medicine. Namer mis little ailments, If neglected, will soon break op the system. Take flood's Karta pariila now, to expel disease, giving strength and appetite. Hood's Pillt cures constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. MATTERS AT M I NOOK A, Newsy Paragraphs from a Buttling- Cor rttpondont. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Minooka, Pa, Feb. 22. P. F. Cn sick and John J, Egan attended the en tertainment at St. Thomas college last night given by the St. Vincent de Panl society of the South Side. Mieaes Kate Rsardon and Annie Cayne, of the South Side, visited Mi nooka friends yesterday. ; Mrt. Albert LaOlair Is snfferlng frons a sever attack of the grip, l The South Side Store company is suspending some of their help, owing to the dullness of trade. In the shooting match whieh took place yesterday at Moosic, Johnnie Coyne, of this nlaoe, won the laurel in taking first prize, by shooting six ont of seyen. The Yonng American band, of this place, will hold an entertainment and locial on Easier Monday night at St, Joseph's hull, which promises to be one oi tne grandest or the season. A 0 -year-old sou of John Philbin. of Main street, is Btriously ill and his re covery is doubtful The measels are raging in this see tion. There are fully thirty casts re ported in this place, James Coiintlly, an aged resident, of this place, Is seriously ill. THE WORLD DO MOVE. Oood Koail Agitation Is lUiglunlne to lit ii BaUM Fruit. The agitation of tho subject of good roads is causing mauy communities to take active steps in securing the ben ellts to be derived from their construe- tlun. From the Atlantic to the Rooky mountains this good work is receiving more attention thun at tiny former period in tho history of the Country, nud when the public Is thoroughly awakened to its importance an rra of improvement will begin, which, fruin the rapid development that will fol low, will bo thoroughly American lu its character, as no nation undertakes such measures of Importance with the same enthusiastic determination. Townships mul counties in both the eastern and western states are pre par ing to submit votes for issuing bouds fvr road purpose In Pennsylvania the citizens of Alv iugtoii township will vote during this year on tho proposition to issue $SU,(00 in bonds to tuucudumUo the principal roads in the township. In Michigan the board of supervisors at Alpena will submit a vote at au early date for issu ing 73,000 in bonds to ruu tifty years. to be expended iu improving the coun ty road i In no section of the country have the roads bean so badly neglected us In the south, but, with the light that Is being thrown on this important question by the press, it will not be slow in adopt ing such measures as will bring gooi' roads. Industrial American. Cooperative Koatluialilng. The system in New Zealand erf con structing road is by what are culled co operative contracts. In these a bmall party of men, generally six in number, is allotted a certain section or length ol road; one of them is elected a "ganger" and trustee for the others to deal for them with the government Tho gov ernment engineer states a price for the portion of the work, und as this is done by an unprejudiced officer it is general ly accepted without a murmur by the men. The results usually have been very satisfactory. Progress payments are made fortnightly for the benefit of the men's families, and tho whole amount is paid up iu cash on the work being passed by the engineer. It is the intention of the government to provide small farms of 10 or IS acres each for these workmen in village set tlements so that they may be induced to make their homes in country dis tricts and thus in some, degree neutral ize the centralizing tendency of mod ern industrial life. Pall Mall Gazette. Sound Sense from the Ileneh. In his address to the grand jury at the opening of the fall term at White Plains, N. Y., October 2, Judge Dyk man, of the New York supreme court, called the attention of the (rrand jury to the condition of the highways throughout the county. He spol;e briefly of the advantage of good high ways to the farmers and general public; stated that it was the duty of the grand jury to see that the public roads were kept in proper repair; con demned the road from White Plains to Tarrytown through the rich town of Greenbtirgh; and advised them to bring the matter prominently before the public by indictment of officials nr other persons who were responsible for the condition of the roads, if such re sponsibility could be fixed or by any means in their power. Hood Roads. Undtrnenrh the Brtagtworkt. Philadelphia Timet, Dem. finite a number of people have asked, "Where arerh) Democrats?" Has anybody thought of looking under Orow's majority? Forget About Home. (ialveaton Newt. Many a man who would like to reform the world has a front gate that won't stav that, To build up both solid flnsh and strength after grip, pnrmonia, fevers and Dther prostrating dispose, there is nothing to equal Dr. Pierceji Oolden Medical Discovery. PROSTRiflON FOLLOWING GRIP. Mrs. tan (lARnrrrr, Kiuo (leiirae C. ., I'd., wrlt'S: "I was taken with grip whieh llnnlly resulted in piieiiiimnla- v as prostrate'! nr tnirt months. Hail a terrible cough anil wits emaciated yind very wink. Was fast '(drifting int"fiulck eon- ftumrirlnn. The doctor rave me medicines all the time. I grew weaker. He advised cud llvor oil emulsion. I took two bottles of It without any relief. I had pain in ray left shoulder and hack. I wrote you, and you preserioen your 'Hidden I took only one bottle lie- fore I felt better. After two bottles I MUM sit up. ami felt I had been saved from tbn grave. I Ineressed rapidly in fleh nnd strength. i ran Mrs. Garrett. Medical Discovery.' THE Thatcher IS THE Bf ST. Get prices and sen the furnace and bo con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Usuze Door Ranges. CONLAFS HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. DKITKR STIOE CO.. Ine'p. Capital, $1.11(10,000. BKST HHOK IN MB WORLD. "A dollar tuntU if a Hollar rnrneil." , Thin I. Milieu' Solid French Dongolii Kid Hnl ton lloot dtllftred fme nnvwhtro In tti U.S., on receipt id ("suh. Money Order, Or I'iisUI Not for SI .50. Kaiitlt ettry wsy the t(xit old In nil n-t ill Hihh fur $160. We ornko Uiin boot ourselves, therefore we guar- anlfr inajtt, ntule awl icear, and If toy ont is not winflrd wo will refund tka mnnev or Mini BDOtMf pair. opoTs oi) or t iimtnnn Hr-nse, widths 0, D. K, It KK, if 1 to H and liull Seitttymtrnite: we will ft you. llluilrnlrn Cttt luguo FREE FEDERAL ST., I BOSTON. SI A MA. Special terms to litaliri. B!t1 BkYl MfcMV'i MR Hws I Vi PltSVl"'" H HJ1U JHffitfK Dexter Shoe Co. TO DYE A FAST BLACK ANY WOMAN CAN OUT A UK II COLOIt THAT WILL NOT FADE. Three RptoUl Diamond Dyes for lllnok. Home-1) dint- u PteMOM Willi Them, Save KspesUS anil Delay nr fcriuliuif Goods to the Dyer A Now Ureas for Ten Cants. The fast black diamond dyes liuve saved tliouesuda of dollars to thrifty housewives. There are three of them for cotton, for wool, and for eilk and feathers and they have all made to look like new many a cloak, suit.dresa, jacket or feather that would uthsnvise USTS gnus Into the rag bag. (Joods colored with thes i dyos will not crook or fade, and are fully equal in beauty to tho work of tho best pro fessional dyer. The color will not wash out in soap Mi Is, and sunlight will not fatlo it. A ten caut package colors from one-half to two pounds, according to tho origi nal color of the goods. Plain and si pllcil directions on the package make it easy for lie most inexperienced to dye successfully with diamond dyss, thus Having the delay and expense of sen, iin goodH to tut) dye In, use. All the standard and fashionable col ors eadly made with diamond dyes, and anew dress for ten cents is often the result of their use. Bre'r Harrlty, He Lit Low. IFaiAfnofoii Font. Mr, Barrity's enemies do the talking and Air. Uarrity hag-, the offices. O'.d Enough to Know Better. Il'iisioipfon I'vit. The house is old enough to know bettor than to hang on to the cheap money erase. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patroni GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. THE Upholstery Department OF - William : Sissenberger Opposite Baptist Church, Pen itl Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets.Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. 10 POWDER IC Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g SORANTON, IM. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Made st thn MOOHIf ami HUSH 1MLK WORKS. Lnfllin & Uand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectric rttttorles, Fusbi for explol lug blssts. Safety Fubb sad RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives MT. PLEASANT AT RKTAIIs Cnnl of Itin liost qnnllty for domestic nse,nnd of til tlzM, delivered lu nuj purl uf tta city tt lowoHi iirico. Ordort ftft at my ofTlm, NO. 118, WYOMING AVKNUK, Retr room, flrnt floor. Thlr 1 Nutlontl Hunk, or noiit tiy m... i or trlilione to tho mins, will rcrtlvn prompt tlU-ntlou. Mieclal oontracta will bt miulo for the tab auddollvery of Iluckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITE MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING GO. Manufacturf-M nnd Dnalara I lubricating OILS' ilso Shafting and Journal Greasa OFriUK:-721 Wett Lackawanna Are. Vl OUKU: -Utrldiao Street ANNUAL CLEARlG SALE Three Magnificent Ofe A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thouaanda Bemnants of Dry Goods, cloaks and Fur Capes during mile at less Mian f.osl of material. Every inch of counter room covered with tho greatest bargains ever shown. Lsdies' Felt Hats, thin season's styles fjc. each. Boys' Winter Wuitts '. 1 0o each. ,aa 300. eaoh. clok" $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE. COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. A Pleasant Reflection "Tisbpsutj that doth oft make women proud; 'Tls virtue that doth make tliuiu most admired; 'Hi lnodi-ety that them seem divine,'' Thin Shakespeare wrote i!00 years' ago. Hvl he lived in these days, when women compete with the stronger sex In the bread-winning rase of life, he would not huvo believed liis stanzi completa without this important addition": "'Tis knowledge that makes woman a success." Accident of birth may make one younsj woman a shop girl aud her play mate, born at the other end of the street, a college graduate and a society bells They were squall in childhood; they are separated now by several strata of society. But appraise each at her own intrinsic worth, and what is the only clement of real superiority which the rich jjirl possesses over the poor one; It Is Education; It Is Knowledge. Herein only is the rich girl supirior. litre only is she a more important factor in life und of more value tu herself and to society than her less fortunate contemporary. Even this distinction need no longer exist; far no girl with strength and ambition but can save ten cents a day and obtain THE TRIBUNE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA From which an education csu be had equal to that possessed by any holdtr of u perfumed sheepskin. Remember that this work is of the same number of pages and cuts as Un original Scribner edition st $5 per volume, besides having about '.'.OOO pages ol supplemental matter added. Onreceiptof $4.50 tne 25 volomes will be deliv eredthe balance payable at the rate of f per month. The offer will soon bt withdrawn. The books may bo seen at 437 Spruje street. P U ZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable us a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE) I0ASY WHUN YOU KNOW HOW fSOO IN PR1BBH WIM- BH DISTtUBCTBD To THOSE DOING THE PtfBZLB IN Til K HHoKTI SI gPACB OF I IMK FOIt MLB BY ALL NBWl COMPANIES. BTATIONBB8 AND AT TOY BTOHBS, OH HK.NT TO ANY ADDHICMM I PON Itl i J II I OV PRIOB, an CENTS, HY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO.. tta AND 114 sol III EUTAW 8THKET, UALT1MOHE, MO. ..tSnti skin irtiiTi MANHOOD RESTORED! 'NERVE8HDB. 'I hit soi4irill;IWHf f n BIN 'I to (ON all ti'i aaleeil torurt all nervals pa-ni. pin i ii nn nun Mtniorr, i,u or Mrm rower, tmaonont. Vditjiuinoii, Lout Mnnhood, Nlphtly Krolioluri, Nim vmum'M, iU! ihuiut 8 mi low of power IndPiiPrntlvAOrtiiiuoof nttll tWWttMdlf OTreirtlon.nlltftil rror. Pi(fl8lTe U8 of tobnootMifiium or8t4ruulBnU, which lnn to iiflnBltT. Con- I8iimii1onorliinHY. Can u ofrtitd In vcit pocket. Si por bo, 9 lor wm, m mall propftld. with 5 order we v1t a wrltt u.retBUw If euro no. tkBMHt.B 11 r fx. U..14 I, - .11 .l,.Jl.t A .k fnf t takn 1188 A A . on UHL IIIIV r I m UIH.HMi''i nrtiirveB MM w w. m T.W. 1 1 i . , flumuil iUUlUi lBlMttl. UtU For Sale In Soranton, Pa., by H, C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cor. Washington Slll'l ut.PSkltu - ' 1 " RESTORED MANHOOD Tho (treat remedy for nervous prontratlou and ullnorTouidUeuBei of niv i n . ii.uvu wiui oi minor hoi loon nervmiri rroMtuuup. Wmu DR. MOTT'S NKRVEUINK PILLS UKFOlUfi AND AFTL.ll UHINU. in, ManUI WorrT.exceitiivo um of TbMpj Miinpiionnim insanur HI IBM furSA.oa l ot Nulo byC. M. IIA11K1&, li-ufuit, 14? 1'eiiii Atiiu. rrnrs. roulntn.whloh ltal loCon- over y Sfi order ire tflru a written Kua tci euro orrefmui tho iiioiicr. Hold nt ttl.OO porbox. O boxea Ilia MO 1 I N OH CMlCAis CO.. C 1c vvIumU. Ohio. Trio of Chances to Get the Finest Art Portfolios Printed at terms so easy that all can buy. OFFER NUMBER ONE. The World's Fair Portfolio, in four parts, each part containing between fifty and sixty views of the great exposition, and the whole forming a superb represen tation of the greatest exposition the world has ever seen, may be had as previously announced. Three Coupons, cut out as explained below, together with 10 cents in cash, will secure it. The demand is heavy, but we will fill all orders as fast as the flying presses can print the hand some books. OFFER NUMBER TWO. The "Wanamaker Panorama of the World's Fair," which has occasioned such a furore in Philadelphia, is a voluminously illustrated history of that great event. It is a history that is both highly entertain ing to the young and old, and instructive to all. It is such a volume as should be in every patriotic home. In order to have a complete, continuous and connected his tory, it will be necessary to have all the parts. One new part appears each week. There are sixteen, magnificent, marvelous, full-page views in each part. Ten cents in cash and two coupons of different dates, cut as directed below, will secure it. Part One is now ready in unlimited quantity, Other parts will be announced. OFFER NUMBER THREE. The young folks all delight to take that famous "Trip Around the World" by means of the handsome and instructive Portfolio of Photographs showing noted scenes and picturesque spots in all parts of the globe we inhabit. It is an educa tion in itself ; this album. Don't fail to have it, if you haven't it now. It will be a lasting treat. Just now, in particular, see the views it gives of Hawraii, the land where Oueen Lil ruled. Two coupons and 5 cents in cash will secure this treasure. We've had to do it. The demand was too great. We've had to make THREE offers where we though two, surely, would be enough. But the public wouldn't be satisfied. So we ve added the anamaker series, and continue the other two. You need all three, to be really in the swim. Each one is better than the one before it; at least, that's what you think. Better order early if you want a prompt reply. All the various parts are going like hot cakes. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHIUIIUIIiHgillllllllUIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC- FEB. 23 This Coupon, with two like it, but of different dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one a part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four parts the one announced before. a FEB. 23 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ, ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one part of the celebrated "Wanamaker" Portfolio, de scribed above. New part each week. Part One now ready. FEB. 23 This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted spots in all climes. IIIIIIMIIllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIUUIIlllWUUIIIBlMMtUIJlilUUUIHllll