VtiE MKANTON TK1HL 'M K -I L1J) A V MOKNfNO. FKJSK.i' A U V 23. 1K)-1. UiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiisiEiiiiii'Hitiiiii: I Pipe ! 1 Valves I MM j Fittings f sunura Judges Archbald aud Guuster SgrtS liiai Poor Directors Have Fow.'r to Graut It. CONSIDER THE LAW AT LENGTH. THr. SCRAN I ON SUPPLY I ' JlK,K QUMter'l Opinion Disposes of AND MACHINERY GO, 5 flllllllllllllllllHlliitlSllJItlllltllli Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE .20 Wyoming Avenue L3Gk BWil1!13 f 08 fonti Avo. "THE Laundry A, B. WARMAN. Very Choice Line of WASH GOODS mmwt CHICKS DIMITY MARZATIA DOTTED SWISS SATEENS AND GINGHAMS, HEARS & HAGEN'S, 415 Lacka. Avenue. 3 Carpets Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, tc WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 12 7 Wyoming Ave. CITY MOTES. the Sea" will Academy of St. Vincent Ue Paul no- intrt)itin' antertain- la.it i, j'. It was Hands Across traction at tno evening. 'Ibe South Bide uiety ttaVB a verv tnent at Collet Hall largely attended. Mrs. lldith Richards-Heckle will una for the new date and chorus that will b f-,rmei In the MoseowM. E. ohnrsb this evening by Tallin Morgeu, George Brown was yesterday appointed guardian ot M.ry Sweet, the ItVyear-oUl colored girl, she was then taken in charge b the ladles of the Home for tua Frieml les. The pantomime "Robert SCacaire" eon- t incut to be well received at, Wonderland The piece proves a iood drawing esrd and I iai'i v Thome, tin- author, and Manager Davis have received many Mnplinianta on its production. '"Tbe Serious Family" Is rendered each evening and OOQtlnuan to utnufie tho patrons of Wonderland. NANTICOKE OEFtflTS 3CRANT0N. Exciting' Bask4t Bill Played at tu? Armory Lant Ninht. T!:a game of basket, ball between Nantlcoke and the Bcranton Young Men's Chriitl m association team i was eon tat tad al tho armory las' night an I resulted in a victory for the visitors by a score of 9- 3 Tnat ton game is wlnninz its way into pnblio favor was attested by the large nunibur nf specta tors Every aeat in the armory was OCtttpiid an 1 a lare number bad to tana, Tlie teams lined un as follows: SASTIHJKK. fallett Heme tiriffln itigbt K or ward ItlS'VICK McK'mnou. MeFsdden, . Evans Il-icba Rleewfclk., . Tibbetta.. Left Forward f 'enter. . .Might Center. .I.oft Cantar, . .Rioht i ui'iril . .Ij'ft, (iuard. loal Alcli'iiildrick. Umpire Ooorga .lay, Hcrantoa, Beferee Dr. Grotllng, NantUtoke. Tha game war announced to bngln at 8 30 o'clock, but owing to a discussion ever rules piny was not tnann until after 9 o'clock. In tha first half Nantlnnke mad ) ." points. 1 goal and 2 fouls ; Voting Men's Christian association, points from '.' fools lu tba ( oud half Nunticnke .cored 4 points, I goal, 1 foul ; Young Men's Christian association, II points, 1 goal. Special mention ii due to plays of Jay, Fostsr and I5?rchr. These three men won repeated plaudits by their feints, ginger and all-around good game. Last night's game was a play off of it tin frame and is tha lirst of u serins of three games. A return contest will be played at Nauticoke ou n date to he announced later. ?t . MARRIED, BBADLEY-BKELEY At tho borne of the brldu. Mast Market street Sorautou, Pa , Feb. SI, ISM, by Kev. M. U. Fuller, Humphrey Hradley mid Mrs. Francis f-eeley, both of Scrauton. UtsVk WAliyUABT In bcrauton, Feb. Ill, 1SW, Mrs. Catherine Manpiart, aged about Vi years. Fnuural (Saturday at 1 p. m., from her lato residence, at SOI Prospect avenue. Interment in Dunmore cemetery. Ilic Lxccutions tu I lie Iteoort lo Auditor R. H. Hod;;atc Says There Can Be no Doubt but that Out Door Rtlief U.m Bo UeRally Granlcd dudf.o Archbald Concurs Judge F. V. Uunter banded down an opinio!) la court yesterday disposing of tbu exception-.! tu tun li'puri of At torney U. II. llolgnte, the aulitoraD poiutad by the emi t in the nutter of the appeal oi John l.iibbons and others, directors of the Ser niton Poor district, from tho yearly settlement of tiia aud itors of the district, Tho exceptions are overruled and the report of the auditor is continued fi nally, vrhioh means that the directors Of tno district Imva tho power to grant i outdoor relief after the applicant has made affidavit before two magistrates, provided the case is found to be one worthy of relief, lu his upluiou the j jiiilee says. The exceptions tile! to the report of the ! andttor . bttinlt of the peor dutncl chal lenge His!, the jurisdiotloQ of the court over an appeal from I ho veirly settlement of the auditors of the Bcrauton poor dls trict. and second, the power of the direc tors of said diatrlct to afford relief to poor ! persona otherwise than i retpalring them j to be removed to and kept at the poor bouse excepting such cases where the wives or the childiea of soldiers in tue lu teal military service of tld state or of the L'uited states, nud excepting, also, bases where the applicants are afflicted with contagious diseases, or where front actual rdekneis, orotherwise, it shall be absolute ly imposalble to remove tbum l the S lid I oor house. The questions raised are ot great importance to the reddantaand tax payer of the district, and wo hive e.'i deavored to give them CmmensOrate ex amlnatiou and consideration. QUBSTtON OV J(Jltt8DlfrriOV, The judge tirst takes up the question of jurisdiction, which he discataea at I length, reaching tiie conclusion that thecommou pie is court of Lackawanna county lias jutisdiction over the sp peala f torn the lettletosnti of the audi lore Of this poor district, ite then takei up the question of out loor relief, and after oouaideriug the not of Aptil j J. IsO.'. and its ouppidment of April 1, 1803, as well us the act of June 13, j 1880, says: Theae provisions are ample authority j for granting oul'door relief, and if a.- is contendedby counsel for the district, it was Intended by the proyise to the ninth section to grant such authority, the pro viso was entirely snperfinona The power and authority was already granted by the sixth section of thj act. There may te districts in ths commouwcaitU wLere the dlrectori or overseers of tho poor have no power to gram ottt-dnor re- aef, but wo ko iw of none, lite general law expressly provides for it. Why should it not Lo so In the bcratiton Poor district Why should the wife and children of the ; soldier iu active service bo grained it when, 1 if he uirs m the service. Ins widow and ! orphans must gj "over the hdl to the poor boUMI Or, 11 he he so turtttunte n to I sui ive, and comes home maimed and dis abled, with an honorable discharge iu hi i pocket, and a pension that barely euah'.e-, : lilm to starve with any degree of respecta 1 bility, why 6'icui l he bi denied a pittance t fn-m the community he defended, unlesi he is willing tj have it doled unt tu huu as ' htr nnnia Itmtu 1.. Ill,,,', ' pVrf. i do not beliava that this community aakedior legislation authorizing such a i state of affairs iu lartt, nor do I believe 'iti.it, the legislature ot that year would I i have granted it if it had been asked for. THAT CONSTHITSM ACT, i Ike supplement of 1S' purports to put ! , construct ion main onlc the ninth section I of the act of 18&i U says so in express ! ! language If it had been the intention of i the tfjpelatora to put that construction j Music this i upon tue wuoie act it wooui uave oeca verv mv lo sav su. If then the view iereinbi-tor1 exoNtsaq in regard to tho I j nature asd nurposn of the ninth section of the i:f of lijtfi be Correct, then the general 1 power of toe dlrectori to Bfford out-door relief upon proper orders wa- not affected 1 he the supplement of IBOa at all, and the etfect of the construction put by the lagis Mature ophn the nlntheeflon byaaidnp 1 p lament beaomes plain and clear. 1 It simply tQOk away from the directors i the discretionary power given them "f af I fording out dooreeJiaf to snob persons a j were charges u,io!i or who were receivi ng I relief from the old districts, without first obtaining orders of relief, except in cases Of wives and Children of soldiers and In cines of contagious dUeasosor where from actual sickness or otherwise II was kb solntely impossible t-i remove them to the poor house. In other words, It compelled i he directors to procure an order of relief before they ,.uld furnish any outdoor re hef to anybody, e.tcept In tho excepted eaace, whether the poor persons were a charge, npon or recelvir. g relief from any cf tho ,1(1 districts or not. There was no uo doubt a reusoti for this. It is well re I nemberod that tho affairs of at least some i of tho old districts bad been grossly mis i maun joxi. RBAton ton I'ftF.cAcri'.p'j i No doubt the Lames of unworthy per sons heel found their way Into the por j hooks, and In one way or auothar thes . pennai had bscoiae charges upon or vare ' receiving relief from the district Tbev j were williug to subsist on tho public if j tbeyoonld, nut they ntjght prefer support I porting themselves to going to the poor boqseandat i understand it, it was to S' rape off these barnacles that tho nuppie meutof 1S0U wes iins.sp'l. It put thotn , upon the same footing as other applicants j for outdoor lelief an I compelled tnein to proeure aii order of niaimennnce from two I magistrates before tho director! ot the new distrirt wero nuthorwed to nidk i new and first Inquiry into the merits of such j cases end do doubt contributed largely to- I ward Weeding the unworthy ones nut, These views id tho act of 1802 and I 1S0H t'lvo them bo'h a legitimate nud ' reasonable ootistrtictiou, borne out and sustained by the letter as well ns the spirit of the Inw and consistent with the lOortrUCtlnn which bus been placed upon It by tbeofflclaU and the people of the lit! :ct for more than a quarter of a cent j urv. No exception appears to hara bren tiled t-i the auditor's findings of fact. In. deed t ne facts are virtnnlly admitted. We I may enter judgment theroforo without I directing an issue or the Intervention of a jjury. If the jiartlss desire n formal jujg ! nasi we will enter it on notice. The exceptions aie overruled and the repot t of the ajtaltor I confirmed dually. JDOPl Arn'llllM li'rt OPINION, Judge Archbald hied an opinion iu the matter of the exceptions by the dl rsotors of the Scranton poor district to the report of tbo diatrlct auditors stir charging ihnn wiib money expanded I for outdoor reliaf. Tlie whole subject of outdoor rolief will thus bit aueu, ! It having been brought to tlio Attoulion I of the court in the ahnpe of two ap- peals, .in-lge Archhsld ngrevs with j the conclusions of Judge Guuster con f earning the powers with regard to out I door relief granted to the direct irs of ,'be tfcrnuton Poor district, lu olosiug hi'a opinion he lay I: 1 cannot closo without a caution ngaiutt the lndiscritiilnnte use of this power (mnau ing outdoor relief). It cjufea.'edly is open to imposition from thosu who do not scru ple to midrepreaeut their condition dilfer eut from what it really ia and for whom a suggestion of removal to the poor house affords the only corrective tent. It is also to be observed t hut tbe discretion ot graut iug reliel of this kind is one to be exercised be the at- si'n.wrow (.Coleman. I I I Vis. ..Twnklng. , ..Bercher, Jay, . .Uowyer, Mall iu. Foster. by the whole board of directors rather ; than by auy one member of it acting aioiie. nut t bi-, after all, is mere matter of aug- i gution and falls - utaide of tuo Immediate MOjal nnaetlon involved lostha appeal. I'pon that I eodCur iu the opinion that tho I appeal from the settlemeDt male by the ! district auditors is well fouuded and that j i he report t hereon made b.T the auditor ap- I pointed bv tbo court to consider tho same bo confirmed. ONTARIO AND Mil. ) P KN EMPLOYES. Local Agents Sh, w New Yorkers Abaut t-crautoL '. Intersiilnir Points. Dill riot Paiienger Agent Flltcroft and Supertnten lent 0, T. Metz- yar of the New Vork Ontario and Western railroad were yestrr lay piloting a largo nuiiiher of the New fork employes about the city, 'they had taken advantage of the Washington birthday holiday by tak- iug a epecial train for Scranton to view the points (if interest about tho lOO'lt progreasiva city in Pennsylvania, T he party w is comnosod of tho fol lowing: T. W. Stiiith, chief cl-rk gen eral freight and paiienger office; W. M ullouli. general trilght oIUj;.I II. Meiblngtr, motive power department; W, Unnete, Jamea M. Fleming, audit ing depsrtmeut; V W, Oonrt, general freigln offloa; T. W, Macustiy. genoial OOalofH'te; K J, Mackaey.car account- I an t'i office; M, C. Boyd, sales agent; c. T. Dnke, s c, Tlven, general coal j offloe; L inis H, Foit, Sidney S . Holo- inoii. Tbomai Q. Pratt, oasuior, gen- J ral freight office ; W. T. Kan born, W. E, Barton, anditlng department: 11 ! II ngnion, auditor; W. hi Bsdnne, jr., Bi McCaon. T, M. McCinn, Charles A. Clark, general coal olliCi. District, l'asssuger and Freight Age.it Flltcroft and Superintendent j Met Zir were assisted In entertaining j tbe Ontario and Western young in -i, by Frank Smith, of Carbon iali, gen eral shipping clerk at Mayfiild, and I his assistant, John Campbell, P. B I VVUliama, and W, F 'i'nayer, J. S. Swisher and C. F. Ltppiuc tt, of the Jersey Central road, Tho party i visited tho Bottth works under ! the guidance of ES W. Tewkibury "nd afterward vlswsd Sarinton'a splendid pnbtiu building. After dinner they 1 went on a sp.'fial car to Providence, where they visited the Wast End breaker and explored the colliery un- ! der tue direction of General .Manager J. II, EtittenhoUM. At tt o'clock the New Yorkers left on a special Irain to j particlpite in the skating carnival at Lake Poyntelte, At tiie Westminster, whore the party i made its headquarter! whiUln the city, one of theOatario and tVostelu meu aid to u Tkibcni reporter; 'New York uud Scranton are tho only two cities iii the entire east. We thought this city was a small mining place but were lorpriied to find n life, iiostiittg and tirogreiilveolty of 100,000 poptllatloi , Kvery mie of otif cr wtl is delighted witu Scranton." A QUIET MCRUI.'tiG WcODINC. J. E. Ksrn and laiie Myrtle Kayeis United at the Eride'a Horns. llev. Warren U. Partridge, of the Penn Avenue Baptist church, performed a pleasing ceremony yesterdsy morn-' wueii ho united iu matrimony John E Kern and Miss Myrtle Bayers, at the home of the bride's pireuts, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ssyeri, at 1305 Academy street. Tlu wedding was a very (iiiet one. and w is attended only by tno rela tives and a few Immediate frieode of j the brile and groom. The ceremony , was performed iu tno parlor and was delightful ia iti simplicity. Mr. Kern and Mi-n Siyers were both unattended The Irido wore a bine strge traveling coetmue with dttohoss laco aud carried oridal roiea, A Wi ddtng dinner wai served, after winch Mr. and Mr. Ksrn loft at Itf 3 I for a tour that will iuoiu le Maw York, Botton and Washington. Mr. K?ru is one of tho best known newipaper writers of this part.'of Penn sylvinia. Be was connected with the b'cranton Timss in th capttvity of city editor wlien that paper Wax uuler the management of A. A Chas- nod P. A. ilsrtett. lie has been a valued mem ber of tbo Republican siaff for over nine years, aud for the past five years nas been tbo city editor of the papir, His writings have given him a name that is familiar in tiswspapir oirclps throughout the entire statu. During bit career ae a writer Mr. Kern's hap py and cheeriul disposition has won for him hundreds of staunch trie.nds all of whom join in wishing him un bounded joy during his married life. Mrs. Kern is a decidedly handsome young woman of tho brunette type, who has a grit number of loving friends on the West Side. - THE FIRST RAY Of SUNSHINE. It Has Flitted lu Upon the Poor Mud's Aspirations. To the masse, heretofore the pos session of a library hits been but a fond dream, the waking from which has been hut disappointment. II ills of state nnlvereltisi, palatini homes and occasionally the professional nun's smrtntn were the abode of such lux uries. The advent of the Encyclopedia Britanslca, ii III preisntatati of per feotion at the price and on the easy terms was the first rny uf sunshine that Hilled in upon tho poor m m e as pirations. It, is truly a litirary cover ing fully and aoourately all named knowledge From a condensed cyclo pedia for the convenience of people owning librarlei it h is gone through nine ruvisious, each time being enlarg ed until tlie present edition, com pleted in l h embracei twenty five large quarto volumes, a total of i .000 pages, besides about 'J 0')0 pages nl sup elemental matter written since v. Tin: Tribunes oflir will he exten leu for only ii snort period, Do not miss the opportunity. Dioliion is half the battl ) in this tu liter. AMUSEMENT N0TE8, Tho ESnglUa melo-drama. "Hands Across the Ssa," the attraction at tl e Aoidemy tonight and tomorrow after noon tin I evening, is a play that Is said to be most Interesting Hiid full of ex citing scenes and situations It is a Stags Story that hnsmit with as great a SUCCSSS in America us it did in Lou dou, because of the r- ally human spirit that pervades the work, tho oarefully formulated sentiment, the contrasts of humor and pathos and the various unique and happy surprises presented The comedy elotnenf of "The Dis trict Pair" is one ot its chief features. The absence of horse play is especially note worthy. Charicters that make yon laugh heartily by nntiiral acting called forth through unforced situa tions. You will get all tne fun you want in "Tbo District Fair." which will tie the attraction at the Acaieuiy of Music on Tuesday evening. hi i(S Mualo Boxes F.xclustvtly. llest made. Play any desired uunibnr of luucs. UautocbUv Sous., manufacturer, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. dcrful orchesti ial orgaus, only S.1 and $1U. Specialty: Old music boxes carofnlly re. paired and improved with new tunes. ..-. . UoBMBB'S now Turkish bath, livery thing new, .vhj Spruce street, opposite Court House. D HI GOOD WiK m BE llo 51 HOT ! CASE OF DR. A. E. BURR Siilsiactory Batitrns Stiowa by tlie Board oi Associated Charities. SuriouiiJed by tour Pollosmsn Wli D Lowiy Fired ou Him. oact BENEFICIAL IN ITS WORKINGS The Organisation Was Not Effected to Give in Charity -Its A;ent Can Only Investigate This Rule Is Inflexible. Many Cases Have Been Found to Ho Unworthy - Applicants Who Prove Themselves linposters. The Hoard of Associated Cbaritiss cOtntneooed active operations iu the ra liet of tint poor in this city on Dm. Ill, 1898, with headquarters in tbe munici pal building, ."die. W. H. Dnggiu be ing appointed agent of the organisa tion and that the agent has not been Inactive is clearly proven by tbe weekly reports furnished to the oriranl Sltloni by the eg, i at the meetings held iu the Albright library. Unny of those intended to lie bene fited ar - nonwAreot the rules and re Ultttloul governing tho organization, laths first plans the association was not formed to give aid in any form from the organisation It was formed for the purpose of investigating all oases that might arise so that relief might be offered to the worthy. The board of associated charities lias no fund out of which to relieve dis tress The agent listens to the appeals of tbosi who nave been driven bv mis fortune or oilier cause, to seek relief, and at once makes an investigation, visiting the homes of all who apply, and no relief ia afforded without suoh Investigation. RBLIRP lo DlggflVISQ lu all cases where the applicantl are found to bo deserving, relief In some form is administered Many of the cases aie loam) not deserving, and it iukv be well to State how tne organ i -Sstlon distinguishes between deserving ess.fs and tnoss that are not In the former miuv conditions are taken into consideration, Tne head oT , f.aaiily may bo oat of work for a long time either through illness or because work ran not he obtained, There m iy be lerloUS illness in tha family that may bava sapped all tho rosourois, and in many esses widows with largs fami lial are to be fonud who liave been left uucared for by tlie death of husband and father. Some cas h are found where parents may be deemed unwor thy, hut they have ohildrou that mmt be provided for. In nil such cases re lief is administered for the sako of the children. .Mrs. Dnggnn, tim asnt of tho asso ciation, Informed n Tribune reporter yesterday that there were many oases where charity applied would bi sinful. Bbe has found I uie families so habit uated to begging that tlieycan not get along without resorting to this method and now thoy try to got the best of the organization by conveying tiio impres sion that they are in want. On inves tigation the shallowness of tbe claim is exhibited, Other undeserving cases are found where the provisions ulven in relief are purloined immediately for whiskey, and of such there have been several instances, DtSTBTBOTINCI RELIEF. Kcojrnuitig that ono person cotil-1 not perform the duties that would be imposed, tbo poor directors decided to engage the Services of an agent to as sist Mrs. Duggan Accordingly, on Dec. IP Mrs. I'ettigrew was chosen to that capacity, and her duties nre to give nstdseauce to deserving applicants. She fills out or lers for relief and us-'s the fund raised by Mayor Conaeli for that purpose. In addition to this ol'i?r m I ies of r.1 liuf are adopted. In many cases the applicants nre members of soma church that has a charitable sooiety connect d with it and in at! inch cases the pastors are notified of the families' condition, Other cases are found where families may be fonnd In want with illness in the family and In such esses .Mrs. Duggau. after investigation, reports the same to th" poor board an I relief is administered from that a lurcu. lu no ease is Mrs. Dttggnn authorized to af ford relief herself. Her dntiea are imply and purely to investigate and report. Since becoming agent for the Hoard of Associated Charities Mrs. Duggau has visited I2S7. S uns of tiies have had to he visited more thau once, and in all 100 visits have been made. Of the total number visited, two out of every tiiree are found to bs worthy and the balance havo been found lo be impostors. This latter class, of ooorss, protests against whnt tbe consider I he injustice of the system, but th rules governing the agent are inflexible and cannot be violated, HAS PROHIBITED BEOQ1NQ, The asociated ohariiies has boon in existence nhotlt two months, hut in that time much good has been ncoom ultlbsd, Begging on tlie streets has been prohibited, ni.d that class who have b en improvident and who hive resorted to arttliea nud deceit to obtain a livelihood are getting out, of tha old ruts and are seeking to earn u living by honest methods. The association has also provided work In many instances both for lueu and women, while many have been sent to charitable institutions. Many have been help-d to go to friends and relatives in different parts of the state Mrs. Duggau, the agpnt of the oharl lleS, and Mrs Petllgrew, tho disl.tirser of t he mayor's fund, have been unre mitting in their attentions and their labors, They have frequently worked as latu as 10 p tu. 01 SI - EICYCLL CLUB JOLLIfl!S. its Himbirs stavi a Beuie '.varming on Watblngt it.'j Blithday. The Scranton Bioyols olnb osltbratsd Washington's Dirthday by a species of house -warming at the club house on Washington avenue. The f, stlvittss wero informal and the afternoon was devoted to dnneiu;,e,ir Is and other SmMetnsntSi The merry company departed early In tho evening satisfied that they had appropriately 1 observed tue anniversary of the father of bis country. SCHOOL BOARD TO ORGANIZE. Charles II. Von Bt jroh a Candidate for Freeldent The ichool board will tnoet for re organisation next Tuesday. C. II. Von Storch will, In all probability, be its next president. There will be no opposition to P. D, Fellows (or fecretary. Ills work dur ing the past year has given great satis taotion, , - TJucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve iu the world for Cuts Bmlsea, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klieuin, Fever Sores, 'i'rttrr. Chapped Hands, (Jbilhlatus, Come and nil Hkiu Km pi nun, ami posi tively curse Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price HS3 ceuta per box. Fur lalo by Matthews Liioe. HE WAS ft DESPERATE CHARACTER Had Been Attempting Burglary, - Fired on Sergeant Zanr and Olhcer Johler-A Night Chase-Four Orli rers Surround Bernard's House His Wound Is Sei ious- Otticer Lowry Repentant. "Wolfe" Bernard was shot and ser iously wounded by officer Thomas Lowry on the Bottth Side at an early hour yesterday looming. Barnard hud previously shot ut Bsrgeant Zing and Officer Johler while trying to lore-i an entrance into Mr. nenilemsn's honse. Bernart was surrounded by four officer when he was shot, and was taken to the Lackawanna hospital, whre his casa is considered almost hopeless At 1 o'clock in the morning Sergeant Zing tttd Officer Johler were 00 their way to the (1 its A young man came rnnntng down I'.'eunr avenue toward Pulsion avenue mid said that a man was trying to force open the abutters of Christian BeuElsman'a house. The i, Ulcers hurried to HunzDmau'e and wnilo Johler watched in trout Zmg went to tho rear and hud passed nearly around the building when a 111 m war seen passing from tue rear toward the Hats. i jhi-i at orfiOER joai.fR. Ho was riOOgnised a "Wolfe' lisr nard. who for many years had b-en considered n hard character and a des perate man who would hssitato at no i ime to escape arrest. The two offic ers gave chase, Bernard turned and tired twicj. one of tim bullets passing s a close lo Johlci's hea 1 that he could plainly hear tho whiz of tho ball. Bernard had too good a start to he caught, and disappeared in th.; dark ness. The lwo offijrs repaired to the sta tion house an i with Officers Lowry and Jones started on! for what might prove an all night hunt for Breoard, Johler and Jones wsre detailed to watch the housi where Bernard boarded while Zang and Lowry started on a general round of tie man's haunts to locate him. They w-re not successful and tinaiiy j lue-1 the officers watching the house. Johler and Jones waited in j front and Zing aud Liwry want to the roar nnd settled themselves for au all night watch, HOW THE BHOT WAS KIIiKU. In a i-hort time a lns.ii was heard feel ing his way along toward the house from the rear. It proved to le Bernard and be had a revolver in his hand. ; 'A, ing c imtnlfided him to halt, but he bvked away twenty teet and pointing j his repou first at the sergeant aud I then at L iwry was evidently about to fire when the latter took a snap shot at him. Bernard staggered aud was in the act of firing when Z ing made n j leap upon him and bora him to the ground Bernard shoved hi revolver into a pile of snow as be fell, With the i evident intention of hi ling it. A doc tor was Bsnt for to alleud the wounded man, but before his arrival Bernard was taken to the hospital i-i Underta ker Miller's wagon, accompanied by 7. ng ami L wry. BERNARD AT TBS HOSPITAL Dr. MoAndrewi immediately set about probing for the ballet, of 38 ealibr-., but Bernsrd wus in a state of collapse from shock and the probe wis withdrawn III pulse at the time was not perceptible and be hid a very high temperature. Th- bullet entered the fissby part of the up;,er l-ft arm in the rear and then into the armpit union into the chest, where it lies somewhere beneath the collar bone, Uatil he gels stronger no .-itlemut will be made to reniov- the mis-ile. A Triutnt. reporter saw Bernard at tlie hospital yesterdav, He weighs 160 pounds and is about o feet 10 Inches In height His forehead is prominent immediately above a piir of small blue eyes set eiose together and retreats to the top of his bead. His countenance is forbidding and does its part in bear ing out the reputation its owner has as a bad tuau. Since his adrout to the hospital Bil liard has asked to see bis children but male ;no mention of his wife who has not been living with him and is said to bo instituting proceed inge for divorce. He will not talk about tho shooting. LOWRY run BIS DUTY, Officer LoWry is repent mt over the deed, but his superior officers exculpate blm from any blame, as someone of the quartette of officers would have been wounded ami perhaps killed if Bernard had not first been winged. Lowry is considered ono of the bravest and most faithful of Scrantoa's police men. At midnight Dr. McAndrewa said Bernard was better and the bullet would bo probed for today if he con tinued as well. . VOUS WILL BE COUNTED TODAY. Clerks Who Kv Bssu Chosen to Do tbe Work. in court yesterday morning clerics were appointed to compile the vote cast at Tuesday's election in the count Qeorge L Peck and U J. Beamish were named us reading o'erks; M. W Lowry nnJ John H Colling as record ing clerks, and K. H. House and H, W. Mullhollau as file clerks. The returns were brought into court and then, out of consl deration of the fact that it was tho birthday of the father of (ho country, an adjournment was taken until today. Anheuasr Busch Beer. Louis Lentnan's, Hy.ihpruce ou se Best Sets of Teeth, $s00 Including fhe painless extracting 0t teeth by an entirely new iuv Mes, S. C. Snyder, n.D.S. litii WYOMING AVIi Judge Archibald Dis&Tssas tha Exceptions to tbt Return ot laquest. THE FIGHT WILL BE CONTINUED. Dr. Burr's Attorneys Will Take Steps to Have the Casu Heard Before a Jury in Common Pleas Couit Judrjfc Thinks Jurors Have Right to Take Note of Testimony il They Feci so Disposed. In an opinion handed down by Presi dent Judge Archbald. yesterday, the exceptions to the inquisition wulch found Dr. A. !;. Burr an habitual drunkard, were orerruled aad the re quest continued. The first exception was that jurors .took notes of the testimony at ths hear ing, but tbe judge did not comider 'hat eulHcient ground for setting aside 'he Inquest, He says that in the trial "f a case of any maunitn le he would " nd it difficult to remember the facts E "IthoUt not'S, and if any juror recog BSM iii himself the samo inability, he 'hies not feel like rising up to condemn "im. Tho second exception basel up jti un alleged exclusion by the commissioner of svldenoe to show that the sub ject of the proceeding was fully competent to manage his busi ness atfsirs was overruled for tho res son that no hills of eicsptlon were tlven and the commissioner not bing required to note down the testimony, nor reiairt the proceedings had before him, there was nothing to bring up the rulings of the commissioner from re view. thk commissiohkr's eoxpucr. The third exseptiou complained that ouituissioner Uawley, befors Whom the inquisition was held, weut into the jury room after tiie jury bad retired to deliberate and instructed them In cer tain irrelevant matters, thus influenc ing their findings. Of this Judge Arohbsld says: This is in substance a charge of misbe havior and we have therefioe a right to look Into it. The evidence, however, falls very farsbortof sustaining it. Mr. Hawley, no doubt, went into the room where the jurors bud retired to deliberate, but it was at their request, to further instruct them Upon certain points, and after he had au swered their queilious he immediately re tired. That he attempted in any way to I mflueuce the jury in its flndlugs has not a article of evidence to sustain it. Counsel ' fur tin acceptant knew of the call made by tbl jury and had opportuuity nf going ' into the jury room with the commissioner us to n-i open session ul tbe reijUeat the communication was therefore ueitber private nor without notice and affords no i just ground for our interference. Tho fourth exception charged that ' the jury wai infiuenoad in its findings i by the lalse statements of oce of its j number based npon his own alleged j knowledge that Dr. Burr was wasting j and mismanaging his property, rolling i up debts against it aud not paying the I interest ou his Jmortgujes. Regarding this the judge says : CANNOT UIPEACB T1ILIR VERDICT. The tirltimouv of jurors cannot bo in troduced to impeach their verdict, and thort i very little upon which to do so, if what tbey have sworn to could in fuct be received. AVo are L.airowed down to the testimony of Dr. Burr alone. We will not criticise the method by which this evidence was obtained, for Dr. Burr was probably outirely innocent of intentional eaves dropping, nor do we mean to say that we will listen to nothing brousht to us in tint way. But we cuuuot be expected to en courage It. If we are to set aside tbe lindincs of juries upon what somebody chances t, OVerbeat of their discussions, from the neighboring coriidor. we shall have no end of applications bssed on such echo' s from the jury room. We will not, there fore, move iu auy snch case unless there be the most substantial occasiou for it. There 1 nothing of the kind here und the exception mu-t be overruled. The filth exception bss been practically disposed of by what has beeu said above, and the sixth il merely a general excep tion without specifications aud need not be considered. Dr. Burr's attorneys do not propose to give np the fight. They will nt one take steps to liuve the matter heard be fore n jury in common pleas court. Word in retjsru to extracts No artlcla that is um,u lu cooking Is moresabjoct to dllutlou thau flavoring extracts for Instance, a st,J. Ion of Extract of Venllla can be produced Mating Siitu tis, or ltcauhs reduced by ths use of alcohol to a coat nut exceeding SX pec gallon. An IntirlOr vanilla b;an can he bought lor $2 6) u bound, whereat a strlctlf I am-olaas bean of deltoloui flavor will bring JU to J10 per poond. Bo eu eeu see how er easy it is to have a bottle of vanilla or my Other extract list can be S old for ahout the cost of the l,ottle, labia anil cork. But this lioot tho .juality most food housewivm wish to buy. ta fact, most of them will say "tue best is none too good for mo." AppreoUtina tbi fact, w-e have had jar. up by a thoroughly reliable party I line ot Kxtraet that we CSU guarantee usbein as PINE AH IT K HOB BIBLH TO PBODrJOR There I one noint la own ottoa with dilated extraoti which is quite apt to deceive. I 'poll drawing the cork from a bottlo and iawUtti Of tasting ihn contents, It may appear lo be very etroa. but whoa used this artillclal etre-agtli entirely disappears und you Imafloe you ferget to put In any rUvcrinir. VoU did not forget, I. a. you have used au extract thatisbuiit up by some other material lha-a tie; true Savor and wbkb qulekl evaporates wiu uncorked. Wu have just reelvod tbe first m Votes ot thei.0 c-itrai.-tn, the whole of which could b cm ted off on a wheelbarrow, and yet tho bill amounts to 1377, WY bate the different kind u follows. 8-ounce Bottle, 55c. 4-ounc3 Bottle, 28c. 2-oun.ce Bottle, 15c. ; Thee are all full weight bottles, not what ' is ordinarily usod and known to tin trade as short weight bottles, there hainic about one I four tb difference In a full and abort-weigh: j bottles. We respectfully reeommend thes. ; estraets if you wan- genuine flavors. We tliinlr v.... ...OI 1... -. .... wU ... ,. - murynmu at me aineri,e In tho Jesuit of this and tiiat you have been '.isiny. oven if yon have Wu Ketting the best het you could. THE Scranton Cash Store F. P. PRICE, Agt. Dr. Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Pet teetb. S.'-.W; hest set, $: for gold cars and teetb without platen, called crown and ,' ' -age wora. oau lor prices and refc-reao-.-s TONALG A. 1 pain. No ether. '-xtraftiii Xo gas. tteth without OVER FISIT KATIOKAI P.ANK. Huntington's H0MS BAKERY. We have a larg8 assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES THIS is ESPECIALLY SO TX READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public Leave your order at 227 WASHING10N AVE., or 413 LACKA, AVE. . , DLUMBING and Our Lackawanna avenue TINNING restaurant open until mid- REPAIRING: Cxood work. . Eureka Laundry Co. 126 penn AVE. Henry Battin & Co. Cor, Linden St. and Adams Ave, COCni Horer. SQCAna All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed" the best, BROWN'S BEE HSVE Tliis Week LADIES' KID GLOVES, Men's and Boys' Winter $1 quality, 89c. Caps, assorted, 10c. each. MILLINERY PRICES cut Boys' Winter Gloves, LBA.TBIR PBONTi CtOTB SACK, HALF- 19c. a pair. One-third off regular prices allowed in Cloak and Fur Department. Small lots in all departments at Way Down Prices. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.