THE SCRANTON TRIBTTN"E THURSDAY MOKNtNO. FEBRUARY 22. 1894. IT MAKES PEOPLE WELL Best Spring Remedy in the World Paine's Celery Compound. There Is one true specific for all disuses arisin? from a 1biliUtil nervous system, und that is Paine's celarv couio mud, so generally prescribed by phy sicians. It is probably the most remarkable remedy that the scientific research of this country has prod need. Prof. El ward E. Palpi, Ml)., LLD, of Dirt mouth college, first proscribed what is now known the world over a Puiuo's celery compound, a positive cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, nenraliiia, rheumatism, all nervun diseases and k 1 I i v tronotei For the Ut ter, Paine's celery compound has succeeded again and again where everything else has failed. The medical journals of this country have given more spase in the last few years to the many remarkable ca3ei where the use of Paine's celery compound has made people well than to any other ono suhje-jt. THE MEWS OF ! TOWNS fOutor town rorroHiionilont1! oTTriis TRin UKBtbonld thuir nitintw iti full to 0..0U Ufws letter, not for imblicutiju uut tojjuard tfaiiwt duce-ytiou.l GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT THIS is the month the thoughtful housewife thinks of the advent of spring and the advantage of getting (wing done during the enforced quiet ness. WASH gooos Do you remumber the beautiful assort mcnt wo gave you la"t year? They re handsomer this year than ever. Foreign Novelties aud Dutnosttc Staples. Select now wu lo tho asairtiujut in so abound tog. OUR LINEN DEPARTMENT Is rupl to with a solction diotated by tho tast s an t want:- ot our patron. Selected by ezjkesisnoed buyers. The harvest is raady Now we want tho assistance of the maijy irudent, money -saving housewives of our city to hi-lp gather it For Hood Linen we promise you returns beyond all expectations Linen Tablo Damask, Crashes and Towelinir. including all the best makes of Kitchou and Kollor Towel inus. Hemstitched Hock Towols. A good stock Linen the pride of the housewife. SHEETS AND SHEETINGS f-i. !-4, 10 I Wo have watched tho fluctu ations of tho market. The different qual ities, weaves, widtli and yarns used. We can say that these goods will stand the tell-tale wash tub test. Widths aro right I Oualitios are right!! And our prices aro right!!! EMBROIDERIES In gre it varieti !s. Tho greatest collection for vuiueg ami patterns we have ever put upon our counters. CAM HK ICS Embroidered in all the newest designs, suitablo for all kinds of Dress Trimmings and Underwear. QUILTS Kxtra quality, tuU-SUS Toilot Quilts. Full size Marseilles Quilts. Bedspreads of all kinds. Shown to be Hold now, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR A groat assortment for the critical buyer. Our line worthy a special trip to see. You 'ill Hud nothing iniw rthy our reputation as up to-Date Merchandisers. DRUS3 GOODS The arrival of new so ids for spring ne cessitates us to close out many Elegant (foods Regardless Ot Colt Styles are not always tho saine,so i.oveltips of last season must go. Staple (loods must make roem for others of lighter texture ami different shadings. Keen buyers know this as well as we. Your children in school and daughters in ladies' colleges all would like new drosses. Now If your opportunity. Do not miss It! SILKS When it is tho season to wear them. There is no reason why you should not have them. Evening Silks. UlaeK Brocade Satins.Wlnto Sapan Silks, Brooke Pongees in evening shades. Como and sco them. You aro suro to want thorn. FRENCH CHALLIES Just from Paris, the brightest makers Fascinating Designs. In all wool and silk and wool. Dosigns all our own. Don't buy old styles at any price. We will sell you the Uji-to-Date Printings and charge you no more than last year's left overs at other places. WOOLEN UNDERWEAR We won't carry theso goods ovet. If you have a place to keep them, n t needing them for present wear, grasp this chance for money saving. nearly all the sizes and of niuny different makes. LACES Wash Laces, Underwear Laces. Venotlan Point Laces and lusertings. (iood valuos. Big assortments. HOSIERY New Ooo Is arriving early. Morn Improve ments, lsjttor dyes. Perfoctuoss in solo ing, heeling, and no more injurious effects from poor dyes Get lour supply early. PECKVIIU PICKINGS. An Interesting Budget of Local Nw from a Live Rp irtir Special to the Scranton Tribune. Peckville, Ph., Feb. 21, -Election day passed off very qnietly here last Tuesday. Every Republican candi cate was elected in the First ward. Mr. and Mrs. John L Hnff returned home yesterday from Himex county, N. J., where they have been for the past few weeks on their wedding tour. D. R. Lathrope is suffering with the grip. Dr. J. B. Grover, assisted by Dr. F. L. Vansickle. performed a successful operation on Willie Vaughn here yea terday bv removing a tumor from his right hip. Harry Monroe, a young man board ing with Mrs. Oscar Travers, and work ing at the Mount Jessnp colliery at Winton, received an injury yesterday by falling in the screen room a dis tance of twonty-five feet, and striking on his head and back, which leaves him in a very critieal condition. Mrs. Frank Beiisconter is visiting her parents at Susquehanna. Mrs. Mitchell and daughter and Miss Bann-ld, all of Scranton, visited yester day with Mrs. Thomas Si vales. Beware of Frauds. Be sure yon get the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo OiL It enres colds, croup, asthma, deafness and rheumatism. JERMYN JOTTINGS. Accident to Charles Taylor A Pleasant Wedding Farswill Racsptton. Special to the Scranttm Tribune. JERMYN, Pa. Feb. 21. Thi funeral of Mildred, daughter of J J. Place takes place today at Falls, Wyoming county. Yestsrday Charles C. Taylor, while on his way to Jermyn, was thrown from the wagon noar the resirenoe of Nelson Graves, striking on his head and shoulders, injuring him severely. Ho was assisted to his feet aud was able to walh and after a short time re turned to his home. A number from Jermyn attended the funeral of Mrs. Michael Lally in Arch bald yesterday. The farewell reception of Rsv. Mr, Sanford was well attended at the par lars of the First Baptist church last evening. A purse containing a sub stantial sum was presented to the evan gelisr, who leaves today for other fields of labor. You will never cease to regret it if you miss the lecture tblsovening in the Methodist church. Dr. Pearce, of Scranton, is too well known to need any introduction, and his talk on "Travels In Palestine'' is one of his best. Rnshbrook lodge, 850, L O. 0. F. meets this evening. Thore will be de grees conferred by the home team. A large company assembled at the home of Mrs. tireenslade, ot Cemetery street, Jermyn, last evening, to witness the marriage of Miss Elizabeth A GreenHlade to Mr. Edwin J. Dawe, Rev. T. Gendall officiating. The Citi zens' band was present to discourse sweet music. William Hall, adjoining the Greenslade home, was tilled with the young friends of the happy couple, after the supper until a late hoar. TRIUMPHANT TAYLOR. The Bepibllcan Ticket tin Winner at Tuesday's Election. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Taylor. Ph.. Feb. 21. Tne Repnbli can ticket won over the Citizen's ticket vesterdav by a small majority. The fiirht waged hot. vet peaceably. Tho counting of th vote was not completed r.ntil 3.30 this a. m , and the telegraphic (iffices being closed and to late for press what prevented its nonappearance in today a Iribuse. The vote is as follows: Burgess William P. Griffiths, 282; Andrew Doles, 2.20. Council Henry E. Harris, 357; E E. Weston, 317 ; Thomas M. D-tviss.2Sl, Casper Ott, 34!); Robert Linney, 3 )8; John R. Price. 809: John Franois, ISOr John Ayers, 118 1 John S. Stein.jr. 152: Griff W. Owens, 96; John Shea, 145: James Law, 173. School directors William Powoll, 291; M. M. Williams, 309; William E. Rogers, 308; Evan C. Davis, 308; John Francis, jr., 281: M. C. ludge, 181 ;Ui rioh Hosier. 170; C. F. Ward, 175; James Price, 203; Stephen John, 188 Auditors Samuel J. Phillips. 801 ; John Connolly, 295; T. J. Powell, 803 ; Elwnrd J. Harris, 158; Henry Fahner, 101; John Shea, 151 Assistant Assessor William D. Phil lips, 294; Joseph Counoly, 290; John P. Thomas, 142 Register David F. Evans, 171; Thomas G Francis, 75 Tax collector John D. Jones, 293; Alonzo Heudershot, 207 Justin of Peace William P Grif fiths, 205; John H. Powell, 310; C. H. Van Horn, 177; George Hood, 145, Congresstnau-at-Lrgi Grow, 382; Hancock, 55. IN AND AitOUND AVOC "t. MOOSIC HAPPENINGS. A Brief Rfoord of Failing Events In a Live Town. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Moobic, Pa., Feb. 21. Master Bertie French, of Main street, celebrated tho sixth year of his birthday Tuesday af ternoon by entertaining quite a large number of his small friends. A pleas ant time was had by all. C. J. Wwtkins, the clerk at W. R. Manillas', was a caller in Taylor Tues day evening. Misses Eliza Prioe and Lizzie Mo Murtrio, of South Main street,attended the masquerade party at Pittston Wednesday evening. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and su popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing tho same song of praise. A purer medicine dons not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Bait Kheum and other affections cnusod by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as care all Malarial fevers For care of Headache, Contispation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60 eta, and tl per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drag store. IN HONOR Or MR. GROW. The Qlsnwood Sage Banqiiettod by Eu Uiuaiastlo Neighbors. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Pa., lab. 21. Last night at the Tai bell house occurred the ban quet given in honor of Congressinuu tdect, Hon. Galusaa A. Grow, by Hon. James T. DuUois, assisted by the fol lowing, committees: Executive com mittee Wm. M. Post, J. P. T.iyli r, F. 1. Lott, T. J. D.ivis, John S. Court right, Hon. E. H. True, li. B. Littlo, S. S. Wright and Searlo McCollnm. Iuvitation J. P. Taylor, E. H. True, F. I. Lott. Banquet John S. Court tight, R. B. Little. T. J. Davis. Com mittee on toastB F. 1. Lott, S. S. Wright, Win. M Post. Reception committee Hon. D. W. Searle, A. H. MoCollum. G. P. Little. W. D. B. Ainey, 8. S. Wright, C. A. Vanwor nur, J. P. Taylor, John S, Courtright. When the members of the Susque hanna Bar association and invited guests entered the dining room excla mations of delight was heard on every hand, for the dining room had been beautifully decorated for the occasion. Evergreens and Hags were tastefully arrunged, so that it was a bower of beauty. Great credit is due John K Rayusford, the proprietor of that pop ular house, for the beautilul and per fect arrangements made, The menu was as follows: Bluo Point Oysters on Half Shell, Celery, Mock Turtlo Soup, Bread Sticks. baked Halibut, ( ream bance, Potato Balls, Chow-Chow, Worcester Sauce, Olives, Turkey Stufied with Oysters, Cranberry Sauce, Koast Duck, Currant Jelly, Fillet of Beef, .Mushroom banco und rout", Westphalia Ham, Champagne Sauce, Potato Lroiiuettes, Spaghetti. Sweet Potatoes, Radishes, Tomatoes, Cold Slaw and Lettuce, Kouiau Punch, Oyster Patties, Chick.m Salad, Looster bnlad, Brown Bread and Butter, Vanilla and Struwbeiry Ice Cream with Pineapple Ice, Wine Jelly, Black Cake, Angel Food, .Macaroons, Lady 1' mgers Kisses, Oranges, Bananas, Malaga drapes. Assorted .Nuts, l.ilam cneese,i Dairy Chee.-e, Banquet Wafers, Too, cotlee ana cuocoiato. Alter tho number of the menu had been discussed to the satisfaction of all speeches were made and toasts were responded to by Coogressmau- elect Grow, Hon. James T. Dubois, A. H. McCollum, esq , and others, ine banunet was attended by prominent Susquehanna county citizens regard less of party affiliatious, and was an enjoyable affair throughout. RESULT DOWN IN MONROE. The Majorities In th Democratic Strong hold Rtduerd. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Stuoudsburo, Pa.. Fob. 21. The re sult of yesterday's election has proven one of the greatest surprises for years. This town can generally be depended uuon to give safo democratic majori ties, but yesterday's vote brought the old-time Democratic majority down to 4. The Republicans elected Samuol S Lee to the council and the Dsinosrats made a winning fight for Judge A. J. Heller, as was predicted in The Trib une a weok ago. E. L. Dreher made a nice run for school director and was elected. Dreher has made a most ex cellent record as school director, and the people re-elected him because he he was deserving of re-election. B.,F. Morey, editor of the Montrose Democrat, was also elected school di rector. Thu most interesting fight, possibly, during tho day, was ma la on chief burgess. James Edinyer, the present incumbent, who was renomi nated by the Democrats, was defeated by Hiram W. Kister, the Republican candidate. Kister's majority over El inger was 5. The returns from the country dis tricts are comin,' in very slow, but there seems no doubt at this writing but tliBt Hancock nas reoeivod only a small poriiou of the Democriic vote, and his in n ritv over Grow miy not reach 1,100 There waB no enthusiasm for tho Democratic ticket aud nothing was don- by tho Democratic leaders to bring out the vote la the country dis tricts. Criticising a Young Lady. "Sho would be a nrotty girl for but one thing." ' What's t lint V" asked Charley. George Her face i always covored with purine and red ulotqpos. Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis nosed of. Used to be the same way my n-lf, but I caught on to the troublo one day, and got rid of it in no time. Oeorge What was itf ( barley Simply blood ornptions. Took n short course of P. P. P. J tell you, it's lbs boss blood corrector. The irovernor hnd rheumatism so had that you could hear hitu holler clear across the country every time he moved. He tried it, and you know what an athletic old gent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them after wards. AH the drug stores soil it ' NICHOLSON NUGGETS. Republicans Carry the T.-wn Pronal and Othor News Svecial to the Scranton Tribune. Nicholson, Pa., Fob. 21, Election at this plac- whs quite lively. The town went Republican. E S. Wheeler (Dem.) and Frank P. Stephens (Rep) were elected for scho il directors. Wes ley Stephens (Dm ) was elected bur gess; L. li. Stephens (R;p.) and 1. T, B;nno ( Rep. ) were elected poor masters. The Republicans wore all electod bat two. Miss Mitchell, tbenrtlst, was visiting friends lu town on Monday. Pat Keller was the first on to cast a vote on Tuesday. Miss Georgia M. Le Barre is visiting friends iu Scranton. BURIAL OF JOHN MILLER. The Obicquiei to Be Conduottd by the Lodge of Odd Fellows. Special to the Scranton Tribune. HOHMDAUL Feb. 21. The body of John Miller was brought here from Middletowu last evening. Mr. Miller was 28 years old and died of consump tion. He is survived by a sister and parents. The funeral will be held from the home of his parent at 8 u. m tomorrow (Thursday,) Rev. William Schmidtt officiating. A delegation of Odd Fellows from Middletowu will attend, and the fn neral will be in charge of the Hones dale order. John Miller learned the trade of cigar maker with Ferbor Bros., leaving them in 18U7. For the past three years he has been in bulnM at Middletowu Numerous Nwy Paragraphs from a Britez Correspondent. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Avoca. Pa., Feb. 21. Miss Carrie .McDonald was a visitor to Pittiton to day. Mrs. B. J. Hums, of Pittston, spent yesterday afternoou with friend here. The hose company left on th 0 85 Lehigh Valley train for Pittston to at tend tho firemen's fair. Mrs. H. M. Steeves wa? among the visitors to the county Beat toduy. Miss Van Doraii, or Arohbald, i the gnest of Miss Lizzie Renniman. Miss Nellie Buckley spent today in Parsons. Will Graham. Will Brown, and Misses Beruice Sirei and Flora Davis will attend a masquerade ball in Pitts ton tonight, Mrs. Alex McCaa, of Plains, Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hose New lin. Miss Nellie Mangan is visiting iu Wilkes -B.irre. Mrs. J. R. Sitterly is ill at the horn of her parents on Main street. Mrs. James McMillan, of West Pitts ton, visited here today. A male glee club has been organized from tne members of St. Mary's choir. Their leader is Professor Gwylim Amos, who ia also leader of the choir. Miss B. O'Brien Is visiting in Provi dence. The postoffice will bo opsn tomor row, Washington's birthday, from 9 to 10 a. in. ; 12 to 2 and 0 to 7 p. ni. Rv. Father O'Rourke, of Wilkes Barre, preaohed at tho regalar Liuten services in St. Mary's church on Tues day evening. The public schools will be closed to morrow. Miss Nelli Whalen returned today to her home in Wilke.s-Barre, after a few day's stay in town. ALL ABOUT ARCI1BALD. The Mr. Frederick Seller St. Peters, I'enn. Like a Young Man Although 71 Years Old Rheumatism Cured and Strength Clvon by Hood's. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: i " 1 have taken three bottles of Hood's Sarsa parilla and am now using the fourth. I can truly say It has made a new man of me at my ad vanced ay,e of 71. 1 have sullered with rheuma tism for many years. For ten years there has been a swelling in my sides and also under my knee Joints. It was so severe I could not stoop down without pain. Nothing gave me relief un til after 1 commenced to tnke Hood's Sarsar parllla. 1 have continued to improve steadily KaodV?Cures and thu pain has left my sides and knees, en abling tne to stoop to the ground with ease. I am working like a young man. thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla. I cannot praise It enough In re turn for the good It tins done lor me, not alone for rheumatism, hut also for kidney trouble." PRBDBItlOK BILLIBS, St. Peters, Penn. Happjnings of the Day Intelll gtntly Discussed. Special to the Scrnnton Tribune. Am iiUALD, Pa., Fjb. 21.-Miss May Birs, of Carhondale, called on friends in town last Tuesday. Miss Esther Gillespie and Miss An nie xighe, or i'tttston, are visiting friends in town. Mits Katie McIIale is visiting Pitts ton friends. Miss Annie Hart, of Carhondale, is visiting Miss Aggie Craig, of Spruce street. Miss Delia Coyne is enjoying a visit with Wayiuart friend?. Miss Maggie Devers, of Avoo, is visiting Miss Maria Morau, of Rail road street. L. J. O'Horo. the well known barber, mude a trip to Plymouth last Tuesday and visited the scene of the Gaylord mine accident. Mrs. Joseph Remmett and M.a. W.1I- iain Campbell, of Ulvphunt, called on mends hero last Wednesday. Professor James H White called on Carhondale friends last Wednesday, The funeral of the late Mrs. Michael Sully took place from her former home on Church street yesterday, At 10 a. m. the remains were conveyed to St. Thomas' church and a high miss of requiem was celebrated by Rev. T. J, Connerford. Tho pall bearers were: Patrick Duffy, Patrick O'Boyle, Thomas Muuley, John J. Swift, Thomas Scott and Miles Mc Andrew, Sr. Among tho persons from out of town who were present are: Henry Kearney. Miss Nellie Kearnev, Miss Bridget Kearney and Miss Emma Kearney, of Carhondale; Patrick Law ler, of Peckville; Mrs. William Camp bell, Mrs, Thomas Fadden, Mrs. Joseph Pemmett and Miss Kate Hoban, of Olyphaut; aud Patrick Walsh, of May field. Hood's Pills cine Constipation by restor ing the peristaltic action of the alimentary canaL Dn. Wood's Norway 1'iue Syrup cures coughs aud colds quicker than any other remedy, because it eomDlnea the iuu henlitig quality of tho pine treo with other valuable medicines. Sold by all dealers ou a guaruntee or satisfaction. " m - MIRRORED AT MINOOKA. Numeroui Notts of Nsws from Soran ton's Southern Subuib Special to the Scranton Tribune. Mlnouxa, Pa., Feb. 21. Quite number from this place attended the surprise party of Taylor last evening at the home of Hugh Flanuery, of that place. John Mulheirn, of Forest City, is vis iting at the horn of his mother, Mrs, Anthony Cnsick, of Stafford street. The election passed quietly. Every thing was quiet around the polling places with the exception of a few hot words which were exchanged. Patrick Heart, of this place, who is employed as a mason on tho construe tion of the Delaware, Lackawanna aud Western railroad, will remove to Ding hainton, where he will resido perma nently. Lucy, a bright and interesting chil l off. is. Gallagher, of Main street, is very ill with th measles. Dr. J. J. Walsh has steady business in this plac this week. Tho Greenwood colliery has worked three successive days this week and ex pects the rest of this week. Reassuring a Visitor. lhicaao Tribune, "I don't see why you didn't want mo to say anything about Miss Jlixloy's a mamma," said Tommy, looking at I gnest. "She doesn't look near as old as grandfath ouchl Who's that a pluchin me ou thelaig?" Weak Kidneys Sharp, shooting pnras, back ache, side ache, chest pains and palpi tation relieved in One Minute by the Cirri cuka Anti-Pain Plas ter, the lirst and only pain -killing platter. It restores vital elettririty, and hence cures ner vous pains and mus cular weakness. Prietl sc; I,.,-, fi at ii i ni mi by mail. Poi-iuk Dkuci anoChbm, Coin ., Uotlon. For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of the com pletion, nothing equals 1'otzoNi's Powder. READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. Dr. Grewer The PblladelDhia ImhU. A till llin uuy, .niu t ! .(...( tn I 1 n. muu uow ijormaueritly located Temple Court Building 31 1 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON Whern they may be consulted DAILY AND SUNDAY. Tho Doctor Is a graduate ot the University or 1 ennnylvunia, formorly demonstrator of pliysioloL-y and turaorv at tho Medico-Chlr urglcat College, of Philadelphia. He is also ii uonorary member or tho Medlco-C'hirur-gical Association, and wu physician and surgpon-in-ohlur ot the most noted American ana uerman hospitals, comes highly indorsed tw tho loading profossors of Philadelphia and HU many rears of hospital exnerlena n allies this eminent physician anil surgeon to correctly diagnose anil treat all MIOfBINe and diseases with tho most flattortng success, and his high standing in tbo state will not annw nun 'o accept any incurable cast LOSI' MAMKion M - nun it WEAKNESS Ol'' YOUNG MEN CURED. If yon have oeen given up ny your physi cian call upon the doctor and be examined. Ho cures the worst case of Nervous Debility, Scrofula, Old Borca ' at .rrh. Polios, Female Weakness, Affections of the Bar, Eye, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can cers and Cripples of evory desoription. Con sultation in Rm;llsh and German Free, which hall lie considered sacred and striotly confi dential tlHts Honrs: OA. M. to t I. M. Dally. Sunday, 8 a.m. to X p.m. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in thii country vho have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENULISH COUB8E. BUSINESS COUKHE. SHORTHAND COUBSE. n tji rnnfWX,. NEW YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. KERR & SIEBECKER Carpetings ! OUR LINE FOR SPRING, 1894 CONSISTING OF TII1C TRADERS National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED 189a CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. B A )(TJET, niNF.S.rPresI lent. W.W VA1 sun. Vice 1 'resident A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DlRRCTOnfl. SAHT-Bl rilNES, JAMES M' EvUMTAnT, ) in i mi A. Finch. riKWK B., JoHurn J. Jkhuym. m. t), Kemkiier., Cuah, P. Matthew. John T. Puhteh. W, W. WATSON. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Inritns the patronage of business meu and firms KeiK-rally. Third National Bank of Scranton. Organized 1872. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - This linnlc offers tn depositors every facility uurraiitt'd by their balances, busl iiess bikI responsibility. Hpuclut attention Klven to business ac counts. Interest paid on time deposits. WILLIAM CONNKI.L, President. UKO. H. A 1 1. IN, Vlre-1'resldent. WILLIAM H. I'Ki k, ('ashler. DIKKCTOII& William Connell, Oeorse II. ratlin. Alfred Hand, James Archbald, Henry llnlln, jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets, body Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains, &c. now ready. The largest line of new pat terns and novelties we have ever shown, which we submit for the inspection of buyers, rrices will be found thoroughlv satisfactory. Japanese and China Mattings, in Plain, Figured and Inserted Patterns. Linoleums and Oil Cloths, in all qualities and widths from one to four yards wide. 406&408Lacka.Ave "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios woukl be to neglect the best opportunity yet offered. The ad dition of the "Wanamaker" series makes it more valua ble. Head new announcement on page 7. vi tw.aMtnmuTtrmimtmritrmn FPLPWVaenJITJ The Furniture Men After Whit comb Riley's "Man in the Moon." O! "ECONOMY" has got the best furniture atore. Wheel Whom! Dou't you wish you were them? And their prices are cheaper than ever before; And their iroods are so handsome a kins would be glad To own such Carpets. All he wants can be bad If he'd just go to "ECONOMY," at I would advise. My eyes I But won't be be wise If he goes to "ECONOMY," as I would advise? And "ECONOMY'S" got carriages that elsewhere yen on't buy Wheel Whingl What a singular thing? That o'er carriage men here they sour far on high. Their bedroom suits haven't their equal in town, And I know that these facts are authentic all round. Whang I Hoi Why certainly sot I know that these facts are authentic All round. You will fiud "ECONOMY," Nos. 220-7. Qeel Whirl Wbatagreat place It 1st Nestling down on Wyoming Ave's rnmantlo clime; Just loaded with furniture, massive and fine, Every thing that you want, so just oall any time. "ECONOMY" sell their goois-cneaper than any one oan. Whingl Whaunl What marvelous men I What very remarkable, marvelous men!