1 THE SCRANTON TBIBUNE-r-TH UR&DAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 22. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, General Manager. ruilLIBUKIi DAILY AMI WEEKLY IN SCIlAN- tin, pa., y tiu Tmihuk FtbtuuiMu New Yohk Urrioi: Tiuuunic Boildiho, t HAN k K. Uiiay. MANAOeit. ftlliWd u( I'litloffUe at Sctim'ua, Fii , . . r. I . W ' Hotter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SCRANTON, FEBRUARY M, 1SW. HOS1 MORTtM. Oa TusiUy, tho election ; on Wetl nesilay, the explanation, Th period ol opeu oonfaulOQ lias been eagrly created ly lVnnsylvuiiU Heiuoernts. It U an .: .. period, if not im portant. It lilpj to beguile the wearf liourn. It adds a dash of pimanor to the conventional post morttm l'rf auiuably, too, it Contain the explain en. KU why ahoul.l tliey go ut it So earnestly '.' lu Ibe Brst place w.) am Raked to tii -ten to the liypothesU of Colonel Me Clare. The colonel is not politically happy these days. A shadow has fallen thwart Lis Dtb, Tha shad of a dis tending rival beclouds his ouce happv horz m. And it j;ri"ve and mortifiM him It rankles and it stints. The rival hag lately returned from a pll Krimaae to the bourbon Mecca. The colonel has not. The rival, since his return, maketh bold, if not actually humility. He dippetD his tun in vitriol and bis sizzling procl iraatlonaleap forth triumphant in double leads. This, as we all know, constitutes a direct in vasion of the colonel's pet preserv es. It is au act of tMipMI on hie p-e-mi cent prerogative, 1' eeuds frowns to bit ferocious forehead and wrath to his troubled soul Stung, painel and pinarting, the colonel explain, tha cass in these brttia.ue wo-tli: "The trouble with the Democrats ii that the country is suffering from hard times, and ai their representatives in power at Wash ington have lone nothing for its relief, the people are not voting to sustain Democratic rule. That is the whole story." Thus sayeth the colonel. But what of the commodore 1 W.iat of the met eoric rival who basflished into the mid heavens with his double and tripl? leads and his Aiming "peace" sword? Is he in less uuibrsgev Verily, ho is not. Bis explanation ft ionger. but it is uot In perceptibly batter tempsr. The people are duly, albeit politely blamed for acting Ilka a pack of fools, Ttie Republicans get sterojtypsd cen sure for itubhoraly refusing to b) pros perous under tbeoptrati ;is ot the l)sm ocratio free tr.ule lauott, But thes are mere minor things, '.n Coumn.lor Hngeriy'. opinion, coutptred with bar monized PenmylvauU Democracy's "iucapable. inefficient and headstrong leadership." While RapnbllUBl Witt 'fighting for iife," tir Dimooratio opponents, although In clover in state and nation, 'have limply laid down and let everything go." Tney -'iiavj squabbled among them si vaa" and bless us. didn't tiie genial commodore himself tiave a list in the shindy? and have "attempted to meet the solid shot of the enemy with firewjrks" jn 1 with double lead. "But," adds the chagrined commodore l'ther is still more striking evidence of D"Jio:rtic incapacity. The organ. z it. on is rotten. It is a corps1 that should b buried out of sight as quickly as possible, an 1 the chairman Of tue Dtmboratlo state com mittee and the chairman of tha llJia ocratiu city committee should aot as pall bearers.'' In these family obteqnlei, of course, Republicans have u I great cinern. except, perhaps, to supply the annual corps;. We refer to (hem simply to put twoexpurt explanation! in their mutual and separate light; and. inci dentally. to exile the lneviubla m not ouy of the day after i It is gratifying (o know that the last cent of governor lloKi iley'a Indebted ness, incurred throug i t.ie unwis ex tension of assistance to a (riend, has been repsid The governor, ia his p?r son I rcii'l as in his political one, kUti'l aquarelv Iff. the public, wit'i no greater faults to sp ilogiss for than those of klndntll a'-1' loyalty to bil friends While In one MOM these mat ters of private bustneii do no form .1 concern of the public, the light vhiou they shed up a a public servant's char acter putt them within the pale of a "privileged cominunic.itio'i " and adds to the personal esteem which Ameri cans of oil parties antsrtaln for thtlr next president. IT WILL NOT DOWN. There is a renewed and apparently a concerted effort among the Demo cratic newspapers j.ist now to cuj lie the American people into a forgetfu' ne.sj of the Hawaiian episode, In var ious portions of the country, among journals suftiuiently in accord with the nilmiuistration to conform witiiou: compunction with any policy it miy choose to devise, the publication of the latest batch of offhlal correspondence has evoked the snap-judgment cry: "Lot Hawaii drop. The public is getting tired of that,'' Kn ex-Minis ter Stevens, so long the target of cuckoo abuse, is permitted to pass and re-psss uunoticed, in Democracy's I runtic de sire to cover up its own disgraceful blunder. Heaven knows that so far as The Tribune Is concerned, and, as it bs Haves, so far as conoerns the great mi -jority of intelligent Amsrican oltizeus, there is nothing in the Amarioan end nf Hawaiian incident which would uot willingly be forgotten, if by that means the perfidy of our conrse could be erased from history. But it is a matter which does no t yield to voli tion. We cannot let it drop The question Is up, and the question will stay up nntil the wrongs that we have committed: until the shame tbat we have been made the victims of, through tha errors of our executive, shall b righted before the Hawaiian people and in tlie sight of civilized maukind If it could be proved : or if, for ergo ment's saks, we consent to accept It as having been already proved, that the bloodthirsty Lilinokalanl's deposition was haatened through tha intervention f the Afnsrloan minister, Stevens, In his desire to expand tha area of repub lican government, would not that course yet present a creditable con trast with the course of his BucoessorV Would it not be more American, more humane, more in accord with the spirit of our age to aid, by fair and open means, in the evolution of a democracy than to plot, behind masks of seeming friendship, for the secret stabbing of a democracy in ordnr that n rotten and barbarous sovereignty might b re stored? The liberty-loving supporters of the Hawaiian provisional government have ben treated to an txhibition of lb worst phases of American diplomacy . and it is idle to expect this question to drop until, in sheer justice to the mis represented American nation, they shall be enabled to 6ee our diplom icy in a more respectable an I a more patri otic light. Not LOW ago Martin J, Russell, an editorial writer for the late Carter Harrison's Chicago Times, meloira maticilly resigned his position because the rapr's Washington correspondent saw fit tocriticizs President Cleveland. Tha reward for this distinguished ex hibition of exquisite superiensitiveness has now come in the shape of an ap pointment as collector of tho Chicago port. The position carries with it big pay and little work; and it will doubt less give Mr. Russell leisure iu which to do sycophant iitorary osnssr-awlng-ing before the "consecrated" execu tive touching whom he is is ) lympa thetically fastidious. Mr Clevelaud exhibits one trait in bold relief, tie can stand unlimited journalistic tfltfy iug of Mr. lirover Cleveland. -- WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, While it is true in some senses that the personality of our initial military hero and civic executive no longer in spires emotions of ecstney. a time will ncTer corns when the sober thought of our people will rej-'Ct the leesoua ot his unselfish life or cease to keep in mind the aapitnt words of hh prophetic counsel The impartial analysis of con temporary historians has rated Wush ington. the man, somewhat below the pinnacled place accorded to him in the early momintum of the young patri otic spirit. But it lias not and it can not alter the meaning of Washington, the symbol and type, whose impersonal visssge, rising calm and wise about the frictions of his persoual entity, recalls to us, at every step along all avenues of national development, the sacred memo ries of a heroic pist and the solemn ob ligations of a sariova present. The criticism that probes mercilessly into tha errors of a new experiment is I captious and uncharitable. Tin con I tinusl wonder to students of our na tional birth is not that errors were made, but that, in the thick of im mediate stress and trial, the clear eye I of the central genius should have pen -! etrfited 10 fur into the misty vista of futurity, off jring to remote generations i advice as tru now as ever. His cau tion with reference to t ie augmenting i clash and bitterness of pirtisau politi -ca'. strife is as significant today as at any past moment; nor eia we predict , tbat it mav with safety soon be torgot I ten by republicans in time to come. I'otil there shall be u popular demand I tbat the business of legislation shall be iv'iiirnsted to busim-aa men; until the hold of the demagogue shall be broken by a loftier patriotism; until men sane In the routine transactions of commer cial and social life Ihall decline to go insane over tho quibbles and twi3ts of partis hi affscta'.ion ; until serious and solemn civil duties shillbemet in a sober and sensible way, the masterly counsel of tho foremost Father will not lose its meaning among freedom's heirs. The observance, In its rich sugges tion, of this day among our young is a wholesome gain In the pulses of our civic life. Although it may in in stances be that an honest zeal reaches further than wis dlsaretion, shall we even momentarily donht that the net result is for the best'.' K7en at peril of occasional excess, it should bs the uni form American wish to keepnlivjin Undiminished splendor those grand traditions of our early days which are the inspiration of all onr later achieve menfl We must do this If w hope to fulfill the grand caroer which is our obvious dstiuy aa a people. And in the center of this pio eer record and I "gend there is oue fiuro anil one name requisite to voting, we suspect that it would be a grievous waste of money and time to try to btibo them into vot ing. The fact that both parties are equally gnilty with respsct to the pay meut of this tax does not excuse either nor afford justifiable reasons why Mr. Slngorly, in his widely circulated uewspaper. should stand us the urgent udvocate of a practice that in all its in tents ami purposes is nothing more or less than outright political bribery. Uue of the wholesome lessons asso ciated with the man whom today Americans take pause to honor, is his firm and prophetic Objection to the ua scrupulonsness of intensified partisan strife. Yet here, in the boidest of fashion, upon the very eve of Wash ington's birthday, we have it re marked by the personal commissioner of Ueorge Washington's latent succes sor in the presidency, in substance if not in words, that the failure to bribe ten thousand Democratic citizens in Philadelphia by the wholesale pay ment of their individual obligations, U .institutes a "scandalous default. " It is time to nail this mistaken view. That was oertalnly n,que?r circum stance in Norrietown Tusaday when Republicans of the Eighth ward, through inability to get the oftHal bal lot changed, were eompelle) to vote for a man as justice of tho peace who at the very moment of his election was lying at home dead Such uncommon incidents, however, embodv uu indict ment oT the new ballot system, which has gained steadily in the coutldvnce of the public. ThbNorweous exploring expedi tion announced to leave Christiana next May for polar seas would cnieve just as much good for humanity and suffer iutiuitely less persoual discom fort if it would get to a vast refrigera tor and pack itself in cracked ice. Ttie American section of this fantastic ex periment should recommend this sub stitution on humanitarian principles. It thk HEituKs of the confederacy had been wise in their day and generation, they could have spared several million gallons of good blood by just tiding into power on a "consecrated reform" bluff. That is where their children could give them point). . Trying to put Sorautou in a musty old rut wasn't to the predominant Scrantoniun taste. And that's about all, in way of afterthought, there is to be said concerning those bridges. A PARTY which is morally capable of reviving the income tax in time of peace is thoroughly capable of solving its ac cumulating debt problem by the sim ple method of national repudiation. It wil t, evidently not be the Demo cratic party's fault if the state s' rights idea does not get a solid footing again in all departments of the federal government. Hakkiiy stilt has nothing to Perhaps he is too busy thinning. say a!. out which all ils naturally ami gracefully clusters; the figuro of a Isrga-soolsd man, serene iu temper, t oughtfnl in speech, resolute in action an l liberal in all the impulses of bis nature: tho figure and the name of General and President Washington. Let bis natil day receive the thought! oi every true patriot. . (jraVksesd adheres rs of Boss Mo Km " are so little disposed to realize their idol's guilt that they lender him bouncing ovations Tiie crime of bal lot slutting, in select Tammany circles, pusses us a meritorious line art. ERAttW Wimvy tho inventor of the cycloiie pnlveiiz'r, well known iu Scrantou, was committed to the Tombs ytsterday on a oharge of having forged n. te on R. 0. Do 4 & Co. to the amount of two hundred and twenty nins thousand dollars. Mr. Wiinm was a hustling cltiltn and apleusaut gentleman to inset, anl mile lmny friends in Scrantou upon bis visits to the Electric City His misfortune is oue of the forcible illustrations of the disaster that invariably follows fi ian cial iollitloo. It 19 undoubtedly true that brains are not apportioned along strictly goo graphical lines. Nevertheless, Mr. Clevelsnd might havo found just ns good a justice north of tho Mason and Dixon line; and such a selection would have reflected better upon his sense of fairness. STOP THIS BRIBERY. Ooe of the principal indictments drawn by Headsman Singerlv against the "iucapable, inefficient and head strong leadership" of Damocracy iu this state is Its loss of 10,000 Philadel phia votes through a failure to provide tax receipts for voters who do not pay their poll taxes. Mr, Cleveland' special apostle among the Pennsylva nia faithful views this in the light of "a scandalous default." We are frank to admit that we do not look at this snbjeot through the same glass. If there are ten thousand legal voters in Philadelphia who do not care enough for Democratic principles to pay the small sum exacted as a pre- Cannot Ko p It Stagnant. n i ' . . t'ost. The work ot recovery is slow, but it has to coruo. it is not wri tten in tho tioou of rate thatclooo as money may be.di.sastroue as fliiRiicial rovulBlons nre, mistaken and misdirected as legislation often i, any Country blessed with redundant natural resources and population ot marvelous uuergy shall purish of stagnation. AfUr the Ball. Twas given for charity s sake; lis brilliance excelled ny othor fete held. Hiu the only.ihing swelled i No' the fuud it is goun Are the heads they'll have on When luier these cay oiihs awake. Waihington Stat. GOLDSMITH'S G.B. BAZAAR IN THE REALM OF SILKDOM vf. CUBE DRUNK KNNG89 A.NU Till TOBACCO HABIT No injections) No Inconvenience No loan of time. Treatment at your uii homo. Cures nt-r other methods f aif- .-,k your ih Uifirlit for I'HO UK'- S(). I'on- suitaiiun aod treatment free. Address, eon fldantlaUy, "PHO-BE'-NOa UUBB" 'o., S. a a ton. Pa. Mr Cleveland and His Party. ChiCQQQ Htrtiltt. Ossi The rank aud file of the party worked with a will to secure Cleveland a second term In thu preideucy. He has not dis charged bis obligations to the party, An honorable ma i is auxbus tC discharge honorable obligations. One Stroeu- Point in Rtbuttal i ktcagu Ifisjjaiih. i licar Wilde ay there is genuine danger th.it the world will become ' too offensively sane.'' The fact that his books are in de mand doesn't tend tu confirm this .stab;-meat Whfr 6h Failf. She' pretty, with black eyes And curls of jel ; She's graceful aud a witcbiug Hay coquette; She can sing a song divinely, But us yet She's been a dismal failure As loubrel te Per above her head her toe she cannot ml. W'athington Sties. Not Worth Hie Ffforts. PhiladtlpMia frtu. Ueiieralisumo gingerly will probably have to use mloroecope herenftor to Bud enoiiKh of the Democratic party to prac tice his harmony experiment ilpou. Stamp Out tho Asassint. Pkiludttphta Timti. Anarchy and civilization, like slavery and freedom, cannot exist tide side. ' iviiizatiou is worthy or preservation. Anarchy is only worthy of extermination - - Case Atralnst the Wllsen Bill. Ckvthni LtaJir. If Jefferson Davis were alive and in cou (truss ho would vote for the Wilson bill. It Abraham Lincoln were alive and In con gress, he would vote against it. . Hard to Please. When it's raining We're couiplainim; Hitter is onr cup; Whim it's shining We aiu whining Sure we're burning up' Atlanta CoHtiitutlon. . Fading Diimooratlo Hnp Al'nula Ot ntttnttn i l?m ). Doubt, distrust and indignation have taken possession of all Democrats who are watching the course of events. Tatarnal Ruin Q-ianhrd. ' mJ-. Ail iff. About the first thing that a wild yount! lawyer proceode to do is to dissolve the in junctions of his father. - Evldenca Not Yet All In. Mrs. Lease nays she Is a Mason. Tho goat ought to be (riven uu opportunity to bo heard iu rebuttal. Oourage HI Only Recommendation. ( I'ott. The next Democratic nomluee for gov ernor of New York will undoubtedly be a brave man. The Verdict of Pinnaylvanla. Fhilaittliiliiti I'rrit. Down with the Wilson bill and all that pertains to it. - Frost Proof. When she and I a-slnigbing went, Though no toot warmer furnished beat. Her little toes were qnlte coateut, Fur my warm heart lay at her feet. Kete York Hern',1. Crttloal Period. lif. Yonng Editor (reflectivelyi 11 I don't publish this poem Orace has written she will have nothing more to do with me. And It i do publish it i shall probably lose my position. - . Too Thick to Look Well. Chii-ayo Tribune. Maud What a lovely oomplexion Laura has this evening' Irene Superb, isn't Itf But it looks as if It had been latd on with a trowel. the: HATTER IS SHOWING SOME DRESSY LOOKING HATS THIS is not our own thought, but it ii the remark recently made by one of tie many lady ailuiireir of our large, new collection of Silks: The countless styles, patterns and qualities showu by tin now would till a volume If we went into detail. Japanese; Chinese, French and American silk looms are all represented and iu the aome of perfection in both the printers' and weavers' art To dwell iu poetic fancy over IhCm Mould beau Insinuation upon your perceptive faculties. There fore, u- will simply ask on in rail and see, wheu we are quite sure thai your sense ui ecstatic apprecia tion will be aroused bj the spread placed before you. In former years the purchase of a silk dress was frequently looked upon as an act of extravagance. Today, renllj ii is a matter of economy, because silks are actually cheaper than bigh-class dress materials. 21-inch Printed Silk Pongees, that are good and very bsautiful, only 29c. 21-inch Printed China Silks," of the most exquisite designs, 49c. 24-inch Real Japanese Hahtnai Silk, made upon hand looms; full of life and durability; colorings fast; washable as any cotton fabric; every design; a poetic dream of loveliness. 0nlyC3c. 23-inch Corean Silks, cream grounds, floral designs, washable. Only 49c. If you haven't secured one of our 4-button Kid Cloves, in all colors, at 39C. a V'dlr u so before they arc gone. They cannot last the week out. for SPRING wear! Goldsmith Brothers & Company. B LANK IiOOKS LANK HOOKS MEMORANDUMS Office Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEADING MAKES, Fine Stationery WffiT, WATERMAN and FRANK-' UN FOUNTAIN PENS. ah 1 ituMMtteeA Agents ii Crawford's Pens and Uiick'.s Flexible Rubber .Stamps. Reynolds Bros, Stationers and Engraven. bit LACKAWANNA AVE DO YOU SELL? OR ARE YOU MAKING PRESENTS? Of Mixed Candy, Clear Toys, or any style of Candy or Nuts, Express Wagons, Velocipedes, Tricycles, l'oli Cabs, Drums or Toys of every kind. DOLLS China Dolls, Wax Dolls, J'ati-nt Dolls, Jointed Dolls, any kind ofdoll from 28cto$15 SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Boys, Girls or Dolls, ia Maple, Ouk or Iron, Jioiu 'Jac. In 116.00. BICYCLES AVe have tlio pnod-; aud our pikes are right. Wholesale and retail. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO, 314 Lacka. Ave. We melee specialty of lupplyliif oont mltteee let Sunoey School, Fun, Feetlrele NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SUA Kit EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S ENGLISH .IKBSOP'S ENGLISH CAST BTREL HORSE SHOES TOE CALK l I ItE MACHINERY BPRING sol T BTEEL ANVILS BICLLOWS HORSE N VM S WILEY & RUSSELL Al WELLS Itltns Cl'ITlNG MACHINERY, WASON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS in lis 8IOKK8 111. Ms STEEL SKEINS R. R, SPIKES SCREW Bittenbender& Co.Scranton, FURS I FURS! CAPES Id INCHES DEEP. F'rem li roney ( upcu, is Loohtl(dfep,. A ' i , I. !,.,. I 1 1 , . " ABtiiikhan ('Ajjie, " " AtHrnkbau Oepee, " " ... I ' . '1 ", 1 :u ' 1 " " .. JKiim-ey Capon, " " .. Monkey CADee, " " .. Net. Oiler Cepee. " .. Nat. Otter Cepet, " " .. Kriminor Capos. " " .. BeeverCepee, " " .. Nutria Cepee, " " .. - ' ' ' I -I . II I l " " .. Alaska BeM Cepee, " ' . Alaska s,.-ii Cepee, t " 11 . Mink I 'aiu. " " . . Brown Mai tvu Cepee " " .. , a oo . 4 UI . 6 no . '.' Il . Ii no . 18 no It im . n oo . D6 UU . 1J 00 , '-A On . 11111 . tS no 00 , 50 no . On no . HO Wbolesiile aud rttn.il dealers' In Vasonmakari' an 1 Blacksmith!' fcUPPLlES, THE DICKSON MANUFACTU RING CO BCBANTON AND VILKES-BABBE, PJU UAKUFACTCHEHS OJ Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, Utueral Oflice, SCRANTON. PA SPECIALS - AT T11K CAPES 22 INCHES DEEP. Astrakliau Cepee, inches d,'.'P flO 00 Beltie Bee Qepee " If 00 itoetria Meel Okpee, " il ' freach Ooney Cepee, " ooo Mink Vin,; " DO 00 l-lrowti ntrtn Cupel, " ,r0 00 ftonkei i 'hth, " V6 iw Highest Cash Prices Paid for Raw Furs. Repairing Furs a Specialty. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD 423 Lackawanna Avenue. LE OF THE WALTER'S STOCK For the Next 10 Days. roo pieces Twilled Toweling. best f 10 quality, bleached, 3 4c. 60 pieces ( ilass Toweling, red and ! 6 1)1 ue checks, 4-'4C- 10 dozen Turkey Red Table 40 Cloths, size 84, only 69c. (i pieces Table l.inen (wide) 135 Damask and Red. only 22c. j 2 cases Amoskea- Ginghams, 1 20 worth 8c, only 4;C. 1 case Fruit of the Loom Muslin, warranted one yard wide, only 7 ;4C. 1 case 1 nbieached Muslin. 1 yd. IS wide, Sc. duality, only 53C. 3 cases New Dress Calicos, worth lS ;c a yard, only 4-'4c. pieces Black Cashmere, worth 1 2 1 a c. only OC. pieces Cashmeres, all colors, worth 35c. only 21c Ladies' Jackets, all sizes, worth -.. so, only $3.75. Ladies' Jackets.all sizes, worth $10 to $1 -'.50, only $5. do, en Ladies' Merino ests and Pants, 50c. quality, only 35c. dozen Ladies' Wool Ribbed Vests, worth $1.25. only 65c. do..en dents' Natural Wool $1.25 Underwear at 75c. doz. Gents' tirey 1 nderwear, 75c. quality, only 44c. SALE AT BOTH STORES: The Fashion I Our New Stores 308 Lacka. Ave. 400-402 Lacka. Ave. A8K YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOMRS' THE DUTHEIL STUDIO 1 315 DELICIOUS, MILD JSXJG--A.IX CURED ABSOLUTELY PUHB HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND RAIL OF LARD BRANDED. BTLTSiPPLIE1 THE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA ICKAWANN AVIMJK. CRAMTUN, 1'A. KtSaYIKQ MAUi: n roi, tract nlih a TT fruini) Iiiotory lo tani unt l,QN , I 111. . . innv HI,U 1 1.1 B u V5 llcth1 1 win mtko 11 QBNuINE IKAH FOKTH.HV tuiiul Iruu ! i,y pinalt uuo ABSULL'TULV FIIEE OF CHAltUl. I.All.Vl' RTYI.K4 OF I F. AMIS KBOl 9.A0 I I'lVAKU. Workinauiliiii guarantceil. I rtuies SO per crut. loss tliun rogulir pi liia in? K PI 1 ill. II., Aitist.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers