THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORN'TNG, FEBRUARY 189J. ONE CENT A Word Wants of all kindl cost Ihul HltieA, f - tfpt Sit uai lorn t?anttt,wMeH " fnetrted rues. Situations Wanted. VI'AN'IED - SlTl.'A l lo.N 11 keeper In a AS HOI SE- family bv n w idu ladv, v.-ill uc. xvaslilngs or hou-o w.ik by the day until a steady Situation is attained Ad dress. A XV TT loum- office ,, , W ANTE ll BY A BOY U air education in ii dry goods or grooerj sto v. or some una ncs E CM work ill. AddretaD D., 6JV Hum -uii avciiuv. CKl U-ASTbU- SllT'A'llN BV A OIRL IN lawyer's nlflos to k..piu prdfl Answer Call TBABONB SITUATION O war old with YoLNli LADY WISHES Had or gentleman a few Address it care ol Trlbuns J ANTED a to read t. h airs vac i day. office. U' ANTED SJ I CATION AH COACH MAN ur garducr. Address II. A . Tribune office. CITI'aitoN WANTED l ill. in who is vl ling t WO k; ae. III: fair p 'inn ill lefeleme. Address 'll. 0. I b a BY A VOUNH tb any kiiul ol ran fnrnlsh Hood ost Oltl -o r :t ti GENERAL NEWS Of I 0 IB Holland Gives Ntw Fuels with Re!creace to Ibe Whituev Syndicate. JUST WHAT IT WOULD COST US Inside Views Obtained from an Exper ienced Railroad Man by the Repre sentative ol Several Senators Free Coal Would Mjke an Adverts Dit ference in One Direction Aions ol Six Million Dollars Oilier News and Comment Concerning Indus trial Tonics. and the labor on h ton of coke costs iJ cents. When ill of labor U de ducted from the R"llin? prion of coke it loaves less man -10 oeuu a ton for coal. Some coke makers piv li) cents a ton royalty, out of the 43 rtu ts n ton for coal the nti Tutors would, therefore, liave bat 30 'joiils it ton to pay mining and other expenses. A dispatch from Johnstown, l'a, says: CuuKressiuau Tom L Johnson oano here to attend a lusting of the stockholders of his steel mill j A pr p- naitioa to increase the stock to $'1,00U, UUD for tho purpose of building a new rail mill waa oarrlsd by a bi;j majority, it will not be fully deolded for several week Whether the new mill will be built at this place or nt some other point. Congressman Johnson t' pressed tbe oehef that tho senate would pass the Wilson bill practically In the torm it passed tho home. MINOR INDUSTRIAL NOTES: Pittsburg announces novelty la the. lhape of wire pillows. Tho ObloegoDls patch thinks thoy probably aro made to mutch sheet iron. The terms of settlement of the attach ment placed by the Philadelphia, Heading Si New Luglninl railroad on thirty-one eh nines ami 804 freight car of the New Klisj. bind nmd at Hertford, Doc. !M, 1898. for 1880,000, are 180,000 do W0 ami J 10, 000 a weea until tbe claim is settled. Reading railroad workman, at Reading, are receiving only tn.VWKJiis their January pay. Wueu the machine and citations run In lull the amount it about f 100,0(10. Owidg to Iho depreaalOG in the coal trad.- nearly ail the collieries in the Wy oming valley are now Working only half time. It la rnmored, tari the Raateton Senti nel, that a rule la about to be put in vogue bv the D IS. and S. Railroad company which will compel it employee to cease Imbibing intoxicating beverages while on or off duty. The I'uivursal mill and the '.l'J inch plate mill of tho l'ottstown Iron company resumed operations. The Hamilton Woolcu company, of Sjuth llridge, Mass.. employing 1,000 oper ttlvet when ruuuing In full force, started its cotton aud worsted depui tments ilou dav. Tho Keystone Hulling Mill company started its 1'ittsburg tiulshiug mill iu full, aud eight of Its puddling furnaces on a non-unlou basis, A cable railwav n mile and a half louy, Aill be built from Heading to tbe top of Neverslnk mountain. All the collieries in the Mahanoy valley, excepting Bear Knu aud St. Nicholas, re sumed work. Among these is the Ham mond colliery, ut lllrardvllle, which be longs to the Heading company, aod has been idle fur over u month. This colliery employes over s')u men and boys. The 1'iankllu lion works at Poit Carbon started up lull-handed. Upward of 100 men are employed. A gasser that produces 900 barrels an hour was struck by tho Carnegie lias com pany at i'inley villa. There are twenty applicants now for mine inspector at rotttvtut, and the ex amining is not yet ended. A Quarter Century Test. For n ipjarter of a century Dr. Kind's New Discovery Inn, been tested, aud the millions who have received benefit from Its use testify to its wonderful curative l owers in all diseases of lliroat.Chest aud luugs. A remedy that has stood the test so long and that, lias given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle Is positively guurautt-ed to give relief, or the money will be refunded, ltisadmitted to bo tbe most reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles Kree at Matthew Bro s. Drug Store. Large tiM .VJc, and $1,00. FINANCIAL ANU COMMERCIAL younu a J) grocery turc. MAN IN lKY linnli I'l'.n'rn -tit-, ui Ktiiij" iiis;!H'-.- III I ulllil Wil k UL. SnUl.l tXbrU'!ji tf 'i -1 cit. e, will work I'fatAp, AddftM F O. box M in trust. P Agente Wanted. A N I'EL) ' o'.LECI'uHS Ku,t ISJ W rni: (lu.iiauco . viupanv C II at II scmi St i: 1 , on. e.j-je a--iiiii,i.ii nveiiiit- Supel mttiiuetit U' ANTED MAN WITS LIKE AND KiKK iiisiuauee eaperlenee as nv.i'iior in l.u 'kawaaua county: InduoemeuM (o riibt man Adoreei ii'.'ovu Btti building, Phlladtlpbla, IV AN'iED Bl'VS AND ttlKLH WHO with tu make inoii.'v when out iT ehool: iriiil name and era will tell veil how; l.. muiiey wautwl r. 8TAYNRE, Pruviile'ttce H. I U 'ANTED TWO YOUNu MKN UlfOOUO uddress to call on bueiues.i boMea Steady einployiuetit for good men NATIONAL 1 Lr.AM Aieade building. AlM'U rOW EL COMPANY, Help Wanted If ANTED (Hiou BOY 1 bl.o'ksiuKhlng trade w. rked at it d refer reJ KIAHE W'KKS. Male. TO WnKK one tnut OILHUOL'M For Kent. I 'OH KENT I avenue, by April. STORE i I LACKAWANNA 1. Kaouue ut lleury KreV. 441 LaekawattOA avenue or at the premises. i VOH KENT IN Bl'KK BU1LD1NQ.WA8H. I I'jgtou avenue. .1 few desirable oftSeee and rii.s. Reut very reoiiablo itu desirable par- tta Lea be aeea by applying t. janitor in bUjldlnf. lor leims applv to t'HAKI.ElS A. BCkK. North Main avenue. MOK KENT THREE R0OM8. r'KO.N 1' I IN x stcomi door, over N. A Hulber t's music Itere, 117 Wyom iBgeVenne, from April I. In qaire lu the store. yoK KENT l'WO-8TOR BKICK DWEL JV liug house; iiiederu imuroveuieuts. 31o 1 orest eourt. Apply to MAI KK'E COI.l.lNS. St L a.-eiit. West ekawaiiua avenue. 'PU LET FOB A TERM F YBABS J Part or of three hundred feet uf yard tin along railroad. vmie. Apply at 'M Franklin ' O KENT-STORE 3axi OK FCRN'ISHEU I ha.l on lireeu Ridge street, eryiesira r)e lucatlou and on ruasoLable to F. E NETTLETON or C g, hepubhmn building. For Sale. I.'OH SALE - A PLATFoKU 1 wsguu. anil iiuuse tor sa.e ..r rent eafOD, a'Mt nuuse tor sa.e ..r quire of a. r . si MUBUBKUb, mm ICE roB 1 ew, l'a. iALX-DELIYIBBD IN SCRAN per t.jii. Inquire of W. H. M 11. RCFFORU, OUrk'i Sum SMITH or in.:. 1't. ,-OK SALE .Si Vi.'iti: and utenslia J. M. Mi uroe ava. FARM, STOCK SHEFFIELD. S-'ii l.'uK -i . r. OK EXi.HANUE FOKHOKAN 1 ton bearing orange gr ve and lukiv vearlv in tLe orange section iu I lorlu. Aii.lres F. E. NETTLETON, lajkc Helen. Florida property Increasing lu production Specia fotlcea. ScUAHrus. Feb. SL Issi. 'I'HF. 'NNUAL MEETIN't OF THE 1 rtoekholdeis uf the La.:!t awaiiua Iron and steel company for the eHetlon of dl rectors and transa ittoa of sncb ut ler buelneae a a my properly utile befuro tbe meetim will be bsidat the ofttee of tbe ouM peny 111 tbeelti of deranton. Peaneyfvenbi Wed aeedafi March 7. HAM. at - o clunk p. in. The pulls whl remain open fur one hour. The transfer booka will i,a cfoaad on Feb. It, list, and ru-upen en Mareti I. I- i J. P. HIOOINSON. Secretary. '-o WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: MY 1 wife, Maggie Helns, having left my bed aud 1 ..aril. I hereby tiutif y all persons uu' to luirbur ur trust her on my aceouttt, a-- after thUdat., Feb It, iv'i. 1 will pav no bills con tracted by ber. FRiD. HEINZ, Ui Blekely St., Dnnmore. I.I.ANK BOOKS, PaMpRLE is, MAI4A l ileal, ete . bound or rebound at Tin: TmaiM oiLce V'uck work. waaoaaUi prli - EAL Tit Kl.T'S I AN US HAD AT III : ner btTuce strt and Franklin avi nue Twenty meal ncketi for UmM taliie I ... : ' . M' (tea Cetate T'O!'. S.i.I.E-HINOLE HOUSE "hj (JtflNOY I avenue; very deuiraM' location. Anolv E S In his entertaiiiiu New York corre inondenoa With the Phlladelphl. I'rese, ".'liilland'' tells of a visit paid by a man who bis been of high official stu lion in Washingto:!, bat who ts now entirely absorbed bv bxtilali mitters, OR to a gentlemen Who has a familiarity with the coal tiado due to mviy years experience us a railway manager of lines loading into a coil territory. The ' purpose of the visit wis to get sum expression of opinion which might be used with eft' ot with senators when the tariff bill is tinder discussion in the senate. The vtitor said "I have ' just come from Washington ami have I aeon near v all of the leuators, with tome of whom, you know, my relations have bian very close for a number of years. My upiuiou i' that it is doubtful if coal is taken off tho free list, upon which the bouse put it, and I 1 find that all of the senators who are in favor of retaining it upon tbe free Hit say they ought to be no complaint, since It will not make nuy differenoe with the coa! business or traffic whether coal is or ie not sub jecied to duty. " "And you find seua senators expressing that opiuioo? " tbe I 1 -1 . .. 1 .w i It . :. .. V. . ,. I visitor wig tisweu. . . n mui ue has their ODinion, 1 have only one tuggea-AB-1 tiou to make. Tell your frleu la in the i senate that it it does n t make nuy dif ference whether coal ba on the free list or not, there can be no kooI rea son for nut leaving it exactly where it is today. If it is not going to matter, then it ii not worth while to make any ciiangea in rrspsct to coal." The visi tor seemed pleated by this suggestion and laid tbftt this evening he would send it to some of tbe s-Miatots with i whom he has talkej. Nevertheless 1 upon further conversation uud some examination of statistics it was found that tbe placing of coal upon tho free list was going to make a difference iu one direction alone of $8,000,009 a year. 90 per out. of which represented la bor. A LOSS OF TWO MILLION TONS There is no doubt that with free coal, the Nora sjcotiu mines wtll be able to supply the eutiro amount used iu New Kngland, which comes by water. That is to say, it will be impossible for tbe coal miners of I'snusylvanin, WeBt Vir- ginia and Maryland, shipping to fie w England by water, to meet in compeli i tion the coal which will be brought sPRlNti from ",e ''anadian provinces by water. lu it is easy to ueiermitie wnat mat amount is. It approximates two mil lion tons a vear. At u a ton, this rep-rrs-mts $6,000,000, much the greater proportion of which is payment tola bur, so that by so much as that, lack ing two or three hundred thotisau 1 dollars, tbe miners of Pennsylvania. West Virginia aud Maryland will be curtailed in their earning capacity. What the effect will ba in tii future is nurd now to make any estimate of. Theioft ooal syndicate, which includes man who bad close relatione with the democratic national campaign, men who are on terms of intimacy with Mr. Cleveland, and who contributed largely to the Democratic campaign fund, are, inspired bv the promise of free Qtgl, planning to construct a railway which will make swift and economical con nections with the mines of the pro vinces, io that there can be quick: h tui age into porta of New England r mi He from the harbors of the const, and when tint it fully done they will be ablo to meet in weitern New Eiglan 1. The inevitable result, therefore, of the placing of coal upon the free list, as the syndicate looks at it, and na bn-ii-ness men here not interested either in tn e syndic ite or in politic! look at it, will be to cut off the New England mar ket from the American minora That il a market so extensive, hi profitable, that it has ben the aim of railway man agers so to conduct their business as fully to meet its retirements. terms. WoODKL iiKk yuiet, steady; family, fl'-'all. llEkK I: am., -.yuie:. 'licacsu Km -Dull, steady. Cut MitATs-yuiot, steaoy. liAitt) yniet: llrm, western s'.eam, S.(Ki; city,?!7 ". e . ;Februery,-.'.!3:Marcb, 87.T.V Mav, $T.'tk); retlneil. quiet; con. tineiit, 18.48: Hon tb America, $8.88 com pound, 6,Ya0i'c. POKK More active, llrm, mess, 118,60a n.ou. Bciraii l.argo supple, easier; state dairy, MWaiMc.: do creamery, 17a'Jlc. : western dairy Idal7c . do creamery 17a Bra.; do. rectory, llalSc; roll, laioc; el cins, SStgaiiTc.; Imitation creamery, na loo. CSBBai Fair demand, uncbanged. Eons Firmer, fair demand; Ice bouse, fJflO.s3.Oii per case; western freh, 17', a 17"4'c; limed, l'Jc. ; uoiithorn, lrJaI7'kc. ; duck, SOaSSo. mi ' Sil ' Fhlladelpkla Tallow Market. 1'nn.ADKi.rniA. Feb. -I. Tallow was dull and unchanged Prices Were. Prima city, iu hogsheads, 4'ta4J;:.; prime coun try, in bogshtadt, 8K6; do, dark, m hogs heads, ejfe. ; cakes, M. : grease, ie. 11 vii PRAINAUI causes much sickness and bad blood ami lmproper action of tho liver and kidneys is bad drainage to the human aystem, which Burdock Blood Bittari remedy. Connolly So Wallace A FEW HINTS FROM OUR Groods Department , Novelties and Fancies in wide, 50c. per yard. Worth great profusion daily ar-'double. e are showing BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Mtod CheTiots riving. I he. Crow'r, Foot and Shep lierd Checks are new and decidedly pretty and neat, See them. Our stock now presents a remarkable offering that will meet with a very ready sale: Ten nieces Scotch Heathnr ?4 inches Five pieces Bedford Cord, 1 forty-eight inches wide, made great to sell at $1.75 per yard. Our This is a bargain in riuddersheid price now, 65c liiCLjes, 4 j inches wide, at great bargain. n C - M . 1 r 1 , iuc. tsever oeiore soiii un der $1. SOME BLACK GOODS SPECIALS. Several pieces of Merino uiupure, lormerly sold at $i, 12 I and $1.25. These now 50c. niustbeseentobeappreciated Our line of ENGLISH SERGE3, 54 inches, without doubt, the greatest value ever shown In Scran ton. Three grades. $1.00. HYnK IAN AM' ! Dli II K. Tin oat l llen iVHOKOMSi OKAN. DlsoiisHM of the I'.ye, Noss t anil liar, Ull Spruoi Street. oiuo- sito eourt house. I. (.oNNKI.I.. oilleo s 1 WatUngtoa euuis. coram- Sinn, e Street over I ii ... s drui; sturu. Kesldence, mu st. Office hours: lu antol'.'a m. unit 't to I and U JU to 7.90 p in Kuuday. 'i to 'J n ui. H W I.. ALLSN, Ottlee cor l.scka- wannik niiU WuNhiiiutoii uvea. ; over i.eou- ard fchoe store, ollioe bonis, lu tu 1- a. ut uud BtUj i p. in; evenings st ivultieii.e, 118 N. I it. i . l l I'.ly. Praettoi limited to ui l eases of the t) ye, MT, Nose aud Throat; ofHce, la Wyommg am. Itebidulico, Vine itreai uatkn. uu Wasblneton Avenua, hours, o to II a ui.. 1 JU to J and .' It Otth'u to I p.m. OH.N U WKNTZ, M t. Oltlen ti! and I Commonwealth bulhliua; realiluuee 711 Madlaouave: ofSOl hours. lJ tj It, 8ta 4, 7 tu b: 8umlaye 'i 30 to 4. evenlnas at resldeuoe. A specialty made of ilbouses of the eye, ear, noaa and throat and lynatwogj DK. O. l. Mi HKAY, specialty uiaitu ou ilia eases of eye and skin .818 Wyoming Ave. omce hours: l'ntil ll) a m j to 4 anil to g p.iu- t1 Kill N Alt V BUBOKOMS. tsri'HUK. VvBterinury Suraeou, t)oa tistry a apecialty; Kolu medalist of On tario Veterinary 'oh nt-. oflb o. Summer'a livury. 80) lilt st.. near Keller's .....,; shop. Ti-letihone No. 118. E Stocks and Bouds. New Yoiik. Feb. Ul.-The day at tbe Stock exchange was tho dullest for a loug time pajt, the dealiacs in stocks footing up only 100, .Mm shares The dullness was due In part to tomorrow's holiday aud lu part to the fact that tbe senate has not taken definite action of tbe tariff mntters. Tho tendency ot prices was upward until late in the dfty,Bhen Chicago tins, which bad advanced to 04, receded to The ifenerul list was strengthened by the re. covery In wheat, a li'tle buying for Lou don aud some covering by the local shorts. The stocks most prominent iu the im provement were General EUctriC, Suifar, Louisville and Nashville the Grangers, Western Union uud Inlon 1'aciUc. 'Iho rise Wat equal tu Xl)i per cent , but a part of this was lost near the close. In ttie ilnal dealings the market was Htm The foil -winK complete table enowina; the duy n lliictuatiung in active alocks la supplied and revised daily by Laliar A Fuller, stoulc brokers. I'll Wyoming avenue: 0ieU- Hl.'h Ivr Ina:. est. eat. Am.Ct. Oil Am. Smear TIM VM 's'4 a. t. A S I'M im ii Can. So 4'J!t 4U Con, N. J 118 118 lift Chic, at . w I88M IWJ h'.'W fi, B. ft y 7i4 7tH 741 Ohio. Uus W's i '-' C.. C C A Ht. L i ol , Uoek.Val. T. CIos lag, 7.' i !!) on I. A v KKV, I M E KANCK S l.uw and Collection of il , tlce. No 117 buruce a'.., opposite Forest House. Birantou, Pa.; colleetioiia a specialty throuiihout C ..:.... reliable correapoiid' ents In every county. JBKSUrhj il IIA.NL), Attorneys and Coansel ioi at Law, Cviuuiouweitlth bulld.iij, WaabuinWu ave. W. H. Jkssit. BORACI K HAND, V. H. JlMOP, .lit UrlLLARD. WABREN m KSaPP, Attor neya ami Counaelors at Law, Republieao building, Washington ave- Scrantoil. Vm. JATTERS0N WlLCO, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; . u.cee ti and S Library i .:...! Bcrautou, Pa ROtWILL H PATtanso!!, WltiUAM A. WlU ox LFBED 11 AND. WILLIAM. I BAND CONNOLLY k WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIM TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH AND SUSOUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usei exclusively, laiuriug elsanilness and i unfort, timk TABLK IM El I ICT i kh I, 1881 Tralni leave Beranton for l-ittstou, Wllkea Bam. eta, at 8.1a e.ii a. m., 18.80, 8.0U, 8.3U, u.lKi, 7 r. II. Uu p. iu. Saniluys. SUU a.m., i.oitcu t.Top. m. ror Aiianti.- city, I iu . m. For New York, Newark uud Kllzuboth. I W (express) a.m., p'jo leapics with Uiilfet parlor oarj, 880 (expretsj p. m. Sunday, iii p iu. I'ou MADCH Chi nk. ALLKXTOWX, Bintl.t: liaM, EAatoa and I'liiLAiiu.eHiA, s.lo a. m.., o.ail, 5.UI (except I'lniuUeloaia; p. in. Sunday, KUU p. m. For l.o.(i BRAKCB, Oi l an Gkovk. ote., at S.IOa. iu , IJ.SU p. m, For Baading. Lebanon and Barriaburg, via aaaanwi, o . io. m , lasu, s.uu. p.m. aunaar. 1 IO p. 111. For PottSvlllt, S.lUai. m., p. in. Returning, leave New York foot of Liberty ttrset. North river, at L10 (eXprtM) u in . l.lll, l.:), 1,8) (express wltu Huttel parlor can p. in. Sunday. (180 a lu Leafs Philadelphia. Heading Terminal (J Ou a. m , SOOanu :li p m. Sunday. i IT a. n.. l hroui(h tickets to all points ai lowest rates may be had on aopllcatlou In advauee to the ticket agent at tbj station. H P. BALDWIN, lieu Hass Agnut. J. 11 0LBAU8BN, Ueu, sup;. Furnitiim READ VBI IIUUI J Prices in February oil er At- I A torueva and Counsellors, Couiuio.. wealth ir bnlbliiiL'. Konins IV, JU an 1 11 E.N RY M. SEKLY-Luw ortlco. in Ite publican btiildiiitf- I MtA.NK T. OKr.LL, Attorney at Law. Koom J 5. Coal Kxcliana-. S'-ranton. Pa. HILTON W. I.OWKVo Att ys. a; Washing i . It. VoN STOROR. If ton av.. ( 11 spiaie rooms 88, at and 88 Commonwealth b l'a Law. iaails W. QAKFORP, Attorney at, .1 LJAMUKL n om. I A I j . aus P. ('. W. BDUaR. Attorney t il" Hiit iicpst . Hcranton, Pil WATRES, Attorney at Law. Beranton, ra OU l SMITH riMtms Si. 58, ( ounsellor nt Ofttee. 'si Commonwealth buiJdine K. PITL'BKR; Attorney ut Law, Com uioiiweaUti bi.iluiiia. Scranlon. l'a. t . i OHKOYS. Wl Spruoe st KLtM.OULE, Attoruev - Loans ueao. tiated on real estate seeuritv. Spruee. i mi. i. a.m. Attar nev-at-iatw. v ny ouilngerehue, Seranton. n AVE YOUR DEEDS AND MOHTOAOKS written and ackiiowlediied bv .T . BROWNING, Attorney un.l Notary PUbUa, ?i i olliluoiiu eaith tliitldliiv. 1 t.i 1 BBIOS VALLEY RAILROAD. X t KB. II, W.. Train leaves S. raut .n for Philadelphia and New York via. 1). & 11 R K at I a.m . It 10, J.3S and il.Si p. in via D.. L. & W. It. K., 6.0O, 808,11.88 a. ni..aud p. m. Leave Beranton for Pittaton and wiikss Bar re via I).. L A W K. K., n.OM, 5 Ui. II l a. in , Liu. 880, 6.07. '.us p. m. Leave Beranton lor White Haven. Haleton. PottavlUe and all points ou the Henvr Meadow and Pottsville branches, vial: W, V.. 840 a.m., Tla D. A- U. K. R. at N a ni . 1110, 188. 1.18 p.m . via D L. A- V. K R., 6.00, 6.01 11. JO a.m., 1 :. 880p.m. Leave Si rantoii for Bethlehem. Kastnn. Heading, tlamshura- anil al'. lutenuedi.its points via D. & ll It. It., .1J Id. J.:ts, 11,8 p.m.,vlaD., L A w, H. R6.O0,i.08, ILsQa. in., I an p.m. Leave Seranton forTunkhauiiook. Towand 1. Blmlra, lthai'u. Heiieva aud all Intel medi it. points via D. A- 11 K lt.."U7 H.m. lJ lUaud 11 ,89 p. in., via D L. A W K K.. I 01 a mnIJI0 p, m Leave Seranton for BVisneeter, Buffalo. Ni agararaus, Detrnlt CbUMgo and ail points west vlaD m a R. It. 8.07 a.m..U IhelVIl Si D iu . via n L A W. l. K. and Pit'-ton jununon, sus a n k n.. y.u u. m. For Blmlra and tbe west rlaBalamtnoi. via I'. H it. is n.o; a.m., 13.10,6 i.-. p. ;u , vlaD., L. A W U.K.. sos a 111., I Ml and 6,07 p in. Pullman parlor and sleepiuc or I., v. . hal ears on all trains between L A U Juie tlnn or Wilkes Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Uudulo and Suspension Hndy., ROI.LIN II WILBUR, Gen iupb Bail Div CHAR S.LKK Ueu. Pass. A'ut. Phila.Pi. A V N'ONNKMACHKR.Ass't O-'ii Pa- Ai; t South Bethlehem, Pa. VEP.V penou who hat bad much i experience in furniture buying Knows that between seasons is a great i bargain time of all tbe year. ; Owing to the freshness of our stock throughout, which only dates as far at '98, we have no undesirable goods to dispose of, Int we uuve a few odds iu PARLOR SUITS BROKEN SUITS ODD PIECES, ETC. Which will be old away below manu facturers' cost to tboss who reach tbe store in time to pick them up. '1 lit: lew- made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. CADEMY OF MUSIC. Till BIDAY, 4 K it. !. HOYT'S Highly Successful Comedy, J fflaS STEER Presented orlgiua Hoy: Mr. TIM MURPHY Mnpany, airvct imm Madia ui aouara Theatre, H, V. Saleopena Tuesday. HILL & CONNELL Seranton. Pa. 1881 JS p. m . via K A W. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING ANo SPORTINQ POWDER ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Friday and Saturday. Feb. 23 and 24. Speeial Matiuee Satur.lav at Si SO for ladies and children. Prices, 15, SS aud io cents. HANDS ACROSS the SEA With the only and oriu;nal . uuipauy, In eluding the clerer cnaraeter actor, IIUBKR1 I A1I.N OIHUS O lt The ius.1 veloue revolving scenes I OJj x'j 1 " ,! Tho etcttlng race In ml4oeean. ESPECIALLY ENOAQED: Sergt. Simms' Columbian tadets Sale opens Wednesday t REYNOLDS K.NAl'l. or W1LLARD, WARRE 'J WILL BUY MUDBRN NEWSROOM nor Ap s. J liouae, all iiiiprov' iiient--terms e:i- . cor tier Madison avenue and Dele ware street. i v HARRY LEES no WILL BUY vr.KY iii.eiiiAiii.K lot ft street Terms easy pply HARRY LEES. Charter Application. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS F lit I tee Conn ty of Lai ikawaana Nutlce Is utriby tflvei, tlntao applloation i wilt be made to the iiaid c mi t on the IJ'.h da. 1 ot Man h, a. I'.. 1881, ut nine o'clock, un ler I the "Oernoratwa act of ope thousand eight hundred an 1 seventy four.' auu ins inppia lueuts thereto, by .lames Arehbald, sr., F W Utreoke, II. w. Rowley, U 0 Conkimi, a. II Stone. W A. May ami it .1 Foster, for tbe charter of an Intended cortaeraiion to b? called The BcrantOU EiiRiueers Club, the cliuracter and object of which Is th a'lvance luellt of EliKilieerilllf iu lU -ei i, al lo uiiches. and for tha prnfesalunal imptov'Slnen t of ita c.eiuU-l s, and for tne puiposss to haVB, Boa Beseattd enjoy all the rigbta, benefits ant pi ivileises c inferred by the said act and in lUppj 'ine its The charter Is now on tile oi he ITothotiotary s ottoa fo No 410 Marco villi. IBwl .1 OlIN M HARRIS Holleltor. A Peraonal AtBumtDt. f.V.i'riipo 7i6aaf. Tommy Huh! Yon ueedn't feel 80 stuck up. Your daddy used to drive a milk wagon. Simmy--1 know it, I've beard bim say ynur daddy's been owin' him a milk bill of 84 for more'n sixteen years. M. L Bi.air, alderman, Fifth ward, Scruuton. Pa., stated Nov. B 18tfS: He had used Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc tjll for sprains, burns, cuts, bruises and rheumatism. Cured every timo. Spontaneous. bttiuil Fret Yen. "This is so sudden,'' she said, blushlug at the lender question. "1 know iu" he responded gillantly. "1 never should have dona it if I bad taken time to think about it," When Baby was sick, we gave her Cattorla. Wuen aha waa a Child, abe cried for Castoria. Whaa ahe became Mlal, She clung to Caatorta. When the had Children, ahe (ave ihvtu Caatorta, The announce ill int that the West Virginia ( 'antral vV PtttSbnff railroad enmpany. whs going to build a line 1 from Oonbttlsnd to Hagerstown, I where a conneriinn was to be iu;ide with tbe Pennsylvania railroad, gave ri4e to tbe nimor that the latter com pany wnshftckof the schetii. Uilicials of the Pennsylvania railroad company deny the report that the Pennaylvinin is either directly or indirectly tlnam-ial-ly interested in the projXMM extension of the West Vlrelnla Cantrul ft Pltis l.urg railroad. Tho funds to build the new Un tinve bceu raised elsawhre by President llaei, of Ihfl W-st Vir ginia Central, nod it is expected Unit the road will be completed within Iw , or at tbe most, three years. It will give the West Virginia Central a short er route to tidewater for its ojiI ton nage, which now go.'S over the Hunt ingion Hi Hroid Top The lots to lliu latter will not be serious, as the traf fic from that source aiuo-imta only to about 850,000 tons nniiiully, on walch the profit is very small. The new line will not take away the ( 'niiiberlaud coal ahipnieuts from the Broad Top road, as these are aecnted by lo;ig-tlme contracts, nor will it outer the Broad 'lop coal fields. The Wilkes-Barra ll aoti says that tbe National Expresa company has cap tured the express privilege over the New York aod Susquehanna railroad extension, the Wilkes Birre and Lis! cm, aud will extend Its terviee over the line ns soon aa , passenger trnfll'.T it commenced which iu ell probability will be much hastened. This will give the National Express a direct line to Nsw York a thing it has not enjoyed befoie and place its express facilities equal to tbe otber expreta companies here. The National Kxprees company It also tha American ICxpreas compiny, one management governing both, it Is understood that air. Smith will repre sent tho Wilkea-Barro aod Eastern ss city ticket agent in Wllkes-Barre. It is itatad that the ConnelliTllte coke situation is so bad that a ohange is ex pected soon. Coke was sold nt 86 cents during last week. There is no profit In it for operators, and tbe wretchedly low wags is very hard on employer Tbe demand is improving somewhat, and au increased price ll expected to follow, but no change In wages It looked for According to the stockholder It require! l) tons of coal to make a ton of coke, D. & H D L. & W D. & C. P.. Krle (. E. Co... Lake Shore L at N Manhattan Mish. Pan Nat. Lead N. Y . At N . E N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W.... N. Y., 3. H W.... U. S. C. Co North Pae North Pae. pf ( linuha Pae. Mail Kearilmr Itisik Island R. T St. Paul T.,0. A 1 Tel us A- Pac Union Pnc Wabaen, pf W. Union W. ft L. I W. ft L. E. pf l.'.'.'..'.'.l'.-l wS IIM ;)(, liinia 4d tsM ii HS UN 1ST ISMf iiii :ts lar 4,,'t, ist'.'o 1.1 its sou Ic'v Hi,44 iwM 4'. i a IStllt ins?, it nil. I744 s:,i, 88M ' ii" m s If t U's , BtM ' MM MVt II in, H"U Us .), isk m v4 :Mi iiit i'hi Hj bN m kiw siiM -'lit Vfaj tet ISrlH f.'.(-!l ftl'i, IS st4 111 mu mm i!u MM U's UU gtj Mt4 18(1 , 4i 4Sti Chicago Grain aod Provltlous. RCRABTOII, Feb. SL Tha toUoWlU quota tions are supplied an t c uructed dally by Li Bar Puller, stock brokers. I.N Wyouiiu ave- Ut. WHEAT. Opening Highest l.oweat, Closing CORN. Oi.enlng Highest l.oweat Closing OATrt. Opening lllgbost I Xi west , CI .sin l'".b. Mav. Ju'r. II Mt I.! , M am ii c, f.Uj fiwVs, u4 tnii 81N mi WM ts pU Bt :.ta w?t HM 8C 1744 a"1 Mfj Ji Nil M Mi sk ! -Mi Kstl i At tM4 ).';'. U23 vim 1888 1887 l.'iu m l Hid UU 1KKA IN) fun 884 ?U '"I i.m ;if, Jjj 7i Ha 7M M 7IS m tii oio Kl.'i 04U Hill lit I 8Jg till) am ts.', uio ( IIUOL (JCBOOL 08 THE LACKAWANNA, a-ran-H ton, Pa . prepares boyi and glrla for ooUegs or business thoroughly iritius young eh.ldrnh Catalogue al ruquett, Rkv. Thomas M CABX, WALTBH 11. BOII L Mine. WOBCESTBB'S KINDEBOABTEN sud BohOoL 41.' Adams avenue Hupll. received at January tw. all tluios. Next tern, will open 1 - , I r, DELAWABE AND HUD I fy A BON RAILROAD ' rxi7 Commencing Mai lai'i JWlVr i trains wtll run as follows Wi tj Trains leavi Bridge M tSMJ 1 Station Scrautou.foi Htts m lQM ' Dan ' g m 'W i; to tia m mm ml' to b r snd ii n p. ut. Manufactured a! tlm WapwallOBM Willis, Lu ytrue county Pa and at Wil mington, Li law are. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, iid Wyoming Ave., Seranton Pa. Qhud National P.anL Uuildiug. Week commai R U DKN I isls. Surgeon lleutlst. No. 113 13, DAUBACH Wyoming ave. bTKATTON, ofBce Bxehanae I OA S.B. ciation will loan on nuiftay u easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any Otber association. Call on S. N CAI.LKN HI '.H, I lime Rank building HOI I U AMI III IT l II tNTS III', WESTMINSTER. IT. WJ Wyianing ave. Hooins heated with steam: all mod cm improvements. C M TuiiMAB. Prop 'I I la I LEU'S HO I'EL, HB l.nckawnnnu ava- 1 1 line, Bcranloa Kates reasonable. T P .i koi. i n. Proprietor For New Yol k and I'luia delphia. i.. l.'.J. . '' ,. 881 4 lil and 11.80 p. in For lloiii sch.le Irom Delaa'aie LacLuvv .ni.a . and western depot), 7 (Si. S. aw. 10. , T.'.tfJ in.. 8,ff, i 10 p. in. For CarbonoAle and IntermedUte itetlo ! i.40, 7.UI. t JO. 10.10 a. in.. 1800 m ,8 1.'. S.'',,:. In. ii .ii and s 116 ii. m : from Bridge Btreet Depot, 8U8 n. Uk, 8.1and 11 88 p. m. Fast etpreaa to Albany, Saratoga, the Ad n udack Mountains, Bolton and New England luointe.6.40 a m., arrlvini at AiUm i Saratoga 2.90 p m , ami leaving Scntnton at8 j p in , an Ivlng at Albany ate.SPp. in.. Shi a lege, is ai ik iu . ano d sio i. . o i . i ui The ouly direct route between the coal Del I and Boston "The Leading Touriat.- Route uf America" to tbe Adiionduck Mountain re sorts. Lakes Ueorge and cbaiuplaiii. Montreal, etc Time tables showlug local and through Irarn service between stations on all di talons De'la ware and Budaou system, mas be obtained at all llnlaware and BodsoO ticket oftlcei. II 0 Yol NO. J. W BURDICK, Second Vice President. Ueu. Puss. Agt. 40F.NCltS TBOS. PORll, Pittaton. Ta JOHN B SMITH A SON : Plymouth Pi E W MT LLIOAN, WlUtea Barre, l'a t fax the ! c'l.eUiijal I pauy a lliiih KxplotlveS ui N. A. HULBERT 3 City Music Store, WYOMING AVK, 6CRANTOJ. iilng MOMI.W. GREAT DOUBLE BILL BARRY TlioMAb SBRIO-COMIC, Pantoi nil lie, "Entitled, ROBERT MACAIRE," Anil the Sterling Coiedy, Tho Serious Family li the Entire Company. ADMISSION, 10,80 and aoi'KNTS Opera cl.alisran oe leSerVetl, 09 hum 003 every al 1. 1 no m, from 1 90 to 8 so. for the evening's nti I'talAment PerfoTjnanees every afternoon except Mondays and Tlinndaya, at and very evening at 8.1&. Doois open at 1.80 and ; ..i v H HOTEL W. ii. st HENCE. Pol Opening Highest Lowest Closing LARD. Opening Highest Loweet el-sing HHuRT RIDS. opening i Highest Lowest Closing Nsw York Produce HArket. Naw Yorc. Peb. OL-fboua-More active. WuiAT-Ilull; lower closing stntdy.' No; g red store and elevator, Ollfaeir. : afloat, C8c; f. O. b., invalid ,e.. ungraded red IjUaOSc. No 1 northern, 03ta61lc. ; op tions were active Irregular, closed weak at XaS'c under yesterday. No. 2 red, February, MHc. March,81c,j May, fl8",o.; June 8-l'o.: July, OO'ic.; August, efV.C; I (eon m her. 710. Curb Dull, Arm, No. 2, 4'Jc. ele vator; 48Ua42c, afloat; options closed weak; February. 4ic.; March, 4'Jrjc: April, 42H0- My 3.Hc: July, Ri.g. uat Dull, firmer; options dull, steady: February, 86Mo.: March, 8..Wc.; March, Bttic. ;spot prices, No. 8, 87Kc.; No. t white, "HJia&SWc.-, No. 8 Chicago, SSMC, No. 8, SOMc: No. 3 white, STc; mlxd western, 8Na8ilc. : white do., Isat-c. ; whites state, tVnili. Manuver. Hiateenth street, one block east of Broadway, at t'nloii BQUaro, New Y'oik. American plan. Jil M pel da and upwar I. uiYNE'BE. European plan: ;g.snl ' roohui. open nay auu mgus. nnr , ... plied with the best. p it covniv Proprietor C1CRANTON HOCSE. near 11. U & W, pas p seiiger tepot Conducted on tho Rttropaan plan. Vic cob KoCli Proprietor ( hand central. The largest and beat 8 euutiipe.l hoial iu AlUaloivu, Pa.; rates t: and l.3u per day. i' ion I' n, Proprietor. -I- i l.l AWAR1 111 I ) w ESTERN R i Road LACJCAW ANN A ARCH ITKC i s Hot I iNiclntecUi Kuome '21, h'ld'e Seranton. Is i. Walter, Architect, Library baud 4, lug Wvoming avenue Sor-nton. BISOWN. Arch II. Architect. Prtot iinidiug. ijt sa lahlngton Ave.. Soraaton. i .vts I ' aft and !tl Coimiionweal'b MlaCKttANKOtg TfORTON D. sWaiiTS wholesale I I lumber, b aud S Dime Bank building, Hcranton. Pa. I l.i.AlMKi; BROTHBftB, PBINTEBS' .Vi (applies, envalopea, paper bags, twine. Warahuuee. ISO Waahtugtuii ave, Beranton, P? . nOOTB'B l.lVKRY. I.M8 ( apouae avenue. T I'lrat clsas carriages D L FOOT'F, At. Funtral Director and Kmhaluicr MIANK P. BROWN CO, WHOLE sale I" on cioth 11 ACER'S 1 ieaoOH ill W'raHlwaie. Cordage and 710 W. Laokawanua avenue. ORCIIEBTRA MUS1U balls, picnics, psrtlee, leoeptloiia, ideoncoil work furnished dlima au adilress 11 FOR Wed For terlna J. Panel, conductor. 117 Wiomlnj ave.. over iiuioei its lunalo atore YSsra FINN ft sons, bnlidere and eontrae 1 . tors Y anls Corner Olive st. and Adanii ave : corner Ash at. and Penn ave , Biuauton hEHIIS. JS R. CLARK A CO., heedamen. Flortstl V.8a and Nurserymen; store IM Washlngten avenue; green houae.lSJJ North Main avenue; Btore lelepbolln tSt. TEAS. UHANt) UNION TEA CO.. Jonas Bros xt iMn at it it n-b. J9H. KCETTEL, ft3 Lackawanna avenus, Beranton, Pa , maaut'r of Wire Screena. TTullis leave Seranton as follow - EXDrSSS for New York and all points ht. I 10, ' 'V i. IJ, S 0U and W.-e) a. m II 9 1 and it fi u, iu Elpreiw for Easton, TieiiKei. I hiludelplua and the South, l suu i.i 8,88 a ui . 185 and y 'u p m Washington and way to p in Tobyhaiiun aoepmuxodatlou, &1U p, iil Kipr s foi lilnghaBiton. Oswego, Elinlra, Corning. Bath. I'ausvilh. Mount Morris I Buffalo. Ti 10. 1 l.i a. m. and 1 2t p. m miikiiu; ' . lose connections at linU'klo to all point. 111 the. West. Northwest and gOfttbwest. Buffalo accoinuunlatioii. V l i a. in Htnghainton and way atatio.-ia. 18.87 u in. Nicholson and wav stations. i4p ni Hlnghaiutou and Elu.lra Bxpreae, 80S p, io. Expreaa for Cortland. Svia-urc Oswego. Cttca aud lln ibfleld Springs. '- li a in. and UN 1' llhsea, 818 auu avvj a. m. aul 1 I p. ui. For Noithnuibciland.l'ittsKiii, Wilkin llarre. ! Plymouth. Iloomlburg nn- Danville, making 1 close OonnsOtloUS at Norihuiiitan land tor ( WIMIamaport. Harr'sboig, Ualtimoie. Wash i luutoii anil the So,;th. Noilhunilierland mid i i nieulate stations. ' U on. y .'iOa. m. and M ni uur p. m. Nantlcoke and liitvruneltute stations. . aud 11 l a. ni Plymouth and intermediate 1 atalloua. .. and u.:js p. ni ) Pnllinan parloi aod s'sepim; coaches ou all etpreaa trail - For detailed infoi niatlon. te ket tlmetabloe, etc , applv to M. L. Smith, city tlokwt offle. Sis Laclawaiiua avenue, or depot ticket offljee. . KTKIVM'AV ft SON Ku I f:i'KliR llltorilKIWJ KHAMC1I A HAC'lt Ai i v i i .k awe JEW YORK. ONTARIO AMD Is Railroad, S-vaetou Division. WESTERN I'll' tatdo in effeei Nov is. ioi Trains leave Scractou for Carboiidsilt: a.50, asi. ii ot a, Bb, ., e m p. m, For Hancock Junction mid main eaiimectlons 11 06 a ni.. (I IUp. m. Tralna leave rtuncook .Iv.nctien for main Hue connection for Hcraotou, r.W . f.0ft n. in. Tiains leave Cirbuialale for Bcranwui ! t.U a.m.. LIB, S.84. 0 Pip in. J. C. ANDKRMON, lleueral Paasonger A,eiil, New Yurk. T. Fl.ITCltoFT, Plslrlct Pni-sJiign- Agent, Scruuloa PIANOS i large nock of firit-olasa ORGANS SlUslCAl, M ICItt'H N UlSbi an BIO, b!XU., l lei ATTHEWS BROS. Druggists JUSIC HALL. Sund'V aid Mond.iv. Feb. 25 and 2b". :t LECTURES 8 Hi J. e. REMSBOBQ Snnday artemoor lo'olook Sunday evening 7 80 ', lock. Monday evealtig 7 10 o'cloek. Tickets, 60c good for three lectuies KoC tale at 1'uWell a AND DKALHKS.IN BURNING anJ LUBRICATING OILS WYOMlNt4 VALLEY RAIL' 17 HIE AND Vj ROAD Train leave Baradto for New-York and in lermedlate points on Us k.He ri .roau at ikta s. m. and .14 p ny Alto for Hawlsy aniV local poUita ut ilS6.4Auaud SHIpm. Trafti leaving at 11 4.1 a. iu and 9 21 o in. are through triunt to and from Houenlale. Tralua leave fur WMktisJJarre at 8.48 a. m and 3 41 p. m. Allautie load and French Hie, I'm e Llnaeeil Oil. Turpentine uud Yarnlaliea. Kendy-iulxed Palntt In all colon, Ulldera' Whiting, Paris White and Kalnomtnav Oil' Vitrei. Marble Dual aud Window UUai mmUA I DON'T FORGET That wcaro healiiuai tra lor ex erythlny In i tho line of 44 v r.. u aujj uea of purchaa'.ng ni load ,"fcU' lady tor gent s. Hold or sflier, yoo will make a gTiev- ; out mistake It yoo de not givi. ua a call and vet our prime, vrbleh y u wi.l flud far below all orncre. especla'.lj In all tha High gradea of R gin. Walthani and llampdeu movomenta. j If yoii have any doubts and are at all poeted oh price jflte usa call and ws will have uo trouble uicouviiicliig y ou. We still have a large . . .hI. ... .I'.',, i ol uiii will nttar vou won ArVtuI ioduaomenta in JewaLrx-, Hllverware Corks and all other goods nhtuh we have ii stock C. W. Freeman Penn Ave. auUVbpruce St,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers