THE SCR AN TON TRIBUTE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRI7ART fcl. ISiH. UllllllllllllilllllllllillHIBlligillllllllu (Pipe I Valves f I Fittings I 1 THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue BIG VOTE FOR THE BRIDGES AND Lackawanna THE :oc Pcnn Ave. Laundry Citizens of Snaulon Cimu Out Strong lor IniffOIMNll REPUBLICAN ON JOINT BALLOT tieifct Council Has a Working Major ity of Three Republicans Common Council Is Democratic -School Board Continues to Be Republican. J. W. Browning Detected In the Six teenth Ward bv Charles Schadt. Patrick Golden Meets with Simi lar Fate in the Sixth-Detail:-, of the Vote in the Various Llection Dis tricts ot the City. A. B. WARMAN. WASH MODS NAINSOOlv CHICKS DIMITY MARZATIA DOTTED SWISS SATEENS AND GINGHAMS, MEARS & HAGEN'S, 415 Lacka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rms, etc. ixruutoii will have undue nud patks. ProgVOSslvontfS won the duy. The iwople ot tliis city have emiilnitii'ii lly declared themselves in favor of these Very Choice Line of ' mocn iu,i,JeJ public improvements, tiki polls lu the different wards, an I ill a few ... i . blows were oxcliauod by the over heated champions of the candidates Patrick Golden received a decisive knockout in the Sinh war.l. where .M K Clark il elected select oouncll- , uiau. James .Mauley and AUtc.iii Sweeney are re elected id the Twelfth, where oue of the most esciliug battled in the city was fought. W, 1. Lnugstulf Is re elected school director iu the Twenty - tirst ward an 1 John Devanuey hi the Seventh ward. P. r- McCauu aud 1'. J. Xealis are ' returned to councils from the Four teenth ward. They had a spirited oou test, but their prerecords matt have beeu satisfactory to their coustitueutH. lu the twentieth ward A. T. Connsll defeated Thomas McGrn), and D. I'. Battle had no opposition. &1. J. Burns uud J. K Noou are I elected iu the Kiirbteentu ward. Charles Schadt is elected in the Six teenth over J. V. Browuinir. while Fred lurr aud Fred S. Godfrey are i chosen to succeed Victor Koch aud County Commissioner Roberts. I'. J. liicUey gets the largest luajjn- ever given iu tue .Nineteenth ward while Horn) an Notz it re elected school controller, diaries Conrad showed nnoiual streugth iu the Kleventh war 1 ml defeated B. 1-. I. Moore who was I deemed invincible. Wado M. Finn defeatsd James Flynn easily iu the Second ward for select council, while A L. Fraucois went down before M . Morri?. In tlie Fourth the Thomases are re turned, V. J. 'lhoiuas stepping iuto select conucil. I ' I. Jacobs trove his title to lit In the board of control for four years, de feating Thomas F. Wells, his Dimo oratio compeer without a simple. in. re were a couple of scrapping mutcUes in tue J weitcti oeweeu repre I ser.tatives of tbe rival factions, uud J. I W. McLean got a Corbett push in the (nee, bis assailant, Lilly, being ar rested shortly after. Much money ciiangsd band iu the Will I AMR ti MrANUfTY Upward. John P. Mabon was wa- covered all bis bets. The latter gentle man deposited 10n with a friend In the morning so that in case Mr. Ciol den offered any money daring the Jay it might be covered Yesterday's election does not disturb the political status of the councils or the board of coutroi. The following is tbe tabulated vote of tin city for coiigressmau-it-large, bridges and parks. '.2 7 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. T J, Davies, of Montrose, is at the Val - ley house. Nil school will li4 held in the public Schools of tliscity toniorruw. "Ludy Windermere's Fun will be the attrnction at the Academy of Music tills evening. Judge Uunster has been coutloed to his home on .lefferu avenue for the past week by au attack of the gnu. J. K. kenn urg, h nute l lecturer, will appear In Musi': ilsll Sunday afternoon uud evening and also Monday eveniug The Ladies' facial union of the Penu Avenue baptist ofturch will give J Kiiglaud supper iu tbe church parlors Thursday evening. Feb. !. The ladies of the llowaid 1'lace Africau Methodixt Episcopal church will bold a Martha Washington tea anil cake walk on the evniug of Feb. J- m the Uostou Store La'.!. 510 Lackawanna avenue. llazaltuu aud Fottsville h ive been ad mitted into the Henusylvauia Mate Bane ball league. Tbe league now consists of fcerauton, Altouna, Allentowu, Harrls bBTg flazletou, Heading, Potisville aud Eatton. Tallin Morgan will orgauia a united choir at Moscow ou Friday evening The choir will at once take up tbe stud; of sight reading. All singers of Moscow uud neighboring towns are invited to becoute members of the organization. Word has been received here that Mrs. Ann Matthews, widow of Fred Matthews, tor many years a resident of the West S-ide, has died at her home in Oil City. I Her many friends in this city will be pained to hear of her death. Interment was made at oil City. Monday night alter tho perfurmance at Wonderland, the orchaotru and stock com pany urese nted Harry Thorne, stale man ager ud scenic artUt. with a beautiful mantel clock ami a tin.' gold headed am brelln, each suitably inscribe!, it being his 4M birthday. Karlinr he received hand come presents from Mi. and .Mrs. N. ii. biooksand Mr and Mrs. Davis. RELIEF CORPS tNTERf AINMEN r. Programme That Will Ds Kindrd To morrow Evsolng. A musical and literary entertain mint under the auspices of Women's Hslief Corps No. 50. nnxiliary to I, Untenant Ezra D. Grlfflin Post No. 189, Grand Army of the Republic, will be held to morrow eveniug, Feb. 89, in Grand Army of tbe Republic hall, over b ust National bank, L ickawamia avanue. The programme will be as follows Piano duet, selected, Miaiei Alitmia Weber and Stella Yobe: solo. "Two Little Girls iu lllne," Master Wilfonl Davis; address, E. W. Pierce; duet, "The Bugle Call," Missea Hattie and Nettie Jones, Misa Janata Sample pian ist; recitation, selected, Miss Durness Conger; banjo solo, "Meta Mazoiirka," Professor George t 'arr, Miaa Lillian C, A. Hniiimi tt, pianist; recitation, se leuted, Gladyas Soby; aolo, selected, Mrs. M. A. Goodman; military aoug, "Yankee Doodle," twelve little boys uud girls, Mrs. A K F.ynon, iuatruc tor; Mrs. J. D. Loom is, pianist, recitation. "The Maniac," Miss Joasle Uustley; piano solo, selected, Miss Lil lian Q A. Ilammltt, duet. "Will May,'' Misses Maud Jeffries, Hattie Jones (Miss Jennie Sample, planted: banjo aolo, "L'tnfanto March," Pro fessor Georgs Carr (Miss Lillian C. A. Hamtnitt. pianist); recitation, selected Misa Clara Bliss; solo, selected, Miss Mamie Diiley ; quartette selected, Hyde Park Quartette club COHO A r amp's huikk LA not. i ward, i dts i ward, iiis 1 ward, -'i di 3 ward, 1 dis J waril. 9 dis U ward, J ills war J. 4 ills ; ward, t dm :i waul, I Uh 9 ward, 9 dls 4 ward, 1 ilis 4 ward, J ills 4 ward, I dls 4 ward. 4 dls ft w ui d. I dis tt wurd. - ills " ward, ;( dis It w'uid, 4 dls i. ward. 1 ills n wui d. dls 7 ward, 1 dis 7 ward. dis 7 waul. :l dis 5 ward. I dls K ward. dis I ward 1 dls !i ward, 2 dls Mrd I dis In ward II ward. 1 ills II ward, i dls II ward, adls H ward, I (lis Il waul, 2 dls I-! ward. I dis id ward, - dis : ward, 8 dis I i wurd, I dls 11 ward, '.' dls 16 ward. 1 di4 It ward, '.'dls 6 war . I dls If ward, tola.. A.., 17 ward. 1 dls. ... . 17 ward, t dis Is ward. IV ward, I dls tt ward, J dis IV ward. .1 dis Iv ward, 4 dls 90 ward, I dls wind, : dls '.ii wsrd, a dis 21 ward. 1 dls ii ward, - dls Totals Majorities IW 89 l.te M M s o: 4'.' J tt a 1 tt 141 is n in 124 Hi m IU su I9U ltd wo 04 KM ti M W W u Ik. II 4H Me 1V4 lit! 991 vs a i Ms to li an tat IH 1VI Vi Mil ill HI III ti', 3 'H 17H as i'as ji. 934 197 l-.'il' Ha 101 li 178 u M ai i in H 4i, ICI r. ut nt ; X 17 114 :.: It : .", ' W 7i 4i 188 i.i 141 III HI latl 16 S4 II 117 ,- 41 ion a 14U ia 185 lili W 101 M ii (i M '.'44 4 IU .... 197 10- iai i 1VK j-r 140 ITS !8 :t ;4 :n DM 41 7:t m e m i4 r 118 70 61 60 MX :i7 1U7 ill K 01 113 vt m n7 ttj 37 Jl.. 1 M m 918 i:j 14 09 n hi i.i 919 908 IU H7 134 124 117 U7 to n B7' a : in l.'i.. 191 ISM 139 41 His 910 113 N IU l.'lH 989 Plit 171 M 191 01 tfs.i. wiujanoiflibi .aw .14 . J09'....'I6N),.... WOO. THE VOTE BV DISTRICTS. Ksiult of the Balloting lo All Paris of tha City. The following is the detailed voto of the city by election dint nets First wurd-Oeorge Mitchell defoals (Jeorgn Archibald, Democrat., for school coutrollor by a decisive plurality. StCOM WAIlb. First district-Select council, Flvuu. 47: ton. 130. Common council, M V. Mor ris, 100; A. L. Franrol", 77. Judgo of elec tions, lluslander, 131: A. K. Detweiler, 3; Joseph t'iiurcb, 1; John roy, 1. AsausKor, W. E. MUrldge. ISS, Inspector, A. Farry 194; aiartln uernty, l, U. Y. Miller, Second district i lynn, Morris, 15U: Frauonls. 00. Third district - Flynn, 41 ria, 43: Francois, 102. Fourth district Flyuu, Morn, IW; Jirancols, T4. Fifth dlstrlct-Flynn, l4; Finn, 9t); Mor ris, To; Francois, 107. 1UIKI) WAItl). First district School controller, H. U'Mallev, 78; Connors, 116: Richard Walsh, 5. Judge of election, Mauley, lau. Second District U'M alley, 131; Cju Bor., 7.1, , roURTII WAUB, First district- For aldtrmail, o.ven 1). John. It, 73; William Oram, I).. 73. Com mon council, Siinou Thomas, nS; William II. Koe, 53. Judge of clectiou, Richard Nicholls, tt., 181) Jamea Watson, D., 'J3. Inspector of election, Morgan Thouias, US; Brook A. l!ns, '-"J. Assessor pf vol- H. Qeonra w. Bkallhoro. 191: Fred I!. Ilitirwith. '.'II. Selei't council. Wiiliam .1. Thomas, loo; William C. Vettar, 4 BfOOno dutrict Select council William J Thomas, It, 185; William t;. Vatter, D., tj, Common council, Blmon T09maa. Ft., ih5; N. H. hoe, D, s.". Alderman, t'. d. Johns, It, 180; William Oram, D., 15, Jndtta of election, Ubeil Jenkins, 100, lu Speotor, I'eter Maker, 101. Assessor, Wil liam J. James, 1S7. Thirl District Alileiinan, (i.ven D John, ltiT; William Oram, 70 Select oouo cii, William J. Taomaa, IBS; William O, Wlter, 70 Common council, Siinou J. Thomas, IS6; William II, Hue, ,i. Asaeaaor of voters, Reaeklah Peters, 153: P. J, .M -- Namars, 71. Judge of eltctlou, Thomas L. Wnlliins, 183; iloorgo Hull ring, 0.1 Inspector, David S, Priced Ht; Thomas tl White, SO. Fourth district Bateot council, William J. Thomas, tt,, IBs; William ('. Tetter, D , lilt, Common council, Blmon Thomas, It, 173; William 11. Koe, D. OS. Ald.-i man, uweu D. John, B,, Hi; William Dram, l . 129. Judge of OleOtl John Lloyd, It.. 212; Hugh Larkiu, D., 63. Inspector of election, Da uud Robinson, K., 1100; Morris T. Welsh, D., js. A-sessor of voters, Marry Dreonwood, it., 891; J. w. Buck ley, D., Si rirtu wAiiti. George R Carson, Republican, is elected school controller without oppo sition. The vote: First district School controller, Qeorrn H. Canon, R 145, Judge of election, Hod crick Jones, It , 13.1. Inspector of election, William Madden, it., I80 Charles F. Doi- sliull. , 114; A J. Martin. D., IS Assrs sor of voters, William Campion, R , 130. Second ulatriot School coutroller, Ooorge It. Cur r i u, R., 120. Judge of elec tion. Reese A. Phltlipt, It , 188. Inspector of election, Q, A. Williams, R, 115. Asses sor of voters, lleujaiulu D. Kevnulds, It., 184 Third district School controller,' ieorge li. ('arson, It, 132. Judge of elect iou. Thouias Leyshon, It . 121. Inspector of election, Bitty Bradshaw, it. 108; Wat kin Jones, D., 12. Assessor of voters, D. Owena, it., m, Chester Cammer, O., 1. Fourth district- Schooljcoutroller, Oeo. ii. Carson, K, 142. Judge of election, Benjamin tlnlllth, R., 18H, Inspector of election, Joseph Wrigley, It., 120; Lavell, D. 7. Assessor of voters, David W Mor gan, R,, 124. BIXTB WABD, Patrick Golden is defeated for tho ollice of select council by M. B. Clark, Democrat. The latter's plurality was 1110. John L. Regan, Democrat, de tented Michael J. Ruane for common council bv a plurality of Oti. The vote : First district -Select council, Michael ES. Clark, D., 175; l'atrick liolden, Citizens, los. Council, John E. Rtgan, D., ICS; Mi chael Si Ituaue, Citizens, 1U0; Judge of election, John Kecgau, D., 212. Instiector of election. John Mctireevy, D., 148; Ed ward Kuddy, t 'ltizens, CV Assessor ot voters, fatrick lioche, !., 140; rhomas Murphy, itlzens, 07. Secoud district Select council, Michael K. t'lnrk, D., 101: Patrick Golden, citizens, tss. Common council, John K. Regan, I', 88j Michael J. Kuaue, citizens, St. Judge of election, David J, Iteedy, D, 185. Iu. spectond election, Bdward O'Connor, D., 84 1 Charles O'Hoyle' citizens, 47. Assessor ot voters, M. D. McCawky, D., 131. 8K KKTB WAliu. . John iMvauuey, Democrat, the pres ent school controller, was elected over Jaiu-s J, J 'add en, the Independant Demi . ratio candidate, by a plurality of 32. The vote 1 First distrist School controller, John Devanuey. D., 84) James J. l'adden, I D . 72. Judge of election, August l'euster, Jr., R., 20; William Newell, D., 5s In spector of election. Theodofe Leib, K., 23; Michael Hauuoii, 1)., 00; Kobert Qlllard, Bj Anthony Qlllard, 1. Assessor of voters, Jacob Krion, R., 10; Patrick Wir, I).. 88, Second district School controller, John Devanuey, D., 3h; .lames J. l'adden, I. D., 1 50. Judge of election, William Met lee, L)., 50. inspector of election, Joseph Corby, I D.jfift Assessor of voters, .Michael Corby,SB, Third district School controller, John ' Deva.iney. 149; James..', l'adden, I. D., SI. Judg of election, J . Scull, K.. 50; Jamea I Collins, D.. 10:'. Inipector of election, Winters, R., Donuis Roche, 100. Aaassaor of voters, Benjamin Davis, It., 57; James I S. Dougher, 101. BIOBTB WARD. Fred Dtirr is elected select coui'cil -man by a plurality of SO, an I Fre I S. Godfrey by a plurality of 190, Both are Republicans The vote: First district Select council, Fred Durr, I: , 131; Fdward J. Walsh, 1. D., 185. Coin 111011 couucil, lied S. liodfrey, It . 1110; Morris Schwartzkopr, 1. D., 05. Judge of electiou. W. A. Kauh, It.. l3ii;,lohn T. Ken nedy. I D., 190, Inspector of election, James H Drew, It., 133; Thomas Conumy, L D, 120: assessor of voters, W. S. Millar. It., 141; Kobert Hackett, US. Second dtitrlot select council, Fred Durr, H.. 184; Edward J. Walsh, I. D, luo. Common council, Fred S. Godfrey, 203; Morris Schwiirtzknpf, , D., S4. Judge of e.ectiou, F.W. Zitzlemati, R , is2; Marshall Preston, 17s. Inspector of election, J. M. Kvorhart, R., 176: A. li. Nenlou. I. D , 75. Assessor of voters, J, M. Rose, ISS; Dennis J lenit y, I. D., 70. NINTH WAItl). William J. Welsh, Republican, Is elected school controller. Only one vote was cast against him, and that was for G li, Thompson. The Vote' First district School controller, Will iam J. Welsh. It., 201 1 1. II. Thompson, D., 1. Judge 1 f election, II. C, Reynolds, It . 1SK; Frank Megaruee, D. 41. Inspector of election, O. W. S. Fuller, It , 189) P. J. McCaffrey, D., 30. Assessor of voters, Robert Harlan, It, ISO. Second district School controller, Will iam .1. Welsh, It, 1(12. .1 U'li'i- i.f cleiti.01, F. W. Floltz, It., 14a Prank Robling, Jr., D , 51. Inspector of election, Johjf P. Al bio. It, 148; Thomas A. RudilvT I)., 44 Assessor of voters, E. C. Browning, K., 150. Third district School controller, Will iam J. Welsh, R., III. Judge of election, 0, H. Fuller, It.. 140; Albert Rose, D., IB. Inspector of election, Robert M. FvanF, It . 131; A. H, Christie, D., 91 Assessor of vttera, M. V. Dowrf, R., 189, I k KNTII WAHI) ChaiDs Conrad, the Democratic can didate for school controller, defeated II F Moore, the present R (publican incumbent. The vote: I list district Moore, 102; Cirirad, 88', Judge of election, C W. Schank, 188; An toiiFisch, 170. Inspector of election, II. C. Ilaag, 112; T fiesslnger, jr., 101. For register, William Koch, jr., ISO; George IluUHIIlT, 127. Second district Moore. Ill; Conrad, 110. Judge of election, D. W. Humphrey, 102: Peter Robling, Jr., 108. Inpector Of election, H. Annbrust, jr., 100; Joseph I . Rosar, 00. For register, Albei t Heler, 101; Henry Walter, 100. Third district Moore, 52: Conrad, luT. Judge of election, C. S. Uelbert, 104; H. Uergbauser, 45. Inspector of flection, C. 11. Murray, 105: Charles Ulnab, 45. 'IWBLFTM WARb. I eloi t hin Wt-nzel, H.jVsci John 47; Fiuu, 220, Finn, 00; Mor 120; Finn, 80) Tho wannest light of the entire municipal campaign was fought in the Twelftn ward. Mr. Manipy wa op posed for re-election by J, F. Kenrney. a popular young plumber. Mr. Alanlev waa reelected by a majority of 21. Mr. Swentiey wag also victorious. He was opposed by hit old antagonist, D W. Coyle, and It was a battle royal between tho men. Sweeney has u majority of 0. Tbe Scrauton 'limes 'antagouized the successful candidate!? . and thus sue cesdfd in electing them. Tho vote' First district -Mauley, 167; Kearney 110; Sweeney, 140; Coyle, 134. Judge of election, John J. Dm km. Inspector, Pat rick Lenahau, 143; John Wbelan, 101. Register, John McWratb, 150; John Keap, 00. Second !i tikt .Vai.Dy, 70, Kearney, 0O; Swi'eiienv. S5; Coyle, 01. Jude of eiOC tlou, Dauicl Hayes. Inspector of election, P. J, O'Brien. IOO; P. Plnnesau. 88, Eteglo ter Phillip Wren, 09; Phillip ItcOulre, 9ft THmBEHTH WARD, First district-For school controller, Charles Jacobs, If ., 116; Thomas F. Wells, D.. 103. Second district- leooba, 140; Wells, 102. Third district-Jucobi, 152: Wells, 02. VOURTBEKTH WABO, First District Select ccuucil, (J. F. Kel low, 140; P. F. MoCaan, 13); Judge of election, Robert J, Williams, 188; Lonla lluuuell, 188; Inspector of election, Aluuzn Porter, 19.": Philip Durki", Ml, assessor ot voters, David Jones, 87 John liilgal ion, Din; common council, P. J. Nealls, IBS: H, L. Krigbaum, 131. Second district Select council, Kellow, i3ii; P, F. McCann, 167. Common council, H, 1. Krigbaum, 19S; P. J Nealls, 170. Judge of eleCttOU, Whitehall! Audruws, IV2; J. F. I uuiiiiiugi. lid. inspector of ). t Bcnreirer, HO; Charles 176. AaaeaMr of voters, Hen 134. J. it. Burnett, 105, PirTIt.NTH WARD, li. Williams, Republioini is elected lohool controller, 11 had no opposition. The vol": First district School controller, John 11. Williams, it, 808, Judgs of .election, Jonn Wagaialr, It. 181, Inspector oj elec tion, John T. I '.vans, jr., It., Is:.': John Wagner, D b. Aaseasor of voters, Luther Lewis, it., 184, Second dis: 1 lot School controller, J. It. Williams, it ,120. Judge of election, T, Foi lowa Mason, it, us, inapectoro of election. Jacob Jones, K, I IS; John McTieriiau, D., 21. Assessor ol void's, Thouias M. Wat kins, R., lis. First Ward, Second district School con troller, Mitchell, l:. mi, Archibald, D , 12. Judge of electiou, William Wilson, 79. Inspector of election, W. II. Rutsell, IS. AsHSIOr of voters, Samuel kobbius, 7S. SIXTKENTII WABD. Captain William Kellow, Repnbll 080, is re elecled a mem nor of 1 elect council without opposition, Charles II. Schadt. Dtmoorat, defeated J. W. Browning. Republican, by a plurality of 70. The vole: First district Select couucil, William Kellow, K., 107. common couucil, J. W. Browning, R , 107; Charles 11. Schadt, D , 145. J udge of election, F. L. Sinrdevaut, R. 142 Inspectors ut election, W. i. Loomis, It., 140; J, T. Fahienholt, D., SO. Assessor of voters, N. Hallstoad, R, 141. Second district Select council, William Kellow, R., 188, Common council, J. W. browning, It , 123; diaries H. Schadt. I)., 155. Judge of electiou, F. C. Smith, R., Iti5. Inspector of election, W. A. St. John, R., 107: Johu M. I.unny, D., 90, Abscssor of voters, Seth A. bouuey. It , 103, BBTKMTBBNTH W vltn. The election In tho Seventooth ward was reinsrkably uneventful. Frank Baiksr, Rejiublican candidate for school controller to succsed Uotcy A. Kingsbury, was unopposed. The vote resulted as followf. First district Congrcjsmanat-Lnrge, lirow, R, 177, Hancock, il; school con troller, barker, R, ls7; judge of election, A. R. Foote. 1S3; inspector of election, John RoU, 1S2; assessor, D. II. Jay, ISO; tor bridges, 151; against bridge4, 49; lor parks, ISO; against parks, 18, Second district I 'ongTOeimsn W 1 1 lorgf Grow, tt., 964, Hancock, D., 41; school controller, barker. It., 875; judge of elec tion, Horace K. ilaud. 807; inspector of election, Robert T. Hague, R.,205, John T, Magrahn, D ., 8; MS sapor, . b. Partridge, 90S- for bridges, 858, agninst bridges, 44 for parks, 209, agaiust parks. 4. EldHTKINTB WAltu Michael J. Burns, Democrat, is elfcted select councilman by a plural ity of 9, and James i. Noon, Democrat, is elected common councilman by a plurality of oS over H. M. Williams, the present Republican common coun cilman. The rote: Select, couucil, Michael J. Bums, D , 151; John Conilly, People, 142. Common coun cil, H. M. 'Williams, R, 118; James 1'. Moon, D., 17": Judge of election, John Fluuuery, D., 200. Inspector ot electiou, E. J. Williams, It., 02; Thomas Rooney, D, 125. NlNKTIittN fit WARD. Tho Nineteenth ward went bxck to her Democratic moorings yesterday. H-rmaii Notz was elected school con troller by a mij itity of 1 11 while P. J. llickey dafoMOd his Republican com petitor 307 votes. The vote: First district -Nott, IBS: Mantz, 160, Hickey.214; l rantz, 94. Judeeof electiou, il. J, May, 13S; W. J. Smith, 134. in spector of election, Louts SchWaAS, I4S; M. J. Ryan. 189. Register, Henry lleiuz, ISO; G. L. Miller, 1U2. Becond district - Notz, 170; Mailt 74; Rickey, 104; Frantz, 47 Jadge of election, Fred stagenwall, 53; Ambro.e Her., 177. Inspector of electiou, Charles Dteaing, 09. Maitiu Woysbner, 150. Register, John Schunli, 01'.; M. .1. Iliglin, 170. Third district Notz, 192; Mantz. S3; llickey, 188: Fran, 89, Judge of election, August N'euls. 00; Thomas Kennedy, 191. Inspector of olectiou, Heurv Fuller, 70; Patrick ktullaany, 110, R"gr,s'.er, W, II. Blden, 188: cimries Hoffman, 88 Fourth district Notz. US; Mantz, 07: Hickev, 73; Frnuz, 'J J Judge of election, Fred Zieglor, 88: John Breeu, 54. Inspec tor of elertiou. Jacob Cordler, 70; R J. Sheridan, 63. For register, John F. War ner, 74; Chailes Cordler, 03. TWENTIETH WARD, In the Twentieth ward A. T. I'ontiell arid D. P, Battle were re-elected Mr Battle had no opposition, while Mr. Oonnoll'l majority ovsr his Democratic compeer was 90, Mr. Oonnell three vears a'.'o defeated Mr. liattle for the same office by a msj iritv of 98, The Vote: First district -Cotwell, 105; McOratl, 99; Battle, 150 Judge Of election, Patrick Corcoran. Inspector of election, T. J Coyne, 188; P. Walsh, 91 1 II Buffer, 8 Register, P. T. Buddy, Second district Council 219, MoQrall 103, battle 947. Judge of election, M. T Laiigau, 103, M. Szyiitar I25. Inspector of election. James Chil i' 15S, John C. Lavelle 00. Register Thomas HelTroii 1SS, Fred Uauirath 07. Third district Council, t,7; UcUralU107; Rattle, 98, Judge of election, T. Doherly Register Jamu 1 iiolaud, Inspector James Gannon. tw ENTV-nitST WABD, First district -For school controller, W. s Langataff, it., I881 David .1 Bevan, P, P., 17; Edward T. Leonard, Citllens, 7. Alderman, ICinuey, 85; Joyce, 43 George Key oa, the only colored man 111 the ward, was elected judge of election without op position. Second district -School controller, l.nug stsu, 74, Leonard, T: buvuu, 57. COUNCILS AND SCHOOL BOARD. Yesterday's Election Doss Not Cbanye Their Political Comp'.txlon. Yesterday's election does not change the political completion of tbe city councils or the board of control, The Republicans have a msjorltV of two iu the connoila on joint session. Tha He lent is Republican and common D.m crallc. Republicans have a majority of two ou the board of control. The slau.liug Vf the bodies is us follows ; SRLHtT COUNCII,. First ward Finlay Ross, R. ; Second ward Wade M. Finn, It. I Third ward- Peter Kelley, D. Fourth ward W. J. Thomaa, It I Fifth ward Richard II. Williams, R. Sixth ward M. F.. t.'larke, D.l Seventh ward John E. K.irhe, I). Blghth ward Fred Durr, it. jSinth ward C. I. Chittenden, R Tenth ward- Charles F'. Wagner, R. t Kleventh ward J. F. Schwenk, D. Twelfth ward James Mnnley, 1).? Thirteenth wsrd George Sanderson, R.' Fourteenth ward P. F. McCann, D.t Fifteenth ward Horatio T. Fellows. H. Sixteenth ward William Kellow, R.t Seventeenth word F. R. demons. R Kighteenth ward Michael J, Burns, D. Nineteenth ward-Charles W. West pfahl, R. Twentieth ward-A. T. Conuell, R.t Twenty.iirsi w ai d Victor H. Laner, D. Beoubiirana, IB; Democrats, 8. Old members, uew members rs elected :. ooumom ooraon First, ward--P. 11. Golden, D. Becond ward -M. V. Morn.-, R Thiid ward- .lanici J. drier, 1) Pourtli ward Simon Thouias, It. 1 Fifth ward K, B, Robotban, It. Sixth ward -John P.. Regan, D.t Seventh ward John W. McLean, I).' Eighth waul - Fred s. Godfrey, It. 1 Ninth ward James Molr, It. Tenth ward I'M ward F. Wenzel. it 4 Eleventh ward Robert Robinson, D Twelfth ward-Morgan Sweouoy, D.t Thirteenth ward Ti B Howe, k." Fourteenth ward P, J, Nealls, D.t Fifteenth ward T. B Davies, R. s xteentb ward Charles 11 Schadt, D, I Seventeenth ward -Arji Williams, It, Bighttenlh ward -James F. Noon, D Nineteenth ward-P. J, llickey, OA Twentieth Ward Daniel P. li'tttle, D. t Tweuty.firtt ward Tboma Norton, D.4 ttepabllcaas, 0. Democrats, 8j 'old meiu bers; tnew members; , re-elected Vote on joint buiiot, Republicans, 22, Democrat!, 20. BOARD OF C02CTBOU First ward (ieorge Mitchell, It. Stcomi ward 1 . Ii. Von Storch. K. ' Thud ward B. 'J. (I'Malley, I). 1 Fourth word James Brans, K Fifth ward George B Carsoo, it 1 Sixth waul lohn P, Million, D. Seventh ward -John Devanoy, D 1 Eighth ward F. t Wormser, K Ninth ward William J, Welsh, ha Tenth wind w. s. Watront, it. Kleventh ward Charlei Conrad, D 1 Twelfth tvard James O'Bayle, D. Thirteenth ward -C. S. Jacobs, R Fourteenth wmd -T. J. Jennings, D. Fifteenth ward John 11 Williams, it., Hlsteenth ward -O, b. Hchreifer, it." Seventeenth ward Frank S liarKer, R Bighteautb ward Thomas Coar, D. Nineteenth ward- Herman Notz, D I Twentieth ward William G. u 'Mailer, D Twenty-first ward W U Daugstau", itepublicnus, 19) Democrats. 9; "old members; 1 new members; Ire -elected. EXCITING TIMES AT ULYPHANT. Fraud Charged and IhO Counting of tlie Votes Slopped Room Broken Inlo by a Mob. BURGLARS M ACTIVE Tliev Visited Five Plates at Fine Brook Mon day Riiu. LEVI IS THE GREATEST LOSER About $300 Worth of Notions and Othor Goodi Taken from His Place. Urandenburg's Carpenler Tools Made Away With -Two Cellars Ri fledDaring Attempt to Burglarize Roos' Market Many Hell Thetis Reported. Borglau visited four houses ut Piue lirook Monday night, and at each of them secured al llcl-S ut valtl. ONE Word in iSKsrd lo eXtraetl Nu artlole that is us;d iuiookitig is inure subject to dilution than Savoring extracts For Instance, a i- !oii ol Extract of Vanilla can be produced costlnu Jlito Sis, ur It can bj reduced Ly the use of alcohol to a cost not eicnedlna- H tier iiallon. An inferior ranllla bean can be uouiiut lor a i) u pound, wbsrsas strictly llrst- clusi bean of dslleloni flavor will brttM The greatest rafforet wet Benjamin 1 88 to 810 per poand, so you can how very The election in Olypbant yestordny was the most oxoiting ever held iu that borough. For an hour before tbe polls opened the voting places were thronged with a crowd which re mained throughout the day In the Third ward tho Republicans had a fusion with a portion of the Democrats, but tiio regular Democratic nominees were elected by majorities of from two to ton. The defeated candi dates are going to contest the election H Levi, ii Dtddler who resides sl 1U10 apoiise avenue An entrance wus forced into the room where ho kept his merchandise and about $800 worth of notions, etc . taken. David 1. Brandenburg, a carpenter who resides at 995 Ash street, about half a block from' Mr. Livi's place, was noxt visited. A cheat containing his carpenter tools was ou the atoop and tho cracksmen .-pin ted it uwav with tlletl). They curried it to the Delaware and Hudson railroad, a short distance away, and opened It under a freight car. The best of the tools wer" se lected and the rest abandoned. Yes terday morning tue chest was discov ered by men on their way to work. Tools wvre scattered abjut it for a distance of many yardH. TWO CBLLaJU BMTBKED, 1. hi than a block from Mr llrand euliiiri;'a re.-ideuce is a double frame building occupied by Mr. Wall ami Mr. butts. The burglars also pail their respects to that building. An entrance wus forced into the cellars of oothof,the above named gentleman and a cross-cut saw and a number of other articles stoleu. An attempt was made Monday nig'nt to enter the market ou Flue street, 1 ear Washington avonue, of which S. Koos is the proprietor. There were four men in the party of Imrglurs. Tne noiie they made awoke Mrs lieorge lirock, who oecupus apart merits over the inHrkd. S!i raised an alarm which awoke W. J. Burke, who occupies au adjoining house. Mr. Burke appeared ou tho scene with a revolver, and .Mrs. Brock grasping a revolver ran to tho residence of Ur. Koos, a short distance a war. and lu euijr ,1 19 10 DATS a lentil) or VMIUU or kl.y other extract that can beaold for about th cost of tbe bottle, labia and cork, but this is not tin, quality mostAod housewives win to buy In fast, most 4W them will say "th) best is none tow good for me." Appreciating thil fact, we have had put up by a thoroughly reliable party u line of Kxtrscts that we cat Kuarautee a, being- as FINK AB IT IS 1'OS- 8IBLE TO PRODUCE There Is point m conn ction with dilutud extracts WMeh is 4Ulte apt to deceive. Cpou drawing the cork 'c ". a Dot 1 1" '.1 Nriielliii n Hu I contents, it may appear to be very strong, I but when uv-d th:s urtitlcial str-iiKth entirely disappears and you imagine you forgot ti, put In auy H ivoting. Von did not forget, bu. 1 you have used au extract thst ia built ul bv "u. other Material thaD the true flavor and which ijuifkiy evaporates when uncorked. We have just received tbe first Invoice of these ei tracts, th", whole of which coull b cai ted oft on a wheelbarrow, and yet the bill amounts to 877. We have the different kinds as follow. 8-ounce Bottle, 55c. 4-ounc3 Bottle, 28c. 2-oun.ce Bottle, 15c. rbeee are all f nil-weight bottles, not what is ordinarily used and known to the trad.- as hort weight bottles, there being about on--fourth difference in a lull and short weight bottles We respeetfulli reoommend these extracts if you want Genuine flavors. We think you will he surprised at the difference in the results of this aud that you have been usiutr. even If nn hae kssi getting the hoit be.-t you Ci.uld. THE rhe Republican, la tho Becond word J'f ,1 .tmVt thot I!. .'.-I' ' I ... ... .... art elect id A climax was ro iclied iu the First ward battle, where the noils were sur rounded by a crowd nf several hundred people nil day, und tiiihts were con stantly occuring. In . .anting the votes fraud was charged by one of the electiou board, aud the OOOntlng ceased , the room was broken iuto by tbe mob who poured into the room and violence was feared. The ballots were all placed buck int) the box which wns locked by the judge, and he at once secreted himself to avoid bodily in jury. The crowd would not leave but desig nated their intention of remaining The eherilV was finally sent for to straighten luatters. The eloction of the burgess, for which Kditor Sctmbutehl and G ii. Hitcbler are Opposing candidates, is to bo dec'uled by the vote of tbe First ward In the other two wards Schub luebl had n majority of about 75, It is probable that the board will be atlested. No coriec: returns can be obtained until it is known what the court's action iu the matter will b?. At an early hour this morning the candidates were endeavoring to have the bsdlbtl counted and tin' matter utn icubiy adjusted. Lits reports did nut show that this had been accomplished. NO CRIMINAL CASE WILL BE TRIilO. Appropiii'.lon for l'ayiuinl of G.ivera meut Witus3ss is Exhausted. I'nitsd States Commissione'r A, J, Colbuin. Jr., was notilial yostvrlay that no criminal cases will bo tried at the coming term of I'mted Slates court. The appropriation for the payment of I'nited Slates witnesses is exhausted ami the last congress failad to provide for its renewal - . ABSENT SINCE SUNDAY. Johnny Duhl D1.1 Kot Rstura from Sunday Fchool. Information was lodged at police headquarter! yesterday to the etl'ect that Johnny Diehl. of tho West Side, had not been seen since Sunday. Tho boy resides with Ins parents on Bromley avenue and left Sunday after noon logo to Sunday school, lie lias not been seen since. . DOBS your shirt neel a new neck baud We put thotn on while you wait. 1. vc'KAW ANNA tits tiAUBDRT. SOB I'enu avenue. A. B, WAhltAX, Mi BAlDtfS new Turkish bulb. Bvsr thing new. 808 Spruce street, opposite Court House. e Bucklnn's Ainloa Salve. Tho best salve in the world for Cuts III niseis Sires, Ulcers, Salt Itheutn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and nil Skin Eruptions, aud posi tively curt i'iles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect Hatlafactlou 01 money refunded. Price S3 Cents DOT box. For sale by ilat thews Bro.4. in ii I''' s You need Uot worry over your nuances if your money Is Invested In good real es tate. Real estate pays for itself every SSVSn years' In Bctan tOn, PiunA Sous of fer three bright new houses on easy pay uieiitB. I . e Desdleatnn Woerx's and Ballantine's Ales are the beet. li. J. Walsh, agent, sn Dmkawanua avenue. bad been made to despoil his markit THE UUKULAl'.s OEPAKi'. By this tins the burglars concluded there wus too much excitement about Koos' market to suit them and they de parted so hurriedly that they left be Uind a pail of luincemeat and an umbrella obtained earlier in the night in a place they invaded. Of lata coniid.rable petty thieving has beeu going on about the residence properties on the bill. Any article !e!t lyiug about back doors is not of too little value to be taken. Brooms, shovels, clothes lines and numerous similar articles h iv been stolen. Dur- : ing Monday night a quantity of oye- ; teis woie taken tiotu su ice; chest, from which dis ippeared a cold let; of lamb a short time previous. Scarcely a night passes without a raid by the thieves, and the people of the district or. tbe hill would do well to take no risk of leaving any thing accessible to these nocturnal marauders. It is only a question of time when their growing bolJuess will laud them behind the bars and relief tvifl follow. - - TUmic Boxes Exclusively. llest mnde. Hay any deired number of tunes. Uautschi A. Sons., manufacturers, luSoCbeetnut street. Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only So and ilu. Specialty . Old mush; boxes carefully re laired and unproved with new times. Bai kkt hai.l,. m c. a. vs. Nanticoke, at Armory tomorrow night, 8 no o'clock. Admission 85 cants. Anbeuser Bujch Besr. Levis l.i hii.iui s, Spruce sL Scranton Cash Store F. P. PRICE, Agt. Dr. Hill Q. Son Albany DENTISTS Fet teeth. 8848; l est set, ?S: for pold enps aricl teeth without plates, filled crown and 'ridge work, call for prioea and rvferenesn . TONALQIA, lor extracting teeth without pattk Ixo ether. No gas. Ot Lit MUST KATIOXAt HANK Huntington's HOME BAKERY. fealX We have a large ment of assort- THIS is ESPECIALLY so IX . . . BLUMBING and i TINNING, REPAIRING: Good Work. 126PENNAVE- Henry Battin & Co. PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES Leave your order at 227 WASHINGTON AVE,, or 413 LACKA. AVE. Our Lackawanna avenue restaurant open until midnight. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Cot in Hones sci atic. All kinds of Laundry work gnarantOSol the best. Best Sets of Teeth, $3 00 Including the rainless extractlnji (if teeth by SB inllreiy now pro ecs. S. C. Snyder, n.rxs. WYOMlNii AVii READ The now offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. BROWN'S BEE HIVE LADIES' KID GLOVES, Men's and Boys' Winter $1 quality, 89c. Caps, assorted, 10c. each. MILLINERY PRICES cut Boys' Winter Gloves, l.KATHKK FRONT, CUVTII BACK, HALF. i9c. a pair. One-third oil' regular prices allowed in Cloak and Fur Department. Small lots in all departments at Way Down Prices. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
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