THE SUltANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 21. 1894. 9 STELLE &SEELEY MR. J. L. STKLLE will continue the business under the rirui name of Stelle & Seoley. THE EVEK POPULAR WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN GREAT VARIETY. ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIAN03 Popular, reliable and within your reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Hare takon over 100 Qrst premiums hi tkc past tidy year, Oilier make of Piano. Four rushes of Organs In beautiful new designs. See onr Itock before buying. We have the good. Cor prices am ngliu Every luiug iu the BlUblU hu STELLE k SEELEY 154 Wyoming Ave., Scranton. Pa. EEVARB OF COUNTERFEITS 1 THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G., B. & CO., iinnrlntert nn Each Clnar Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. ml ui UOlst kUVAUKi DR. H. B. WARE BPEOIAU8T. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. OFFICE H00R3:ljftWSk 135 WYOMING AVE. NORTH END. WORK OF THE LIBRARY Trustees' Report for the Past Year Has Just Been Issued. ADDRESS TO THE CITY COUNCILS There Are Now 18,720 Volumes in the Library, of Which 4,538 Have Been Added to It During the Year. List of the Persons Who Generous ly Made Donations to the Library During the Year. Mayor Connell has signed the Fifth ewer district ordinance. Thi an couueeui-nt will give pleasure to 93 p-r cent, of the people of the North Ei! A want of proper sewerage is one of the greatest evil we have to coinpluin of. A great amount of sick ness here is attributable to the in sanitary condition of the ptaot. One of tne most exciting runaway of tbe season took dIhc on North Main avenue M : I y The team belonging to the Liberty Hots company took flight while standing outside Bright' carriage factory aud went in the direc tion of the hose home at a in id pace. The horses turned off the main street along East Market at the game fearful rate. They wre stopped near the Primitive Methodist Episcopal church on E-ist Market street. Fortunately there was no one hurt or anything broken. Mrs. Anne Raine. of Dsacon street, died Monday, aged 31 yars Interment will be made at Forest Hill cemetery. Thomas P. Evans, of Cavuza street, was painfuliy hurt in Von Storch min-s Monday by a fall of rock. His wounds are of a serious nature. Belle Fox, of Biooui avenue, agel VJ years, died Monday after an illness of three weeks. She was one of the most popular young ladies of this section and her untimely demise) is deeply re gretted by her sorrowing family and a larire circle of loving friends. Every body who knew the deceased young lady deplores her death, the immsdiate cause of which was meningits. Inter ment will take place today in Hyds Park Catholic cemetery. Funeral ser vice at Holy Rosary chnrch where, high mass will be celebrated at 10 o'clock this morning. AMUSEMENT NOTES. In "Lady Windermere's Fan," which will be presented by Charles Frohman' company at tbe acadeinv this evening. Oscar Wilde disappoinis no one. Peo ple expect something out of the ordi nary from him and tiiev always get it. Columns have been written about the play since it was produced in London, and with that production the fame of Oscar Wilde emerged from tne eclipa into which it went after his salad an 1 sunflower day. An excellent perform ance of the play is promised, the com pany being headed by Miss Virginia Harned. formerly leading lady to Mr. Southern Miss Harned acts the part of a woman with a past. A TTXAS STEER. Hoyt has never written anything for the stage so consistently and uproar iously funny hs "A Textl Steer. Giv ing its initial metropolitan production oyer three years ago, this satire on Washington and Texan domestic and political life was forced from the stage of the Bijou theater, New York city, after a run of over five months, to meet the clamor of out of town managers who held contracts for its production in their respective cities. Its return to Scranton for an engagement of one night, next Thursday, Feb. 22, will doubtless be greeted with a welcome that will solidly demonstrate its popu larity. It would be singular if tne theme hit upon by Mr. Hoyt did not furnish ronsing entertainment. HANDS ACROSS THE 3EA. That bright little soubrette, Mis Dell Ellerson. ia this season playing the role of Lucy Nettlefold in "Hands Aero the Sea, " and the press speaks of her acting in tbe very highest terms. Mies Ellerson is not only a very clever actress, bnt is also a very handsome woman. Tbe play will be seen at the Academy on Friday aud Saturday evenings and Saturcay afternoon. . PUASANT SURPSISE PARTY". The trustees of the Sttranton Public librur have issued their report for tbe year 1803. which niukoa the third an nnal. The address to the councils is as fol lows : To tbe honorable, the select aud common councils of the city of BcfantOD, iHnti.kmks 1 It is with unalloyed pleas ure Hinl honorable pride iu this third an. nual report, the board of trustees can Con gratulate you, the people of Serautou, in having ii well selected working library. Vhe use of tbe memorial building aud dis tribution of book therefrom attest iu si Itnre more emphatic than words, an ap preciation OB the part of the people of the gifts of the buiMing, grounds aud bonks, and of the commendable interest which you hs councilmeu have shown. Mr. Albright at the inception of his gift of a memorial building pledged an expendi ture of $75,000, and Kxeurod the same by a deposit of collaterals in order to guard aoatnat unv contingency. The final cost ot the building and appurtenances to him has reached 1188 000; tne vouchers aud payment tor winch have at his request passed through the hands of the president of the board. The reports of tbe secretary nnd libra rian, with the summary of the expendi tures for the year ISBSt tell their own beti eticial story. The rapid growth in the utility of the library may OS uuderstood from the fact that a maximum of over 1,000 visitor in one day has been at tuiued, that 6,307 name have been regis tered as borrowers, and books have been out at one time. All classes and lines of society are attracted to its enclosure and receive freely the benefit which self culture, the best promise of future growth, affords. Iu our estimate for the absolute necessi ties of the library tor tho coming year, wo have cut close to the Una of rigid econ omy. The estimate is slightly Increased, but we assure the councils, aud through thm the citizens, that we make no pres sure on hem. which i not made up m us, tiv the tacts aud the huiwer of our na trons, who are your wards. We sincerely trust that you will see your way clear to grant our "praver in this regard. The building and grounds, if spontaneous ex pression of the people aud of all intelli gent critics, which have come to us, are any criterion, have more than met all ex pectations iu their utility aud elegance, COST OF MAINTENANCE. The amounts for maintenance for the Bscal year commencing April, ISA, (this mouthly date should always be borne in mind iu jndgiug of our expenditures), are as follows: Forbook-iUo0.0Oper month i 3,000 00 For pay roll, salaries and labor, iW30 ner month) 5,10 00 For incidentals, (MOO per mouthi '2,400 00 It Wan Tendered to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Simpson by Thslr Friend. George Atherton took a large sleigh load of friends from the North End to Olyphant on Saturday evening, the oc casion being a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Simpson, The party con sisted of the following: Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Myer, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Price, Mr and Mr A. If. Keiiling, Mr. and Mr. Giles Deoker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Hepler, Mr. and Mrs. Sander of the Truth, Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy. Mr. and Mr. William Clark, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lavining, Mr. and Mr. R. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hayden, Mr. O. A. Slocnm, Mr. O J. Myr, Mrs. A. B. Meyer, Miss Cappie Cooper, Mis Mary Hawks, Miss Alice Lahey, Mis Katie Lloyd, Mr. Author Meisliug, Mr. Edgar Sanders, Mr. Ernest Slocnm. Total 110,660 00 The summary of expenditures for tho past year will be found among the reports herewith presented. The accessions to the book department during the year were4."3, making a pres ent total of IS, 720 volumes. A great encouragement to the manage meut of the institution is found in the spontaneous and unsolicited generosity of those who have adtleil their guts or valua ble books to the library. Wo trust that this spirit will grow and be a constant support nnd a fitting compliment to the int-rest which our municipal authorities and public otlicers aud representatives, both state and national, are showing. The meetings of the board bave been of the most interesting and harmonious char acter, and the fuitbfulness of all tbe otli cers engaged in the active work of the library are worthy of special mention. We desire to place the future growth and ex cel leuce of this beneficial Institution, both as to its incoming supplies aud its outgo ing benefits, as a grateful burdu'i on tbe hearts of all of our people, young and old: and we invite kind, intelligent aud faith ful exsmination aud criticism, and a uni versal nse of its privileges. REPORT OF TREASURER The treasurers report shows the fol lowing: Citizens' aubscriptions due last January, $-M7; collected during the year, 741, The total of th- citi zens' ubscrtption last year was "),33'J and tbe expendidtures dnriig the year from this fund were $3,79107. The city appropropriation with balance was $11.1131, and of this amount $10, -il8.5S was expended, Toe balance on hand at this time is a follows: From citizen' subscriptions, $1,841.90; from city ppropri-ition, 1 012 12; from p-tit cash account, $413 63; total, $2, 907 8.1 The report is signed by Henry lie. in, jr. The following excerpt rian Carr'g roport will be MANY BOOKS TAKCN from Li bra -interesting: our. Tho number of book takers has proven large from the first and fully In excess of any prior anticipations. From flay 26 to Dec. 30, 18113, a total of 6,807 names were registered and library cards is-ued to same as follows; City borrowers. 6,960; non residents, 33; deposits nnd special, 14. Thero were surrendered or cancelled for ono reason or another, SO cards; leaving in force at tho end of tho year, 6,891. Of the ,307 enrde issued 500 were to males and 3 s47 to females: 4.65!l were to por-ons aged 18 years and upwards and 1,648 to those undor that age. As to locality in tho citv no spoclflc count has been kept, hut frequent Inspec tion of tbe applications and home address es recorded shows u good representation from all sections, even those most remote from tho library. Particulars concerning the home circu lation ot books will appear iu a summary appended to this report. Total issues from the circulating department for the seven months l7o days), number 85,021; a daily average of 500. This wns exceeded, how ever, by the daily average in November, which wna 699, Largest Issue of anyone day was 1,018, on Monday, Oct. 2. Largest daily number out in the hands of readers was 3,053, on Monday, Dec. 1. Percentage ot circulation from the sov end sections of tbe librnry, other tban Prose Fiction aud Juveniles, has been higher than was originnlly expected aud shows a large class of reading of inostgrut ifyiog character. Use of reforenre department hns not been specifically recorded In statistical terms since, of those hooks, over 3,(100 aro placed on open shelves for public access and read ers make uvnil thereof freely. That por. ti 'ii of the library has received a pleasing patronage unci the MUM . is true of the reading room proper as well as of tho pe riodical literature placed thero for free ac cess and nse. Annual report of 1802 showed the pos session ot 14, 100 volumes at the oloso of that year. Accessions of 18'JH number 4,633 vol umes of which 1108 were by gift. 980 by pur chase from Citizens' Subscription fund and i.y.i.M by purchase from city appropriations. Deducting 8 volumes witbdrawu and can celled on acconut of damage or loss (duly paid for or chargDd to the borrow! Rl. ih balauce on haud Dec. 30, 1893, ia 18,720 volume. Whether the library can continue to grow a vigorously in 1804 depends, In the main, upon the extent of the appropria tions for that year. Having now a good start and foundations well laid, ft will be possible then to give especial attention to the matter of duplicating, more or less, In the line of most popular and ' Bervicenble works, and of filling up any classes found deficient in quantity. A "finding list" of books In the circu- USUng department, up to tho oud of Feb ruary, 181)3, wus punted iu March and April, making a handy pamphlet of 204 page in manlila bag-board cover. Being in readiness at the opening of the library aud sqid to book-takers at the nominal price of 10 cents each. I.'.CI copies have been so taken, up to tho close of i the year. Two hundred and fifty copies remained for sale at that date, together with a small number additional in uubouud sheets for future use. Lists of additions to tbe circulating de partment, since the punted finding list, have been currently made on the typo writer aud posted on the bulletin board at the library. During 1894 it will prob ably bo desirable that those and subse quent additions be printed in a supple ment form and supplied to the library patrons. While doing this it may be feas ible, perhaps, to combine with it an author Index to the entire contents of the library and thus supply a feature which was omit ted from the original finding list fur rea sons of economy. As usual, exchanges with other librar ies and Institutions huvo beou carried on sine - the last report; resulting in tho r csipt of many catalogues, reports, bill lot ins and kindred1 publication of interest and value. Various other volumes aud pamphlets have beou given to the library from sundry sources, as showu iu list appended) aggregating some 1107 volumes a id 696 pamphlets und curreut numbers, received by gifts during tho year 1SSJ. list Of HONORS. The following persons made dona tions to the library: Captain S. H. Stevent, New York; Henry Bsrlln, jr., Jam P Dickson, A. H. Winton, Colonel E H. Ripple, William Weber, Pittiton ; Colonel It M Bdas, Lemuel Auieriuati, M. E McDonald, Mrs. A. ii (hltnore, Jenkin T. Reels and as sociates in the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western coal engineer' office. Charles L ltice, W. M. Dickton, Mrs. Kate (L Price. Miss Helen Price, H. J. t'arr, V. C. Mattes, John Owens, S Ii Price, A. K. Rauby. N. L. Smith, Siuul E Stevens, L. A. Watres, Frederick Wetzel. W. A. Wilcox, Mr. V W. Winton. ; KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS CELEBRATE. Thirtieth Pythian Period Commsmor aud bv Fsstivitiei at Castlo Hall. The Fifth Regiment, Uniformed Rank, Knight of Pythias, representa tives of the Wilkoj-Hirre and Flttston divisions, and many of the lodges in this county, made a gala affair of last night's celebration at Castle hall of Scranton lodge, 211:1, in Old Fellows building. Th event was the anniver sary of the thirtieth Pythian psriod. A high class and very interest ing programme had been arranged by the committee, aud was rendered as fol lows : Address of Welcome H. N. Dunuell Soug Lindtajr McMillan Address W. W. Baylor "Hardeu Village" Quartette Stump Speech W. Hulbort Soug !onn Blyth Brass Quartette From Uermania Baud Address ou the Order District Deputy 1 1 rand Commander John H. Thomas. Burlesque. "Two Willies" W. P. Delke, H. S. Longcor. Soug William Jonoi Silent Manual and Bayonet Exercises Uus Weymejrer and Fred Elmrt. Address, "I'mform Ksuk" . .Martin Jovce Sing Alexander Brydeu closing Address P. C. Hr.ragg Song Lindtay McMillan Organist, Past Commander John Morris. H. N. Dunnell, in his address of wel come, made the visiting members feel at borne nd auspiciously start 1 the entertainment. The ''Garden Village" and "Mockiug Bird" songs were ren dered in an excellent manner, and the young men by their clever singing won the plaudit of th aulisnce, The stump speech of Mr. Hulbrt was de livered in that gentleman's inimitable aud original manner, aud kept every one in convulsion of laughter. no worthier gentleman conld have been selected to deliver the address on the order tbnn John II. Thomas. His re marks were to the point nnd caused the members present to feel mor than ever well satisfied with the benefits of their order. Too much cannot be said in praise of the clovor and comical work of Mr. Delko and Mr. LaogC )t in t heir burlesque act. These two conld give point to many of their professional brethren. Martin Joyoe's address to the uniformed rank was a pithy and well timed speech. The other entertainer were particu larly clever in their respective line. The exercises were conducted by Sir Knight J. J. Shuplantl, assisted by the following committee: C. E. Robinson, T. A V Hodgnou, Martin Joyce, F. B. Mclntrye, A. Rose, David Donald son, John Blyth. -- HELD FOR FELONIOUS WOUNDING. Patrick F. MoQulre Shoot Th mss Hughes Below the Ankl. Thomas Hughe, a young man em ployed in tho law office of WiUard, Watren and Knapp. was shot below the ankle while walking on Wyoming avenne yesUrday morning. The shoot ing wa done by Patrick F. Mcfiuire, an unmarried man who lives with his sisters on Wyoming avenue between Ash and Phillips street, and if he lives till next Thursday, Washington' birth day, will he 38 yoars of nge. There seems to have been no provo cation for the shooting. Hughes had tieen at his home nnd passed McOuire on the opposite side of tbe avenue. McOnire claimed to have boon bit with a stone on tbe jaw 'and imagined that he saw Hughes' haud descend as if it bad propelled the missile. Mc fiuire then whipped out a revolver and as he did Hughes oxclaimed that he had been bt. He walked to Dr. Gib bons' office, but the ball was not probed and the wonnd is not considered dan geroui. Special Officer Meinzer arrested Mo (liiire. He offered no resistance and was given a hearing by Alderman Wright in tbe afternoon. Th weapon used wa a Smith & Wesson, 32-oall-ber. It whs bought for $11 a year and a half ago, and McOuire stated that lie purchased it for us In the forest be hind Forett Hill eotn-tery. He'elalmed that he had been struck with a stone five times during tho last two years and he lost ins tomper when he was Rtriu'k yesteedny. The alderman nlnoed him under $2,000 bail to appear at court. He ia charged with carry ing concealed weaputi and felonious wounding. The Lsdlss' Aid Boolety's Dinner. In nrcordsnro with their usual and ex ceedingly popular custom, the Ladles' Aid society of the First Presbyterian church will serve their animal dinner aud supper iu the lecture room of the church ou Washington' Birthday Thursday of this v.'ook. Dinner will bo served between the hour of 12 and 2 o'clock and supper from 0 to 8 o'clock. The following exoel lout menu will be provided: IIINNKU. Consommo. I toast Turkey. Boast Beof. Stewed OnionB. Corn. Cranbery Sauce. Celery. Dressed Cabbage. Pickles. Minco, Apple, Squash Pies. Plum Pudding. Cake, Ice Cream. ColToe. Tea. .1 HVVVKH. Cold Turkey. Cold Ham. Creamed Potatoes. Escalloped Oysters. Baked Bonus. Dressed Cabbage. Olive. Raised Biscuits. Bread. Sliced Orange. Cake. Coffee. Tea. SOUTH SIDE. Michael Barrett, 'who wa severely burued at the South works recently and taken to the Moges Taylor hospi tal, is in a critical condition. The hos pital physician attendiugMr. Barrett's caa told a Triduni: reporter yetrday that there wa not much hope for hi recovery. Blood poisoning is feared as a result of tome compoaitiou of the ipilgel getting into the system. The injured man has been unconscious most of the time since Sat urday luoruiug. i Howovsr, he was healthy and strong at tho time of the accident, and is making a strong fight against collapse during his conscious moments, the physician stated that these two thing were importaud fao torg ot hope. Wedded Vary U ietly. Imanuel Alplaualp, a popular street car man, and Mis Emma Lovelund were married on Saturday last by Rev. Dr. Peurce, of the Elm Park church. Miss Minnie Livison attended tho tiride and William Loveland attended the groom. After th ceremony the happy couple returned to the bride' hotu. where a large unmher of friend had collected. Mr. and Mrs. Alplanalp are well-known. This was shown by the number of present they received. Shorter Paragraphs. A crank shaft of the blooming en gine at the South work broke early yeaterday morning The damage will be repaired this morning. William Fink, who bad his thumb injured on Saturday, wa discharged from the hospital Monday evening. The doctor hope to be abl to save the in jured member. The Young People' society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Hickory Street Pretbyteriau church have made all ar rangements for a pleasant time at their entertainment this evening. Miss Kate Ryan, sister of Patrick Ryan, of South Wyoming avenue, died at the home of the latter yeaterday morning. Miss Myan has been ill for some time. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 0 30 o'clock at St. John's church. Interment will be at the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Thomas Mask, a youug man residing in the Twolfth ward, has been missing since Saturday. His friend wero in quiring for him at police headquarters yesterday. Mis Olien, from Jerusalem, leoturxl on mission work at the room of the Young Women's Chriitiau association lust evening. The Heckman property on Cedar avenue ha been sold to a man named McNuIty of th central city; consider ation $700. WILL BE LXCITING BASKET BALI. Interest Manlfsstnd in the Coming V M C. A. v. Nantiooke Game. Considerable interest is manifested by Youug Men' Christian association utbletes regarding the coming basket ball contest with th Nantiooke tnm Thursday night at the armory. R L Wetton, physical instructor, has kept the men in gooi training and praotice and manv feint aud special play have bo'in perfected. 1 he prowess of the Nanticoke team is uot underestimated. They have met all tbe high grade teams in this part of the state except the Bradford men. Neither Bradford nor Nanticoke have y t ien defeated in a eerie. The Young Men' Chriitiau association and Nanticoke teams have each won a game from each other and Thursday niaht will be the play-off of the tie. Each tiide ha great pride in their record and the resuR of the game will place the victors iu a position to play Bradford for the northeastern Pennsylvania championship; consequently, the con quest will be replete with excitement and hard fought from th first blast of the referee' whistle Th Young Men' Clirittian associa tion tt urn will probably be made up a follows: Bercher, center; W Jay, right center; Moyer, left center; Nul len, right gnurd; McGoldrich, goal: Foster, left guard; Reese or Welland, home ; Tonking or Koch, right forward ; Davis, left forward. George Jay will umpire, but the ref ereo, to be chosen by Nanticoke, has not been announced. The game will be called at 8.3(1 o'clock. An admis sion of 25 cents will be charged. Tickets are now on salo at the Young Men's Christian association building or may be procured at the urmory Thurs day night. Tonight the team will play a prac tice game with the Company C team. THIRD ANNUAL MEETING. County Teachr' Association Will Con vene at Moscow Salurday. The third annual convention of the Lackawanna Comity Toaehers' Asso ciation will be held at Moscow on Saturday, Feb. 24 Principal George P, Bible, of Stroudsburg; Principal F. M. Loomis, of Keystone Academy; Superintendent George W. Phillips, of Scranton; Superintendent J, E, Wil liams, of Dun more, and other good peukerswill address the association, The question, "Should tho Provision al Certificate Be Abolished," will be discussed by Superintendent Phillips, Superintendent Williaina, Principal M. J. Lloyd, Principal F. C. Hanyen and others, The opinion of State Su perintendent Sclnietfer on thia subject makes it one of great interost. The annual election of officers, the subject of teaohers' contructs and other matters of importance will come beforo the association. All th touch ers In the county should attend. Trains leave Scranton for Moscow at 8 o'clock and 9 50 a. m . and teachers can return by a train leaving Moscow at 5 20 p, m or later in tho evening. All who are interested in education are invited to be present. . . Dainty kitchen, Pretty miss; Future husband Sure ol bliss, Charming pastry, Perfect roll, Hrocory things From Coarsen of course! - Thk Lahiks' Aid society of tlio Dal ton Baptist church, will have a chicken aud waffle supper in their new cburch rooms on Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 5 to 9,90 p.m. New Eicycla A uew bicycle worth $75 will be Bold for (85. The machine ia guaranteed aud is a rare bargain. Machine muy bo seen ut the Tribuuu office. If von want the Inter styles and finish in photography, you can get it ut Griffin's, Wyoming avenue. Wo are introducing uew novelties constantly. Havk uew neck bands put on your old shirts at the Lackawanna Laundry, 308 Penn avenue, A. B. Wurman WHITE CHINA UST arrived by the Steamer Panama large import order of Haviland & Co. CHOICE WHITE CHINA. FOB DECORATING. Many new novelties in Boudoir Sets, Smoke Sets, Salads, Pin Trays, &c. We give better value in Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Lamps, Silverware, &c, than any other house in the city. CHINA-:-HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. Do You Do You Do You Do You Do You Do You Do You Want Want Want Want Want Want Want Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Cloth3S for Almost for Almost for Almost for Almost for Almost for Almost for Almost Nothing? Nothing? Nothing? Nothing? Nothing? Nothing? Nothing? pRlCES on brand-new Suits and Over coats in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. Martin & Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. THE FEBRUARY 21, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your tthoioe of .three beautiful pictureH, "Telephone Girl," "IV liveiinK Chrlktmaa Presents" and "Maidens Swinging.'' Hentl by mail or messenger or bring coupons like this of three differ ent dates, with 10 cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Knn Ave. and Spruoe St. coin MUSIC HOUSE Is the most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn sylvaiva The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. Tho lowest prices' oblainablo anywhere and the most liberal terms ever offered to purchasers are some of tho leading inducements. Look at the list THE CELEBRATED Sohmer Pianos. E vcretl Pianos. Vose & Sons ' Pianos. Men! in Pianos. Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RENOWNED E stey Organs, Story & Clark Organs, Chicago Cottage Organs, Palace Organs, And all kind ..f Muaicil Merchant!!) constantly ou baud The Holidays are hnre, and Ibis is the place to buy Pianos for a Cbristraa$ I'resent. Prices aro lower tbnn any other lnnsio itore in Scranton. Special Attontion Remember always when you start out to search for a Piano or Or fzau that Christopher Columbus points with his tiht hand to the exact plaoa you wa,ut to ko. Now here It Is: nppoRITF. COLUMBUS MONUMENT, SCRANTON, PA. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS I AST irEAE he had saved 1300. He bought a house worth $1850 paid 1300 down, gave a mort gage for $1,550. Today he est mutes as follows: Runt saved Jj)0 Ui lnti-rHt on umrtxas-u $M OJ Taxetbnd repairs 26 so lit 'M Net sa vine; on rent $1'J0 !il Saved on alarj uo uu To apply on mortgage fr.o so REFLECTION "In POUB years that limis. will be free from debt and I shall have a home of my own." GREEN BIDOE Is tin. , for hornet. Finn A Sons have recently fin ished a beautiful villa, whleh they offer, on im" paj meats, t Call at their office, between Washington and Adam on Olive street. EZRA FINN & SONS. sJiiiiiisiMisimiiiiiiiiiiiiiu S The GENUINE NoW g I 'ITHUslF FIANOS E ESTAB. 1866. g New York wareroom. No. g BU Kifth avenue. S S E, C. RICHER Si CO., g Sole dealer In this aeotlon Offloe 133 Adams avenue, S niiiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, J. Y. Guernsey, Prop. s PRING . . . Styles of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. The Great Marvel of Dental Science Ansesthene A recent discovery and the sole property of HeiiYood k Wardell, 1)1 : MISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J. Q. 8BAMON88AYS ABOUT ANVKSTllliNE. DBS RENWOOD v W ABDElt,: After having eleven teeth extracted at 00 alttlng hy thepniulrsH method. I pro. nonnee it entirely satisfactory in aver? particular. j, SEAMONS SHOES Special for This Com ing Week. Men's Cork Sole Lare Shoes, Goodyear Welt, $4 h'radc, ") r.fl to be O-'J" Men's Cork Sole Laco Shoe, band'MwedweltftS dfrQ OQ be C.I. JO Lailies' Dongoln, Kid Button, Patented Tip, QooJyear welt. Common sense last, all s?0 V0 $4.60 grade, to be O-'O.' Ladies' Fiue Kill Button, cork soles, band turn. Common Sense last, only a few pairs Q'l ')'. of them, f" grade, to bo... O'-' Ladies' Dull Dongoln Button, double soles, Common Sense only, if I grade closed cut at O I ' Misses' Strainht float Button, spring heel, sizes 11 to 3; $3 &1 j (1 grade will soil nt 1.4.' AT $5.98 AT $9.00 A Rich CLOTH JACKET, Full Skirt, Balloon Sleeve, navy, black and tan. Cost to make, $16. XoW We will give yovu the choice of 40 Jackets, all this season's make Not one iu tho lot that cost lass than 12 to $20. AT $12.00 JAGE HIS, CLOTH CAPES PUB CAPES and WRAPS. Lfi will pay you to .see this oiTVriug of Tailor-madi) Garments. Boys' School Shoes, button and, silSS It to i $1 25 will it sell at ' I C. SLEDS AT COST FLOREY & HOLT 408 SPRUCE ST. I Scranton, Pa. SCHANK'S Arcade Shoe Store. WYOMING AVK Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Sporlallat. on tlio Eye. He.idnahe.1 sud Norvounne relieved. Latest kd Improved Stylo of Eye lilamai nnd ,.;. nt the Lowest l'rloea. iiest Artificial Eye inserted for V 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office. We need room for new Spring Stock. Visit us. 6. W. OWENS 8c Co. Ladle:.' Tailor-, Cloak Makor and t'urrlera, ".li SPRUCE T.. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers