t t THE SCHAXTON TRIBUTE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY J1, 1894. ONE CENT Legal A Word ll'imfsc alt a'stttfl CO. Unit much, W enf aittuit iun M irued, u'ucn inv ftsnfWSu 7fff Situations Wanted. Uvv AVi ii IT - Vi tTJatkSi X? M u i SS keeptrlna small fatally by a widow laiiv, will uo waaklaga of house woik by the day until aatoady aitaatton iaattaiuad Ad I rasa A. W . Tribune omua SITUATION Wan I'l l' B A BUV II years it with a a:r education in a dry' good or grocery itu a or some but uaaj tun ba can work u,j In. AddrseaD D, oWBarrt toll llVC-tlll--. cite CiTUATION WAN ' KD ISl'Kl.l.kiKNT. O reliable and ita d if young man wlattai situation as salc-emaii v- elerK with business bouse. Baporti ucd Addres,J,TtlbuueoOai ii'antkd situation by a aiia is vi towynrt otBon tu keep In order Answer t ali Tnini'M' I Mice. 1 STATU OF WILLIAM W MANX ESS' I. lut.' .if thf ity ot Sorantou, County of UAtwiin and state ot Pennsylvania, d ceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been uratitcil t,. tin- undersigned all parson, limine claim or demands aitalBal tin- laid eatnte will pruaanl tuoni fur pa meat, Mini those lndabtad thereto w ill piaaia make Itntnedlets peytuont to the axaoaioni herein ufti 1' lulued, 01 any of them. Isaac S OABK, 't'obytuiiiua. IN M A US T Si AN S F.ss I1BNRV A KNAPP. BoMtUfon, Pa Wu i ami'. Waiuu n j. K napp. Attorney p STATE OF ELVIRA MANN EBB, lath I 4 of tin olty ot Soranton, County of Laoko wanna and Btafeof Pennsylvania, uaceesed Letters t eotn uBtratlon upon tun abova nautad aatata having been, gran tad to th- un dorelgned, ail poraoas having chums or tie inunns again the laid aatata win present tnein or payment, and tboaa lndabtad thereto w ill please make Inittiedlnte payment to II AH v t MAN NESS, Administratrix. Bovunton, re Wiii Ma. Warrmkn A Kmi i'. Attorneys U 'ANTED A VOl'NU LAD WISHES to road to udy or gentlemen a faw hur seoa day. Add ram ii. eere ot Trlbnua office U'ANiF.O Slil'ATIuS as rc Vi It M A N or garduer Adduae II. Am TrtbtHie oftt'V. UY A VOl'kll MAN IN 1HY OOOOS OK O grocer store, or some bttsutoss a bara ba conld won up. Somo asparianca. lood rotrr in w ill word clicp. Aildi-e 1' ' t'ox T'J. Motitriw. Pa. Agents Wjnted. U' ANTED A saI.KSMan. 5.1 10 si weekly van bo ntnda Wltbour uvioil lu any locality, win prove :t or fortali IIOU pilar ot conmlailoa aa yon prafac Tnara inlta ' a few Uoiir-' work ottt-u atttah a warkia araaas, Addraaa "MANt'PAOTVR a,Ks. P O. Box Mti. lloatou. Mm. ANTED man WITH UFE AND FIKE iuutauoe eipoi i.mi. . a t'r.o' OOU 111 III '!U Mill t.' U.'i it H 1 1 bUlkUnf, AND lilKLS WHO LUOIlev wtleti OUl 01 I ,i Wart ar.-iA .a. . rula uitti' Addraal pDi:auVptna. Pa. U-AN ru Boys W!4ll to it'aki' askoal aud i aiue i.d e wiL tel. wu ha . t.o utviwv watitail P. 8TAVNU ProvldtOCH R. 1 U" ANTED TWO VOl'SO MEN ob' OUOD aiiJrwa to vail ou tniaineat hotuea Steiiy amnio uieut tor tfov uieu. Apply National CLEAN1 Tow EL COUP ANi, ArcauV building. Help Wjnted female '1KI. WANTED OIMEBAL BOUSE t I work. W youiiu avenue FINANCIAL ANI CUMMtlUilAL stroicH and Bondi New YtittK. Feb. SO.oTrananetloni m tb" Stock axonnnga lodny wara only 108, 000 ibaraa, nud lha nat i bangaa lau tbaa a pomt. ThaAauUtgwaj nollmportnni in volunaaud w iieu thu ordera imd baau ex baoatad tim room tfailara bagan to buy u little hugnr. Ubioago Una ami Lnoka iv mi mi. in tin. enw of tba Inil nanad tba bnjrlng und kdTnno ol IK wan aaorlbad to tin1 election ot nVandaiblll rapmaantn tiou to tba baardof dlraoiora. Tnatuarkal tboo bpoana exoraiTly dull nnd rulad ound wfU Into tba attarnoon. . rally in win at put h little mora life ml" tba tni k market and prioaa movad upj to il. Tba Drnngan ver iha Ural to (eei iba mi pioVetlteut. St. Paul roao to ."i . Bills llngton Id N't. Kovk 1-laud to IKtW ami Noithweat to 10, ,. l'ue rin in tliese locks km to covwrlug in tin toduttrinli I'be geuer.il market closed tlrui I'lie toll 'Wiug oomplata table atiuwiu.: IIih dayaflaotuatloua in active stocks ia supplied ami revised daily by LaBaT A Fuller, atock broker. 121 Wyouilug aveuue: OpaB' lluli Low Clua- lug. est. oat. lug. Am. l ot. Oil Am Sugar A T SS. K , Can. So. Ceu. N. J Cble. A N. W C B. A g Cbic. Olas O.. C., 0, A St. L. . rot. Uoak.Vai j T ti it ;xm ro- lien'.. BBNT APK1L : PRE ROOMS N''A' A oecup d by the Telephone Exchange. MS Lackawanna avauue Appiv at the uttlce of Lehieb Salt MtalnaCo.. Ttnrd National Bank baildiug L S. and E C. Fuller. LH)B KENT HOUSE t ' n YOH(XU AYE F uue from April ; Eleven rooms, all the nivU.ru linpri t.tuen a, ieu; Sell per mouth Vut.lv to F H CLEMONtK C9 Lackawanna avaana l V'8 KEN l" STOHE LI LACKAWANNA r aTenue by Apr. I. I. Enquire of Henry Pray, il Lackawanna ateuue or at the ireuiiee. 1-oK KiN 1' IN bl'rtK BUILDINO. WASH r iugtou avaana, a few desirable offices and tl:a Kant very reaaoaabta Ito desirable par. ties. Cau be aaan by apply m- tu janitor la batldtng For Mm. apply to CHARLBS A blttK. I KoTtk alaiu aveuue. L"oR REN I' A LA BUM HTl I RE ROOM AT A -B Sprues street. lun are at ill Wyom aveuue L)K RENT -THREE KOoMS.t IlOnT ON JT secunil door, ovar N A Hulbert'4 maatc store. Ul Wyoming avnt. from April 1. la B,nia in the store. r-ijR BBNT rWO-STORY BrilcK DWEL x ling touae: ajudatn 'tupr'.wnieuts. Jl.'i r rastesnrt Apply to atAUBICE COLLINS, tir.t. 71 West Lacaw a:.:. a iv ill.. LET roR A TERM OF U.lKa-- Pet .ip all nf rhm. hnn.ifw.t fa-f ..l vrti m along raiir wia.1. A;Uf at IHSVrankUa avsajsm 'ro RENT-STORE ttx OR Ft'RNISHEt) 1 hail on Green Ridgn street. Very desira Die location and on reaaouable terms. Apply to F E. NETTLETO.V urC S. WuoDRLff. Hpnblican building For Sale L'oR SALE -A PLATFORM Sl'RlNU JT agon. and auu.e for sale or rent. Id quire of R F. St'M ilE.tBELL, Moaoowr. Pa l. 11 I).. L. A W D.BCf Erie O. E. Co Lake Shore. L A N Manhattan Miss. Pac Nat. Lead N. Y . N. E.... ' N. Y. Central... N. Y..O.AW... N Y..S. A Vi.. U.S. C, Co Kortb Pac North Fac. pf... Omaha Pac. Mali Readout Rock IslauJ B T St. Paul , l.C. Al Faui A Pac Union Fac Walauu, pf W. L'uton W.iLl W A L. E. if..., . vmi . tvH . Ml ,im! . t2 .i.'j . m . w . in! S'.s, 0.'a 6tn4 iv ... ... it ... svi, ... I ... i'4 est. TVa m JO llaVa i -4 IMM -'iVll ItiVa Jut, Wot -."a iiu i'-s ljl ah! irfj H eo4 Wo II I Ith, 14 m l Oh M IU)4 iii I. vl, in UM I A. I I, 1 -'! "s wi ITS niu I6K cm. II his ii'4 NNj l'.s 4M4 .v IJ4U lf.'U w 1. 161a 1.1 , ii" HT? II l4 ITd B I 4 n li'l) IV lU WU i-'s Chicago Oram and Provision i. T OELIVERED IN s RAN' r..a lniir.re of W H. HLFFuRO, Claras sum ICE FUR SALE J ton at Doc. nr SMITH or M H. m : . i. I.'uK -ALE .A'.RK FARM. PyCix r and utenstla J M. SHEFFIELD. b Konr ave. L'oF. SALE nR BXCBAKOB FOR.- BAN A ton property A taarinrf orange grovs increasing in production and value yearly in the orange section lu tlorlda Addres F. E. NETTLETON. Lata Helen. FiorMa Soeeia Noticci. si nan co Fen il, i.wi. 'THE ' N'.Vt'AL MEETI.V'i OF THE i -t iCkh.jtders of th IacaiAnna Iron and steel compsny for the Station "! ol re"tor and trsn-a-tion of such '.t i -r btaslnsM aa rosy properly ro'n bafotf tbs meetin will ba b-id at the office of trie c ,m panv in th.itv ..f S'Tanton. Pennsylvania, on W-d-aesday, Marcti 7, Istit at I o'clock p. at. Tne p. its ul remain open for noa boat. The tr..i.sVrliooka will l.-i closed on Feb .'i UU tbd re uperi c.i Mar' h n IM J. P HIOUINSON. S . retai y LA.NK bonKs PAMHHI.Krs Maoa II zines. etc . bonad or PabfliUM at Thb r k i SL'n office Quick work Beaaonable prices I KAHTOBi F"b tlous are Supplied a Bar A Mi.ler. stoca nue. WHEAT Opening Higneat Lowest .'losing , CORN. opening Hia-hcst i.owaet Cloefng OATS. Opening Highest Lowest CI alng PORK Opening High'jat t.OWelt Closing LARD. Opeming Highest Loweat Closing SHORT RIBS. Opening Highest Loweat Cioalng -Tie follow ol i uuola ud correcte.1 daily by Ls nroaSrStiZl yo;uiu eve- Feb. v. i:l ;m t Ml! ol m I.'IU inn r:iu 1X17 " iii i ii , am em JI.lV 5-1, Wa, Si tn' i MM MM m au nu Mi ISU lilill lul ii: 7JI t. 1 7lo 7.-J ta M ev.'i July w MM n ti-.'X KH Mia D7, as MM -s-j 1'li I'Hli an flrmer. No. 2, 4254c. ., attost options advance, closed strong: February. 4T-,.: May, tSjc; duly, MEAL TI( K-KTS CAM BB HAD T 111 corner Sprm m stre'. and Franklin sv ntM Twenty meal ttanYttS for $ii.Vi (lie,,) table boar I (iti iatata L'OK sale IINGLB HOL'SaV, 90S QUTNCT A avenue: vary OsaiinMs location. Anply O f. REYNoLLS, or WH.LARO. WaKKF'. A FN' A PP. 2,tWILL BL'Y MoOF.RN NEW l-BOUii O r.Ouse. h11 improvements. V-rnis easy; cor Ler Mad. son avenue nod U-u waie stresit An p v IIARKY LKBI tVl.etti will BL'Y VBBY DEBIRABLK LOT f. orner MadUon svanus and Uvmwan stieet Terms easy Apply HARRY LCBrV i obi.-. Sale. A U M I N Is I BATOR 1 KALE "I It La I. Eh an tat By v irtueof aaofdai oftkaOrpnani (ourtof Lu' ka wanna oonaty to me directed. I will on Saturday the tenth day of Mar h. 11. at lu o'clock in ti a forenoon, at tb ' A i lil nation Room. Court House, ( Ity of sorant m. expose to public sale Bta r"l lata ta of the estate of Lr. U A Cole, deceased, sltuat-, ly Ing and Oeing in the Township of MndlsOfl ( ouuty of Lackawanna and State of p.n(isyl vrnla. the tlrst piece Uoundsd and flaatll Ibid Ha follows, to wit U'giniiiiig at a I rner mad 4 for Thoinui Waltrus, on ubll road leaning from the cor nets near Lousu of Milt 111 Clark, deceaeed. to the Hornbakera' settlement thence south HI ty degrees east along the linn of sildWal tmi ten and one-half lods to corner made for said Waltrus and Humbaker. tbsnsa suntli forty decrees wi st, along said Hornbakei s bind four lods to stone corner them o north lllty degree west tun and one half rods to said public road: thence north forty degreeaeast along said load fxurrodsto the place of bs tinning; containing eighty-two loda of land, e the same more or loss, all cleared, with in unfinished frame house and outhouse thnreoti. The isoond place tneieof bonndsd and de a ilbod its follows, to wit; Beginning at the south corner of lot known :i theptraonage lot. corner made In tlie ditch ot road ; thence along parsonage lot north fifty decrees west twi-uty-nliie rods ton stone feic-u and lane of Jolm Evans; then along said fence south forty degreee west ten rods to lot of A, B( 'iliuuton ; thuiico alotiir said Ciimptou lotSOUtb fifty degrees east twenty nine roils to ditcli of aloresuld road i thence along said dflch north forty degree, east ten rods to plana o' begin ultig: containing one acreand one hundred and tblrty perches of land, more or leae ail unproved with one frame dwelling house and frame barn and outhouses tbereou. T aTUM or sAi.ii Twenty the percent, on eui h piece paid down. Twaaty-flve rer cent, cm final confirmation of sale and delivery of deed uud tbu linlanciu nil!. in nil inonthn from day of sale, to bo seouied by a bond and raoruuge upon the premises ivlth Interest from the confirmation f tale va.W WATSON, JANSON COLE, Attoruey for Estute Admlnlitrator Scrautou, Pa.. Feb I, isvs. New York Produce Mai kit. Nrw York. Feb. U FLoon-More active, s'eadler. Wheat Dulli firmer with options: No. J ret1, store ami elevator, 6ta0S)f , adont. !3;'n3sjc . f. o. b., 6lb4a. ; No. 1 Qortoern, Ba-gaSSjc-. ; options were active tad biguer; N'o - red, February, BIMr.; March, KtC.i May, tHKc.i duly, BUXcs August, tirjc , sientemner, ti" .c. Oeceir. ber, UK CO Dull, elevator; 43", ac, and MMi . . March, I iaT.s More actva, flrmer; options, ln 11. jinKa. uigbor, February, :ic; Marco, 'V ic: May, .M't:. ; No. 'J white. May, li'c. ; spot prices, No. '4, -fiHc. No. 'i white, ."i!r.: No. a L'bleago, - 4 No. 8, B8Ve.l No. I white, tn ; tnlxed wesitrD, Msfci white do, Hta sJlK-: whites tate. IKallHe. tiritK QMtt, steady, family, IIU1S; ci trn tr." , fas 50, Hfcr.K llayts litill. 1 tf MlATS-fiilel. steady. I.aiifi iuit , firmer Waatsm IteeMn, IX i 1 ; city, 1c . ; February, 17.90; Marco, VT.'.'i; Mm , BT.rSfJ: reflnwl. quiet, firm; run tinenf, I.B)j Boatll AmeriCR, 18,70) com pound, riVa otic POM Finn- mess, II.'I .Vial l.'Ki, Bourn Moderate demand; fiini r fteib steady; state (lair f, I.Vsiftc. ; do crenmery, 1 Ta'allc : Pennaylvariia do, I7ed western I dairy I Ha 1 7c do creamery ,17s3i c, , rolls, I IrICiC. elglns ETC. t HKitsK Frm, fair d"iiint,d tBOg 'Ppltj lower. Ice house, peTCntS, tl 501 '11; western fresh, 17 ,r; louthern, l'la 17' in. an. Philadelphia 'I allow Atarkat. pHii.alin.iiiia. Feb ;o. Tallow wns dull and unchanged. Prices wer Prime c ity, In hogsheads, 4)fa4Jgt, prime coun try. In hogsheads, sM0, 00, dark. In bofSi bends, 0, . cakes, Sc. . Krease, 4'.'-. A Uuarter Lentury Test For 11 ipiai ter of ti century Or King's (taw DUuovnyy bni btM tested, ami im millions who have received benefit frcim Ita use testify to Its wonderful MMtlfl 1 .,.'. i- In nil diseases of 'I hroat.f Imsl iiml Luiigi A remedy that has stood the test so long and that has given so UptftrMU satisfaction Is 110 experitnetit. Facb bOttM is positively gnurniileed to give tellef, or the money ivlll lie refunded. It is admitted to be the most reliable for t oughs and Colds. Trial bottles Free lit Matthew Pro s. Orug Store. Largs size V)c. and EL 00, ' s "" Ksrslv a Miitgeallon It'iiiAonyfofi Stat. "These isllways,' said tint actor, laid, 'Would greatly help our art, If they would only put tbuli ties Nut quitu so far spurt.'' - s M. L. Hi mi-. sldBrniui, Fifth wind Scran ton. Pa , stated Nov. 9. IHUH: He hail used Dr. Thomas' F.clectl ic Oil furapnilup, bums, cuts, bruises and rheiimitlism. Cured every tlmo. as When Ilaby was sick, we gave her C'aitorls. When she was a Child, she cried for 'astorla. Wheal Big les-ame Miss, she clung to Csstorla. When she hud Children, she gavu them Caslorta, GENERAL NEWS OP INDUSTRIES Th Coke DNl Willi Hi; Valley Will Nil Cstlge Coal Pen'3uiai!e. THE OLD ALLOTMENT WILL REMAIN It Is InllmaUd by Soinu Authorities ThnJ. il Any OhtngO II to Occur, in This Respect, It Will He in (he Di rection of an Increased Allotment to Iha Lthlgh Valloy Various Phases Of the Industrial Situation as lined, Reviewed. Tba Philadelphia BtookttoMw iloes not lielieve tliut the recant dtkl ha tweeu Coxa UroH gad tha Lshlgh N'al ley will lead to an ad justment of uu- tbraclta ooal paroaotagai, Thaatata- lUSOt that there will ha us a omiso qaeoea of the deal is looffsdathymany mambars of tba tra ! Oost Broa. and Co for tWO veats have had 11 separate alltdmant by virtne of ownarabip In the Dslawara, SasiiuabaDtta hih! bchnyiklll railroad, 11 il l-mllt lius Thay (ought for years to gat thu allotmaot, and it ivaa only ., .: I to tlisin niter they proved that a recognition wae nec essary Tor the harmony of the trade If Coga Broa were entitled to n separate allotment w hile shipping coal over the various rallroada, they" are csrtaioly sntiilad to similar allottttant uow that they haul their own coal ovar the lius of tntaa railroads. Again the Le high Valley'a output, which lu istn was 17 8 per cent, and in 1HU,' to U 68 per cant., and in 1898 to 13 dtl per cent. If any change is made in the output of the Lehigh Valley these tigurca would seetu to Indicate that tt would ba au increase instead of a decrease N York, Feb. :o. Tba annual rr port of th Dalaware and Hndaon Ca nal company has just been issusd. President cilyphant ssys: "The coal trade has been au sxceptiou to tbe gen eral depression that has characterized the industries of tha country during the year is. 1,1. and more coal has been uiiued than during any previous year in the anthracite history, while prices, thougli not high, have been fairly maintained ' Tha total output waa43,U60,330 tons, lit this amount the company produced 4,467,840 tons, and tratisporied for others 1,710,310 tous. making a total of ti, I77,tii!i tons. Tba amount of anthracite coal carried over the leased Hues ugjaiu records a gratifying gain, but the unprecedented dullness in noli ial trade and the en forced iilleuess in tho iron indiisfry along !.ik-.i Cbamplain during almost tho entire year, have so diminished the rsceipts from those sources that the net results permit your wanaijers to report a credit to the profit and loss account of only 1 1,414, M compared with 1827,810 for 1891 " A ipeolal from Chicago guys- Most of C'lilcairo's soft cortl coinfs from llli noif, Indiana, dhio and Heuusylvatiia. Recently attention has been drawn to the coal fields of Kentucky, the claim being made that there are coal fields in Kentucky which produce 11 better xrade of coal than the Ohio and Penn sylvania coal. Hitherto little of this Kentucky coal has come to Chicago, although it Is no further frotu the mar ket thau the bulk of the Ohio and Pennsylvania product. The Louisville and Nashville and Louisville and New Albany railroads are making uu fef fort to bring tbu Kentucky coal into Chicago and points north and west of Chisago to compete with the Pennsylvania and Ohio coals. To in vestigate the claim made by the Ken tucky mine nwnrs a parly of coal dealers from Chicago, Milwaukee, Miti neapolla and St. Paul left last week for Wbllkty county, Ky. The party il in charge of H Lee Prance representing the mine owneri Among the firms represented In the pat ty are: CblCdgO, Spalding. Mitchell ft Co., LVill Coal company, Newell & Co , Lincoln Fuel company, Ollaoo & Nichols, Delawari and Hudson CiimI cotnpativ A. li Johnson & C).. II W Finch & Co., H It Turner dc Co.. L K Overman A' Co., W. W Jackson ft Co ami lilotoiiford, Lonck & Co ; Pioneer Foil company, 8t. Psni ; Penoiyleania C m! coBtoanw New York and Chicago , 1! Crv cV: Co , and ) W Howell &' t.'o. of Milwaukee. The Whitney soft curl syndicate is booming, notwithstanding the fact that it hasn't gut its free coal clause through yet, PrtlldeOt Whltnev, brother of the ei -secretary, In his ro pirt to the syndic-it directnrs, to Deo 31, 1898, gives the following facta Sbmpany waa organli id Feb, 15, isdu and has milled 884 11 1 is tons of coal, v elusive of the Victoria mine output. Coal shipments increased over prs ceding y.-ar 90,000 tons pro. spects for current year are good. Two hundred thousand dollars has hten upended on tho rail loud to LiOUilbnrg, which is etpectsd tu be flilltbed this year. 160,000 has ben sp'nt on plant and luuuug ma chin, ry. and kbOUt $100,000 for tugs and bargee Tne Bioal year of lhacoia pany is to be obanged so as to begin March i, with annual mealing in Jane, Treasurer's report shows that 884,010 Inns of coal were sold for 1,189 199, With a net profit of 1981,068 With the profit 00 transportation, the net earn ings were 884,481 Kxpeudltures for machinery mid Id per cut on pqiiip iniints were written ofT, leaving a net profit Of 8946 fOO, from which interest, sinking fund and preferred Itock cllvi deride were paid, ami a halanne of 6l, 1177 carried forward. Meson Iniu ItTMAti N'oTkia Bhlpmonte of tha Pooabootai pool over the Norfolk and Western railroad for the week ended Feb 10 iucreasel 10,841 tons. What Is thought to Im a rich Vein of lit ver ore has I h'ii discovered on Jacob (Ii umbitie's land neat Lebanon The lllllflde Coal and Iron company have begun sinking a slope Hi their Mooslt mine to the Stat K vein, a distance of 4011 feet, and pitching Hf degrees tu the foot. It isespei ted that It will Im completed by June I. The Sheridan Iron faraeoe property at .Sheridan, ownml by Wilhnni l KaUrBIBI & I'll., his been transferred to thu Hherl dn Ii on c oiiipsiiy for lluii The nulla of llowbuid Croft, Ho lis X Oo,, of Camden, stsrted up with lino hands, which is about one thud the usual foroo. BAD MtAU 101 causes much sii-kuess nud bad blood and Improper action of the i and kidneys Is bad dralnaue to tin, human yetem, which Bnrttocli uioud mtiera rorAedy. jVl'SK' HALL, Sunday ai.1 Mondiy, Feb. 25 and 2(i. :t i.i.i 1 1 m.s a By J. E. BIMBBOM. Minday afturnouii '1 ' lock Sunday evening 7 iiu o'clock. Monday evening 7 UU o clock. Tickets, 50c. : good for three lectures For sale at Powell's. Blood should be rich to nourish. Depleted blood means a pale faco and Anieniia. Scott's Emulsion the oreain of Coil-liver Oil, enriehos the blood, restores a healthy color, cures Anaiinia and tones up the system. Physician, Hie world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Connolly & Wallace A FEW 1 11 NTS FROM OUR Department (rnjiuretl by St ot I J lb. N . A.I lliutfiflHla. BUSINESS AM) PROFESSIONAL Novelties and Fancies in great profusion daily ar riving. The Crow's l-ootaiul Shep. licrd Checks are new and decidedly pretty and neat. See them, Our stock now presents a remarkable offering that will meet with agvery ready sale: Ten pieces Scotch Heather Mixed Cheviots, I inches wide, 50c. per yard. W orth double. W t; are showing a reat bargain in Hudders field Bieget, 42 inches wide, at 75c. Nevec before sold un der $1. SOME BLACK GOODS SPECIALS. Several pieces o( Merino Guipure, formerly sold at ti, now 50c. Five pieces Hertford Cord, forty-eight inches wide, made to sell at $1.75 per yard. Our price now, 65c This is a great bargain. Our line of ENGLISH SERGES, 54 inches wide, is. without doubt, the greatest value ever shown in Scran ton. Three grades, $100 $1. 12' and $1.25. These m ust be seen to be appreciated I'HYMI I I Vs ami si iis.s nit 11 1:. iikan, Ulaaaaaauf tha Bye, Nos Tniuntaud liar, uoi Spruoe atreat, - cc' slta uourl iniu.se. I ki: a J, ccj.N m i. 1 oflive mi Waatungtoa k ' avenue, rornar Hpruea atraet. over Praueke'a drug atom Baatdenee. '.ia viuusi I'llli e lii. in 1 iQ.BJtoUa m. and I tul and IMB'tO ?,) D, III Huiiday, 9 to $ p III. lii: W I. Al.l.HN. dltliH cor Lank wanna mid Waeninaton nvm i over i.uou ardakoeatorfi ofttoa noura, lu to if a. m. and Jto 4 p in, eveliuias al lonldiince, 1,1'.' N Waabiugton avc. nice. I, FBBV, Praotioe iiunt.nl to ill aaeaa pf Ike Bye, Bar, Nose, and Tkreali offlae, l Wyoming are i -r. -. Ul Vine kfreal nit I. M OATBS. lln Waaliiugtuii Amum Hltlco liours, s to u a in , litntu J and ' ti I p.m. OHM 1. Wh.Ni.. M Ii. ortlcee W and al tl CsjaaUiettfreattn liuildlng: lesideuce 711 Jladlaoii .1 '!'... i. .i iJto li, I to I. T to, K. Huiulays ' HU to 4. evi'liiugs al lesideuce A spuclalty made of diseases of tlio eye, ear, nose and lliroal and KyueatoloKV. Pit. U 1 MUHHAY.speolalty mads on du eases of eye and skin. -1'.' Wyoming Ave I Mile. Ii.iiirs- Ifhtll In a in li to I and TtoJtt in- 4. 1 1 .11 1 IS A It St lll.KONs 171 BTtTBOB, Vi-u-iiimiv Surgeon, lien I J. tlstiy a S"icialty gold medalist of Oil. tario Vatortnnry college. Ontoa annrmars ilvary, Iflm Ills st.. noar Keller 's cai i lagu i. Yelapiioua No. 4IH CONNOLLY & WALLACE w ?H "E RAILROAD TIME TABLES, CENTRAL KAILKOAD OF N. J. FlimltlirP sua a a vis j Prices in February READ I. y y I us I M (' RANCH H I- ,r . 6oe, No Hi, Htifucj tit., npjioslto Forest Houhe, Bcranton, f'a, , collaotlona a fcn.cialty tlii'iiualiout I'uiiusyUuula, lullablu i i ; 1 i-uts in every county. I tfcWUfH HAM i. Attorneys and Connael I lots al Law, Couiiiioiiwuaitli tiulldin, Vi'usli.utdub ave. W. 11 JiaaUP, HoRAl L t HANn. W 11 Jl.SaL'H, JlL Ur1I,LARI. WAKRKN B KNAPP, Att n iieysand t'ounselorsat LaWi Heoublicau liulldtrnr. WasluiiKton ac Koran toa Pa, 1)ATTEB80N & WlLUuX, Attorney! and i-at Law; oOlcesU and 9 Library Luildiug. bcranton, 1'a HiiswKrr.lI rArraRdna. Willi im a. Wilcox. a lkbed h aku william j band, at- V t'lrnciys and Tourmallum, Coiuiuoiiyveuitli building Rooms It, :v and tl HKNKV Jl SEBLY Law ortl.es in lt publican bntldlng L'BANKT okkLL, Attorni y at Law. Ituom 1 j Coal Exchange Bcranton, ra L t HIGH AMU SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal need axcluslvely, Insuring DlvnullBvei and onrfort. timi. i , au in tun i i m. I nut Traill-, leave Kclaldnli fol PlttttOO WUkei liai re, etc , at s.ld, a.r,. 1 1 in u. , u tj .'i, 'J Jo, & on, 7 a, ii u;'. p ii, aundayi m a m, 1 ixj, r.OU, 7 10 n in rut Atlantli ity, in a. in. for New fork, Newark and Elizabeth, - lu lejoless' a.m. IS ail lexproM Willi lluflol parlor carl, aW lexpiets, p, in, undav. g.(W p. in. Kolt MAUdB ' III h. ALUKTOWM llliinx HkM. EAaTOM and I'll ii. in lii in a. - 10 a in I3.BQ, aVaO. inn (exuepl I'ltajudolpnlai ii in. .Sunday. '.' ii p. iu. For Lo.mj BiiAN' ii, in BAN (iHOva, etc, a. alUa. in., i3l.au p m, F..I Iteaduig Lul.anoii and Hamburg, via AUaotoWu, lu. in . IS.B, 5.00, o.a. Sundav I.U0 p. m Fur j'ottavlllr, 8 in a lu . ial p in Botnralng, leave New Vork. Tejt ot l.ibcity nnt. Burin n,er al (.IU ci-xprc-ssj a. UL, I. Ill, 1 .11, 4 .an I, ipro.s Willi Bullet parlor can P iu. Sunday, 180 a. in, Leave Philadelphia, licuuliic Ti-iiulnal 8,00 a. in . MO and 4 i p in Bttraay, i.tl a. u.. Tbrougb tickets iuall polnual lowest rates may lie hail on appltcatluu iuedwunetu the ticket agent at thj stntli.u. II F BALDWIN, . .. ... ,l'" PnSS Agent. .1. H Ul.llAI'SEN. Uen hupt. "P Vi.l'.V person who has had a izperienoe iu furniture buylug knows that bettveeu neason laagreal buraiii time of all the year ; Owiog to tin (feaboeaa ol out stocl; tbrotigbout, which only dates as far as ''Jo, we have no u-idesirable jrools to dinpose of. lot we have a few odds in HILTON W LOW BY, V II Vci STiiKi H Atfys, 'ZT, Wasluug ton av . ( II Miiaio AMEBW tiAKFiiltl). Attorney at La a I rooms St, 14 and 66, Ootnmonwaaltk b'l'g cj AM L' BL W. EDUAB, Attorney I i cirtice. in Bvruoast . tier an ton. Pa. I ut Law A WATBE8, Attorney ut Lasr, 41 Lackawanna aue. Si-rsntou. Pa I) P. SMITH. Couneellor at Law- Uflloa rooms of. 5e M Common waalth buililina' i it FITt'HEB, Attorney at Law, Com V . monwaaith bnflolng, Hnranton, i'a t . t u.MUllVS. if.'l Spruce st. nB. BX PL OGLE, Attorney- Loans iieso Bated on real aetata security. 40s Hpruue. i Kill. All, Attornev-at-Law, iai yyy l. omlngavlntia, Hcranton. HAVE VOL'lt DKKDs AND ttuBTOAOU wrlrten and acknowledged by J W. BBOWNINQ, Attorney and Notary Public, K Oymmonwaalth Huildiiu. JliHHlll VALLB RAILROAD Fta U, laM, Train leaves Bcranton ror Phiiadeipiua and New York via D. 4 B. B it ut I a.m . 12 lu. island 11.85 p. m via D.I. fcw. F. P. noo. 108,11 Wa in.. and 1.BI p. in. Luaye Bcranton for Pittston and Wilkei F.arre ,1a 11., L. W It R ii on, us. 1121 a. ul, Liu uu. Mxr,. i.in p, m, Leave Bcranton ror Wnlto Rnvan, Uaaletou, PottaWlie and all joints on tlm li.-aver .Meadow and PottSvlUS bram lies iia E fl W V . tilla.in., via D. & II. It It u: a in . 1J lu .'.'is. I It-ixm . via IL, I., jc W. It U , ti 110, us II .'JU a in., I 90, ll.il p.ui. Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem. Easton, Raadiag, H arris buri ami uli Intarinadlate points via D II. K. K . h in .U lo. 2 w II V, v in, via D, I. 4 W. h It ..'J tJ us. ll.U) a. in I W p iu , LanvaSerantoa forTankhanno -k, Towandt, Eliiiira. Itbaca. llunuca and nil intermedin., points via D. BB U K tii'7 a in. l: lu and II X, p. in. . ,1a D L. & W K Bol.es a.m.,lJDp m. Laava Bcranton for Rochester, Buffalo kgara Falla, Detroit, Chicago cud ail point "'at viaD a 11 R. It. IMC ii.iii.12 10,8 15 11 13 P.m., via 1) I, A W, K. R. nii.i Pittston Junction. 8 oa am,, l MM p. no . via 1' V R U . 8.41 p, in. For Elniira and the wont via Saltmine i. via p. .v. 11 k it 8.U3 a.m., 12 lu.ti.i.i p. in i u L. W R.R., .nONb in., 1 .lunmi B.07 i ::, Pullman jiai lor and sleeping or L. V. ,-hai c Sars on all trains between UBB Junntionni WilkeS Barn- and New York lh!::iil-ln:iia PiifTalo and suspension Rndge Ri iLLIM II WILBI7B, tletl Bapt. Fast Div I'HAS f, LKE Dsn. Pas. At't, Phlla.Pl A W NONNEMACBER.Ass't a t. Pas, yt I South KetliWIicm. Pa. PARLOR SUITS BROKEN SUITS ODD PIECES, ETC. Whic'd will be sold away bel jw manu facturers' cost lo those who reach the stora in tune to Lick them up. HILL & CONNELL Scranton, Pa. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING A -IMRT1.N' aCHOdl s DCBOOL OF THE LAt'KAW ANNA, Bnran O run. Pa . prsparas boys and ut i Is foi oullsgs or bualiiohs thuruiiKlily truiui voting children Cataloaue al ieiuest Bee Tmom ys m cas. W il li ii H Hi ki 1.. Mliss WORL'EBTEK'H KINDERGARTEN ami School, 412 Adams avenue I'upiN rrcelvad at all times Next term will open Jannarti 2u IMS I Is Is. i' LAOBACH, Mui'gSOII Dentist, No, 11 Wyoming ava H Mi - I HATTON, i'llli- rail I xchnnue rPBK I i Ial LOAM ItEI'FHLIt' Savings and Loan ASSO arrd pay you 1'ettor mi Investment than itnv ntiier association ('ail mi Bi N ('.-vllkn-PER, Dims Hank bttlldlna HOTEL AND REST A Pit ANTS 'I'llli WMTMINSTKR. H .1!' Wyoming I sve RooBIS heated With stesm all mod ei ii itnprovemsute V, M. Thohaii, Prop, y lEGLEB'fc) HOTEL, MR Igmkavranna svs- 1 line, Scrsiituii. Rates rensonable. p Bntohih, Proprietor U KsT.yii.Ns i Lit HOTEL W ri. BCBBBCK, Mmi.iger Hliti'futk st rest, rtia block east of Br "iidwray. at I'nloii Sipiare, New York. Amsrlrari plau, SifilOper iia, and upwaril soVNR UOL'BE. Europanii plant goon " iiHiius i Irani day- uud iiihIu. liar su plii.il wltu I list Vat I' II COYNE. Proprietor V-r ItA N'K N HOUSE, near I), L A M jtas is3 si nger dsnol i londuoted mi tic Ruropaan pisu. Vii ioii Kocii Proprlatoi i HAND CKNTII L. Hi" lsrgs ,, I nv t I , ipnipei hotel la Aiieir.ow u. Pi , i ifiji 2 slid V.' un per day N n i "ii i ' 11 y im ii, l'i "pi -let.ir. ' ic l . w i ii i v v iv utm 44 L '"N'' RAILROAD i mi. Hi. ; i s Slav 211. IV'-, : i a. iis w ill run us follows Trains leave Brme street station. Bcranton, for Puts I ... VI 1 1, 1, . . . ,w. m wMm 11 in'- Fol Ni-W . delpbla. I ilia. lit. I: In. . g) 2-ls. 4 Id ntid 1 1.30 p in For Honesdala from Delaware. Lackawanna nud west,. . depot 7 0.1. s. :ki. In lu .m , 12 ill in.. 2. 17, M0 p. in. For Uarhondale and Intermediate stations, .'.40. 7 (n. 1 U . lu in ii. rn . 12.011 in ,2 11, II 2 .', In. 1.20 and 1 15 ik m . from Bridge Street Depot, '.'.ul s. tu., 8,1'and il 8t p, m. Fsktexpnss to Alhau) Saratoga the tdl ri ndnck Bonntalna, Boston and New Buglaiiil points, Mo a m arriving a: Albany 12.1.. Baratoga 2 2u . , I(mi icav in? Bcraaton at :l P in. arriving at Albany at p nv.Bara toga. 12 Via. ill and B istou. ' DO a. m Tne only direct route batwean tha coal fields .-mil Huston "The l.iiulina Tourists' Route i.f America' t" the Adirondack Mountain f- sorte. Lakes George and Champlaln, Montt-nal. etc Time tables showing local and through wain service between station! mi :i!l di vlstous Dels ware and Hudson system, may 1 b telned a: all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices, ll r-i VOvNU, .1 v B.UBDICK, Beeond Vice Prestdehl tteui Pasa tgt, POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Miila, Ln BSms enmity Pa., and al WU" uiington. Dataware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. tletieral Agent for the Wjuinlug District. I III Wyoming Aw., Scran'.on Pa r. lord National liank Huilding. lakirotca THOS FORD, llttston. Pa , .'i'UN H SMITH SUN: P.vtnouth la. hi W MULLIGAN, Wilkes. ii; re. Pa Agents for the Repanuu i.'.eiiiical Cotn i n.y s High Eaploslvaa N. A. HULBERT S City Music Store, - VI YOJIINO AVK. SCRAN TO.'. 'J lie new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. T 1 in ll-io Ua4 4 IS I lie UIJSsL one yet made public. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. W Ea.8UAY, 1 Lii 2L Return Li.ga,-eujeLt ..f I'Larie, FroatBaa's Company in OSCAB WILDEtl PLAV. Lady Windermere's Fan , '.' i t ; '"'..;, i- auueeth take need let: he fail (iaie opttr-s Bundaj. ACADEMY OK MUSIC. I 111 ll'WI I I B. : HOYTS A TEXAS M Hraasntee j,j r. TLB ML'iilHVaiid nrigiiial Companj, direct tioui HovfV idaill,,.i: Suy.e Thaatrc, . V. Sale opens Tuesday . ACADEMY OF MUSIC., Frida, and Ssturdav. Feb. and 24 Special Batinae saturda. at 2.3C r ladies anc children. Prices, :i. ."' : asats HANDS ACROSS the SE A W ith th, cmli and inc. t a eotnSia :a dading Un- clever - havacter .-tV, IIOBI BI r A I i 11 ii s of this oil; . W ri -teni.it, .... -. ilrint scaaaa O JjJj The grand ah secw rt ! f.rg race :r c. '.-oi-ean. B8PBC1 ILLY TlNclAiiRU Scji. ainima' Colomciar Cadeta v. i pi :. w sdnsaday AND I) A It I II I I I I Is avis a HUUPT, Arckitects Itooms 21, B) ami '51 1 siflimonwaalth Id'a Beranten j,' L WALTER, Architect, Library bnlluV I is iiur W'y-i.inliie aenu Bcranton I' I.. BROWN. Anh It Andiltect. Price I buildluu. I:M W nsliiiiatou Ave.,Si rautiin. lyilsr 1 1 LANKOI s HiiHTiiN U sWaIPIS Wllnl F.SAI.B lumber, S and V luma Rank building, Bcranton, l a I I 1 1 A III I Kll IIRfjTIIF.RH, PRINTKRS' IVI auppllss, envelopes, paper baas, twins. Warehouse, 130 Washington aye, Hunntoii, Pa nufjfK'M l.i V KH Y. 1581 ftpouas avaana i ntstciss. earrlaaes i I. rOOTE, Agl ninaM Director and Bmlislmi r i ; K P. BBOWN A rn. WHOLE I ..ii.- di-iili, i s lii W (ware, Cxifdggg and mil r. .'2ii w. Laoknwnana aveaae H Al l U u OROttkafBA ktUBlU POR bulla picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and c eit Work furnished Foi terms sildisMs It J. Ilauer. eondaetar, hi Wyoming vs.. over Itulbert'H music store tEBA FINN ; HUNS, builders and nstts I . tors. Yards t'oi uiir Olive st. and adapts ate : cyi ner Ash st. and Penn aye , Hcialiton, 1 1 1 .' a Sim os. (' It I'l.ARK 4 CO., Si.cKtstuen, Florlsti u. and Nurserymen: store I pi Washlriutiui SVsnnai green bouse, IU5U Nurtli Main avuuiie; slote teli'pliune 788, , TRAk. UUAM' t.'NION 'I'KA tic l.. .Ion,.. 11,,,. tvuin KI ItKI Nv JOS KL'KTTKL, 5i5 I.aigawauua ayeiius, bcrauton, Pa , mauuf r uf Wire Screens. , I 1 AW V HI I uklH S V : 1 WEHTERil It A I IJti i.M i Trains leave Bcranton as follow s.- Exprsas ro:- New Vo!k iiml all points East I HI 2. ill, .. 'Ou and I" 50 a in . II Viand -I BO p, in Egnrsas for Easton, Trsnton, Philadelphia I and the Bontk, u too ami "Ma m. I uud Q VI i m Washington an I wav stations, 2.10 p ru Tohyhanna aeitommodatiotti in p. m. Ekpr al foi iiingiiaiut.il,, Oswego. Bltnifa. I'n riiiiig-. Bath, Uanavdlu, Mount atorrbi and llulTiilii, !'.' hi, S 15 ii. tn. and 1 1H p. m making I I lose eejieei in ns st Bunale to nil points In ins Wi-i northwesl and skintkwsat, Bnifalo m'coiiii'i.siatioii. ii. i, i a. in Blnabatntoa and waj stations, : ; p ui NIcTinlstin ami w av state. ns ; r , m. Hingiiaiuiini and Blmlra Biprase, B05 p in, Kipress for Piirtland, Byiaciave, Oswego, Utloaand BleofleM S rlaga, 2 15 a m, and i '.n p in lllises. i it and u,i a in ami 1 M p in Km NnrthumlMrland,Plttsttm,Wdlkes Barre, Plymouth, Ri isbttri ami iianwiic. making nhN eonnsotlooi at Nerahumbarland i -i wllllauunort, Harriaburg, Baltimore Wash Ingteii and the Bouth. Nurthumbsrland and Intermediate mm ions. tit'. - s iu Hint 1 I UH7 p m Naiiitcke md Intsrmsdule statloa i thj and II. 2U u in Ply nioiith and iit-. i inidhit stations. 8.51 and 8,81 1. in Pullman parlor and sleeping coachaa on all eipriss rraliix I rn detailed liiforninllnii pikei Urn t o l--. el. . pg to Mi i. Smith, bltj UoketoBtue, .l'i i.ac:aawanna avanus, or depot itekei ofitora STl 1WV V X- S,ti III c KI It MHDlllKILB A h'tAMI'll .V i'i k HI I 1.1 A I - VI I It PIANOS at 'MR .BttTfl t.Ck (ll -t 0'aJ ORGANS UU81CAI !UKItCHANDIBl4 Ul Sill, I.IC. I'll'. NEW YORK 0NTAB1O AMD WESTERN Railroad. Scrantmi Division. Timetable in sffscl Nov in. 189a. Train wave Bcraaton for r'si bondaie- (L50, KtW, 11.05 a in., 4 oU. il lii p iii I'm flaaoook Jnnotloo and main oonnectloni II 05 a in . 0 In p. m 'Trains leave llsucoek Junction for main line oennaetlon fur Borantoa 80D a.m.,a0S V Ui. Trklaa leave (laroondala for Bcraaton "i li l'i a.m., I Id, 11.114, tl II p in, .1. C. ANDEBBON, General Passenger Aiceut, New turk. T. PUTCBOFT, Dlatrict Passenger Agent. BoVanlon, JJATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AM UEALBH8 IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS Waal MONO W I kr ii GREAT DOUBLE BILL HARRY TlioSI As SERIO-COaOC; Pant omime, "Kntife'. ROBERT MACAIRE." Ami the BterltBI l omedy, Tag ,s - r assays s, jar la,y KsfWliUUk A daaallj B the En tire Coe pany. ADMIBBlOX, ii .'i a no MCBBTa oiera cbatiscan bereaeived, bt nnsnnet uen f. '.. .-Mill, truni ' i to atA ta she Ter.rag's entePtatumaaL Perforsaaaceaavary sfrartyooa except Mcndayi and Thursday si and ever evening at 8,14 Doon open at Ll and . .-Xs Nrv s ;, I,, i , j rss V' 1 I I I II l - PBII ANH WYOMIMQ IV ItHAll VALLEY RlAIL Irani leave Si ianton for New Vork and In- I teim.-diato points on tin. Ki lo railroad) at u iij I a. in and iU'1 p. in. Also for llawley and I local points at S 85,1.15 and hMp.sa, 1 ram leaving at t Is a in and 381 p.m. are thruugb t talus to and from lloiieedulu Trains leave for Wilkes barre at I 4J a. lu and 8 41 p. m. ttlantle l i a. I i,iol I i-eucli Inc. Puie Lin scad ml, TurBentlne ,ud I'Araistias Itcady-iiil.ed Paints in all cutors. Gliders' yVklMng i Paris ty Iiu - and u J Oil1 I trot, .Marble Oust stud tt iudow Olatt DON'T FORGET - That w are headquarters for everything in IheUnaol tt.tnMi.s If you kpye any Idea oi j-orcbas;.,:ti..v kti.ci "' ;. Wat.!., lady'sor gent i. '"old oi stive., you will aMkea attav uua mistake It you 'a at glre " nil and get "-..r prices, irkyfr h )ou ,r.!i S.n,l far below all .-si i'-. rspi --ii!!, in a. I t- sracsu of Bigii Walthate aim Bam penn lagrveatetita I- sou have aay Aentta and steal 1.11 pcatad I on pi Ices gIVe Use call and we will hsva no trouble 10 OOevlUClng you Wcatlilbaveaiara Stock tetUsposo of. and Will olfor VOM won derinl Inducements tn Jewelry, BRvorwnrn, I Clocks uu I al! i-tliei goods whi ill v a have iu stca-k .. C. W. Freeman Dft MM A seas ain.l DtKM Masks t in.! aA V V ABatU l1 ' tlVv s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers