Remembering the fact that it wasau "oft " election, Mr. Grow's victory is a doubly notable triumph. fflmtmt 3gSg$&. Wxhxmt By j list about this plurality, or possibly a few thousand more, will he next fall beeoiuu ( lovernor HaHtiu"H. EIGHT PAGES-56 COLUMNS. SCRAN TON. PA., W HUNKS DAY MORNING, IKIiRUARY 21, 181M. AID r Ira luJ Uj Lra IE SCRANTON fit mm wm TWO CENTS A COPY. LI TO THE MUNIC PA P IkP K8TEP GLENWOOD SAGE GETS GREATEST T mm His Plurality Threatens to Over step One Hundred and Fifty Thousand, REPUBLICAN GAINS GF iSRAL Imi County Adds to the YoluaiJ ot the People's Triumph. THAT BATTLE OF THE BALLOTS Like a Tidal Wave the Indignation of Pennsylvania's Threatened Wage- Earners Beats Down the Barriers Of Political Precedent, and In an Un usual Election Sdts a New Pace tor the Progressive Republicans ot Our Time Philadelphia Leads the Way, with a Plurality tor Grow Close to Sixty Thousand, and Old Allegheny Follows Behind with Thirty Thous and to Her Credit OtHdr Details of the Glorious Victory. 130,000. A tidal ware. Tu greatest uprising of the people ever recorded in the Keystone coin ui'in wealth. Even the extraordinary plurality of last fell ie eclipsed by th m Jtnter vote c;ist st en off spring election, with notbiug to bring the people to the polls except their distaste of the D-mo clitic "change " and their contempt for democratic perform ince! Ji Allegheny rolls up a plurality 7,00 better than the one she gave Jackson, and with the emphasis of her 30,000 preponderant', pronounces for the vigorous youn ; vet-r in from Glen wood, anil against the throne-mending, t:ir! srntlmg irovr Clivland De mocracy. And Philadelphia, true to her loyal faith, give Commodore Slngrly the snjgestive ritniuder of a 80,000 Republican plurality, which may get even bigger before this sen tence is put in type' From every nook, crookj and corner ol the banner Kapnbucan state com-; fhis one grand chorus of protest against the degredation of American tabor, the sacrifice of American industry and the ruination of our once prosperous peo ple. It is literally an avalanch of civic indignation, a cyclone of em phatic disapproval Such an ovation has never before attended a Republican candidacy in this state. It seta a new pace to the r unite 1 and harmonious Republicanism of Pennsylvania, and offfrs freen hope to friends of protec tion throughout the (Tatted .States. PLURALITIES BV COt.NTIES. ralUyof 140,879. The 81 counties lo hear from will carry the plurality lu rood All ol th( HO wards of Philadelphia but ino, the third, which le riretty evenly divided, giv-i Grow 59,888 plu rality. Return from ft'iv sight sonatina, Including Philadelphia and Aileghenv, show plurality for llrow of 148,980. Ths remaining oountisi Beaver, Hut lcr. Clarion, ETorsst, Oreanai Indi um, Jefferson, Lawrence and Northuubsr land will increase this plurality to over I. "id. 000. The total vote of Philadelphia city for congrsstttaustlargs la; Grow (Hep ), 117,980: Hancock (D.), 88,849; Msrkley (P. IX.918; Morrow (Pro), 700; Lopier, (Pop,), '.'03 Urow's pin raiity, 88,940 GROW CARRItS LUZERNE. He Ha, Niu Hundred and It Ie Still Growing-. W ILK IS EURRB, Pa,, Keb 30 Lu z.'rne comity will give Grow 1)00 plural Ity, The returns are coming in slow, f-ome district the vote was very heavy. The Democratic vote throughout the county was exceptionally lignt Grow will carry tnis itv by at least 300 ma jority, Edward Ifachln, Democrat, and W 1' Smyth. Republican, were re eleoted school directors. Charles J. lliuer. Democrat, was elected high constable. H irry Moouey, Democrat, is re-elected cilr auditor, Tne couucilmen elect 1 were as follows; Geueral William H UcCartoey, Republican; J. Gross Mayor, Dentoorat; Daniel A. Fell. li paUiean; C Reilly, Democrat, and tra M. Kirlten lam, Damoorat, Hou. J. Kidgeway Wright, Democrat, was elected couucilman-at-large- OUGGAN PULLS THROUGH. elss is close. I vole. Oabom bents Voight by POTTSVIILE PKOUOLY REDEEMED. Maalou R. Nlcliot, Reriuhllean, Is Eleo'ml Chi .r BiruM. Po'rrswi.i.K.l'eb. 90. In the borough Hablon K Nichols, Etenubllosn, is ileoted chief bnrgaai by 400 majority over .lere Bsitalugsr, Ottilias' caudi dite All the rest of the borough govern ment is Republican. SCATTERING BOKUUUH RESULTS. Altoonn Kemib i in-. ' two school directors, tive sslsoi and eight oomtnon conncllmen, giving a majority In bth biiinohe-i. RsDubltran cltv minority, 1.90s, i.,;. 100 Remiblloan. Both branches of couui ils are RoDublioan. Ie ooratl OaDtUre I tollsls by 100. Doyleetown Republicans make a cloau sweep: ntt lu iimiiv M ara Heading goes Kcmiblican bv 571 plu rality. ( ouncil Is a tie mi Joint ballot. Maadvilla is overwhelming Repub lican. I'.ilitor II. I' I'm, I,-, Keimblii-aii, Is elm-ted mayor of Susquehanna by tir plurality. H . ASKED TO RESIGN. Assistant Bit-r nf the Treasury Smith Complies with I. i.i I!.., WaBHINQTON, Feb. 90. H, H. Smith, t'ne assistant register of the troasurv. by reipiest has tendered to the prealdent ins resignation, to take effect on the appointment of blaauooeaaor. It is understood that .Mr L Wilbur li'-ed, of Alexander, Va . who held the office during If rClevelaud's llrst term, will be appointed to the vacancy. SITUATION AT PLY1W0UTH. CO L' STIES. Ailanis.. Al'fghfiny Aimstronrf Beavsr Bwlford Perks. Blair. Bralforri Bucks Butlr (.'.imrla Cameron Carbon Center CllfisW Clarion QearfleM Clinton Columbia Crawford . 1 m : . . i .... Daiifhin De'aware Elk Erie Paystte Forest Franklin Fulton Orwne Huntingdon.... Iwllana , Jefferson i . ., Juniata Iift'-kAwanna. . Ltacaatcr Lawrxnoe lsbanon Lehlvb ... in TltlS, lam I eJ 1 tun, iiiff. 1712 . m "mm, T,K... Is', UH... 1IW... am Pl.l.HAl.t riKs, 14. aj x i u z s 110. ;() Ml . on, ' torn . so. .T,i I71?... MIT:'... :iii2 . . H 817 'ina . 871 . pw , lei . m Mil ami m Mff, SM. p I.V.I at) M0 . IHl Vi m Wit. Hit . IMI . eM . . lew . . 44 .. Kti . . KV.f I . . 224. . . lew .. 'Si Mil. 100 Lyeomioa. 1. .'.IK . 41- ! MM, I '.r . m IM . i-Kean ICI. Mer-er MC. Mifflin m Monro. .M . ' ' in ry Wfl MonUiur Noitnuropt'in Kortliurnrjorland iVii Perry "Hli PI lUoelpbie bfM Plko Potter lll Bchtivlklll V7 Hnydr l Bomi-rsot I Z4iki Kullivan BuaUabHiina 1140 i .04a Union Venango V arren "WiifllittiKtun Wayne Wi-Htmoroland Wyoming York I'JSl . 22 u 22.', rut i.vo 47S '.om 4(11 Hit. MHO m. IM . KXi. 24UI . . . . 4'J0 27 84. Ml . 12Wr. lfcV, . UM, 'Hit . m . in 11001.. iwi.. 100 .. 2im . . 25 . IM . . m., Ion., TO Totals.. 4ll I486W 18520 M1370 11225 RopuhlieHii plurality 111514(1 THR CONTEST IN KKTAIL. In the table of pluralities by counties will be seen the latest returns from each county. Several counties had not reported definitely np to a late hour. Thus Adams, Bucks, Clinton and Clear field were olaased simply aa "very close." At 2 80 . m., returns from 47 coun ties, including Philadelphia and Alle gheny give Giow, Ropnulloan,1 it plU" But His Plurality Is JIuch Rduoid By Candidate Burke. flpfefoJ fo tfii: Sgraatow Tribune, Dlnmore, Pa.. Feb. 20. Re turns on the borough election at tai-i hour, 11.18, p. m.. are incomplete, but the probabilities are that Dnggan iDm ) will be r elected by a small plurality. All the districts are hoard .rom but thro, which will probably give uisjority for Burke, but not large enough to overcome tne Demo cratic matortty, The rest of the Democratic ticket will probably be elected, although doubts are expressed on that of street commissioner und couuciL REPUBLICANS SWEEP HARRIS BURG. Even the P. - a :. ' : mccra'ic Sev enth Is Ovsrturnsd. HARitlSBLRti, Pa . Feb 20 The R-p-ib'icans Uave decidedly the best Of the situation as the returns come in to night. Grow has csrried the elty by at least 1.900 msj .rity mid sweeps ev-ry ward, including the Seventh, the Democratio stronghold. Out of the couucilmen elected seven ire Republicans, and two Demo crats wre elected by ntrrow majori ties. The Republicans gain one alder man and two school directors. Tress and Crook, Republican supervisors, are re-elected. DEMOCRATIC MUNICIPAL GAINS. But These Art Mors Than Offset by Mr. Orow'a Majority. Johnstown, Feb. 90 -Indications at 11.80, a f-w precincts yet to bear from, ar- that Grow crris Johnstown by 600 to 700 plurality. Returns fromont side districts in the country are very m-ager. In hbensburg, the eonnty sat, the entiro Republican ticket was l-etd. Gallilzin givss a Democratic mai r- ity andelscts a full ticket The rai j ir rv of the com. cilmsn elected In Johns town are Democrats The Democrats made gains in the council. GALUSHA IWIEPJ SHAMOKIN. Heavy Rspnb'ican Gains Are Reportarl from All Q lartere. BBAMOKIX, Feb. 20. This borough R"(jnbliran bv SOU majority for Grow. W B ft Hmitik, BepuUfoan, Selected over A E. Znrn, Democrat, by 00 majority. Nina Republican school directors elestod and two Demo crate. The Republicans elect seven conncll men and the Democrats one. The c.iintv returns show heavy Republi can gains. - o I ANCASTER IS REPUBLICAN. Bvth Branches t.f Oenaell and a Mayor Are Landd Lancanster, Feb. 2') -Thn munici pal election todny was very closely contested. The indications at mid night are that Edwin S. Hmeltz, II publican. Is elected mayor bv a small majority, probably less than 100. The Republicans carry both branches of oounaili e , HAZLETON'S COUNCIL REPUBLICAN. Ctaln of Three Makes the Munlolpil Iw lalature OlfTarent. tfAELROU, Pa., Feb 20. There was little Interest manifested In the alto tien hers today and bjit a lliht vote was polled. The Republicans gain three counciirnon, wnion will give tbem a majurity in relect council chuiriber. In West Hn.leton borough (leorgo Kirn was elected chief hurgsi. - GROW CARRIES WYOMING. He Also Carrlee Tunkhtnnook Boroush bv Fifty -alas Plurality. fiiM-fri! to Iht Scrantnn Tfilmnn TiiNKHANNdOK, Ph., Feb. 20. -Grow carries Wyoming county by 100 plum I ity, and luukhsnnoclr borough by Till plurality, llardinu, Union candidate is elected burgess by 189 majority. Republicans elected justice, auditor, tax collector, high constable, one coua. cil and two school dlr ctors. . - HONESDALE IS FOR CROW. The Outlook for Reaching the En. tombed Men Not Encouraging. The Fall of Rock Continues. IRE TAFFY FOR CLEVELAND Sunalor Udiiii'l BboWerl Bouqiuts In a Spsecb Upon Hawaii. PRAISE OF A TROPICAL NATURE The Member from Virginia Admires The Course ol the Presidont Mr. Bland Finds Iho Path of Glory Lined with Thorns in the House The Sergeant-at-Arms Makes a Report Showing Seven Republican Mem bers Under Arrest. croi. ballot, and it resulted in the adop tion i.t the amendment by 127 yeas 10 fi4 nays. JOHN V. Twenty M'KANL'S PALS. He Has 101 Humbly, bat Oabom Has Only 1 Kxtre Vote, ftntriat to the Hcranton 7VI6une. Honksdale, P., Feb. 20. Theee couucilmen are elected: Baoman. Al len, Iletts, Watte, Lane. Wood, Goes- sr, Haulan, Hnckvvell, Uenang, Ham. Rebbfln, Grow li:is 101 ttsjorlty. Everything Wilkes BAttBi.Feb.90 At 7 o'clock this evening there is little or no change in the situation at the Gaylord mine, t ie outlook for reaching the entombed men at an early hour is anything but encouraging. There is but little pro gress or headway made by th rescuing p.irty though they are working hard to reach the fatal spot. How soon this will be is hard to tell from the looks of things in the mine at present. Mine Inspector Williams has but little to say regarding the catastrophe, but he is of the opinion that there are many hundred feet of debris yet to be removed. It is not generally known to auy outsider, but it is learned from miners who are posted that fulls con tmue to occur and hugli rocks come down fifty to 100 feet sijuare, Which In terferes with the workers almost daily. At the mines they say, "We expect to reach the men almost any hour, but this is not believed bv many of the miners who worked there and are fa milisr with the situation of affairs. Canvass stretchers are in readiness but it is not known by anyone, as yet, whether they will ever be uied. . - HE SHOOK HER ARM. And Now Mr. Auckerman Is on Trial for Indecent Aeeault. WaSHINOTOK, Pa., Feb. 20 -The second day of the. trial of the Rev. K.lmer Auckerman, pastor-elect of the Upper Buffalo l'resbyteriaa church. In dieted on oath of Mrs Emma M Ran kin of having committed an indecent assault and battery, and an assault nd battery with intent to commit a felony, attracted a large crowd of spec tators today. The case has now as sumed a phase Indicating that there h is been effort to make Mr. Atioker m m the victim of a cruel conspiracy. The two principal witnesses of the day were: loseph H. Itankin, husband of Mrs Rankin, and Mr. Auckerman. The de- fenss put on a number of oharacter witnesses and the day closed with the xstninatioti of witnesses ns to Mrs. Rankin' poor reputation for truth and veracity. H. C. Work, superintendent of the I'pper Buffalo Sabbath school, snd brother or Mrs itaiiKin, was tne last witness for the prosecution His tin- lerstanding of Anckermun s crime was that he bnd tnken Mrs Itanklu by the nrm and shaken her a little. m BILL NVE FRIGHTENED. Ths Humorist Will Olve Uo Lecturing at the Cine nf the Season. BUFFALO. N. Y.. Feb. 20 -Bill Nye reaobed the Olty at 6 o'clock this even Intr. Speaking of his Illness at Niagara Fulls. Mr. Nye said: "It was heart dis ease, tint only lan amicK inni camo from overwork. I am try i mt to do too DOCb. My writing is only a small psrt of my worn. It. is tlx traveling about ami strum of lecturing.cnmhiued with iste nights that is pulling me down. My season closes the middle, of April, und I be lieve I shall give up lecturing then for good. My health is of too luunh im portance to take the risk. " JAIL BIRDS FLY AWAY. Oeorge and Harry Mnrvan Kioape from Mnrrlatown flastlle IfOMtWfOWlt, Pa 1 Feb. 20, --George and Harry .Morgan were sentenced here to two and a linlf years in atate prison. They were placed in jail huru for safe keening. Tonight while Keeper Munson was locking up the Other prisoners, the Morgans drew revolvers on him and escaped. They have not yet been cap turod. Another prisoner oamo to Mun ions assistance and prevented other from escaping. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. The sennto hns conllruied the following DOStUaiten for Pennsylvania: E. . Warner. Montrose; ('. A. Jenki, l'unxsu- tiiwuey; Frank Mc.l)oiiald,l)iuimore; Sara J. I'errilto, Caiuioii'biirg. The Keystone Boiling Mill cunpau y lias Started its plant on B strictly union basis. Tim Mulshing mill is on in full and eight puddlms furnaces re in operation None of tho old pnddlors returned to work. Two JudKinonts amounting toovor r-110 000 have been entered the Central bank of Pittsbnra. which hue announced Its re tiroment from business. The 'antral bank owus the Fawcett Goal works, noiir Web ster, which was recently purchased at sheriff's sale on a judgment by the bank W isiiiN.iToN. 1). ('., Feb. 20. SENATOR DANIEL, ol Virginia, concluded todiiv the speech on the subject of Hawaii, which he began on Monday. He did not Hppl tud every step taken by the Cleve land adminutratton, but h honored it for its brave and rugged boneaty,and for its having oherishod, over all things, the honor of the country, and kept it from being tarnished. He de clared himself now in favor of the rec ognition of the new government by con gress, mid to it and its American sup porters he waved over the waters his greetings und God speed. Senator White, of California, who wn to follow Mr. Daniel with a speech on the same subject, deferred it until tomorrow, and the remainder of the open session was oivupled in the dis cussion of the bill to provide addi tional accommodation for the govern ment office. No oonoldaion was reached, and tin, senate, after an hour and three-quarters spent in executive session, at 5 40 adjourned. PLANUS UNsro'ESSPUI. EFFOBTS. Although there were 201) members of the house present today, as shown by one of the roll calls. Mr. Bland could got but 170, nine less than a quorum, to vote upon his motion to take up the bill to coin the seignioraire of the bull ion in the treasury. Four attempts were made to overcome the obstacle of no voting quorum, but without avail, and at 4 1U the house adjourned until tomorrow, when it is believed by th Democratic manauers, a votinz quorum will be present. That Mr Bland's mo tion will be passed however, is doubt ful in the minds of some of tbem. Sergeant-at-Arms Snow made a re port of his procoedings under the or der of arrest made yesterday, showing seven Republican members under ar rest. It was developed upon examina tion that but two of them were subject to process, the others having been either present yesterday or previously excused by the house and all were ex cused. Four on, .., Will ri ad ti Va- rlnue Indtotiuenta. Brooklyn, n. y., Feb. 20. Twenty four official who figured With John V. IfoRana at the last election, were taken tu the court of oyer and terminer, Brooklyn, this morning, to plead to the various Indictmsnts which have been found ngaiiiHt them by the Janu ary grand jury. Judge William Gnynor occupied the bench. He mfusi-d to allow the men to ple.,-1 I ie said he would uot try the cases, as he was inteieste I in them be fore the election. He advised the law yers to go before Justice Cnllen, who was sitting in an opposite court room. Justice (Julian, however, alio refused to hear the pleas and adjourned the heuiing until Friday next. a ; e ' THE WAR IS ABOUT OVER. The Brazilian Govern moot Is In P)8i elon of All Boutheru Points Bio 'Janeiro, Feb. 20 Tne United State cruiser Detroit, which Iish been cruising south, has returned to BIO Janeiro. The uovernuient is in peace able pOMeaalon Ol aU southern point! except Dssttrro, where Admiral Do M..i: has appointed a president and two ministers. The Detroit was uua blo to find Admiral Do Mello. At each port Visited the officers Were informed that he hail just left Admiral Da Gunm. who is in com mand of the Insurgent forces her, has told the representative of the Lulled Press that he has countermanded the order he ha I placed for supplies in the tinted States, lor ttie reason that the war will be at end before the order could be tilled and delivered. GHOST OF THE COMBINE. Witness Rico Declares the Lehigh Valley to Have Been the Jonah ol the Reading Deal. KEOGH AGAIN WINS. Puts Philadelphia, Feh. Rice, the complainant brought in the United court for the removal of 2U Isaac L m the suit States circuit the receivers nun w FINLEY'S HI UUOIUIl LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Prompt Action ol tlx; Governor oi Ma.:Sicbu- sctts Ffbveuls Trouble, BLUE COATS ARE PEACEMAKERS A Mob of Two Thousand, Headed by Anarchists Swift and Casson, Visit the State House ami Demand Labor. Swift Threatens to "Clean Out the Place" He Weakens When Con fronted by Governor Qreonhalfja. The Crowd Dispersed by Three Hundred Policemen. Boston, Feb. 20. n BOUT 9.000 persons gathered on A the common this afternoon to fp liston to addresses by Morrison U U ,). Swift, Herbert N. Casson and otimr "Socialist Anarchists" us they call themselves. After hearing the speeches the crowd marched to tho state house where Swift and Caa on were mad delegation to visit Gov ernor Gtreanhalge. They demanded, as they theme'dves put it, that employ ment should be given to the crowd which they led. The governor inti mated to Swift and Casson that he Exquisite Muterial and Finish. . l . . , ) Ths Rasults of Last Mlitht'a Oam Doug-her'v in Third Plac. Philadelphia, Feb 20. - Jerome Keogh, of Scranton, and Edward Dougherty of Philadelphia were the contestants in the pool tournameot to night, Keogh made some dnzzling combinations but ho was in hard luek and mised many shots that he should have made. Dougherty on the con trary was in good luck but he was not careful with easy shots and slipped up on several of them. Keogh' victory puts Dougherty in third place and the first money hinges on tun result u tomorrow nignts jrsme. The score was as follows Keogh, 1.10; Dotiifherty, 115. Scratches, Dougherty, 10; Keogh, 8, THROUGH A CAR WINDOW. De pirate Lp for Lthnr'.y by a Hsals- ton Touifh. HaKLBTON, Pa.. Feb. 20 George Berulieiser, a notoroils character of this town, escaped from officers while bo taken to Wilkes-Batre jail this morning by jumping through the car window. The train was running along a deep rnvine at the lime ami the prisoner was manacled. Tim jump was a peril ous one and It I lielleved tin is now lying wounded in tho woods which sur round the plsee. ANOTHER CAVE-IN. A Portion of the Old Ilalllmors Vein Set tles Under a Culm Pile. Wii.kis-Hauhk, Pa., Feb. 20.-A cave in occurred at the lid Baltimore Ni. 2 mine in the Btltimnrn vein this afternoon. 1 lie cave in took place di rectly under a huge til m pile that has been on fire for tome time pint. Tim only fear entertained by the company is that the burning cnlm may Ml lire to the coal on the inide work ings. Th mine husbaen idle for some lay past, so no one wae injured. of th Philadelphia and Reading rail road, was on the stand this afternoon at the hearing before Master Crawford. Mr. Rice said that Mr. McLeod un folded his "coal combine" plans to him when he (Mr. McLsnrli was assured he could obtain the let of the Lehigh Valley, before the colisent of the Jersey Central to become a part of the eombi untion was secured. The witness declared that Mr, Mc Leod said the leasing of the Lehigh Valley alone would DO useless and ab surd. Subsequently the Reading's ex president told the witness that the cause of Reading's downfall was large ly due to the Lehigh Valley's lease which, instead of making a yearly profit of 11.000,000 as he (Mr. McLo 11 supposed, would be because there had been an actual loss of $1,500,000. The witniss further stated that Mr Mc Leod told him the Lehigh Valley offic ials had made gross inisiepresetitstious or the lease would not have been made. The witness reiterated what he said in his report upon fteadingj'a condition, which was made at the instance of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, the trustee under several mortgages, that coal purchases should be discontinued. rne hearing will be continued at 11 s. 111. tomorrow when rrestueni Harris and afterward Comptroller Jones will again be called. AN ANNEX GIVES WAY. Thirteen Men Injured In an Accident at a Celebration. Philadelphia, Feb. 20. While the members of tho Eleventh urd eluti and their friends were celebrating the Republican victory in the city and state at their club house at 589 North Second street, tonight, n frame annex Imilt out from the second story over the varu DOl I ape eu auu Between forty and fifty men were thrown in a heap to tho ground some thirty feet be low. Willing hands soon extricated the Struggling crowd and it was then found that thirteen urn were hurt. With the exception of Rudolph Hertz, aged 98, tell the injured escaped with severe contusions and a few broken bones. Hertz was badly injured inter nally and was taken to the hospital, where it was said that ho would prob ably die. e FLASHES FROM THE WIRES HARRY KEPT HIS WORO. No Danger of HI Hrnnklne; the Pleden t Present. Rl'.MdNU. Ph.. Feb. 20 "I will never drink another drop, said Barry Mar quette, aged 88, eadreeelng his mother at her home in this citv this evening Five minntes later Marquette put a bullet into his brain, dying almost In itnntly, Mr. Ifaratttttt lived In Mnn J use. Oil- ifortilii. and was here on a visit. Ho come from a goo 1 family. His wife and child reside i:i San Jose. WHEELMEN'S CONVENTION. Denver Ilea Been S dieted for the Next Maet of the L A. W. LqiisviLLR, Ky., Feb. 20 Denver was selected as the place for holding the next annual meet of the League of American. Wheelmen, the vote r.ault jug: Denver, 98; Asbnry Park, 70 The date of the next meet was left to be fixed by the new rasing board. The color Hue question cams up first In the proposed amendments lo tbe oonstltu tion. On motion of Mr. Willieon, of Mary- laud, a vote was taken wltbout delists. the matter having been freely die cussed at psst meetings. Proxies were included in the vote, which was by ne Actor Maurice llarrymore denies the story of Ins marriage to Mini Mamie Floyd. a a bona trade at Omega. O, r., reaper Uteel got mad and allot his brother Henry dead. BeltitsofeaBi win run n lino of fast freight steamers between their city and TlmplOO, Mexico. Interest on depoelti has beau reduced from 3 to Ut Pr cent by the National Union bank, New York. Matthew JohneOU, New York's con demned murderer of Bulla Kukalhoru, haa at Inst confessed his crime. Small pox ended the life of Matthew Ashtou, a convicted murderer worth $awi. ilOO, lu jail at MadWon, Yi 1 A ranchman .1 Randal), his wife and three children were drowned lording a river near Presidio, Mex. A receiver has ndverlWed to Mil the 11,000,000 hotel which wns a few years ago the glory of Magic Olty, Tenn JohU JnOOb Arnold, ilefnull iiiB county troamuer and bank calitcr, has pleaded guilty to forgery ami umbex.lemoui at Lookport, If. v. Wocdemeu har out down "the piuesit Kve," seer Hampton, N B., which Whit tur imiooita'.ised la hia poem, "The Wreck of River rr.'Oith. An unknown Band biw up with powder the homo iyj PU Krohl 111 St. Unlll. Mo., nut keowiilg 'la Kstthl, bis wife sad lov er! children ?Mf thou at church. Tbe stamhtp"Nw York, of the Auiori can LlackWa MCcoiafnlly tsks i out of the water Into the dry dock of the Newport I News (Y.) nipbnlMlag and Dry Dock I company, BxVloe prcsldeut of '.he Adams "ixpiesa coiupan, t'lupp, Upoouer, of Brtusep.rt, 1 . ..... who wfs sued, with John Ilo.iy, rinceaxed, and others, for retaining OFfsj, -ItfsV profits 0:1 ce'tftiu pr.rcheso fur the company, has settled his M0 uu: of court oa private terms. Giving additional space and HnHftifl.1 at.tpnt.inn r tViia ,..f, .....I ('.,... , V 1 ... ...,..,VU W would do an iu his power to help the flepartment lor one week "Tu,'1T,l'. n we offer handsomely made He said to the people that personally ,innnmi . he would do all he could, and that h tiAKMh jW Ti3 at prices Sel- would recommend action by tbe legis riom rnet With TVipcp lature. Still, ha said, tba legislature u vm. mei1 ltu' inese had no power to give work to the un goods are oi superior qual- employed except it bad money to iv or,,! at nrippc nanatlea pay them. He insisted that the first ltV, d V? USUallJT duty of even- citiz-n wa obedience to asked tor medium grade. the lawn if the laws were not right j TUg Embroideries llSPfl It ana the font. ,,f rl,.. r.,.r,l ,.f f.. 1 llc iJ Ui UI U1UCI 1Kb UbtiU sachusutts, tut that of the governor or in Trimming, the the legislature. lie said thvy were simply there to express the will of tbe people who sent them, as they under stood it After this Swift and Csssod, followed by a crowd, went up to lay their petition, wbtoh was cuchel in tbe terms of a demand, before the sea ate and bouse of representatives TH KEATS OF ANARCHIST SWIFT. On their return from the chamber, ! Swift ascended to one of the little gal- 1 -tries end delivered a speech that sounded strangely nnt of place in the hiitorie old hall "We will clean out j tin state house if we don't get what w-want, be cried. 1 tie rabble, for such it was, accepted the declaration with enthusiasm. Private Secretary Thomas was standing near and at the enunciation mentioned, repaired hastily j to the governor and reported the state of affair. Governor Greenhalge grabbed hie i hat and headed for the scene of action. Meanwhile, however. Swift had fin ished and had ascended the stairs and stood outside the chamber door await ing Representative Mellon, whom be desired to introduce the petition. The governor met him, "Did you state you would clean out the state house'.'' asked the governor. Swift cowered. "1 did," he half muttered; "but I stated that we would do it with the ballot." This was abso lutely untrue. i "You wish to qualify it in that way?' continued hi excellency. , "Yes," replied the agitator. "Well," sid the governor, clinching I is hand, "1 do not like that language ir. and it won't be tolerated. 1 warn you that 1 will hold yon personally responsible.'' Swift's bravado was all gone. He quietly slipped out of eight and mingled with the crowd THK BLUI COATS MOTOR! ORDER. Meantime Chief Wade, of the dis. trlet police, had telephoned to police headquarters and at 8.90 o'clock fifty blue coats marched up BsSCOD street, and taking the ide entrance to the stale bouse, made a clean swath through tbe mob straight to Doric hall, where they halted to await the orders of Chief Wade. These order were not low in com itig. They were to clear the etate house and grounds of intruders who at that time bad bSCOmi a hissing, howling mob This was ths work of but a moment. Before the bine cont the mob melted away out of the hall, down the broad teps and onto Bench ttreet There were some shout of "Kill the police!" but the shOttters took good care to keep in the back ground Tbe crowd gradually made it way bash to the common, and th court house once more resumed Its ac customed quiet. Representative Hellou presented the petition of Morrison L Swift to the legislature this afternoon, asking for their attention to the condition of the unemployed The petition called at tention to the fact that farm and fac torie are still in existence, and asked that tbe nuniployed lie given work therein. The home of representatives thereupon appointed a committee to consider the question and ehortly afterwanl adjourned. Muslin. the Sewing, all have been carefully examined, and nothing unworthy is of fered. During this time we sell the "Queen" Night Gown, Tucked Yoke Val encienes Lace Collar and Cuffs at 98c, regular price. $145. FINLEY'S, 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. THE GUTTA PERCH & HBEil M'FG IU FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS A PCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury St 3 Spruce St., Scranton, h. Lewis. Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. SO THE KNIGHIS WILL MOVE. Hiadquartar of th Omanliatlon to Be Located at Waahlngton. St. Louis, Mo., Keb. JO, T. U. Mc Uulre. secretary of the Knights of Labor, will leave today for He Moiues, In., where he will attend the meoting of the general SXOOOtiVS board of the Knights of Labor. When naked this morning if anything of Importance would come before the board at this meeting, Mr. McOuire said: "Well, if yon consider the changing 0 the hoadqua.'Urs of the Knights of Labor from Philadelphia to Washington, yes "We have beeu contemplating this change for several months, and I think that the board will act finally and In favor of the change at this meeting. If so, the change will be made at once. . . -as- WEATHER FORECAST. i7m 2M . Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Will HoSe every evening at I.M P.M. eneept atuntay -fruity- ifg DLOUOf istaoTs, iilly r! VViSHlNUTOS. Feb. 'it). Forrt. ivf lot' (VstinSewBHI -'or casfrra iVniU'lv-nnfa, ewmiu stOMdV, inth rain or snoili, nor(,fMt Fvr ires'era fiit4iffaiini, PSNe1 n4.-;;, trffl ret'n or .mo, urt)rt( We Examine Eyes Free of charge, fa doctor is needed von are promptly told so. We ulso guarantee a per fect lit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. I J. MIL, ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.
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