THE 8CBANT0N TRIBUNETUESDAY MORXIXCJ. FEBRUARY 'Jo. 1891. "BELLS ON HER TOES. And Milady Makoa Muaio Wher ever She Ooos. period but through u liQgOring mqm if tjoueaty Icetjpa us near i he Line tfl (he i'ii u. .., i ' "GRANNY'S POCKET. A Mew Fed Affected bj QotbaaVl leelet) CiirU - Swrei. MUver l' nines oe tiuti Mipiu'ra -mei(kbeUi Da tliw lul.-p. Tim latett faehlou, which entfblet a I Womuii to uiuWi- a nolle in llio world, is the wearing of bells. At u recent daooe of tin younger wti i glveu ut Sherry's. New York, one of Ih. many debutante?, attracted mole 1'imi 1 n,.- Hsiue el the Nefelti Week im- hii Popalar J ml Slow. "Qnutny'i pocket, " it i called, la being enroled by nil workers in nevdlC1 craft, whether their vocation in the darning of iboka or the weaving of cilkan aplder waba upon luatroua bits oi satin or bloOtS) Velvet;. Tin Idea of this cleverly devlatd WOrltbag is borrowed from u Parisian bonbon bag which was praaented, with u oargO of toothsome duintie, to some fun- (. nc. .v ho aftci she liuit rifled the pretty trifle of Itt lugan oontanta, w is lUppoaedtO wear it ut her side as a receptacle for aewtng materlali Since the granni pocket hus made Itadebul upon into side of the water. however, its duties have been slightly altered, in icleotlng this novelty as u gift) the donor tits it out with needles, a gam of a thimble, the til lest as well us tiic tinted of tolaiaora, along with many more tewing naceaaltleai and to the granny pocket, minus chooolatei ulnl Conserves, beeouies altogether t icwing pocket It in sometimes u decided piece ot iUXUI , made of blossom strewn Wttn, w ith ellkj lining, laeey cascades and fluttering ribbons, but for those who are seeking pretUaeai andpraoUoallt) tit u low price, eh ute, sateen or one of the gin ly plalded glnghama is selected, as it luuUcs up very clt'eetively. 'I'll.. ei.T .if tli.. vMnll v t, ... ' la vmj that docked ttrouuU hr could discover ' i,. u, mt of 4 Ult u.,loU. Thl, tutt cuuua tnuu her shure of attention, for. iu the promenade, and more noticeably iu the whirl of the dance, a faint musical tinkliug oi bells marked her move- i meuts aud beat time to the rhythm of ! her step. None of the many male admirers THE MEMORY MANTEL How to Use All Kluda of Souve nirs in Doooruting. The Clever i af wiue-Awate loath rru i 1 u Garouea Bavors i Other Trlflea (Employed to ouuii Advaatage What hava the glrli dona with Ih Oerman favors, dance proffnunmee, menu curds and other bouvenirs of laat tea SOn'l OUtlng at seashore, lake side und mountain resort'.' The agenov here concerning theso trophic:, is from a wideawake south- CVKI.H Constipation. ouium Constipation, j r- CURBS n i.: i.: U OUIlbLiptlLlUIl Robinson s Sons' Acts On the Bowels. ; ' ' f I wi it. i Hint yon may know tllltKUiiil I IllimlKimvud ti"! i U H II 1 uus all out of limillli 'id HiiIti rliiK with, nil Stipstioa d liilloiiMU'U I tricii othst Btealolaesi hut tiny fuilod to do any kooU At mat i Doagbts botusof U h li uu.t before i iimi iud it hII 1 wwut to work as wU as uvui Ufa Nlibon, but :.. 1 1 . in. ; ii w ..i i un ft Lager Beer Brewery like source of the mysterious chime till a twinkle of her white kid slipper explained the puzzle. A tiuv (fold bell was fastened to her iustep, aud its tongue kept up a continual prattle. calling attention to its (air ow ner. At one of the large Broadwa) jew elry stores a New York Journal re porter learned that bells for bell slip pers have been WOTS abroad especially Ul France, for years. Here, however, they are such a decidedly novel impor tation that they, are very hard to And, This difficulty will, of course exist ttuly for a. very short Uuie, as the im mediate demand wUl create a rapid supply. There is room for a variety of tastes sad a variety of expenditures, iu pur chasm these miniature tintinnabula tions. It is possible to get them iu tin aud cheap metals as low as eight cents a dozen. These cotne in many colors, green, red. gold, blue and white, and tati be adapted to any cos'.ume. But, of course. It w ill uever do for swagger people to wear anything so cheap, and nothing but ittrHag silver or eigh teen-carat gold will dud its way to the iustep of society. At present the silver or gold beils of the more expensive grades will have to he made to order, but this w ill only lower part Of the bag is given a slight 'v sV X i ... C? lUOABKLU. add a new charm to them, aud the addi tional cost will be trilling. Cheaper grades ot bells can be secured at the large drygoods stores at agencies for theatrical properties and at novelty atores in general. The miniature church bell is prefer able, though very pretty effects ruav he gained be strings of liny sleigh beils. If only one hell is used, it is Bewed securely to the instep of the alipper. i 'lusters of bells should be strung on silk cord or small ribbons The above illustrations will suggest many ways of fastening the bells to the slippers so as Bo secure sufficient aand and enough artistic effect. So now it can onje more be said of tne society princes, that: Wttn rlnifj onit.Fr lingers, Aa.1 BeOS 0Q ker Goes, WtfsneU Mfe stusM WSerever aae joei. MINTS FOR THE COOK. stiffening of cardboard, it is gathered ! in with drawstrings near the top, like i i my ordinary bag. aad the upper part , i has the bib form, r'lutiugs of ribbon or the material garnish the edges aud bib-part of the bay;, and there are j loops of ribbon at the top, by which it I is secured to the side of the wearer Two tiny pockets attached to the front are designed to hold the needles, j thimble, cotton and scissors wheu not ' in -use, while the pieces of w ork are tueked out of sight itiside. Mother hnds ths granny pocket a , useful affair, which enables her to Dave her sewing in compact form close ; , at band, theyoung lady of the house ! iiold considers it just the daihtiest , stowaway for her bits of embroidery; sad even the small girl, whose ex tensive doll family. calls for countless gow uaand wraps aud hats, follows iu the lead of mamma and big sister, and smuggles her scraps and materials into a miniature granny pocket. Golden Days. MAKING RAG CARPET. Durable flour ( overlu. Whu h (oat Hut Utile Muua). Making rag carpet is by no means a romantic occupation, but it is. just the same, a very useful one. and, carried a incceatfui issue, provides the imUse with articles that are in some respects nuite as good, if not better, than a reasonable amount of money could purchase. They are better, be :ause one is not afraid to use them, ind economical. becaQSe they con sume the bits am1 scraps that Would otherwise cumber theclosets and tuck i.Vy corners, ami the carpet may be. ts pretty und tasteful as the patience and ingenuity of the maker may Sometimes it is worth while to dye j rags for rugs and carpets, but this is iot always necessary White and loht colors, contrary to well-accepted theories, are much more desirable than I dark. The) show soil lew and lint not ; at all. are more easily kept clean aud ! may be washed with perfect impunity To make practical and simple rugs cut up cloth into naif Inch wide striptt. takinv; pains to uiuke them as even as possible Sew them end to end strong Jy, and with rare make them smooth and even as may be. Put all colors ieparate. making a ball of etch sort When 'his is done, iegin bv crocheting iViVi a large hook either u long stripor i a circle, according to the shape of the rug desired. It is well to wiwk hack aud forth rather than round ami round, as in the latter ease the rug is more likely to curl up at the edges. ( rochet one BOloT lifter another In iimke stripes, and llnisli off with a border of some thill"- bright red being the best If carefully handled, strong und durable floor coverings tnnv made l!T beating the whites of eggs f jf meringue r frosting, do not add the j auar until the egg is stiff. W he.v there is not time to ice a cake, I remember that its appearance may be greatly improved by dredging the top vith a little powdered ugar. Alw ays keep a jar of ersckcr dust on hand for breading, Or d-e save up all pieces, oi br.-a i. Mkl'oAee a month or, them in an open oven then place thern in a bug and pound until tine Fori rabbit pie !'ie rabbi! .should be Cooked as for stew, the gravy thick ened, and the whole put Into a deep dish and baked with a top crust and strips around the M.les. as beefsteak pie is made HrHK is the correct w u to stone rais ins: i roe the raisins from the stems and then put them in a bow l. ( over than j With boiling water and let them stand for two minute,. Hour off the water, ' ,pen the raisins, and the Meds can be '" UIU way ilk can be cut or torn removed piickly and easily without I ut" strips and wrought into curtains the usual itlokiaeaa , draperies of various sorts, or rery IUbkit mar be stewed in the e,e . K'.v and delicate foot cushion cover tnanner as chicken la fricassee. It "' ' a" ,,e ml"U' lhU '" . or rugs ahould always he cooked la stock and "l,r,;ul1 ,v,'r the t'ou,-', orto0ar t... .. .. ,.;., ..f o.ii n,.rl ...a l..t.. ,ii.. I tha feet when one sleep ,N. Y. to flavor it properlv. I lie'lisli add dpices in which mace is the predoiulnat itig lluvor. but care must be exercised iu the use of this, for it is objectionable to many. K vbHliH may be prepared for roast- liij? iu ranch the same manner as poul try Then stuff it with sausage meat lind a dressing made of parsley, bread Strum ba, or whatever you would pre pare for a turkey or chicken. Sew the rabbit together, place strips of bacon over the back aud bake iu a moderate oven, basting frequently. It should b served with red currant jelly aud a nice ly browned gravy. The i),i.v.ooi, of Age. A rather impertinent scieutlst has discovered that the only instances in which he tiuds correct dated given by nvoiiirin Iu regurd to their ages is when they are under M or over S. At these periods of life, according to this Jh'reuchiuan, they inav be trusted. Lie V a court officer, and his evidence Is deduced from experience with female prisoners. Such, hu asserts, invariably give their ages as M, ijU, 4V or SV, and .-vji these premises he works out the eon -duMoii that a woman wants to keep in the' silecade behind her actual aire Ledger. i o..u.. Hairy faeaa. Vaseline should never he put on the face, as it will produce a growth of hair very quickly Oil the smoothest skin, if the hairs are very stiff and coarse the electric needle may be nee essary. Hut the continued use of pinn iee stone ami ciSuin will give wonder fill results If persevered In for a few uoiiths. Iu Improve tli I'liiupleilov. To Improve the complexion one should keep the pores of the skin open. Wash thu face and ears with very hot water and then put Iu sufficient cold water to make it tepid for the body. Tha ' should be washed in hot water at itu-t three timesdally. II Old Nut rB, llural Kuggcs 'I'lds Idea of belu pcrlite ter folks ain't what It 's cracked up ter be. Tramping Tatters llow so. Uoory' Rural Kapgcx- 1 was work in' the dert an dumb rucket, the other day, uu' pulled a woman on fer u ruttlln' square meal. After 1 got through, 1 fergot niesolf, uu' said: "Thanh yer. mum." An' she sic' the dog outer mu' Pnqk. U o.SK Oltll. 1 ROOM cru belle und provides fur hotter use for the mementoes of a season's tri umphs thuu the cureless lucking uwuy jn boxes unit out-of lhe w uy nooks. This .southern belle put together u Herman favor mantel m her ow n pri vate snuggery at a summer resort, and those who saw it began at once to treasure up like baubles until the home ward thttiug. when they Were to be brought out and assigned u decorative part This memory muntei ulluded to i touted with Old Point Comfort and V bite Sulphur Springs trophies. The drapery which furnished the buck ground for the odd assortment was of tnowflakq Swiss, through which the palest of w ater greeu silk gleamed and glistened, Tha drapery arrangement was exceedingly simple, being almost foldlaai iu order to show to the best advantage the knick-knacks. The silk lined Swiss was simpl) stretched from corner to comer above the white enameled uiuntel. and caught iu the cantor with two of the German favors -tiny bolting-cloth paru-ols. gauzy as a dragon's w ing. and Becked with beach jewels, iu tha form of Old taint moon stones. Each corner was aflutter with guvlv tiutcd ribbons tipped with silver bells, fantastic clown heads, satin slippers, ivory wlahbonek, silver horseshoes, sweetmeat ba-kets, jockey caps am' whips, banjos, mandolins and rlotinl :u miniature, along with a doen other fancies, dotted the crispwhite drapery. Around even the tiniest of these favors hovered pleasant memorial of past cuy eties. and more than one bit of sent! ment was interwoven with tha novel jumble. This was purely u Oerman favor mantel, but the notion could be cur ried out in half a dozen different direc tions. A "lucky '' girl, one of those al ways stumbliug over curiosities, like Mrs. Whitney's "Leslie Oohlwaite.'' and which she wishes to handle iu an ..riyinal matiuer, can build herself a murine mantel. There would be the lovely seaweeds w hich she has brought home, in offtones of greeu und brow u for festooned corners, und pink-lined bits of shell work to stud the drapery. A vacation among the hills ha- yield ed to more than one girl very delight ful possibilities for such a mantel Some bod 3 in uu idle hour has carved her u birch-bark MUMMi some one else brought uu offering of lichens und other forest treasures baby pine cones. io- cones and birds' nests: and. if she has a spi.-e of barbarity in her nature she ha-, even treasured up the rattlesnake s skin as a eye opener The memory mantels offer pLausaot employment for a stormy winter day in disposing of the pretty souvenirs to one's boxes and drawers und the odd decorative piece will furnish many a merry little dish of gossip for the fem inine spirit- who have the entree tothe favorite den Dorothy Maddux, in St Louis Republic. low Iu Take 4'are of Rlagt. ' Don t wear vour rings under gloves unl"-,s (toil remember to have them thoroughly tiAninsd twice year " i- the. advice given by u jeweler. Tha jonatant friction wears out tha tiny cold points that holds the stones in pi n c. u in unless strict attention Is paid to tin in they become lOOM in a very short time. Small purses of suede leather an tnadl o purpose for lings, or any soft pouch of skin or chamois fnav be UMd to place the rings ill when ill-siring to carry them around with one They should never be put Into he ordinary pocket book, us the rub blng against coins in also had for them Diamonds can be olaaMd at home to 'onk ss well us w hen done by u jeweler If only h little trouble is taken. They should i,e thoroughly oleaned In alcohol Iimi then dried iu boxwood sawdust. J'llic sawdust is too oily for this pur pose . in uu thee Little Boy I found out what It was iu my slum thut was hurt i n' my foot. Mother What whs it'.' Little Hoy A corn -Uoixl News. Atlantic Reining Co. Itonufsoturtfi i tjiii- in Ulmninating aud LubricatinM OILS lUiiulutlurors of thu (.VlebistoJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY Linseed I Ml. .Nuntlias uiidHiisi) line of all gradai Axle Oreaie, 1 00,000 Bbls. Por Annum, I'iiiion Qrease and Colliery Com pound , ul u larB'o line of Pur I ruflluf Wax Candlw V?a alto handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety "'::: ... malonby VSt " " " I OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Burninx & J BLOOD POISON lubitcatinH UILO I tly, u'oloi $ jaraiity, Ladke I b) 'A)U ,0-n , ti I Potftivc pruofs Uid IUV-aga bub illustfttasl Irua I I Ufa fruiu ti I ieciuie 1 (it-a by mail Wl.eit Hot Utirhigi I lauj HtnuyftU. MukIo Remedy win I tuamvau cure, tmtft nmui ni , tftiru, m. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Ly I Circular CaPM II luctita, liM Blsotrle las Ciroular Cspas, M in v Aatrakaaa Olroalar cjie. m to tVuolMmi Circular Cap M iu btuna Muruu Uiroular Cupua, U In. Hi. .hi, Marten 'Ircul.' Capea, 'U 111 Otlur Cireulki Lapea, i lb . una ,1403 i&QO .SOW Seal Sacquen Seal SucqUtta, 'M ill':! a loli Seal Ja. keta, K tnehaa Seal JaSkStSi -I laoBM Iuiik Aatiakliau Jaeketi. Ul lie lie, loBJ .'J)t . J'Jil . twuu . -'it M Beecham'fl pills arc fen biljouiqesat bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, diwiness, sik head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, lss of appe tite, sallow skin, u hen caused by constipation : and const! pation is the most frequent cause oi all of them, Hook free ; pills 2$C. At drugstofes,or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St.. New Vork. A Handsome Complexion Is ono of the gruatuat charma a wuumii can noaaavu PnaaiiNi'a (Inukiitrniii p., gives It. Circular Capes .-uai Ciroular ' up, lueiiaa uut. srithS Hutu-rBy Cap fJ0v OltBi Cironlal ' ape, HI nictiea luu.wlth Buttaiily Caps 104.01 SaUo Circular Capa, HJlncliea Iouk i!i UO Aatiakliau Clreulai Capa. If; lu .tlaa loi.K '" " Elaotrio Heal Olroalar '.'Kpa, 30 la loag.. to 00 Ura Ciiiuuiti CirOUlsr Caps, Win lung D if) vi dozen A maris su Brai JUuifa at $1 it saab I tut 1 1 cbliiirsii'i acta at as, tail. I 1 lot of blelajli ItoU-i pluiU linid H Mcil Ladies' Plush and Ooth Coats at Your Own Price. GREAT PAINTINGS. okfick: -in Watt Uekawanna Ave. Vl ullaH Mai uliau Straa; irum the A. V. Tnbunr, Age. , t$$ The Flour Awards "Chicauo, Oct Sl.-Fhs first oftlcial nnoaucemrnt of Worlds Fair ili plotuas uu Hour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's fair judites to till Hour lnanu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co , iu the great Washburu Flour Mills, Miunespolis. The committee reports the ilour strong and pure, acd entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family aud bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Tba above brand of flour can ba had at any of the followin? inerchaiit?, who will accept Tut: Tribl nk FLOUR COUPON ot J"i on each one hundred pounds of Ilour or SO on each barrel of Hour. Also Sliaitiog and Journal Grease. J m 138 Wyoming Ave. The only Practical Furrier iu the city. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. For centuries brilliant ui lists liuve been painting beautiful pic tures, and the (jest of these pie lures ui carefully preserved by wealth people in their mansions, or by governments awl cities In public buildings. They form the great attractions t many of the old world, cities, ami can all do seen ouly by much traveling and at great expense. As outlined below, a lover ot pictures conceived the iJea of plae- iiif? these leiihts of the eye with in the reach of greater numbers, and the result W the beautiful art ! woj It, Masterpieces FROM THE Art Galleries OF THE World Being a lover of the modern styles ol painting, he includes iu this grand collection all that is popular and good iu t IHII.KS A l.K AQKMTK fc'tfranton F. P. Tr rn, Wnsliinu mi nv.'tni ; Unlit Mtsla Until. Daamora F V Prloa Oo'.d llalal Dnnnora f. D Uanwr. Baperitiive i rr '. Hyde irk Canon & Paria waataburii St. Ooid MhIiiI Brandt J n-pii a UtMaMaln aranaa Superlatire Brand. iin-cii Bidae USpraear.Ool 1 Itedal HranJ. J. T ItoB lie, Super atlve rVorkStao -Fennar & OaappellN "a are aaa, Suparlatif e nrandiU. J GltUpia w. Market itreat, Qo' I Mi-1 il itranJ olyjihaut Jaaiei Jordan Boperwttva Brand Perkrllie- shaiTw ft 8 U r saperlatlr i, Jermyn c o wintT t'n up.-ra ntir.. An.'tiualil .luiit'H. S inpn hi k On . O ilil Med il Carbondale B. H Clark, OOM i.-.iui Brand. HoneMai i N. Poeter a. Co Qoll M4ai Minuiiku M H. Taylor-Jiiii(e .V Co , Oilil Medal; AtbertL.u a Oo.i Buperlativ paryea LaarMwe Store Co.. Gold Medal Mo isle John MeCrindle, Q . . v . i ittaroii M V. O'BoyU, Bold Medal Ulnrk'e Breen Fraoe Parker, Bupariatlre. i 1 r k n summit- F. M. Yoiinit. Me,la llaltuli S E. Film & Son. UuM MeJa Druui. Nt lmhon ,1 L H inlin,-. tVavtrlr-Mi Bltoe aSoa. OOM Medal. F 't r vllle niarleiila dun-. Hold M,.dal. Hnphotto u N. M i- inn & So l, Uold Modal Tonfhatna TbjrBatun i.einirh i.uniDn r Co, (.o il Me Ul Brand 'on dab ro S A. Adiuii 11 d 1 M4U! Bran d Uiofuw Uatte a Caaneata Uold MedaL Ejtke Art. 1 jini)- A Boririf, Gold Medal, PoraetCit)! ,1 I.. Morgan A To , iKl.l Mrdal Hotel Waverly m OP TODAY Mercereau U Connell UOT LACKAWANNA DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Goods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- brac, Sterling Silver Novelties. I To'-opean rifin. Firit-clas Bar attnohal li-Voi lor tlvigbi: s . : . a-t . a . ai.i.L.i-ar.- beer. E or, m End Rltert FliMi Meat drsiralila for t . ..- of S C. Pr.n; ifWtaia All eenrMdeaete ir travt-ian to ami from Brod Htroet atatton aad the 'J'vrlftb and alarktt Strt atation. li tirablefor rtattlBg Seiantouiana and po il In tbe Antbraclt Ragioa T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All ktadl rcli 1 Itli ifcflteil dully I him j Sniokfil Hullbut, Itonrleaa Tori. hi MOtttli BtoftttlVi Visit Mmkcrel. MHiirlrd litvtt Co? Miut Hint 1'ulnl OYSTERS son Skall Mams Shriaipi, rallop, He. As well u tLt-' cltoioest bits, and ibe laiuous aud bistorical pieces Of the artists of all ages. This is undoubtedly Ute most beautiful aud complete art work ever published; and well it may be. for it contains tbe U-st work of the delineators of all tbat is beautiful. These pictures are engraved on copper plates bj the half tone photo-gravure process; and are PERFECT REPRODUCTIONS Of the original paintings, even to the I very bruh marks. Tbey are male from phologrnpbe taken direct from the original paint I inga. Each part rontaina fifteen of I these engrav.nga and one pnge of de I ecriptive matter of the picture and tie artnti, anl PRACTICALLY WE GIVE IT AWAY To our readera. Why do we go to this expensi? Circiilati'in in a newspaper is every thing If llV iii 1 r .' II.....) 1,1 k . 1 .. I - - -. . , . . . . ... ',11 it every week to the reader, of W. H. PIERCE, PXNN AVK. Icg . . Sk&tcs, m RICK All Prices and all Sizes. 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING SLWER PIPES, HUE LININGS. PRA1N TILE RONT. WIRE cu r. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED, FIRE AD COMMON LIE, CEMENT li KICK Best in the market. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. i M 11 The only eafb, euro and reliable Femalo FILL ever offered to Ladlae, eapeolally reuomiiieud ed to married Ladlee. PENNYROYAL PILLS. Aek for DB. MOTT'B SBMSTBOTAL PILLS aud tuko no other. iarsend for otroular. Price 1.00 per box, box,n rr Ui.Oo. I) It. MOTT'N CHEMICAL CO, - luvuluud, OUo. rot Mala kyC m. hahkis, urugBi. ;; ,eun Brandt Clay ProductCo OFFICBi muRhamton. N.Y. FACTORY 1 Brandt, l'a ANTOHEHARTMAN llOti South Washinglon Avonue, Contractor and lmllilor of Concrete rlaggl ii(r, ( incrctu lllooks. Potato. Butter anil Coal Blna, wel Colliire ilrio.t up. Orders may be left at Thompson A Prait, Willaiua A Co. M.n. anil Eynou StrvuU, or at Scrauton Stove Works. Also Foundations, Cisterns. 1 ii Win- 'l'uiiuuls and Cuttlus. Flacglug tur Uaiduu Walks, THE THE FOR TEN CENTS AND A COUPON We add .Vi per cent, to cur circulation, will be more than repaid for the cott The Way to Get It For the first portfolio, bring to this office one of the coupons printed else where on this page and 10 cents. For subsequent parts send three coupons and ten cents. SCRIM TIH