-I THE SCH ANTON" TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. FEBKUARV 20. 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, Manager. General hnUllin llAll.T AKIl WIKKI.Y 1 N BOMB- ION. PA.. UY 1 H U 'I KIM M 11 li I 1.IM Ml Coil FAN r. New Yuim orrioa: Tiiiuunb Huh dimi, Miami 8. Uiiay, Manaoeil ttlttej at the Iito(Hct ill ."tTunf.ii, fa, Setfitd l lun Vu Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BCBANTON, FEBRUARY W, ISM. accept Senator White; and tue preasu tatioa of tin latter s uauie. involving a tacit confession aud acceptance of Mr Clersiand's defeat, ia sufiloient to in spire tbegavHg that opposition will now vanish. The whole epis.ide. of which his noin illation forms the third and hnal part, is one which could only have come about through gross obstinacy on the part of the clialloiiKliis power. The spectacle- -of au Auuiicau president frantically hawking aul peddling the executive patronage about in the HO ate chamber, in the hop of ealving two objectionable lOOOISSlVS Candida -elei tor the highest judicial position within his gift affords a clearer insight into the character of preteuded civil service reform thtn any recent event, not evn IXOeptlol the appointment of BCDIIDI IPAM CTATC TipirT Van Alen. The Dining of u nun like ntrUbUbAN O I A I U IILlXtl senior Whitecou.ee in spite of hil constitutional bias, as a wclcouu relief to il public well QigO disgusted. 1 UK OTI that is oat, today, for lo cal progress and natiotul prosperity will bo a vote of which the voter need never feel asham d. - i Till lUPRKMI COURT uuy be bur dened with tOOQInuUtlaS duties and in need of a full couipleuuiit of juiticeg. but it could better be IWamped with xcessive litigation aud suspend its ac tivities altogether than t admit to Itn select circle men utterly devoid or pro fessiomil self rttpsot. - - Tin: CRXASKD cost or llio proposed parks wouldn't foot up M much, per capitu. as the cost of "tired feeliug medicines without parks. KOK CON QRF.88U A N AT I , A RUE, O ALUS HA A. GROW, OK si'SOt'EHANXA. ELECTION FEBRUARY 30. VOTE FOR GROW. it Meant protection o labor, eei poymenl for all ami pfotfittity Jutt to ur as the principles repreemfed by Mm ar emoedied in the policy oow aenepal gottrntntnt, Vote for the parks. meant an upprscialMMS of toon fAniy higher in man than the- pursuit of inert gross utatm'aJ gain. " swan beauty, reflnement. health for the men. irowen and Ami MM children: proper rsWeafion, advancement and progress la off that makes gonr sefeeted home attractive; freuii ?.' 'c anton. VOTE FOR THE BRIDGES It intuits a tueater Srrantou: the I closer communion o' scattered locaU ttes, the Mtatneeoieiit i lolaeo u" interests tn eomutas); nibiii (raws! mfi owlrgiag wards, ncreoM fi raf u uiion. favreote ia prosperity, if it ben tJUMVmtit benefits all in the roMMM lewi t'ote y make Sntrnton uof uui (Ae metropolis of the anthracite reijion, but BURGESS DUGCANS CASE The candidate of the I'atrick Henry Democratic club for the buritess of Dutnuore object toTuti TKIBI ISB'a as sertioii that the administration of the tffain of that ntooioipalUy i dictated behind the closed door of au oath bound organization, lie assert that no oath is exacted of members of the present club; that the sole rtqnlrtmsnt i h ult'Jge of fealty to tbe organii t- '" metioiMUan cater of dicer sifted iou iu prmeiples and its candid ites. . "i. . . l of fo MOM us a ft"'UU- yeneous feople. OUR CANDIDATE Those yoana Etepabltoaai who hill today for the first time take ou the full duties of eltUenthip ar fortunate iu tbe conjunction of afliirs which en ablt them to cast n first vote for a tnau like Qalatha A. i row. It his been an entire generation siuce Mr. Grow was first active aul prominent in the legislation of tue nation In that eventful stretch of time there has been much to learn and much to forget. But he has emerged from his civic retirement, a real Citt cuiuatus of this prosaic modern time, fiesh aud firm as ever in the service of his couatrym"n He is a splen lid ex emplar of the youn -old man. youag in tbe vitalities of his magnificently uresirved physique, but old ia experi ence, wise iu counsel, and ripe iu the judgment of a mind that has treasured its thoughts. Daring this generation it has bee i vouchsafed to the Americau people to witness a new illustration of the im practicability of free trade. The country was just recuperating from a i-tmtlar exprienc waen Mr Grow first euterel public life It bae. dur ing tne period of bis studious man hoo 1, been nis good and also hie ill fortune, tdret to see thegigautic waste of a ferocious civil war, next to see that great waste repaired under the magic bairn of protection to American industries; and again to see that balm assailed, after thirty years of prosperous peace, by the descendants of those misgnided theorist who had fought it on the field of battle The younger class of voters are beginning today, where he began nearly two score year ago Lot us hop) that it will uot be their lot to parallel hU vision of a nation rent in twain by any difference impossible of adjustment lave by the grim arbitrament of war. Although the statement of TUI TbW PM vra conditioned upon what teemed to it entirely credible testimony, and although it is a known fact that tue I'atrick Henry club of which the prtt lent organization is an outgrowth, ws iron-clad in its oath requtreuieuti, nur I taring a spirit not easily overcome through ttcjuical chng.s iu the by I laws, we are willing to giv . Mr Duggan the full benefit of bis denial. Admitting, then, that there i no oath of fealty exacted from recruits to the present Dun more borough Deuueratic organisation ; and that merely a pledge ia taken, does this riu distinction alter the facte in ' the cate'; Djes it afford any reaton 1 why taxpayers of Duumore should ' continue to support, at the polls, a borough ring which achieves virtually , nothing, from year to year, in way of i ublio improvemeut exhausts the municipal revenues without rendering adequate evidence of borough prog ret, and forms, in its methods, a min -I tature Tammany, with all that that j word implies'.' N'or does It meet the rquirement of ! the caee for the preaeut 1 urges, of Duu more to accuse THt TSIBUMI of per sonal bias ia its comments upon his ' campiign for re slection. The quss I tion of personality, albeit a proper one ! tor contlderation iu the choice of exe cutive offlcials.it very greatly over : stiadowed in this case bv the question of the public welfare. For years this co-operative political club has had its band pressed tightly and hurtfully upon the throat of Dunmor s borough affairs, until tbe borough is getting blAck in the face. If is tiun for this clutch to relax It is time for this pledge bound, political mutual benefit , society to have its Dores opened aud to g-t rid of some of the unwholesome effluvia that monopolistic umnii ipal i rule invariably develops. That is all, Mr Dufgan ciation of motives nud intentions, which nay, I mucerely hope, at au eurly day In cleared away. Is there u single American today who. viewing this incident fairly and iu freedom from ptraonal and partisan spite, can repress a thrill of admira tion fov the kindly providence which has raised up, iu that little Island, among brutal courtiers, savage monar chists and hostile emissaries of a de luded Americau administration, a HH who, without material resources, and with only 11 mere handful of devoted aud patriotic followers, has stood at bay the dint conspiraoy of deposed queen aud misguided presidential champion, and has out-genuralUid mil out argued every new antiigonist in dt feii'u of holiest govertimvut by honest peopln' Think of Dole wheu you vote, to day, for Urow. MR, QROW will be elected, of course, but it rests with I'ennsylv ini i wage MTUn to say how great shall be the moral emphasis of his tuccess. ... Friend? ov J V. Browning, He publican candidate for MUmon com Il in the Sixteenth ward, are rallying to bis rapport with enthusiasm, spurred thereto by the unkind words uttered by a Sunday Democratic- organ Mr Browning has served the Itepublican party faithfully as its county secre tary, and his record m council tin. ! shown abundant evidence of capability mii I proressiveuess. It should be j seriously considered by residents of 'be SIltMUth ward whether a mail like Mr. Browning chu safely be spaiuil. just on the eve of bis best usefulness to the city. . ClTlZINfl who view iu public im provements no larger significance than a merely temporary cost are uo! citi tni wno do much to uphold their tiome community. BOSS M KANE'S DOOM. In the solitude of Sing Hiu Johu V McKaue will, unless a phaut Tammany governor shall interposs a pardou, have leisure to reflect upon the leuieucy of the public which accords to polluters of it frauchise no severer sentence than oue of brief incarceration iu well-kept prisoutrs. Many a poor thief, urged to the stealing of a peuny loaf out of sympathy with the child crying for bread, hae had steruer punishment pro uouueed upon her br the law thau that which is bestowed upon the cuuulng worker of franchise treason, the man who has mule a traffic of thesuoliation of pure civic rule The news chroniclers of Gotham ex patiate minutely upon tbe emotion with which McKaue ascertained bis sentence. Very singularly, there is little record of the emotion with which true eitilfni ought to learn of the pun ishment of one passing type of their deadliest political foe that foe which, behiud the mask of seeming respect for the will of the majority, screens devil ish designs upon government by the majority, and achieves its substitution for real umjorities of majorities made to order. It would profit the Ameri canism of our land if there were a stronger popular sense of abhorrence for this civic crime nud a steruer pop ular insistence that the crimiuali shall desist. h II ORDIL in Mr. leveland to rip the Bissell supreme court boom ia its verdant bud -cruel to Bissell aud cruel to the patrons of the Bissell mail ser vice. Couldn't AhMt Anvlliinu Vulgar, ItutttlU 'I'lHitSClipt. .Mrs. Inii-TeniR: "Our ancestors feme over In th1ValllU Arbutus, you know. ' I Belt fJeorgt: "The Trailing Arbututl What the- oh. i see' i,n mean the May flower." MrB. lnn-Tiinns: "Vra, but Mayflower is so horridly vulgar ' ' " Hy Ditto' Reckon I. nt of Time. t 'airoflo Avt'ei ii Bin Don't yon know what i nwon wimu I say that I hIihII keep your beautiful val nttttO forevor anil ever Ho (who has AM oxpsrtonce)- vs Vuu nito about two week. I'oor Old Libiiiuuta. Kelt Yuri World BobengnlR died poor. His estate con itotodof eigbty -four widows and u lost The OhioetfO VaUntlu Chicago Rtrerdi Hbow-tboyeto neatly tied with blue nb b. Us make uppropriate Villon lines. - - The Koval Read te Wua'tb. r 'ii, niy,.i TrtbUM ill ' They are wise Who advertise In winter, spring And rail. Hut wiser yet s re they, you bet, Who never let up At nil. - The Man with h Hi nth Foaf(iiu Hoi' i lot ii km I'M h gurgle, I InVO its rllleul Mow; I love to wind my month up Aud listen to it go. INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTEHS. To tote for the ntU) brUlyel, mark a erott in ffct tmail iquaru at the right hand utile of tht hum "lei' at tin bottom of the Just column ou the ticktl To eal$ for the new park), mark ii trout iu (Ar mall square at the i iyht hand : life of the icortl "IVs." at the bottom of the mono' to luwm. Vnltu you make a Ifpamf lltarA' for or apalntl bi tiiyct, and for or ngninittlto parkt, your t ote wiil not affect l ithe, guMftou. lie proQiittitr and rot . Tovoixfortht j ams mark an "X ' iu tbo box opposltej the word "Ves, ' which is underneath ihe word purkB. GOLDSMITH'S $ BAZAAR IN THE REALM OF SILRDOM THIS ii not our owu thought, bat it It the remark receatlj uutdeb) oue of the mauj lady admirora of our large, atw collection r Silks: The oouutless utylee, patteru and qualities shown by us now would till u voluroe ii we wenl into detail. Japanese) Chinese, French nud American silk loomaarej all represented and in the acme of perfection in both the printers' and weavers' tut. To dwell in poetic faucy over theui would be au insinuation upon your perceptive faculties, There fore, We will simply ask ..u to call and sit. when we are quite wire that your teuse oi ecstatic uppreda tin ii will be aroused bj the spread placed before you, in former years the purchase of n silk ln'ss was frequently looked upon as an act of extravagance. Today, reallj ii is a matter of economy, because Bilks arc actuallyjcheaper than bigh-chus drefs materials, 21-inch Printed Silk Pongees, that are good and very baautiful, only 29c. 21-inch Printed China Silks, of the most exquisite designs, 49c. 24-inch Real Japanese Hahtnai Silk, made upon hand looms-:; full of life and durability; colorings fast; washable as anv cotton fabric- ' dream of loveliness. Only 63c. 23-inch Corean Silks, cream grounds, floral designs, washable. Only 49c. II you haven't secured one of our -button Kid Cloves, in all colors, at 39c. a Pair do so before they are gone. They 1 cannot last the week out. ( ioldsmith Brother- & Company. WE CL'BJS DRUNK UNNES3 AKI THS 'J'UBAOCO 11AHIT Nu Injection. Nu lDCmTQlMl No lu uf tiniB. 1 icatiuunt HI your uwu liouio. Cures alter uthur iuetliudi fall. Ask your di uuglst for PBOBS'-NOS, f 'on suIUimii mm li tMllueut treo Ailtlnua cou Bdratlally, "PHO-Rf'-XOS CUBE" CO., Sc.' Mlltull, I'u. N OTED Just As Seen, Wh.vT WijClu ricraticixi realty wttim bavs been tai Blooom Hollow re uiaiueJ sta::W In the ia'i'1 It IS KIND in Senator Hill to Touch safe his gracious consent to tbe uouii nation of Judge White The conse iiunnces wnion would nave tolloweil TBBODOM ROOSSVELI declare with his refusal to concur form a cotitiug ency horrible to conjecture emphasis that ever? foreigner who cornea to this country is In honor toondto become an A merit; tn citiz-in, purs and siinole, without anyiiualiS cation.' But he also Lelievs, just as emphatically, that Iffam "tDJ fonigo born citizen who comes orr here, honestly and in good faith fills the duties of American citi.enshlp.and acts is an American, pure and simple, it is an outrage to discriminate against him in any way. because of his birthplace or his creed." This seems to be a iqtMTf andaeusible platform, upon whic.ii all conscientious citizens can safely stand. . It h'nt necessary It. believe that a ring is an oath-bound nng so long a tbe ring's known Ticiousness is enough to condemn It. lino more borongh today should have n spring cleaning " i THIRD AND LAST CALL. Senator White, named as Mr (.'love land's third choice fur associate jus tic of the (uprenue court, the oilier two ventures having grievously mis csrried. Is one of those fortunate beings whole neither too good to be popular nor too bad to be unfit H is III fears old, com of good, old aristocratic stock, bis father, Klward Douglas White, having been a judge in New Orleans, Whig member of congress for three terms, aud governor of Louis una. mid is aufQciuntly in touch with the states' rights predilections of the Southern Confederacy, for which he fought, to be acceptable to nil factions now uppermost in federal authority. Mr. White has had eiperienoe on th bncb, having been Judge of Louisian na's supremo court from 187 to 1 -' ; and is a man of fair personal scholar ship, temperament and social attain ments. Hiscaretras a United States senator has been one devoid of ostenta tion and even tame in some of its phases; but it has at least been respect able, and there is little fear that the proprieties of tbe supreme bench will ever be violated by him. either while he Is a candidate or after he shall take iiis seat on the woolsaok. The president is unlikely to repeat the disgraceful tceuee attending the Pockham notnlna -tlon. not through any lack of willing ness on his part, but for tbe simple reason that it will not be neoessary. Senator Hill anuouuosa bis readiness to Tn k FALLACY that Canadians would give our products free entrance in ex change for the removal of our duties on Canadian products, hardly needs another puncturing. And vet it is re peatedly advanced by Democratic economist. As a matter of fact, there lias not, In two years, ben ou the statute book of the dominion of Canada a provision empowering th executive tiea l of that dominion to re ciprocate frtie lists with the United States. Therefore, when Mr. Hines quote Mr. Kckley B. 'oxe as favoring reciprocity in coals with Canada, be -.imply bvancb. off into a tbtoretloal subject, haviug no present or immin ent, bearing upon the 'iiestion at issue. In plainer words, he twists, squirms and dodges, just Ilka he alwtvs did, and j mt like hedoubtlesi alw.iys will. I It TIIEltt is too much partisan poll tics iu Americ.ui municlpil govern merit, it is because cltizms elect to mu niripal ofll'ie men who are politicians all the time, and Luslns men only at Intervals U is time to give business men and methods a larger and better show - - s . iii A KINDLY PHOVIDENCE. In closing his letter to Minister W i 1 lis, pclfylng the reasons why the policy of Infamy Imposed upon the Hawaiian people great uncertainty, terror and alarm, and expressing his profound regret for the treatment he has received, President Dple concludes with a paragraph worthy to rank with the foremost utterances uf history's greatest patriots. It is this: Such regret, ou my part, is only equalled by rny luabllfty to understand Imw It has come, about that a goveriiiinint and com munity which is today mure closely con-uert-uwltb the l ulled (States bv ties of roimnorce, friendship, and blood than any utlier lying beyoud its burners; which val ues your friendship above that of all other nations; which fully duilts arid appreci ates the many and drop obligations which It is uuder to your gnverumeut aud peo pie; which has dune you and your country no wrong: hni been forced Into a position where in defense of their very right to exist, they have been obliged to take up arm to meet the possible hostility of that country whose Hag they revere aud whose principles of liberty they love. I cannot but bellevo that it has arlseu through a misunderstanding of facts on the nart of your governnsut and a mutual inltappr- Daniel B. Strong, whose great speech upon tbe tariff attracted co much al -tention upon its publication in THS Tkiii1 nk on Saturday Ust. Is oue of the most American of Americans in his ideas He is a son of Judge Strong, formerly of Honesdale, a well known Democratic leader in days g"ue by Stimulated by the advice and generous advances of an indulgent father, Daniel B. Strong labored faithfully duriug college days and graduated with honor that must have tieen gratifying to bis parent. He subsequently went tu franco, whore he spent hftoen years, gaining vast kuowledge of tbe country and its government by intimate nc ijtiaintarice with the greatest statesmen and leaders of th riw Republic. Possessing the advantages of a thor ough edur itiori, Mr, Strong has made a stu ly of the question upon which he presented unanswerable arguments in his recent speech. Although a horn Democrat he advocate a high protec tive tariff because he can H.'6 that it is fur the good of his peopl" the Amerl can people that our uark-ds shall be (dosed against foreign manufacturers. Mr Strong is actuated s dely by phi I nnthropic motives In raising his VOiO In a masterly way against the threat ening raid upon American industries. K J. Wlgbtmsn and Will II. Hock Well, who have been engaged iu build ing a street railway between Middle town and Uoshen, ft, Y, during tbe past winter, were in the city yesterday calling upon friends. They announce that three miles of the road will be ready for operation The road which is to be live miles iu length, will run through a thrifty portion of the ells tinted Orange rouutv, and will m doubt proTi a paying Institution. The success of the enterprise will bo grati fvlng to th many Scranton friends of UsStrs, Wightman and Kockwell see It is uleasipg to note that work Spoil the uew Kiothingham theater is pro greasing rapidly these days. The II mrs have been placed is the building and the stereo relief dtuorations are giving tbe interior a loiutifo! appearanoe i! ready. Prom present indications it is safe to predict that the uew theater will be ready for the opening ou March iii Many excellent attractions have already been secured for the coin inn season, which promises to surpass nil previou years in the brilliancv nnd merit of its theatrical entertainuu'iils. . di'ovtr Nfidi a Lsason. VtttthuiO itintt. 11 is time to teach him that there list been enough of bis (lotnlneeriiig, and that if he wants the senate to co-operate with him he must ct like a president of the United States and uot like a New York politician. Their prinir Trouncing ITssMaflee iXt'. It is olUcially announced that the i'eun sylvauia Democrats have been harmon ized. This means that they will stand shoulder to shoulder to take their usual trouuelug un Tuesday. . i s - It Is (Mncer (lalcettun AYigf, nailery always uas a smug tu It. CONRAD THE DO YOU SELL? OR AKK VUU MAKING PRESENTS? of Mixed Candy, Clear Toys, or any style of Caildj or N'tils, Kxpress Wagons, 't-loi:ipiMles, Trioycles, Doll Cabs, Drntui or Toys of every kind. DOLLS China Dulls, Wax Dolls Patent Dolls, Jointed lolU, any kiud ot'doll from 25otoU SLEDS OR SLEIGHS NOKM IRON BL W K in t Mum. SUA 1.1'. ll.VTRA 8PEI I IL B ANDERSON'S ENGLISH JHSSOP'8 ENGLISH l STREL HORSE SHOES TOE CALK U RE MACHINERY SPRING son STEEL ll.s BKLLOU S HORSE NAILS W AGON WHLEI.S AXLES SPRINGS HI ISS SPOK ES KIMS STEEL skL1N H r. iihi.- VtlLI RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS s KLV. I I live MACHINERY HATTER IS SHOWING SQMh DRESSY LOOKING HATS FOR SPRING WEAR Va. U.,... 0 1.1. 1,.11. J UI DU1S, '11111 HI I 'OI1S, 111 ilaplf, Oak oi lion, iioin 25c to 115.00. BICYCLES We have the poods aud our prices are rigid. Wholesale aud retail. J. D. WILLIAMS 3R0.r 31 1 Lacka Ave. Womaksa BPSCtALTY pi snppl ring com iuittut;i lui .Sunday Schools r'nits Koiivnls Bittenbender&CoJcrantoir Wholesale at.J retail coalers' in WaotiiuuUor:' ind Blacksmiths BUPPLIES. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTOM AND WILKES-BAB RE, PA, ilANUFACTCRERS I? Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINtRY. Otnersl Office, SCRANTON, P.V FURS! FURS! CAPES 18 INCHES Dt I P Prtnoll t'uiiey Chpss, 1 Inobts lep t 3 01 i Al rsktiHti Cap, " " .. . 4 UU AstluktlHIl ' Hi., h " ... 5 0u' AUruSllilll Osm-. " .r.. m iiymi oposran Cspdi " " .... u uo l01l ('upetf. .... I'.' UU M'Hikuy i.'ape.n, " .... 15 IW , Nat OttsrOapM, " " .... aiou Nat tutor Cap, " " .... HQ k r-lniniHi Cmiih. " 19 00 ! hoaviir I'apua, " " .... 'JilW ; Nutils ('apes. " .... WW! Scl or i'trxtan I'auos " " .. .. U6 UU I AlaKku Srnl Caiies. " " ii UU . I :..i , - . .. ... 'ui in MinkOapas. " "... an uu Brnirn artsn ffapsii " "... "& is) CUPES 22 INCHES DEEP. Ailmkhaii Cap, 1.' iiu Iioi (loop 510 U) Baltlo BM Cap, " is uu Klaetrioj! Cap, " . it mi 1'roin-h ( 'uues riiios, " 0 Ml Mink Cap. M UU Brown M trim f 'ass, si ' M -'ii.... ' ijn'-,, " itt Ml Highest Cash I rices Paid lor Raw Furs. Repairing Furs a Specialty. WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD w i Lackawanna Avenue. SPECIALS at Tin: LED n in n Eli uiui S S . j A For the Next 10 Days. mo pieces i willed Toweling, best ! quality, bleached, 3 iiopieces ( ilas Toweling, red and 1 blue checks, 4;4c. hi dozen Turkey Red Table ( lot lis, size 8- , only C9c. u pieces Table Linen (wide) Damask and Red, only 22c. 1 cases Amoskeag Ginghams, worth Sr., only 4'..C. 1 case bruit of the boom Muslin, . warranted one yard wide, only 7 ;j c. 1 case I n bleached Muslin, 1 yd. : wide, Sc. quality, only 53C. 3 cases New Dress Calicos, worth ;c a yard, only 4;4C. 10 pieces Black ("ash mere, worth 1 2 ' c . only 5c. 65 pieres Cashmeres, all colors, worth 35c,, only 21c 40 Ladies' Jackets, all sizes, worth - so. only $3.75. 35 Ladies' Jackets, all sizes, worth $io to $ s 50, only $5 20 dozen Ladies' Merino Vests and Pants sec. quality, onlv 860. 37 dozen Ladies' Wooi Ribbed ests, worth $1.25, only 65c. 18 dozen (ients' Natural Wool $1.25 Underwear ai 7fic. iS do.-. Gents Grey Underwear, 75c, quality, only 44c SALE AT BOTH STORES: The Fashion I Our New Stores 308 Lacka. Ave. 400 402 Lacka. Ave. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOWERS' PSXtXCXQUe MIl.UBUGrAR CURED A LiSOl. U T S 1. V PUnB HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND PAIL OF LARD BRANDED. THE ST0WERS PACKING CO., SCRANTON, PA i HE DUTHE1L STUDIO, oi K LACK A lM win; i oi J s( RANTOM, l. t.v.v., .. n iramMi utwu now aaa rurs' A - msa I mii loaannaais ia t a ixib i$$ Uatbat I will moliu a UKNUiNK Cn.W'ON POlll'KAl! cooltdirvu anv ni-i.ll v-"" ABSOLUTXLS KHi'C OI' CHAHO& i i i - I si t.CH OV l li v lll.i il .i i '4 30 Ut'WAIlll. VTofkmansblp rii .!.. Prnaas Mtr tut. teat tbau rtf ular prU K. DDTlifilL, Artist.