The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 19, 1894, Image 8

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URING hard times consumers
cannot afford to experiment
with inferior, cheap brands of bak
ing powder. It is NOW that the
great strength and purity of the
ROYAL stand out as a friend in need
to those who desire to practise Econ
omy in the Kitchen. Each spoonful does its per
fect work. Its increasing sale bears witness that
it is a necessity to the prudent it goes further.
Grocers say that every dollar in
vested in Royal Baking Powder is
worth a dollar the world over, that it
does not consume their capital in dead
stock, because it is the great favorite,
and sells through all times and seasons.
We are almost daily in receipt
of Early Spring Dress Textures.
These early arrivals mqstly Nov
elties and Mixed Suitings-- are of
the very newest and latest. In
cluded are:
Mixed Cheviot Suitings,
English Checks,
Two-tone Novelty
Striped Cheviot Suitings,
Checked Casimir Suitings
China and Japan
We have now on sale ail as
sortment of beautiful designs
and exquisite combinations
Spring and Slimmer Dresses.
The result of care fur selections
and designs that are con
trolled exclusively by us for
this city, at prices which we
are sure will command attention.
Black Hosiery
You will find our line of Ho
siery, Gloves and Underwear
complete as usual.
Ye are offering some very choice
things in Misses' and Children's
Hosiery at very attractive prices.
Outor town correspondent! ofTns Trib
une should sign their names In full to oaoh
news lotter. not for uublication out to snuM
lfalnt deception. 1
Aftsr a (iuarrsl He Attempted to Shoot
Qtorffe Westgai
Npecial to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, P Pb. 18. A cow
ardly attempt was made upon the life
of George C. Weatgate, a well known,
resident and a member of the Foreet
City borough oounoil, by Frank Mc
Dermott, a young man of this plaoe.
An altercation ooeurred at one of our
hotels which led to McDermott's mak
ing an attempt to strike Westgate,
which he averted, and a return blow
was made upon McDermott by West
gate. After this happened McDarmott left
left the hotel and went to tin home,
returning with a revolver. Uttering
an oath, with a threat to kill, he drew
the revolver and pointed it at West -gote.
Two bystanders seeing his ac
tion, crabbed the revolver as it was
being discharged. The bullet
its mark and grazed the hand
man who arrested its progress.
A hearing was bad last, evening at 0
o'clock before Squire J. M. Brown, At
torney L. P. Wedeman representing
the commonwealth.
The prisoner was held in the sum of
$1,000 bail to appear at the next term
of oourt. At this writing be bad not
furnished ball, and was taken to the
borough jail to remain until Monday,
when he will be taken to the Montrose
Joseph as a fireman; Jessie Field as an
Indian princess; Mrs. Lizzie Addiman
as a sunflower; Flo Vatiemark as Si
lence; Ida McGenniss, goddess of lib
erty, Mrs. Mary Cowles, Swiss girl;
ijyuia Moore, sohoolgirl; Mrs. C. B.
Westcott, grandmother; Mrs. E. J.
Westoott, witch; Mary Morgan, nun;
Minnie Kenyon. Unole Sam's wife:
Carrie Owens, nun; Olive Pearl, flower
girl; Elsie Westcott, water sprite.
Will Anderson. Dude; Myrton West
cott, Dsrkey; C. A. McGinnls. Uncle
Sam; Will Cooper, Bohemian; Percy
Henry, Out obey; James Hopewell,
Irishman; Harry Dunning, Japanese;
Sam E. Addiman, Indian Chief; Ar
thur Westcott, Satan; C. B. Westoott,
citizen ; Louis Kersling, drum major;
W. M. Westcott, butcher.
An elegant oyster supper was served
at a late hour, after which dancing
and other games were indulged in
until the "wee sma' hours of the
mornin," when the guests departed for
their homes having had a very pleas
ant time.
of the
Events of.Interest Dished Up for Intelli gent
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Carbondalk, Ph., Feb. 18. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Moon, of Elmira. N. Y., are
visiting the former's grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A A. Hall, of Park
Mr. and Mrs H. B. Briggs, of Dart
avenue, spent Sunday with friends in
Miss Josephine Burr, of North Church
street, spent Sunday with friends in
W. D. Frank, of Scranton, spent the
Sabbath very pleasantly with friends in
this city.
Frank P. Duncklee. of Plttston, is
the guest of friends in this city over
8. W. Porter, of Jersey City, who is
visiting friends in this plaoe, spent
Saturday as the guest of Forest City
B. F. Maxey, of Forest City, spent
Saturday with friends in Carbondale.
Miss Ions Tyler, of Forest City,
spent the Sabbath as the guest of
friends in tbis city.
On Tuesday evening will be giten
the third entertainment on the oourse
of wbioh is being given under the au
spices of Palestine eommandery, No.
14, Knights Templer. The entertain
ment like its predecessors, will be in
the Masonic temple on Salem avenue .
It will be given by the Lotus Ulee
' lub of Boston. They will be accom-
anifd by the talented elooutlonist,
Lisa Miunis Marshall.
The Happsning-s Over in the Maple City
Tersely Recorded
Svecial to the Feranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Pil, Feb. 18 Robert,
a son of Charles Schoonover, while
playing in Murray & Riokert's livery
stable, fell twelve feet from a step,
injuring a bone in bis risbt arm and
receiving a severe scalp wound.
Thermometer!) here registered from
18 to 13 degrees below zero yesterday
morning. The oold weather seemed
to have an enlivening effeot on the
horses hereabouts, one belonging to
Charles Smith, of Seeleyville, and one
belonging to Krantz & 0& each taking
a spin without a driver.
Mi jor Whitney gives Company E a
preliminary inspection on Monday
M. B. Allen, who had the indorse
ment of both Democrats and Republi
cans for the council, has withdrawn
his name from the ticket, and the va
cancy lias not been filled yet.
The canvass for the ttx collectorshtn
gets hotter as the canvass closes, the
principle work being done by Daniel
C. Osborne, Republican, and Tnomas
E. Callaway, Independent rtepublioan
Adam Metygar has returned to re'
mime work with the Honesdale Shoe
Station Agent Morris, ot the brie,
has DUt up notices that, hereafter, no
passengers win D earned on tne
lioiissdale way freight.
A Novel Markst Bsport Forwarded by a
Honesdale Correspondent.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Honesdale, Pa. Feb. 18. The writer
basin his possession a memorandum
of prices of provisions in Honesdale
from 1840 to 1857 which was kept by
one of our old time residents. The
pr'-'es were put down semi-monthly.
Th, vices on November 1 of eaoh year
were follows:
Flour. Butter. Pota'a. Ham. Fish. I'ork.
I8IG $U.iiO .19 ,IW .08 .03 .07
1847 .M .50 .10 .OH .OK
ltMH 7.IO .Dri .MV4 .0V .00 .03
1849 0.U .10V .10 .07 .0.'
IWS0 6.00 ,10 .80 .09 .07 . 07
18(1 tit .19 ,7n .11 .07 .09
1852 5.00 . .Oil' .11 .00 .11
183 7.60 .25 Mri .VM .08 .10
1851 11.15 .ft 1.26 .Ull .10 .00
15.) 10.00 . MH .14. .0) .14
1858 9.0) .28 MH .18 ,08 1 :i
1857 8.U0 . l.UU .lift .US .10
The waites paid common laborers in
1848 were 70 cents a day; in 1849, from
70 to 80 cents; in 1853, from 70 to
cents, and in 1833. from 75 to 85 oante.
The people of this generation will have
a bard time in figuring out how the
people of that period managed to pay
running expenses
A Pleasant Company In Costume Enter
taloed by Mr. and Mre. Weeoott.
Special to At Scranton Tribune.
Mooatc, Pa., Fb. 18 A Urge mas
uuerade DSTty from Providence sur
prised Mr. aud Mrs. William Westoott
Friday eveuingat their borne on Sontb
Main street. Those Dresent were the
following: Miss Carrie Keisblnii, cos
tumed as the evening star, Llbble
Oittmau M a tambourine girl; Sarah
Personal and Other Nswe from a Hust
Una Town.
gtaeeJOl 'o tt Scranton TViouue.
Archbald. Pa., Feb. 18 Miss Mary
Cutnuiing and Miss S.trah Djinpiey, of
Scranton, visited friends in town last
Miss Ruby tiraham, or bcranton, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Maggie Eaton.
Mre. M, Lynot, of Jermyn, visitea
friends in town last Saturday.
Miss Julia Newcombe passsl last
Snnday with Carbondale frieuds.
Frauk McUatlrey, of Jermyn, was in
town last Wednesday.
Miss Nellie O Neill. of Scranton, Is
visiting at the home of Elward Mc
Donnell, of Cemetery street,
Miss Lizzie White called on Carbon
dale friends last Saturday.
A regular meeting of Archbald Hose
company will be held on Monday even
ing at 7.30. All members are requested
to be present,
Current Toploj Intelligently Rioorded
by a Graceful Writer.
Special to the Scranton TWIiiiim.
Forest City, Pa., Feb. 18. Rev. J.
C. Hogan has been confined to his
home the past few days by an attack
of In grippe.
Harry Yewens, the energetio sur
veyor for the Hillside, and Laud Agent
McCorinac, of Scranton, were In town
About forty pupils of B. F. Max"y's
room enjoyed a sleighride to Carbon
dale this afternoon.
Benjamin Oillgenast the popular
and reliable tailor in C. S. Alexander's,
left town yssterdny morning, his face
wreathed in smiles ami with bis grip
sack in hand. Before leaving be gave
his best friends to understand that be
might bring his charming bride home
with him. He says they will immed
iately commence home keeping,
H. C. Wheeler, George Burrell, J.
Dimock and Mark Pnrdy.
Dr. Wood's Norwav Pine Syrup cures
coughs and colds quicker than any other
remedy, because it combines the luig
heAling quality of the pine tree with other
valuable medicines. Hold by all dealers on
a guarantee of satisfaction.
Criticising- a Young? Lady.
'She would be a pretty uirl for but one
"What's thatr asked Charley.
George Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
i. hurley -oil. that s easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the same way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it in no time.
Ueorge What was HP
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short oourse of P. P. P. I tll yon, it's
jhe boss blood corrector. The icovernor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
bear him holler clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
yon know what an athletic old eent he is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank them after
wards. All ttio drug Stores sell it. "
Do Hot Foolishly Wait Until the Closing
From the number of names added
daily to the long list of subscribers to
the Eucyolopedla Brltannioa, it is fair
to conclude that there are many yet to
oome. Why hesitate longer to call and
give your order? The regular price at
which it is ottered, together with the
liberal terms of payment, preclude the
possibility of any one pleading poverty
as an excuse for not furnishing himself
or his family with this incomparable
edncational work. You oan afford a
fund of knowledge which is abso
lutely unavailable from any other
source tweuty five large volumes,
over 22,000 pages and about 10,000 il
lustrationsa history of each and ev
ery oountry, ancient or modern ; a his
tory of eaoh state in the union, together
with the latest map of that country or
state; the life of every great man or
woman who lias lived since history be
gan ; all the arts and sciences ex
plained and illustrated; the history,
nature and habits, with illustrations,
of every creature in the animal crea
tion, from bumble bee to a buffalo, to
gather with the description of every
plant and flower in the vegetable king
dom. The president of Yale college has
said that it wonld require 3,000 vol
umes from the world's publications to
procure all this information. With
the proper use of the alphabetical con
tents and marginal references and in
dex it becomes the most convenient of
Encyclopedias. Not merely the salient
points are given, but a full treat
ment of tbe subject, rendering it
a complete library in the home
with but few books. You must
have seen a friend's books as hundreds
have been provided with them, and
they can be seen at any time at 487
Sprues street. On receipt of $4.30 tbe
entire set will be delivered tbe bal
ance in easy monthly payments.
The offer must soon be withdrawn.
But a short time remains in which to
avail yourself of the price and easy
terms of payment, which means the
securing or the work.
Electric Blttere.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no speciftl men
tion. All who have used Electric Bitters
sing the same song of praise. A purer
medicino docsnotexist and it is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed. Electric
Bitters will cure all diseases ot tbo Liver
ami Kidueys, will remove Pimples, Boils,
Salt Rheum and other affections caused by
impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
tbe systom and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial foyers. For cure of Ueadache,
Contispation and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters Entire satistaction gaaranteed,
or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and (1
per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug store.
Young; Thespians at Carbondale Will
Appear In Drama.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Cabbondale, Pa.. Feb. 18 On Mon
day evening, at Association hall, will
be given a one act farce, "A Scene
from Hamlet." A musioal entertain
ment will also be given. The affair
will be rendered by local talent for the
benefit of the ladies' auxiliary board of
the Yonng Men's Christian association.
The title of the piece is "A Silent Wo
man. "
Miss Olina Herring will play the
part of Marie Sanford and E. D. Yar
rington will be seen as Mr. Sanford.
Among the others who will take part
in the entertainment are Misses Irene
Burns, Ida Soyder and Hazel Wheeler,
Women full of Pains
Aches and weaknesses,
find in Cuticura Anti
Pain PLASTOI instant
and grateful relief. In
On KM IN utk it relieves
aching sides and back,
hip, kidney and uterine
pains, strains and weak
nesses, rheumatic, sci
atic, tharn and nervous
pains, coughs, colds and chest pains, uuor
ous with balsam, spice and pine, it is the
sweetest, surest, safest and best plaster.
Price: iC.: lite, $1.00. Al .ill druggists or by
soul. Ponim Dsvo and Ihsm. loar.
and those soon to be
come mot In -rs, should
know that Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Pro
scription robs child
birth of its tortures,
'terrors and dangers
to both mother and
child, by aiding nat
ure in procuring the
system lor par
turition. ineroDv
"labor" and the
period of confine
ment nro greatly
shortened. It also promotes the secretion of
an abundance ot nourishment ror me cnua
Mrs. Doha A. Guthrie, of Oakleu. Overton
Co., Twin., writes: "When I began taking
vour ' Favorite Prescription.' I was not able
to stand on my feet without sufferintr almost
death. Now I uo an my nousewpra, wissuvi
muilclns-. amine and nvervthineTor my family
of eight. I am stouter now than I have boon
In six years. Your ' Favorito Prescription ' Is
the beBt to take before confinement, or at least
It proved so with inc. I never suffered as little
with any of my children as I did with my lost,
and she is the healthiest we've got. Have in
duced several to try f avorite rrcscnpuou.
and it has proved good for them.
Office Supplies of all kinds
Inks and Mucilages
Fine Stationery
All Uuurunteud.
Agents for Crawford's Pens aud
Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps.
Reynolds Bros,
Stationers and Engravers.
Lost Manhood
trophy, etc . Rurelv cured l.y
It induct Ri med v. Wit h int j
and vigor quickly
1 eeitort'il. Varicocele.
utffhtlv emltxloni,
etc.. nurflT cured by ItfPAPOi the irent
rmrtv Wltt ..,.. ..... ....... . .. H i
MATTHEWS Bk08 IsragsjtstS, Scrauton. Pa.
Mrs. Let tie G08S
Tyrone City, Penn.
After the Grip
Hood's Cave Back Health
and Strength
That Dreadful Prostration Cured.
"C. I. Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass.:
'Gentlemen A little over n year ago, I was
attacked by the grip and, after the crisis had
passed, 1 was left so weak and with that dread
ful prostration, that I was unable to dress my
self for almost nine months. Some friends who
knew Its merits, persuaded me to take Hood's
Sarsaparllla and I am now taking my fourth
bottle. I am so thankful to be uble to say that 1
can do my housework, and am gaining fast
I Sleep Well,
do not have sourness of the stomach, and can
eat with good appetite. I think Hood's Sarsa-
parllla deserves all the praise it gets and more."
Mhs. Lkttie Gohs. Tyrone City, Penn.
Ladies Who Value
A refined complexion must uso Pozionl's Paw-I
der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin.
The new offer
made to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion.
Dr. E. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And Us assooiated ktatf of English aud Oer
man 1'byaIclanB.aro now permanently located
Temple Court Building
Where they may be consulted DAILY AND
The Doctor Is a graduate ot tho University
of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of
pbyaio iigv and surgery at tho Wcdlco-Chlr-urglcal
College, of Philadelphia. He is also
an honorary member of the Modico Chlrur
gloal Association, and was physloian and
surs-eon ln chlof of tho most noted American
Ut Gorman hospitals, ooraes highly lndorsod
by the loading professors of Philadelphia and
New York.
His many years ot hosDital experlonoe) on
ables this eminent physician and surgeon to
correctly diagnose nud treat all deformities
and diseases with tho most flattering success,
and his high standing in tho state will not
nil u him to accept anv Incurable case
If you have oeen given up oy your physi
cian call npon the doctor and be examined.
He cures the worst casesof Nervous Debility,
Hcrofula, Old Soros. Catarrh. Piles, Female
Weaknoss, Affections of tho Ear, F.yo, Noso
and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can
cers and Cripples of every description. Con
sultation in English and German Free, which
shall bo con alderod sacred and strictly coutv
oential Office Honrs: O A. M. to O 1'. M. Dally.
Sunday, O a.m. to 't p m.
National Bank of Scranton,
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
PAMUEIj HlNES.tPresldont.
W. W. WATSON, Vice President.
A. H. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
SA Mr El, HtXF.S, JAME1 M' Evr.ntiART,
Iuvina a. FiNon, Pierck P.. rnruT,
Joseph J. Jermvn, M. s. Kkmeiieh.,
Cuas. P. Matthews, John T. Porter.
W. W. Watson.
This bank Invites tho patronage of business
men aud firms generally.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Organized 1872.
Capital, -'$200,000
Surplus, - $240,000
This hank offer to depositors every
facility warrnutedby their biilaucra, bual
uesa and tusponslblllty.
Kpec-lal attsntlon K'veii to business ae
cotiuts. Interest puld on time deposit.
WILLIAM CONN KM,, President.
UUO. II All is Vice-President.
WILLIAM H. l'i:CK, laebler.
William Counell, 0oreM II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. Junjes Aiebbald, Henry
llolln, jr., Wllllaui T. Smllh, Luther
There are hundreds of young men and young women in till
country who have splendid ability, but they have never been
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
, Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yo;
are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible,
come to the College.
Carpetings !
Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets,
Body Brussels, Tapestries, Ingrains, &c,
now ready. The largest line of new pat
terns and novelties we have ever shown,
which we submit for the inspection of
buyers. Prices will be found thoroughly
Japanese and China Mattings, in Plain, Figured and
Inserted Patterns.
Linoleums and Oil Cloths, in all qualities and widths
from one to four yards wide.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Tribune Art Feature
To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would
be to neglect the best opportuuity yet offered. Tho ad
ditiou of the "Wauaniaker" series makes it more valua
ble. Bead new announcement on page 7.
m m
With Woven Wire Mattresses
and latest Folding Devices,
Actual value, $3.50.
We Will Sell Them for the Next Five Days a
Our Spring Stock is fast arriving
Your inspection is invited.