THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY li, 1894. ONE CENT A Word. n'mifjo all blasts foil that much, W Ht .Situations Wanttd,uhieh arn ittSSTtM 'fAX Situations Wanted. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES SITUATION WASTED BY L7 years old with . . i or grocery a L can "'.f up lu on avenue. . it.- A BOY 1. t hi r education lu u dry ito e, or some but ne tnut A'ldlets 1 U .. 6 Mill II OiTVATlvN WA-N I'tD-lNl'LLLlOLNT, o reliable tad ste. dy youug pn wishes situation as salesman or clerk- witu business house Experlenci-d. Addies..I.Trlbun.-oftlre. TV a N T E 1 1 - 3C k I' bB 1 N U . Ho C sE- CL E A N ? ing, or any household worn by the Jay. AuJrs. MRS W ATPW8, 'Jin Bromtoy ay, UTATKiN WANTED l!Y A YOl Nl.l with tail t dlleatloll, not afculd i.I s i-ork;euii furnish tlrxt dress. K. B-. this office. hiss reference. Ad rOUNO MAN. WITH GOOD LM.'E, would like a position in bud work. :t. not at I aid of II.. Tribune office. REFER store or Address, (' UT ANTED SITUATION BY a GIRL I-n lawyer s office to kecplu -uder Aimer Cull Tin hunk Utile... w u 'ANTED a tn HM t1 hours eaca liny. office. 'ANTED SWIATION AH COACHMAN gsnHier. Address II. A.. Tribune ofllce. T 1 A. T 1 o N WANTKU A WOMAN : would ltke to gat oat by the day washing cleaning, or will take washing noun. Ad dress, MARY DONNELLY, Scrantnn PontofMne. DY A YOl'NU 5! A N IN DRY GOODS OR 1) grocery stor. or some business where bo i ...uld work uu. Some e-xtei lein e. good ioi-r . QCA Will Won clo-a Montrose. Pa, Vol Nil LADY WISHES i indl r gentleman a tow Address 11. care ! Pi Ibauo Restriction or Authrdcite Output Is Possible by Indiviullll OptUtois. Made Address I' ''ox Agc.-its Wanted. U'NTEDASALESMArl, 131 TO J50 weekly can bo inade with oar goods in tiny locality, will prove it or torfeit sioo. Solory or DMunlMtoa us yon prefer, 'fiio re etiltsiif i tOW Ii.iiir.' work often squall a v., k' fim, Address, "MAMUPAOTUR- MRS," P, S Box 8908, Bolton. Mass. U' ANTED-BOY'S AND QIRL8 who to make money when ont o( rtiool: tend nam and we will tell youhowi no money wanted. F. Sl'AYNKK. Providence B. 1. -eadv uiiiDinviueut NATIONAL CLEAN Arcade building. rWO YOUNG MEN OP GOOD :n ill set Appl: 1 ' AN'TKII iddMm to i-ali on btUlDIM hiiusea. for lood TOWEL COMPANY, For Sale. nOR BALE- BECOND HAND GOOD 1' Moraine ronfo, chomp, IMT Oodw of oaao. HARM POR HALE OB EXCHANGE POB J' city property. Inquire of W. C DAVIS, I'M LoioyottO street. ' noR sAL 11 A PLATFORM BPRING V wagon, tod notiio for fait or runt, in mdreof B f, BUMMErtBELL, Moooow, i'n I CK FOB SALE DELIVERED IN SCRAN' I ti.u kt Via per ton Inquire of W. II. SUITS or M. H. HCPP0RD, CUrk'n Hum- Wit. Pa. r?OR BALE li VCRE J and ntanalla, .1. M. BBEKPilLD, t-a Monroe ave. L-OB SALE OK EXCHANGE POR SCRAM J. ton property - A bearing oraugo groye llll lOMllii in proauetlou aud value yearly in the orauge auction in Horida Addroa P. L. NETTLlpTON, ljiko Helen. Finrida tar Rent. i"oK RENT APRIL 1 1 occupied by the Telephone Exchange. THE BOOMS NOW US Lackawanna avenue Apply at the ofllCO of l.ehiuh Salt Milium ( 0., Third .Natl.uial Uauk building L. S. ami E C. Puller. noB ii RENT- nue from April HOUSE Si WYOMING AVE l.levell i '.-in-. ull the modern Intprovt'iucii s. rent $5u per u.oiith. Apply to P, H. ULEMON8, ti Lackawanna avenue. V'OR RENT-HToRE. 511 LAt'KAWANNA 1 avenue, l.j April. 1. . i. ... ol Henry i Fray, 421 preuiLsva Luikawanua OVffltia in. AGREEMENTS ARE ADHERED TO One of ttie Quick Benefit--, of tlie An thracite Coal Operators' Association Is Seen in trie Harmonious and Loyal Atlituds ot the Factors in Hard Fuel Production Curious Mechanism Constructed by Joseph Meylrott, of West Pittslon Miscel laneous Pickings of News and Gos sip Relating to Industrial Interests. It in agreed on all sides amon the anthracite trade that tlia prevailing gnod feeling which has nudo the prea ent aevere restriction pjaaible and ueueral, If due in no sm ill detrren to the asaociatioti of individual operators. It is computed that these operator luiuo one-third or more of the total output of anthracite, and their reaili UMUl to assume their share of the duties of the trade has produced a wide im pression. Heretofore when a plan fur i esti totioti whs proposed it ha often been, saiJ -and perliapi at times with a slight measure of justice because of the luck of a geueral under standing; "the individual operators will continue shipping and sp ill tbe market;'' but now these itentlemeu are organized and are prepared as a body to follow the lead of thelarjie Interests in carryiug out any proposition whioh looks toward the benefit of all con cerned. This has made the pieseut re striction possible; perhaps a more, stable agreement tor tbe wnoU trade may be the ultimate outcome. Joseph Meytrott, of West Pittlton, Who d-sigued the model breaker ex hibited at the World's fair, is at work upou a model combiuationcoal breaker and washer, wbich will ba placed on exhibition at i the Pennsylvania State college. We borrow from the Pittston Guette this iuterestiug description: It is a working model to show tbe process of preparing autbrucite coal for mar ket. It is constructed to handle all small coal from mine separate from coal that is brokeu by machinery. The structure is? feet wide, 10 feet long and 11 feet high, tbe mat .-rial being : red ..birch and cherry. Coal is taken I into the breaker by means of a plane ; and car.-, and when it is dumped out of ; cars into tbe dump chute it passes over a tier of round iron bars placed sufficiently far ap irt to allow coal from the size of to stove to pas between bars. This is run directly to the washer iu the washing tank. Tue ! washer is a conical screen provided with a solid shell. After the coal is washed it is hoisted by au elevator one story higher and enters a round screen. This screen sizes it. tin small coal go ing to coal pockets and the nut and stove going to jigs to be slated and then conveyed aud run into coal pock ets The coal that passes over the first tier of bars runs ovsr a solid portion of plates and enters on a set of oscillating bars that are placed still wider apart and that allow coal from buckwheat to grate to fall between Ihenr. This iroes to a square gyrating screeu that sizes ike grate, e?, stovj and nut. Smaller sizes are hoisted by au elevator aud enter the washer. I 'OR KENT IX BURR BUILDlMttWABH. V ington avenue, a tew desirable office ami Rata- Kent rry reasonable 4to desirable par ti-a Can be seen bv applying to janitor in building. For teriri-i apply to CHARLES A Jll'HK. '.M4 North Main avenue. f.'OR RENT -A LARGE STORE ROOM AT 4nS bpruce street. Inquire at 111 Wyom ing avenue. V'OK RENT -THREE ROOMS. FRONT OS r nevoid floor, over N. a Hnlbsrt'a music Store, 11, yoiuing aveuue, from April 1. quire In the itore. In- TWO-STORY BKK'K DWEL hug i.-ii modem Improvement. Mi HAL KK r, OUL,LlB I 'op. KENT 1 Purest court. to agent, 7x1 Soat Laokawanna avenue. 'o LET PtiR A TERM OF YEARS -Part or all of three hundred feet uf yard rc,.iu along railroad Apply at 9M Franklin avenue. M'u RENT-STORE Oaffi OS FURNISHED J ball ou flreen Ridge street. Very desira-Lili-locatiiiti and ou reasonable terin-c Apply p P E. NETTLE TON or .'. S. WOODBUPP, Pi' publican hullding Lost. CJT''AVNL. PavER W ATM t A j with pin attached. The tinder will be SI itabtv rewarr!-1 by returiiiiig to Charlei A. Bui r, i:t Sm ill Main ajrenja Spcci.r TICKETS C'AN I.lie tall. Twenty board. uu.-al Notices. nd Franklin ticgcti for S. 59, flood AlfcAL TICKETS CAM P.E HAD AT 141. -It ,1' l-prc.' e -it 1' -et and J alikun live Rest Estate. IOK SALE SiNOLE HOUSE, lK CJP'INUY avenue; very desirable boatlon. Apply H F REYNOLDS, or W1LLARD, WARREN KN'APP. V-J.ijii WILL BL'Y MODERN NEWSROOM nil tDipr. iv- nu'iit-.; terma easy; cor The grata coal from this screen would have to be hand picked. Kgg is partially cleaned by m ichluery, stove and nut to jigs. The coal that passes over the oscillating bars is haul picked, leaving tbe pure coal to go to main roll No. 1. This coal enters a round double screen, is llsid aud im mediately enters coal posksls without any picking. Tue coal that is picked out on plates is put into toll No. 2, then passes to a tquare gyrating screeu that sizes grate, egg, stove aud nut. irate aud egg are band picked ; stove by mechanical appliance and not to jig. Koll No I) is for rebreaking grate aud egg coal This coal is also hoisted by elevator aud screened la a round screen that lltM stove, nut, pea and buckwheat. 1'his goes direct to tbo cool pockets. Koll No 4 is for rebreaking all impure coil from gi atn, egg, stove, aud nut pickings that are gathered into a conveyor and hoistel with an elevator into the slate room where all impure coal and rock is taken oat. Tbe screenings from loading coal are conveyed to au elevator aud hoisted up into breaker, entering ascroeu to be siz-id. The culm and slate is con veyed out of the buildinir. lhere are --.i. pockets to receive coal au 1 fifty fight outlets or gats to draw coal iuto i ail road cars. Hi r Mad iron avonus and : .. , . . ply HARRY LEES. Ap I 40.1 WILL BUY VLHY DESIRABLE LOT corner Madleon areuue aud Delaware at rest. Terms easy. Apply HARRY LEES. Ecranton Wholesale Markets. KcRASTOii. Feb. I'd . --Fruits akd Pbo duck piled apple, per lb., Ba7v.: svap biated apples, luallc. per lb.; Turkish prunes, 44ja5. ;Eugllah currauta.ia'J'c; layer raisins, tl.TSnl.-iU; muscatels, tlaDa 1,811 per box; new Valencies, Ca7a. per lb. Leass Marrow fats, H iJs'.'.bO per bushsl; mediums. tl.TOal.t$u P-ass ureeu, tl per bushel ;spUt,; lentels, UalOo. per pound. Fotatoaa 0a65c. per busbel. OxloNS--60a"uc. per bnsbel. Huttbh 2ha25e. per lb. i'HSESR lualSe. per lb. EQaFreab.ivHsEUe.i pickled, HalSc; coolera UalBc, 1'oultrt Chickens, dressed, UHrPHc : turkeys, Hia13o. AlsATa aama, n.'ic.: large. lAKe.1 skinned hams, lOKe.; California hams, t-'-c; shoulders, 8y,c.; dry salted bellies, Ito.i smoked breakfast bacou. ll'-;c; fresh pork lolnu, tfHc; "Wyoming" pork suusage, lie.; Wyoming borne madesau aaga, 8-pound pail, larded, He; batch ers' eausage. SUc. our own make; freah pork shoulders, bo.: fresh pigs' (set. I He: fresh pigs' Leads, to.; fresh spars ribs, Sc.; fresb leaf lard, lie; frssh kidneys, bo. doz.; rough sausage meat, aC: tongue. tHo.;plncke, Sc.eacU; Whole hogs, 1 c. Pohk Mesa at 117; short cut, 118. Laud Leaf la tisrees atSJici lu tabs, 'JKc; In 10-pound pails, 10o.; In B-poaud pails, 10j"c.; S-pound palls, lujs'e. per poond. Bur Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, 14c. "Fuioit Minnesota patent, per barrel. t4.80a4.60: Ohio and Indiana amber, at 13.76; Graham at 18.40; rye hour, at t&:n. Luck wheat Floor fcl.85 par owt. Fsxr-Mlxed, par cwL, at tA.00. Graib Rye, oto.; corn, 4V to&Ja,; oats, tWa45c. per bushel. Ktk STRAw-Per ton, tltalfl. ilAV' Per ton. tlCaltt. The Uesdiug railroad receivers hop) to have the papers sufficiently advauced by ti day to make application to the courts for the first step toward reor ganizUion, namely, tho issuing of 15.000,000 of the Coal andiron com pany's trust bonds. The bond has ulready been drafted. Minor Industrial Notes: A tumor is afloat that the Brie Coil toinpauy is about to ettahliah a relief fund lor all tbe miner in tbeir employ, upon tho same plan as thai ot the Heading and Lehigh Valley Railroad company. Tyler, .McTiu k A: Co., alter drilling sev eral week, have struck the Buck Moun tain coal leanj, flve'feet thick, at their col liery near St. CTalr. A contract to build tbe Lehigh Traction company's trolley road from Harleigh to preelaud, seven miles, baa been awarded to the Went Lake Eiectric company, of Philadelphia, winch will employ 500 men. Work In all departments at the Lehigh Valley shops, in South Easton, is Increas ing, and there is now enough to keep the -i , jr. running frill time. West Shenandoah (Irant & Preston's No. it collieries will resume operations today, after being idle for s:x weeks. Employ ment will lie giveu to 1.5UU men uud boys. Tbe Lynn VI n General Electric coin pnny will start their factories today on lull time, which ineansa iti hour schedule and tho employ inent of tome 1,80(1 bands The company has received several large orders recently. Au Hucouragiug outlook for rally re sumption in all the departments of tue Reading iron company is reporieu. inu two large blast furnaces, Nos. l aud two, which have been Idle siuceJuly, 18V'.', are undergoing repairs and will he- put lu op eration early next month. They will turn out 800 tons ot Iron a week, and employ ISA men. A tube mill of the compauy will resume today. It smplovs JO men. The puddling department is runniug on dou tile mm full handed. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bondt. New Feb. 17 At tbe Stock Ei- chauge the week doted as it opened, namely, dull aud uninteresting. Tbo bulls al corded tho Grangers cood support atthe start and fractional advances ware lecorded. but as the Industrials developed weakness a dinposUlou to realize iu the railway list win soon manifested. Specu lation, however, was listless throughout and was contluuii largely to tbe traders in the board, tbe uncertainty in regard to legislation at Washington still checking operations fur outside account. Whisky declined 1 and Sugar IV Chicago Gas droppod lyjj. Outside of tbo shares named the decline" was equal to ,V,a. The sules of stock aggregated ouiy $j,13i shares The market closed dull utid irregular. The following complete table showing the dav'a Ilucluatioua in ucliv stocks la supplied aud revised daily by Laliar A Fuller, stock brokers. Ill Wyoming aveuue: Open- HLh Low Cios I ing. est. eat. lug. Am. (.t. Oil Alii Sugar SO S-l 7SV4 A. T. ft S. P lilM l's - W Can. So. Wa .'iUS 59HI fiul Cell. N. J Hi IU Hi 115 Chic. & N. W liUVs 1WU Uejd I0IM C. B. A Li : 7r)i 7itJ '.uVi Clilu. Gas t4 84jB SSA. (Ull C. (Li C. ill St. L... Ma :kiH : ;lla Ool , Hoek.Val. M T. Ill 1 19 III D. & U lit! bill 1 18b D., L. & W D. & 0, F -M W -'"7S p:rie UPh lH W HM G. E. Co Wj WM 8tii Lake Shore I WW K7WI UMi VM L. & N 4i.4s 484 4Ut, 4lW Manhattan i-:t ISBM - 12S I Oft Miss. Pau -:2:i Sm '--, UN Nat. Lead !Wtj W4 its M(i N. Y..VN. E K. Y. Central bste WM KM WV N.Y.. O.AW I5K laVs 16V, 15Hj N. Y., 8. A W U. 8. 6. Co 1 iVs ljv lil-a 16H N orth Puo North L'le Ts ITly ItM Oiuaha "4Ji 3ttV Pac. Mall Reading gits Kltt Rock Island 87 87 In t; R.T Mr l .in tri. Kla f.nJi, 1.11 T.n. laQ isti iu. n-iu Texas A Pac V4 Htj si4 c)q Uninn Pac Wabasu. pf W. Union fM 0M Wf W)i W. ft L. I W. L. E. nf 484 4-4 4:'1 4- ', . Chicago Qrain aud Proviiims. BOtANTOM, Fob. 17, Tba following quota, tioiwaio eiipplied aud O irreutud daily by La Bar Sc Fuller, stock brokers,l.'l Wyoiuin.' avenue. WHEAT. Openlug Hlghost..... Lowest Closing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest.... Closing OATS. Opening Highest Lowest , CI. .slug , PORK. optniug Highest Lowest Closing LARD. Opening Highest Lowest Closing SH KT HIBS. Opening Highest Lowest Closing New York Produoe Market. New York. Feb. 17. Flouh-DuII. weak. Vnn. r -Dull, Hi tn;N'o. :.' red store aud elevator, MLfaOlKo-i afloat, OSyc; f. o.b., bls4ab'25jc. ; uugnided red. fiOatlJc. : No. 1 northeru, b,tc.; optious openeil lirtn and closed steady ut yesterday's iirices. No. yred February, t6Ht. March, 01jc, May, Oa'ic: July. 65m: August. U0c. : December, 70s.c. Corn Dull, firiiu-r No. -', tSia'c. elevator; 43t'n43a., iitloat: options dull. firm, . .c. higher; l ebruarv, i' .e. ; March, 48c: May, 4. '..c. ijats ouiei, firmer; notions, dull. nominally; February, 8'i'.c.; .March. 115c.; May. 84,0.; No. 2 white, March, ::ti4c. ; spot prices, No. -, o7c. ; No. VS white, 3.SC.; No. i Chicago, 88fl.; No. 3, :toc: No. ;i white, 37c; mixed west ern, BiKaSS.e; white do.. Sialic: white state. 3kh41c. UIKi.' Cjuiet, steady. BtW Ha:jh-Du1I. 'ilKKCKO Beef Ouu-t, steady. COT MaUTi Dull, easy; middles, notui DaL Laud Quiet; easier western s'.eara, t7.'Ji): city, TJtjc; P'ebruary, t7.itt; March, closed, 17,70; .Mav closed S7.55; refined, dull continent, .s.30;South America, It 70; compound. 0t'a OKa PoKk Quiet, steady ; mess, ll8.75a14.S5, BOTTEK Quiet liesh steady: state dairy, 15a84c, :do. creamery, 1 7uv!lc ; l'cuusvlvauia do., ti7c,. western dairy lu:sal7c. do creamery 17a v!7c., do., factory ISalOc,, rolls I Sal Ac. elgius .'7c, Imitation cream ery 14hIHc Cbeesr Quiet firm, state large OaUKc fancy IDfallKa, do. small WSifkYiSiO., part skims tallla, full s vims LOGS Quiet less steady, ice house KI.75aH.50 percase; western fresh, ID'-, u-IOK?-i limed, I8a1 4c,; southern, mai'.i4c. e- -FblladelpbU Tullow Market. PBtLAOXiraiA, Feb. 17. Tallow mar ket exhibits little change. Supply is am pie, anil demand light. The prices were; city taiiow, prime, in Dogsnead. 4;.a-l;4c; country tallow, In barrels, 4Jfa4.s4c. . A Quarter Century Teal For a quarter 0( a century Dr. King's New Discovery bus been tested, and the millions who have received benefit trom its use testify to its wonderful curative Taste has lost lives. In former years people wouldn't take Cod -liver Oil Oil account of Its bad taste. Now we have Scotfs Emulsion Cream of Cod --liver Oil, which is palatable and easier on the digestive organs than plain oil, besides being more effective. Physieions,lho world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! I're, Bted by Scott -i ttuvtue. N V. All Irjgiitl. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS AND si RGEON8, DK U E. DEAN, Diseases of the Eye, Now Tin oat and Ear. ool Spiuco street, eppo-bit-j court huuse. Connolly & A FEW HINTS FROM OUR Groods Department Novelties and Fancies in j wide, 50c. per yard. W orth I rive pieces Bedford Cord, great profusion daily ar- double. forty-eight inches wide,made riving- We arc showing a great to sell at $i. 75 per yard, Our The Crow's Foot and Shep. bargain in Hudders fi el d price now, 65c This is a herd Checks are new and Bieges, 42 inches wide, at great bargain. decidedly pretty and neat. 75c. Never before sold tin See them. der $1. Our stock now presents a SOME BLACK GOODS SPECIALS. remarkable offering that will meet with a very ready sale: Ten pieces Scotch Heather Mixed Cheviots, 54 inches Our line of ENGLISH SERGES, 54 inches, doubt, the greatest ever shown 111 bcran- without value " 1 e st an a a, I aeverai pieces ot Merino ton. Three grader,, $1.00, Guipure, formerly sold at $1, $1. 12', and $1.25. These now 50c. inustbeseen tobeappreciated Kb, Mnv. Jidv. tV.Vi, 5HM AOfe AM Mtta SIM Ml 6s oji-a '' ul :'4U l7 i'ti iitj irti ntj S4U mU U7f S4?i SHa iv M MM K754 -Ml !( XlM LH,4 xTis rsN 1215 ISS5 - i'::io ,.i" r.'ii UN - I2N L'J7 740 797 712 741 j7 :v: 7a'i 715 Ilia 74U J.5 TI'J 185 H47 1145 45 1.47 61 085 i'.iT 4145 145 1,1; A J. LONNRLL, Offlco ID1 Waslungtua avenue, coiner Suruce street, over rrauoke a drug store. Hcsidenoe, Vlueat. Office hours: 10. au to 19 a. lu. and to 4 aud s JO to 7.80 p in Sunday, 1! to ap. lu. DK. W E. ALLEN, "ofllce cor. l.aeks. wanna and Waahliuyton aves : over 1. eon aid shoe store; otbcehoiira. 10 to li u. in. and Itp 4 p. iu.; eveuinga at residence, alaK Washington ve. li. 11 L. KKEY, Practice liudted to Dlv sases of the Eve. Ear. Nose and Throat! office, til Wyoming ave, Kesnlsnue, 5-11 Viae Jlreet- UK. L H. GATES, H i Waalilngton Avenue, Ottlce hours, 6 toll a.m., l Mio 3 uud to p.m. DHLS' L WBNTZ, M. D. omoes M and il Commonwealth huildlng: residence 711 5Iadlsonave; ofllce noun. 1J to t, i to 4. 7 to S; Sundays 3 ill to 4. eveulnire at residence. A tpeouuty muds of qlssaail of the eye, ear. noi and ttiroat and gynecology. DK. 45 D MUHRaY, fpectalty made ou uu eases of eye aud skm.SU Wyoming Ave. oilnv hours: I ntli lo am .- to 4 and; lo Sp.m. CONNOLLY & WALLA 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. 1 iJIIEH3ta36tS-U IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUUIIIH CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. f OUR READ VIM EltlNARY gVRGSOMa STUROB, Veterinary Surgeon, Dsn listry a anecialty; gold medalist of On- tario Veterinary College. OfHiv. Sumuic-r's liverv. HSU Dig St.. near Keller s carriage shop, Telephone Ho. 411. E. LA vV kit US. A1 I 51 O ItANCK S Law and CollSOtloD of J . tlce, No. HIT Spruce St., r.ppusito Forest House, Scraiiton. I'a.; collectloui a apvclalty throughout Pennsylvania, reliable correspond ents iu every county. I ESSL'PS ii HAND, Attorneys and Counsel tl lors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washiugtou avu. W. H. Jesscp. UOBACE E. IlAtvn. w. H J sea tip, .)a. II, I. AKD. WARREN K.SAl'P. Attor neys and Counselors at Liuv. Hepnblicuu hullding. Wasldngtun ave.. Scrantou. I'u. PATTERSON "Vil.i OA, 'Attorneys a., i Couneellors at Law; oflicesS and I Library bunding. Surantou. Pa HOSWELti II rATTKIlsOB. WltMAM A. wILOOS LFRED HAND. WILLI AH J. HAND. At- tnnievs and I lUinsellors, t. nuiinonn eal:ti huildlng. Rooms IS, 20 nn.l 'il. ITENRY II. SEEI.Y -Law offices In K 1 I pulilicuii building. T7RANK T OKtl.L. Attorney at Law. Room I 5. foal KEchange. Bcran ton. I'a. MILTON w LOWRY, Att . a? Washing C.H VON BTORCH. I ton av.. C. H aouara IA1ILS W. OAKFORD, Attorney nt Law. I rooms ft) A4 and 05. I'liiuiiioiiwealth b'l'g. W BbUAR, Attorney ut Law. 317 Bnruoest . ecranton. Pa. A WATBBS, Attorney at Daw, 43J Lackawanna sue. Scrantnn. Fa l SMITH, l outioellor at Law. (Ifllce, rooms 54. 65, 5S roniiminweHlih building i: PITCHER, Attorney at Law. Com nioiiweulth building. S- ruiitoii. I'a t'. CQMKQY8, gjl Spruce st DB. REPl.OUI.E. Attorney- Loans nego- Hated OU reul estnw security. 40s Spruce. Bl '. KU.LAU. Attorney at Luw. l.'j y t oiuiug avenue. Scrantou. AVE"YOUH DECDeJ AND MORTQAOBH rlttsu and aeknowledaod bi J W. BROWNING, Attorney and Notary PuhUo, -"' Commonwealth BnUdlnsf. IEHICH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION S Anthracite oal used exclusively, Insuring g cleanliness and comfort, ; : niU TABLE in IrEECT I'LU. I. I Mil Trains leave Scrantou fur I'lttsUu. Wilkes -Barre.etc .at'. 11.15, 11 :."J a. in.. lg.iV, '1 00. UO, s.ob, 7.115, 1146 p m, 1 .00, :: 00, 7.10 p. in. for Atlantic City, tUtl a. ui. For ROW York, Newark and Elaabath. K 10 feipresai a. lu , 1180 (aspross with Butlet parlor car), 8.8(1 (expreta) p. m, Bnnday, 100 p. in. Foil MAlyu Clli-XK, Al l i vrow n. BlTIILC- ii lis EASTonand Pbiladslphia, mo a. m. L'.JO. 11.1)0. o.iAl (except I'hiladelpnia i p. in. S uiiday, not) p. m. F.,r Loxo buAHcii, Ocean Qrovb, etc, at 8,10a. in.. 18.80 p iu. For Reading. Lebanon and Mai Tlsburg, via Allentown, 8,10 a, BL, Y'. 'M, 5.0O. p.m. Simduv. J.lo p. m. Fur PottSVlUe, ( Ida in . 12.30 p. in. Returning, leave New York, fout ol Liberty street. North river, at 1. 10 (expires.) a. in.. 1.10, 1.U0, 4.IEI ivipiess witu I'.iitt'ci parlor can p. ul Buuduy, 4.11 a. in Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal 0.00 a. m . ".'00 and 4 'iy n in. Sunday, t.Sl a. in. Through tickets to all uiitsal lowest rates may be bad on application iu advance to the ticket ugeut at tb? statiou. H P BALDWIN, I lill PaSS Agent. J, II OLBAUSEN, Dell Supt. j UUKTA1WS L A SI I' EL 1 ' Oftlc. L. p. ('. I T LHIO'.I VALLEY RAILROAD ; i-J Flu. II. I Train leaves Sorantnn tor Philadelphia and New York via. D 4. 11 It H. at b a.ui . 18 10. 2J8 and 11.85 p. m via D, LAW. R, R.soo, s.Ua,ll.J0n. Ul.,and 1.88 p. in. Leave Scrantou for Pittston and Wilkes ; Lane via D. L A W. It. R . .IM. S OS. 11 M) a. PEL, 1,80, ILoo. 0.07. 'J.M p. m. Leave Scrantou tor white Haven, Bazleton, j I'ottsville und all pointa on the tieuviir sieadow and Pottsvilfe branches, iaL .v W V.. tl 4IJH.U1.. via D. & 11. H It. at s a.m., 11.10, SM, 4 111 p.m . v'a D L. I W. K. II. 0.00, ".OS. ll.'.Ma m. L80, 5.5i p. m l.euve Scruiiton for Bethlahesn, Baston, I Heading. Hurrisbiirg aud all Intel in-diaf; points via I J H. H. R , Sum ,13 lo. S as. pm.vlali.l. A. W. K RJLOO.S.08, 11.80a ui ., I 80 p in Leave Scrantnn forTunkhannoek, Towaod i, Limira. ithacs. Geneva and all iuternedlits points via D. L 11 H li.,1' u7 a.m. 18 10 aud 11.85 p. ui. vuD L. 4tW. R B., S.Os a.m.,L80 p. iu. Leave fsorantoB toy Bnchestar, Buffalo, Nl agura Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all point west vlaO H, K. R. 8.07 a.rh.,18 10.S.14.1I.8S p. iu , via D. L. W. R. R. and PlttM:i .luii.'tlun, 8 0s a in., I a J5 p. in . via B A Vf. II R.. H.41 p. in. For Elunra and tUi 'Vest via SalaiiiBlic i. vi D, & 11 It. B 8.07 u.m.. hi 10 I. 1 1 p, m . via II L, 4 W. R.R.. .s os M ia., i island 8.0J p in. I i . n. .i i . .. i i 1 1 i -1- : ' ' . U, L V. i ll , cars on an trains oeiween i, .v is .luin tiuii ,: Wilkes Barra and New York, Philadelphia, buffalo and BaapenIpn bridge Kill. I. IN II Wlt.BI'R. Ilni Sunt. Baal Dlv CHA8, S. l.KE. lien. Pas; Ag't. Phils, Pi. A VV NONnEMACHEB Ass'l On. Pass Ag't, 5outii BetblehottL Pa. :iiHiuimii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiti.iis pj Aru worth going a long disthiiteto S ee. No such Collection can be a found nearer than New Voik or l-biludelphia,and then it is uotsur t asted iu the mutter of unique and xclusivo designs, or richness, daintiness aud delicacy of mate lial. luuword, our Curtain stock this fall reaches our highest idea! of what is should be, mid cannot fail to meet tbe approval of the most lcfiued and aitlstic tastes. Y'et ull this dot-j uot mean high prices. On tbo contrary, the alues we now offer are submitted for your inspection. Of course, wo1 ve every make, aud among tbeui will be lound tho very choicest crea tions iu Hrusjois. Irish Point, Swiss, Nottingham aud other Luce Goods; also the New enowtlase Swiss, i r,.w uu bale, with Mlk Stripe in contrasting g ' gallery, colors. Also full lines of Silk 5 "" ? Ktrlpea, Tapestries, etc., made to order. The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. I ACADEMY OP MUSIC. g MONDAY, 1 LB. 1. UA S v . g Lnugciueut of tho Lrniuent Comedian, 5 SOL SMITH RUSSELL oaa ; S ' lu Great Couicdy, I A Poor Relation i lit EDWIN c. KIDDER g EXCELLES 1 1 is 1 ' BPiiCIAti 9CENEKY g: PRICES Parlor and orchestra chairs, 11; ji iuu',1 row? U'.wn stuln, and Him lo 8al iiiiiiudt r opens Fr 01 baleuu), H S JCHOOLOP Catalogue at leclUest RCIIOOUI I'HE LACKAWANNA. S ran lus VOUIIg cbildlaa ton, I'a . piepaies boys and gills for colli' or c. so - - tUniuugiiiy i Kvv TnoMAs SI CHnv, WA1.TKH H HlKI.L. iss woRcEsiER'S K1NDEROARTEN aul School. 41- Adams aveuue Popiii rn'otii'ii ut an iiiuus. i ttieriu wia open Jannai v tw M' c; C LAUBACR W yoming ave It U. STUATTON, DKN l IM Surgeon Dentist, No, 115 office Coal Exchange l.tlANS rpHE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso 1 elation will loan voa money on sealer tennt and pay you butter ou lnyostuieut than any other association Call on S, N OA LI. SS IiER, Dime Rank building BAN Tlaby was sick, we gave her rastorla. When ahe was u ( hild, she cried for ( astorla. When she lieoame Miss, she clung to t'atitorta. When she bad Ctdklrea, die gavetheai Catlorla. I powers in nil illaeHses or 1 hroat.i best mid Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test, so long mid that lias given so universal satisfaoliou is no experiment. Each bottle is positively L'uarauleed to give relief, or the money will be refunded, it b) admitted to ln the most reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles Free ut Matthew Hru's. Dru Store. Large size 5!,'c, and 81.00. Tho Rsllf That's Certain. U'tlluiin N KinWu. The snm ot 878,000,000 which it is pro- posed to surrender of tbe revenues, is more than one third of the eutiro sum re ceived from customs iu the Isst lUrulyoar. This reduction Is made upon the ihoory of the Democratic, Ires traders that it will re lieve tbe people of burdensome taxation. Whether it does or not depends. Hut of one thing we are certain, it has relieved the people of employment, of wages, of prosperity aud plouty. 51. L. IlLAin, ulderman, Fifth ward, Boranton, Pa , stated Nov. 9 lsafl: He had used Dr. Thomas' BoleCtrlo Oil forsprains, burns, cuts, bruises and rheumatism. l.'ured every time. -.. . What the KcKlalay Bill Did. KXltlMt by Hi AVlhft. It WSJ said It would start no new Indu tries, lu two years it created them by the hrthdrad. It was said it would be injurious to the labor of the cotiutry. It secured for tbeui a larger demand for their em ployment, and better wages than evor be torn in the history of the country. It was said it wonld increav t he cost of tbo neces sarles of lifo to tbe consumer. It dimin ished tbe cost of most, if not all, of tlisui Daii j.iiAiN vox i vi much ikknaas and bad blood and I in proper action of tho liver aud kidutys is bad draitiage to tbe biimau systom, which Burdock Blood hitters reuiodv. ' . They Want Work. Not Alms. Huliimore Amet icaii. The great army of the unemployed want work, uot aims, ruoy are uncortuuute, but . in rot bear Ihu thought of being classed among either iiaupers or tramps. - - Might Pool Their Tears. lUcaiiv DlsaafrsY, It Lobenguln really Is dead his eighty four widows might save time and troub'.e by syndicating their grief. MOTEIA AMI RK8JT VI It WTS. MIL W ESTSIl.NSTLR, '.'17 -Itf W'vomuig ave Rooms heated wllh steam: all luud ei 11 Improvements C M THtfatAR. Prop. ZIEULEBU HOTEL, 887 Lackawanna ave nue, Sci anlou. Kates re.'.aoiiable. P ZiLoi.ta. Proprietor. EST51I.SSTEK HOTEL W. O. 8CHENCK. Manager. bixteentb street, rue block east of Bi oauway. at I'uloli Square, New York, American plan. ii 50 per day and upward. CIOVNE HOl'SE. European plan: .goo-l i looms Open day and ulgbL Bar 'au piled with the best. p it coynf Proprietor QCBANTON HOl'SE near D". UW pas i seiiger dupot Conducted on the Europeau plan. Victob Koch. Proprietor ' RAND CENTRAL. I he largest and U: I euulppel hotel lu Alleutowu. ra I'.' ami 8- 50 per day V i Ton II i DELAWARE AMD HUD SON RAILROAD Conmenolng liaj S8, 1882, trains will luii aa Collows: Trains Isavs Bridge street station. Boranton, fur Pitts ton, Vi;ke Barrs, etc., 8.00, C, 8.87, hit! a. in.. 14,10, 1,85, 8.88. 4.n;. 5.15. 1. 15, u.15 and 11. 115 p. m. For New York and I'lnla delphia. s ma. m 18 lo, ; 888, 4 10 and II 30 p in. For Honesdala i lroiii Delaware, Laokawanna Slid westel-i depot i, T OO, 8.80, 10.10 a.m., 1J.4SJ lu.. 8. 17 6 10 p. iu, Fui Carboudale and intermediate stations, 5.40. 7.00. S.30. I0.1Q a. in.. 1800 in .'.' 17, 8.35,5 lit, ii vu and Hi p. in ; from Bridge Btrest Dspot, 3,08 a. iu.. -.'.17800 11 85 p. in Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, tic Adi rondack Boantalas, Boston and New EngUnd points. 5.4U a in . ariiv n; ut Albany 18.43 Saratoga - 80 p. m., aud leaving Boranton at .: p iii , arriving at Albany at 8. top. in.. Sara toga. 12 55 a. in . and B sto i. 7.W m The only direct mute between the coal Balds and Boston "Tho Leading TourartV Ronta of America' to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lake- lleorge and Chaiiiplani Montreal, etc Time tables Showing l-aal ami through I lain SOrVloS between stall. .lis on all Oil laions 'Jola waio and Hudson system, may he obtained at ull Delaware and Hud-nii ticket offices. II. 14 VoV.Sti, .1. W HI KIIlOK, Se. i.nd Vice President. Oun, Peas, Aft, gllliiiillt:il9IIIDIIISilllllllllllE!lltll I HILL & CONNELL i- mm SGRANTON, PA. ova mm S g niiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiutii iiisiigiiiiiiiiiiiir: DUPONT'S MININQ, BLA8TLNG AND sPoRTIN'o POW Unnnfactnrad at lha Wapwallopsn sDlls, Lu- Urns county Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, u8 Wyoming Ave., Scrantou Pj Third National Bank Building. g ACADEMY OF MUSIC, aa EDM Mi VV, 1 Efi 21, Return Engagement of Charles Frobman'l Company iu OSCAR WILDE'S PLAV, Lady Windermere's Fan "Let he that red lest he tal! tbiuketh he standstfa take Hale op. lion. la A CADE MY OF MUSIC. Till KSDA Y. FEB. 99. HOYT'S Highly Successful Comedy, A TEXAS STEER Pi esented l.v .Mr. TIM MURPHY ami original company, direct from liuyt s Madison Suuaro Theatre, N. Y. Sale opous Tuesday. A QKk C IKS. T1IOS FORD. I'm. t ui. Pa JOHN B SMITH SON; Plymouth. Pa. , i: W sTULLIOAN, Vilke 'Bane. I'a. Agents for tbo ttepanno Cbemloal Col palli a High Expioelvea. N. A. HULBERT'S Week commencing Monday, FER, ia City Music Store, WVOMl.Ntl AVK. CRANT05i, I 1.UWKK 1 ESTI'li AND ratal Harnlr. Proprietor, AltCHITLCTS. AVIS ilOl'PT, Architects Rooms UL us and m Commonwealth n id'g. Sorantou. f L Walter, Arch! toot. Library bullet ', ing, Wyoiulug aienue. Scrantou. L. BROWN, Arch B. Architect, Piles huildlng. HM Washington ATe.,Svrautuii. I) ir VIISl Kl I A Nl (U S D. HWAitTS WHOLESALE s and Dims Uauk building, ORTON lumber, Si raiiton. Pi a I El 1 ARC. EE IIROTHLKS. PRINTERS IM supplies, envelope, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1JU Washington ave. Scrantou, Pa PRANB P. BROWN ft co. WHOLE I sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage aud Oil ( loth, .'.i-1 W. Lackawanna avenue FOR wed For teriui .1. I i.i in i conductor. Hi Wyoming over Hajnorts music atore EZRA FINN Je SONsfbuiidsrs and" contract lors Yards: Comer Olive si. and Adam l ave : corner Ash at. and I'eiin ave . Scraiiton IJAt'F.RS ORCHESTRA MCSIO li balls, picnics, parties, receptions. iliiiga uud concert work lurnlaiied ail.liess K. a ii LACKAWANNA RAILROAD Trains leave Scrsntun as follows-. Kimoi for New York and all points EasL 150. 'J.50. 5 h", S 00 and kin a. Ui : Vi ! and 8 p. m KxWaai for Easton, Trenton, Phlliadslphhl I aiui me soiitu, D iv sou and u. in 1.5. aud 11.511 n m Washington and way stations. '.'.40 p in Tobyhauna accommodation, a lo p m Expr ss for Bluhiimtoii. o-w ,. Ehnlra, Corning, Bath. Dans v Ills, Mount Morris ana Mnlfulo, I- 10. 1 15 u. in. and I 84 p. m making close conneettona at Buffalo to all point in tba ! West. Northwest and loothwest. Burial, i iiccuinmcstatlon. Ion a. in BinghaiutciU and way atations. l.'.i; p m 1 Nicholaou and wav stations. 5 45 p. m Blngbsintoii and Elmtra Express, ilOi p. in. Express lor ortland. Syracuse. Oswego. I 'ties and Rlchtleld Springs. - 15 a in, and l.'.'l p m ltliai-a, ; 15 and 9m a lu and 1:1 p.m. ForNurthuinberlaud.Plttston, UkSS Harre. : Plviuoiilh. Blooiuaburg and Danulle, making I close connect U. us at Northumberland for i WllUauwpurt. Harrwbtirg. Haltlniore. Wash ' lugtoii and tbe South. Northumljerlaiid and intermediate atstions i. HI. tiJO a ill and I I'll and DOT p. in. Nauticoke ai d intermediate stations. s.W j and 11 a m Plv mouth and Inlcin.odlat stations, aaiami bus n, m. Pullman parloi and sleeping COSChea Oil all express trains For detailed Information, poeksl Unsv table, etc . apply to 51. L smith, city twkatoftoe, 5.'? Lackawanna uveuue. or depot ticket offl.- .- i ST KIN' WAY SON 8 l t 1 I'll 1 I i 1 I I I . - tJiI IM A niilv iI.i ' 1 1 1 aw a VtsT KlUMt'H .X BAOM STL L I Z & llAlhlt sm GREATDOUBLEBILL HARRY THOMAS' 8ER10-COMIC Pantorriirrie, "Entitle ' ROBERT MACAIRE, And the Sterling Comedy, Tli( 1-4 prions By the Bnttra Company. 1 sEMua. CLARK CO Seelaiuen. 1 irist and Nureeryuieu; store ltd Wushiugtna avenue; green house,lal North .Main aveuue, store telephoue 7St. i f I VJ. ai n as. GRAND UNION TEA to.. June, Bn.s vv IRK K('I(K Ns. I OS KI'ETTEL, 5iJ Lackawanna ti acrsnton, Pa , uiauuf r of Wire S. avenue. reeus. PIANOS (Met ii laige atock ot tlrst-oiava ORGANS ADMIBBION, Ol io and UO CENTS Opera en. tan be reserved, by iniml er, every af tornootl, from 1 5X1 to 8.80, lor the evening s entsrtaluwinit Performances ovary aftsruoon except Holidays and Thursdays, at IM'. and evsri u wiling at s. li. Doon open at 1.80 and 7.5.' P M. ItVBICAL MKHCHANDISU all sit'. 1.1U.. ETO NEW YORK. ONTARIO AND Railroad. Boranton Division. WESTERN , Time table in etrect Nov IV. 19., Trains leave Scra&toB fur Carkondaloi 8,511. 8.89, 11 08 a m QH, 10 p. ui. For Hancock Jiuiutloii and uialu couuectioiH II 05 a in , 0 10 p. m. Trains tease h m s Junction for mum line couiiectl. ai for Scrantou, Ml u in . .' 0 . P m, I Trains leave Carbondale fur Krranbci 7.84, ass a.m.. i. pi, a,Si o.ia p m. .1. 0, ANDERSON. OeMraJ Pnasengei Agent. New York. T. PUTCBOFT, District Pasksnger Agent, Seruntnii " 1 UATTHEWS BROS. Druggists AND HEALERS. IN OILS BURNING and LUBRICATING .a.i'o;,', f7r'5(; DON'T FORQET a i inn! la i end mi, i i renoh iu pure Linseed oil. Tiirpsntiaa and Vnrnlshei I7RLR AND WYOMIMa VALLEY ft AIL I i ROAD. Train leave Scrantou f.u New York unit in j Uruieitlate points on the Erie irm Ha f lev and , local paluts at 8,88, l a iu and Alt p in . i, en leaving u i. a ui ai.ii i"i i are through trains to and from rioiieadale Trains leave for Wilku) BarrMtt t 80 a. m and 8.41 p. ui. Raadymltad in In au ior, aildera' Miiitiug. I'arla White mid RnlSOttllnt) Oil' in oi. Marble Dull aud ladow Olaii' That we arc hesdouartsrs for everything iu tbe lino of WAl4in:,. If iou hare any Idea of parcbastng au kind of a Watch, lady's or gont'a 8o or ttliver, c.i will makes griev ous mistake it voudunot give us a est! aud our prices, which 5U will Hod far below III , li i re. .specially In all the htgh grades of Elgin, Walthani and Hera as aa movsmenSs. li vou have auy douots audare at ail peated on 1 1 1 les gi ' us a call and wa will have no nvublo incouTluctng vou Weatll! havealargs stisik to diapassi of, and will offer yea won dcrlul InducenMnts in Jswslfy, Silrsrwnre, Clocks und ull other goods which wo have In stock. C. W. Freeman I'cuu Ave, aud -Spiuco St
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