The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 17, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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I 1
Ec Gives Hi; Opinions on Leading
Tomes ot the Day.
How He Would Kako the Churches Moro Effect
ivo Instruments for Good The tan Eo'.ution
of tho labor ?roble-.v. The Adva-iced The-olopy-TLo
tvacsclist and tho Gcod Ho
NlW Yiir.K. Feb. mmg the hall dOMB
American evnngfHiri "San" Jonn of Carton
Tiiit', Georgia, la by all odds tho moil oootntrio
and .he beat known. Though alt pec nil tr "taj
it-: -" ii.ui' bona publlahod in all the leading
awtpapcn ol the country, and he tout lectured
lU a
kkv. vu J.-vis.
en varioui robjtota. thteii tl i Mart that
h.'h ttivett to ir.t.-rv.ewvr o, tn'.cni on
"IV you ;:: : . 1 it the churches to-day are
going aB that should bv dane to t'w qmm of
reiijc'onr tanked.
"The Cfcnrob, m ja grgaitbed h I'.y. la little
more than able to take care Of 11 salt tt is true
that there are a grt tt many consecrated, ac
tive tttrdatCM und mcnbtfl of the various
thurchtt, her tbtbodj of the thurch 1
up, largely, d either i- tc tvo, 'mi. '"erect, or
careless members, ami many more wlio lire post-
hu':r.-r.3 Tm,'l cj ;rai r; . r:i:i. :il In thai!
laHgtow profesiiioas. I aai tjiraking el all dt
" W- it the cause of this natu of affairs I
" We may start with the apostles: one in the
twe've was positively vicious. A church of
five hundred rMttkttt that has tn U forty vid
eos trencer" II ta tha Hue Of ApoetoUc sucoes-
nen aniens then:. All churches hare their
members who e: crun!;, tell lies. swindle in ,
business, and -in and devilment no churcli
can ciuira a pare::: right for bcln-t peed ..
They all-in aUka."
"Is this unsplritual cendition portly due to ;
the tact tha: the church In its endeavor to (jet
the world's money, shuts its eyes te the mere
c .-.on tin cf its members.' "
" A n an's life is e.cvcr better than his heart.
Wto I i brm and what a man hates de
terrn.aes h to character. The Scripture teaches
thar. the children of the rlesh mind the thinci
ct the rlesh. The dectrine of regeneration dees
not appear to be a necessity to-day. As the
Wedd l'iok3 upon the Church each man will
say I can live the life oi the,; man in tho
Church vritho'tt any reg-inerntien. Very tow
men were well horn in their first birth ar.d.
kr.o-v-;rar nothing cf the second birth and car
ir. g taaa tm it. U is no woader that the baptUed
host la the ehtuch Is runmng after the world,
the rlesh 4kd the derll. The cnr.jcirrated pat
tan in the various eT:ingoli.:al eh arches adnt:"
that there rr.-.a; be a naolBtloa hi tho Church
and a consecration to tho wor': cf God hefcre
tiie conoaeet :f tho wcrld can ever ho brought
about. I have aearcelv had a cioso personal
cor. " ..nation with any paator w-o has not
I I to tA the facts is above itated and berrailed
the "ate of thinss ta his church. Our preach- !
en are nou cowardly cr bac'tsUdden but they
teem to be at a less to know how to m-nAe the
pmbiem. or bring abo".t a diflc.-en; state cf
" How do ytu think lha present church
organisation could be reformed to aa to bring
a ir.ut the heat spiritual resnlta.'"
"Our numbers make M an unwieldy army.
Onr wane of unity crippies ua In our plans.
We all agree that sor.ici.hing onghc to be done
but wi can ncreragrii: upon nattiadl V"ar
after 7ear the saloone mnitipiy, gambling holia
Bflfleh, shameless hMMI gi;t la their work.
The rank and f.le of the thank are idle, tad
the captains cf the hoat of Israel eanr.ot agree
upon any plan of battle, or as to the methwls
fcy which the chureh can he icd on to vlotr.ry.
0HM prefer stagnarion, toruo sensation, and
pruilenco cr.d conservatism dominate tho
thnrch toIay. The .-ialv.cion Array is the
most etl.y.t.ivo Christian force In the world at
the present, time. They do not itlckin for
eiet.bods hut ail are nr.itcd on the proposition
that in U a (toattt, tatmikl in i; i .r.,1,
world for Ohritl we must adopt business
lueth.iHls iiiirlMeut pl.-.usof work. Take a
town of twehe hundred politic and there uu
will Hud Mathndltta, liapiisis, Pretbytartnts,
Kplaoopallaiii add OoafNgatlooalltta, each do
nomination haTtng a thunh five praachers
and five churelies to take care of, t M i l e bun
died people. Iialiles iiieliideil, HuppOM thai a
large life Intnranol eowpiffly ihould work en
the same mothod and plant tilt ageOtJ with
I heft office.", in a little town like f The;,
might pursue that course and do . some pas
lets lie Oil I he rate. Mary preachers heve
cut tho rate glory they propoaa to take a
fellow through kO liaavoi on o much cheaper
am! eaaiat baatt than their neighbor, the pat
tor around the oonan in ether worda, if ont
pat tor stands up fi rt'.oelrlnvmd lot dlMlpUna
ood rlcht Urldg In hit chnroh and thon 1
duces friOtlOO and liisatVecticui, another pt ItOT
around tht corner it; say to the diaaffeotod
membera, It you oarmotha e pi ice ovorin . out
church oomoo er and Join ntoti l wont bother
I en about thou Uttlo tudltcretlaBa, w e either
might topuul i.i.. . or else .ippe'iit a eommis-
Ion that would Inpoaa a heavy Dm on any
nan who mis .he rataa 1
"Do ieu think that the churches ol to4A)
roach ihe poor.'
" It the church does not reach the pO0T,il is
mine the fattll Oi the DOOT than tlierlch church
members, frequently, Utt rioh nii more
kmdiy toward the pour than tht peer do toward
the rich, Thlt OUlht to he true, whet her it It
Of not. It Is a vrry h id m liter to make a fal
lew em 01' 11 job, mid almotl nut cf MtlOM (Ot
hllnteK and laimly, think very kindly ol Ihe
UdUlonaiN who UOVOr knows 1 want or a care
in his Bnanotal life. Buatnete eowlil ions lena-
rate men hut the church doci tie', unite thtUt,"
"Do ycu think thai thocontetl between rap
Itol and la DOT It an ethical ouettlou t he settled
a eordtuH to Christian principles, cjt ta it to be
rei tvod aooonl a to i' 0 rule ol tupnly and d
" to the great quottlon of capital and
h-.ivr, l tietlee that tht lurtheroU the bminntt
m rid W "' in trow the ton commandments ami
the Bortnon on tht Mounl nal in that propor
. .1 dltttCUil multiply and the hrcach he-
tweet Capital and Utborwldtna, f can take
tht Bertnoa on ihe Mount end solve all nroh-
acta ii dltlategrating. Capital It moved by
lelUshnete, 90 is Labofi There t nopoinl at
which friction can cease and pence reiurn w hile
cii'.sUncM is the tootivt that produces the
labor strike, upon one side, and that strikes on
tho other. But when the golden rule thai! be
applied to t'uth sides of this queatlon it will
make tht world a common brotherhood, and
tt Billionaire and the oonunon la bore; trtendt
Indeed. Tho lien and the lamb will He down
ttgOthtt tad a Utile child will lead them. Hut
until something Is dOM tof tht UoQyotthud
better nut turn Hie lamb hi with him t mi l,
real y, 1 don't think that the lamb wants to t;o
in at tin1 present it&c of the game."
"What i our opinion ol the effect 0? the
!i er ihl'lleal Criticism and new metheds 01' cn ......
Scriptural Interpretationf
"1 think that advanced theology is a result
rather than a eanto. Men made creeds t"
begin with, and they win change thttn at
their convenleaco, The Apostles' creed was
formulated when Chrlatiaalty moanl MBit
(kiw, Let me read a maa't creed and 1 ill
writo M biography, Creeds are :iot so much
tha reiiiilt of earefnl study of the Blblt as they
are tho cxprestlua of the lives of those who
w rite them. Primitive Christianity is sat li
ned with the Apostles' creed; modern Chris-
reviat i:j ctc-iu cr quit uc
the battment of his churcli, or open a Christian
HaliMin su as to draw men toivanls the Iwtttr to'
tin nees, It like the fuuiish farmer who had a
otten potato antl aald he would pack tbaut
and tOUnd pOtatOCt around It a:nl try ami eavt
it. A thorl lime afterwari!.. be WttUl In Ihe pllo
ol potatoot and tht won all rattan, 1 do nut
believe that tho boil way to mauns evil is to
pull it in and make n retpcctable, TotbboO II.
demnmce I!, cliiuhii .e it. e. 1 il il is tlm Onl
true method prooedttrt, Be no untvonl)
yoked togtthtf, There is nut an Inftrnalltm
prnotited by mon thai the d .il would nut re
juice to see it f ottered and prottotod by
proaohtn ami ohurohta'
"Are the two eicui polltloal parties doing
their doty at Ihenretenl time tn promoting tht
cause of kukI guv irnmtQt"
"i have ne oonlldtnot elUiet tht Dtnto
erutlo or the Htpublloan ptrtlet lor relori Ing
anything uutil tht dm rotorai thoouvlvn,
m 11 ii mm
Somo Enro Good Ones Retold by Con
gretinuui Cumniirijjs.
Fli.shcs of Wit nmd Humor Which Enlivcnc !
the Tnrift Tobato in the Holier Constress-
men Siblcy,r:.;hcrt, andClnrk An.onr; Thoo;
Who Furnished Arnuucu. tit for Their Tel
!uw Ktrflberi,
A i 1 ' I
. If I
TUK DKVll V , .!'!.: 1(1 .l.ill'!
ti a y tmut
M it
m m. u
a . . n " -a it
i ? ii n ; 1
' ?iffii:;i?li
r mi Ii
Wonted Ue legislation on tho Sabbath one
ton, oa the liquor question, on the pension
question, and to on, but tho average Congrett
man who itanda In Washington with tho
money-bags ot the monopolists snaking at him
and his oonttant dttlro to ho
retained In office and the voting popdlacoon
tht other tide the aroragt Congrtnman It in
deed between the devil and the deep blue sea.
A wise legisl.iiii..i mi monopolies, the labor
quc-ition, the pontion question, the i-rml-rr.-
Hon question, and to on, is an absolute in ni
hility as long as tht protont tnflueneu ure
brought to bear upon the a ventgo member ol
" What Is your opinion of the Prohibition
1 party ,"'
"Theprohlbitionltti advocate the tzttrmin
ation of the iiciuor t r file. They difltr from all
other partite on that point, Asa Prohibitionist
mytelt, 1 would be willing to adopt every plank
tn the three other platforms presented by the
three other parties, without a Word ol remon
strance, if we could ce. iir, . th ' one hi":i ofthe
i'rohibition party.' What matters 11 about the
tarii.." What would the dltCU lion bttWOtn
labor and capital amount to if the Sl.900,000,000
watted on drink could be emptied into the
pantries and upon the tables 0! all our bomttl
If whitkty was banished from our land no
more children would cry for broad; and tho
reason children cry for bread to-day is because
their parents do ,iot cry for beer they have nil
they wan:."
" May I enquire. Mr. Jonr. if the newspaper:!
of tht United states bat 0 generally treated you
fairly i"
"A3 a ru'e, yes, any public man Is much In
debted to the nowtpeport. Bo a frequently
1 misrepresented, sometimes not Intentionally
; but, at oth'.r time) purpo.-ely. I have fre-
rii.-nlle hdym ' Ihe mer.v n!" tli' MRVSflAtifip
WaannfOTOX, I), c, Fob, IT. Ont of th"
quali ie 1 iptahtn In the Konio ' tbi Hen.
.! i'p',1 ('. M'dcynf I'enn-yivaid.i. lie II tall,
f-suiit, ami angular, but bt ha 1 pit ismg taot,
and i.'ii itratt 'ids quaint eontonooiwttli quaint
gtituroi Ho made hti tpeeeh on the tarifl on
the night ni January in. Tbagalteriot wort
thronged and n knot ol oongri ttmen gathered
around him on the Boor, Hoi uened biiipeteli
hj tying that on a farm up i Penntylvania
III ere were unco two eats. 'I hey had a o milium
tuotheri Hit drank from tbt tamo bowli tht
1 ii i-eil hefnrfl the una ueei thoi rtelinad iiudii
l ne euiiie nig, 11.111 liven e . im imiii t iiiuwna
eatt ahnuldt In hargtony and peace, cue .sun
doj when tho people had gone to ehurob tho
boyi tied the tails in the two is togothor and
Iiiiiii.' thorn nver 11 elothta line, Laotrhtod and
blooding and axhauttod by their eflorti, tboy
would hang Ii 11111. mil si ill; then the boyi would
ii 1 tho lino and tho fun would begin again,
1 loteotetl by 1 heir p trtnti in tholr orutltyithoy
said that the; hunitup tho oati bocauat they
wnntod tn too the fur tiy, and thty ihook tht
line tn keep the I'm' flying, The politician!
hive to-day tlag togothor tht tailtol ihe bp 1
e, ti 1 11 uf thotounlry nnd wt were now v.-tt-
11. ni tuoinuKingoi iin line inut inn iiyui'
1 ( tilt lur. 'I Wat (11:1 for the 1 nya hut ii was
i!e i'h fU Ihe etits.
Putthorali ne, Mr. t il Icy 1 ild the following
Inoldi atl When a ley he was in a ,hi lice's
court anil heard two country hvwyori trying a
n onto, 0 grei 1 wart thtir worgt and so loud
their fury end no violent their domeanor that
he dpi el e,l e 1 eil moment In see thom coiue to
blqw ii" eii,.' il away ami olimbodinan open
window whore ht oould And laloty and fly if
necottary, The e.ise was ut !:ict ended. The
phi ntilt and dofendanl divided tho cotta and
I ho I iwj n id vldod the bitlani oof tholr ellontt1
ready money, with deadly hatred glaring
from . hei" eyes th" 1 e.o law . vers left the Justice's
court ami wont around baokofaharo. The
Bibloy hoy followed and main too iumi. Tin
1 irgor 1 twyer ttuiuting not two pacai from his
antagonttt, drew a weapon Irom his tmiiic
I breast pooktl and pointed it with deadly aim
at Ida nntagonllt'l head. The hoy ciosed bit
eve,, but ii" report followed. The itloncc v.-na
broken ot last by tho hoano tonotol the big
lawyer ihouting, "For Qod'i take, Dill, leave
hall of it."
You ntvet thought the truth would raaob back'
here, Hlr. f shall toll tbeso people the truth ami
I ehiilleuge you to ileny OUt word of II, sir.
Yes, ItlloW oitiaonii bt painted the proud uunt
of Clarion under tho stern of tht brig, OndtT
her ttanii gontlemen."
'iin- Indignation ol ihe people found vent in
griiaiis and eitraeii, lieneral Hied tat 1, tunned
. nd 1 pttohlait, No Bxcuatt would be aooppted
mid the into of PKttd Cluxion mudu Judge
'1 hompaon a Oongtaiinaji,
"I cannot but think,'! kfr, tiblty con tinned)
"that the word 'reform,' Intoribod on our
Party 'l banntr In tstri, has by tontl means been
Ottl out and sewed on Ihu teatt ol llieir Irouscr
toOUl and they are dally nlttliig on their 're
form,' a taring it tttrnall) behind thorn instead
of in front."
Kqnally as quaint In maimer and ipooch 01
Him. ontattva llbley u tho Hon. W, Jatper
Talhert of rioutli fJnrollna, Toibert Is a well
knit gentltnan with light eoioplexion and
Roman features, lie prtttntt u marked oon
trait to Mr, Blblty in ipeaking, Hlbley It
siow-has a ptrtippUUe drawL Toibert talks
UlU a nlraui nngine. TrOpOl, motaphorl,
torlM ami ideas jty fnin, him lib ipafki trom
J) k I iBa
', "sai.i.v. trtrfaoxTngaaona,'
' 1
U 'i'j
v. 1
V ',n ,
'van con'a ka::k. i.h.l. uuvi half of it.'
Ths hay uncivered his eyes. Thero was the
llttlt man ttandlng, head thrown hack, trying 1
to swallow tho weapon, Buddtnly he took it
Irom his mouth, patted it regretfully to Ids I
neighbor and exclaimed as lie gatpod for breath 1
"H'.ro's health to Cue land that can raiso such !
Speaking ol tho courts of so:ne who arc called !
Dctnocra.'p, Mr. Hiblcy eontinuod, he was rc- 1
lair, ltd if an Inoldtnt that occurred ome years
ago up In PonniylvantOa An old deacon waa
very, tell-wlUed and on two or three nceailoni
h id madl endless trou'ile in church. Aftor
1 tome year ii bey got started cgain, out anot tier 1
1 4;;. i 'u
"Tit; rflB BTTTKR N'OT Tt TtN' TTIE EAlfl IV
Willi him.''
" it is tatd by tht rtpvtatntativit of thi
Higher Criticism that the old literal and ineir
rect. interpretations of theStrlptur-i prev. i
r.any from entering tht church ar.d that hence
forth Christianity will bo strengthened and
simplified. "
"Modem with their eMdl are
trytag to teach men how to swim Into a river.
PrimiftVI theologians and their creeds taught
r.i n ', : -iey i.i'-i-. iwim .i." ' th r g .t i'd'i
tiie rlvnr, hut, them was m Tirocess by which
thty could swim iafithe ri cr; you must run
Md j'i:.ip In, than d-yonr swimming."
" Have you anything to say in regard to Ihe
eritldim that tvangeliitt tometlmti do harm
to ihe itrafeh bylnterferlflg wIUl the is-gnlar
tnethodt of ehareb work ;"
" That statement Is trn. iin! as It. Is true of
the fisherman sitting nn tic luniks of a OTtek,
taking with his book and ime, and n, oompany
of nova coining down the creek with a ttlna
and solninc the hole wbtft tbt BltMrtnan iltn j
with ln nook Mid USt, Tbt boyi rf interfere j
with the ItlkrW'l loreiii!0 job. Tbt seine .
reporter, who sat before me taking down my j ro.v ., hro!tn mU M 1n,t ti)0 ohuroh clerk
got up and laid, " Brethren and ilttort, I with j
Deacon limes w as In hell,"
i'he nee,- paator and the tr.omberi were horrl
Hod, and tho pattottald, "Brother Smith. iuoh
1 rem rk Itunktnd and unchristian. Why do
you nie iuoh tgprc ilom about n brotharl "
"Well, potior, " ho replied, "Ii aleulatoll Pea
con Jon 01 was ia boll about six montbl he
would tout it up."
" And so," laid Mr. Sibley, "apply the moral.
I eannot refrain Irom the with that tome of tho J
Dttnocratlo brethren svere in hell about six
month! ; not that I have anything against tho
brothMn, but I lm'.n boll so had that I think
the Unto would bo ample 10 work its dottrufr
lanuollinr part Ol Ml Fpeeeli Mr, Sibley ro- j
fcrred to tht fc thai Mr, Wilton In making
htttpoeoh laid that ovorythlng loo , ml bright,
Tht Ponntylvanlan made a daih toward tha
floor as if trying to lift a grating nnd raid, I
"Tot, nnd If you will pull the cover olT hril you
would dud everything bright thortl"
Here Ii a third story told by Mr. Bibloy,
which throw tht Itouaa Into oonvulitoni, Bt
Mid that (lenenil Heed, e. U tiig, of 1 lie, onOO 1
n i rotonttd hit diitrtol in Congrett, Rtouwai
tht largOlt VMtel owner on tlio lakt Tht ills"
tri. t embfbci .1 the oounty ol Clarion, 11 wu a
0I1 m district, Heed wished to bt returned tu
1 e 1 nnd the Domooratfl namod .'udito
Thompson as his iippniieiil. The innle't. he
tiveea them w ived fust end fUrtOUt, It was
gi; at ngalntl giant, Koar the eloet of tho cn
in'g'i thty brought np togothor In the wlldi of
;ho Clarion lomt, Tho lumbermon and ln
naotmtn gatbtnd from fr.r nnd near. As
Clarion want, m wtnl tho election, titoneral
Iteed ltd c(T In tho dsbgtt and drawing to a
OlotO he told ttieni how bo hived Clarion cinmty
and hr" pooplo, and that In her honor he br.d
recently built 1 bi (aatoi I trail thai cv er untied
the lakes and named her Clarion, Aathioreft
tailed fiom iiuituiii to Krtti and trout Ohvi (land
Utterance! v.hnn he was so ilrunk he ilmn 1 -
know his hand Irom his heels, Bometbuai a '
little smart altok Is or. duly as a reporter, lie
think! that hit potitlon on bit nowipaporand
the publie, both demand that ha tbould mike '
as big an ass of tht ipa iker as !0, tbt reporter. ,
Is nai uraiiy. Bometimc tboy tend a bate-ball I
reporter to report my lermoni In sueii a case
the preacher generally 1 isi itlio innings. Some- I
times 1 'iey g r . ; n c v u ,i"i , after the
preaoher; ho iriie.,-i die dominie in on tht
home-ttretoh, ntok to nook, with h.'s teat,
Bometlmet tho priie .": Iiting reporter Is after
u: ho generally knock! us out to the third
round wuh a mash I mouth, I havo never
eared what newtpapori laid editorially about
mo or my work, but when thty mlireprotenl
me 1 hat It tho most dieigf HMblt loatUTO of nil.
If a plintngraph v were tota ie my kneot, tl
bowtand note and pros 'lit 11 at a tlftititd pt--
t ur.i of myself tt WOUl 1 of OOUrK he considered
an outrageous Bitot of butinoii, 1 have frt-
1, iienliy .,1 en re;r s nf -ci in ant leel ores o,"
mine which gave M lil I It Idea of What I really
said as iuoh a phot fraph at abovt dtioribod
wouldgivaof my phytloal form. Borattlmei
tht New Fork Snawti after mo pretty lively,
But old Dana has iasiiid no many ptoplt
nn. I sn iniiny th ug" that "hen you sen It in
tho .sua you know it's so. Mr. I Una Ins
nothing agalni! mopartonallyormy work, Ut
floes urn t hings fro. 11 the force of habit, Ht
don't know how lobe m id with one man and In
a good humor aitii tht balance of tht world.
V ; 1 D bt 1 1 mail ht is mad With I .'"; imdy. I
think If be could get Into a good humor with
PuHtUr Of tht MtW ior U'm-lil bt WOUld he
iii good humor with tht balanoe of the unl
"llart you anything to any in regard to tht
orltlotimi 'inn art made about lie large
araounttof money you make I '
"I h ve requcntlj bean orlllcUeil by prttt
and pi eher for thi turn of money 1 receive ni
ron.I.'i itn. fi lie ii, Minns, Why inniMU
1 .:.! the ti.-h; the fellow wlln Ihe liM,k and ' ,1(J single tnt OUtl Why do thty not say that
11 1
1 ,
t '
. J v. .
"IIN II A lllnKAHE.'
and that Jesus (,'hrist !s the only divine Rr.vlor,
Without creed or doctrine they go at the world
with Ihoso two propositions. Tiny use drum
nnd fife, they wear red shirts and fdrif popular
songs to attract attention and draw the multi
tude, to their pieces of worship. Meanwhile,
tho dignified dnc'or of divinity stickle! for
decency and order ; ncventy-lu c is a full hour.e,
and eighty Is a turbid jam In his church."
" Does not tho spirit of sectarianism keep tho
churl linn from working in common 1 "
"1 do not th'nk I hat sectarianism Is so much
in the way. It Is nomorodlltleult to unite the
different branches nf the churcli than It is to
urito tho Mothodlstt und tho Baptittl upon
any religious ijucstion. ii Wtevtr conquer tho
111 porriof iin- s iinesn t cel. a tdte, So, some.
tjmatf a good, quiet Old ilietn'of divinity sits
With Ids sllverilpped pole, silk line nnd nd
painted cork. He adtnito that ho gots a few
I lti 1 but ftntn't cniizht anything) nnd when
the evangelist eotnei 11 In, g With ihe gttPOl net.
nnd bagi all the fish it interferes with tht Bid
dooter'i Bihtegi v at raiiy. tbt fish re taught
end souls are wived. Hut. there ought to bt 00
ciash helween iaslornnd evnngellst; Ihe) are
both ordained oi Ood, Due man toweth and
gnotbtT rtapttbi bt thai inwetfa god bt that
rtapi I h ihall fi logs 1 together,"
"What la your opMon ol modi m mitbodi of
( hiireli work, prm kting in Itrgl 1 hnrehtj n ail
tog rooma, gyrMaatttrai, ballt for drilling, eto, "
"i think all tppilanctt tuch aa libraiiet and
oilier lienltlifiil sM ial fentlirtt in OhUNb work
art arowptd IhttrumtntaliUit to help men to
he good, to do C'i'k!, and to keep koimI. Hot.
after nil, I he church bun hut one business In I be
world and that i to pitch in god raU up Ite
tieovet and bring tht world to Ohrtat, if )ou
stop ihOTt Of tluil then It Is t lllcrar) sniii ty,
,r g In OtVOltnt inst II tit Inn ; Christ Iniiily isrevo
liilirmnry or II tn nn' ItlfiK. You night tt Wgll
I like a cholera patient to a fashionable re Inn
rant and nrM liflti 10 tat a big men!, as liicspi Ot
a gymnasium or a library to crusn Ilia tttifl
Ol eln nn Ihe human luarl, or to iifurm Ihe
wickesl habits of bad men."
" Hornet lino slneo a Methodist oUrgyman
proposed that the battmeatl of ohurohet thould
be need at bllllard-rooms to draw young men
aw'ny from tho regular rttortt, nnd In Jersey
City there Is a church house w hich lias a bur,
whero ten peraneo drinka are told. What do
you think of these enterprises!"
" Tho pastor who would put billiard tables in
Jot .ii tii 1 11. recttm too much, or Irvln , et
pattll 1 '; my icniiblt man know that
1 1 dly In the 1 pipit, 11 1 11 me not gener
ally paid toon than thty an worth at Itaat
not for a long Unit I I ntVOY minle I
ton tract in any tvahgttfitlc notting 1 tvti
held in ahhh dollar! and cents entered, 1
have taktt wind, thty ban voluntarily given
me. After nil, let ween myitll mid any OtllU
pf tacit ct in thli country it is only a qucitipn
of quantltyi If tho Utvll gttt mi onmon ) hi
v.iii pit 11 great many othtr pnathon,
Won't ail prtaobm lake nil that It given
than red lln:i is nil I haVI i ver dime.
Afler all. il isn't lu.w Dlttob I Imve rtOtiVld
but ahafaotef edniM In ori tho other qutttloni
What did 1 do with 1 he 1 alter 1 1 1 1 1 -i id
in 1 an perfectly oandld when 1 aj haven't
got, it to-day. tS'lien the MOTttt nf all men
Hindi he madt known than, and not tin then,
win tht world knovi what Sam Jonet hat done
with his large In ont,"
Qgogflg .1. m tn tog,
Miss llrlght. "I,' I'l play ' port rail gallery.'"
Mr. AdniT. " W Inil mi 1 ol a gnlue is 1 luitl"
Mi 1 Bright, It'i very tinplo, Thomaterlali
anaonitotion ol newipaper portraltt of his
hoM mid burglars. The gentleman who can
tell 0110 f 11 nn 1 lie ni her van marry the girl be ia
pi" Ing wit h."
Mr. Adnrr Imlillyl. "At. lust I nee there's 1111
hope. Voil (lit nut loVt Inc."
Fcm.ilo Friondihip.
MAt'li.-Tlie pbOtOgMphfr bus mil done you
Ultjoti dear.
MaIUK. How nice of you to say lottearoil !
Maud, -Woi ho natinown nort mciey than
justice. fiicK,
' 1 IS nWIMI To nn 1 si nil 11 11 1
tn Dttroi! and from Baginaw to Maoklnaw, to
Ooononowoo and Manitowoc, Othkotb, Mil
wattkotand ObloagOiln ivory port tbt foldtd
bur while wliir mid I old of the cnunly that
honored1 bin with a taut to Oongntt, The
ptoplt "ere untutored to nautioal affaln and
illttntd Willi rapt ut I lit Ion. As Ihe lieneral
(ioeil his speech I!),, enthusiasm wan un
bounded. Things loiikcd blue for Judge i'himipsnn.
After a few nionmiits reiiulrcd to gel the mull
l in e nut uf I In Ir seventh heaven Of riinlurc, be
iteppod in the front nf tht platfom, I tan id
nver II, liiotioned to the audience to come up
close and said, "CiUSOUJ Of OgriOD, w hat Hen
tral Held hat told you it tt 0, Hehai hullta
brig, and a grand ont, But here do you sup
pose be painted the proud name of Cliiriun?"
Turning to (iencral Hi en, he said "Stand up
here, sir, nnd tell these honttt ptOplt where
jnii had thu painter put the unuioot Clarion
1111 anvil He ro:-es h!m-elf to farv. pourdi
, bit detk, and animattt and enUiuin tlio tionee
W11 bid he adorns Ids teu'enees with llic peeul-
iar aeeent of the Bottthron, Uli ttoriet a re
I always good and to the point, lie began bis
ipotoh on the night of January 10 by laying
that once nn olil oojorid parton appi a red before
; his congregation, doted up his Dibit, spread
I both hands upon It and until : " Brtdron I'm'l
' gwlne to tokt no pertiekltr teg' dliyere night
I'so ,'.1 gwino to preach dt Sort uteri, an to
! ciiu icaroh dt Borlnten to flue i.-y luhjeok, Inforn
Yo will Ant It aonnon betwoea Oeneraihuni Canal began, oi
nnd llotoluihonl, 'bout war dt 'Pottlo Paul
plngMl his pistol at dt '1 iiosiuns."
"So," laid Mr. Tulbcrt, "my ronarki will
mit. lie ipaoiflod, but will range tntnewhore
between tariff reform and (rot trade, about
where the money power 1- abodt to ruin tide
In rtftrrlng to 11,0 taritr prob! m he ai J
Hint he was lonowhat like a young man who
Wat ninking his lit.-', ipooch in !' .vklnivllle,
Ooorgia, ue a cundlduto for the leghdaturo.
He wns asked by one of the audience i! I e ob
jected to tirprtttliig hinaelf on the tariff bill.
" No," he replied,
"Than," taid tbo questioner, "let's have
your views 0:1 It, '
Well," said the candidate, " follow cltlaena,
1 tunc not ttudiod the queitlon very clotcly,
hut from What I know of It I think the ded
rolled thing ought to bo paid c3 at once an;',
Mr. Talbort applied the story by wr tog
that he wat inclined to think that tht I hole
thing ought to bo paid oiT with 1 gradui I I
Income tax, the oniy way by which thu tart''
can or oi or will be reformed.
Not long afterward be told the Mcry ol a
young huvycr In South Carolina who Itarte i
out to make his (list tpoc-b In a hot political
campaign with the idea of remaining neutral 1
es to partial nnd mines, lie hud been told j
by his friends that In speaking he mutt ru 1 1
his volco so as lo be distinctly hear ! by the
whole erosvd. In order to do that he must,
select homo person on tlio outer edge of hla
audience and auircss himself to htm. The
young lawyer storied out tn hit flat ipetoh
under this advice with non-committe! Ideal
it wns n hot day. As he nuuntcd the Itand
be pulled eft his tout and collar, rolled up
his slor ves and beg.; thuit " Fellow dtiacni
I nm r.o Democrat; fellow oltlttna, I am no
Rapubllcaai fellow cltiaent, 1 am no Third
Party man."
At this moment he remembered thtinttruc
Hons about solceling a man cn the outskirts
nf the croivd. and teeing nn old gentleman
come up cn the outer tdgt r.nd take his seat
on nn old log, the young lawyer With grei
emphasis pointed bis linger at the old man nnd
roared out in stentorian voice, "Fcllowdtl
rens, then what am I,"
The old (allow, thinking the quest on ad
dretied to bin, npUod, "You arc n gnrl-
dan-led fool!"
I jiler nn Mr. Talhert accused the HeptiMieans
of attributing Wrong motives to tht South.
He p. iid it reminded him of an anecdote oi n
minister moving Intel little town and ns ttiual
the brethren began to offer him advice. Ont
brother told him tint to prrnohim: he mult not
abuse tho lawyers too much ns they were
liberal and paid 11 good deal tO the church.
Another brother said " Now you must not say
loo much about the Iwrkeepcrs for they too
nre liberal towards the ehuroh," Hut they
were unanimOUl in saying: "'there is a rich
old Jow living on the outtklrtt of the town. He
Is of no nee inn anyway and ,! i" net g've tiie
ohuroh anytbtng at all, if you wan; to rant
nnvbody Just irive lilm bell and scissors.
"So ii is with our ltepuhltcan friend a," told
tho Carolina Repretentatlva, "Thty all teem
to delight in giving the South hoU and s ilttora,
Thty seem to think that nothing go d can
come out Xniareth nothing good can come
out uf the South."
More quaint man Bihlry or Teiberi is Ch i nip
Clark of Missouri. He trade t v ot U III ipaoohtt,
mod ell of wit and brevity. His smiles were
few, nut good, an) his ntttphon were utterly
unapproachable. Here Is n story ho told on
January 19th. Ho sail there van nn old man
w hn had bat n living in Hon, Joaepb 1;. tannon't
Uittricl and bad voted for brother Cannon and
tht Uepnhllcnn party fur twen'y ytart. When
ht found out how tbt alootlon had goat three
yean am when cannon wat defeated, ho tatd
to his wife, "Sail), you pick up the gOOdl
ss title I go lo town and pay none bills and we
wiii nioveto some district which the Uotnoornti
cant carry."
Hail) packed up ihe goodi white ho wont i"
.mi." mill beard tho news, from nil over the
oountry. When htgot back lie mournful!)
aid to hit ipouio, "sail) unpnok thegoodi,
Tbtn Is no 1 lace tn Auierica that we en 11 ko to.
i by, 1. null Lord even Uataaonuntti hi - ;.i at
I lemuct niie."
i ihanipaoouaod too rtopuhltoani of pn pagat
ing frot trado nort raplol) tium rabbite multl
ply in Australia. Bouie gontlemen toon tu ot
much portUrbod ill ipirit unit wi ne. eil 111 ill sh
111 a futile attempt ,' Bud ouj what larifj
rpformor is. 'the t-wi, nf Biiypnua waa a ItUtv
rioui porfornanot uompared with that which
t in kcui tntu have tnpotod uidii tiiomii Ivet,
Thty might now rest non thtir labon -md
polini lllnlr snllls ill poaot fpr he WOUld loll
1 in in, mid his language would bo plain, (lowai
alwayi glad to Impart Information in icarohen
tm- truth and tiirilf retnriii. He laid a tariff
rofomer is a rudimontari trot 1 radi 1 . the trerni
from w hich tho fret trader grow ,thei gfi mi
whtoti Hie free trader is batched, Whui ihe
Hcoru is in ihe oak ; wiuii the mount atn spring
u. in ihe ruaning riven what the ui klliuj 1 ult
1 in the prouQ war bortti wnatthtchild lito
Hi ' in in; su is the tarill returmor lo
tht rtrilt and thorougngotng tree trader,
Tim liepublioani ami aaalitanl Itcpubltcani
are aclllig III H IpOClt) oi LUOU baton und
nm batoning radloal free irudBrs from tariff
reform eggi su (ait that a lightning calculator
WOUld I'e herded In lolllil up I he chicle u
amiw .1. Cummin oa,
One of the Most Marveloi'jj Inineer-:
mir; Worly; Ever Attempted.
Cotting !; 15,000,000, it hat ZtgDgtagUd tha !
Inland Kmiifccttirirg City cfMcnchettcr to '
n Corr.r.'.2r.iiiu Seaport- She Outocao of I
Tiade llivilry with liverpcoL
While warlike rumors and political troubli
nro svorrytng the govtrnnu nts of fii.i I mnl;.!
Buropti John Bull is congratulating him i
over the laceanfnl conplttton or ont of tht
greatest 1 tecca of engineering his thrifty me- I
gbanloal genius hn 1 . 1 ."lu.ptnt. fort"'
rations past, tiio citlot of Liverpool and .Man
chwtar bavt been rivuin in trade, population i
nnd everything that pertalm to materia! prog
rei. Witii nit tho id vantages ol - itrn-tM
water front and tht line it docks in Rng
the city en tho Sftnei itlll found it no ei
task lo ktop ahoad of the httty, puihlng uuand
borough, whoat great i 1 1 and far reael
.ln l"duBt ries gave it a 1 - :i 11,1 : ' . ':; ."
tecond to no city in Britain, Liverpool bow-
PVtr, controlled tho cotton Import trade and
tiie ratal oi Water eonunloatloti wtUi foreign
porti ami for many yi . s Manel nter capital'
it 1 bavt 1." en t: iking of dovliing a put 0 to y I
ou r tl.u Liverpudlian monopoly, Kow tb 1
the plan has taken praotlcnJ effact, thi two
great oitlei are itiB 'n hot competition; but
White Manebgtter ggfot by tho canal, Llvei
pool will hardly the Inci ItaUtlowt rii
of 1 rii ei nutl gn ally Increi m Iradai ed hi
enough to both.
Although the for.".!.! cere:
the c- ri'il dotl not. take ;
it lies already iicen in
occasion wns a grout d
1 vi 17 part n? I bat '.
centre Itttttd In he re;
that lined alttM r v.-1
There urr Wm elurc!:i
it realy tttntd tl 1 : Q
with all their relatione
populai Ion, 1 n 1! ' u ' 1
minimum width at bottom 120 feet. Retwecn
Barton end r tun hotter it is 170 feet at bottom
and 3i feci ..1 vratcr-lerai. The Butg t'anal is
tht aani di rt h, but hat only a bottom width of
72 feet: the Client Canal has n depth nf !;! Ifet
2 inches ui. d a bottom width of feet 6 Inches;
and the Amsterdam Canal a depth ol S3
mnl n bottom width of t feet. 7 inches. Bo
ween OUt end of the canal, ud tli" other th
I ffcreUce in level of GO feet. To providt
r Lucre ure live acts 0: lock ,
- S TflB 1 ' :u
ET. Vi
A Ltttsn by
unlit afte
A tir-,1" lion of steam bos ,
ai d thtir docks eVowdec with lioli'
Irregular intervals.
Works and jetties ere beini
along the baukb at atvi ral place
long dock. Saltport, 1 . .
I. '.J
il''l.'J,-... ; ' '
E, L. Williams. r.NGixr.r.:: or mB cajcal.
already indicate the ute to sshuh the great
waterway WlB be put by thi nert, .
numbers of large Vtntll I re air -Lily seen Ij
at the w harf sides loading and unloading their
it is ten years tince the work was bcgiir.
which has now changed M I hi Iter from nn
Inland city to aataportt but the idea of doing
so was ten years ago a novelty, it was men
tioned in the early pari aflat) otntury, or at
intervals from tin n t ' v!' -appearrjice
at a practicable scheme. It was
then proposed to make the ris er Dee the start,
ing point. Modiftcationi ol thii tchenw wart
proposed frcm time lo time till, in i"?. Ur,
H. it. Fnlton. C. K protiosei u sr l.eni. for a
ship canal, in i few year public intercut wat
aroused and in 1881, the late Daniel Adaaton
selves in the scheme, llr. Adamson was a
man of boundleta ecergs ai L Mr. Lead rv,
hams, by his construction of the canal has
prove! himself in the front rank of engineers,
Mr. Adanton comnunicatod i v s - enthnataini
to other and soon natton Wl re ,;, shape for
placing in 'ere Parliament, Mr. Leader Wil
li vnv Hun propottd a achemt which wot
adopted, but Parliataont made mnnr nlicra
Hons before the bill Vi - alloU ed tOpOl
fight began which coal aomothlng ovet - 10
HM, it Wat necessary tops throe timet to Porlia-
nn n! before the necoslary
tatnod, so itrenueut nnd
j was the orjpoiltlon coming Ire-1 '...
the railway oonpattita, The hill 1
' royal assent en the ft It An rust, l:
I plan it proton bid Was v-cry much
I ihe others submitted In earlier bill
ttnl wa firs', lived a! .e.i,0iii.
swollen tn JT.VW.iVM. and cf -.hat mm 11 1 U
I Wen necessary for the Manchester Oorporatloo j
I to advance several millions.
I contract, about g88,ooo.f)0n, to be doncto four J
years and a half. He was the builder oi the ' e
I time to pet his enormous feces lo work, but
he attacked the canal at hair a down placet, u
and 111 one tine hud 18,000 men and boyi an uj
ptoytd, niiiisl by PM steam cenve,oi . lei
1 team and othor cranct, isi portable and oth t ,
Rlcain cnglnet, and 101 steam punpa, Tho I w
Unci of temporary railway, If pieced togotht . v
would base been more than lUffletent to reach h
front MatnhCBtM to London, had there were '
Kit looomotivn on thott ttnnornry lines it jt
coat noarly $5,000,000 1 1 pro' Ide p ant tor tht j
wnrka, Tha total amount of excavation M M hi
donowaaabout fl.lWO000 cubic yardi, contain w
ing about TuiiWOtOilO tons, ot which aflfl 1 was
sandttono rock, Kvors man who mrerod wai y
.Mii.,v...l! su ihnl iii ibis esse i".'.ch'iu'i n." In
nm Interfered wuh labors in fact, hm tor the He
km nroovt
work cntild net er lia e r
Bpokti nun nf RaUil Oonnitteo, " Now, kfr.
Pllnurgir, tha woalthy ntrohann are u-.isi-ing
us 111 our work, nm onl) b; oontrlbutlona.
Inn, in, me uf I bciii. by scIIiiik the 111 oettarie ol
Hie, such as tea, MOM, coal anil wood, at cost.
What eu 11 you do fur tin I "
I lllburK'or it lie ilnmitlsl 1. " Vein vi II Hint me
ready to help dcr uncinpluyi d. I'ul down
luideriiuiu vat tclli bojtaKu itampt at gOtt.-
nun Inni ii , the urea
l XmA
Hie lotiilength of the oanal it thlrtj five 1 I
a half miles, For fourteen miles after leaving
Mauchceter, thooanal fullou s 1 ho eourae 0 lite
trwell, andwhon that tt ream becomes ab irl
in the Merely, ti continue! with the largo
, river, roriiicriy ' sownire m ,iaiiciiuaiei.
nainrn, umi uer mil ns en i ne in, en. "iii , .
and iiu ir trtbutariet wns allowed to flow un
purtttod Into the rivor nm! su nun tht oanAl,
snifui-,1 hat eoutplettd now towrcepl Ing aowi m
and pm If Ing wot a at Mode in Man
chwtar iw 1 fouowod suit, mid construi ted tl 1 er
I e,l- near 1' 11 1 en l.m I , , :, r .iflor purl-
Bcallon nowing Into tho canal en the lowortide
nf the locks, 'I he ItivoT Weavor had to he gol
rid of b ihe conitruotlon of lerlotofimmenie
ilutcoa, which carrj mi tho water at thoroteof
M.OOOoublc leet parioeond, At Barton, alio, the
Itridgewator Canal was sent over Hie ihip
canal tn a itoel aquedttol iw Inging en a cut ml
pier, w hich denrs oui nf tho wnj when ships
p.s up or down the oanal, The tndioi the
aqueduct and boat and nil twins round. The
oquaduol is 838 feet long, fi feoi deep, and 1;
leet wide. 'Hie weight when swinging I UNO
Inns, and the spun mi either lldoVO feet. Si en
railwa bridge! have hud to be 1 1 mo to t
halght of ': feci and giv n clear ipani ranging
trom ill to 888 feet, aud ihe approaohM to the
brldgot havo, ol oour c si-' required altering.
At iin varioualookt ihe oanal is widened out
Considerably so that vessels may Hun and largo
iteamert oan paai each othw at an) part ol tho
oanal, and wnire worki are buUl on tht bank,
to -bis are formed to allow Of ships I iuitaloni,--side.
but. of the fiiir-w'a of ilieeannl. By meant
Of Ult electric light siups Will M ablt 10 luivt-
gate tha canal bj night, th 1 whotelangthol ihe
canal botngtravi raeu in tiom eight totonhouri,
The avarane Width of thcciinn! at
ITS feet, us minimum depth tti leet, and its
1 all 11 1- tritlln' id her qui
10 Oil nil en -e 11 1 11 .,ii-
houte, tlltemj candid irpittyononi w ."d1
carrier wain'l IniultcdwW Saint WjdH -tine's
da) utlted. Kt be had hetn 1 .1
would hah put In Ins tcto.emcki .ten ; n-si-dent
caevtland vetoed At Norl bibber Hmipo
Ihei dene trirgot ten ay innfln rfboat WfJ
Waltentine hinwef. lie lien nuflta ter.ln wM
1, ollihnen hat ho . 1 agulated around his
htiffdas Like myself, hoi good num. an
' , her oh di 1 Uotpcl. Acoordin1 tar sums
iirctbvtcr. which means, 1 iuppote.dat liewaa
Jrcbylcrean. He wns kind wr ,ie pure, nnd
tie broR 1,1 icandal wat nebber ralaed agu
1 ,, tie wai rewarded by bein poundod tet
doff wld clubs mnl at n irdi bis hand wat
ehomHUt nil 6omc few eh bis reraaini are .1;
do churcli oh St. ITaxedet.ln nont,wUoh ii
net far irom Utloa, IndetMattMrt NcWYawk,
1 will oloao dig Utanrj treat win. a word ol
anod advise, R yon gita wenUntj, dori't
keen nn. and send cm book tat yirfnendl
next yeah, bokaat yer naj si mi em tor dj
-nine puitunt what lent 'en tat yon. ami da)
would be. 1 dead Btberway. Auts, Bwagt,
JuliUD Cn' " You're I lie man that fiddled
when Komo waa mourningl "
Noro.-"Sayl lit up. 1 waa connected will
thu fire Department. Ptt,