13 THE SCKA-NTON TflTmrNT:--SATURDAY MOnNTNG. PEB'RTJA'RY 17. 1894. A TEHUIULE CASB OF MOJPR Cl'HED. Jxo. Maixon, Esq, . V-v Sr. tl McLean St., .Iff. f -J-m 4 -liiims, t'inoimmtt, U, ' vrilri: "I took Kick V i' 'jStm with dropn-, lost my np- 1 01 tbirsiy. lost nil Mivi.t), I i mf stoniiicn bci'iimc rain- U,X T full lu,r ' J I DM to rlv up work. MbMkf't A Tim Ul pbysiclnns hi JraT V Cincinnati, fulled to ?. y S' hi'lpinr. My liml s nnd 1 1 b"'.v w"re swoih n to Jih: i enormous size, and I '"K ' wu suiiiriiiK terrible SCOOT. Tlin dortora nil John HALLO, Lsq. ( ,H1ui not get v eU mrnin, thai 1 vim liable to drop dead it uny moment Mjr wife sent for the pro st, to pre- par e for death, while watting for di nth. 1 reraorabwed reading of your 'Golden Medical 1p, ioi -i" ,'and ii tut ( would try it as a int hope. When l had taken three, bottke, l waa almost well. The swelling enUreiy disappeared mnl I wts soon aide to resume wore. My health i better now than it Iihb ben ia twbnty-flro yean." GORMAN'S EARLY SPUING DRESS GOODS We are almost daily In receipt of Early Spring Dress Textures. These early arrivals mostly Nov eltiesand Mi 1 Suitings are of the very newest and latest, in cluded are: Mixed Cheviot Suiting3, English Chocks, Two-tone Novelty Striped Cheviot Suitings, Checked Casimir Suitings Chin, and Japan PRINTED : SILKS We have now on sale an as sort mn! of beautiful designs and exquisite combinations for Spilng and Slimmer Dresses, The result of careful selections and designs that are con trolled exclusively by us for this city, at prices which we tire sure will command atlen-tion. HERM3D0RF Black Hosiery Ton '.iil And our line of Ifo- siery, Gloves and Underwear complete as usual. We are offering some very choice things in Misses' and Children's Hosiery at very attractive prices. T0L3 DOW.Y AT I. YLOK. THE NEWS OF nei TOWNS font or town eonespoadents otivth Tata bMEahouldalgn thehrnarAee In full t o;ioh newsletter, not for publication uat to tfuurd Hif:.iiut deoeption.l FROM FAIR F'.CTORYVILIE. A Record of the Beppealnge of In'.ereit in that Bnter&riilng Town. Djpecfal to the tirmnimi Tribune. Pactokyville, Ph., Feb 15,The friends of Kv. V.r. It Tamer will make him a donation oaxt Tuesday evening at th Metboilitt ohnroh. Rev. H, 0. MoDtrinott, of Kingston, n former pastor of the Methodist Epti copal ohnroh hore, preaohed last Wad r il iv evi'tiiii!i to :t largo imdl-noe of bis old acqa Intaneea and friends in I Is place. Whila Mr. MoDerinoit was paatof hero soma ton years u0, lv, by bia oordlal manners itnd upright Chris lan oburaoter, endeared himself to a large clrole of trieudt among other da notniniitiona us wll as lii-i own. A. L Reynolds is preparing to build :i ;i nse this ipri'iu; on M'ttu atraet. Rnyooldi & Fraar are lettiuif thetr ni w 40horte power boiler and tr i ti t id uwchlnnry of tbelr planing mill In position for tU Kpring ir ids, Mra, Cole, wl iow of tlte late tl'v. T T. Cole, bad the mUfortan? to fall '!! :.'!; her urtn '. fewdaMtt(ja Ut. Cole is near the four ww "tnllesto le" in '. but tho (yinp by of ;t large ciri:! o.' frientln in tier , 11 1 otl :i Mis Winifred K ynol l is the pron l p agsor of i new 8 1 in it ri mo. The Vi men'a Cbrbtian Temperance an on psrlor socl:l nt th boms of Mri L". it rtnapp lst Tneeday afternoon w h well attended, and tUoia preaeni p rt a very pUaaanl time, A movemeni li under contemplation for tho mar ayet matla ciroi Brer .. . c.-tuftcry. A mi -,i iifMilu-a im ,i ovement. lev. C. IT. Wetbtrbee, of Holland Patent, N. Y., layiaitimi Udangbter, Mre, Crawford Matbewion Mrs. B. Colemtn gave a pirty in onor of thirteenth birthday of her I re, Mis Alt. Ctpwall, ! tt Wednea ! iy. About n il nn of -Mi Capwell' -i 'u l were present and enj yed n Very pleasant afternoon. Frank :I irringtou Ins 9ecar.fl a po itiou -s telearapb operator on the aware, L ckawanna and Western nil road, una Warren Bmtley is QIHng the position made Twoaut by Mr. Uarring tonuaolerkin .T C. Reynolds' store, (l-vu- Spr it;u" iis purchased the otue formerly owned and occupied by On irles Gardner, auJ will take poise. sion in a few weeks, The remains of Mrs, John (rrnt, of Parsons, Pa,, a former r'sidnt of this ; Ui'e, will iio brought here tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon for interment in Bevrgreen ometery. Fnnnral services will be held in the Metnoilist church tid will he conducted by her pastor, Kes-. Y. H. Hlllnr, of Parsons. Th deceeaed was a sister of A J. and ITel ton (ii '.iiior-', uu I Mrs. Anthony Cobb, of this pi ice, an 1 spent trie early yen's ..flier life in this ricinity, SMewis iniicii lnTed and respected by all who knew her. Th Po HUcal Pot I" B i-ib; In th Widi- A wik I T v.-1. Stcinl to the ScTcltlton Trihnnr. Tavloe, Pa., Feb. 16. The reception eommittee of the Price lilirary will m' -t on Monday night ah lady mem bers and friends are requested to L present t H o'clock, Poetor Grifik'is team ran away to day an! complotely demolished hi ctnt?r. The hordes worn also iojnrod. On Thursday night a young lady of this town lost her gol 1 watch on Main road, between Taylor and Rendham, Finder will oblige by leaving it t tho postofSce. Arthur Villwook is conflntd to his home by sicknees. Martin Malta, oris of tim leading Democrats of Old Fore township, i tint oiimly tor Qtorga K ir, for tax collector ami other Repnblioan candi dates, Mr. K-hr will nndotibtedly b elected by an overwhelming majority, bo will the whole ticket. In Lackawanna township, which is close, the Republicans setn to bo cr tain of victory. TbeDtmocrat register of that township should bedenounoed bv ousting a vole for nlan politics. Vote a straight Republican delft for good men who will tie a oredll to the township, DIM?. LMTCftrAINMENT. Entnrpil ie of the Ludioi of tho Carbon- dni Preebrterian ohnroh, Xiit' i'tt I't til'- ,-;rrrtlt'in VW'.'Oi. CaHBOHDALI, Ph., V-b. 10 The Ludies' Aid sooiety of the Presbyterian church have preparer! an entertainment wiiiih will be given tomorrow evening in the obapel of that chnroh. It Will be a dime social which promises to In a very enjoyable affair, Tbe following is the programme to be rendered on the occasion. r.nclii".' Selection Parlor Orchestra Vocal Duett, "Ye Merry liir.K' White Misses Annie McMillan ami miiiio ulmer. Piano hole, "Midnight lteverie," La Zingana Miss I.elio Bolton. Vocal Solo, "Franolea," Bohults Miss Lucie Vannan, Piano Sol i, (Sell ot ill . . .Mrs. J. D. Stoclfer Recitation, (rTeleoted.) Vocal Solo, "The Mountebank's Hour," Molloy A. P. Thomas. Kooltatlon, (Selected) Mrs. J. g, Niles Vpeal Solo, (Selected) Miss Van nan Plate Solo, (Selected) T. Wyilie Violin (jnnnette, "Prayer nd Bondo," Weber Barrel), Johtisou, Smith and Thomas. All Fr". Tliose who have usi '1 Dr. King's New Discovery i;now its value, ami thrlSe who have not, liv now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist ami qet a Trial Bottle, Fn'". Send M'tir name and address to B. K. Buckleu & i 'o , Cbicaso. aud get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Free, us well as a copy of (inide to Health and Rou-ehold Instructor, Free. Alf f which is u'liar-m- eni todo you --oil nilil cost you Uulhill Uattnews uro-. urugtore. PRICEBU -C paf:AGRAFHS. Tin H pp-nivii3 at Sc-an'.m'a Lively Horthsrn Saburb R-cordd. yrwint to tie SotwitOH Tribune. Pbicebubo, P;i Feb. Pi All that remained mortal of the late John Nangbton was conveyed to St. Tin in ns' chnroh on Thursday morning where ;i m iss of requiem was sang by Rev, Father Conway, The remains weje afterward oonveyed to Dnnm ire Catholic cemetery, where they were interred, A lar.-e crowd of Djoorneri were In attendance at the funeral, showing that the deosased was highly reap icted. D.vil If, Jones, of Prori'hnrje. wai on a visit to his .I inghter, Mrs. Uio.i nrd Williams, during tbe week, The fall of snow has cooled down utilities. E T. Ellis, of S.'rantoii, WAS in town today, Tli" dep-.ly sheriff w-rn busily on gagtd In posting and distributing pro clamations concerning tne coming elec tion around town on Thursday, It was rumored aroun 1 the neighbor hood that Will Se.irs was dea l. Put the Democrats will Bad the political war horse a pretty lively dead m an on election day A I'v publican rally will bs held in the Central ballon Saturday evening, Ex Mayor Fellows and other prominent speakers will address the muting, All are welcome, Edward Morgan, of Plymouth, wa a visitor here yesterday. A large sleigh load of young people from i'rovi lenoe cume in town last evening and spent an enj lyable eve at the Central. HouKS ami spSCOheS were in order daring the night, At 10 o'clock sapper was swrv-il by the host, Mr. Lloyd, and all departed at a season nblo hour well pleas "1 with tiiidr out ini;. Dyipp'l and Irdtiteiitl 'n In their worst forms are cored by the ns' of P. P. )'. If you are d ibllltate I and inn down, or if you need a tonic to regain Arab and lost appetite, strength and vigor; tiik.- P. P. P., and yon will bo strong and healthy. Iror shattered i oust (unions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Pricltly Ash. Posh Hoot and Potassium) is the Icing of all medic! nos, P. P. p. is rii" greatest blood pnrifler in the world. For bale by all (luiKni.ile. ' ALL f BOUT AVOC' A Ncwuy Batch f U'" ip from 0 ir Spe -olsl roirup "i d oit Kprritti tit CaeAnwafoa lVI6ttaa Avooa. Pa,, Feb 10 Mrs. Patrick Cannon is the guest uf relatives i i Philadelphia, Miss U rge, of Sotsntoi, is Visilin : her brother, Ur V II Uirge. A party of youdg people snjoysd a sleigiiride to BtOVSjUOni hotel, n ur R insom, lat night. A large number of people attend the suction in the Malnuey building on North Main street each evening Mrs. M, .). li'id-)-, while shopping In Bcranton. flipped on the lot and sui tained a bad sprain of her ankl". Attorney L, J. Baxter spent today In Wilkes-Birre. Patrick Kane, of the West 8lda, was arrested by Constable El ward Murphy this evening on a Warrant sworn cut by W. II Holllster, of the linn of Holllster & Bowman, charging him wiin stealing goods from tli-ir slore Be was taken before 'Squire Wbalen and not liein;? able to procure ball Wa' committed to the oouuty j ill, lie w is taken tnere by Constable Murphy on the 7 In train to appear at court, The Lanfloliffs Coal comnany nald their employes today. CHIPS FROM CAKBONDALE. An Iatsrastingr liudan of Nivrifiom tha Fion-ur City. Spsffftri fo 'Ac ffffraafea IWhaaA CAHBOHDALI, Pa., ITeb. 1G Oiao! count of the recent storm, traffi ' on the Delaware and liaison Gravity r til ro id was still som uv lat d ilsye 1 ted tv. lu the morning, trains arrived and do parted on time, but the strong wind WhiOh bUw the snow on the trades oaused considerable delav to the after noon pasasnger trains. Tiie train due to leave this city at 1 III) p. m. for Bonrsdale waa so late in arriving here from Hontsdale, that it was after 3 )'cloek i ('tore it started on its return lp, and III- tram tint haves hern at it 1ft p. m. did not get away until 4 It) p. in, Since the opinio r of the Metrop 'i tan iciiiuL; rink on Wednesday even- last tbe place h is undergone ssv r I improvements. It has been thor nu hlv cieaned, and today an arc light was pi iced in the building, widen will i '. 1 greatter to the pleasure of tho-o who will attend theplaoeof amnse in ' it tomorrow evening, .".r. and Mrs J. II Thomas, of Scran tou, are in t ds city this evening to at tend the anniversary exercises of li eicah lodge, No 10!), of the Old Fel lows, held ill ilis new Old Fellows hall iu S ill m avenn. Miss Maggie Ki-lly, of South Ohnroh street, is visiting friends in I'ittstou. Hi i Armstrong entertained a p irty of her fn ti ls tins evening at the noun of D. Scurry, of Washington I r et. The guests Wars Very pl us- iintly entertained, j!is. Grace Bigley, of Canaan strest, is the guest of friends at Green It Ige. Miss Ainu- D-an, of Bunesdale, ii vlsi Ing her sister, Mrs Cuurles John son, of Spring stroet. PECKVILLE P MNTERS. Ml lh' Live N w. of ilie Dy XtrselV It p r a 1 rrrrial to the Scranton rVfAaas PRCKVlLiLB Pi, Feb 10. Bessie E, lh-- 4-year aud 6 months old daughter el Air. and Mrs ,1 ssi- Scott, died at their home on Mill streol i ist W'ln-'s-day evening of scarlet fever, Fftneral s rvioes were held at the boUSB yscer- l v ifternoon, conducted by tbe Rev F. P. Dotty. Int-rmeut was made in Pr ispeot cemetery Miss E E. L"!C't, of Providence, visited with friends here last Wedass lay. Mrs. W, (1 II ;: dry and cl i'drfln are all snfferiug from throat treble, Mr. and Mr. S. P. Walters, of Mill ( tv, are visiting friends iu town. J im-s D.tvts is s'.li' ring from an at tack of mumps, On arc unit of the snow storm our electric street car has not put iii uu ap pearance here since Wednei I iv The employes of tne Blue Hi Igs Coil company and the Liokiwanna Cul c impany will receive tueir piy today Mrs. M. donAXNBBRoiR, Beaver Dam, writeBi "We hive ased IJ . Thomas' El-.-, ric Oil iu our family lor Coughs, i .id-. L'roop and Rheumatism. It cures every tune." TH13 CA5S S in. NI 5 HOPcLESS. Proiprctl of Fi.ilirui' thu Batombtd r-Il-ers AHvs OroW Din Daily. WlLKES-BABBE, Pa., Feb. 10 Tiie two rescuing parlies at work in the Gaylord mine trying to find the ti.ir leen entombsd tlinbermen, are making slow progress, Rook and coal con tinues to fall and on mor tha i one oc casion they were obliged to tle from wo; u In order to save themselves. Mine Inspector Williams and a num ber of other high offijlals were on the (round today, but they cm do nothing more than tosnggrat what ougut to be eon , and this is tad ig luoic -d after by he superintendent of the (liylorl UU e- who is doing everything iu his power to re ich the m m. n the No S workings of tin mine the (av'es continue to take place and p ies of rock and c ial appear to bo fall ing continually Oue ol the entombed men, John 1) Morris, was imprlsooed in a mine in Wales for ten dsyepre vi ins to coining to this country. It is safe to say tonight that it will lake fuily a mouth before tho rescue parties can reach the men, where tuey are supposed to be, . HE MASIUIFL) AN ACTRESS. R bert L Catting Ii Th rjfare Dllln- herit-d by H "i Father, Vk.v Yolit Feb, It! The will of Robert L. Catting an i the two co licils w. s read before Surrogate Arnold to day. Robert L. Cutting, husband of Mmnie Seligman the actress, and be fore his marriage to her, the favorite son of his father, has been completely disinherited, The original will, ns read, provid id for SO qn il division of Mr, Cutting's estate between his two sons, Robert 1 and James I), Catling. One of the codicils, however, revoked the provision fur Rjbsrt L and says: "Because my sou has contracted n marriage wbicnli disapprove i by me." The second codicil which is dnted S ptembr 1H last, provides that his so i shall receive none of his estate, nnd was made so as to leave no doubt uf the complete disinheritance of his son Robert, ltobi rt L, Cutting's lawyer says they will contest the, will on lho ground that the codicils were never i . -cuted by a sane man. A Now Co. kletr Fcheol has been started, Wbioh recognizing the Importance of having plenty of milk on baud for cooking purposes, ha- found its requirements fully met by Borden's Peer lets Brand Rvaporated Cream, prepared by New York Condensed Milk (Jo. It highly endorses it. - How the Bnlinoe I F.rm d Cotontl Imi'tmiII. As tbe factories cloae, the people's eyes open. Beecham's pills arc foi uliousncss, liilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, side head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coaled tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free; pills 25c. At drugstores,or write B.FAHen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. A HaridiiOfTie vomplcxioin Is one of tho (;:-. :.!(t -harms a woman can pp-'oss POIJ IKl'l OoMI'LSXION l'ownuu gives it. WHAT IS ECZEMA? It is an agony of agonies. A torture of tortures. It is an itching and burning of the skin almost beyond endurance. it ir. thousands of pin-headed ves icles Riled with an acrid fluid, ever forming, ever bursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin. No part of the human skin is exempt. It tortures, disfigures, humiliates more than all other skin diseases. Tender babies are among its most numerous victims. They are often born with it. Sleep and rest are out of the question. Most remedies and the best phy sicians generally fail, even to relieve. If CUT1CURA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind. It not only cures but A single application is often suffi cient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure. CUTICURA works wonders because it is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times. Fold thimiclmiit the world. Prlee.OUTlcuSA, 60c. ; HoAC, ; ItSSOLVBST, 1. I'OTTBB DncoANn Omul, Gone., Bolo Propa., Boston, " All about tho Bkln, Bealp, and uioou," free. From the Moment of Birth Use CUTICURA SOAP It is not only the pur est, sweetest, and most refresh leg of nursery sosps,but Itcontajni del IcateemoUlent properties Which purify and benu tlfj the Skin, ami prevent flkiiihlomisliesoec.xsioncd by bnperfoct cleamlog and iuipuru buap. NlCHOtSON NOTES. Brief N 'wi Paragraph from a Huntling- Country Town. Bpecto.1 to the Scnintoo Trihune. Nicbolsok, Pa.. Feb. 10 Pedrick lir i. have their building raised. 'i'ho Star Social club of this place eld a masqnerade ball at the opera lionss Wednesday evening last. The snow is about ten Inches deep at this place. Walnut park is being built up ijnite fast. John Board m in is on the sick list Aoisie ns.eumatism Months of Suffering-Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured mm Mr. Noah Btablstown, ll'i in r Penu. "0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Oentlomen: Four yean last January I was taken down with lub-acute rheunatlsa winch located at the imsn of tho brain. It was eight wi cks less one day before I was aide to walk out of the house and after months of SUSsting and much pain 1 feared I Would Nevor Bo Well. My physician cdvlsod me to use Hood's Sarsa parilla. After taking it in half doses for two weeks I felt better, so tt dlffi rent times after wards I used it awhile and during the last year I have B ;ain been restored to invigorated health by It 1 attribute my restoration to health to the use ol Hood's Sarsaparilla. My son has had I catarrh since quite young and last summer while attending school he used two buttles of j HoodVv'Cures Uood'S Sarsaparilla aud said it did him more eood than he realized from sine fr prescrip tions, etc." NoaiiJ. lIoitNEn, Poitroaster and uenerai nercaant, staiiistown, rcmisyivauis. Hood's Pills eure liver His, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, iudigcsUou. B LANK HOOKS LAN K BOOKS MEMORANDUMS OiTicc Supplies of all kinds Inks and Mucilages LEtADINQ HAKES, Fine Stationery WIRT,WATERMAN and FRANK i.l N FOUNTAIN PENS. All Quaranteed. Agents for Crawford's Pens and Buck's Flexible Rubber Stamps. Reyoolds Bros, Stnlioiters nnd Enyr vers. niT LACKAWANNA AVE HEAD The new oiler made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. Dr. E. Grewer Hi PblladelpHia Fpeciallsl, man i h)rslelans,are now permanent! located Temple Court Building :ti i spmri ir sr. SCR ANTON Wheroihey muy bo consulted DAILY AND . SUNDAY. xne Doctor is a gradoata ot the University ef l sansylvanla, tormerly demonstrator of SSlS?i!lvrifnd i-urgerv at ths WedicoChlr Mgtcal Collega, of Philadel,ijia. Ho Is also ai. nunorary m emtwr of the Medieo Chirur (leal Aaweiatlon, uml was thysician and nveon lii cliier of the most noted AneTieaa fSrfiCB,J,,,0",,,taU 0,"", 'dihly indorsed Saw Yortr 1"'U,1",",W3 uf Phlladoliihia and Hll n-.Kiiy years of hosnitul rxperienoe pa ntiles il,i eminent physician and mirgeon to correctly llagnoa id treat all defunsltles and diaeasM with tho most flattering suecom, and Ins 1,1. h standing in tbe state wul nut K.i w bun to accept anv Inenrabla casn I us I NlMiniin lil-tsTOUliU tMMiMs, (, YOUNG MKN Cttf.Kn li yonhava oeen given ap ey your phrsl- rin cull npon the d.vtor and be examined lie cures IDS worst , of HerTOUaDeblUtl N rofiiU. (lid Bom , utarrh. Hlee, Female W.kniHs, Affectl'.iH of tho Bar, Eye, No and Throat. Asthma, Deafuoss. Tumors Ca cets and Crlwdoe of mvrj deseriptioo. Con snltatlon in RiilIisIi nnd (lonn.in Free which fhall he considered sacred uu 1 btrictly CO&S dentlal nffiee Honni O A. M, t u P. M. Uallv Snnday, D a.m. to - ii m. THE TRADERS National Bank of Scrantoo. CltUA.M7.KU MM. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. BAHUKL HINK8,fPrealrUni V. . W, WATStlN, Vice President. A. 11. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIMOTORS. BAMimti itiNrs, jAMK.s If' BymitAam 1RVIBO A. Fisor, PiBRoaH KiM.ET, Jnaaeu J, Jattiirv, m s, hi in m ... t-UAs, P. MAIfuaws, J.m T. POHXBR s. w rVAiaoM. PROMPT, ENLRGET1C. CONStRVATIVE and LIBERAL This bnnk Invites the iiatronago of buslnoss men ami Dims generally, HOW TO MAKE MONEY lliere are hundreds of yonng men and young women in tliit country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If you arc tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COURSE, UL'SINKSS COUltSK. SHOUTHAXU COURSE t, F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. MOW YEAH OPKNS JANUAHY 1. Carpetings ! Now arriving. We are ready to show many patterns in all grades of Carpets- enough to suit all tastes-which we offer at the lowest prices ever known in the history of the carpet trade. Under the head of BARGAINS We offer what's left from the January Sale, consisting of certain patterns of Carpets that have been dropped, odd pieces, short lengths and some slightly soiled, together with a few Rugs, Some Oil Cloths Linoleums and Mattings ERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP THE RIOH ADDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Third National Bank of Scranton. Organized is72. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - $240,000 Tribune Art Feature To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World's Fair Portfolios would be to neglect the best opportunity vet offered. The ad dition of the "Wanamaker" series makes it more valua ble. Read new announcement on page 7. ill )! i HI lis ihllgssll Wl sWI 100 CHILD' CRIBS Tills hnnlc nflVr to dSBMialtON every facility warranted )v Utslr ualanota, bust. no. nnd roaponalblllty. SprdHl atuintloa KIV6U to liunlnom, no- euunta. Inttrsst paid on Uma dtpoilta, WILtlAU ( ONNKt.t, ProaldfBt, C1KO, li ( A.TLIN, Vlra-Prraldant. WILLIAM ii. ri:i K, L'uaklar. 1)1 II 1 1 I (IKS. lviiiiiini Connstl, Goorco 11. Catlln, Alfred Hand, Jamai Aralibald, Menry 11.11, i, Jr., Willi.,., X. jSinllh, lull.. Kallar. With Woven Wire Mattresses and latest Folding Devices, Actual value, $3.50. We Will Sell Them for the Next Five Days at $150 Our Spring Stock is fast arriving Your inspection is invited. r- :