TO VOTE for tho new bridge , mark a cross in the square at the tho right hand end of the line entitle.l "Yes," below the word "Bridges" at the bot tom of the Republican column. Scrmttoit ciMH tribune. l ti ? I AjBjqtfj afflB TO VOTE for the new park, murk u crou in the square t the the right hand end of the Hue entitled "Yei," below the word "Parka" at the bottom of the Democratic column. TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS. SCBANTON. PA., SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1SJ)4. TWO CENTS A COPY. OILY FEi AYS MAIN win TO SEOIliE TOE Til Ell! P b THE TIGf L Li MAKERS ti ! n HI lnteres'liii" Part of the Sanate Proceedings Took Place Behind Closed Doors. MR. PECKHAIH IS SNOWED UNDER Remonstrances to the Wilson Bill Considered Mr. Hoar's'Rcsolution. Mr. Bland's Efforts to Secure a Quorum That Would Support His Motion to Closo the General Debate Upon His Bill to Coin Seigniorage of the Silver Bullion, Unsuccessful. asiiim; THE interesting part aton of tho sen. which took place behind closed do I Wasiiinc rns, Fob. HI. HF. interesting pirt of today' eos- senate wiit that in lecrst mid ors. lue puo- lio proceedings only occupied ball an hour's lime, and wre mainly eonflaed to the presentation of renaonetraneea against the Wilson tiritT bill The only point outside of mob rou tine mutter was tii adoption of a roaoltttion otlreJ by Mr. Bosr (Mass.), leqn-stinc tba president to transtritt to the senate nil reports and dittfatohl from Mr. Willis and especially tbedii 1 itch communicating a ietter from President Dole specifying crtiin enlarges against the ooadoot of Mr Willis. Tliis letter, Mr. Hotr ex plained, was pnbliahed in all tbe morn ing papera today, but he wanted it to l ' fflci diy communicated, Prckham'i nomination for asiooiate justice of the supreme court of the United States was defeated in the sen nte by a vote of 41 to 'ii The vote was as follow: For continuation Democrat'' Bate, Blackburn, Bvron. Butler, Caff re r. Faulk n.-r.neorge, Gray, Harris, Huston, Lindsay, McPhereon, ttartin, Mill, Mitchell (WK), Palmer. Pasco, Rananm, Roach, Turpie, Villus, Vi orhees and White il.a. I Republicans jDlson, Hale, Mitchell (Ore.), Petiigrew, Piatt, Proctor, Siuue, Btoekoridge iPop.), Kyle. Total 88, Against eonflrmation Bepnblicaaa, Aid ricb, Allison, Cameron. Carey, Chandler, 'nllotr, Davis, Dolph, Frve, Uallmg-r, HanabroDjrb, Hawlsy, Hnriins, Hair, Lodge, aCanderson, Morrill, Perkias, Power, shoup, Stewart, Toiler, Wash biiru, Wilaoo. Democrats Berry, Call. Cockrell, Coke, Daniel, QibsenOonnan.Irby, JonemArk.i, MrLaOlin, Murphy, Bill, Pugb, Vest, White (Cula.). Populist, Allan, Peft'er. Total 41. This shows 23 Democrats, 8 Republicans and 1 Populist voting for confirmation, aud 18 Democrats, 24 R.-publicaus and 8 Podu lists voting against. The pair, wer as follows: Mr. McMil leii for, with Mr. Vance, against; Mr. Mor pan. tor, with Mr. Qnay, against; Mr. Smith, for, with Mr. Dubois, against; Mr. Gordon, for, with Mr. WolCOtt, again-.; Mr. Camden, for, with Mr. .Ion- (of Ne vada), against; Mr. Colqnittand Mr. Sher, both favorable to continuation, were ahm nt and not paired, The senate at 1 1" p m adjourned till Monday. PltOCEEliIS'iS IS T1IF. IIOt.sE. The session of the home today was practically barren of results. Mr. Bland's 1T ns to s-enre a quorum that wou'.d support his motion to close gen eral debate upon his bill to coin sin iorage of the silver bullion now in tho treasury were unsuccessful, and after four votes by call. of yea and nays, upon which the largest number re corded was 168, the hone at l.lo to jk a recess until 8 o'clock for the considera tion o private pension bills, o the m r iiu;( hour Mr. Bontelle'l resolution oillingnpon the secretary of the navy for copin of all orlnrs is sued to the commander of the naval forces at Honolulu since March 4, 19'J3, was r-portej fr.m tbt comuiitte on na val aft' urs, with an amen Intent ch ing' incr tbe dats to which 'ho inquiry limited to Mirch 4, HO J, and passed. GROVER WdlT0 fOU NEWS. A Cabinet M- i .- Prolongsd In Ordr to Cl,brt Packham'i Lack. Washington, Feb. 10 Tho presi dent whs informed of tho defeat of the Peck ham nomination within a few minntes after it had been r -jMcted. A crominent senator sent, n telegram to Mr. Cleveland over tho wirn running from the senate to the white house. During tbe cabinet uieting, which lasted from 11 o'clock until half put two, the preii lent nnd the cabinet of ficers present waited for some news from tho senat, and it is said that the Meeting was prolonged in the expecta tion that something definite would bs received. MUST TAKE THEIR VIRUS. Ths Pupils In the Wllltamiport Son sol a to E Vacclnat.d WiixiAMsroitT, Feb. 16 Batween s-ven and ei'ht hundred of the chil dren attending the pnblic school here were vaccinated to lay by order of the board of health, the school board hav ing passed a resolntion dismissing, on Monday, all who fail to comply with the order. As there are over 0 000 pupils enrolled it is expected that the nttendance will be materially de creased. Legal proceedings have bsen startd to restrain the board from taking this step and a preliminary injunction has been applied for. LOBENGULA IS DEAD. Tho Kmc of Iho Matnheios Did Not Sur vive Their Root Long. Caj-kTown, Feb. 10 The death of Kiug Loliengula i confirmed. No particulars, however, have roachod le re up to the time this dispatch is filed. All of the late King Lohengnln'a reg iments, except in" Invato regiment, which is guarding the king's grave, aro surrendering. HENRY ADMITS HIS CRIME. Henry admitted that he made the bomb which was found several years ago in the Banana De La Boeieta Gen eral He added that lie had just put cogetner recently two bombs besides tho one nsed by him Monday evening, but denied that he knew whore they where. Aftur the examination by Jodge Meyer, Henry was t ikeu before Jndge Bspinas, who la dealing with the evi dence concerning tho explosion at the police station in tho Boa Des Uons Bnfanta a year ago last November. Hs was confronted with Pan) Bernard, Each lud been told that the other had confessed, aud a violent sceue followed their meeting. An anarchist suspected of destroying the papers in Henry's room, between the latter's arrest and tba police search, was arrested this evening. COLONNA IS DETERMINED. Be Will Take Stops to Regain Poisoislon of His C hhdron. Paris, Feb. 16. Priuos Oolonna has gone to Naples. He left this city three lays ago. In an intervisw with Maitre Cortot, counsel for the prince, the lawyer said that Prince ('oloiiii i was determined In regain possession of his ohildren, and that he will take the necessary steps to lo SO. MR. IBWS STATEMENT. The Ex-Frcsident Gives Interesting Data Concerning the Financial Condition of tbe Reading. Philadelphia, Feb. 16 Ex-President A. A. MsLscd, of the Reading railroad, was on the stand for two hours late this afternoon at the hearini: before Master Crawford in the suit bronghtby a Isaac L Rice, for tii r un val of thsResding receivers. Mr. McLend told of the condition of the roal when he became its president in, 1896, how he improved its general conditio i ami how and why the ''coal combine" and the Boston nnd Maine and Now York and New England deals wera formulated A vital point developed was Mr McLeod's declaration to At torney Bijur that "the stock transac tions (meaning the Boston and Maine and N-w York an I New E island deals) had nothing more to do with the receivers' ip than vou had." Mr McLsod further said that the Reading now about $106,006,660 in vested in onal lands, two-thirds of is undeveloped and to carry which it costs the companv about 64, 606, 006 p"r year. He then dwelt npou the teasing of the Jersey Central and Lehigh ley roe ls, telling w'latan advantage it was to the Residing to control the an thracite output and explained th9 ef fort to secure control of the Boston and Maine nnd New York and New England roads, so as to market the product. Mr. McL od said at least 2,OD3,0:)0 tons of anthracite coal and one ami a half million tons of bitnminou coal would nave been marketed in the New England states by the Ilea hug, with a respective profit to the latter com piny of 66 cents and 80 cents per ton, had the New York and New England nnd Boston nnl Maine deals been con summated. In addition Mr. McLend declared the mining of the two mi' tons of aa thracit coal would have reduced th cost of mining tlio Reading' whole nntpnt fifteen cents par ton, thus giv ing an annual net gain to tho Reading Of about $2,700,000. While detailing the methods emplovsd in the stock transactions. Mr. McLuod said he pledged $830,666 of Readlug genernl mortgage bonds which bs person illy owned, with I'rinca ft Co, so as not 10 involve the Reading company in the purchase of the stock should the plan miscarry. Attorney ll jur asked Mr, MoLtod where he got tbe $81 1,666 of bonds, whereupon the ex presi leu', produced a receipt from Maxwtll & (ir.ive. of New York, for $806,000 of the seenrities, they being bought at 86f less 24 psr cent. hearing will be resumed next Tuesday afternoon. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE. Tho Affair of thi Road in an Excellent Condition. PaILADKLPBTA, Feb. 10 The regular meeting of the board of directors of tho Philadelphia and Erie Railroad company was hold here today. iN. I'.irk r Bhortrldga wa re-elected pres Ident am) J. S Vansandt wasYoslected secretary and treasurer. An annnal dividend of 2 per cent, piyable Maich 1 was declared. The improvement in tho company's physical anil financial condition is at tributed largely to tho nid furnished by the Pennsylvania railroad. IN OUR OWN COM M 3NWZALTH. Oft M MAKES ft BOLD DASH Ho Leads a Btormlog Party or IniorgeBU Against NlcoeUroj. ft BATTLE NOTED FOR BRAVERY The Troops Under the Admiral Com manding the Rebsls Make a Heroic OhargS on the Government Garri son They Are Driven Back by Overwhelming Numbers Tho In surgents Number Only Few Hun dred Men, but Still Hold Brazil. Video, Feb. ill, THE Insurgent chat roy on Friday, F able for act of miral la lama h obnylklll comity's now tax rate is Tbe Anarchist Oonfsoooo That H Is an Kzpert Bomb Makor, Pauis, Feb. 16. Emile Henry, the anarchist who threw the bornl) in the cafe of the Hotel Terminus, was ques tioned at length today by Judge Meyer, the examining magistrate, in the case. mills F.x-Congrcssmnn A. Herr Smith, of Lan caster, Is dying. The poor directors of Schuylkill county want ?d,:tI1 this year. Btx-ysar-old Mary ilraine traveled 1S00 mile, alone, from Kansas to friend in Wil- Usmsport, Tbe Cumberland grand jury began an investigation Into tho charges of crook cdness at the county poor house. The Delaware county school directors voted down a proposition to hold the Teachers' institute in the summer. George Karnes, wauted in Syracuse, N. Y,, for the murder of Detective .lames liarvey last July, wa captured at Hun bury. Harry Dean, wanted by Undo Ham for the post office robbery nt Duncausville, whs turned over to the government at Al teon a. The one hundred and seventh meeting of the Philadelphia Conference Methodist church will bo held at Kaston, hegmuiu : Mar. 7. Miss Josephine lloueha failed to appear at tlie altar in Mt. Cnrinel, and the In tended groom, Alexander BOttOWiSi hail her arrested on a Charge OS stealing 6600, John . Lonhiirt, 73 years old, of Am bler, became paralysed partly last evening, and his death is a mailer of only a lew hoiirB. Mr. Leiihart was very wealthy and well known. Orders were issued 1 8 get the two large furnaces of the Heading iron company in operation early next month. They will tarn out 8K) tons 01 iron a week. A tube mill of the company will resume next Monday. It employs liii men. Rid ik JANEIRO, Fob. 12, via Manto- vid. o. Feb. Hi irge at Nlchete h 0 was not bravery. Al himself led the storming party. He shot Colonel Taaso FragoSO, of the government garrison, mounted the Officer's horse, and rode head His example caused wild en thusiasm among liia men. 81 X sailors obtained horses in a similar manner and galloped after him. Behind these seven horssm n the insurgent rushed to tile plsBS. There, their force was divided nnd sit uked by an overwhelming number of infantry and' cavalry. The insur gents were poshed bank slowly, with out giving any signs of panic. Admiral Ds (I mn, who was the last man to embark, was wounded in the arm and neck, Neither Wound i severe and there is no doubt of hi recovery. Every officer of the insurgent force was injured in the charge. The total lo of the insurgent was 270 The goveromet loss was little short of 600. To make the attsck the insurgents collected every available mm who eotlld he spared from his pojt They landed 660 men, and consequently had left bttt eighty men to gUtrd Cobras stand, and but twelve to bold Fort VillSKaignon. The government had at tiie lime 10,000 troop and hundreds of boats at its command, A diterminel attack on either island could not h ive failed Yet no attempt was made to capture either position. Cobras i never defended by mor- thin 1100 men, and Admiral Da (i una has, all counted, fewer than 700 mon at his disposal. Admiral Mello is sulking in Parana gun. Qonersl Qomercindo Saraiva's insurgent army in the mountains of Parana nuiuliers only 4,560 men, ami i held in check by the government lorces. which command tho narrow passes. The government fears nothing from this force. Nevertheless, the president seem unable to end the wnr. Admiral Da (iatna may continue his hlnfl for mouths, and even win the vic tory. An insurgent captain told the United Pros correspondent yestnr lay that his friends no longer expected help from the south. Their only hope now, ho said, was to win by government blunders, Admiral Da Gatna hal de cidednot to surrender to Rtar Admiral Benham merely because be dared not dsert the men who were providing the insnrgtits with money. Those men now hold Brazil by the throat In or ler that they may save the money that they have invested here. - . ASSAV COMMISSION'S WORK. Tho Ccm nlttoos on Woiglilng snd C mat ing Meko a H-pirt. Philadelphia, Feb. 10, -The assay commission conciuled its labors at the Philadelphia mint thi i morning Chair man Terry called the body together nt 10 o'clock, when the committees on weighing, counting and assaying mile their reports, all of wbioh were highly satisfactory. The coins reserved at tho Philadel phia, San Francisco, Carson City nnd New Orleans mints for the purpose of the commission were 10.000 pieces with an aggregate value or 661,064.76, - YELLOW FEVER SPREADS. The Captain of an Auoiiian Snip Among the Vl.'tlms. London, Feb. 10 A dispatch re ceived from Rio Janeiro this evening savs: "Tho captain of the Austrian warship in the harbor died of yellow fever yesterday and there aro otlm cases aboard the vessel. Tho Portu nose warship is also infected. The United States squadron communicates with the shore only by a hired tug "The fever has Iroken out, on the British WSShlp Itncer The merchant shipping is suffering henvily from tho epidemic." II 0 BU RN ING OF A STEAMER. A PaSSSniier Vessel l"stroyod at Daltl mnr. by Flro. Baltimore Fob. to Tbsslds whssl iron si a in r Ida wsh burned to the water's edge tonight and the bull filled with water and sunk. The I la was bollt in Wilmington, Del., in lhHI, and and has for several yearsplied between this port and points on the Chesapeake hay, in passenger and freight trade. Bbs was 196 fet long, 86.8 fMt beam i nil drew 8 5 feet. I'lie loss is about . . iniuranco, $60,000, STEELE MACKAV5 ILLNESS. the arguments for a new trial. Tbn prisoner had taken bis seat quietly, but when the attorney A. S. Trude, who conducted the prosecution, entered the court-room, Prandergast apparently crew wild with mice. Springing rroin ins rhslr lie yelled at Mr. Trude and uttemp'si to rush to where the attorney stool. Several hnilltY-i surrounded the ox cited prisoner ami forulhly took him to hiii sent, when hosat glaring at Mr. Trade, but creating no fuithor dis turbance as the hearing proceeded. FOURTEEN LIVES LOST. ihoSteamir Alurt Loot 1 bs Cook tho Sol.- Survivor San FbaNOISOO, Feb. 16 Sydney ad vices say that the steamer Alert, while on hor voyage from Port Albert 10 Mel bourne r oently, sank during a terriide gale and of the fifteen man aboard but olio managed to reach land and tell the slory of the disaster. When the Alert left Port Alb.rt she had a crew of twelve men all told, be sides two passengers in tho saloon. When the steamer rounded Cape Schanok B southerly gale was blowing with hurricane violence, An enormous green sea broke on board, and as tho steamer rolled the sea tilled the decks Hush with the rails, carrying off everything movable and passe 1 down tue hatches nnd sky -lights The fires in the engine room Were put out at once, and nil hands were BCSTOciy on deck before uno sea after another bro'; over the steamer, burying her to the gunwale. Then she suddenly went from under theit feet and all were left straggling in tlf waves. Pouting, the cook, managed to gt hold of a 0 ibin door and clung to it all through the night. When day was breaking ho touched sandy bottom, staggered a fow steps up the beach and fell unconscious, remembering nothing more until he saw his rescuers around him near Schanok Light THEY RESORT TO BOMBS. The Action of Florida Property Own ers Who Are Fighting tiie Con struction of a R ailroad. MISHAP TO THE CITY OF PARIS The Big Stoduiur Disabled oil Her Way to This Country. IS SAFELY BACK TO ENGLAND Lies Rudderless, but Out of Danger, Off Daunt's Rock- She Sailed for New York Feb. II and Lost Her Rudder Soon After- All on Board Reported Well Details of the Ac cident Given by a Passonger. A Slight Improvement T.-ict.iy, hut Hi BOTVrv It Nnt Lioktd For. Chicago, Feb. 16. Steels Maokay, tho dramatist, who is seriously ill nt the Richelieu hotel, wns Bomewhat improved today. Mis friends, however, havo no hope for his recoveiy. His illners is the result of the heavy work and business re versos Mr. Maokay has experienced iu the last two yeurs. PKENDERGAST IN A RACE. An Attempt to Attack tho FroMcutlne: Attorney in Court. OUIOAOO, Feb. 10. Proudergnst, the assassin of Cart-r Harrison, created a stir iu Julire Brentsno's court room today during the hearing of Jackson villi, Fla. Feb. io.dps- pitches to the Times-Union from Titusville, Fls., iudicate an alarming state of off lire in the Indian Rivu. COuntry. H. M. Flagler is building a railroad to Like Worth which cuts through many of the prettiest places on Indian River. There lias been much trouble about the right of way, property owners uot thinking that snftieient remnnei" itlon was offered, So bitter has become the feeling on the part of the property owners that thirty of them have combined and placed dynamite along the proposed roule of the railway through their lauds, these bombs being placed si that they will explode at the strike of 11 pode. Signs warning engineers have been posted, ami the property owners have notified the railway officials of the steps taken to protect what they conceive to bo their rights. This ac tum has brotuht fi work on tho rail road to a standstill for the present. Tho authorities have tak-n steps in tiie matter, and Jiiiiihs Holmes, a banker, of Jensen, Fla , and J. V. Wonten, a tax collector of Brevard county, have been arrested for com plioity iu the dyiiamiti plot. Mr. Holmes' lawyer had advised him to re move the dynamite, ami it is reported that ho had agreed to do so According to thn "last report the railroad officials were calling for volunteers to go ahead with the track-laying. K-'irh ISi.fT'rr, D-foat. Philadelphia. Feb. 1 si. The second came in the pool tournament was nnt lin ished until a late hour. It was won by Dougherty from Keoghby the score of 160 to 107. NOTES OF FOREIGN LANDS By a severe earthquake near the Si berian border.many Uhinamen were killod. laiianese cnal is attracting attention iu India nnd will drive out the Welsh article. The kaiser Will probably visit Bismarck in the hitter's homo on Monday or Tues day. llv the capsizing of a salmon fishing boat i iff iiu rg Head, Scotland, live Sthermoo were drowned. Two new insurance companies in Japan are called the "Buddhist Lite'' and the "Sanitary Lllo." (iermany's infantry soldiers will have the weight of arms and equipment reduced fourteen pounds. Tho pop' will not consent to use his in fluence against (lerinany adopting the tr nt y with Hnssia. L iiidon teetotalers iirenose a demonstra tion iu honor of Neal Dow, the A mi -ii i.i temperance sgitntor. Kiro burned up 'll." houses nnd three wo men nt Bhjnagawa, Japan, and 100 houses and four men at K ikoshiinn. Workmen In the dynamite works nt De mits, Qermauy, have been caught stealing some of the explosive to sell to anarchists. By decision of French COnrtS, thS Paris property of Dr. Cornelias Hers, of Panama canal scandal fame, worth 6160,000, must he fold to satisfy creditors of tho canal company. MIRRORED AT WASHINGTON. Bsnator BhsrmaU it laid up with laryn gitis. It is thought that congress may provide for ndding one morn nrruored cruiser to the navy. There is little probability of radical ohangea in the Immigration laws at the present session of congress. civil 6jervfos Commissioner Roosevelt will investigate that the Deni icra lic stale cominitt o of Connecticut it try ing to nssess office holders, The stated treasury balance is $l!17,liT4. -084, of which l06,tSt,9R is gold. The treasury has received 806,644,618 on ne COUnt of the recent bond issue. It is proposed. In order to secure n steady quorum, to enforce the Statute ri ipuing a reduction of pay for each day on which any member is absent without leave of tho house. Tbe Meriitt Wrecking company of New York has made a proposition lo the n.avy department to save the wreck Of the old corvette Kenrsnr(;o, now lying oh Eton OS dor reef. .Mr. Hinghani, Pennsylvania, by request introdn I in the house a bill, appropriat ing tslln,(i(ju to provide for a national park and military lesetvation embracing the Ittttleth Id at Ucttysburg, Pn. ti EXNSTOWK, Feb. 10. T1IK steamship Adriatic of the White Star line, which left New York on Feh 7 lor Liverpool, passed Brow Head at 18.80 this morning and upon her arrival here re ported passing the steamer Paris, dis abled oil Daunt's Rack, south of Ire land So soon as tho news of the reported accident reached here, the agent of the American line, on board a tag, left this port for the spot where the Paris was reported to have anchor -d Some details of the disaster to the Paris reached bare tin on all a boat's crew, whioh landed from the Paris, not far from Daunt's Rook, this morn ing, The boat'a crew report tint the Paris, during the hurricane on Taoslsy hist, lost her rudder, and was com pelled to pnt about and try and make tor Qaeenstown, where her rudder might he repaired, ami from their to put back to Southampton, where she could be thoroughly repaired, Being a twin screw steamship and a jury rudder having been rigged, the Paris succeeded iu reaching Daunt's Rock in safely. So soon as possible afterward one of the life bonis was manned and lowered ami a boat's crew was sent sshoro with Instructions to make for ths nearest coast-gnard sta tions and have the news of the acci dent to the steamship telegraphed to Qnsenstown The boat's crew was also instructed to report that all ware well on board the Paris, and that there was abso lutely no danger of anything further happening to the sUam t. It is provable that the Paris wlil be assisted back so far as this port, where the temporary repairs may be made to her rudder, and it is believed that Hhe will then make for QoaSUStOWn iu or der that the repairs may be completed The officer in charge of t!i boil which has lauded from tho disabled steamship Paris Iirs made bis official report to the company. In this report the officer says that thp rudder of the Paris was carried awny, or very seri ously damaged, on Monday evening, when the steamship was about BOO miles to the westward. The Paris had lh!l saloon on board. 110 second class passengers passeng-r; The officer and 260 iteernge passengers Ol the Paris says that at no time was there any serious danger nnd that the passengers took the matter coolly when informed of the accident. TIIK STORY OF THE QALK, A.S.Bradford, of New York. a saloon passenger of the steamship Paris, des cribed the steamship's experience: "On Sunday morning it blew a gale. The wind was from the west and was nc Oompanied by a heavy sea. On Mon day the waves was mountain high. The Paris fought her way in gallant style all day. About 8 o'clock in the evening she wss plunged hcavilys Suddenly she stopped. The passenger, became anxious end began asking the officers what had gone wrong. The officers intimated that the rudder post or trunk wns smashed, but they said the accident would not imperil the ship. Tho captain discovered that the lower part of the tlap of tho rudder had besoms detached and bent against the sides of the vessel so violently us to threaten to smashing in f the plates Tho ship wiih put therefor under easy steam in a westerly direction, so the pressure of tho water passing astern kept tho huge piece of steel In a way to do no damage. When it was found that the COnl aboard would not suffice to take the ship to New York, Steaming nine knots an hour, she was headed for Lhiecnstown. All tho passenger,, agree that they have nothing to complain of except in tho delay. The Paris is commanded by Captain Randall, n most txperlshoed officer, and carries a crew of oWI officers and mmi. She sailed from Southampton on Feb. 10 at noon and passed tli Need til at 9 p. m , bound tor New York. SKINNER S j HIUMPHANT. and the train was ran on a short spur, throwing tbe engine and two oars off the track. Knginior Dnve Thomas is badly injured and Fireman Arthur MsBters aud an unknown tramp were shot and killed. The robbers blow the express car opsn with bombs and robbed it. The amount taken is not kuown. There were three inn in the gang and they started north on horseback after the robbery. THE CITY OF HANKOW WINS. Captain King Is Buccesoful in an Ocoau Kb co with Throti Campotltoro. yuEESHTowN, Feb. 10. Thi British ship City of Hankow, Captain Kiug, from Kan Franoisoo, arrived here to day, winning the long race from Cali fornia in which sue had u - com-ii'-titors. The City of Hankow and tbe British ship Clan tiaokensic, Captain Simpson, both sailed fioni San Fruncivco on the same day, and were followed on Nov. fi by the British ship Ouutock Rock. Captain Pike, nnd on Nov. 7 by the British ship Unriield, Captain Conby, The cspttius hud agree 1 to race to Qnsenstown for a money prize. The City of llaukow made the trip In about 106 days. BLOWN UP OH 'A TRIAL TRIP. The Boiler ol the German Cruiser Brandenburg Explodes, Kill ing Forty Men. KIEL, Feb. 16. A terrible boiler ex- plosiou occurred today ou th- Cruiser Brandenburg at this port, with tin usual secrecy that pirvalus naval affairs the officers of the ship refused to give any details regarding the acci dent, but it is known that many of the crew were killed and tuat considerable damage was done to the vessel. The Brandenburg had had new boilers placed iu her aud had been ordered to mak) a trial trip today to test them. The vessel was on this trip when the explosion occurred. Forty-one men were instantly killed ami nine others were fatally wounded. Among the dead sure three chief engi neers, who were on the vessel to r-port on the work of the boilers, and several other officers Most of the bodies were badiv scalded, in some instance tbe fac-B being so swollen out of shape as to bs unrecguiz able. As soon ns the fibers of the explosion were known to the officer of the deck he caused signals to hj set showing that the vessel was helpless. Five steamers went to the assistance of the disabled Warship, ami uettiug lines to her towed her back to Kiel. Prince RonrV, of Riu.sia, worked en ergetically aboard the Brandenburg, He helped dinct the work of relieving the wounded and questioned tbe ship officers oonoerning tho names and homes of the dead nnd woundeJ. The steam tug Pelican, which was the first vessel pent to the Brandenburg's assistance, returned to the quay with thirty dead bodies, Tiie news of the accident hal sprend through the city and thousands had gathered at the landing place, Four other steam tugs brought the wounded ashore. Many of the crew were in jured critically, All were taken to the military hospital for treatment. Emperor William is expected to ar rive here tomorrow. FILEY'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MM UNDERWEAR Exquisite Material and Finish. 1 1 ii ii '' ' J Lyjff .r.. Giving additional space and special attention to this department for one week we offer handsomely made GARMENTS at prices sel dom met with. Th(R goods are of superior qual ity ana at prices usually asKea lor medium grade. The Embroideries used in Trimming, the Muslin, the Sewing, all have been carefully examined, and nothing unworthy is of fered. During this time we sell the "Queen" Night Gown, Tucked Yoke Val encienes Lace Collar and Cuffs at 98c, regular price, $145. FIN LEY'S, 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. FlASHtS FROM T H ii WIRES. Ha 0.m O ll Vieturlau in thi Soldier' Orphan School Omo. HABBIBBDRO, Pa,, Feb, 10 The in junction against ths Soldiers' Orphan School commission was dissolved by Judge Simon ton this afternoon. This leaven Captain Skinner free to net as a member of the commission. It also leaves the action of the com mission iu Selecting ths farm of Messrs. Stewart, as Scotland, Franklin county, as tho site for the industrial school valid, and permits tho commission to conclude the purchasi and certify its requisition upon the auditor general. . FOR THE LOVE OF DOVE. A UasaaohuaetU Pastor Klopes Willi One of HI Flock. PlTTStlBLD, 111,, Feb. 10 At Mellon, thii county, tho Rev. J, Oilman Stephenson, pastor of the Christian rliuich at that place, baa eloped with Miss Hove Hone ir, aged '.'II. a mem her of his congregation Stephenson is married and line three children. TRAIN ROBBERS AT WORK. The Southern Pscltli Ovsrland Esprne Wrrckoil at Roncoe. Los ANUkXKM, OS)., Feb. 18. - A spec lal from Moj.ive says: The Southern Pacific overland train was held up and wrecked at Roscoe, about twelve miles wst of Los Angeles about 1180 last night. The switch was throwu opea Btelle llscksye, the actor, is terionsly ill at a l IhlCSg i hotel. Populists fccheni" to start a daily paper in St. Louis, printers to IidUI most of the Mock. From the bites of Midivinter fair lions, Carlo Thieinan, the trainer, died at San Francisco, Tbe Chicago World's fair buildings will be sold within a mouth unless destroyed by tire beforehand. Bight sonars miles have been inundated by Hooding waters that hrU- thrush the levee near Memphis, Tenn. Un Ids third attempt nt suicide, each following an unhappy marriage. Henry Bleb, ol Savannah, succeeded. Lindsay Dennis, n. of Washington, D, C, lias wen the "Lit ' medal, the chief literary honor of Yale university. Crasv by hiss.'n's death, J. M. McDon ald rushed in to a Chicago bank, anxious to kin some one, but was db armed. For alleged smbssslsment from the de funct National Hank of Vernon, Tex., K. I. Wui d and I'. J. Swaseyaio on trial. Sensational charges that Uncle Sam had paid annexation agents i.i Canada were made by Sir .lolin Thompson iu an Ottawa speech, By a great majority, Massachusetts' house of representatives voted tosboliih Fast Bay. and make the tilth Ol April a holiday. Charged with killing her former has band, Herman Qroeuie, with poisoned soup, Mrs. Michael Maer is wanted iu Ka- Cine, Wis. The New York Cotton Exchange build lug,at Hanover Square and William street, New York, has bean mortgage) for 8810, (lllfl nt 4' per rent. Dr, Eugene Wi st was at San Francisco acquitted of murdering by malpractice Addle Qilmour, the young milliner who disappeared int Beptembcr. Returning the tiro of Private Relllvan, of the army. Barkeeper Frank Soufee, of Prescott, Arts., shot biin dead, and the soldier's comrades threatened lynching. Eire yesterday de-.tro.ved twenty-one houses in the village of Degow, in Dom mersnls, Germany, Bsveral psraons were killed and lull persons were rendered home less. Miss Ida Powell Who, with her sister, Baity, keeps a millinery store at Bandana, Kv.. shot and badly wounded Putty In mistake for a burglar while Patty was hunting a match In l hs dark. The bnrrloanethal passed over Northern Qertnasy a few days ag. wracked tim school house of .ackers, a little village In Pomtneranta, The school was In saion and Seven of the little ones were killed and twenty more or less severely Injured. The general term of the supreme court at New York bunded down a decision sus taining the ruling of the surrogate that Eva I . llano, otherwise Eva U Hamilton, was not the widow of Robert Ray Hamil ton, and was therefore not entitled to nny share of hi estate, WEATHER FORECAST. CLOUDY Washinuto. Feb. in. Forecast J," outisrwiHi r ur hhwh s-iin-sifiiiniii, .air. lolluwril bij in nrnuna cloudiness. wanner: son.'i triads, h'or western Vnn.sifrmim, Mr, Wlotcsd iy ofotufg,' wArmer, south winds. THE BUTTI PERCHA & flUBBEB ITS HI FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS A. BCHLFREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIO And Oak tanned Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AOBRT SI 3 Sprat St., Scranton, Pi Lewis, Reilly & Davles Reliable Footwear. Feet of every description fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davie3. Will close every evening nt !.: F.M. except Saturday. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor u needed yon are promptly told bo. We also guarantee ;i per fect lit. WATCHES I at cost for one week ouh W J L II JLHUXliLTU ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.