The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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1 SSI n
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I N.B.
omy in the
feet work.
it is a
URING hard times consumers
cannot afford to experiment
th inferior, cheap brands of bak-
i t. fc.n--vnr.i l . 1
powder, n is iuw inai inc
great strength and purity of the
ROYAL stand out as a friend in need
to those who desire to practise Econ
Kitchcn. Each spoonful does its per
Its increasing sale bears witness that
necessity to tin; prudent it goes further.
Grocers say that every dollar in
Royal Bakine; Powder
dollar the world over, that it
does not consume
stock, because it is
and sells through all
their capital
the threat
times and seasons.
Out nr town rorrmpotnetits or Tim Tutn
L'.nk should in Ihi'ir uino In (till Co oaoti
uewe lot tor. not for yublicttwii ml to guard
si4iut docoptiou.J
We are almost daily in receipt!
of Early Spring Dress Textures.
These early arrivals mostly Nov
elties and Mixed Suitings are of
the very newest aud latest. In
cluded are:
Mixed Cheviot Suitings,
English Checks,
Two-tone Novelty
Striped Cheviot Suitings,
Checked Casimir Suitings
China and Japan
We have now on sale an as
sortment of beautiful designs
and ex(iiisite combinations
Spring and Summer Dresses.
The result of eareful seleetions
ami designs that are con
trolleil exclusively by us for
this city, at prices which we
are sure will command atten
tion. HERM3D0RF
Black Hosiery
You will find our line of Ho
siery, Gloves and Underwear
complete as usual.
"We are offering some very choice
things in Misses' and Children's
Hosiery at very attractive prices.
Ths Heppsninirj of ths Day Tsrsslv
Rooid-d for Wlde-Awak- R-sders.
Svecinl to the SOTtmton Tribune.
Jr.KMVN, Feb. 13 William Fitz,
of Wuite'a Vall-v, Wayne eounty,r-it
lered at tbe St. Goort hotol TharsJuy
Charles Maytiard, who mi improv
ing from scarlet fever, itifferml a re
Urjg;?, anil u now very low with kidney
Mils ClsrS Davies, of Cemetery
tret, is tumble to :ittnd to her duties
in C. D. Winter & Co. 'store on ac
count of a very severe cold.
DoD't forst the entertainment and
supper of Evenioi? Star lodi(e, No. 05,
Aoiericin Protestant association, Sat
urday ev-mnir. This society haa been
uufortnnate, liavinir had a great deal
of sickness among its members. Com -out
and help tbe boyi.
The Citizens' band have contracted
fir the Salvation Armv barracks. Price,
S. C Whitmore visittd Scrantoa yes
terday. Owing to the deep snow the electric
cars run more irregularly than usual.
A Urge number of invited guests
assembled at the residence of W. O.
iihl last evening and spent a few hours
very pleasantly. Lunch was served by
the ladies, after which a voluntary
offering was received. Tne amount
collected will be used by the Home
Missionary society and distributed to
those in need in our own mi 1st.
The men employed in the ''Erie,"
"Keystone" an I uew shaft of the Hill
side Coal & Iron Compnv, receive 1
tnair monthly pay yesterday.
Burton Parks, who was so badly in
jured by falling from the new building
which he is erecting on Second street,
is again able to be out after a six weeks
The following interesting programme
lias been prepared for t oe music lie t his
evening in aid of the Christian En
deavor Chanel of Sirtlpson:
Qunrtetrn of Violins
Hurrel, Thoma, '.'raneand Johnson.
Piano Duet. . Miss Knappand Mr. Waikey
Solo '. Miss Lucie Vannon
Iti'sding Miss Dannie Kynvr
Piano Solo Thomas Knnnie
Duet Miss Vanmm and Mrs. llurr
K'-citstion James It. Shephrrd
W till
Kutei tainiiiir Hswe Notes from a Live
Up Valley Town
Special to the Scrantoa 2 Vi oil lift.
Akciihai.d, Pa., Fee. 15 Misb Mag
gla Eaton, of Church street, has re
turned from a visit with friends at
Kiverside. Danville, i'a.
Miss Alary Frillon and Mis James
Farrell, of Wayne street, loft last Mon
day for a visit with friends in Delhi,
X. V.
Miss Mary Kelly, of Pittston, re
turned home yesterday after a brief
visit wttli friends here
County Warden Michael Walsh, of
Scrantou, was in town last Wednesday
M. E. KiiiifV has recovered from
his illness sufficiently to be out and
William Kelly is lying dangerously
ill at the residence of his sister, Mrs
D. Duffy.
The heavy snow storm of last Mon
day prevented work at both White Oak
and Kidise mines on luesday.
Miss Mamie Reddington, of Pck
ville, called on friends here last we- k.
.Mrs. Michael Lally.of Church street,
is ill with tbe grip.
Those who have tho incandescent
lights were in darkness on Sunday anil
Monday nights on account of a break
in the inaohiu- ry. Tbe light shone as
brilliantly as ever on luesday night
and has continued in good order since.
Ihomas McLauyhliu, of Minooka, if
visiting bis sun, Thomas McLaughlin
of Maiu street.
Miss Sallie Thomas and Miss Lizzie
McCloskey, of .lermyn, called on
friends here last Wednesday,
Lenten servieeg were held in St.
Thomas' church last Wednesday even
ing. A sermon was preached by Father
Donlan, of Uunmore, and benediction
Gathering- of th Grmirara at Brodhsads
Tills N-xt Week.
ftptrtnUn the Ncrunton IWoimfc
5TBOCDSBCHO, Pa., Feb. 15 A far
mer's inititule held under the auspices
of tbe Pennsylvania State Botrd of
Agriculture and the Monroe County
Agricultural society, will be held in the
Academy at Brodheadsville on Thurs
day and Friday of next week. An in
teretting programme has been ar
ranged. Among tho most prominent sneakers
engaged are l,"presentative E M.
Tewksbury, of Columbia comity, who
will wind up bis remarks with a talk
on "My Impressions of Monroe
County." Representative H F Schwarz,
of Monroe, who is also a granger, will
address the mietinir.
Essays will be read by E. O. Shaffer,,
Timothy Kreige, J. O. Oreen, and
Btnil Ulrich will talk on Jdrsey cows
and waste on tho farm. William Ben
nington, Randall Bisburg, Sebastian
Kresge. Treasurer Eileuberger will
also be present and address tho meet
ing. Dyapepula and Indigestion
In their worst forms ar cured by the
use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and
run down, or if you need a touic to regaiu
flesh and lost appetite, strength and Vigor,
take P. P. P., and you will be strong and
healthy, for shattered constitutions and
lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
Knot Bnd Potassium) is tho king of all
medicine. P. P. P. is the greatest blood
purifier in the world. For sale by all ,
L. Crane, F. .1. Johnson, K. D. Harring
ton, W. M, Lathope.
An off -ring will be received the
amount being optional.
C. F Baker is confined to the house
with grip
Xicholson, Lan and Jenkins will b
elected without doubt. (ret out the
lull vote, Morcofnb, Swick and (ieb
hart nut be elected to assist th bur
:en. Let every man Io his duty, and
there ned tie no fear as to the result.
Subscribe for the TrihUnf. the cheap
est and ties'. Always Republican, al
ways reliable.
All Free.
Those who have nsod Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to try
it. free, ( all on the advertised Druggist
and get a Trial Bottle, Free. .Send your
name and address to It. K. BooHen & Co .
Chicago, and get a latnple box or Dr.
King's New LifaPillf, Free, as well as a
ropy of Ouido to Health and Hou-ehold
Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran
teed to do you good and cost you nothing.
Matthews liros. Drugstore.
Matters of Important) to Residents of
the II -1 till .- Borough.
Special to thr Scranton Iribnne.
Tayloii, P., Feb. 10. Walter, tbe
2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Milligan, of South Scranton, formerly
of this plac. died Wednesday. The
funeral will take place Friday at 12 80
o'clock from th family's restdence,
1113 South Washington avenue. Inter
ment at MHrcy cemetery.
The Bevere snow storm of yesterday
blockaded the eleutrio oars.
Edzras Howells, of Scranton, was a
caller in town yesterday.
The McKinley club will meet Mon
day evening at WeiHrnfluh's hall. All
membnrs nre requested to be present
at business of imp irtanoe is to be tran
sacted. It is rumored that A J. Cilborn will
deliver an address at tbe corner of
Uniou and Maiu street, providing that
tbe weather is favorable, it not, it will
tike placo at the rink. Mr. Colborn
wlil sp-iak on behalf of Hon. Oalusha
A. Grow, Repulaiein candidate for
Mrs. M. rieiiAEKHKKOHH, Beaver Dam,
Wis., writes: "We have used Dr. Thomas'
Electric Uil in our family for Coughs,
("olds, Croup aud Rheumatism. It cures
every time."
Events of the Day liri-fly Bicorded
bv a Livi Reporter.
Special to th? Scranton Tribune,
TBBOOP, Pa., Feb. 15.-E Blackmore
has moved from Olyphant and is now
located on Sanderson street.
(Jeorae Oerlyn has moved from the
Brown row to the Red row.
Miss Hannah Indian is still on tho
Hick list.
There was a great dose of mixed
pickles in our postuffice on Valentine
lay. Some witn faces all smiles, while
ot hers with faces that would sour milk
The firm of B-dlmsn & Co. nre pre
paring to take inventory nuxt weHk.
Mi s May lianli-ld, who has been sick
for a short time nan. is auain able to
take chsrge of her class at No 2 school
There will be a lecture delivered at
tho Methodist Episcopal church of this
nlsc i bv Key Dr. Pierce, of the Elm
Park i hnrch, ot Scranton. Th sub
jert of the discourse for the evening
will be "A Visit to the Holy Land.'
Doors open at 7 p. m Admission
adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents,
A Flourishing O'Raoiz itlon Will Look
.fter Politics at, Jsrravn.
.SipriVi to the Scranton Tribune.
Jf.hmym, Pi., Feb. 15. At the meet
ing held in Enterprise ball Wednesday
evening It was decided to call the
newly formed club tne William Mc
Kinley Republican club of Jermyn.
The following officers were elected
Thomas Hunter, president; Joseph T.
Roberts, C L. Hell and (teorg Pend
red, vice presidents; William Tonnis
jr., secretary ; Philip Tucker, assistant
secretary; Thomas Rich, treasurer
Charles Lee, sergeant at arms. The
club will meet Monday evening next
to arrange for room".
A Brief Rsoord of Passing Events In
That Vloinlty.
flbeefol to the Scranton Tribune.
Minooka, Pa, Feb. 15 - -The Oreen
wood Coal Company gave tbe slate
picker boys a sluigliride to Pittston
yesterday ofternoon. After they
roaclied their destination the boys were
served with oysters and confectionery
George hassliold, citizens candidate
for supervisor, has withdrawn from the
contest. This time his withdrawal is
Evan Morgan, mino foreman at
Davies mines of Council & Co, will
Hhortly leave for NovaSootia, where he
will make a prolonged visit,
A Fine Organization Has Bsen Eff-iottd
Namss of Mpmbsrs.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
THROOP, Pa., Feb. 15 The citizens
of Tliroop mot on Wednesday evening
for the purpose of oegauiziug a hose
company. The meeting was called to
order by George Haverly, in the chair,
and C. D, Sanderson acted as secretary
pro tern.
After a few short addresses the work
of organization was begun with the
election of the following offl inrs-. Pres
ident, George Haverly; vice president,
John Walker; treasurer. B Banfleld;
financial secretary, J. B. Fakeringer;
recording secretary, G. B. Meade;
trustees, J. W. Burtly, U. W. Bellman;
foreman. Thomas Parry, jr. , assistaut
foremen, William Sou and Michael
Hammond; pipemen, P. Parry, Robert
Uenion, W. X Colman, John KeigUan ,
axnien, Oliver Sympson, Martin mc-
The following is the list of members;
John H. King, Jolrn B McDonald. J.
Norton, George Bingham, Mr. Ma-
bony. Robert M Kennedy, Thomas
Henderson, William Lawyer, Robert
Elolt, Amry Vansamp, Henry Arm-
trong, W. Kail, Frank I1 aheringer,
Gnie Stanton, Robert I'erry, Hlward
Bantield, Charles Pilger, William
Pratt, Thomas J. Evans. David Parrv,
Albert King, D. It Williams, William
Henderson, Alfred QUI, Charles Wil
liams, Robert Eloit, jr., Henry Simpson.
The company will be known as the
I'hroop Moan company, In honor of
George S. Throon. of S. rauton, son of
the venerable gentleman from whom
ur town has taken its name.
Eahoee of the Hli.zrd Ths Building
Interests -Arthur Stons'a Scheme.
Special to the Serantoii Tribune.
Clark's summit, ia., Fet. is. The
big blizzard has passed over ami .left
no serious results, except the ineon
vonienco of numerous snow drifts. The
leighing is fairly good again and our
new towu preSHiits a very busy scene.
Several care of lumber are being un
loaded and delivered upon the several
lots that buildings will be erected upon
this winter. We ar informed by one
contractors that be has four honses to
complete by May 1. Another has
three. Housc-h are m crest ilemaua to
rent and none empty. It would be
bard to find a small place more lively
than ( lark's Summit.
William Smith has a force of men
cutting and loading ice on tho oars and
the milk producers are filling their ice
houses with all speed.
.Mrs. Sunaii Y osbtirg is in very poor
he dth aud still ailing.
Mrs. Pennington Diinlsp, who ha
been ailing for nearly a year, is very
Mrs. H. P. Jacobs, of Wyoming, was
culling on frieuds here tbe past week.
She' has a good farm to sell or exchange.
tred Weiohel, of Wyoming avenue,
Scranton, has rented the Summit ho
tel aud will occupy it on April 1.
Amos Wbyte will m ve iuto his new
residence on Highland park.
Arthur Stoue has been recently cir -
dilating among the milk producers.
We understand be has formed a large
stock company by uniting tbe pro-
lucers and dealers for the purpose of
controling the milk mtrketiu Scran
ton Arthur is well versed in the milk
business and will no doubt make it in
teresting for outsiders
Captain Edaon aroer, a Former Poital
Clerk, Has Bsen Named.
Fpeciat to the Scranton Tribune.
MONTBOML Ps., Feb. 15. Edson S.
Warner has been appointed postmaster
of tbe Montrose poetoflice. The term
of Captain H. F. Beardslee expired
ait December and there were several
candidates for the position, all of whom
have been on the anxions seat for
several months. But now the appoint
ment having been made the unsuccess
ful candidates and their friends will
lay down the hatchet, smoke the pipe
of peace and make Mr. Warner's term
Ldson S. Warner was born in Bridge-
water lownsbiD In 1M-4, whero he
made his borne until 1886, when he w a
a hardware merchant in Duatnore, I'm.
He enlisted ns a private in Company D,
riftietli regiment, rennsvlvanla Vol-
nnteers, in September 1801, and served
as private in that company and as
lieutenant and captain in Company K,
Fifty-sixth regiment. He was a postal
clerk on tbe Montrose railway during
Mr. Cleveland's first term, after which
he serve I a term as teller in the First
National bank of Montrose.
He is a popular citizen aud has many
friends who rejoice with blm in hi
good fortune. He is a member of
Four Brothers post, G, A. R.
Mi Katie Jlosengrant
Ulster, I'enn.
The Worst Case the Doc
tors Ever Saw
Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured
VC. I. Hood Si Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear SITS 11 wish to testify to tho great
value of Hood's BamparUla, Por some time I
hail liven troubled with scrofula, which early
last winter assumed a very had form.
Sores Appeared on My Face
and hands ami gradually Increased In number
until ihey reached to my shoulder. The duitors
said it was the worst case uf scrofula they ever
saw anil also went so far as to say It whs In
curable. I tried ointments and other remedies
but to no avail. A friend recommended lluod's
BarsaparllU, and although I was completely dis
couraged, as a last chance I resolved to give It a
trial. Aftertuklligoiie bottle 1 noticed thesores
had commenced to heal. After the sixth bottle
They Wero All Healed.
I continued tu take It. however, until 1 had used
nine bottles, and now I am perfectly well."
Miss Katik RotBXOBAXT, l ister, Penh.
The Story of Luther and th Reform
tion to B flivn.
Siecial to the Scranlvn Tribune.
STRtiUDsutfRo, Pa., Feb. 15 The
story ot "Luther and Information'
will bo rendered by a strong musical
aud dramatic representation by sev
enty of strondsburg s most earnest
church yonng people in St. Johns
Kvangelical Lutheran church next
l uesday and Wednesday evenings uu
der tho direction of Mrs. H. E. Monroe,
whose illustrated leoturo connects the
Miss Mnushower, oni of Mrs. Mon
roe's assistants, is now m town and is
giving a great deal of time mid euergy
in drilling the chorus and cast for this
performance which promises to be tbe
most successful evur rendered here.
The first scene will Illustrate the
jealousy of the prior of the Erfwilh
monastery against Brother St. Angus
tine. In the second scene the trial of
Worms will bo rendered impressively
by giving the exact representation of
that famous scene. The third soene
will represent tho closing of the re
ligious bouses of Saxony, and ths
fourlli eceno will be interesting and
will end the performance.
aniphlet, references and nil partlcu-
tion, W Maiu M., Uuflnlo, N . V,
irs. send 10
World's lllspi
cents (ill ntamiia) to
Medical Assocla-
Hood'8 Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 23c.
There arc hundreds' of young meu and young women in thij
country who have .splendid ability, but they bate never beel
wakened up.
Wood's College of Business and Shorthand
Has been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If j oy
are tired of inactivity and want to do bouiethiug tangible)
pome to ihc College.
COMMON BNGtilSH couusli
F. E. WOOD, Proprietor.
(tIvob you a fivlintr of horror nnrl
omul. There ifl do longer noooMtty fur
ltd " ID many dlnt'iurs formorly ro-
Iftirut'u m, i it 1 1 1 h 1 1 1' wiiuoui culling.
The Triumph of Conservative Surgery
is well Illustrated by the fact that
RIIPTIIRF "r "reach, ts now rrnii
iiui uiil. r1H nlro(i without the
knlfeand without pain. Clumsy, chaf
inn trusses can lie thrown away I Thoy
never cure hut often IndUOS Innam
inutlon, straniriilutioii nnd deuth.
TUMORS Ovjtxisn, fibroid (Uterine)
viiivuw nnj niany others, are- now
removed without tho perils of cut
tine operation.
other dlSQaiCI of the lower Dowel, aro
permanently emed without pnlu or
resort to the knife.
STONE !" th? IHixl'li-r, no mattor
vi whs. hw iari(e, Is crushed, pul
verized, wsshed out and perfectly re
moved without eiittlntr.
STRICTURE SK I,rin"ry l.T 1 1
w vi wilt. a,,() fpujuv,,! without
cutting; in hundreds or cased. Kor
The new offer
majde to Tribune
readers on page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
Dr. E. Grewer
The Philadelphia Specialist,
And lis associated itall of EinrlUh and Ger
man nysMUllstarf now permanently located
Temple Court Building
Where they may bo consulted DAILY AND
. St M AY.
The Doctor ts a graduate ot tho University
er lenniylvauia, formerly demonstrator of
physio ojrv and surgery at the Medlco-Chir-urRlcal
College, of Philadelphia. Be Is also
an honorary leexnbor of the Medico-Chirur-glcal
Association, and was physlolan and
surgeon ln-ohlef of the most noted American
and German hospitals, comes highly Indorsed
by the leading professors of Philadelphia and
fsew 1 ork.
His many years of hosnltal experience en
ables this eminent physician and surgeon to
correctly diagnose and treat all deformities
and diseases with tbe most flattering success,
and his high standing in tho state will not
all w him to aooept any incurable casa
I.O.ST MAN HOOD I; ! 1 m; I II
If you have ooen given up ny your physi
cian call upon the doctor and be examined.
He cures iho worst cases of Nervous Debility,
Kcrofula, Old Boros. ( atnrrh. Piles, Female
Weakness, Affections of the Bar, Eye, Nosa
and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. "Fumors, Can
cers and Cripples of every description. Con
sultation In English and German Free, wliioh
shall be considered sucred and strlotly confi
dential. iifHee Hours: 9 A.M. to U 1'. M. Daily.
8nnday, 0 in. to 2 p.m.
National Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
W.W. watsuN, Vice Presldtal
A. li. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
BAinriL BnrM, jamks tt Erpuun
lnviNu A. rtXOB, PlIRCI H. FlNLKY,
JoSKMl J. Jkiimvn. M. . KsWIUBh
Cuas, P. Maitukws, John T. Pokxkb.
W. W. Waibon.
This imnk InTitontho pAtrunaa uf buuiueu
iiK'ti huh nrmu tf(iifriiuy.
Carpetings !
Now arriving. We are ready to show many patterns '
all grades of Carpets enough to suit all tastes which w
offer at the lowest prices ever known in the history of tho
carpet trade. Under the head of
We offer what's left from the January Sale, consisting ol
certain patterns of Carpets that have been dropped, odJ
pieces, short lengths and some slightly soiled, together
with a few
Rugs, Some Oil Cloths
Linoleums and Mattings
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
Okganizkd 1S72.
Capital, - $200,000
Surplus, - $240,000
Tills bnnk nffnrs to iteiinsltors every
facility iiri-Mitted by tlielr luilniices, busf
ui'ss end responsibility.
Npeeiui attention y;iv to business so-
counts. Interest pitltl on time deposits.
tYII.I.IAM roNNKI.I., Vroalilcnt.
GltU. 11. ('ATI. IN, YU'r-rirsldent
WILLIAM II. 1'KLH, Cesbler.
YYiitum CenneU, n. Cutiin,
Alfred Hand. Jiunes Arrhbiilcl, Henry
Hello. Jr., Wllllsm T. biultb, Luther
406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue.
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building,
Tribune Art Feature
To miss THE TRIBUNE'S World "s Fair Portfolios would
be to negleot tbe best opportunity yet ofl'ered. Tho ad
dition of the "Waiiiuuaker" series makes it more valua
ble. Read uew announcement ou page 7.
UMiui jb el una. jsv Mm
With Woven Wire Mattresses
and latest Folding Devices,
Actual value, $3.50.
We Will Sell Them for the Next Five Days at
Our Spring Stock is fast arriving
Your inspection is invited.