The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 16, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Rev. J. W. Williams entertained hii I
Sunday icbnol class at the manse last
cTeuiug. The youutf ludis were ne
companied by their gentlemen friend,
and a pleasant evening was spent.
The Ladies' Missionary looltty met
nt the boun of Mrs. L. It. Kowler, on
Cherry street, yesterday afternoon.
A treat is in store for Duuworeuns at
mi early date. The bliud poetess, Annie
Crosby, will jjive a beurini; at the Metb
odist Episcopal chnrijh. Further no
tices will appear later.
The heavy snows of the past few
iIhvm have made it very inconvenient
lor residents of Ibis place. Considerable
trouble was encountered by the true
touipany iu running its cars us far a
Corners and none weru ruu arming the
Chestnut street and No. 0 section.
About 8 o'clock iu the evening better
occoinmocatious were given, but there
whs no regular service.
The gentlemen of the Presbyterian
thnreh are making extensive arrangi
ineuts for tbeir social whic'i is to be
jtivsn iu the church parlors on the
eveuiu.j of March 13
In the heat of the local political tiht
Republicans should not forget that
they will have an opportunity to honor
both protection and UaUuha A. tirow,
the graud old siatesmin. by cutting
their ballot. It is not iv question of
whether be will be elected or not,
but it will be paying a trib
ute to this nobis son of Pennsyl
vania to roll up a stupendous
majority. The greater uumber of votes
the more glowing the uibute will be.
If you are disgruntled and do not in
tend to vote on borough affair don't
lorget the citn.lid.ite tor congressman
al large, Ualuaha A (.trow.
Mr. and Mrs. fc) W. BUhop, of
tieorgstowii, were visitors in towa this
A number of young man met last
Sunday and decided t organize a
branch of the Young Men's institute at
this place All young wen who are
interested are iuv.ted to meet at the
Library next Sunday at 2 o'clock.
James U- lirieu . of Moscow, called
hero on Wed nesday.
Alice Murphy is visiting friends in
A. P. McDonough accommodated the
public and raked iu the shekels by run
mug a sleigh betwesu here and the
central city yesterday.
A festival and entertainment was
held at Company ft armory Wednes
day niirht by the Daughters of Joshua.
No. 13 Aweric tu Proteataut LilUs'
association. Tue hall was el! tilled
with members of the association and
tbeir families The following ladies
were the most prominent, and helped
by their exertions to makj the occasion
n decided mccess Mrs M. (i. Jack
ton, Mrs Tlioiuas. Mis. Singer. Misses
iS'euse. Warner. Matthews, Willums,
Richmond. S. Warner, Staff, Fotz,
Payne. Smith. Wehst-r. Taylor, Pross.
The fan drill was rxtremtly fantastic
and interesting It was the most pleas
uut feature of the loci ll.
Tonnelucca Tribe, No. 73, Improved
Order or Red Men. will hold an oyster
supper iu Feuuer & Caappell a hall iu
the near future Tney wilt be assisted
by Pocahontas lodite of the simiorder.
Full regal. a will be worn.
The long waited for Parker street
bridge is iu process of construction.
The memb-rs of the Crystal Literary
club with their lady friends, enjjyed a
merry sleigh ride to Archbiii Wednes
day night.
Tba Pianist Wna Staff.
Let it never be forgotten that singing
is the foundation of all musical educa
tion. The pianist who sings ll more like
ly to bo an expressive player. It will be
easier for hiia to transpose; it will he
easier for hiui to read; it will be easier
lor bin to comprehend the mysteries of
harmony, ami unless he is a singer, at
least in his imagination, counterpoint
wiil forara be an insoluble mystery.
Wiiat u:ter..'st is there in a fugue for
one who does not in his imagination hear
the voices gin.'ing in parts? But it is in
spiring and sublime when one is playing
a fugue, Bach or Handul, to imagine hun
dreds of voice singing the parts. For
the want of this power Schumann is not
. 1 TT I i . I 11
appreciaieu. an piano music is an u
CmL A certain musician wlio often plays
Schumann remarks that he at times is
jmost unable to use his voice after play
ing Schumann for half an hour. In his
imagination I.e. is singing as many of the
parts as possible, and while he is not ut
tering a sound the muicles of his throat
ore so engt'.ged that he actually becumes
Dressy Ytlfet Collars.
TheScollar lias much to do with the ef
fect of a gown. Take a black silk waist,
for instance, and buy one of the ready
made stock collars of bright velvet to
wear with it and see how much it im
proves your appearance. These collars
come iu all colors. Tho only word of
warning is tu choose with care a shade
of velvet which will blend wi ll with your
fiattlaa Klil af Ants.
There an: several wajs of getting rid
of these pests. Quicklime dropped into
the entrauci to their particular haunts
Is very effective. All tho approaches
should bo well scrubbed with boiling
water and strong carbolic. Again, a
. mixture of camphor, spirits of wine and
boiling water is often considered snlti
dent It is also a good thing to moisten
u tponge with equal parts of creosote
mid camphor, but the smell of this com
pound is not only generally objection
able, but to some people quite intoler
able'. The only odorless remedy is to stop
np all cracks near the tnfstttd parts with
putty and plaster of paris. Even then it
is a riecesc.ury precaution to put u lump of
raw meat near the place the ants most
ireouent. If the cracks have not bMD
So ho is dentil
I looked again it the newspaper which
I held iu my hand and road :
.Trthro-nied, near Motile, .March 13, 1303,
Kuauiuel Jetliru, uged r.. )crs.
lie is dead after all these years, and tX
last 1 inu free tu reveal a lerrlble secret ot
ajur room which has been a burden tC
myself and 10 Other men unless they, like
Jeluni, have passed over the river.
in August, f'S, there was a murder
trial iu Mobile, which perhaps tho older
Oltiaana of that city still remember.
1 was the third juror OUOtan. Of jurors
No. 1 and 2 I remember but little, except
that they were both elderly men and well
to do citixeus of the county.
Jurors No. 4, 5 und 0 were merchants ol
the city, at leust two were merehuuts and
one u clerk.
Alter Juror No. 0 was told to pass into
tho jury box the court clerk called the
name ot "Emanuel Jetbru."
I believe every one in the courtroom
was struck with the OtaU'l appeaMMM.
He walked briskly and iu a peculiarly
uervous manner Which could not fail to
attract attention. He nusweivd the so
licitor's questions eagerly. In fait, one
Urns his answer cams before the question
was concluded,
The solicitor said: " Prisoner, look on
the juror. Juror, look on the prisoner,"
and he probably expected the defense to
strike, but the defense did not.
Juror No. 7 was told to take his seat in
the box. His residence as given in the
jury list us Bayou la Hutre, and he
evidently cams from a Very Secluded plate
on the coast.
The rest of that day was taken up in
securing the other (ve jurors,
The next morning the examination of
witnesses begau. The evidence waa short,
and it was conclusive.
Kail lieidct inau, a German youth cm-piovi-U
on u truck garden near the city,
was charged with murdering his employer
b splitting up..u his hiad with uu ax.
tic. ami the gaVdsher had lived uloiie.
One morning the boj nuns into the city,
and unite drinking tree!) hud shown a
IsVge sum of mbney. A day later the gar
drUOT W8S found l)iltg dead upon the QOOI
uf a room ln bis nousei with the bloody
ax, which had dune the work. Mug near
The German youth was arrested, with
suinu of the money still iu his possession.
There was proof that the boy and the ijar-deiK-r
had been heard quarreling about an
Increase in Wanes, which the boy had
asked for and did not get.
To offset this strong array of circum
stantial evidence there was nuthiug but
the prisoner's statement, very badly told
by an interpreter. He denied kuovwn
anything of thu killiug aud sulii tho mon
ey ho had was given hnu b) a niau tho
night before a a. bribe to leave his tin
plvyer, that Lo knew nothing ot the kill
ing or who did it.
When e reached tho Jury room, there
settned bat two things to do elect u tore
man and bring in a Verdict of guilty.
The lirst He did with little trouble.
Then we took u ballot, merel) us a mat
ter of form. 1 counted the vote, und it
stood: For guilty, 11; for acquittal, I.
who is the twelfth gentleman who
docs not know murder when he sees it?"
one of the jurors asked sarcastically.
"I am," cume the reply, calmly spoken
b juror No. 7 Emanuel Jethro.
Then we begun to argue tho case with
him. He looked out the w indow most of
the time and made no reply to any of our
telling arguments. Finally he w as asked
if he had uuy reason to advance for voting
as he did.
"None at all," he replied quietly, "ex
cept that 1 don't wish to see uu innocent
man hanged. '' '
There w ere some more conviui incj argu
ments by the 11, and we tooli another
vote: For murder, 11; for acquittal, I.
And that was the way tho vote stood
next morning after breakfast.
We grew desperate. Finally the whole
manner of Jethro changed, and he exclaim
ed excited i
'If each of you will take a solemn outh
before the God that made you not tore
Veal what I tell you until 1 am dead, 1
w 111 give you the reason w by I do not agree
to a verdict of guilty."
After some consultation and glanceaat
the clock, which show ed that the hour for
reconvening of court eral at baud, we, one
at a time, took the oath.
In low, half whispered tones the juror
told his secret.
Fifteen minutes later we went into the
courtroom with a verdict of "not guilty."
I remember distinctly the consternation
on the judge's face and the look of dis
gust on that of the solicitor.
The newspapers criticised us severely
I aud went so far as to mite editorials on
account of a failure of the courts to ade
j qiiately punish those detected iu the com
mission of crime.
Well, Emanuel Jethro is dead, und I be
lieve I am now unsolved from the oath he
I made us take.
"That Ijermtm boy did not kill that old
man, he told us In his dry, husky voice.
"On the night before the murder a man
met him and paid hiui to leave the farm
early next morning gave him a large roll
of money which w as enough to tempt him
to give up his situation. Arid the man
who did this watched the boy as he left
next morning and slipped into the room
and killed tho old gardener as he was pie
paring to rise killed him to pay a debt
that only his blood could w ipe out.
' And. gentlemen, ' ' he concluded, "I am
the murderer."
We looked upon the man's ashy fare i
the words fell from his lis, und tAi h of
us knew the atoiy waj true. Atlanta
WEAK MEN YOlJR attention
Is t .'.I I LL) "1(1 'I'll K
DC wajii. i ha dc n-ea
1.0M rWH Ml" Tt'Nt
(.rent English Rtnpdy.
Gray's Spsciflc Keiiciae
IF YOU SUFFER fr"n' -'
butty, Vnknoss i ( Body ami Mind, Sperma
torrhea, and na potency, umi ail diseases that
srisr from ovor-lnUtllgenco uutl i.elt-abune, as
l.ussof Memory and l'owor. Dimness ot Via
ion, I'rem.Hlure Oltl bfS and uiuuy other ilis
ettseH tliat lead m insanity or ('oiiMimiiliun
and an earlv jfrave. writnfor a lutmplilnt
.Address itltAY Ml.DlrlNi: in , Buffalo,
N. V. Tlio Siieoltle Medicln is sold by all
di ucK'sts st ? per packaia, r six paeaaaee
for 5, or sent by laud on receipt of lnuiiey.und
with every to.(l order U I UARA Tt-.-
B cum or Mioiiuv reiuinieo
tycni aoount of eounu-rieits we b.v.
adopted the iSUOW Wrapper, the onlv ir nu
me. in be ran ton bs Matthew urue
The name of America for the new ly ills
covered continent was lirst proposed in the
little volume put forth at St. Hie, in the
Vmges, in the year laOT Off Waldseemul
ler, better know n by the llelh nlztd form of
his name; rrylKcotiiylbs. Three or four
editions of this treatise were published at
Bt, Pie before INT, and a few years after
ward an edition without date was printed
at Lyons by Jean de la Place, All these
editions are of extreme rarity, and proba
bly that printed at Lyons is the rarest qf
all, though the library of tho British mu
eum possessi I two copies of it. It has
never been suggested that any maps weie
engraved to accompany either of the edi
tions, but it has always been supposed
that the earliest map with the word
" America" marked on the new found
world was the "Types Orbis.'1 engraved
(Si wood tor the " hnnrr'l loncs .loaniiis
ehonmffhle cloned, insects will be found Cameras Us C. Julll Uolinl Polvlstora,
tidhering to the meat and can be destroyed I'rlnted at Vienna In for Joanne
by having boiiim water poured WW ?iKreulus In this map llie newj world
,,' V i, 4 ii ! . , Is represented us u long lland. OB Which
them. A more efficient application of )M t,. uit,r,ptllll. i,,,,,,,
putty and plaster should tle n be made, j t,.,.ru t.ui0 ll(jateiitlbus lnsuji, h.veutu est
Theaame piece of meat with the edges; t'olumbuui ianuensem ex maudato
tut of! cau be used again, and the opera-1 regis Castella. Ainerim pfovluclu . "
tloh repeated until the absence of insects . llrooklyu Kagle.
Atlantic Reflning Co.
Munutactursis and Uealtri la
Illuminating and Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Nuptuas and Uaso
lines of all grades. Axlo Grease,
Pinion Qreaie mid Colliery Com
pound : also, a largo line of Par
laftiuo Wax Caudles
We also handle the Famous CROWN
ACME OIL, tho only family eafety
burning oil in the market.
Offlee- Tosl Ktchanifo, Wyoming Avo.
Works at film Urouk.
proves the effectual stopping Up of their
Love A have All.
y'hethnrillinbliiK life'., hill b asti.ii path
Ot calmly treadta the alu b.dnw,
t'lth cheerful oontast she will meet her lut
It a true heart loves bur and tails her so.
You may flv her your homes, your lands, yuur
Failing "ei jewel of lova to beatow,
.bed envy the poureat woman lLo knows
Who has some one to lov 1 r and telle her so.
Aloa ker life atreaui the may peacefully s.wie
OrngalMt the wlada Lu foiced to row;
vVbaUrer befalls her she'll ftarleaslr face
Hoside one who loves hor and tells her so.
Harriet New, u Swanwisk.
fuller Uauger'a Faat.
Kirst heat water to boiling; then add
Hour, with constant stirring. To pre
vent the formation of lumps the flour
may be passed through a sieve, so as to
inauru its more eipmble distribution.
gitation is continuud until the heut h..
rendered the ma of the desired consist
ency, and after u few momeuts' further
boiling it is ready for use. In order to
increase its strength powdered roaiu iu
the proportion of one-sixth to one-fourth
of the weight of the flour is added. To
prevent its souring oil of cloves or a few
drops of carbolic ucid ure added.
E. Robinson's Sons'
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
10O.000 Bbls. Per Annum.
Three Magnificent Offers.
PAINTINGS. Trio of Chances to 8et the
Finest Art Portfolios
fieMt.r ( i and 10V'tf l-k , tlluatrnUd i.j.u
.lie't. '- i . iildiMta.l I . tuail WhiullutSpr.itpi
at, ct r .i oui Mnic Remedy win
i posiuniy curt, iuui ni,, i lento, in,
mi s
"IB r!iniliii
also Shafting and Journal Greasa.
OFKICK:-; West Lackawanna Atiw.
WUUKB: Meridian Stras
For oentnrlea brilliapt artis's
have beeti painting beantifnl pi--lures,
and the best of these pic
tures arc carefully preserved by
wealth) people in their mansions,
or by governments anil cities in
public buildings, They form the
great attractions to many of the
old world cities, and can all be
seen only by much traveling and
at great expense.
As outlined below, a lover of
pictures conceived the idea of plac
ing; these delights of the eye with
in the reach of greater numbers,
and the mult is the beautiful arl
Art Galleries
Printed at term3 so easy that all can buy.
The World's Fair Portfolio, in
parts, each part containing between
and sixty views of the great exposition
and the whole forming a superb represen
tation of the greatest exposition the world
has ever seen, may be had as previously
announced. Three Coupons, cut out as
explained below, together with 10 cents
in cash, will secure it. The demand is
heavy, but we will fill all orders as fasl
ias the flviiiP- nre;pi nrint trip li.nnd.
some books.
from the .V. V. Tribune, .Vor. 1, UU,
The Flour
"CniOAQO, Oct 81. Pha first olilcial
amiounceinent of World' Fair di
plotiiu on Hour baa lieen made. A
modal has beea awarded by the
World's Fair jmlsres to the Hour maim
fartured by the Washburn, Crosby (.'o,
in the groat Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports
the Hour strong and pure, and entitles
it to rauk as lirst clasu patent Hour for
intnily and bakers' usa."
The above brands of flonr can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accept Tub TlUBUKE TIOVR COUPON of 80 on each one hundred pounds
of flour or HO on each barrel of flour.
Scrant.'ii - F. P. Vrlnn, Wasliiugtun avemu, I PackVltla BbaffW Ktlser, Supcrliitive
QoM Haul Hrar.ti. hraud.
Hyd.i fark -( niBi.ii n.ivla. Wmhbum St. I .Kthivii (', ) Wmtcrt A: Co. Sup. ralativ.,
...l.l VI...1..I U . . I. I. 1. . Ml I . , '
v.uiu .ii.-uui or iiuii. .i' -;iii i. jin-Hra, muni i i aiiu
uvtinuu. bilirarlatlVH Uraml.
Orcen RI1 A L.Sptucor.Doli) Medal Hran.L
Dnamora-F. P. Hrio:. ci.,m Uadal Brand.
Ulyplniiit- Jum.fS .lurdan, Superlutivu Ilrand.
DanmoN-r, l Kmalajr. BuparlatlTa brand,
i'rovldeii' o FMi,n.'i" & ObaroatLM' Slain av
hub. 8uij(irl.itlr brand ;t. J Qlllwpta W.
Market atrcot, (ii.ld .11.1.. Uraud.
Carbon dais u. s. cinrk, fioid Medal Brand,
Honaadala J N. Foster t o. Hold Madkl
HonatdaM W.P. Srlionek.SuiierlMtivo Brand
1 alton S B.Finn Boa, Uuld Medal Dranl
uullborw-H A. Adams. Uuld Medal Uraud
Tuhyhamia 'robyhunna & Lehigh Luiutu
Co., Ould Medal brand
Mercereau U Cbnnell
A t I i V W ANNA AVi:.UU
and I;ine Jewelry, Leather (joods,
Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables,
Shell Goods, Table and Ban
quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a
Brae, Sterling Silver Novelties.
Ice .'. Skates,
All Prices and all Sizes.
Office, 813 West Lacka
wanna Ave.
Quarries and Works,
Portland. Pa.
llein it lover Of the 'modern
alj lea of painting, fie includes in
this grand collection all that in
popular anil i!uud iii
As well as the choicest ainl
the famous and historical pieces
ol' the artists of all ages,
This is undoubtedly the most
beautiful and complete art work
aver published; and well it ma
be, for it contains the best work
Of the delineators of all that is
These pictures are engraved on
copper plates by the half-tone
phdtO-gravure process; and are
Of the original p.ihuiuf j, even to the
very bruli tnnrki.
Tbey are matte from photograph
tiiken direct from the original Mint
ir.jjs. Etch part contains fifteen of
these engnvingg und one page cf de
icriptie matter of tua picture aud
the artists, trai
To our renders.
Why do wo go to this gpMUfl
Circulation in a newspapar is every
thing, If, by giving theso nug&tfiotnt parts
every week to the reader of
I he tlWananiaker Panorama of the
World's Fair, ' which has occasioned such
a lurore in Philadelphia, is a voluminously
illustrated histoiy of that great event. It
is a history that is both highly entertain
ing to the young and old, and instructive
to all. It is such a volume as should be
in every patriotic home. In order to have
a complete, continuous and connected his
tory, it will be necessary to have all the
parts. One new part appears each week.
There are sixteen, magnificent, marvelous,
iull-pae views in each part. Ten cents in
cash and two coupons of different dates,
cut as directed below, will secure it. Part
One is now ready in unlimited quantity.
Other parts will be announced.
We ndd 5 per cent, to our circulation,
will be more than repaid for the cost.
The Way to Get It
For the first portfolio,
bring to this office one of
the coupons printed else
where on this page and 10
cents. For subsequent parts
send three coupons and ten
lltt OUU A.VD Ai'Taa C8INU
The k ''t fn .i v fnr t)ipruu pmntrnUnri and alliierTuuiKltwiiaWfl f
tlie KmitTaUlv . r,m i t.f uithtT uoti ma Nortouti Ifontratli n. Kail
'," iuti inn iiiia-i, jiii nuriM j, 4- ia; liny imiinriuus, 1 UUHUI P,lliM
I M ni a i Worrir.oxot'iiPlf u -. Ttil'fti-poor Opium , which U'iMl toOu
tuuiitlii uutl lii'Haiiiiv With ovt'rv tfrturrtm' we alvu ti vrrlt1n miur-
U1M to ourovt rt-f und th nufiffT. Kflld hL HII.imi irbi, O Innos
Xu; A.(K. JJJ&. MU'l T'H ( HUM II AL CU., lit Vtlliuu. Oiilu.
hoi Natle by C. M. HAKUlb, I'mhi, 147 I'nm Avinue.
The young folks all delight to take that
famous " Trip Around the World" by
means of the handsome and instructive
Portfolio of Photographs showing noted
scenes and picturesque spots in all parts
of the globe we inhabit. It is an educa
tion in itself; this album. Don't fail to
have it, if you haven't it now. It will be
a lasting treat. Just now, in particular,
see the views it gives of Hawaii, the land
where Oueen Lil ruled. Two coupons and
cents in cash will secure this treasure.
We've had to do it. The demand was too
great. Ve've had to make THREE offers
where we though two, surely, would be
enough. But the public wouldn't be satisfied.
So we've added the Wanamaker series, and
continue the other two. You need all three,
to be really in the swim. Each one is better
than the one before it; at least, that's what
you think. Better order early it you want
a prompt reply. All the various parts are
going like hot cakes.
gllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllBHIi IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIr
FEB. I 6 I
This Coupon, with two like it, but of different g
dates, and with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one
1 part of the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four S
g parUS UUU AUUUUUUVU uoiuio,
FEB. 16
This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ,
jjj ent date, with Ten Cents in cash, will secure one
part of the celebrat3d "Wanamaker" Portfolio, de
al scribed above. New part each week. Part One
now ready.
1 FEB. 16
This Coupon, with another like it, but of differ-
: ent date, and with Five Cents in cash, will secure
the "Trip Around the World" portfolio of photo-
graphs, a rare and interesting glance at noted
spots in all climes.