1 0 TIIE SCHANTON TIUBUtfE -FKTOAY MORNTNG, FEIJIIUATIY 1C. 1894. MAPLE CITY IN WHITE. The Latest News from the Vicinity of Snow -Covered Hons.dalt. ' Social to the Scranton Tritaine. HoNi;siPM.B. Pa., Fb. 15 At White Mills, opposite the store of Eugeue Dorfliiiner, the road leuiling to Hones dale desc-nds a slitrt d iclivity. Tlier e ia a steep embiiokuieiit to the left which leads down to the bank of the Delaware and Hudson canal, and as there is no K"rd along the roadway, is a ftry dangeroui pi ice. Yesterday afternoon Dr. C. E. Foster, of this piaoi), wiiile rettfroiog trjin professional visit behind his spankim: team of bays, had a very narrow WJ tapo fr uu a serious accident while coming down tfi abort hill. tljs taam took fright at some oil barrels along" side the roadway, and turning sharply aronnd dumped the doctor and his coachman into the snow banks and pr olpitatod themselves and the cutter down the enbankment The result was tomawbat damaging to tlu cutter, but the horses esciped with few bruise H T. Dolmctaoh experts to open in a few days the neatest photographic par lors to be found in this part of the state They are located on the third floor of the southern part of Kief and Bpottigue'l new building, directly over tho office of Homer (tieene, and con sist of thrao largo rooms btaidoi dress ing room, closets, etc. His apparatus is of the latest design. Today the nam White City would be more applicable to this borough than that of M iple City, as we are al most litorally snowed under. The snow fall of last night and this morn ing was quite heavy and the banks along the sidewalks at some places arc veritable mountains. We are begin ning to appreciate the expression often beard last fall, ''and the next day it snowed." Ramon of marriages are floating about. A few days ago one of the Ex change club's prominent member! was ohserved to have cornered Prothonotory Smith and to have been talking to him in a very mysterious manner. A part of the questions, when overheard, re lated to tbe taking out of marriage licenses. It is rumored that one of our young society ladies is to wed an out of town gentleman early in the spring. And last, but not least, rumor says there is every possibility of an elopement at an early date, occasioned by the forbidding attitude of stern parents. Mrs. William F. Driggs.wife of Post master Briag, and daughter, Katherine, expect to leave for Buffalo today to visit friends. Charles P. SchnlUr, who was with the Libbey Glass company at the World's fair during tho summer and latter has been connected with the Mid-Winter fair in California, returned home last evening. Miss Hunt, of Scranton. who has been visiting Miss Holmes, returned home today. The genial D. A. McFall, formerly express agent here, was circulating among his friends toduy. FROM FOREST CITY. Entertaining- Bite of Gossip Gathered by Our Live Reporter. Bpfdal to the Scranton Trihune. Forest City, Pa., Feb. 15. James Finnerty, of Vandling, who had some of Uncle Sam's "long green" nearly de stroyed by fire a short time ago, an ac count of which appeared in TBI Trib Dim at the time, received a check yes terday from the treasury department at Washington for what appeared to be worthless looking money, but when under the eves of an expert proved to be worth $11, Frank P Johns, formerly of Pleasant Mount, bnt wbo at present is a drng clerk in a large store in Philadelphia, made a brief call on bis Forest City friends Tuesday. A notice Is in the Forest City post office inquiring the whereaoonts of Fred Archer, ft., who left his home at Easton, Pa., Jan. 31, 18!3. The missing man is 91 years of age and five feet nine inches tall. Any information concern ing bim would be gladly received by H. C Tilden, chief of police, Easton. George Martin is sick with la grippe at his home on Railroad street. Harry Reed entertained a number of his young friends at his pleasant home on Main street yesterday afternoon, the party being given in honor of bis eighth birthday. Miss Flo Allen started yesterday for I an extended visit to Nsrrowsburg, N. Y , friends and will also visit at other places. Miss Minnie Cowles returned to her home in Carbondale yester lay after having spent a few days with relatives in this place. Mrs John V.tlvan, a native of Italy, died at her home at tbe HI zing lump yesterday morning, aged 14 years She had been sick with pneumonia for the past two weeks Interin mt will take piace today in St. Rose's Catholic cem etery, Carhondale, Undertaker Purple having chsree. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Box enjoyed a ride last evening to Carbondale over tbe mantle of white Tbe Hillside employes were paid yesterday, being a day late on account of the storm. Frank Irving, of Moosic, is in town today. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gillett, of Gib son, are tbe gnests of Mn, Ilsnjamin M i :; and Mrs. J. L. Wwstgate. A large numbr of valentines w -r mailed at the Forest City postoffice yesterday. The pupils of Benjamin F. Maxey's room in the Forest City school will en joy a skighride Saturday afternoon to Carbondale. Miss Maude Reynold's pnpils are thinking seriously over the matter of an intended sleighride. Next Tuesday tbe political storm will be raging in all us fury. One thing It certain, either the Repabllcan or Democratic party will get "snowed un der" in this place Mrs. Jane Moses, of Scranton, is vis iting her son, John Moses. M. D. Evans, the new assistant mine foreman at Forest City colliery, moved bis family from Scranton to this place, yesterday. The Republican correspondent from this plaee grows facetious when he in timates that The TUBUMI correspond ent borrows hi news, The Republi can man's "news" is as stale as a two-year-old herring and twice as dry. . Euoklen'e Arnica, Salve. The best salve In the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, CornB and nil Hkin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Ik guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price B5 cente per box. 1 oi sale uy Matthews tiros. CORRALLED AT CARBONDALE. Items of Interest Gathered In the City of Thrift Svecial to the Scranton Trihune. Carhondale, Pa., Feb. 15 Mr. and Mrs. 1'. F. Moran, of South Main street, mourn the death of their young est child, Walte, who died yesterday morning of convulsions. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock, lutermeut will be made in St. Rose's d-metery. At the permanent organisation of the HdmeTalent Opera company, which was held on Wednesday vvruing, the fol lowing officers wero elected: Musical director, W D. Evans; dramatic man ager, Dr. H. C. W neeler; accompanist, Professor A P. Thomas; secretary, A. R. Jones. Ice skating, which has been quite the rage this se.sou, has so interested the young people of tins place that on Wt dneaday evening a large party was in attendance at the opening of the Metropolitan R dler Skating rink. The riuk has been rented by some young men and is under the management ol Harry Pet tew. S. W. Potter, of Jersey City, a for mer Carboudale resident, is the guest of his friend, A. S. Lewsley, of High street. About three years' time has elapsed siuce Mr. i'orter last visited this city, aud the progress of improve ment in our city is noticed by bim with much interest. FROM STROUDSBURG. Brief News Notes Prepared by an Enter taininir Correspondent Si rciul to the scranton Tribune. STROUDSBURG, Pa.. Feb. 15. How ard Boll, sou ol E. A. Bell, tho insur ance agent, will leave the office of bis lather and act as stenographer and typewriter for the Standard Manufac turing company at East Slrondsbnrg. Miss Laura Evans, the accomplished daughter of Charles Evans, who is re suming her studies at tao llast StrouJs burg Normal school, has recovered from a short illuesa The popular Rev. C. A. Oakes, who first conceived the idea that ft normal school would pay in this oouuty, has accepted a call to a pastorate in De troit, Mich. Rev. Oaks. for a short time, assisted Rev. Dr. Talmage at the Brooklyn tabernacle. Mrs. Robert Hendersou, wife of the flour merchant, was buried ou Tuesday afternoon, I he tuneral services wero held in the First Presbyterian ohurcb, interment in Union cemetery. Norton Houser, of Dickinson college, ia spending a few day.? With bis parents. Dr. N. C. Miller lost a bright-eyed little daughter on Sunday afternoon. The East Stroudsburg Knitting mills are in need of girls to work ou ladies' coats. Tbe silk mill at tbe same place is running full. Do net put off taking medicine. Numer ous little ailments, if neglected, will booh break up the system. Take Hood's Sarsa parilla now, to expel disease, giving strength aud appetite. Hood's Pills cures constipation by restor ing the peristaltic actlou of tbe alimentary canal. RAILROAD NOTES. TEN CENTS A OAY. The Great Educational Work Put With in Reach of All. Tbe public has shewn its apprecia tion of the liberal offer made by TBI TRIBUN1 in regard to tbe edition of tho Encyclopedia Brittannica by the liberal ordeis booked since the proposition was put before them. This offer will be open but a short time, however, and those who desire to take advsntage of it should not delay. The terms of the proposition n these: On receipt of only $3 TlIK TR1BCNI will forward to any reader the first twelve volumes, balance payable at the rate of 10 cents per day; or, ou the receipt of 4 511 cash, the complete set of twenty-live volumes will be sent, the balance to be p. ml at t n. i rate of $5 per month. The price of the entire set is only $1,98 per volume for the twouty-five volumes, which is less than one-fourth the price of the original edition. At the same time the' edition thus offered is far superior to that produced at Edinburgh, since it is brought down to date, and is provided with numerous maps and illustrations that are not to bo found in the original. Euery de partment of research contains the latest developments nnd information, so that the work is a complete epitome of IDtb century facts. The work is haudsomuly printed on fine paper, is bound in heavy silk, and in the most substantial manner. Msm pies may be seen at Tim Twhunk En cyclopedia headquarters, 437 Spruce street, where subscriptions may be left, Hkmahkkd by It. 0, Joiner, of Allen, P. 0., Btlledale IV, Mich. I "Nothing gave my rheumatism such quick relief as Dr Thomas' Electric Oil believe it infallible for rheumatics." i ' s REZZULO SUES RAFFAELI. A Suit in Trespass That Is Reported at ArohbaUt Special to the Scranton Trihune. AROBBALD, Pa., Feb. 15. Last Mon day Antonio Rezzulo. au Italian resi dent of Arohbald, entered suit against KalTaeli Morasci, ona of his fellow countrymen, to recover $",000 for ma licious prosecution aud false imprison ment. Last November Morasci had Keznlo arrested for stealing a monkey wrench. When the case came before the grand jury Morasci did not appear and the bill was ignored. The imputation of dishonesty, and imprisonment, have so monkeyed with the character and wrenched the feel ings of Rezzulo that he claims the above damages as a balm. Two Questions ? ? Often asked by people at this sea son ol the year sire these: "How can 1 net to leel stronger ami betterl" 'How can I build up my sysleni and iet more llcslii" Now, there is One Answer to these questions which can bo depended upon, because it is based upon solid (aids. The answer is this: 1st! Paikola. the great fresh- forming food, the only perfect sub stiiule far cod-liver oil prepara tions and all other old fashioned remedies. Paskola makes thin teople fat, it makes I hem strong; it gives, new life to those who are weak and debilitated. Ask your druggist for Paskola, and give it a trial. A pamphlet giving fullparticu ars respecting Paskola will be sent on application l the Pre-Digested Food Co.. 108 Dnane St., N. Y. City. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Wes torn engine, Mo. 181, which was rnu by Emmett Adams on trains Sand on the northern division, has been remodeled into a culm burner. Mr. Adams had the engine ont for a trial trip yesterd uy and it nave excellent satisfaction. It is as fine a piece of mechauism as has been turned out of the shops for some time, and does credit to Master Mechanic Brown under whose observing eye it was rebuilt. F. P. Browu is the' new assistant secre tary at the Railroad young Men's Chris tian association. He has proved himself a valuable acquisition and is becoming very popular with the railroad men. The switchmen will dance at Music hall on Feb. M in honor of the birthday of the father of the country. BURDOCK Bi-ood BrmtRa taking after eating will relieve fny feeling of weight or overfulness of stomach, bold every where, A Friendly Comment. t'hiraao Intcr-tlrean. Edith Tom told me ho loved me the first time we met. Clara -It must make you feel nwfully curious to know who told him of your fortune. Cerms of disease feed on life, and are only overcome by the making of sound, healthy tissue. Scott's SMnmMMMtJM Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, is an easy, palatable fat food that makes new tissue quick ly and gives strength. Phy sicians, the world over, en dorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! I'repurod by Scott i Bowne, N. V. All Drusgiitl. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion mustuse Pozzoni's Pow-I der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin Closing out the bal ance of our Lost Manhood atrophy, etc., rarely eared b llniil.M, Ill-mi riy. V. Ili .rlllntumitn luCira. ,V1H M .. i ...... s UKOS., Prugljlsls, ScruutuO, I n and vlpor qulrkly rertOfe&Verwoeete, i.llOltlV PlllU-tlllllH. INDAPO. the mat THE RUSH WAS GREATE.t YESTERDAY THAN BEF01E AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE When Raby was nick, we (rave her Oiwtnrle. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she Ijocame Miss, she clunjr to Castorla. When sho had Children, she gave them Castorla, This Is the Picture of the "Maidens Swincine." One of the Three Beautiful Works of Art, Obtainable at The Tribune Office by Cutting Out Three Coupons of Different Dates with 10 Cents. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnants of Dry Goods. Cloaks and Fur Capes during sale at kss than cost of material. Every iucli of counter room covered with the greatest bargains ever bllOVtU. Ladies Felt Hats, this season's Btylea. Hoys' Winter Waists . Muffs ..........'.". Cloaks . . I Oc. ouch. . . I Oc each. . .30o. each. $1.50 each. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTIONS AT QUARTER OF VALUE COME. IT WILL PAY YOU. Great Clearing Sale. THE Thatcher at following prices: Russian I.ynx Circular Cap's, 24 Inches, I4.M Kleclrlc Seal Circular Capes, H In .. S.V8 AHtrukhan Circular t.'upcH, '.'i In 9.tt Wool Seal Circular Cap s, 2 in 14.0J Htcmu Marti n Circular Cupos, M In 40.011 Browu Marten Circular Capes, '- in 4A.00 Utter Circular Capes, 1 iu.,.., 60.00 Seal Sacques Real Sacques, 3S ine'es long 1110.00 Seal Jackets, W inches 100.00 Seal Jackets, 1M inches long 00.00 Astrakhan Jacket. i u. i.-. Km ui.uu Circular Capes Seal Circular Cape, U0 inches long, with! Bultorlty Capo J85.00 Ottor Circular Cape, 3'J Indies long.with Uutterfly Cape 105.00 Sablo Circular Capo, 3D inches long BS 00 Astrakhan Circular Cape, U0 inches long 28 00 Else trie Seal Circular Capo, M In. long.. 20 00 dray Criiumer Circular Cape, JO in. long JO 00 40 dozon American Seal Mulls at, ...SI i" each 1 lot tchll'lren's sets at VHc. each Hot of Sleigh Robes, plush lined $J each Ladies' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. 138 Wyoming Ave. Tho only Practical Furrier in tho eity. IS THE BEST. Get prices and sen the lurnnce and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Gauze Door Ranges. CONLAX'S HARDWARE PITTSTON, PA. THE Upholstery Department OF William : Sissenberger Opposite Baptist Church, Penn Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new MOOSIC POWDER Rooms 1 and 2 Commonvvsalth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER iladoattho MOOSIO and UUSII DALE WORKS. Lnflliu & Rand l'owder Oo.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteritvi, Fuso for explod ing hlasts, Safety 1'uso aud RcpaunoChcmical Co.'sHigh Explosives MX. PLEASANT AT RETAIL (Vol of tho licst quality for domestic uso.and C'f iillKlzon, delivered in mi) lutrt of the city lit lowest price. Ordors Ji'ft at my office. NO. 11H, WJk'OMINO AVKMin, Koar room, first floor, Third National Hank, or neiit by mall or telephone to tho mine, will reooive nroumt attention. !-'t'i'iai eontrarta will tin id i WM. T. SMITH. made fur tho aalu delivery of lines wheat Coal Hotel Waverly Kuropoan nn. Fint-olani Par sttiiehed. DcVHit for lleigner A Bagel's Taunhuiusor lleer. N. E Cor, 15th and Filbert Ptiilark Uost doslraliln for rcnidents of N K. I ,. n; sylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Htreet station anil the Twelfth and Market Street etatlou. D liraMe for vieitiug Soruutuiiluns and peo ple lu the Anthracite KeKiou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON All hind Fresh Flili received dally. Fancy Mmokeil Halibut, llonelemi Cod, Yarmouth Bloatera, ult Mackerel. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELLCO. B RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITR1EIED, FIRE AND COMMON BR I C Best in tho market i K Brandt Clav F j odiictCo OFFICE: Hiiighamton, N.Y. FACTUHY: ilrandt, Pa. Roekawar, Chetapenkn Hay, " Hirer rov an lllue rOMt a OYSTERS Of conrie, this picture gives only the faintest conception of the artistic excel lence of tbe fine photographic gain for which crowds daily bssieg the office and the mails come burdened with coupons and eash. Yon can't tell how long tbis offer will remain open under suon continuous demands; therefore cut out you coupons while you have the opportunity. Sort Shell lamo, Shrhnpt, leallapt, &,. W. H. PIERCE, PENN AVE. DEXTKU BHOK CO., tap I'aplUl, M.OO0. HKHT SI. ftO NIIOK IN TBI WOKI.O. "A ilullar MMSSl 1 fl JoUar tamed, i ThltLndlen' Soldi French ouolu Kid Bui ton Hoot delivered free ;iynre In the U.S.. on receipt oi;iin, Mouey vnwr, OfttHI tNOlO mi ) Kiiusla every way tho hootn 1 In all renin iiorea ier tll.W. Wo make Om hoot ourwlven, therefore wo guar- autre the ft, !if ana vrar, and If any one ( net MllenVri we will reiumi tne money uricndanoUrpar. opera Tee or UOSBmuBl anm, width (', D. li. KK, itzot 1 to 8 and half Ltce. Sunn" ynur rur; uM fit you. llfuiUatdl Uata. logtio FREE FEDERAi. ST., l BOSTON. BLVHS. Special lrm to beaten. iniJPeH.: ii i sssm ' hhc m A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. 3 puztzxr 1 $300 THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valuable as a Souvenir of the Fair. QUITE EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW IN PjtlZISfl WILL BR DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THE 1TZZLE I.N THE SHOit'f EST SPACi: OK Tl Ml. FOR SALE BY ALE NEWS COMPANIES. STATIONERS AND AT TOY STORES, OR SUNT TO ANY ADUHESS UI'O.N HECLII'T OP PRICE, 25 CENTS, UY COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO., 111! AND 114 SOUTH ELTAW STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. n n R Pimples, Blotches r rjTi Dexter Shoe Go. 5- PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM g Makes Sr Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison iimasvssawawsansiiaannsnsiis Rheumatism and Scrofula tfa- P. P. P. pnrlfles thehlood. bnlldsnp j.. tho weak and debilitated, BiTel Btrengah to weakened nerves, expels cUstasss.sTt1 1 Ji k the patient health and g hapulueHS where sickness, ffloomf teellngsund lasnltudo Urt prevailed. I-'it primary, B.ioondary and tertiary eyphiAa, or blood poisoning, niercu rial polBon, malaria, dyspepsia, and jHkh' In nil hlood and akin diseases. Iil.o 5 blotchos, pimples, i'ld chronic ulcers, teller, scald head, boils, erysipelas, M eczema- womayeay, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best ' blood pur' tier lu the world, and makes b positive, speedy and permanent euros el In aii cases. ladles whose systoms ro poisoned B- and whose blood is iu an Impure enndt--fc don, iluo to menstrual lrresularltlei, are pecollariy benefited by the won S" dertul tonic and blood cloansinK prop- ertlesof P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. s eruaoriBLD, mo., aur. nth, 1893. I oan speak in tho blithest ternis of 40 - vonr medicine from my OWB personal KnowiedKC. 1 waa nflncted wkli heart " disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for ttm 88 years, was treated by the ven : sst Til ptuklcians and spent hundreds 1 1 f lar's, trleii every known remedy with mm - out finding relief. I have only taken S one Dottlo of your P. P. P., and can oheerfullv sny It has done me more mm boh1 lhau anything I have aver taken. lean rocommond your medicine to all S"- eufforers of the above diseases. uuu' MHS. M. M. YHAUV. 9 Bprlnflold. Green County, Mo. and Old Sores jzS Catarrh, Malaria 2 and Kidney Troubles An- 4-ntlrely reroeied by P.P.P. ' Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas- slum, the grcaloBt blood purifier on S earth. AnrnmiJ. O. . July 21 . 1!U. . stfV MRSSKS. LlrPkUM BIOS., Mavannah, Go.: DCSJlSlRS 1 lioiiRht almttleof your P P. P. at Hot Spnugs.Ark.,and SW It has done me more booii than three m toonthstr''a;ment at the Hot Hprings. Send three bottles t'. o. D. 4s9 Kispectlully yours m lis. M. fcrWTOK, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. I. ii. Jolinaion. 7b all rrhom it may concern: I here- hv testlfv tothevonderful nr- perlies , of P. P. P- for erupthms of the skin. I suffered for several years with au uu- ' Slfbtll and disagroeeblo eruption OO , mv faco. 1 tried ovorv known reme dy but In vain, until P. P. P. was med, i nd am now entirely cured. (lined by) J. r. .tohsstos. Savannah, Go. i Nkln Cnnccr t'ai. d. Tettimony from (he Mayor of SeQUtn.TeX ' 8Kgt iN, Tex., January 14. ISfiS. Mf.sbrs. LirrwAN linos., bavnnnah, 1 On.: Gentlemen 1 have tried your P. , p. p, fur a disease f the skin, usually known as skin cancer, of thirty years" , standing, and found great rellof: It purlhest he blood and removes all ir ritation from the seat of the disease nnd prevents anv spreading of tho sores. I have taken fiveor six bottles nnd feel conll'lent that another course will effect a euro. It has also relieved uie from Indigestion and stomach, troubles. Yours truly. CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. book on Blood Diseoses MM Free. a i t, BBTTOOIITI SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Llppman's Hloefc.slHv itnnnh, Os MANHOOD RESTORED! eii In I ex asm ,V Par 'NERVE SEEDS. , - .i ii ..I-. r anleod Irtfnrr tit nron til iins Mfih nfl U nuk sMm.i Uiit Mnnbnotl. rflAtlff Rail iMotm. Ncr-tmnTii'(.ftUiirln(inni11oPror POWOT TJ, l,OM t Unlittm. fi , KMMP ran ha pirrinriln rtmt iWWMstt. Ml DMlMKi lir0 pmIvo nan o( t'tbacco, ovluni or ntlmulantv wtilch If t. inflnuliv 1(1 i'ftn iin Pirniifl I n rnu iwbim. m l pit With a Hft oWIflr wo giro Written giiarntr t cre mptloti or inn ii It;. rriiliiu i ii r inoiKy . ' i r iuh r i mv nin n v iui uiusii- nrr- otLlr. Addreu xkicvk IIIII CO., Mtnuuic Tt-mpie, cuicago.Ilu bEFORtlNOAFUR USING .no For Sale iu Scranton, Pa., by II. C. SANDERSON, Prqggiri, cor. Waehintoo aud Suruco imetl nil -mA v . fcX-r 4ifciV5iW N.'Wdueev.rv Wil RESTORE LOST YIGOR br ire vini tin in WiM'k fit a ha n i r. Ti iO ' iiro Nrwin in i i itv before iiiJ kiwi liug fluid with WUTttM Lotti df Mgmtl I'iwr iu ithfiKot. IiiToluntiir Knihiilotwi (ton fttiT cmiti. If ntlcotJ, IM1 trouble! UiA ti - i 1 1. i or mtatiilj, fl.Ou prr ti w in.nl, 0 i 1 for tta I'M.T wt L-iVf written LMinmntr c in cury or nfuoJ th MOM . Addr.as i j.m MKIjK'INK CO.. '..Ohio. Forsnlrt by JOHN U. rilKLPS, Pharmacist, cor. Pcrauton, Pa. Wyouiiug Ave. aud Spruce St, AHTOHEHARTMAH 906 South Washington Avenue, Contruetor sml liulldor of ConoreU Klsgirinsr, ! ete Blooks. Potato. Uutter and Cusl Bins, Wet Cellars dried up. Orders uisy be left st Thompson A Pratt, Will sins A Co, Main aud Kjnion Hi rente, or at Morunton Move Works. Also Potindations, Cisterns. Vh Wire Tunnels aud Culllu Flanging lor Oardeu Walks, II K best telegrAphle eeryice. HK most local news. HE choicest foreign nutter. HK crenra of miscelUny. HE brightest corrosponenoe III', loader in ALL news. HE TRIBUNE. V