The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 16, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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I Pipe J
Valves f
i Fittings I
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
JC8 Perm Ave.
Very Choice Line of
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Mattings, Rugs, etc
J. E. Paisley Wilhdraws His Suit and Apjlo
gizes to H. B, CbamberliQ.
The Shareholder in the Forth Worth
Park Pl.ico Land Company Who
Caused President Chambsrlin's Ar
rest Retracts His Accusations and
Proffers a Public Expression of Re
gret Correspondence in Which
Scrantoniani; Will Be Interested.
The following letter from J, D.
Stucktir, of .lenuvu, toxether wllh it
Inolotnttl, will b read with interest
by many BerantOQiahe: "In your w
one of l''eb. 3 I aake;! the utookhoUler
of the Pueblo (-'oimoliilateil Lend com
pany, ot Bora&ton, to susjmuJ jnilg
iituiit in the charge made kgeittll
Humphrey U ChatoberlTo. The en
oIoim letter aud circular will (jive
votir reader the facts aa they have
come to me in the fort Worth mat
ter. I do thin tnat they may know
both aide and llraW thoir own oou
elusions. The knowledge that I am in
possession of in regard to the 1'neblo
Consolidated Ltnl oouipauv will be
made kuown to those directly inter
eted at a meetiu rilled I'or that pur
pose iu the near future, at whicti Mr.
Cbtmberlln has expresieil a desire to
be preseut."
Mit. CttaUSEBUM't Lfc'lTEK.
The letter alltiled to, from Mr.
Cbamberlln to Mr .Stacker, is a Col
lows, under date of Now ork,
b'eb. 10
1 feel sure ol JfOUr sympathy lu the sor
row 'hat has come to uie through thecruel
ami unjust attack uu uiy integrity, made
hv one of tho xhaivhiil Jers uf the Fort
worth Park Place l.aud L'ompany through
the courts auJ press. 1 wad charged with
ctrceptlou mid traud iu selling, through an
agnut, stock iu that company while it did
not own tho laud described lutheclrcu
lar. I was obliged to await patiently tho
receipt t rom Fort Woitu of ttie deeds aud
papers iu tUe case which clearly denioii
stiated the falsity of the charge, audcou
tent myself with a seoilic denial through
the pre'S, which was accorded very limited
c la the arrival of these papers yesterday
1 called on Mr, Paisley at his resldeuce fur
the purpose of showiug him the absolute
talsity of his charges. Alter hearing my
statement and looking over the papers
Mr. Paisely told me that these documents
had emphasized a growing conviction in
tiis mind, that hehal done me a great
wroug of winch he was perfectly certain;
that he had acted ou imperfect informa
tion aud grievously erred iu not giving
me an opportunity for explaining matters
he did not understand; that lie lud no
turned nnd demolished beyond repair.
Thny thou began beating the animal,
Wbieh was turned over to Cniiniughiim
to return to the stable. O.i his arrival
at the barn Cunninirham w,m arrested,
and Noon aud Horan were found and
brought to headquarters by Officer
Roche yesterday atternoou.
Clarence Athsrtou appeared against
thum at the mayor's court aud elated
hisdamagAM were $35 They were un
able to iottle to thi mayor romaiidsd
them under $M0 bail each for tneir ap
pearanoe at court, unless the ooite and
Mr. Atherton'd claims Mrs paid today.
the Finest ok bindings.
Qiod Literature in a Setting That Cor
responds with Its Merits.
The 100 special sets of standard au
thors which will be placed on view at
Tin; ftUBOWl busiuesi olllcs tomor
row will bo one of the handsomest U
ray i of books ever seen in Scrantou.
The bindings uro sumptuous und the
other mechanical work fully cor re
-pond.-, There will be sets in half
calf, eete iu tree calf, sets lu butt
morocco, sets lu crushed lnvaut und
sols iu pretty nearly every other kind
of biudiuK material that looke neut,
elegant and rich.
And the prices'.' Well, you just
OUgbt to see thein1 And, by the wuy,
that's what you are invited to do, you
and your friends. Saturday is our
peolal day for Northeastern I'enusyl
vania book lovers Wo want to ae
and please every admirer of good
literature in this neck o' the wood?.
It will be to his interest to c til.
Manager E. F, Kingsbury Makes .,
Final Return, Which Has Been
I in ned (Jver lo Hie Uo.u d.
E, F. Kingsbury, who was general
manager of the recent 'Uecnpe from
Llbby" entertaiuuieut given tor the
beiietit of the Hoard of Associated
Charities, yesterday returned to the
i city from a business trip which ue
j tained biio considerably iouger than he
I supposed It would when he left Scran-
i too.
At a meeting of the ladies' general
committee, which had charge of the
entertainment, Mr. Kingsbury pre
sented the following statement:
The following report has been handed
Mrs. 1. P. Kverbart, as treasurer of enter
taiuuieut given for benefit of Associated
Cash received from Mr. Ulaekwood iti7 'A)
Cash received liom L. B. Powell &
Co , tickets a-.' 50
thought the suit would have aueh extended I cash' received from T. J. Looe A
12 7 Wyoming Ave.
publicity, aud expressed a desire to right
tne wrong done to me in every way in uis
power. He offered to go to his attorneys
iu the morning, nrutl the suit withdrawn
immediately, and sign a full aud complete
letractiou aud an ample apolog) .
Iu compauy with Mr. Paisley this morn
ing I visited his attorney, where the
withdrawal papers were executed, and bis
attorneys dictated the euclosed loiter,
which being satisfactory to me. Mr. Pais
ley signed. Mr. Paidey can never undo
the mjury doue me iu publicly charging
me with wrongdoing. Not one-tenth ot
those who read his origiual statement,
with its sensational setting, will read Uis
retraction and npology, although efforts
have been made to give his letter publicity.
I am desirous that my friends should know
the exact facts, aud I will therefore ap
predate any effort uu your part to co-operate
with me In making the farts con
tained In the letter known as widely as
uu ruui s avrKAunon.
Under date of Feb. 10, Joseph E
Paisley wrote to Mr. Chamberlin the
following letter, which was nrinted in
the New York Mail and Express of
8 oo
Sons, tickets
Cash received from Miss Reynolds.
tickets 10 00
Cash received from advertisiug pro
gramme IT .10
Total amonnt paid for cast, railroad
fares, rehearsals and incidental ex
penses as per vouchers 'ill 41
John S. Courtright, of Montrose, is at
the Wyoming.
The engagement of Miss Mattie Decker
to W. 0, Kanten has been announced.
Rev. A. Ben oliel. of Jerusalem, will
speak at the Rescue Mission this evening.
J. M. taller, superintendent of Fuller's
.Vow York detective bureau, was in tne
city yesterday.
74 Hi
balance In hands of Treasurer of Board of
Charities has been accepted and approved.
The above statement exonerates Mr.
Kingsbury fully. Be has uot as yet re
ceived any thiug for his services.
Fk.w.'ks B. Swan, Pies.
Mks. L F. EVEHHAaT, Treas.
Scrantou, Pa., Feb. 10, 1804.
Tho above statement is a complete
exoneration of Mr Kingsbury trom the
sensational accusations against his in
tegrity which were printed iu the ban
day News and tho Scranton Times.
it was Mr. Kingsbury who conceived
the ideaof giviug an amatour theatrical
p-rforwaiice for the benefit of the
Fab. IS, immediately after the with- j fcoarJ Q. AjjtocltUd Charities and be
Ouly ten members of select council re
. !..!. ! to roll cali last eveninir, and ad
ata 10 68 IDaUe ror 18011 "r " I d do withdraw all the allegations in tl.
drawal of Mr. Paiiley'i suit, against
Mr. Chamberlin :
After bearing your statements last night
and reading the documeots submitted br
you regarding the affairs of the Fort
Worth Park Place I.snd company, I am
convinced that great injustice has been
done you through the allegations of the
affidavits and c implsint lu the suit brought
against you for the amount of the invest
ment made by ma in the stock of that con:
nany. They were made bv mo from In
formation which 1 had received, and the
tinners which you showed me clearlv in-
I dicate that such Information was entirely
I incorrect. 1 have today voluntarily and
and unconditionally withdrawn such suit,
Dr. Strong will deliver a lecture on "The
Fundamental Principles of Protection and
Tree Tratie" at Brant's ou Saturday even
ing at T. SO.
David Davis, of iiiypliant, charged with
larceny and receiving, was allowed to
enter bail before Judge Onnster yesterday
iu the sum of )UJ0. S. J. Matthews be
came his bondsman.
This afternoon at 8 o'clock Mrs. A. lien
Oliel and daughter, of .Jerusalem, will
yieak to tbe ladies of trace Reformed
Episcopal churcn, at tho chnrch. All ladies
are cordially invited to be present.
A special meeting of the Ladies' Auxil
Uary, railroad department of the Young
Mens Christian association, will ho beld
this afternoon at 3 o'clock lo settle ac
counts pertaining to Wednesday's enter
tainment. Marriage licenses were urantedliy Clerk
of the ijourts Thomas yesterday to 'i homas
Culeman and Nora Conway, Scrsnton;
Edwin J. Daw and Elizabeth Ann Oreen -slade,
Jermyn; Albert M. Day aud Ella M.
Burrell, Cnrbondsle.
In the estate of Ferdinand Schmidtt, late
of this city, letters of a liuinlstratlon were
ifianted yeslerdav to Kate Scbmidtt by
Register of Wills Roebler. The will of
Stewart Kooren. laWof the city of Scran
ton, was aleo admitted to probate and let
ters testamentary granted to Hattio M.
Hadijoo Avnu Proptrtv Hollars Havs
Riason to Rejolc.
Mavnr Conuell yesterday approved of
the MHowing resolution:
Wlea, Certaiu of the owiiarj of prop
erly npon that partof Mndiajf nvem re
cently paved with vetrltlecr brick have
neglected to pay the first Installment of
their assessment for the cost of snld pave
inent in the exprctatiou that a revised as
cessment would be made under tho pro
visions of an ordldauci which has be"U
pending In councllii.kat is now indefinitely
postponed, and
Whereas, By reason of said delay iu pit),
went under the strict terms of the ordi
nances providmg for said payment, suub
persons have lost the right to pay said as
seisraents in a innal Installments and have
iucurred a penalty of & per cent, ou their
ameols. Therefor
Resolved, That any property owuer
upou said Hadisouavenue whoshnll within
thirty days after the passage of this reso
lutiou pay the first installment of his as
sessment iu accordance with the terms of
ordinance, shall be released from liability
of the penally incurred by the delay aud
shall be permitted to par future Install
ments a provided iu said ordiuauce in the
same manner aud at tbe same times lu
which such installment would have bseu
due aud payable, if the first lnstullmtut
had been paid when due.
' i ii i i
Muelo Boxss Bxoluilvsly.
Best made. Plav any desired number of
tunes. Qautschi & Sous., manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orrhestrlal organs, only 15 and tio.
Epeclalty: Old music boxes carefully re
caired and improved with new tunee.
affidavits aud complaint affectiug you, sud
desire to express my deep regret that
charges reflecting uoon your character
were made, and do now rescind them ab
solutely and fully.
I am satisfied that the interests of the
shareholders of the Park Place Dsnd com
pany nave had complete protection at
your bands, and that your management
as president his bsea In every way faith
ful and honorable. The deeds aud agree,
ments shown conllrm yonr statements as
to the title of the land being vested in tbe
Park Place company. I look upon
von again as I have for years, as a man of
high character aud unimpeachable integ
rity. The many friends of Mr. Clumber
lio in this city will eympathizt with
bin in this unfortunate incidmt, and
be glad of his vindleatiou.
- .
fao-.t. Bickler Buss William Ball and
Ptter McCann for Damagei.
Jacob W. Siokler, ofOreenflelJ town
ship, began an action in trespass yes
terdny against William Doll and Pater
McCann to recover $.V0 damsges. He
is renresented by Attorneys Ward and
Mr. Kickler line been for fifty years
the owner of a body of water in Ureen
field township, known asSickler's lake
Ho keeps It etneiced with pickeral and
perch, but has no objections to psraone
fishing in it, provided they obtain his
William Dull nnd Peter McCann are
neighbor of Mr, Kickler's who persist
in fishing in his lake without bis per
mission, and he therefore suus for dam
U D i ' I Cberlsa Tropp'j Prcusrtv and
Ha Wants Uamaasa
Another hearing was bad before Ar
Mtratori W. Oaylord Thomae, W. A.
Wilcox, and J. W Carpenter iu the
arbitration room of the court home
yeeterday In the caie of Charlee Tropp
against the Providence Coal company.
Mr. Tropp mee to reoover damages
done to n property be owoe at Boll's
Head by reason of tbe caving of the
Providence Coal company 'e mine.
-. o 1
Thrse Youths Santsh a Oattar and Are
Arrested la Provident.
Wednesday night John'rovl
deuce youth, obtaloed from Athertou'i
livery a horse and cotter stating it was
for his mother. He picked up two com
panions, John Cunulngham aud John
Horan, and the trio began having an
uproarious drunk, stopping frequently
at saloon? for drink and rnanlng the
horee during the Intervals
At Bellevue tbe cutter was over-
Political Batllti Hiiatdius Llie Aggiesslveui-ss
of Its Ineipiency.
Thq Democratic Leaders Have Been
Compelled to Resort to Desperate
Measures They Are Unsuccess
fully Endeavoring to Win Votes by
Vilifying the Republican Candidates.
Latest Move of Duggan's Crowd.
Tho political light ou the municipal
ticket t Dunmoro still maintains ths
aggressiveness that characterize! its
early commencement. It i a stubborn
light aud the reform or Republican
psrty bus heavy odds to 0 intend with,
but little by little it is gaining ground
aud Menrlng the confidence of the vot
ers. The Democrats, driveu to the
wall aud fearing defeat at the polls
Dext Tuesday, are ualliug forth their
last resources which ure thut of vilify
ing the character and honor of the re
form candidates.
The latest rumor circulated is that
the two Republican candidates for
council, Messrs. Taylor and Webber,
bad pledged themselves to vote for the
ot.lluauco giving the Sihitary Im
provement Compauy u franchise to
construct a lower in the Sixth ward of
the borough if they are elected, lu
order to aioertaln whether their was
any authenticity in the rumor or to
secure n denial from tho gentLemnii a
TkIBUNI reporter called on them and
elicited Hie .!,- t information.
assumed all libilities. Uy reason of his
untiring efforti the entertainment was
a grand success. The Board of Chari
ties will now undoubtedly tender Mr.
Kingsbury tbe vote of thanks to which
he is entitled, but which one member
objected to at last Tu-sday's meeting.
- '
Five of Them Charged with Violating
ih Law.
The Drawers' Protective Aieociatiou
of Lackawanna i ouuty bad warrants
I issuid yesterday 'or a number of other
agents of foreign brewing companies
who aro selling brewed ltiiuors in this
I county.
Those for whom warrants were is
sued are Mnsss Kind, 1'. H. Ullgallon,
Daniel Muldoon, Peter Cumtoiugs and
John Durke
In eacu case the information was
sworn to by Charles Kobinson, the
president of the Brewers' association
The warrants were placed in the ban Is
of Dotective Anthony Scanlou who
served them.
P. H.fitlgallou and Defer 'iiinmiuge
went before Alderman O D Wright,
by whom the warrants were issued, and
eutered bail iu the sum of fpio for their
appearance at court. D. r. Kearney
became surety for Mr. (Hlgallon and
James F. Cummlngs for Peter Cum
It Will Be Oivin at St. Lake's Ohurcb
Tomorrow Afternoon.
The spcond of the series of Dmten
org m recitals will bs given at St. Duke's
church Saturday afternoon, Keb, 17, at
4 110 o'clock. Mr. Conant will have
the assistance ot Miss Julia 0, Allen,
March Poutitlcale ..Dotn metis
i anona Uiiilmnni
Cavatmn Ilohm
Mis Allen.
Saint baeni
Bach Uoiihud
Mips Allen.
iiffertoire .
Ave Msria
Mi. Tayiov was first visited
Fcranton's Busy Interests.
'I uk Tkihcnx will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional iuterests of Hcrsnton
and vlcluity. The edltiou will be bound
iu book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc. together
with portraits of leading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an equal re
presentation of Hcranton's jnanv Indas
trlee. it will be an Invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Seut to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work Will attraot
uewcomers and be an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The atrou -latlon
Is mi a plan that cannot fall ot good
results to those concerned as well as the city
at large. Representatives of The Tuihune
will call opou tuosk WRoei namkh
are uasiiiio lu this editlou aud explain
Its nature mora fully.
Tunee desiring views of their residences '
In tbls editlou will please leave notice nt
the office.
mi I,
KolMPl'g new Turkish bath. Every
thing new. 500 Spruce street, opposite
Court House. f
Anheuaer Busoh Beer.
Louis Lob man's, Diib Spruce at,
For males ouly, Conrad s hats.
Psnn Avsnue Sunday School Teachers
II i vi a Delightful Time.
Luther Keller, seperintenditnt of tho
Perm Avenue Baptist Church Sunday
school, entertained the teachers and
older members of the school at his
home, 515 Clay avenue, last night. A
slipper served and delightful im
promptu vocal nnd iiistrinumtal music
was rendered by tho gmstH
Those rfl'eseiit were: Ira , Foster,
IHnglumtoii; A F. Payne, Hamilton,
N. Y. ; Rev. and Mrs Warren Q.
Partridge, Mr. uu I Mr. J. L. Sielle,
.Mr. und Mrs. A. D. Collins, Mr. and
Mrs, ('. F. vYbllienore, Mr. and Mrs.
Oroafdule, 2D', und Mrs. Oonrgo J,
Frutchy, Mr. mid ADs. w. w. Brown
ing, Mr- and Mrs. K. S. Williams, Mr.
and .Mr.-. L. R Stelle, Mr. and Mrs. H.
aud Mrs. D. 1. Lacey,
11. J. Carr, Mr. and
llallsteud, Dr. and Mrs.
Miss Jane Post, Mrs
Rev. Wadsworth
Urace Rose,
upon learning the reporter's
replleil without hesitation
"No, sir. 1 have not pledged myself
to vote for any ordiuaiics before the
council of which I am now a momuer;
neither have 1 made auy premise to
vote for the Ksuitary Improvement
company's ordiuauce should It be again
pres?uted after the council's reoritau
laation During all my term of otli ;e,
which has been for the last nine years.
1 have voted us my couscleuce dictated
on all subjects, aud propose to do so
until my term of office expires, aud if I
am re-elected my mode of serving the
borough's best interest will not bo
"The tiiiestion of sewerage is an IfU
porUnt.oue und involves c tusiderable
debt, both to borough ami properly
owners. At the present time, so full
of depression, 1 do not think it advisu
ble toeswer the borough aud Impose so
mucji expense upon the people, but
when times are better 1 think that to
sewer the borouirh is u necessity, not a
commodity. This uastion of granting
franchises iudescriminately is one that
has receive 1 very little attention from
onr councils aud as I have iterated iu
previous meetings matters of so uiueh
importance should recsive a more care
ful consideration, aud do not favor giv
ing franchises that sow day or other
will place the council in an embarras
siug position."
When the time comes 1 think the
borough i well able to construct its
owu sewer system and shall work to
that end.
The Telegram last Sunday placed mo
on record as haviug voted against
tabling the ordinance of the Hanitary
Improvement company. This state
ment is erroneous and the Telegram
man must have been misinformed, for
uot a dissenting voice was heard when
the vote was taken- I wish it Implic
itly understood that 1 have not been
approached let alone pledging myself
ta vote for the Improvement company's
ordinance. My plan of action bus al
ways been to make improvements as
the borough finances allowed, and If ,1
am re-elected will do my utmost to
promote reasonable progression, not
progress furthered by private pnties,
but by the citizens of the borough.
We need more cross walks, au effic
ient tiro alarm, all night lights and
other Improvements which should be
made uot by making a larger increaa
in tax ttioD. but when the fineness of
the borough are in a proper condition
to be drawn on,"
Mr. Webber, the other candidate,
was vsry much surprised when asked
if there was any truth in tbe minor
that in now being circulated rugarding
himself and colleague, Mr. Taylor, and
said : "This story of my pledging mv
vote for any project otherwise than that
furthered by a majority of the citizens
is the origination of some of my enn
mies on tbe oppoiition party who, have
before unsuccessfully attempted to
smirch other reform candidates with
dishonor. Tbe question of granting
the Sanitary improvement company a
franchise in next year's council basnet
been broached to me, therefore the
rumor is without foundation, aud, as 1
snid before, it is hut one of the in
numerable misleading devices that the
"ring Democratic" leaders are ming to
regain tneir lost gronnd. They see
nothing hut defeat staring them in the
face, and by circulating their si ones of
bribery they hops to convince the people
tlint to vote for the Republican party
means ruin aud demoralizition. it Is
useless for me to tell tho citizms of this
borough what my tactics will be if I a u
elected. 1 ltnve my former term of
ofilos to wltnefs whether I am In the
habit of voting conscientiously or not.
Beoornlng more enthused ns he pro
eroded Mr. Webber exulaiuud: ''No,
sir, 1 have not pledge! tinsel f to vote
for nny ordinance uor will I. Hut if
the people of this borough eso fit to re
futo tbe stories now in circulation by
electing me to the next council I will
not betray my trust and will promise
that when it comes to the time when
the majority of tbaoitlleni of t'l" town
demand u sewer or any other 'Uiprove
inent and the borough finances permit
of it i will champion their wishes to
.he end.'1
Miss Agnsi Herndon Entertains the
Members of the Boranton Lodge.
Miss Agnes Herndon, who appeared
at the Academy of Music last evening
in "Da Dalle Marie," enjoys the proud
diltladtlOQ of being the only ladr hon
orary member of Korantnn Lodge of
F.Iks, No 198, When Miss Herndon
played for tbe benefit of the Inoal Elks
two years ago, she was elected an hon
orary member of tbe lodge.
During ttho session of the Hcrnnton
lodge last 'evening Mist Herndon sent
a cordial invitation to the Kike to at tend
the performance. The audience
was greatly surprised a short while
later to see the Flks to the number of
about 100 walk down tbe aielee of the
Acndemy during the middle of an act.
The presence of tbe Elks seemed to
spur Miss Herndon on to greater effort
and her work was superb throughout
the most difficult soeuts. It was a most
enjoyable performance and the star
was heartily applauded throughout tbe
action of the play. During the eveu
ibg Mice Herndon was presented with
a large basket of flowers from the
Scrautou Elks.
S Smith, Mr
Mr ami tire,
Mrs Frank N.
L M Ustes.
C. F, Menusss,
Carman, . Missus
Annie Hose, B. C Krigbaum,
Annie Courssu, Sadie Murphy,
Mina Murphy, Esther Rowland, Uerttia
Carpenter. Fannie Clifford, Ida Bitten
beuder, Anna Downing. Sallie Devant,
Clara Long, P. D. Fiuley, M W.
Dowry. W. D. Frauk, 1. L. Post, Dr.
D. A. Capwell, Frank Fillmore, El
win F. Wuilteiuore, Charles A,
Whittemore, J. W. Browning, E, 0.
Dnn, Oeore P. Fellenser, Fred Feilen
Tbe iiiiineiliatj Cause of the Death
ot Joseph Mathulis of
Blair Avenue.
Biowuioj! Ordiuauce lluopposed in Commoa
Mr. Davies Presented the Measure
and on Motion of Mr. Robathan It
Will Be Reported Printed Mr.
Nealis Presents a Resolution That
Grants Certain Privileges to Veter
ansOther Matters Considered.
Joseph Mathulis (or Tomalumus;, the
Providence Polander who several days
ago was hit ou the bead with an ax iu
a drunken melee, died Wednesday
night. Yesterday morning Coroner
Kelly performed an autopsy before the
following jury ; Dr. W. D Downe, Al
bert Scbulu. John W. Drown. J. 11.
McCarty, Orson Hal lock und Natbau
Thei autopsy revealed sn opening in
the skull on tbe left aide of the bead
about two inches above the ear, an I an
other opsniug caused by trepiniug.
Tbe later is the result of n recent oper
ation performed by Dr Sullivan, Dr.
Murphy und Dr. Doune, who had
hoped to save the man's life. The
wound caused by the axe blow is tri
angular in shape. In taking ft' the
skull-cap the membranes of the brain
were found to be ruptured aud the
bruin substance protruded through. In
the left lobu of the cerebrum there is
a large cavity about three iucbes deep,
into which tbe index finger can b eas
ily iuserted and which contained a
quantity of bloody pus.
An Inquest will be conducted by the
corouer this evening at 7.80 o'clock at
the office of Alderman William! in
Providence, vvhefe the following wit
nesses will bo examined diaries
Ulock, Enoch Peters, Mary Lncltasav
age, Antonio Aleoksona, Authony
Lenikney, Andrew r Henry; Smith
and Joseph Judge.
Smith and Judge are. thought to be
the in ii who struck Mathulis the blows
which caused his death Smith some
time ago obtained' his release on bail
in tim sum or $1,UJU, but Ju Igs was re
tained iu custody.
The murdered mau resided ou Dlair
avenue with Smith, a boarding house
keeper An uncle from Pittston vis
ited Mathulis the night he tec, ived his
injuries and as a promotive of jollifica
tion tbe latter iuvlted a number of
friends to help drink sevara! kegt of -betr
aud celebrate the old mau's ad
vent. During the eveuiug several out
siders intruded upon the festivities
which brought on the 'fight.
Smith avers that he acted as peac -maker
and was between Jaigl and
Mathulis during tbe struggle.
An Euj 'yabls Psrforminc Given by
, N image i Davis' 8tock Company.
"Oliver Twist," a dramatisation of
Dicken s great novel, was introduced
at tbe Wouderland theater last night,
and the reception accorded it am.ily
satisfied the management of this popu
lar resort that the play will prove a
great attraction.
I lie title role was Resumed by Miss
Hrare Coutoit in n msnuer which will
satiefp the most critical Willi) Cor
bett's impersonation of the villain, bill
Sykes, admits of no improvement,
while Ous Romer u Fagin, and Alice
Kemp as Nancy Sykes scored frtquent
Hpplause. Tlio murder scene was par
ilcularly realistic, the murdered Xaney
being dragged across the stage by the
hair, and other "busiuesi" of the scene
being done in a wonderfully real and
horrible maimer.
Last night's rendition of tho plav
gave evidence that all lovers of the
melo drama will have no fault to find
with Wouderland's "Oliver Twist."
What the Baker Law Has to Sav About
Ballots for Spicial 0iestloni.
At the meeting of the bridge com
mittee Wednesday nigkt diesntisfaction
was expressed concerning tbe ballots
for the coming election, some of those
preeent arguing that there had been
bungling in the preparation of the
ticket nnd that the propositions with
regard to bridges and parka should
have been placed In separate column.
That would have been impossible hi
the following clsine taken from the
Baker ballot law, shows
Whenever the approval of s coustitu
tional amendment or other questlou Is
submitted lo the vote of the people such
questinu shall be printed upon the ballots
In a brief form nnd followed by tbe words
"yes" mi I "B and If such question be
submitted at an election of public officers
It shall be printed below the list of candi
dates. '
Bi h a new hut now, the styles are set
tled, Conrad has thorn.
Common council met in regular ses
sion last evening und there were sev
eral members ubiisut. No opposition
was manifested to tbe Drowning ordi
uauce taxing the poles erected In this
city, and the measure passed tint aud
seoond reading, Mr. McDauusll only,
voting iu the uegalive.
Tbe following opinion from City
Solicitor Torrev in reference to the
claim of J. K Jobler for $71.80 for
damages sustainsd by a bone was
read .
Hefeiring again to the claim of J. K.
Jobler for damages for injuries to horse at
Market stree. and Boulevard would cay :
Mr. Browuiiig bah brought Iwfore me
three or four credible wituesses who stuttd
that from the tune tbe sewer was first laid
tho lamp h lie was never properly covered
but was always above tbe surface with a
loose cap wbicu was frequently on. -uy
pluvious opinion was based upon the t-tate-ineut
ot au assistant engineer that the lamp
hole was properly covered at the lime tbe
aewer was accented Nov. b, lbUo1. Tbe acci
dent occurred Nov. 11, ISM. If tbe court
and jury should believe the testimony of
Mr, Jollier's witnesses, it would appear
that the lamp hole was lu au unsafe con
dition at the time the sewer was accepted
and that that acceptance and the inspec
tion which hi have accompanied it
were so near the 'time of tbe accident thai
tbe city would be charged with full notice
of the defect Iu this view of of tbe case
think it would be wiser to settle with Mr.
Jobler if it can be douu upon terms which
stem reabonuble to tbe commute .
J. 11. TuKHIt
Ou motiou tbe bill was ordered paid.
Mr. Nealis introduced the following
resoluti)n That upon application to
the mayor of tbe city veterans shall be
and ure hereby authorized to peddle
merchandise from band carts along
the public thoroughfare! of the city
and they are aleo authorized to occupy
the said thoroughfares by stationing
their carts thereon at uny poiul pro
vided the owuer of abutting properU
doee uot object.
Mr. Davies presented ao ordinance
for the coostructiou of the viaduct on
West Lackawanna avenue. Ou motion
of Mr Robathan it was referred with
instructions that if it be reported fav
orable it be printed. Mr. Dabigg pre
sented several petitions for exonera
tions thut were allowed.
These ordinances passed third read
ing: Constructing secton A. of the
Fifth sewer district, purchasing a
horse for the Nay Aug Engine com
pany . layiug flag walks and paved gut
ters on the westerly side of Sixth street ,
vacating Drinker turnpike when owned
by Jordan, Hannah and Jordan,
A Fall of Roof in the Capouse Colliery
Results Bsrlously.
Martin Morao, a miner in the Ca
pouss colliery, an 1 Walter Cirden. bis
.. I ., r- . . ,, i U.4JI ..v.t
11 3d vesterdav morning bv u fall of
They were pursuing tbeir daily taelis
when, without warning, a large por
tion of the roof fell, crushing them be
neath it.
Workmen in adjoining chambers
extricated them from their painful po
eition and they wtre removed to Mor
an's boms ou Jackson street, Cardan
being a boirder there.
Dr. (ieorge B, Rynolds was callad
aud attended to their in juries.
Moran's head is badly cut aud
bruised, and one of his ankles sprained.
One of Carden's legs is severely injured
Best Sets of Teeth, $S.oo
jnciuaitiK hip j .-.i ntracttu, l.
S. C. Snyder, D.D.s.
The new offer
made to Tribune
readers oil page 7.
It is the best
one yet made
Have you seen them' Groves' photoes,
415 Spruce street.
OONRAO the firat to show Spring hats,
LJAV1NO closed out our Hwti
and Shoos, we will this weidj
Offer what CROCKERY wo bavj
011 liaiid us follows:
Dinner Sets, worth $10, for $3.7?
Toilet Sets, worth $8 75, for I .41
Toilet .Sets, worth $ 76. for .y
Cups and Saucers, set worth 70:.
, ,or .3i
Breakfast Plates, worth 7c , for ,fj
Bowls, wortii 19a , for
Bowie, worth 10c. for. .04
Bowls, worth c . for .02
Hatters, Worth $1, for
Blatters, worth 7jj , for ,i
Tkase prices will close out tiiii
Stock very quick. Ifyorj waut auj
of it, you bad better come soon.
Scranton Cash Store,
F. P. PRICE, Agt.
Dr. Hill c Son
ret teeth, SojO; best set, Js : for gold car
and teeth without plates, called crown unt
''ridge work, call for prices and referenoes
TONALOIA. for extracting teeth mhou,
pain. X'u ether. No gas.
We have a lare assort
ment of
Leave your order at
or 413 LACKA. AVE.
LTUUillimiU UUUi Our Lackawanna avenu
Good Work.
Henry Battin & Co.
restaurant open until midnight.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St, and Adams Ave.
coiht uoi-ce tQuaaa
I, All kinds of Laundry work guarantee
1 the beat.
I- --a.
This Is
Small lots, in all departments, tc
close out cheap.
Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at IS