npiIK PATHWAI of all re forms Is littered with the dust, of those who feared "it would cost too much." araittmt imk ritmne, T) I T Til IS dust is the -lust 1 Of ileal h, anil not the "dusi" that progress ptdver Uses. BooiA the bridges. EIGHT PjGjjTS-5 COLUMNS. HCBANTON. PA., FIJI 1) A V MOUSING. FEBBUABY 16, 1894. 'HVO CENTS A COPY. MAKE A MOT UN AMENDMENT BK MR. PEFFER He Would Allow th) Women to Vote in OMtbooti THE HELP OF LAD1FS NEEDED He Thinks the Time Cotno When the Services of Women Are .is Nec essary In Public Art'.iiri as In Pri vateMr. Bland's Arrangements for the Extended Conversation To morrowA Dull Day In the House. Washington, Feb. 15. n FTER auif routine tHi-iues In A the MOtt, t M M the u:i tin iilied business tU taken ui. b lTu iiig bonee bill r quiring r illroadi in territories to maiot no t tt ion-" ind depot at tl town it established bjr the interior .let irtnifut. h olow of the debate on tti bill, Mr BUek' burn, Kentucky, uurxd to lay it on the table. The motion was df;td. An amendment reported by the cnu mittoe requiring an election tu tli counties ot "L " and "O" In Oklahoma to determine the location of the county seats iu those OOUOtio cam up for 10 tion. and Mr. 1'effer. Kanea. offered M amendtueut to ir, which woul I allow the wemeu as Well a the men to vote on the question. H de clared that he woul 1 avail him self of every opportunity to strike out the WON "male' whuevr it interfered with the ritfht of female, "The tiin has come," h- said, "whu we used tu help of worn mi In public atltirs as much as we do iu private af fairs. I would give to woman Go I bless her evary advantage, every right, every privile;a " Mr. Puffer' auiendmsnt was rejected. I' tie bill wis then pasted, the vote was yeas. 87 i navs, CT, aud the vice president voted aye. The senate then at 30, on motion of Mr. Pugh. AUbuu, cbatruiiu of the judiciary committee, proceeded to the consideration of executive bosinsas, and at ) V) p. m. adjmrued nntil to morrow. mr bland's i-lans for tomorrow. After ineutioniutf various times for the closing- of general debtC on the seigniorage bill an 1 obj-ietion beiiu made. Mr. Bland, Itiawort, gave no tice today tfciit tomorrow morning be would ask the nouse by a vote to de -termins some limitation to debate. The entire day was occupied in con siderina- the bill. Messrs. Rawlins (Dem.. U. T.), Latimjr (Dem., S. C), Simpson (Pop.. Kan.), Roathr iD;m. , La.), Enloe iDnni.. Tnu ), and Itooi night iDem .Ky spoke in favor of the bill, and Messrs. EendriS iDem ,N Y ). Bina-ham i R-r Pa. and HalliDein.. Mini i inad-t peches against it. At 5 05 the nous adjourned. STUCK ON THE SLUGGERS. Th FrseJjm of C'lt'.yhu.'.k Is Offsred Corbatt and Jackson. New Bf.dF'jRO, Mass., Feb. IS The Standard thU afternoon says that it is learnd that rich men who frnent the rock bonnd little island of Cntty hnnk, havs resolved to have the fight betwsen Corbett and Jakson come off there if money is an object to the prinsipals. Certain parties have been empowered to meet any offer mad by others ani "ifo them onebe'ter." The authorities of Oosnold, the town which enibraees the island, are said to be favonble to the project which, as it is becoming known, is creating great excitement in sporting circles in this city. As visionary as the scheme may sound, those wiio are most interested seem to havs no don'it that it can be successfully rarried out. SAID TO BE A CROOK. Harry .' m Arretted on Smp clon Has an Unsavory F: ! Ai.toona, I'a. Feb. 1". -Harry Dsan arrested, at Lebanon two weeks ago by chief of police of that city on rcqnct of Chief Tillard of this city on suspic ion of having been implicated in the robbery of Aksrs store and pottofflce at Dncansville, was bronght back to this city and afterwsrd f..nnd to be a well known crook wanted in many places, has sinee ben handed over to the United States authoritis. Diligent nlforts havs Wd made since bis eaptnrn to hunt np his antecedents thoroughly ami while many charges conld hava been proven against him, the United States authorities have claimed him for ths Dauansville rob bei y. e KILLED BY BANDITS A Mother Fatally Wou.vl'd Whit Try ing to Save Har Child. Havana, Fab. 16 -A band of band its on Monday last attempted to kid nap the youngest son of Honor Ilernan des, proprietor of the ''RogleUe" es tate tiear Minn Senora ilernandes intervensd to ssre her son. nnd clasped him in her arms, The bandits fired upon her, killing the child ami inflict lng wound upon the mother from which she died in a short ti mo. Another son had In the meantime procured a gnn and fired at the band Its. His sin was good and ODJ of the bandits fell dead. The others fled. j HAD CASH, BUT STARVED. Death of William Maorslth, a Phlladsl phla Mlasr. Fmi.AHKi.rHiA. Feb. 10 In tb equahd kitchun of his house, 1,2011 .North Thirteenth street, with plenty of money on his person, William A. Mai-rait h, aged f)0, died of starvation. He was uncommunicative and was re garded ns a sort of recluse by the neighbors. It was not iced that the snow on the sidewnlk of hir prop erty bad not been removed and a col ored man wbo works in a store at the back of Macraith's outtuge, notified ( 'Hirer Leffiirts. and he entered the bouse this morning to look forth dead man. Lying on the dirty mattresses in the foul room was th dead body of Mac- riita. Due hand whs over his pocket book, which was in his coat pocket and contained JUL1 '.'I! H-neath hint w;ih part of n loaf of bran bread that had either been nibbled by himself r by rat, in iht kttohan ennboard were found several deeds to properties, in surance pnltolat ani doenmtnld Dr. Sidetiothaiu of the coroner's of rice inclines to tho opinion that th man's appearance indicates death from tarrattoa :m THE RESULT OF A CONSPIRACY. London AnareliUta Are Thonabt to Have Bjoii B.ek of Henry. Paris, Fab, 10. Il U believed now that the outrage comiuiU -d by I'.uuU tfanry at th oat of the Botal Ter mlnai on Monday Bight, when twenty tour 'rsvus were injured hytno exilo ion of a bomb thrown by him, wis a part of a vast anarchist oonsptraoy It is thoaaot that the plot was prepared in Loudon, and that tweaty-three m a, amout: th ui Henry, were MslfOtd to execute the ou;rags. Banry has ooufaastd that he held eonavnleaUon with Dr Pent Ettoltu, for whom thr police bare been looking for u long time in oonseqoanoa of his alleged COMMOtloO with V lillaut. SITUATION AT PLYMOUTH. The Continual Fallot Rock Interferes with the Work of Rescuing the Buried Miners. Wllkes-Barbk, Fab. IB, There are 00 new facts reardiug the terrible ic - eldent el the Qaylord mine In Ply month einea venter lay. The rescuing party are vlgoroosly pushing the work of trviv.g to reach the thirteen en tombed men, and everythmg possible is being done to unearth them. The Situation, as it is, is exciting, as the men at work ar greatly hiudred In their progress through tho continued fall of rock an I c il. Up to this even ing vry little of t!i debris ha, been handled, though reports ur circulated that they have penetrated through 400 feet of solid coal, which is not true. A plan was adopted tonight by the mine officials to enter th No 4 work ings of th Delaware an 1 Hudson Coal company adjoining, If they can reach the eud of the gangway in '.this mi-ie wlier a huge dcor connects with the Gaylord workings, it is probable that the rescuing party may proceed to a point within thirty feet of where the men are supposed to be, an I should the sir course not be choke i up with debris from previous falU. they may find the men within the neXl two days. To say the Isast the work of rscii" party is attended with the utmost din ger. The G lylord mine has been squeezing on more than one occasion today and a number of falls have again occured. The situation as far as can be ascertained from miners wbo know tbss workings, is anything but en couraging. Another rescuing pnrtv consisting of 100 men was formd tonight. They at once went to work on what is known as the old mountain opening and it is firmly believed that these men in this particular plac j will make better head way through the fall than th men working on the lower end. Anotner fal; toon place tonight and six of the rescuing party barely escaped being killed. Superintendent Picton of the mine, whose son is one of the entombed men, became prostrated to lay, an 1 his life is said to be in danger The new rescuing party is reported to be making big headway, but there are no hopes of finding the men alive. The Gaylord mine is mined and can never be operated in the future. BRIDGEPORT'S RAILWAY WAR. Prop-ct That th Strug?! Will Ei din Difant of Strikers. Brii)ik(")Iit. Conn., Feb. IT -Fiv members of the Bridgeport Surface Railway assooistion withdrew from that organization last niirht. This is the host break in the ranks of the strikers, and it will probably bs followed bv more Two membsrs of the association wore expelled. It was alleged that tiny triad to cause dissat isfaction among the members. The officers of the association say that the remaining members are firm and pro pose to tight to the end. Tenight the association formally joins tho Amalgamated Association of the Stroet Riilway Employes of Amor ica. It is believ l that th withdraw ing members will apply to the Traction conip my for work ! FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. New fledford's whale fleet caught 2d of the monsters last year, against 1214 iu IW2. An extension of Virginia's local option Honor law was secured by the temperance men. Methodists dedicated their new Hook concern in Cincinnati with formal exer cises. From ea'ing wild parsnips Itobert, Perry and bis little eister, of Oaillpolis, ()., died in terrible agony. The I'ilgrini has been sold again, in Bos ton, this lime to be titled up ns,a tchOOBar rigged steam yacht. iJeep snows hsvn rendered possible the easy removal of Vermont timber to saw mills, and afforded lots of work for lum bermen. Boston merchants will vigorously con test iu the conrts the legality of the lease of tho Old olony railroad to the Consoli dated railroad. Itunk President J. N. Ban 100. of Chat tanooga, Tenu., who mnrdered J. u. Wert in nn elevator last, week, has been re leased on f o o o ball. Uoomptoyvd at San Antonia, Tex, will bKveii work restoring the historic Ala mos building to the appearance that It bad at tho time of the massacre. Because she kissed Murderer Hugh Itob bard iu her Infatuation, Mrs. May Kan nliiK. a widow, was dUUXMMd from the sheriff's olllce, at Imbuque, In. The. I. It, Montgomery rompauy, manu facturers ot cotton yarns at Wiuileor Lorks, ' Iinvn reduced wages in all purtiuente averaging IMX per rent; Tho board of managers of the Nan Kran Cisco Press club, has cited M. II. I)n Young, proprietor of the Chronicle, to appear ami show cause why he ahoitld not be expelled for unprofessional conduct. The jury in the case of August liergman, charged with the murder of his brother Julius, at Morristown, N. J., brought in a verdict of guilty yesterday morning, and Hergman was aeuteuced to be hanged on 1 Muroh W next. iflUlIC IFfflrtW if ui THE CONTRACT IT 0 TIESiM 111 II TOTE F 1 H GROW LABOR LAWS lininlnitloii OlIMals Are After Ei-Posliuaster Ut'iit'iai IrhiuDtker. HIS AGENTS IMPORTED LABOR Evidence Obtained in New York Shows That William Tlmmlnt, Bridget Gel- lagher, Hu(rh Feny, Lac.i Workers, and Owen Curren, Wood Carver, Were Contract Laborers Thoy Worked in the Laco Department at Wanamaker'a and Were Paid by His Cashier. Nl'.w VOBK, Feb. to. HP Immigration suthoritlai be li-ve they here a case of viola Hon of the alien contract labor law against ex Postmaster Gen eral Wanamaksr. Immigration Inipeo tor Wahle today took to Bllil blend on suspicion of being contract laborers, William Timmlni, a laee wsarar; Bridgat Gallagher, lac iplnner; Owen Carren, wood carver and Hngh I'eny, weaver. The four had oome from Philadelphia and were looking for thair baggaga preparatory to sailing foi Europe on Saturday next. Tlmmine, acting as spokesman, said they had all come from Mlnnnduff, County Donegal, Ireland. Through oorreapondonee with the Donegal fn dustrlal fund, whose heaili'iarters are London, Tlmmini received a contract p iper for himself and bis three coin paniom providing that they wereV work for t'l a week each and board, and go to any partof the United States designated by Mrs. Ernest Hart. They signed the contract and received steam ship tickets from Liverpool to Nw York They arrived here on Dec mi) at Puila letphie were met by a Mr Wnitten, an 1 later put them at work in Mrs. Hart's lace department In the Wanainaksr store. Their work was of the exhibition or der and continued until a month ago, When Mrs Hart told them that they must return to Ireland Timmins said that their wages had always been paid them by Mr. Wansmaker's cashier, Mrs. Doyle, and that Mrs Hart wa hea 1 of Mr. Wanamaker'a lace depart ment. The examination will be continued lomouow. 1 u immigration authori ties say the are determined to prose cute the case. DEATH OF AN ANARCHIST. Martlet Bourdin Horribly Mang-lad by i v-. Carried In His Pocket London, Feb. 18 -A loud explosion was heard just after nightfall by the keepers of Greenwich park, about six miles from London bridg". A hasty search led to the discovery of a man mutilated and groaning with pain on the hilltop near the observatory. His legs were shattered I ne arm had been blown from his body and he had neen almost completely disemboweled As soon as he became conscious of tho keepers' presenee he begged them to help him or kill him He be came instnsible within five minutes and ten minutes after being csrried to the Seaman's hospital he died English snd French papers found in the man's pockets showed that he wa Martial Boordin, a foreign anarchist. A pe culiar powder in a package which lie had carried with him was not reoog nized by the police and it has boon sent to government experts for anlvsis. A hurried investigation of llmrdin's life in London goes to show That he was a member of a dangsroni anarch ist conspiracy, whose In. I details can bs known only after careful police work. He and his colleagneH fre quented th notorious Autonomic club in Grafton street, Tottenham Court road, and there, it is supp ise I, they hatched the plot which Bonrdin was to help execute by his contemplated act In Greenwich. DotootiVel have ben watching thA club bpUII aon- tantly as well as a nearby house in Windmill street, where many of the anarchist rfngees have lodged. The occupants of this house have been re oently in constant communication witli anarchists on the continent. Th lodgers in the Windmill street lions apnarrfntly discovered a few days ago that they were watched, anil sev eral of them vanished on the morning after the si plosion under th hotel Terminus, This afternoon n detective saw Bonrdlfl and anothr lodger enter the house together nnd come out half an hour later. The ii'.ideutilled lodger hurried oft aloae, and liourdin took a train for Greenwich. He oar risd with him undoubtedly the explo sives which cansed his death. Hour din's exact intention in making his trip to Greenwich has not biou ascer tallied. The papers in his pockets give no cine tn It, although th tirst Inference was that lis int'ndd to blow up the ob soivntory, but was prevented from do ing so l.y the premature explosion. II ittrdln apparently was about 'JJ years old His clothes were of tine texture and he had thlrtseu pounds sterling in gold in his pockets. -- - SCHOOL BUILDING BURNED. The Onsnnta Training Inetltutlon 1 Re duced to Ah. ( iini tlCiKiWN. N. V. Feb. 10, The state normal ami trninng school at Oneonta was burned this morning. The suhool was ofiened in the fall of I ' ' The building was ereoto.v at an original cost of 41 1 I nun which has since been too., ..; i additional appropriations for improvements, ami apparatus to about 1190,000, Ther were about 880 normal stu dents ami loll Intermediate studente lu attendance the present torm. SAVED FROM THE COFFIN. A Boy Apparently Dead Recover In an Undrtakr'a Hands. Qili.kttk, Pa , Feb. 18, An under taker came here yesterday to prepare for Initial Hie bodyof Nathan, the lit tie sou of Mr mid Mrs. John Kings laud, who had apparently died of diphtheria. When the body had been gotten reedy, ami just uh it was being laid in the casket, to th" astonishment of nil, sight ut life became apparent, end toon tho chili tmlltal u uougb, followed by n strangll tg lit Coniotouenoei looo returned, and the little fallow was put bad; in lie I and immediately beg in to Improve, litis now considered out of dinger. . i , DEFRAUDING UNCLE SAM. Valuable Impiiied liora Ratd at Low Ptioca to Avoid of Duty Boston, Mass., Feb, 18 -The special agents of the treasury department for the district of New England believe they have unearthed a gigantic lohems which lias been worked with success to defraud the United Stales govern ment. For some months past the Officials have beau at work securing evidence sgiiiuit certain people who were inspected of importing valuable horsf-H from E iglund in violation of the customs laws. They were lueceetfnl iu running down the first case about a Week ago, when thoy seised avaluablo unregis tered stallion nt Bsngdr, Ms , for UU del Valuation. Th" horse w is entered at the port of Vaneeboro, If., at 10 by V K. Bennett, claiming reildenae in Topeki, Kas. It is estimated that HUD valuable horses are imported from England an nually, nnd Special Agent Smith claims to bave conclusive ovidonoe ibat the government bus been defran led to n considerable amount by under valua tion which h is now investigating. THE SAUCY INSURGENTS. They Fire Upon an American Launch at Rio Janeiro Yellow Jack Appears on the Vessel. RlO Jankiko, Feb. 15 On Tuosdny tiigut last a launch belonging to the American cruser Newark took ashore from that vessel several sailors wbo had been attacked by yellow ; fever. The men were taken to the yellow fever hospital and the launch returned to the Newark. On her way back her course took her close to the anchorage of the merchant fleet. Lying among the merchantmen was the insurgent steamer Mart. The latter fired three shots at the launch, but all three were wild, doing no damage. The representative of the United Press saw the captain ol the Marte yes terday ami question el hiui as to why he bred on the American boats. The captain declared ,lhat be.did not know that tho launch was American. This statement, however, is not worthy of belief, a- the launches belonging to the American warships are easily dis tinguished from those belonging to the other warships and from other boats that ply about the harbor. After landing her ItcR sailors, the Newark, under orders of lisar Admiral Pentium, sailed for Montevideo where she will b disinfected. It is the opin ion of those who know what sort of a plac this bay is during tho yellow fever season that the Beet of warships ought to anchor off ( 'opacabanca, out side the harbor. -4 IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Among the postal appointments yester day were the following for Pennsylvania Christopher Denmark, at Lcouo, Bradford con nt-. Austin L. Taggart, representative of Montgomery county, died at his residence at King uf Prussia at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. t Snnburv. QoorKO Hal ties was ar- rosted charged with the mar lor of DeiOO tlve lames Barvei in July, lSKl at Syrn- cose, N. Y. While walking on his way homo last night, .John T. Johnston, of Entiiken, was overcome by me mien.' com ami sougni shelter in a stable. Me was found there this morning frozen to death. By the breaking out of molten Iron and doner at the Brooke Iron company's fur iihcb nt Itirdsboro, Calvin Bheelar, .lames l'..lts. .lames He. ei and Khun Keulei wen. seriously burned, siieeier's injuries may result fatally. The Wyoming valley was yesterday vis ited by another heavy snow etorin which commenced at nn reny hour. The fail In Wilkes-Harm was fully ten inches, while reports from the muni iy districts sav that in many places the snow is from twelve to seventeen inches d ep. brigadier General Richard W, Johnson, of HI Paul, Mian, and Miss, lube A. M 'arson, a well known School teacher of ( stasainpia, were married at the bride's homo last evening, (leneral Johnson is u Dative of Kentucky an 1 a retired ofllcer of the United States ai my. hi the case of (Jeorgo Slemnsn, a citizen of Huntingdon county, charged with de sertion anil non-support by his wife, who aine from England to compel him to sup port her after a (Operation of twenty years. Judge Siinonton decided that the liauphlu county court hi- no jurisdiction. The Medical club, of Philadelphia, this evening tendered a reception ami dinner at Hie Hotel Metmpolo to Dr. II. II. Mr. t'ortulck, of Wllllsm-port, president of tile Pennsylvania State Medical society, In recognition of hlsell'orts and success In securing t DC passage of lle bill providing for the appointment of a state board of medical examiners. -4 CAPITOLCORRIDOR CHAT. HOW THE BONDS W L tie The First Lot Daliftrsd l tin Treasury Irons (lie Motor Today. THE DESIGN IS ENTIRELY NEW No leakage is to be allowed on reimport -ed whiskey. The llrst annoiineed midday reception at the white house yesterday was largely at tended. Congressman lliitoh in confident that bt will bo able to get bis anil option bill through the house at nn early day. Orpteln t). T Beol, who bee tho distinc tion of being the only medical storekeeper In the army, will be retired on the rfitli Instant, ami the olllce will then cease to ei 1st.. Jerry Simpson will shortly introduce a lull authorizing Labor ( onimissloner Wright to Investigate the workings of the single tin theory as applied to a certain section of a city yet to be aelecteil. The Lighthouse iosrd wnnts tho 10,881 spent yearly In lighting the statue ot "Liberty Kiiligkleiiiug the World" di verted to more Important work, as that light la ragnrdnil as porfectly useless as a beacon. ' i Postmaster llisssll opposes admi-iaion to the mails as socoud-class matter periodi cal publications Issued by or under the anspices of regularly incorporated benevo lent Kocietins. orders nod institutions of learning. A Number ol tho Mew Druids Received from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Thoy Will De Issued in Denomination of, $f0, SIOO and SI, 000 A Remarkably Handsome Series. V7A8HSNOTON, Pub, 13. THU first installment of the new bonds now being printed in the Bureau of Engraving and Print ing was received by the treasury department today, and consisted of 1,600 $1 000 coupon bonds. The design of the b mils h entirely new, and win le leas ornate than some of tho other issues, is in excellent tat- At the top and cantor of the bond proper is the vignette of Thomas II. Benton, winch is repeated in smallur lise on each of the coupons. Oa the corners and sides are the usual nu merals indicating the denomination of the bond. On th right end is priuUd the treasury seal iu tint, and across the fsc , also in tint, are tlie words "five tier cent." (hi the left is the embossed seal of the treasury. The signature of J. Fount Tillman, register of the tress ury, will DO printed instead of written, as heretofore, ami before the bomle are delivered tho initials of A T Hunting, ton, chief of the loans division, will be written in the proper ulac The bonds will Iw ... i.i iu denomi nations of foil. flOD and if -, At tached to the lower edge of the bond proper ara the forty coupons, each rep resenting the interest on the sainu for three months, thoeeof the $1,00U bonds calling for $1'.! SO, payable on the first day of May, August. November and February in acii yar. Across the face of the bond in engrave 1 scrip is a statement of the act under which the issue is made ami the provisions of re demption, payment of inter -st, etc. - MADE INSANE BV LITIGATION. John Moet-r. Worth Million. Law. .1 Into a Hadhouaa. llA.I.ETos.Pa . Feb Lri John Mossr, nephew of Unckbardt Mosor, whiaJ es tates are said to be worth some 000,001). and claimed to bo illegally held by the Lohlgh Coal ami aviga tion company, was this evening remov ed from his bom by ofti;ers, he having become violently Insane. Litigation between the Moser heirs and th coal company has been kent up for years and a decision is now pend ing before the Schuylkill county courts Brooding over the estate he believes lie should possess, is said to have af fected Moser'a mind He is in poor circumstances and will be sent to the almshouse tomorrow. . .- EXPENSIVE FIRE AT COLUMBUS. A Wholesale Dry floods House Goes Up in Smoke. COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. IS -The whole sale dry goods House of Jones, Witter & Co., on Fast Spring street, together with several small tenement houses, burned t hie morning. Th loss is es timsted at MO,OO0 The tire originated in the beeemont o! the dry goods store, probably from the fnrnsce, and it is thought smouldered from last evening, aa clerks in the house then notified the watchman that they.smlied sin ke Joseph Itsrgiuan, who owns a small hoiie adjoining, barely escaped with his life lie was asleep in the building when found, and hud just esciped when a falling wall crush.' 1 his hotw Three firemen were severely but not fatally injured. 4 THE ORP.iAN SCHOOL WAR. Interesting- Developments Promised at Hi - i' onu s., 11 Meeting; Tomorrow. BaBRTSBURO, i'a, Feb. 15 The meeting Ol the Soldiers' Orphans Schools commission tomorrow night promises to be decidedly interesting. It is stated that one of the members of the commission charges thai bribery was attempted ill regard to one of the sites olTred for the State Industrial school, which charge is denied by the person accused, who in turn alleges that the member of the commission who makes the charge solicited money for his vole. The whole matter will bo ventilated. MINE WORKERS' MEE1ING Oflioer Elected at th Convention Held at Altoona, Altoona, Pa , Feb. 15 -The conven tiou ol delegates of District No. 3, United Mine Workers of America, ad journed today A resolution WM passed favoring a general strike of all miners as soon ns possible, but opposed local strikes. These offiOCri were elected : District master workmen, Thomas A. Bradley, Lilly, Cambria countv; viae president, J, V. Henderson, QoUtSdelc, Pa. ; secretary-treasury, T. R Davie, lieralto, Jefferson county, 'these with W illiam hiigan, of Osceola, and Frank Richardson, of Hustings, compose the executive hoard Convention adjourned to meet here in February, IHllj. - FIGHT WITH THIEVES IN A CAR. Bold Attempt of Two Negroes to Rnb eTsicsnsjeiSi CBIOAOO, Fob. 15. -Two negroes made a desperate attempt to roh pas ssngnr on the II III) o'clock train on the Fort Wayne road soon after it loft the union depot last night, .lint ns the train was about to cross the bridg at Sixteenth street where th engineer la n quired to run slow, the negroes entered a day conch. A BSSSOUger who was In a soatnar tho door was struck by one of the men u violent blow on the bend while the other began to go through his pockets. A dozen passengers witnesstd the assault and wwnt to the assistance of the mau. The two uugroea nourished thnir revolvers and lirod several shots Into the top of the csr. Twaj of the paUOngeri then drw revolvers and Bred at the nugroes, anil it is beiivd wonnded one of them. The negroes tlnui spiling off the train. -e CONVENTION OF MASONS. Olli :ir Heeled ut the Maallne at Har u i. i Yasterdav. 'Habrisbdbo, Pe., Feb, LC, it was i o'clock this morning when the im portant convention of Royal and Selected Masters of Free and Ac cepted Masons adjourntd. Those Officer! were elected for the eUBUtttg year: (irand master, Joel S. Eaby, Lan caster ; deputy grandmaster, William T. C'areon, Norristown; illustrious grand master, H. McKillipi, Hlooms burg; grand principal Conductor of work, Thomas Miltebough, Wiiiiams- port; grand treasurer. J.i.uss Drown, Pittsburg! grand recorder, Joshua A. I, via, Lencoetor.! There were representatives of the higher masonic bodies from many cities of the statu. THEY ARE IN HOT WATER. Members of the Connecticut State Democratic Committee Accused of Violating the Assessment Act. Washington, D. C. Feb 15, Sev eral weeks a-o the Democratic state Central committee of C 'nneeticnt issued a circular addressed to the fedsral and slate ollicers of that com monwealth. The circular requested fluids for campaign purposes and car ried a graduated assessment of from H to 10 per cent. aceorJiug to the salary rscoived by each oQoieL With In the pat few days copies of the cir cular have been laid before the civil service commissiou. Commissioner Roosevelt is uow collecting information regardiug the personnel of the com mittoe, whether any of its number are officer ot the government, and the metliol of distributing the circular. The iasuauce of such circulars where the purpose is specifically tor political purposes, is punishable both by fin and imprisonment Tne law is very specific. It states that no employe of the government shall "dirctly or indi rectly solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any as sessment, subscription or contribution for any political purpose whatever from any person receiving a salary from the Uqited States treasury." One of the members of the Connecti cut state central commitee is Henry tioddard, th United States collect r at Bridgeport. While it is not charged that Mr. (ioidsrd sent out the circu lar, bis connection with the committee makes bim amenable to the law, and Commissioner It losevelt is piloted this morning assaying that the commission had a clear case against Mr. Goddard. PRINCE COLONNA WINS. Dectalon of th French Court in Hie Wife's 8uit. PARIS, Feb. 1". -The Fourth Civil chamber has declared the French courts incompetent to try the suit which the Princess Ootonua, daughter oT Mrs. John W. Mackay, brought Hgaiust her husband, Prinoe Colooua, for a legal s-'paration and the custody of her children. In addition, the cham ber made nn order giving the children provisionally into the custody of their lather. The courts decision is in favor of Prince Colonna, who had maintained that the French courts were incom petent to try the case, on the groun I that he Wai an Italian citizen. a POOL TOURNAMENT. The Scianton Player Still Lsds in the Great Gamaa. PbILADILPBIA, Feb. 15 -In the pool tournament today, contrary to expecta tion, Wilson gave Keogh tho hardest game he lias yet played and at one time looked as if he would win. The score wa: Keogh, tSO; Wilson, 184. Scratches, RoOgh, 4; Wilson, 8 The game between Sherman and Dougherty was for blood, neither man having previously lost a game. Sher man led from the starl, playing a steady game and taking tew chances. The score: Shrman, ISO; Dough erty, 00. -ay GROW AN D M'KINLEV. The Ststssmen Given a Royal Wtlooms at Oil City. PlTTSBUSO, Pa , Feb. 15. Uovernor HoKtnley, of Onto, and the Hon Oal nshe A. (I row, Republican candidate for congressman-at larg, were th visit ors of honor in Pittsburg tonight. At Oil City hall they were given a royal welcotne.and nevr before did that his toric place hold a larger or more en thusiastic gathering. Governor htoKtnley was greeted with deafening OBOCM for "our next presi dent." Tho reception of Mr Grow was scarce lees enthusiastic The ad dresses of both gentlemen were fre quently interupted by applaue. 4 DEATH ROLL OF A OAV. Miles O'Brien, aged TS, a prominent and long-live resident of Herui.-uitown. Mrs. William 3. Magie.s'.l years old, of ntsebeth, N- wife of Supreme Justice Magie. J, S. t'arvell, lieutenant governor of i 'i nice Bdwerd Island, at Oharlotvetown, aged til. Rev. William Bt ronee, chaplain of the Indian penitential', at Jrtleraouville, lint., aged TO. IV-sod Assistant Surgeon James 1". Kee ney, V. S. N , on board the Hanger, nl La Union, Salvador. At Abington, Mass., Daniel 11. Dyer, aged H2, formerly of the banking llrm of John Monroe A- Co. In On ta Rice, Robert It. GK Huntington, the defaulting treasurer of the House llullding and I. oan association of Chicago. a WEATHER FORECAST. SNOW WAaniNOTOW. Fob. 15. Formmt for rViduy ! h'nr eastern Vun- ' syi'iiuiu, fair. ooMer, aorrAwesi iwiuiSi esofrner Sioturetov. t'r wtttm AnNeuivanto, yhfr, sxeocpl mom ylurWi aerir utt IoInl oofder in aoftaerw porffofta, a or tA toast wiuu. FINLEY'S Tuesday and Wednesday (February 13 and 14) We will offer all Odds and i-nds accumulated in our LINEN DEPARTMENT During our Reduction Sals the past week. Short lengths Table Dam ask, from 1: to 4 yards, at prices which make them intrinsic value to the purchaser. Napkins, in both sizes ' and. 4) some patterns of which we have but half dozen, will be offered at very low figures. THREE SPECIALS (TUBSOAl AM WCOKBSDAl), IN Damask and Huckabock TOWELS 10c, 18c, 23c Having no more of the Cherub Quilts, we will offer the Marion 11-4 at the same price 95c. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. IHE GOTTI PERCHI & RUBBEB mm FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS. .V BCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tunned Leather Bel "dag, H. A. Kingsbury ADFA'T 813 Sprnce St., Scraoton, Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Reliable Footwear. flit m Feet of every doscrirition fitted at Lewis, Reilly & Davies. Will oloN ovory ovonitiii nt 1.M XOOpt SRtuniay. We Examine Eyes Free of clmro. If a doctor il needed yon are promptly told ko. Wo also gtarantee a per ieei tit. WATCHES XV COST tor one week only. 1 . 11 ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE