TUB SCBAHTON TfUUUJViC- l UT KSDAY MORNING. FEBHlIAllV 15. 1894. 5 Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiuitsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinu f Pipe I Valves Fittings THE SCRANTON SUPPLY ' AND MACHINERY CO, i IIUIIIIIIItlUllllMitllillllHIIIIIIIllir IS MANIFESTLY UNFAIR Qmeril luuget B, E Itwt litenlawad at Leiigtli uu Mt i.i' VERY PRANK IN HIS SlAl EMENTS Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue . - f 1 Lackawanna THK 5C8 t'enn A4. Laundry Very Choice Line of WASH GOODS .NAINSOOK CHICKS 1)1 Ml n H A HZ ATI A DOITED SWISS Sateens ni GINGHAMS, HEARS & HAGEN S, 415 Laeka. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Wtodow Shades, Draperies. Mat tines, Rues, etc. WILLIAMS & McAHULTiA 1 2 7 w yomlng a v . UTY KOT& Thara win on a beana m toe sjmi habeas corona cim m 2 o'clock tbi after -aoca before Judge lianster ic.. Ly 4 j'iiMtij iiWuffl a at tacbment execution arfsiast 1. noma i nd Fnie JIcGowtn to recfsr , debt ol M n Tain 47am( ta-ir trig w a of biisk.se bail oetwenn fltrstou aad Scrao ton fft "r if so i Chruttea aeeocia Koq. A.lm.Miuq fr To Ijidwe' A.d . .- , so i.m far . hnrcn will a supper tunigns frjm 1 to S ccloca. af:r w&ich tne Upworth League wii, ji?-: (re n Mr tain meat. Mm arnv. . win meeti La Ben uar-Vat tha Aodm Jf M laic chre tog. Toe play h.sa b-. -:- . . . -. , i.,- ,.. bvfoi's ant . fait wen tu.,su to theater JiStt in tbt city Ad er.teruinu.nr.r, ,-..! poerc 1041 will be fio fey me "DMrtefe Skull if lab id lb ProT'.denon Mstbodl'. Episcopal char :h tomorrow 7nin(f under tbe direc tion of Mrs. William Bngnr Admission will r.9 U cents. The Mttfel Attned Epamia AVadW Mil be printed with pleasure if the writer will ige hie real Same or asjtoafcatfen. Tax TJi' i 1iir to re en.pbaaue tbe fact toat it print ao communications, what er, oyer a pseudonym. A sper.ai train win iea? the .-ie Fork. Ontario and A'eate.r. d. pot Friday, at 10 M, for P-.yetelle; rstiraeog, will leam rttMlM lI.3o.prri All wt.o ei.j ,y the pUaatir of katii or leering will do w-dl to avail theiael74 of tow opportun ity. Tieket, 1 for ro.r.d tr,t, At Wonderlatid tvi7, Una on .w ar.d atorday Minar jh7i atock 'ornpatriy will praaent Dicker.a wen known ator of Oliver Twlat" In diair.errzed form I i$ Work beir.( don r.y the W onderland corn panv U of auf h 4 high atnr.dird that laVga AUdiencM are nftfhtly well pleaaad "Africa,'' Which will be preeented at the Arartero? of iluHic toriorrow ovening ,j 3eori Tbafner and tin excellent (Mi pany, li not. ae many perionn auppoa, a inlaatrel entertain men t ao'h aa Mr. TbAf bar t.a . been ao loon identified with, but ao extraraganza, aparklinK with bright aayluga and new and ;,,,..! t ,uf Tha Oipoy la a firat claaa on en ' a EXPReSS PACKAGE WAS STOKN. Matlooal Company la Aa.ia'1 to Make Good Ita Valo. Tln caie uf i'hilllpa. & Qq airaitint tba National Ripreai couipafiy w.te triad before Arbitrator A J , Walter brigg and F W Helta yua Urdar. On May laat Fhillipi He Co nliitil a box of gooda rnlu-d ut t; to John Datterton, of I. .it.n. by tho National Expreea company. Tbat ui(iit tliv ita tion at Laflia wai burirJarizad and the good coontcned to fiattarton atolan. Pbilllpa & Cot then broaybt ion to recorar tb price of the gooda from the Eipreai company At tho bearing yeaterday Attorney (iaorge Fack ap paared for cha pUintitl and Attorney J. W. Carpenter for tbe defenaa. ' e in Uualo Boxaa Szoluaivaly. Hut ii mil. Plav any detlred uumbar of tone. Qautachi & Son., maoufactnrera, 1(l80'beatnut atreet, Philadelphia. Won derful orrheatrial organa, only $i and f IU. Srxeclalty: Old mnalc buxe carefully re paired and improved with new tuuoj. . Beadleaton ft Woara'a and Ballantlne'a Alee are tbe beet. K. J. WaUH, ag,.ut, Lackawanaa avenue. M. - So.MiTttiN'i elegaot! The pbotoei at Oroyea', 4a5 Spruce atreet. II lilt' I .1 Im. o,.,.' i Iptil .ili..- II Will Show I lial 1 1 if Coiiip.in,' . liberal Policy la Not Anpr4iittd Qartaln Pnvilfjifs Will bu Alii Jj'.ulod Hum d t.'i Untlghthj Polaii. t'i'w uifen in thll city bava ihOWO lb liWral poltej that ha AOtQktfd QtQarkl Mklkga)f n-hor, ol tlm BotAB' tvMi rraOtlOQ v'.'intiaiiy. aitjo In ad vent ItBODIkl us. TwA notion 01 In ootttpanj fMtMdtvy In kgtMlni to M 10,000 toward Hie eOMtmoUoi ol the ptopowd kikdnot) li put knotbtji ptool Olhai ixkuipltk tm in offai of $.'.ood tothkoltytor the wldanlDg ol Niattoa atreet. and lit willmgiiem lo ooutrib Btk a portion of tho azpaute that would W iBOttNOd in ruiuoviiitt llitt pUrs tit Carbon itreat that inpporl thebndg ONtatBI o tho I'liit Brottk aloift NotwtlUklkndlnl lhaaaj and othki v btbiUoM ol $oo i w in ikara an pfrtwi iu the eompnnity kfho ik that the company i :!':'r no aquJVAlkOt for tha trMOhtkM that havo two granted t v the city It is aUo QMkd (hat tho itooktkhald bj ptrkoM itftoj outdlda the oily and the foVMQAk datlved are likowlw aspaudad abroad, In npbf t. tlo tlrt Objection tb faot li oiled that wlnu the twopla'aootupati) waaondeav oriug to iftVat a aale local capltalialt would act veuture hi reply to the MOOkd ObJaotloM Mr Archar uiakea tha ltktaUenta thkt are oraJited to huu tv'..'w mk tkcstu om nit; nu raZi It w Ol course not uoceaiary to state tbat Mr Ardicr ta luteiested, In a uteajure, lu thu oidiuat.ee ikw pand iu tvfore eontnoa oonnsll, and It we to aacettaiu h'. opthlOM ou the aub jecc that a Txttl St rapottar rllltad uitu at hit oft.-. yeaterday. Atked tut opinion of the Ordihknoa, he raplied "I do uo: kuow vhathar OOBlolll are sincere iu tbat matter or not. I have u;u s'.vstu to understand by aoine ir sou that the iatrodnottok ot thoordtn UaM was iuteuied to put at least one ot tbe uivtubcrj ia an embrriing po ittioo, aud there is record ol a similar occurrence $jm time ago, (or the saute purpose. "If tha ordinance ia introduced iu good uith I bave no hesitation iu net iug that it is ataaifaatly unfair at this time, and I have lesa hesitation iu lay tag tbat iu ctse the or iinauae bicomea operative aud tbe company is obliged to pay tba tax, 1 as tbe representative (la, company will ce obliged to de prive tbe people of some of the advant jjs they bave beeu enjoying dnriug tbe past year Do not understand tbat L make this as a threat. It is not iu tec lad as inch, I consider lucb a tax as tbat contemplated, an warranted, and if it is impose! tue public gener ally, will not censure me for seeing tbac the tax. if it bj pail shall not come direct frutu the company. Toi s a mere matter of business. "To make my meaning mora clear.' continued Mr. Archer, "let me say i'bie company ia paying far more than an equivalent to the revenue tbat would ax derived from taxing the pole jl conrsa it is nut paid to the city direct, bu' tbat class of people wbo stand noal in uead of it, tne work ing men and women of tbe community, are .wmng tbe benefits. Tne benefits I refer to are tbe radaead fares, wnere by tba poorest can aff ,rd transporta tion wnan necessary. ' kmms ukpwa is Moot As proof of the statement male above Mr Archer, after a carefal perusal of tbe paasangar receipts accauata for tha sail "Lioriag las: year 907 180 v .rii-g people hare bean carried at i cents each, a saving directly to 'rse people of 4. Wi.-iG There have laM Cen transported Pi, 940 icbooi cnii'lran and taaebeTs at is; cent aacn or a saving to tbat claaa of f3.VjS,oU Dnric tba same period tha number of free transfers tbat had been md by tbe peopl-i was 1, '.' 47 1, abowinir a saving to lha people of f,t.8Ti W Tbii makes a grand total of $M,M,10, and notwithstanding thll very llber.il pol icy i am plea-td to state that there has been a small increase in the gross re ceipta of tha company. "When Team to Hcranton and be can conversant with ita method I in formed tbe officials of onr company that the citizens generally aeems 1 dll poaad to allow fait treatment to tha railway compiny i also further in formed them tha, it would be poiitif, to abow liberal apirit in their treat mentin retarn. I was advised to use my own ligemant in tne pramlsea and I have not lost an opportunity of showing to the people that weappra ciated their friandaliip and were aolici ton for therr wants. "It may ie argned that if this liberal ir, afa of traatTient Were abrogated the company woold be the losr There is no likelihood of snob, a contingency, for more than two thirls of the people would have to atop rtdlog entirely be fore there won) 1 bj any appreciable loaa " Speaking of ex peridltnrea. Mr Archer said "Hi nee ita acquisition of the property In this city tne compiny has expended IMO.OOO. Of this amount mora than pWO.000 or tl.WO a day has basrfl expended In this city, tha bilance fo( electrinil machinery and inenta louring that time the com pany "dally average of men employed wA 2t and the system at this tlm givtn employment to more than '!'JH Ban IHK fAfiM A KK LNSIiiniLi, "lint, Mr Archer," iusrled the re porter, do you not agree that the number of polea eracted in the city la in atly Iu of what la riqulred and that they mar more or leas the city's beauty? ' "1 do There egg le uo denial of that fact, but the rmdy daaa not lie In taxing the point. While I do not with to lie . : i . . :J , bnlrig untluua to dictate the policy to lie pursued, I would anggaat that the propar remedy for exiatiog conditlooa la in the paa ange of an ordinntioe cotiipelliog nil the pole lutereats In tbe city to nseaaiiigle or double line of poles where wires are now run, and IttOO n courie would decraaae the number of POitg in many placai more than M per oent. For instance, one block on I, ackawannu avenue ha twenty aevon poles, when at the moat five on auber aide would sufilce. On many valuable cornen there are groups of from thrne to five polea, when n aingle one would fully accomodate all the interest repre aented," As the repirter rote to take his de parture Mr. Archer aaid: "1 want it distinctly understood that 1 am making no plen nor do 1 want any auoh con struction to be placed on what 1 have said, I do not hesitate to say that 1 consider auy tax an imposition, in view of what tho company has done ainoe taking charge of the lines in this city In addition theta still remain to bs built about twelve mile of track, must of which, it is expeuted, will be con structed during the coming season." in . - FEAST DAY FOR BOOK LOVCRS. Ona Hundred leti ut tituuiiaui Authors ou View Saturduy. A Hbaral iupplj ol Part B ol ih' World's Pair portfolio was received yesterday. All oWUfl will bu tilled at once. All uuiubtirs of the "Trip around the World" from 1 to ;u are in rendinuaa fur the purchaser Tha pot turn tllUltraUya Of MM Hawaiian la laudi and affording an loilda vigw into th manuara and outtotai ol the laud of ex Quean I. Ill, will be ready iu u few da) a Tho diMiiaud for Hie hand some proof etchings continue mi abated SpooilueiiH may be neon at an) llltli', Hint nil In. pill Ins will NOklVI prompt attotitloii V have dnoldod lo lual.K Halunlay a rare bargain day for Tuim HI ragd era. It will ba dtVOtkd tspeolally to Ihe ghlbltlag aud aaln ol auoh lliivly lUuatratad roluraai a "Atnarloa uius Irnted," the Viitiim Ait (lalleiina, etc, Whlla as a iprulal feature, 100 ipleudtd latl of tan. laid authors, lu magaltloant binding!, will h utuiiy karraggad around tha builuaaaoAoa so a to facilitate InipaotlOO and pur ohuae Ml the itttUdard HrlM will also be tot aal on tho uoiial teruis, and adding olio tli I ii to another, it Will ba g veritable feuet day for book lovers. a BUKULAKS ON THE WEST SIDL They Atteot an EnlranCk Into the Stjro ol Joaopli A. Mf.ii-, on South Main Atomic. The itore of Joseph A Meare, the OOUth Maui aveuuo grooer, was on tered by burglais at au early hour yes 1 ter. lay morning This is the second time within a law I mouths that the place has boon forol bly entered lueaday Olght the invaders made usj of the tiro escape ou the rear of the buUdiug to allect an entr.im'o. They ascended the iron ladder of the ! escape uutil they reached u rear wiu- d IW, A pane of glail was removed, , i tbe oatoh was imtasteiied and the win -I dow raised rha otfi.-e was'etitered nuil the drawer Of tha d-sk brokeu into and $; iu cash I , taken. The money drawer at the cash I Ideak, which il situated iu tho middle I ; of the itore. was also burglurusd aud 17 in small change takn therefrom. I Much of the goods ou tbe counters were lausacked. but nothing of value tl missed Tue exit was made through the cellar 1 as the door whtah was bolted from tha , inside waa fuuud open. The discovery . was not made until the clerks entered 1 tbe store for duty at 3 o clock yesterday mooning. No clue as to who the pcr , petratora are has been obtained, A ' party of young men were arrested, but j they provad to be tha wrong persons. .- . AN CfljOYABLf. EN I" E X I Al N M E N T. It Wat Given by tha LtdieV Am liary at i the R B V M. O. A Bioms. The Ladies' Auxiliary gave a very enjoyable entertainment at the rooms of the ft R. Y M. C. A. ou Licka wanna avenue last evening The fol lowine programme was reudered Piauo Duet, Mis,-s TliDUipscu and iurnsnv Tenor Solo Arthur Van UorJer Baritone Solo Archie Hazlett Recitation .. Clint P. Drum Violin J-oio Miss 'Jerievieve A Hazlett i Vocal D'let, I Arthur Van Qordar, Miss Bertha May cock Mela Qiiartette, ' Silently Stealing Away," Messra Van Oorder, liruni. Yost, Hazlett i Sjprano Solo Mlts Kine Brown Flute Solo B. W Neubauer ! Piano Si-do Mm EiBe Thompson ' ornetSolo Will Stanton Recitation CP. Dram Piano Do at . Minn riazlett and Bone Mandolin and Autoharp Duet Meeaii Xenbauer and Hazlett Quart lit ''Peter Peter, Puoikia Eater, Misses Brown and Maycick, Messrs. Van Oorder and Vost. Mandolin B)l0 . Kicbard .Neubauer AnVharpSolo . Archie Hazlett Instrumental, Selected. troeal Duet Misa Brnwnand Miycoclf antral to Solo with Plata Obligate. Mis- Bertha Maycock Flute Solo R. W Neuhauer SCRANTON VOLUNIEFR HitfM-N Thitr M if il Binah'. Aaanuiatlon a Proiparoua Org-anlzitlon Over 100 members of the Volunteer ftritnen Mntual Henefit aiaoolatlsg met nt Hanb'a hall last nvening. The aaavdation is composed of man who are or have been volunteer firemen of tiiis ity, and waa organized Jan I, I ii2 'Die objfki of the association is the mutual beiipfl'. of tha volunteer fir men of the city Whan a mmhr in good standing dies, hie family or neai aat relative ra-eivn 100, The meet logs are held ou the aacnnd Wednei. day of nicb month Au enhance fee of (I Is charged, ntcl an asseaainnnl of JO cents la levied at the death of a miBlbar The membersbip gOW mim hers 2-13, and new names are added at each meeting 'I he native wurkets are sanguine of making nearly every person who la ell giiiie a natubar, a oonuiUtag is ar tinging for an attraction at. Die Acad amy of Music in the neat future, with pi uepecTa of aiu caaa 'I lie nlli 'era for the enauing year ate ,1 (! Kime, president, Joseph Mtewnrt, vice president , K. W. .wlemaii, seem tary, A H Si in i a 1 1 llnaiiolal aeoretary , P. ,. Hlckev, treasurer The mat meeting will be held on Kab. 39 korattton'a Buslntki Intereats 'I hi 'I Rtau.ar, will soon publish a care fully compiled and claaalHed Hat uf the leading Wholeealu, banking, tnainifaclur hilt and profeeelniial intereata uf Bcrantnn and vli.lnlty. 'I he edition Will tat hound In book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure vlewa of uur publlo build ings, business blucke, atreets, etc tugethn with portraits uf Inailkig iltizent. No aiinilur woi k baa evi given an equal to presentation of Scrautoli a idhiiv Indiia tries. It will la' an invaluable cxpotltlon of our buslneaa reaourcea. HattiL tu pertoiia outside the city, cupiu uf this liatidautnn work will altiact newcomer and be an m. nun I advcrtlsetnimt uf thn city. Tkt ilri'U laUofl I on n plan Hint OAOnot fad of good reeulta to those enncerund at Well aa tin bit atlarse. Heprwieutotives of Tin Tatkoaa Will 'ill Upon TnOHR Ull ": SJAMCa arn hxhiiikh in this edition and explain Ita nature more fully. Those deiorlng vlewa of their resldenco" ' In this edition will plcaae lanve notice at the office. McBkipk h new Turkish bulb. Every thing new. AMI Kprucu street, opposite 'ourt House. e Anhauaer buach.Beer. I i Lohinau's, 1MO buruceat. t h males only. Conrad's hfeta, F AVOR BRIDGES The r.,-,i-, Cuuipdlii CommUtiu it i Lifjelj Attended Meeiiii,, WILL HAVR WATCHERS AT POLLS Eaoh w.ii d Qomrnltlaa lo Band i i lal ut vVatohark io tha i aai utiva Oom mittaa Damocratli Politician M.ik nil!, Li ioiiuiiiiu U.'i lac.itiini'. t)on- carnlng Approai ha i lo lha Brldkjaa, Oltlaani at tha Meatlng, Tim bridga ggnpilgu ootnuititaa nal last evening ut tbk hoard of trade FOOIM lnnnl.i i W. V Muy 000U pled the oha.lr. Naaily nveiy seat In the largo tooiu wai mvupio I, and from start to Botlh the iiiuntlug was ODf ol antnuitaiio mil auggrad wuii for propounoad (uajority in favor of the bridga appropriation! and a oouu qiieniiai greater Borauton It was taantlonad i ti nt. Dautooratlo polltlolan had been making impromptu declaration lu atroet cars, hotels and other publlo plaOa that llclltloiis op lions on approachas had tisnii obtaiuud ami whan iho taa payer wera called upon to tattla thn bridga Mill they would Qnd lha lull much largai than the appropriations oallad fur Tim nioiaiary rafutatlon of this penile in 'ins aaaartton ism tba oily olark'i i nii n where ih options arc on Rla, On tha nlopn of the bank oil the Bwetlnnd aetata the opllgg was obtain ed lor$l, 788,88 hut paafibly there may ba iaiight aooroaobiuaal to the extent of a few hundred d illara With this exoeption, the polltiolaa'a itatimaut urn ba atampad a false in every par tlculnr Thll vva at'stuled by Mr. Itoach and Mr I.. titer of thn opttou OOmmlt ten at last night's meeting 1.-th gen tlaman vouched for the trutbfuluaii of the figures as laauad In tho coininittea'e OlrOUlar, but douhtimz ones can aatiafy ihems.ilvos ou uppllc.itioii ut the city olark'i offloa w ATOBBKa M TBI POI.LH At the previous Hunting a sugge' liou was tuado that watchers ha ap pointed for each voting district. It was decided last night tu have each ward 0 lunuitlee land a list of watch ers who will bs on duty to tha execu live committee. This body will obtain watcher's certificates for them. This move is necessary for on i particular lean hi The ballots as piintel hava tho "for or against bridges" printed at the foot of the Uepubltcau ticket and the park portion at the bottom of tha Democratic tlokat Now the natural inference would be that by marking a crokl iu the Republican circle the vote would be recorded iu favor of the bridges. Such is not ths case. Tha crnis "X" must b marked in its proper place in the "bridge' portion of the ballot This question ha lietn placed in the hands of the executive commit tee, who will try and have tne ballots arranged iu a more comprehensive ma uoer. Mauy ol the ward comtnitUai have designated u man for each block in the wards. These men have been booming the bridges and report gratifying sue cess. in THK BIX rn WARP. At the last bri lii election the Sixth ward voted against thl improvement as follows First district, 11 for, 78 again.si, Second distriet. for, 04 against. M. 11 Uriffia, Democrat, was present at last night's meeting and said the majority would bo reversed this time Another meeting will ba held Satur day evening. Altogether, the meeting and aenti menta expressed were most pronounced evidences that Soranton will have her bridge Not a voice , : .. t a doubt that tha appropriations would be de feated. Among those present were the fol lowing. Secretary D. U Atlierten, S. 8, Spruks, Simon Kice, Thomas J, Moore. Dr. John Boruett, William Hlutue, J, is Archer, Adonic. BuenzA, Thomas Brooks, QsjotgO Frable, M J. Donohue, Q, J Dubigg, Victor Liuer, I E. Roaoh I M Shotten, William Anderson, Victor Arnold, (Jbarles W Weatpfhal. C H. Pond. J H Farr. P, Rush, .1 J. Unar, 0 K Daniali, E. B, Robathan, Josepk Keller, Joiipb Mc N'ally. Miles QlbloBI !,. VIADUCT SEEMS ASSURED. Traction Gampinv 08"ra 10 0JJ as Ita Portion nf the Coat. tfayor Conuall was in a happy mood yesterday afttrnoon and he did not at tempt to disguise his feeling 'I ne ' mse it it all was a communion Hon that he had received during the afternoon, through QeOCral Manager Archer, from Mr i lark id 1'hiladel phli. who (a vice president of tha 00m jiany Mr An her repraaentt iu Ihia cily The letter w ia na follows W L OoOOell, Mayor of the l ily of Berautoo, l'a In Mi Sic Mr Atobet has fbt -warded me your letter id the sth (net t him. and in reply I beg t amend the prop wltimi uf the Bcraoton Traetloe apnipaoy m fol hiwa Thai thia totnpaay ag real topky toward Hi" ost "f the i nlm I mi I ackn raoni lyensa tQ,O0t this offai ooadi ti 'ual upon the baleneti nf th' mniiej being provided fur the cimileH.in of the wink,. Truatirui thai t Ins proportion vlll be satllfactory t ) yell. Iletnain, aoura Truly, . ' M I'LAIlk, H o rraelnaai Mayor Connell is now confident thai the viaduct ia atsurred It Is utidei stood that (latiet al Manager Hallatead of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Weateni Railroad company It favor nlil" p. the project and that he will use hi ftitlutiien with the officials of the company in New York to get au amount equally at large at the very veireroui donation made by the Scran Ion Ti action company. - WHY HFklTATF ( Do Nut Funllahly Walt Until Hit Cloalna Day PrOB the ii .in1 e. "of uamaa added daily to the long hat of aubacribera to (he Kncvcl(ip"i1fe flrltanntea. It la fair to conclude that tnere are many yet to come Why healtata longer to rail and give your order The reduced price at which it la offered, tnfalliar with the liberal termi of payment, preclude t h poatlbllity of anyone pleading poverty a an excuse for not furulaliiug iilmielf or bii family with this dnotunparable educational work You can afforded a 1 ii ti 1 of Knowledge which is nbsn lutely unavailable from any nthtr source twenty fire large volumes, over 'I'i.WO page mid about lU.OUH II Inatratioiii a history of eaoh and every country, anolent or modern ; a hlatory of eacb stale in the .union. tD KiHhrr with thn latest niap nf that country or state ; tbe life of every groat man or woman who has lived since his tory began ; all the arts and srlenci explained and illustrated; the hiatorv, nature and habits, with Illustrations, of every creature in tha animal crea tion, from bumble boe to a buffalo, lo gather with the description of every plant and llower iu the vogetable king dom. The president of Yale college has aald tbat it would rsqoir 8,001) vol umei from the world'a publication! to procure all this Information. With the propel use of the alphabetical contentn and marginal rofareucie and index it becomes the most convenient of Knoy clopedla. Not merely the lalient point! are given, but n full treatment of tbe tubjscf, rendering it u complete library in the home with tew book! You must have seen it friend's books, us hundreds Bgya bseu provided with them, and they can be aeon any tim et 1117 Hpruoe atreet. Od receipt ot fl oO the entire set will b delivered the balance tu ealy monthly payments The oiler must loon be withdrawn Hut a nhort time leinalii lu which to nvatl yourself of the price ami easy tuiuituf payment, which uiinnt tho securing of the wotlt - - - - ( (J MM 1 1 II t MUST HMKENCH. Ooatrerlei wtueayor BByi that Oatllva III I.I lie In... . city Oontrellet P, J w i im., .. i bm atlekoad the two tteetiBgi of the joint ealimalag oommittea ami bai hu a OlOia ohsii ver of the dellb ration of that body. To n TniuuNi. rp6rtaj Mr Wii inayer laid yeaterdny "There i no use in talking, the appropriations atktd for by soma of the various de partments must be unsparingly pruned I his is absolutely necessary if any new lurprOVOItteotl are contemplated The total estimate of lamhtlei for the yeai In ijrJ.ll OI10 While the aggisgstn of the appropriation! naked for is 84,000, WILL EMPLOY 1,000 MEN. William kdwaids, ot Mhiladf Iptna, to bitablitti a Uaage Tin Plate Plant iti Hie North End. llenja'miu Davis, of Philadelphia, huperitiin.li.nl of the Kdwarde tin plate wurki, vltited this city u few tiny a suo and Was accompanied by Wil liam F. Iwards, proprietor uf the plant. Both gentlemen were, while here, the guests of Reese (i Hrooki Their object iu vi. .nog Scran ton was in look ing up a suitable location for a tin plate plant. Mr. rMwarils Intend to establish an industry injhis city tbat will give employment tu about 1,000 men He left for New York yesterday, but will return in three mouths tu com pleta final arrangements The plant will be locate! somewhere in the North Kud. Mr. Edwards ii a sou of tbe largest tin plate manufacturer iu England. His remarks about the Wilson tariff bill are interesting He said that as a Brittibhvr he would favor the bill, but if be were au American he would op pose it with all his might i t r ItKSONAl WORKERS' IEACUF Will Bs Organized b Stat Secretary Hurlburt at tb V M C Ai After tbe prayer meeting in tbe var ions church lust evening a number of young men gathered to bear State 80 -retarv Hnrlbnrt talk ou "How to Meet Men." "It is astonishing," he sail, "how mauy men there are who are actually hungering for some otu to apeak to them about Jesus Christ Men who ere carryiug burdetied hearts aud grop ing in the darkusss nfiti light and life." Many illustrations wars given of the surprises wuich coins to thosnewbo, af tet great hesitation, have gone to ui'U aud asked them to become CbrlltiaOl Such personal seork i not a hard thing to do, but an exceedingly fascinating and interesting thing to tbe man Who etitera upon it. Tbifevebing tha last conference of tb SMion will meet at T 30 o'clock. whn Mr. Hnrlbnrt will give a talk on "Tbe Relation of the Holy Spirit to the Christian, and the Necessity for His Prssince in All Work," after which the question of organization will be die cnsild and tbe orgemtition effected. Stati Bircstary Hurlburt will go from here to the district convention of the Young Mens Christian association, wbicb meets at Totvanda. Feb. IS OlYPHANT SEWERAGE COMPANY. Aigumauta for and Agalnat Chartering It Haaid at Harrltburg. Argument was bsaid before the see retary of the oommouwenlth at Harris burg Tuesday with regard to ths char tering of the t Hvpliant Sews rage coin pany Attorney John II Colling appeared f. t the gentlemen w ho are anXtOOl to have the company cha item. 1 and At torney Itemuej Amertnan appeared fol thotl WOO oppose tbe proposed com pany. The secret! v ol the commonwealth decided to bold the matter umlsr ad v iseinent for a few days , - RAfTER'S PROPIRU LEASED. OoatffatM John Wllllann Will Bitot a .!' e en It i ObTrlOtOt John W ii Ua rented n portion of th" lot own! by John liafler at Walnngln avsnue and Lin den atreet for a t-rm of tea years at an annual rental nf 500. Mr William will erad a two-iioiy brick building which will be titled up for atniea and ofll Tea any efTorta bat! been made to pm chaae the property from Mr R ifler al high a prlci as I0 U.K) having hin of fcrad for II He pirlUteflfiy refuses to aell Hooka by Ravnata Any pei ton erdarlng ten or mori book at one time may hate them sent by vi press prepaid a 1 1 n i you aeen thetn' QfOVei pliotoes, ill Spruce street - Hi a new hat now, the styles ere tet Had, Hourad hna them: TOUGHS III TROUBLE Best Sets ol Teeth, $X.oo Including the palnleea extracting of teeth by an eiitlralj uuw pro IBjai tS. Ot Snyder, n. i ). S. inn m YOalfNU AVtt READ The new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7 It is the best one yet made , public. Tbe.y AtieDjpy to UitDaga ttju FrofldeQcc Line b! tbe Electric. hoa, TWO OF THEM WERE ARRESTED I hen Names Are John Uogliert and f humus Gallagher and They Re sult nt Providence Mayor Council UiucIl I hem Over for Their Appear -aiico at Court traction Company Determined lo Hrotect Ita Helroiii John liougherty and Thomas alta gber, both aged 21 and residing in ProvldOBOe, wr remsnueil by Msvor I 'onuell yesterday to await the action of the grand jury fur disorderly con duct, flghling and using obscene iBBg Okge in an eltotrlfl car of the Pro vi dence im- foraom time nat tbg raipeftabl patrons of the Providence line have com plained Ol tbl conduct ol a gang of tough indivldusla who, particularly in the night time, wonl'l smoke, swear light and use vile Unmiage In tha car and then jump off before they could b Apprehended If the two present cases are dealt with as they deserve by tb grand jury, a rare objsct lesion will be glvio for other knight or the prominent under. lip. Oallaghei along with a crowd of b pals began cursing and acting in a boisterous man iter iu a csr tbat had tartad OB the ontwird trip Tuelday bight, baveral ladies and gentleman iu constquspc were foreed to abandua tbe oar at bpraee street With tb assistant ,r aererel arew Gellagber and hie party of toogba were ejected at Mulberry itreet where they loon boarded tbe csr following and rode to Providence. liar boughei ty and itv eral "friends" got ou. and with tbu additlou to the Gallagher forces tbe whole crowd began their carouiali. tMi'UAX. tKE OWgkl.Eli'i. Tha Oondnatot and motormin wtte powerless to atop tbelii aud tbe melee got to u point where tha conductor wio being roBghly handled ly the whole crowd At this time two inward bound car were piasing withAsiiit ant Superintendent Powell aboard on of them. Mr. Powell assisted by tbe tbiet erewi extracted tbe conductor from bii poaition and then beyan tu pot to' crowd off the oar. A "bit a Lea-, wherever you aee one" eort of a fight ensued iu which tbe railroad men got tbe worst of it Mr. Powell then order ed the car reversed toward Proridence This move earned a stampede of the toughs, all bnt Gallagher getting away. Dougherty wai caught severe blocks away by Officer Haag No one was severely injured, though Mr Howell beats the marks of enndry kicks and biows Tbe company propose to puih tt. caae to the fullest extent of th law anc place the two a: rested in a poeitlob wbere their pals will take warning aci allow the lailroad people to decently transport their mote respectable col ititnthcy l'AX''I hEAP OR WElTt Some interest ii added. to the case la view ot the fact that Dougherty was but a mouth ago brought belo'n the mayor on a charge of being drank en l disorderly. Evidence thru showed him 1 up as a tough character. He could neither read no.- writ, bnt under prom isof a better career and to learn to read and write, th mayor die charged him with tbe warning that il he did not check his coarse he might soon stand before the county judge. The mayor'i prophesy cam irui and Dougherty bnnj hi bead In ebame when Mayor CotBJtl remindel him last eight of th advice of a month age BmhMt Award Meoai al J three dipkmaa bate brL g.tL tbe .. York Coedeoted Milk wtx pany for tbe superiority of its il-ai! I F.Ble Brand rondfnaed Mi Border. Fxtra. t of toffee and Vciweetfned Ccr densed Milk, exhibited at tbe Worid f Columbian Exposition t.e Coxrao the first to shew Spring bats NOW CROCKERY ! j J LNG I'loned out ou Boo t and riboi.-s, we will thin wti-ic otf;rwhat CBOCKSBT Wg bftrg nu hujjd ah folio Wl: Jj;nnfcrfsett worth 10 for 13.75 I Toilet Sets, worth to 75,101 . 1.90 l oilet Sit, worth t 75. for .95 .'upa and Sauce:, m; worth Toe ,ut 30 Praakfs.t Plate worth ?c , for .03 JJowlt, worth life , loi .05 Jiliwl, worth 10c. for .04 llow;, wliil 6c tot ' PUtWrt, worth ; for ) PlstUrt, worth y; t fcr M 'lb.? ptiOgg rll (.Jo; OUt 1ilJg ibtotk very quick, fyotj wwitJSLT jol it, )ou tittd bgttt! coixie ewa, THE Scranton Cash Store, F. P PRICE, Agt. .Dr. Hilled Son I Albany DENTISTS 11 teeth, gijfl. best aft, St), fol nM okja nc teeth waned plttta caUieo crow:, anl I SPf work aaO for jiricat auc eererlOe ToNaLOIA. lor iKtractiLi; Itl- vniKct paiL. N ether No gi OMIE HEM XAI1CKAL BANK. Huntington's HOME BAKERY. We have a large assort ment of PLAIN AND FANCY CAKES, ICE CREAM and WATER ICES i j Leave your order at 227 Washington ave., or 4)3 LACK A. AVE. PLUMBING and Om Ladti wanna aTenue TINNING, rag un" fa i his is ixpKtM i so i REPAIRING: Good Work Eureka Laundry Co. 126PENNA.VE. Honry Battin & Co. Cor. Linden St. ami MllM Ave. ooi Br KoBaa si a nr. All kinds of Laundry work guarantied the best. This Is Inventory Week. Small lots, in all departments, to close outcheap. Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 15 PER CENT REDUCTION. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.