1 THK SCR ANTON TJUBUNK- -TtfUBMJJAY MOItNI.NO. FEBRUARY 1 . 189f. SCRANTON TRIBUNE F. E. WOOD, Ganerai Manager- FcBLUBki. &it.r 4d iB.Ki. iji Borah- TOS. PA , BY TBS IhliiU.Nk. Hl'BlISUIXO COW TAX I Sew foil Offiob: Titiao.ii tnuMO, i i,an 8 Ukav. MahauKK. Sru.ii fiuj .Woil Aiarr.r THE SCRAN K)N TRIBUNE. BCfUtfTON, FEBRUARY IS, isw. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKtl FO K CO l iK F ss ai a H a r i . a uu I OALVSHA A GROW, On' Sl'Sll'EliAN.N A election February -io '3LRVJ NOfllH llltbUAY 04xttot toKiMty iHtyttoUitH tht yinmil thought 11 i.n mic "Tkt JHQptl ituwf u cMlll0l ait' ctctv u aif tf bast r'At'y niv Mltd p :ui ij7 tinA t idfU' J llfJUKtl.'li, PU l.llSJ-llU(J- iny. u'uf ' ftruct'ny, flMW'r(oHHIU miiintfon rAcii in)( not taKd M tututij-fow hour if thxy had n J ..,. il'ry 10 CaCJ (! U:vi ; i- hi i'i thm.tlvt$ uni( fA 0M((rnwx ( ataiv 0 iirnnirn(." I ante foi (.troto Mat tWMiCy MilW I u (eyji bWh fioa o far tntmlira fu siwi Mr .vn rra.r Avoiffot Mr cirow nt 1'usi.lav till b a vot of caiuurat ou tlio iucowa tax SCBAJ TOMANS .u a n to kuow whettmr gvrhal wirai caauot b placed saf ly ncJiirgrouad. A iUi for Mr Chow unt Tuii y mil b it Tot of iroteit ijiiiiiit fr traJs timei If THE nil nut sign m iutliuiiiti..,s naly iuuut posiaasiou luitmitl of loll. m: aaiu-r thou Dtmocrati would It I A VOtt for Mr tiCDW uext TmiJay II not to voU nt all, a voluntary dli iraucbiaituiuiit. Tuo other in to vote for Mr. Gfrchv. A vot for Mr. Han-, cock would lit a deliberate and grain! I hub bid for yet further busiueai de aiorallr.Atiofi and patilp fHOtl ft ii"t ii.m . lu W ho are reduod to the clutcblnK at itnuvs in nilu-breediiiK Wtlaou Ibl'l vicinity BtOMilty of ilefiMiss of tbo lull dtnve al i ftolll th j fact that the New York Euglnu-t inland Mining Joiltnal fauMeit Nova BootiaB coal could not coups t with our own It will tbil teebniual jjiimal, we believe, that teceutlrTolved a deadly oompt.t Ititt icbeiue baviuK tu view the iiupjr tation of Wullr antlnitcite A witn"iie caDablc of the latter dlu(too ii hardly qualified to give testimony on the Nova Sootlaa quentlou ranking in credibility with the teatiiuouy of ijiactical coul oiiator wbo have made dm. ..t pu eoual unm: into the free coal I . .i'i..ui The uiiuere of DWthtMtvra PeoutylvauU would, It It lilievetl l!ice more credence in the word of William Cuuuell, for InlttDOt, tbau they Wouhl In tbit ot a jounial,wbu!i, Int than a year HRO, atriouily opined that coal from Wale- OOQld bi im porttd W ae to undersell Aniericuu an tbiacite lu American market - - ' VOI t KOK MH HKOW bectuie he h an houeit man, because lit opponente cannot even lie eatiefactorily aOout him Because be U the trlend of American iiutmtry and Amttiotn labor. Bicau be doe not favor industry proltratita Htrlr tojiratify a theory. Btsaat b btlUve in au Lout dol Ur, uoitid by tbt btoatt faith of the whole Allien Jan govollimeut. became he blivo thtt every hou Ml veteran w entitled to reapctable treatment by the ru'.ar of the land be helpad to aav Becauie be favor the borne market aud the horns Workruan aoiDeJ to tht foreign markat and the cheap com petitive labor of European land. Becaute bt objsct to eaudiiiK foreign u. muter to friendly weaker power with itistfuctloni touiile to tbe "great aud good friend' ' face aud plot bahiud bi back Becama he I the exponent of the American system in tbe state which Will be a vote of protest against grata J gave tbe world the first note of Ameri- itjsi insult to blae. viteraus who wore tbe TBI BIST advice that caa be given with retereuce to uelt Taeaiay is con tain d iu tbe irarntog; "Doa't be a elan." PriUC laftlovialCNI II tbe watch word in every commaalty What kiol of a spirit la this tbat would cry "aalt, enough1 V'jT. :.!-..! Tuesday for sime method of "reformiug- the taritt which will aot put so much extra work upon the loap bouse industry. ffrm JuttM Allli candidly cod -IfeiaM thai he has ran oat of reason why he ii a Democrat. There are many Ailea in the country tolay. . . ItWIU he time to toe and rest m the matter of improving SwautOQ when craatun becomes perfect, bcran tco although near it. h not perfect yet EU0TI09 OAi this year in too many lmtaace will not need to .be made a Whole or half holiday. The Demo ratio tariff tinmen have already pro Tided for that. A.N IZPIIIIftllTAl adoption of the underground wire system in some of icranton's most crowded buuneys itreeta would co the best atragetu move ever made by the electrical corn paniea lu this citv. : - Mit WlLaOM I bill ehuuld be amended in tne senate fj as to lead "A bill for the manaiacture of Jericits, tne mutti plication of pauper mid tbe encour agement el general distress IntU .- no coal to speak of in No?a Hcotla. The Whitney syndicate is aim ply in butiaea for its health We know thi matt be true, because we have toil inclination direct from the ycdicate'i uwu organ Wild ijCSEAatu pvlice super li. u, new bridge, a hancliouii new park and eeviral impressive new baihliogs in proceia of construction, Soranton Will aoon look like tht progressive municipality tba't it is Bat the evolu tion into metropolitan iiimeiisi.n will bot be complete until tbe block pave - . ' come np an 1 tbe wires and polea dnwn A CVjuoVS lu2gstion of that most (nrioui of beings, the Massachusetta ;eforinr. iseinbodiel in tbe Dty bill, whish woald comBel ealooni to ihave ban ao built that only one person coald itand before them at a time Tbe ob ject, of coarse, is tu prohibit treating, bnt convivial uroup would atlll have teroorte to the large an 1 lu.ciou ''or iginal package." Tmoie uu Ma.t who figure mjat prominently and honorably in history ara the young old mm Ualniba A ttrow ia 03a of tbaa. Hie ezperieace reoommendi him to tbe aged, hi hait liog qaalitiea to tbe yoaug and hla principles to young old and middle aged Mate hi triumph Tuesday au event in history. fRuHiSSOR Thuiih.-,o:, the noted pro ttrctionist, baa been selected as princi pal of tbe Philadelphia high school. It will be remembered tbat he was recently crowded out of a University of Pennaylvanla profeaaorahlp beoauie of bia favoritism for tbe Auierloan ayatem of economics, which failed to suit tbe Cobden theoriata In the 'varsity board. Professor Thompson's faith In the home market appeara to b well vindicated. There H HO middle ground on the preaent Democratic state platform or in tbe utterance! of tbr present Demo cratic candidate, Mr. Hancock, for thoae former Democrats who believe in moderate protection, but yet do not like to aever political afaociatiooa uf long atandiog. Platform and oandi date are reciprocally blunt, bold and emphatic in opposition to tariff protec tion in any form wbataoever. There are only two course open to tbe con tinent Dimocratio protectionist. One can ladepeudince troui thralldom to British basse. British uijlel and British economic ld-as, Became, as a matter of hard, practi cal business seme, with Dimocratio incompetency fast rolobiog the stage of a chronic disease, the eltiien with wages to earn or profits to acquire can- iot.tnjuitice to himself, do otherwise. SEN AtOft CiHAY b APOLUCiY. Seuatoi- Gray marWel" a goo I au apo logist for Mr. Cleveland Hawaiian n iMO as Mr. Cleveland baa any rigbtjto llpect Yet the beet T tint ne can do is to branch off into a sdtiUmental detuar absolutely irvelerant to the fucts in the caSe. No oue can doubt the efftctlveneu ot a rhetorical uatbarst expressing the bdpe that "if ever the Auiericau peo pie start out on a career of empire aud colonization it will bs witta head erect and without tne breath of suspicion or diiboaor, intrlgne or low dealing." But. to have been entirely aprop s. it should have had some wrd of con demnation for tbe duplicity wbieh sends a duly accredited minister to a recognized friendly pejwer. with words of peace and amity on hu lying lip and a traitor'i hoitile purdose in his hoart , a minister profaae lb expression! of amicable intent toward his "great aud good friend" whom tbe secret instruc tions of a "coniecaated American executive couaruande him to plot agaiust, make the victim of low cm ning and, if it should chance, of the aslsisin'i stab iu the back. Senator (tray hadi room for lavnh invective in reviewing the course of ex-Minister Stevens as tbat course has been drawn by paid agent f the leen -restoring conspiracy Bat ha he no bra of rebuke for the systematic deceit, tbe prolonged Intrigue the indefatigable and contemptible double deanug with which the present representative of this republic hi Honolulu carrying oot the wiab of his employer in the white house, baa sooght to betray a govern mint by tbe people so as to re erect the foul autoeracy Q( tbe cast ott savage wanton? The demand made bj this incident upon cuckoo eloqneni a areauchas to inspire lympathy for any apologist, however earnest, gifted and z;alous. Of Senator Oray It should in fairness be aaid that be li doing the best he can. PENrsSf I VANIA'S PRbHERENCt Seldom have the Industrial resources and inport'anc of our commonwealth bean ao aptly anmoiarlzad as in the re spOoee of Lieutenant Uovemor Watrea to the routt, "Pennsylvania," before the Young Men's Republican club, of Wllllatasport, on Lincoln' Day Af ter alluding in eloquent fashion to the msmorabls progriis which the state bal inadi sipoe it became the cradle of our liberty, the speaker aai I BeglnnlBg Wltb thl Bret humble school boaie ereilld by Pain on the Iaelawaie Petneyltanla baa gfowa until today her hill and valleys are dotted with schools and collegea over each of which floats the star a'id stripes. Her fertile fields oo liUO.tlOO farms, well tilled by 300,UOU Intelli gent yeomanry, give au iiiiiiusl yield of ?'.'(, 000, OfJO. Her nntold mineral wealth loosened from its prison walls by the unity! but not always harmonious error t of capital and labor, bare brought th civilized world at Onr ft paviug tnbliti Heie nearly naif a million rnon employed in manufacture control oue-Ki-venth of the country' outpnt, giving an annual return of three qnartera of a billion dollara. in coal she produce annually in value mure Chan does New Hnuth Walea in sixteen year. Her oil held yielding yearly over aevuuty-flve mllliona of dollars Heem well nigh Inexhaustible. Nor is she noted merely fur mateilal wealth. Along all the avenues of progress aud developmrnt ahe has hewn most conspicuous. Tu Pennsyl vania A ii erica is iodi-bted for Its first academy, education its tlrst public library, navigation Its tlrst vessel moved bv steam for freight and pasxmKers. geography Ita first arctia expeduiuu, uiudlciue its Urtt college, Insurance its Hist company and journalism Its first deily paper. lu concluding, tbe 1 lieutenant gover nor thna volcid the popular preference that, next Tuesday, will lead every pa triotic Peunaylvanian whose eyes have been opened to the real animus of Democratic supremacy to vote aud work for Galusha A. Urow "luatead of the party which opens soup bouses Pennsylvania prefers the party which opens mills aud factories. Instead of the pictures of Mill, of Texas.Joue of Arkansas, and Vest, of Missouri, sit ting behind barred doors denying the people u heaiiug with iti'oreuce to legislation tbat which mit vital .. tffeCtJ every w-orkiugmaii in the land, i'euneylvauia much prefers to truat her Interests with the party which seeks nut todestroy but to main talu that policy of protection wnich insists upon perpetuating the diltereiico between the 'wages of linrope ami America led by u Mckinley Ot Etted By all the tokens of the past and by all the bright promises of the future Pennsylvania pronoies to staud tinnly by tier nllogiauc.'." ' n, MR. AROHER INTERVIEAfVID, Some lutriektiug tiguies ara given 1 Qlneral Manager Archer, of tbe Soran ton Traetlon company, lu th inter View, lu auothei . iluiliii. rslatlv.i to the pole tax ordltianea. Tue ktate iiii-iil that last year VJ7, IS J working men three-cent fares were collected. lOYOlflng an aggregate annual eonony to the labdrlnti clasteM of $,U3 63; that BB.MQ school ChlldrtU and teachers were cauied tinder tlio half fine nrraiigeiueut. utak iug anot hnr aggregate economy of 0,-.l)O. and that (04,178 M wai saved to pissenger through the l,OS6,47t! tramfiri given out affordi new evi dence of the company's liberality, which, as THI Trimi'nk has heretofore ahowu, is not surpassed ita any other city iu the i nited States The foregoiug rductious from the usual live cent fare amount altogether io aiwt'.'o ,o auuuaily Ai we Under itaud tbe peudlag pole-lax urdinaso. it wauld involfe tbe fraetlou om pany In a total expsme of i.'.oOOan nuallv. What will now be inquired of Mr. Afober ia whether to make up this 9,S00 tix he would re Iliad the whole $u l,lt Jo. 70 or on l so much of it as would pay the tax tf he were to rescind all these ooncei lions, the Traction comtnuy, after paying the f.'.o )0 tax, wonld have to its credit f 8 40. 70. or luftioient to make the pole tax ordinance a Very profitable inveitmeut for the company, if not an especially agreeable oue for the traveling public. The point of outral intereit in this couuiotlou is the fact tbat, if a tax ii levied, il will be paid by the people who travel on traction care, rather than bv the distant itockholdsri of thi com pany itielf. The Traction compauy already has its franchise, duly ligned, lealed aud delivered, it ii nut iu any present fear of serious competition. Therefore, it wonld seem to be of questionable wisdom for councils unnecessarily to encourage a feeling of unfriendliness between tbe compau.v and the public, lu which teel Ing the public seems bound to emerge the loser. Tbat is the cold, common sense of the matter, ai the case now standi li II not a Scraiitoii characteristic to be Indifferent to the city' welfare. The secret of Scrautou'e high rating and rapid growth lies in tbe vim that each citizen ha heretofore put into bis munieipsl relation!, There ought, on this bridge question, to be a decided aud emphatic eipressiou. one way or tbe other. If it is not to Scrantou's interest to have the straggling lections united, then let ill say ao, by a large majority, But if it is to the city inter est to draw Its constituent parts more closely and lirmiy together, then let there be no wriggling out of a nrompt and forceful decision to tbat effect In either event, let DM have such u verdict next Tuesday as will not be open to misconstruction Theks are lawyer! who will take any side of any case If they feel the in spiration of a luitable fee, but we don't call them attorueyi. We call them ihysteri In similar manner, there ate physicians who, for the sake of a fiw paltry dollara, will traffic in the locial evil and lend themselves to the eOoom phshment, or attempted accomplish luent, ot the most heinous of locial crimes. Theae men ate not reputable representatives of an honored and hou orable profession Tbev are its impoa tors and cbarlataui it is time, though, tbat self respecting professional work ers made a geneial onslaught upon the quacks it is a duty that tbd former owe to themselves li i.-, inn hi l ci. if the proprietlei the situation would be much more out raged that at present, were Mr Cleve land and Mr Hill to come together to day on the floor of the United States senate, weigh in atrip to thi waiit.don five ounce gloves, select sicondi, bottle boldiri and a referee, and fight the I'eckham matter out in trfls ring fashion. I ertaiuly i'eckham coulj not be less fit for a place on the supreme bench were he to submit tu audi en arbitrament than he ia now in hit will iugneas to let the ermine of the loftiest jndtcial position aave one on -firth be draggled and stamped about In the mire of polluted factional contention - It win i. i' seem to be tbe part of charity to suspend judgement with re gard to the cauaeof the terrible fatali ty iu Uaylord oolliery. until theiubsi dence of popular excitement aball ran der poislble a fair aud accurate conelnsien, We are loath to bl lieva that thi company operat ing this mine foreaaw the fright ful casualty that has occurred, or that it deliberately neglected to take rea aonnble precaution against it. It will be time enough to distribute oenanre, If there Is need of censure, when the clear evidence is III As yet, too uifioh of current report Is simply irreaponsible rumor. -- o t 1 Unoer 'i he form of ballot to be voted next Tuesday, a misapprehension is likely to arise. That part of the tic ket relatiug to the queatiou of bridges ia aituated beneath the straight Uepub licau ticket, lu the lame column, i A mark within the circle at the top or thii column daei not nnplv to the bridge question, either auimatively or negatively. The mark muat lie made in the small square to the right uf the word "Yei" or to the right of the word "No." This explanation alio applies to tbe park question, which follows the straight Dauiooratic ticket in tbe second column Aweilu tn Urn's Two Amis. I'hatltt Rmvry SmiVi. Tue protection which shields our uwu pioJucers against all comers and she re Hprocity which offers noaOompeilng pro ducera our market in return for their are the twin policies of doiueetts defeuse and tureigu conquest, and they are the right aud left arms ot true Aineiicainsm For luduniiy and IVoepislly CoWea Emui u Aaifa 'I hil ly year ago k,-i un-m stood for human liberty and national unity Tweatf yeaia ago it stood for national honor and honest cnriuiicv. Today II htuuds for American industry, Aiuencau wugce, Auiviiuan coiniuc-rce uud Aliivtican dtetin) Baa Pardoa! out We're iuo.ooj Now, ATfiatova tur ii leranton, wuu pcriiups so.ouu oui, can conslruot a tVM.OUJ city hall, AlU-n town, with mii , night to g'O a good ileal beyond $C.0liu. WK i i RE Dili Mil.NM.s1 a ii int rufi -.i on HABJl No intui tions No laoottventenea No tost .iT tllllii I KMtlllullt nti.jlll nAll lluUill l.'ultl nftur othtn inuttiod fall. v-u iui.i drugtiat for PHO lie mis Con eulimion mid tii.aiiiieiit fre Address, con IldeatlaUy, t'HoKl'-os CURB' Co, lantou. t't CONRAD I the: HATTER IS SHOWING SOMl DRESSY LOOKING HATS FOR SPRING WEAR GOLDSMITH'S $ BAZAAR Will exhibit during this week their first importations of high-class RTED DRESS GOODS Consisting of Qrepon Bouillone, Tissue Brocle, Etoffe Panache, Crepbn Guire, Fantasie Traverse, Plain and Printed Japanese Silks, Figured and Striped Glace Silks and Wash Dress Nov elties. SPECIAL OPENING SALE UK MUSLIN UNDERWEAR At Prices Much Lower Than Ever Before. As the recognized leaders in this line, we can assure oui lady friends that the new stales of Night Gowns, Chemise, Cor set Covers and Skirts nuw shown by us are unequalled for workmanship, material and cheapness. IOO dozen Night Gowns at 49c. ancJ 59c. lhat arti trade astonishers. Goldsmith Brother- & Company. CEE F. L, Crane's New Prices FURS! FURS! CAPES Id INCHES DEEP. French Coney Cain?9, U mh. . Uih. . Astrakhan. Capua. " " . Astrakhan Capua, Atsrakhan Capes, " " ,, Dyed Opoaaun Ca;.e " .. Moi,e Capea, " " .. Monkey Capaa, " .. N'at Otter Cmpes, " " Nat Otter C'apei, " ., Krtoimei Capes. " " Beavur Capua. M .. Nutria Caput Sal or Persian a'ni " " Alaaka bual Capus. " " .Clfiskii dual CapSI, " ' ,, Mink Capes " " . . Brown Marten I 'tapes " " .. ,. UUJ . 4 UU . I . 10 .. o 00 . 1 liu . 10UU to OH .. 36 UO i i OO . . -5 W IS IK) . am liioj .. UV . 60 in) .. :. oo 0APE8 22 INCHES DLtJ3. AatmktiHii Cap:. 33 iu.I.q- Uuep tie W BnltK-8u,irpea " 13 00 Electric J-eal Capes. " I& OO Fruin h Co&ey I 'iipus, 6 00 Mink Capus. W 10 Brown Marten Caput, " ' jptjj Moukui Capes, 00 Highest Cdili Prices Paid lor Raw Piir3 Hepatring Furs a Specialty. DO YOU BELL? OR ARE YOU MAKING PRESENTS? pf Mixed Candy, Clear Toys, an Bb) silt- of Candj r Nutn( Express Wagons, Veloelpedes, TrlOydes, Doll Cabs, Diuiiii oi Tos ul everj kimi. DOLLS Chiua Dolls, Wax Dolls, Patent Dolls, Joiiateal Uolls, ara kiuil ol aloll from '.'oeto 13 SLEDS OR SLEIGHS For Boys, Girls n Dolls, iu Maplf, (Jiik or Iiou, Moui '.'ac to lylo.iw. BICYCLES e have tin; goods auJ our prices are right. WLolesulu una! retail. J. D. WILLIAMS ERO, 314 Lacka Ave. Wuiiihi . BPSClALiTY ut suppl, lug coin tot bunduy Schools. Fairs, Festlvab ! NORWAY JKO bla k diamond SIM UR EXl RA SPECIAL . HAN'DERSOS s ENGLISH JESSOP'fi ENGLISH Al MI.KL HORSC SHOES TOE CALK TIKE MACHINERY SI'KiM. SOKT STEEL a V 1L BrJLLOWS HOHSK NAILS WILLV & RU0SBLL AND M'fiLLS BROS CI JTIVti MACHINERY WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRIXOI HI Hh SPOKES KIM STEEL SKEINg R R. SPIKES SCREW Bittenbender & Co., Scranton, Wholtsale and retail dealerb' in WanoDiiiaker: auJ BlaLkiinitlis SUPPLIES. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. tCHA" .i AXU WJl.Kts BARKt. PA., MANCFACTChtKS Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HUISIINUAND PUMPINli MACHINLRY. - Geneial Ottiie. SCRANTON, PA B LANK BOOKS LANK HOOKS MEMORANDUMS OUke Supplies of all kiudb Inks and Mucilages i.tADlXCa MAKES. Fine Stationery W I lM'.W A TKKMAN aiul KUAN K I.I.N POt STAIN PENS. All OiiittHiiteutl Agents im Crawford's Pseia sad Bad s Flexiblt Hubbei BtaitlpS. Reynolds Bros. Statluners and Lngraverj. -BIT LACKAWANNA AVE WATCHES DIAMONDS JEW KaLIIY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES EDWIN G. LLOYD aa3 Lackawanna Avenue. SPECIAL S AT THL WALTER'S STOCK For the Next 10 Days. 100 pieces 1 willed I owoling, best quality, bleat hed, 30. 00 pieces dlass Toweling t ed and blue checks, 4-C- 10 cloven Turkey Kod Table Cloth-,, sue 8 4 only 69c. 9 pieces 1 able Linen (wide1) Damask and Red, only 22c. 3 cases Amoskea;4 Ginghams, worth 8c, only 4i4C. 1 rase bruit oi the Louin Muslin, warranted one yard wide, only 7-;4C. i case L nbleached Muslin, l yd. wide, Sc. quality, only dC. cases New Dress Calicos, worth ;c a yard, only 4-V4C. I io 10- 10 18 IS pieces Black (. aslv.nero, worth i 2 l2c , only 50. pieces Cashmeres, all colors, worth 35c only 21c Ladies' jackets, -all si.ies, worth - ?o, only $3.75. Ladies' Jackets.all si. e, worth $10 to $i-50, only $5. doicn Ladies' Merino ests and Pants, 50c, quality, only 86c. dozen Ladies' Wool Ribbed Vesta worth $1,95, only 65r. dozen Cients' Natural Wool $1.25 Underwear at 75c. doi. Gents' Grey Underwear, 75c. quality, only 44c. SALE AT BOTH STORES: The Fashion I Our New Stores 308 Lacka. Ave. 400-402 Lacka. Ave. ASK YOUR GROCER AND INSIST UPON HIS FURNISHING YOU WITH STOW ERS T HE DUTHE1L STUDIO, QIC LVCKVM WVl AYLMUtt, 010 SCR ANTON, PA. DEHCIOUa, MllJ'SUQAH OURBC AJb'SCL,U TEL, V X'LTXLXiJ HAMS. LARD. EVERY HAM AND RAIL OF LARD BRANDED. ! iKgupiJiii XHE STOVVERS PACKING CO. SCRMTOiX, PA r ... . ... . mu.mi i m'i- 11 1. ,1",,. ; ;n .'liu. lat'turv to turn out LOW I m . u lio I .,- ,i ti. A I dt A 0 : ' 1 '"I. t 1 ill,!.j;ln, to tt.' 0".l Meet li.-th.f I will cinko OEN'UIN'H isaiuj rvni-iAii' copiea lion I HUT BiaJI tuu ABSOLUTELY FRBE OP CIlAlK LATKMl 11111 Ul' iKVMK-i 1ROU s so upw.inu. i Vi urnumiiRhip yuuraaUC RWMI 30 Pt lent, less lhau regular priM t; DVTHKIL, Artut '