THE SCBAtfTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY MORNING. 1EBRUARY Jo. 181)4. STELLE &SEELEY NEWS FROM WEST SIDE continue name of MR. J. L. STELLE will th business under the ticm Stello & Seeley. THE EVER POPULAR WEBER and SHAW PIANOS INUKEAT VARIETY. ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable ami within yonr reach HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS litre taken over 100 ttrst i lotlilurjH In lit past tlfty year. Ol'.ior makes at Plania. Four makes pf Oifnn lu beautiful new designs. See our tc.k before buying. We hare the goods. Cur pritM Ma rlgbt. Kveiy lUiug iu the ILusit hue. STELLE k SEELEY IJ4 Wyomlno Ave.. Sfrantot), fx BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAYE THE INITIALS G, B & Co , Imprints.,! on E.u'h ('liisr Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. H1 K I UOl t. Vll VI. K- DR. H. B WARE! &PRCI vi lsv IYZ. EAR. NOK AND THBOsiX Happenings of a Day All Will Interest Hyde THE FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY tSKl HOORS : ito UK '.35 WYOMING AVE, PERSONAL. Joseph QoaVray ia VTilk Birr on business yesterday. Mrs. C. ' Oir.oria fiaiUag h;r pareati at N'jk Albany, Pi. Attorney H. C. R'ynoid. of Carbon dftu. wa lata rity yesterday F. H. HoUeohuk and A. L. Patterson, of Caromdale. were at r,a Fowst H-ii yaasefuay, oha D. Miiai.?r. masazer ?f the Zastern Pennsylvania circuit of taaalara ia. ;n the cty yesterday shaking hands wita hi., many scr.nton friends. Ex-Internal Revenue Collector Penman wn pnesented with a handsome briir wooI pipe yesterday by his late asso ciates ia tbe oAa The presentation speech waj x.ule by EJicaard B. Braadage. NORTH END. The Pror.denpe Qa and Water Com pacy has been hpcinz up We: Market atrset from tne corner of Bri :fc avenne to the Baptise church in seanh of a ieakae tu tae 2 is main. The people nsiig gas ia the vicinity state that their premises are full of the danner-as odor aad hava to leave their doofl partly open to allow it to escape. Tue bursting of the pipes h the result of the rcent squeeze in tn inines. Th consumers say tnat thv hive to pay for "r.iping gas. The workmen find it difficult to determine the exact location ol tne laakaga. Politics in the Fi rt ward is anminz a more mteres-in pnase Mr Mitchell, tne present efficient school coatroller, ia makia? pr-iarr'ssivs eanraas, the rtaoll of which, np to date, confrms the zsner.l belief in his obaocau for re election. The sizni of Km times plainly indicate that hi success at the polls is assured. Mr. Arch bald his opponent, is not throwing nirase.r lata tue tihr. as earnestly as the situation requires There If not!. inz sensitional in the political situation in trie Banoad ward. Wade Fiao, the eandi lata for select connciiman, and M. V Morris are proeecntinz tne canvass with enerav and are meeting with promises of sop port and nco:irazm-nt all aloaz the line. Should tne republican forces come up in Z1 .;, lairt ean 6 no question a to who will bi selected An xcitinz runaway took place on North Main avenue yesterday, when the hore owned oy Dofitot Ky took i! . and throwinz the doctor vio lently against tne street, started at a fnrions pace alonz N rta Main avenne toward Lm'c i Oap " Near the f'r . byterian cborch. it broke loose from the cntter after completely dernnllsh in the latter. It was stopped near the Msrvine shaft Another runaway took place at the corner of O ik street and (foftl Main svenoe. It was occasioned by csra lensiy corninz in contact with the street car rails. No daXDafS was d',n The foneral of Jonn Nanghton. of Dickson, who was knied a fw days by fallinz the shaft at S'.orrs' mines, will take place this rnorninz Inter merit at DMI0OM cerasUry. Thomas, ma infant child of Mu-hael Nary, of Mary street, diel yesterday. The feeliez in the North F,nd is strongly in faforol Qrowforooni n- man. He is snre of receirlnz a larz" rote in this section. Dr. Henry Roberts has just returner from Towana'a. Bradford county, where lie had been for six weeks at tending bis sick daughter. Mrs. Dr. Ouiick, formerly of this city Mr. Wetkina, of Ci.rhondale. has pur chaied the business of Mr Armstrong on Wiiyno atenue. An entertainment and porerty party will he given nt the North Main AVe oe Methodist chnrch tomorrow even ing. An elaborate and interesting pro. gramme will bo rendered. 1 net rntn-n tsl muHic, dlslognns nnd recitations will prove pxeeodingly interesting. The occasion is worthy of lihnral puolic patronage as it will undoubtedly re ceive. D. D. Jones tho North Main avenue undertaker who has been seriously ill with the grip for some time is able to attend to bnsinese again. The Trio dancing clsss will hold a complimentary social at Co. H. Armory tonight. Everybody wishing to have an evening's eujovment will be admit ted free. William Wi".inrrs of East Market street died Tuesday, aged 82 years. In terment will be mad" this morning at Waywart. The remains will be con veyed to their last rusting place by thp 10:17 a. m. train. Services will beheld in tbe bouse at 9 n. m. Mr. and Mi s. James Williamson, ot Bromley Avenue, Entertain Fritndti Entertainment and Hop ol Court Young Albion, Ancient Order ol Foresters ot America Surprise Party to Mr. and James Watkins. The We.t tttds offlos ti Iht BoaAWton Tuihunk Is located at I'JH smtli Main av.i hat, whr absortptioM. adwrMsanMnti and eomtiiuuioatloiK will rtoalvS proapt attaotiOaVl Mr. sud Mrs. James WllllsuiioD o( N.Ttli Bromlsy avenue eelsbraled the tilteenth inntVarMT of tlielr Ifksrrlags 00 Monday Tllla nt their rMldsuta, and were the reeipitnts of BaJMtf UM lul and bMUtlfn! presents ThoiS prest-nt were Mi and Mrs. AndttrSOP, Sir and Mrs RlghttnaH, Mr sod Mr Rittanhonee, Mr and Mrs. Jaoobt, Ifr mil Mr Edwards, Mi and Urs, Robj inson. Mr mil Mrs. WlltOO, J Nilsou, B Smitta.Q K Bmltb, w KxAn son. J, i'. EUobardson, K. M Browp, K Bdwarda, Mlwti M rabdawoo, Q Willtatna, L Jaooba, E RoblOtoo. A Hardlue lfreshtueuts were seired and game and Otbtl dlTtrltOM m dvlgad ui until a late hour. Entsrl.iiimiut an.l S vul An and hop. iveu b Court Young atbibo, A O. V of A. was held last araning la Mttn tun An appieciitive SSdtenOS was present Siles were rfttdafad 0 Williatn F.ram, Hattta Bvaoa, Thomti Abran Wil liam McDonnell an I Sidi K lwar l. A fsstur-1 ws a banjo an I guitar duet b Wtll Watkins and VMwar.l Carlil Mr and Mrs. Richardson rendered an ix.'sllent vocal du t. and Mt L0MII Jenkins recited Mis Maul CaiSOO l also raolttd A duet was given by F.ddie sod Mi Eiitti Dsvi. After the entertainment daBOatg was In dulled in until a late hour. A Surpnss Party The h.ime .if Mr and Mrs. dames Watkius. of North QaHUld aveune. was tne mom of much msrrunent ou Tuesday evening, the occasion being i surprise party. The tva ling was nloaasntlj spent iu daaoing and other div-rsion. Kjireshtn-uits were SISO serrsoT Isaac Price and Heury E 1 ward furnisae.l the music. Tho pr-out were Gforz-1 Wriler, Wil liam McFarlanJ, LTorg Biksr. Q Oberduffsr. T. Anthony, Qaorgs Sam ple. D Rese. J. Williams. 0 Keller, H Wriglev. Mis.-s M A. Powell N Powell. M. William .Hattis William. R. Fritz K Stainer. L tJou. Kite Powell. E Eilis. May Jones. Q Wll- liam, Aldie Willutnt. M Kromsf. Bruf News Itsms The Brother Michael" quartette nas been orzaniZ"d nuder the direction of Christopher Robertson, of Rebecca avenue Waco council, No. 19, Dauzbters of Pocahontas. A 0 R M . will give an entertainment and social this evening m Mears ball Cake and coffje will be served. Rm iolph Jones, of Jackson street, is ilL Divid Jones a respected resident of this side, died ou Tuesday after a long illness at th home of his son. David A. Jones, on Everett avenne. He wis born in Wales and was well known on this side. Tbe funeral will take place tis afternoon. ago from Stockton. U., where be has a wife and four children. He engaged board with bis mother oa Luzerne street and remained at her house until Sunday. About noon he left home for a stroll and hat not been seen or huurd from since. No oatitu for his absence can be assigned and his mother fears that he hits been foully dealt with. AMU8EMENT NOTES. Agnes llennli.ii will present "Lit ll. lle Marie" lit the A.mdemy of Mimic this evening. It Is said In be brimful 0( k'onl Ihlni: livery other line Is a laugh, and the dialogue is bright and sparkling, while the ndluiaxa am tailing sii.l iiiinsuslly str.uig. 1 here is not a lull moment ftom the opening to C lis oloaiug Hue QKMOI rHATOBUt'l ukii'a. OltO of the great dotnsdjf IHOOIIItl f tin. muss. mi is the new in hi. al eoiuedy, filea," In which Qsorg 'I'liutoher and his company of OOUtdtMl will hi tsemi at the AoftdtUUI toin rr OW even lllg. The piers la said tO tie entirely unlike mythlng of the klud put ou In rsoeul years, bslag nude op, a it is, of lite best Ingrsdlsntl of the lighter forms ef niiius.nui'nt KATM I MM! II. t the Academy of Muslo on Satur lav will be Rails Etntuetl in "Klllar uer I he pluee has won pi ulsr s ti'oiu press add public everywhere and with out doubt Is an lush play of exeeu tlonal merit. She has s snlondld sup porting company, and "Killarimy" is uiagiilllcently mounted with costumes and scenery gOt sMi i n iti IU1 L Sol Smith Russell, w ho will be at llio Academy Monday evening. IS a DSOtJ llarly happy genlui For his popnlai ity he can dep . ml wholly up u his In diridnahty. which i a combination of such nnuieroui felicities that one can hsrdlr enumerate them. His humor Is essentially of the best and moat per suasive order, it OOmuandl With equal facility our langhtat and our tsars; it is entirely free from greatness- It is spontaneous, natural, exquisite. THOMAS W. MINI'S RICHARD III. Tba Shkeiaiaii Actor l)rtd by a Lrt: Audience at tbit Aoademv. While the American stage is liter ally overrun with persona engaged iu tho dramatic profaasioo, there exists today a woeful lack of appreciation of tragedy on the part of the theater going public. As an almost direct result of this the stage boasts of but one recog nized Shakespearean actor. Thomas W Keene, who was seen at the Academy last eveuiug iii Richard HI, with whloh play tut name is inseparably at tached That Mr Kone is a favorite in this city and that Scr intoniaiis enjoy u higher form of amnsem-tit than is af forded by iliiiisy farce which are so prevalent Were evi leaped by tho largo and enthusiastic su lienoe th it greeted tn Richard of actor Keene at the A''sdniy. It wa three years ago since Mr. K"ne had pravioul) appeared in this city and the welcome he received was hearty and spontaneous. Mr- Keetlo mede an admirable Duke of Gloucester and had the able supp 'rt of a company of excellent performers. Among the most prominent of them wore Frank Hennig, Edwin Arden, Mis Henrietta VaJers and Mi. Adelai deFritz Allen. NOTES OF SOUTH SIDE Y. W. C 4. NOTES. Uuppenlugs ol a Day Tbat Will Many Tribuuo Readers. luteiest BURNED BY SPIEGEL AT THE MILL S'.-r Work Baing- Dons Mors in Con templation The news of tbe organizition of a Junior society in connection with the Young Women's Christian association bat bn hailed with delight by the misses of our city. The rooms will he open to junlorseverr afternoon for 4 lo 6 o'clock and weekly socials an 1 relig ious meetings will be held Plans for the pleasure and improvement of the msiuburs will be arranged by older girls in committees. The class committee are glad to an nounce a new class whicn will psrsns a course of Shakespearean revling un der the instruction of Miss Catharine Parker. Mils Parker has studied in popular intellectnal circles in f'hila deiphis.and has mat with great sneces in other classes Term, 1 to members for twelve lesions, fjl to non members As only a limited number oui bare received in the class, persons desiring to enter should register at once. For the rnneically inclined young wornui classes in sight reading will be formed Miss Albright, of West Pittston, has been secured as teacher, and she will meet ths classes Tuesday afternoons at t o'clock and Tuesday evenings at 7 o'clock Terms 1 for twelve lessons for members, i tut nori. members. With tne assistancs of a large eorps of ladies the MOTetary . making a thorough canvas of the central portion of tne city. Every honse, store snd office will lie visited to obtain the name ot every young woman living within a half mile of th rooms The ladis of the board solicit a courteous reception to the ladies making the canvass The services led by Miss Dunn, tho state secretary, last Sunday was at tended by a large number of youn WOBMfl. An increasing Interest in these meetings is very marked. Some young W .ine ere taking ad vantage' of the reduced rales for the balance of the season In tne gvaina alnm, but many mor would find the $1 for membership and i for the gym uasium lessons a wise investment Theclasa c .mmilteefnntartsined In so cial gathering tho members or the edu cational classes nnd their teachers last BVaoIng, SCRANTON ENGINEERS CLUB. Attorney John M Harris Applies for a Charter. Attorney John M Harris yesterday applied to the court for a charter for the Scrantou Engineers' Club. The purposes for which It was drgsnlzed is tne adrancement of ongineerlng in Its aev ral branches and for the profes ional advancement of Its member The subscribers to tho srtioles of ln (oriiorstiou are James Archbsld. ar F. W. (Jerecke, II W Rowley, W. A. Msv. R J. Foster, C. C. Conklln and A. H Storrs. The articles of incorporation were ar tistically typewritten in- Samuel Pottit. A MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE. It Is Believed That Thomas Thorgas Has Been Foully Dealt With. Thomas Thomas, a miner, employed at the Pine Brook shaft, has dis appeared from his boarding pIsco and his friends fear that he is the victim of fonl piny. Mr. Thomas came her a short time SCRANTON LODGE TO ENTERTAIN. Thirtie.h Pythian Period to be Com memorate 1 Next Tusdav. Scranton Lodge No. 203. Knight of Pvthias will hold an entertainment at the lodge rooms Tuesday night, Feb 30. commemorating the thirtieth pythlan p-riod. Addresses will be made by promi nent members of the loilge and profes sional and ainatuer talent has ben secured to furnish good entertainment. DUNMORE. The funeral of John Riuiham oc enrred at Hawley yesterday. The re mains wer taken from here on th" D .50 train on th Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad Mr Foley, of FJmuurst, is visiting hsr cousin, John K lia The funeral of Mrs Msrt Ciilleu oc enrred from her late home 00 Drinker street yesterday The remains were fol lowed to tho grave ty a large con course of friends and relatives Inter ment w.i made in Mount Carmel cam etery. The ball bearers were T. J Fadden, William Uribben Dennis Langao. Edward Cullen. M, Culleu and M Dowd The infant child of Pater Swift was buried yesterday It is the fashion to down ring rul at the present time Tammany of Now York, lioody of Brooklyn and race track rule In Jersey, succumbed to the wrath of the people who srotj "a inssse and censured them in true Aiuerimin style. Why not call the "Ring Dsmo crate" of DuuiuoreV They have been raising the bet long enough Why not Osaka them show their hand? A glance at the two tickets now placed before the public for their close and eouscleu rlnus consideration will convince any fairiuindnd person that bat one is the paople's ticket It is liroadmluded in every sense aad representative of the rill ns of the borough, while the OtbOf Is so partisan an 1 sealilalvely avaricious that it needs not the service of a crier to announce ibv fact. Peter Murray, of Willow street, died yesterday. M.s... - llnssie Mahsr and Mam a ,im gen, of Philadelphia, attended the fu neral of Mrs ( 'ullon Mr and Mrs .1 .1 Cadden, of Arch bald, were visitors in town yesterday Dnumoreans will bo pleased to know that although the hard times exist here to a certain degrea, th r do not seem to effect the citizens aa it does iu many other towns In the stale. A collector of a large New York book concern was In town ynslnrdny and said that "he bear I less complaint from subscribers on account of hard times in tliis plsce than he did from any other town h" visited,'' and his territory ex tends all over the eastern part of I'enn sylvania He also said that there was only- ono other town that, could be classed with this place, and Unit was Nicholson. This little country plane and Duumore seemed to be the onlv station on his route where everyone w.i not complaining of tho iieneral depression. This apenks volumes for the thrift of tho borough laboring men s W. II. DrnOAN, (Icnrral Agent People's Mutual Live Mtock Insurance Company I'iiii ADri.i'iliA, pa. Dear Sir We are this day in receipt of your company's check for $7.1 in settle ment of death loss nndr policy No. 44,48,1, for which please accept our thanks. We oheorfully recommend this company to nil who wish good Insurance on ilinlr stock, and foel fully astistisil that the com pany is operating on the most substantial basis and Is entirely reliable Truly yonr. a k. Tbopt & Co. Miili.n l Barratti ol Prospect Avenue, Caught I. a Mass ol Mnltcil Spiegel and Very Seriously Liurnud Rustic", E asily al Hie Muse-. I uylor Hospital. Intel esliiiK I'olitii al Pointers. Michael Barrett, olodar mm at tin. South WOrkl was aeriouiy burned yesterday morning and removed to the Moses Taylor hospital I Ian . dt was employed removing the cinder that remained iu the converter utter the alnel had teem poured oil', and he was wisrklng txiiieath the platform tlutt la used by the workmen when put ting n th charge of Iron, aciap and apeigel. While thus engaged, lbs truck Mating the ladle ol molten nplngel. running on the piattonu above, leaped the track and th laitln whh precipi tated beneath Much of ;th.i cuiitnnle tell on Barret) and he wiui frightfully bnrnadi Hlaaon roahad to iuh assist anon and had his hands horned in his efforti Pathar Moiiuii waaaoromoned to randar spirit oal aaalatanoa, and Dr Mauley ulao aumliloue l Night Super intend. -lit I, viel directed the 111 II i 1 man to ba removed ro the hospital, although It was the iIshii of himself and his sou that be h taken home. At th" hospllal lata Inst vail ing it was learned tnat BirrellwaH resting easily ami tbat there seemed no daagvr of death. W .rkiaen who have been burned with Spiegel Hay that the i nn. that result from it are more se vere than Iroin any ..tlier source and lunch longer tune is required in healing. Drier PollUoal Pointer Many Rannblioani in tie. Nineteenth ward concede Mr llickey's election as common councilman Iroui that ward, while certain I i. iuocralH pfodlot that hla majority Will reach BOO, School Controller Not, was on the Sonlh Side car last "Veiling. With him oa the rear platform were several city ollicials Mr. Notz went down in his pocket for bis nickel while bis com psuious made use of complementary tickets. This set Mr. Notz thinking and ha said "On the day of there organisation of tho board 1 am going to move that school directors bo given the same privleges as councilmen. " M. J. Hizliu who xvss going to see Keene In Richard the ill. was near Mr Nolz nnd he laid ' How do you know you will be in tbe reorganization? ' to which Mr Notz replied "lam not making imy will." It is a long tune since any man found l ima If in th" positi m of Daniel P. Battle,without an onponont. Friends of A. T Conntll are work ing hard to assure the re-election of that gentleman as select councilman, while Ttu inas McGratl, his oppouunt,is 111 ik ing a canvas that has never been ex eeu. led fur it. thoroughness, Streot Commissioner Kirst predicts that Mr Moore will be re-lleotad school controller in the Eleventh ward, and without any difficulty. In the Twelfth ward tho same old fight is in progress between Mr Sweeney nnd Mr. Coyle, and both man are sanguine of being successful. Mr. Mnnley points to his excellent record which can not bo duplicated by any member of council, and he leaves the result to the voters of his ward. Mr. Sweeney is confident that bis ordi nances for improving tho Mountain road will be rushed through without delay. Miss Schim IT of Trenton, N J., h is been the guest of Miss Katie Emig, of Hickory street WEST SIDE ENDEAVOR ERS. They Will Oive a Oaod Entartaiumeu t at Washburn 8'rsst Churoh. The Christian Endeavor society of the Washburn Street Presbyterian church will give a social and etiter tsiniaent at the church this eveuiug for the benefit of the society. An ad mission fee of 10 cents will be charged The following progratuiuu will be rendered: Olee, "The Itivnlot" Protheree Olee Society. Solo, "0, Loving Heart" Buck ,lra. Henry Kvans Duet, "Where tlolla tbaOavarta" David Btaranaaad D. 0, Rtcbarda Recitation elected. Miss Margaret Uibt Solo, "Ooma Where tin. Lindani Bloom, " p, n. Warran, Buck Quartette SeliK-.ted. Uolumblan tusrtelle Nolo- Ssdected I. in... Joreph Ulee, "Now by Day's Untiring Lamp." Qiao Society Booka I Books I Booka 1 During thucouiiiig week we shall it. r to the subscribers of TBI TBEBUttl rare Imrgaina In books. Wh have u lurge line of bright and pop ular volumes, eleguutly bound, that we intend to give to the patrons of the paper nt abuut one fourth of the usual price. The following bat will give you an idea f I lie in. I nr. uii. oils lllld the Ullllnlllll oil purtunlties to sucuru valuable addition . to your library. K.-gtllui- 1 I.I..:, it I I'leloiial History of thellruul Pilgrims' Progress (JUaatfad) Earth) bua mid Sky KarVeloni vfondari Lite and Wofkaof Spurgeou Pictorial History of the Blblu M 11 hou in uf Wonders ROD Bo6 tO Pole Pictorial History of the (Jul- Hiilnucn of Life Lifnof Barnnn Indian Roi rors Ji ... -pini. . . . hhupe'a Photographs . Colutttbaa, the Navigator,.. Webster Dlotioaary In on half b. i 'ricii. I'rlcu. (,00 .ho a. fi .nu a 7.1 .76 tn .bs i hi ,6m a.7.i ,6 a. 75 Wi a.7s .so mxi .'.mi a.ts i no ,(0 1.50 .bo 1,00 poo aw i M .60 .sr. t (OUT YOUR COUPONS.) uo prasautatlon of two or tbaea I CoQpons, Biilan rlhiira of TilK 'I Bill (INK may pnrohaH any book Iu lh ' HbeVe Hal 4 1 Th Baa Orovat' photon, ia.1 Bpruca s treat. Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? PRICES oo brand-new Suits and Over coats in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. Martin & Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. FOUND DLAD IN BED. Hugh Muinnari'a Sod Ion Dsatb Caused bv Hoar: Trimble Hugh QrjionaO, Who resided on Weal Lackawanna avenue near Chestnut straati was found dead ia bed about H III) yesterday morning, Mr Qalnnan was fg years of nge and bad been ill for some time past He retired Tuesday luight without eating upper and when bis eister, Mra llogaa, went to call him yesterday morning she discovered tbat he was dead. Coroner Kelly impanelled n jarv con siating of M f W wnbs, Patriok Walsh, John HammellfMtobael O'Brlen.Jame M cOortnaok and 0 l'. liauieis Thay relarned a verdict to tlio elTeet tbat Mr. i,,iiiinnsn bail dud from heart troablu, e. MRS. NICHOLS FDRbOr HI k VOWS. Te.tlmohv 0 Hhow that 8h Wss Uefaltlirul. Ttatimony was board before Judge Edwards yesterday in the divorce QaM id William H. Nichols against Kllle M Mr MiOholl ssks for s divorce ou th ground of unfulthf illness The tati mnny idduceil was to the effect trtnt Mrs Niohuls had been ivn imiualo of a house of Qttaaiioabbla oharaotat on Hotiiuaon street this city, where her conduct was 'criminal, ' . . Dp to data Ooprad'anawhata. FEBRUARY 15, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON row oholoe i three beaatiful pioturee, "Telephone Girl, !' "lb livciinn Chfigtmai Pregonto'' unci "Maitli'iis Hwiiijjing." Send bj until or IBQBMDget Ot brine; dfjapopi like UiiKoi three differ i nt dales, with 10 cent, tslatnps in com. In TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. Du i.i. line I. uleat IlliproVi in Bci anion. 0. C LaUBACU, dentist, Una and oinpiiny i.i, i. in,. w ., i... eve its. Bight yeuih in Ni, w Biayeia A new bicycle worth 7 wln , aog tur fit.'. Tin. machine la guaranteed and ia a rarehergniUi Maabiaa may be aaaa at tie, 'I rlhiihe Illce. 2 'A 1 A New Departure. COR One Week, commenc ' ing Monday, February 5, we will have a CHINA CUP AND SAUCER Sale, when we will sell Cups and Saucers for less than ONE-HALF Their value. Remember this sale will be for one week ONLY, as we posi tively will not sell a cup at the sale price after next week. CHINA HALL WEICHEL & MiLLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. l2 Uliliiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiihiiiti S The GENUIN l Kea I - Haven S FtfiNQS s No ESTAB 1866. York warernon.s, N. HI Kiflh avenue. S I C HlfKER A CO., 5 8oldi alei - lo this seetii n m , Ifnoe i SI Adams avenue S niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: The Great Marvel of Dental s, euoe Ansesthene A recent digooverj and the tole propertj of Henwood & Wardell, DGMflSTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT. I Ch BBAHONB8AYS iBOUT ANsESTBBNE mis hi nwooii a x tnui 1 1 Ariel havUg eleven toath eatraeted ai onasittiui bj tbeaalalaaa atltad, i pr.. iiouaon II .i.lln-l .ell.le,l..M In uut, prftleulari ,i. q won I itit e.r ..j. ee SLEDS ATI jCOSTi FLOREY & I HOLT SPRUCE ST. Scranton, Pa. COLUMBUS il HOUSE tin; rtiuit popular musical establishment in Northesttern Penn- lylvariia Tlio hiflhttt of Pianos an J Orwans. Tho lowest jri'.;3 obtainable anyhf;ro ar. J tlio most terms ovor offon.-d to ourrJiaserg are some of leading inducomonts. Look at the list i noerai the THE CELEBRATED 8ohmer Piano,, Ever ell Pianos, ifose & Son's ' Pianos. M nhl in Piano;, Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RENOWNED Estey Organs, Story & Clark Organs. Chicago Gotta g 9 Organs Palace Organs, tiii all kiuda coast f ijiisical M,;r'.tar.ili Lt.y OL bsu'i The Holidays are bars end tbi-i II lbs i'.t to ba) I'jt a Cbristmal IJreaerit PHoaa are lower than any other ransic store in sraut'u Special Attention -liemembar always arhen you start out to search for a Pi aao or Or Kan that L'hnatoj.hi r ( ol urn bus jjoir.U w ith Ui n;'bt hau l to the i-nc! plao you want to il1- Now here it is: 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ' Q 5rfljivQy J- c OPPOSITE .'Mhl'si MONVMEXT. s PR ING . . . Styles of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. AT Special for This Com ing Week. Men a 1'ork Sole Lsee Shoes. Goodyear Welt, tf-l j:radi, to be Men's fork Sole l.see Shoes, baiul sewedweit.j. trinii'.t.' ba Ladies' DongOla, kid Button Patantad Tip, Qoodyoat writ. (', million aen last all 4,S0 grade, to be l.ailia Pin Ki Button,oork soles, hand tnrn.Ootntnon Sense last, onlv a few pair of tin in. f (faile, to le. . . Ladies' Dull Dongola Button, double aolaa Coattnon Baaaa only, ft grade sloaad out at Misses Shaikh! ilost Hutton. ipring heel, sizes 11 to f.1 trade will sell at Hoys' School lioas, buttnn and Ilea, sizes 11 to Sj $1 W will sell at $5.98 0s.Jl AT s; 1 $9.00 S2.89 S1.49 $12.00 A Rich CLOTH .1 A C K. E T, Foil Skirt, Ballooa Stoevtnavy,ldaek ami tan. OoM to make, fio. Sow 15 .93. We will give you tho ohoioe 40 .lu. kits, all this Season's make. Nt one in tho lot that OOSt lussj Hi. .n U tO 5-0. .1 V'k KTS. CI OTH CAPES F1K CAPES ami WRAPS. 16 will pay you to soo tins offering of Tailoi made Garments, We need room for new Spring Visit us, SCRIM'S Intdfi Shu sior. w VoMlNQ i W'tff f V' ;'; vy' G. W. OWENS & Co. Ijitiios' TiKt . Cioftk Mfko: Klltl VSll'lWlH, 508 m'ki n S r . ot ut i ui n S(Jl I AKID Scienlitic Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The SpeCiaUet Oil tb Ky. lb.nlaolies and Nervouaiiesa relieved. Latest Kiel Improved Htyle ef Eye tilassea and 8le.:li le.s nt the I.ewost Ptioaa. Host ArtiBctal Byaa inserted tor IV SOS SPRUCE ST., op. Post Office. liMMiissikiiiniiillliiiiiMlilillHillll 1 TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. 1 01 Iv ol thfAM Ol POaVt, r'- S MaicJ nt rhfl 1 i tlMin.- '(m-.. ror- b iifr IVnn hvimiiii1 Htnl BpfVM utra'ot. S a ntltl is tlt hnlilrr to tkl tlio lri- m lffffM ol tlio milium I loloit ofl'tirai j lot dlttri baling populfAl booki ntatong mii Madvras i uaiMl - bj Mil' TatlbUB llililHaUl'tllOIlt, urO g 118 follow ! 5 10 CBMTI nnd Four Coapomt fr 1 tiny voluiii1 in tlio OolttamVaU B rlts. Ovor HHi niios tomloct frMim g i iil Four I'soniioni lor n 10 m voliimo let ni DiolMaM1 ontnilCo aaa WortfH. g CKNTP nnd Four Coupon for a nny hook In list Kuuliy Son. m Bft ORKTfl and Knur Coupon for Any book In tlit Oxford Sot l't. IIHKUHHUHIIUIIIIllKlllllllUIIIlDi