I THE IJANTON TRII'.UNK TUlTIiSDA V MORNING. FEBRUARY 15. 1894. ONE CENT A Word. H'iiiifo nil ktnUs iusI tlul much, e.i - mt tonqtiOM Wantfd,vk1h art ImtrW fflKi:. Legal. la of Hutistm. in tbe oountv if Lucks wlnha Letter of kdinlnwti'iitn.u upuu the imove named isiaio Uavluc been tfiiintcd to the under 14;mvi1. all hnjui baring claims or denkBdl again it tbe laid estkte H ill please present ihetn for payment and tlu Indebted ::.'' will please II...:. i urn tut.- i 'in moid U) ELIZABETH OUT i w Adni a. JnH.N r. SORAUO, All") for Estate. . .. -l.U" .1 '' Situation Wanted. ttTANTED-SCBUBBlNO HOCSJ CI II vn " tug, or am household work bj the day sjaii MRS WAI'KIN. -Tv Urj.uk - WAN l'ED Hi A Vol NU iiuii. u.t f,. NAM ' iclolue Al v as rtp fl lawyer's oirl-e Co kccpiu older CMl'l'ATiON ark: cm furnish tlrst oi.- R 1- tSttoJBoe, Yoi'NO MAS WITH OcOD REFER ENYE, would like a poettion In Mortal S. uot .(rtiil uf bard work. Addr.-e C M Tribune offics SITUATION Hv V 0IR1 IN ABtWel Cull iiiibim: iitrt.e U ANTED I TOUSa L adY WMBK to read : lady or k i.,;i,m ( bjun esc i duv Adi1rva-.il. OMOOfTnMM Ifice il'AN fED Sll AiU'N AS COACHMAN t or tanlnv: Address a A uihuuo citL,. SsTtf-AtioS WANTED At) COACHMAN . or haiku had two wait MMrlMM carnage paluttug Q 1' I'rtbune I oitVativs wanted by a married I i ui-.ii m ccs.tuuau i miqVui willing t - be uful ..tider.tauds ch.iil..jiit. ii rHfej in i.lereuct- fuiu L.I oiupl- .-v.iaiee- Will. 1AM HO Mai nil OFFli'E FINANCIAL AND COMMtKUIAl X Blocks mi. i Hond New Yintk. i el 14. - Higher cables lioui Loudon uuil m dltpoeitisu to cover short cootrtcts'ou ti.ii putt i( lock) oper utois led to h Hi iu .4.111 Hi- daring tut earl) hours of buelSesS ht tbi Stock exchange. Xtw Luglaud WM the pal) ktOOk ou llio ii-i m bleu showed wi.ii.:.. telling down ' , .1. . lo alnf- I It- Uial tllO Colllpg'Uy will be reurguulgod shortly mid thai the. i ockholders w ill be called upon to pa) an asset u ...ut ol j ton I.. Tlii iimiKi't ivus oil liveuetl by Uaa dropptU 8H due to the i emit of Chic.'igo kdvii'vt Unit the i . iiiuioii council win pit--, the Wattoo ordinanot over NUVi'i Hopklfi. tolo Dnnug the alttrnook tradtpi at Innrvalt oamt to a Htuiiil.tlll Inst piMtlotix to the cio.u. however, Uur oecauie uioio nclie. The i ally iu wheat wa a dtaappolatmant '" the Willi on Stock Who Inivo bttO tuiuk lug on serlou. tiouble in un trade The tail ket left oft tolerably arm and auj w ht i e tiotu ,Vi, to M per OtBI ktgbtf tUau ou yetterdaJ, Aiutncan Sugar .how a net lj of 8a Ut Were 11.', ."I'J thWtt. The following, cjunh'ti Uble .boiuna the .tnV - :'.. . .il kitlfe eU-ck IH Hill. L.tle.l ClTl'ATtON WAN 1 it reel rf.ieiue ar.J ...iwr; .'.. cu turuishj.ol illSS MAK JKrrtltlO M Putuam Mrtet teraaton, ft ClTUiTIOSI WANTKD a woman o would like to get oul the da) WatwM ttekMtalUi of wtkTtkkt wajklag bo ue va StM, M KY DONSF1 l.V Scraatotj PtratoAcv. IS DRV vli.viLS OK xLZ mVUeil il.llly l-y l.uBai i i.A.u in Wyoiuiug traku t oil iar. . A Knller, .look A N W. 0 iiv . iir v.; y i D grocery itara, or tooM kaakMtt wkereke cjulJwoikuu kute eaperatacejyoa refer noe. willwofic ihi AiLlie-u I' 0 hot ,e Pa DRES vi Kt. it WHo 18 tNtiRKlTv -A J.i.eti.at auou tereif tor ut.,vrt wvUlJ .:ke r. r.gatei!i.L: to ao out iy me w v iiutriei rrtaimarTT mo rekionai.:e r.t. aue vien.e ClTl'ATlOS WANTED RV A 8TRONM O rf. iuku who o, wlliiug toj.- in kn-iii t kekveeiori will take home watkiagor Iroa lag or go out by the da v'arolme Kluie. So t! lAilar areuiie. S.-rnitou. UA.MtD PvSllloS hV A PiBBT c'.aai .'atiouary engineer tuebe.to rfrBv funxaneJ Adareaa A rl Hah. '- Ciiutou utieet, biuguaoitou. N V . wl M.wMin to it . I'.'l'V. 1 ICilLAl4v'.V W A .1 1 C.I.' PI A li'4..i" aiii.. .au '.ik care of bone or urive teaoi. Of auy light worn preferred nine ar npttteaee iu dry g ils tore. a.Ulre WaL .i,j eO.e. Scrat.: ITLATIoS WANTED BV A srKcSU -.. i.4 ... w. o ii i ' kfnd of ccwjr Will take bouae km:ig ei iroaing or go uu; by the ilav Aajru j ti ftewTtUe IRVATIOS W AS 1 ED HV A Vol Sit etri : tkke cro uf cniiitreii laiiirau drs K. D. WU Scrant' n treet. rant u trrvAiios wanted bv a forsu O married man. nine year' eiperien.'e S1 A T ..u. C I'hto. Q, i' , C. St L. CoL H.vk.Vkl k D. k U p., L W rj.Tdrl Erie 0.1 Co Lake Shore L AS Manhattan Mi rkd. Nat. Lad s v aH E ... S V c'euttki. . . . . N V . O. 1 W S V i. ft W. .. 1 q. 1. 0.0s North 1'ae Sortb I'ac. pf lUuaha t ag. V . Reading Rl I Ulead R. T M Paul r..c, a i r.tn pm L iikin Pae VVabaau. Of ., vv.tnlon W' A !.. E 8 a L E f Open Ht-b Iaiv i'loe Ilia. eat. vat. lug, . B !TU '''Wi . MVi H !:v. ..Ua, i. iu4 IS .. e4 Jo I'D, oo T"la U'.'H hue, lOi'tu ,. rue li nB :m ,. , 'V UJI I'd. 3o N M DO f 1 rVv -ii, ivtk .. lika UN iWa lit, . Si JtA w; Doi ItM, ItHl llMH UiM . . )4S Mj 11 IHi "fM-j .'J jxh l Mm t ifea. Du i li'S II . iMte Ml i W-a . l)H )-H H Mm , mi, i " l J i, in, UK la, i:, i;m '.' i'k k-ju tiii .. MM Mat W 1 i en M n H L' ti 10 m it at as 4 u M m oil m la U Kll m V.'tg I : . : l-ti- nosiueaa. amwui g .. i? Ttapijyinent J W. AfWOM ug to take any Hlltieat Chlcato Qrala tut Proviiuna. MAAMMk tvi It - l'Oa fOHoWtat naola t ok are tapplied and Vofiecceal dailr by l.a Baf A FtilUr.itdok tfakele,ul Wyomiug tre- nut. WHEAT jet :ug jlTk ATivN gtrt to dc gir.. ajJrea c.-:. 0. i'a wasted bv a Vol no hgbt buuaew..-rg or as n rrae L a... iii No iEi PUekoreiaTe, Helo Wanted Male. U'AS raD BEL nnr p si'.'on I Mo ma care this Abi.t MA.N ftrllt ntauip aud reference. A papoi; Agent Wanted. I ' AS TED Wttt . vWea: ... . c'loalag. ... CORN, opening... High:.... . owest uoefag OATb. iipeklng.... iiigkeat.... Lowett Cketu PORS. "xieTUn... tiigfcest ... BoVs AND u.Kl.S H0 1 Lowit make money when cut of j Cnala tckfluL tend name and w- .tli tell you h-.w Bo a.- ne- wanted, r . s i a i ci r.rt. rrnctaeuce 1 U'ASTEu TW" YoL 'SU MEN OF iHiGD addresa to cad oa kejttneta bou-tea Steady employment for good men. Apply XATioMAi. '.LEAN TOWEL COMPANY. Ar :ad building. -oelng. LAKD upenuig H.ghaat r'eh. klar JuIt Mtj HU gii leSt i"4 Mi tm s citj jA, 6 ' t:! Ji, Nlfj It". MM KM mm mm r&4 irii t:'. .. tTU. BM KH m $K Mh MM liwi mm IM ISlo lie: - l'.: lar - M '& 700 VH ii., nu fc Sale I'A.-.ii I'OR -At uh Ell Ha.mjE H'i; A -.cy Brvcery. in., lire .' R 1 DAVIS. IT . .'.afa;--.-! FOB JALAVCSOtCI RCLkvDINO LUTS in Fa. rGryille. In.iolre DR. E. T WhEAi'uvN Dent.at, i. ..jckawai.ua kwe e F. K iALE A r-..A. FoRM SPRlNfl wag. aid n-.me f r aie r-r." Ir, aire or B t il"M kiaHLL it fx DELIVERED !.. ICR AN iuHa.r- of w rt Leweat. littna if RT Ribd. opening Hlgbett LoWett '.'loetkg u. Ill Wi til 01 New fork ProdBue Merk.t. Niw Vok. Feb. 14 FutUri Al. KL'F'I- . RD Clara I ,,ia fc : 'jH J v: r 1 : . . ii pr gfTfior M a fc;t Pa. jR SALE IK ACRE nd .tai.-ili J M ii ... f a t L r. ALE Vlt EM HAMOE roP. ' ka A tan pr.partt A hearing orange gT.fa ltraaing .n ttMy dM and value yearly in um oftktjeetlea la Fkwkla A.l.tre P E NETTI.ETO.V lkeHeun. Fi..ri 1 1-AR iT'K HHEFFIEI.D Jf I or ken:. fc KEN i rl.Ai IM PEN .a AVKSUl lit ifd tk flo.ra l.otldiag S . ,14. Sit teratr.at At-a., U FRANKLIN Ho- enasi Ut itd tk P.o .i- '. Hiding ... i i (. tar .tr.: Aji . ' rr..oiu. ELL Mar bant and M- Har.k. R3UBRP Roo.vi.-', T' furmaXied. piaaaant . rest Well lha B ORR '-I Pin atre.t t'ok RRjiT tTORE . i LAfiKAW KH v A ar.ritae h Apr I I. hnta1re Of Henry Frtv tfl La. aaw.nna arektM of at tb. raiaii - t0R REN1 i.. Rl RRRI ILOIRO . H f tnet jn artr.ua a few deitrahl. .fR. eaand lk:a Rent rery raa-onable it . Aattrkbie per jta '.an it-i .n hv .pplyiny t, jar.it', r In klldi'.g For t:rai apply t . ' HARLEi A BCrR ii North Mkin k7ai.ua. t'OR RENT - A LA ROE ITORK iOM M A v. J.pr i . it ii. ..i . f, Itg a.atue pOR ttENT iHkti. ROOMR niOv i 0 X MCQad floor .ver N A Balbart'f m.i.n. More, lit W yoming aTanue, fr in April 1 In en. re to in ifore. pOh RENT tWOBTORI BRICK DWEL A Hag ho a nr. Lm bjaoforetaekti IU Fore.tconrt Apply M MAURlX fe ' OLLHII k-i.t Til W. t lair.kawanna arrant 1'u UR For a term oi rRARB Part iw ell of Ebree ban ir.d feet of yard ftcM aIomj ratafnen Appl at MtPVaaklli mi. .- fX'O RENT- STDPE riU OR FLRMSHED i nail on Or. u Rldgaatr.et V'.ry deiiia Jltpohn.,.1. i ullnlag Spuoia. Noticta. Vf Eal riCRETI i AN ME Had at hi, .! corner Sprui e etreet and FraakUn ate nn Twenty mal Hi-rata for t.t 'ai "I'xl ttl.U hoard Charter Application. I THE COURT 01 COM MOM PLk . i .,li 1 tneConatv of La.'kawauna .v.tice 1 n. i jhy given thitan appiicatlou will be nu.de P. tba laid c Ml t on the I .'tb day of March a. L.. lkV4. at nine o'i low, Mder tue "Corpn ration i t of una tboo.knd eight hni.dred au I aevent) (our and the aubp.e u.eiita thereto by luioea Aichliaid i . I W Qtreckt H. W Rowley, i; i' Cokkltba A H Hli.ru. V A. May and K J Footer, for tb charter of an Intended loiooratlon to be iklted The tS.ianton Euiriuevra i 'i ul the iLaracter and ODjeel uf which la tb. aivaue mi ut ol Engineering in III aeve al braucht-a, no. for the profenalonal lltiiito.'einent of Its iueia.bera. aud for tue purpuaee t" have, p.. a g.aaand enjoy nil the ifgbta. buieflia and lirhilegu v 'Ufm red by the auhl act and Ita i. o .' - The charter ia How on file In be piotnoiiotury s oltice to No 4lu Man-ti erm. IMl JOHN 31 HARRIS Solhitiir. GENERA L NEWS Of INDUSTRIES i C0I6 BrOs. '. Co. Coinpleto u itir l-ii with the LaMgl Vulley KOtd. -aV - SENDING lOfll. TU HUE WAiBK i iit Agrttmtnl btipuiatuA ii. it' . Hi os. & Co. Shall I urnitli I heir Uwn Car-, and Motive Ho.vcr, but M.iy Usu Iho Li'hih Valley tracks. raffle Conntctlon Mado by tht DclAWiii'c, Sii!iiiieliaiiiia and tichuyl kill Now Point! ill H.'l.ttlun Iu lilt New OOkl Uiillt l 10 Albuny and Ho-. Ion OUici liuluati lal Nolo. in To Investors. Illl'. sriiANToN Ali- Workd ave Issued 175,000 of i per I'i'iit. Coupuu Bonds, lotereaf payRblesem'i anuuallv .These bonds Rre to i'uu for ten yeura, fron) jN v . t. 1893, (hilt a limited aiMounl are offered fop brIs o Invfitoji, These bondiRre flrsl aiorigRfe on the entire plaut i the . omjiRii , nud are iMued'for the diii iosu of enlargiiuj the works. The bonds are of the denominations ol $1 (000, iiju unit iiio i .i. ti Foi further particulars address 8, B. MOTT, fiuanoial fkgt, It in in ! iiiiii 'in i . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 r.iit.i IC A M i V PA, '! ; '.J Rtn Estate. VOH SALE 8IS14LE Hol'.SE, Dirt (gL'INCf I' nvenue; eery deeirabte loiation. Antdy ii F. RiV.Nol.Ds, or VV1L1.AKD. WARREN ti KNAPP. 'v.. !i will buy modern news room O hoaee. all lmprovenieiita; tenn easy; uor ur Madison hTanee and Deleware etreet Ap pi harry i.ef.s C.1,40) WILL BUY VERY DESIRABLE LOT OP cornei Maeiawa aeeuue aud Delaware grnit Tarnv euay Apply BaRRT LIES. active, ootettled, generally easier YifiaAt Du. . ac htgOer w.th op t'.ota, cioaiug Arm. No. j red ktoN and eleTatcr, k:rjJic . adoet, BattKe., f. o. b., rjaCd)'c. . ungraded red 'onr.ac No. 1 Oorineru, tlic .options .fd iru. t -,a i ..tr ..eateiday V-. -red Ptbraary. : SRb BSjc; May. liio., July, t7Ho Au?-it. Decemker riic j uMM AfMl, Bituer .No -t. 4: .at-'c , eld salor, 4i '-..440.. ttloat vptioua were illoderatet) a. lift. flr. KHC. h.gbr-r; r'ebroarf. 4.'. Mkrct4J.; Ma,, I j i.y I4c Uafg -Fairly active, firm: option.', doll, r. rater; Pebrnary, Ma'i. Marcn, c. ; Maf, MMC-; Mo 'i watte, March. 'Mc ; apOt Wicee, Mtr -'. SGe&tc . No.8 white, lTXad:4-tC; .V'. g .ChlkajjB, trned7a;c.; S ,. I '. 'H' I a ,:a white. niiaJS -.c ; mixed tvtttefu. VtXiC, White do, S7aSlCv white etate. I7a41 nri -D . : tam.ly, ;li-.. eitit MR, t- BBtS M. Hlkr MAMS kg'OWItktld.SO 1 u.-. ii. Rltr- Doll, ateady ( rjTMtaig-Qiet, atea! I.aau tgaiet, tliuaer weetern ateam, rltiMd ffwlj city.Txc . Pebrnary, ched t, 7S, March. :'..bJ. .Vit, 17.70; rtBotd j net, tObtuaeni, is. go. i Sooth America, : -. OfRMTUtd, BXlfXl Puita Steady, ibaie beti.e, BMM I . I 76a u lib. i.a Moderate demand. Una Irttb toady . ttate dairy loaMi . do eriMMf) I7aitt.; 1'eunaylvanla do,, . weetnrn (Uiiy, dXal7c atalii treaoierir, llaSIc. ; do factory, lialCu', !(,. na, 7i. . imilu tion traatnery, Italdj,. r-ola, I :!i; CUttt-Tpil deiRBLJ.'flrfn ' Igeiat, euay; atttx wo. I PtOMVl anit leu . lee honae, pet caan, !i,l0eS.t0 weiurb fl-lth. .,a.a llMtd, I i , . , - Jlherl., ItljalMI Phlladalphle Tallow Market PMLAI tl.riMA I . 14 fallow wka d ill and unilianged Pric a were; I'riiue city, in bogetiead, tf4a4)tc. ; prttM coin, iry. In bojMbttdl edKi do. dark, iu hoglbeailt, tji , cakte, SC.; greaae, 4iu .. r-r --- -- Ctlt clelr.gr a futrif Lady. "fihM weald te a pretty gin for hut oat thing What tbf laakad tbailey ilbrga-tltr face U alRayi noiered wltb puiple and red blotokea ' barley. Oh. Lbat't eaaily enough iIm o.iaed of Uaed lo b the aiuu way lay If but 1 oaughl on Iu the trouble one day, and got rid of It In no time iiort-Whet wat HI I barley Simply blood eruption! Took abort tRfbt Of F, P I'. I tell yon, It'a ibe boaa blood corr.rtoi The ifoeei nor bad rbeuntiatiiiu ao bad tttat you could bear bin holler cleat acioea tbeuounlry every time be uiored He tiied It. and yuu know what au atbletlu old ireitt he la bow. If lotnebody would givn Ml. Malty a pointer, ahu would tlniiik IkttB after ward. All tbe drug (tore, tell It. - - e One Feut Tbat'a Impoeaihle , Philnjf'phut iV.-oii Hoftleigh Noodle- " I net) IU th papali that a felliih downtown blew Ida brain out bocauie a girl Jilted him I'd tinviih do that for any girl." Mian Cautliiit "No; you couldn't." "e Two Llvea Saved. oi- I'liobbe ThouiH, of '.liiiiclioii City, III., waa told by her doctori hIim had 'on auiui'liou aud that tbure waa nohowfor DtT, but two bottiel Dr. Klntt'a New Dm rnyery completely ctireal her and aha aaya it saved her life. Mr. 'I hot. Kggnra, Lttl Florida Ht., Han Francisco, aulToieil from a dreadful cold, approaching Coiiaumptiou, tiled without teault everything elae then ouugbt otie bottle of Dr. Kiug'a New In cxivery and in two week wu cured. He ia nkturklly tkknaful. It laauch rekulta of which it.' -.'mo eiamplea, thkt prove tho wonderfnl effickcy of thia medicine in Cougba and i old.. Free trial1 bottlei at Matthews Bros,, Drug store Kegulai aite SUc. tod l An iigictvtiieiit MIS futornii into yea tat alia ' between the l.ehlgll ulle Kulroad OOUtpHDJ and till DllkWirt, BatqaihMM snd Scbnylloll Kiiilioinl conipany, whlab ia the railroad recent lj OOOttl lli'toil by L'ok.l Ulna A t'n . I ) Whikk Iho coal of t'o.v.) liroa A Otl dttttntd lor tide vvaler in the violiiily ot New York harbor, almll lierenttei tit ihlpped by the llnoa of lliu l.etligll alle) Railroad company II I un duiatooil that tint la a trkfis aureeiuent b which the lialaivare, SuqtMbaBai and SithiiylUill Keilioa.l company it to transport the ooal to market In its own cat mid with ita own niollvo pdWtT, over ihi Lihlgh alley railroaf. Rlohird Ualnwariai, wim ha. beta oaUldi fortinaa t Ilia liabytou col- llel), big bttO promoted to aaair.1 in! to the geneuil aiiiii'tluteudeiit, J L, Oraw (old. who baa charge of all the Works for Simpson A Watkiua ouinpritlug Habylou OotlUrjl at I'hiryeu, Mount Lookout at Wyouuug, 11 it i, K . uaai I'laiiisvilltf. and 1'oity Port al Forty Fort Mr Muiuwaiiug bus been tbu oatudt fortuso al Babyloa colliery sit.ee it was hist ojieneil 'Ihoinga Mead, who has been alilpping clerk at Babylon since the works opened, is promoted to nutsule foreman tit Baby lou colliery. The board of directors of tue 1'euu sylvauia Kailroad have appointed Sam net 1'orcber assistant purchasing agent to till the vacancy created by the re cent psotuotiou of A Y Suuiuer to the position of purcbatioir agent. Tbe appmntmeut will take effect March 1 This is the way in which "Whitney" etplaiue that now railroad C'oief Eugiueer Jeukg hns beeu talking lo the people of tuoderu Dalhi coticeruiug the 'pmpNMM Lshigb, Cattkill and Ihijtou railroad and siys il will cover ItS tulles between Deposit, the south era terminus and Kotterdaiu junction. the northern terminus, located t.-tw-. . Albany an.l Schenectady, tha villages tbroQgb which tbe road will pits bar. lag uu acregate population of tiD OdO. It will carry the dairy product of 1,000 cows per mile It will have the bene tit of the SOO.OOOpopuratlon atarSeraoa ton, and of the 300,000 t 8QO.OO0 neur Albany and Troy It will be tba short est cnt and the most formable grude between the coal fialds and the eastern market. Ho - ... that the Erie, the iimario aud Weatern, nnd thejliela ware, LtekaWaODB and Western will ship coal over tha road, as they httve no other northern outlet. Tbe iiutstioti of whether I inins foie man and tire b Ml must ba able t o rtad and Wrltl before buns givati a certifi cute pei mitliu; him to aasniua tile du ties of his position was reontly sub mitted tu tee attorney gaOtttl'g depart BMBt by Mine Inspector ( 'larlua Conoor of the Fifth district, rniontown, on behalf of th- txa'ninltig board of the district Deputy Attorney Uaneral Straaaban, la uuswerinif the question, quotes from the act of 1899 reifardiug the duties of the mine foreman un I tire bogs, and cocclu let tbnt tbe diitlra are largely personal and re qairt their personal attention and ahil ;iy to perform them lie ml la "Hia dotibtl'-ss true that many persons of Urge experience nud practic il kiowl aslge iu the Operation of bitumlnotis coal mines cm naitber read nor writ ", yet tbe legislature in the adoption of ibis act Menu to rvqnlrl in addition to kn iwledgg ii I tEperMoot th-i iutelli gent power Ol impartln it, anl di rectly requires the ability to read ug Wi II as to write. ' Mi KM I ,io ITRIAL HOTtSl TbtaOSdal meeting of ibe t'hila.leli'hik lad i"- lailrokd will be held on Monday Mil The directors will tla meet to take action on the divnleml queRlioii 'I ha ' "Hi tonnage of the Kek'liug rail r 'fid for the week m ling Feb li. decreased -iiii I toot, nakloi the total dMrtMt to da!. pyi,l.M torn I he right of way fol tbe Lehigh Cnt kill Mountain mid Baton rallioad la bei ,g mpidly pm i through Drln Ki- a. I Si kobarlt countie. New V ork. Tbe PVoatylraala kailroad company haa Otlfltd its employe, of an Increase In the ri - ' I o.il. It win f .rmeil) kiuiii lh"ili at a much loni i ikle than the general OtiBMMOr paid. Nut coal has bgen ml yaoetd II, lad pek . .i i ent-. air ton lo employes. '.,: rer led l .! in in .bow that the lotki imiv railway eeaitradlwp last year waa I ' . "' null in the I 'nlied Hiatus; ' Ana l.-i, MIS Mexico. 9; total, j.ovS.. Thttotkl railroad conatraotloB m i strd tu t;v90; htn, 4.010, isiw. f'.ij'i, iiko. s,9n0; m b.ono, las, ULOUO, . Th.. Ontario L.i tha Dec. 81, I -HI iiihi I'-r show nn ln.-reaai inauipl'.ia of liS.glC. Tbe Boaloii A Maine baa d.clkt ed a seuii auuual divldeiul f l per cent per abate payable March 1. bo A clutiog reb f. and reopHiiIng Pel, !o Th. RaadlriK coal ton n ga fol the weak tiller) Feb 10 lleoTHUeU UI 8HI toll., Bjal ing tba I-. lal di. i rease for the year tu dale IbKW lou Tim North i'uiiusylvauia railioad dv clareil a atMl let lyjlivlrlend of i per cull I . payable Feb 'JR. The New Jersey house baa pasred a bl II prohibiting telegieph companies from uauaniittliig new from race Hacks, also a bill reiiuirliig all ateum lailwaya to idopl k block aignal systew. I ioiu the ellei Is of falling forty test at an Ashland initio, Jauea tjulnu I. in a pie ' irtoit I'ondlti'.ri A boiler blew ap Ik I no I'i iinroae i ollnu y al Aabland abattelSni the engine h olise 'I lie Lehigh Valltf OOkl ' iinpauy has given to each widow, wbnae luiibainl loal hialllekt their York Farm lolilerv disks lor in July lal year, IISil and to each orphan lb: It wa a voluntary act on ii." pint ..f Ihu couipauy. I'harlrs Burdlck, formerly weighing i lerk at tho Foi eat t 'Ity bioakiir, has bson appointed coal luapector for the lllllanle I oal aud Iron company at ilouesdale. The Rrsaeuier and iklluiaklbg depart in- i.t of the I'eiinfylvaiila Steel wurkH have shut down for an luilelln lie period There H DO conductor iu tbeaerviceof the Helawar... Lackawanna and ffl t 1 1 I '.lm.atn who la battel- known or shows more ittifallluK ruiirteay In travelere than I'. F. Duffy. Hia iuii la between New V ork and Uinghamton Ttiti llrst trial uf Dr. Wood Norway Pine Syrup will satisfy auy oue that tbu lung healing virtue of the :iur tree has now been refined into an effective and couveuieot cougb medicine. Void bv all j deAlen ob a guarantee of satisfaction J For b in ... y, t-'oi pBritj , and lot iMBTOVtMIBl ol thciiolu BlaxlOU ii.'llilng i qual l'o. .i.ai'a POWdM BUSINESS AM) nU)I KSSIONAL PHVAU I A NN ANII tl KflKOMft UU tl t. 1UCAN. lJlJM of tliu Kyu. Nosmi 'I In i n. t sttul Kr. Nil Hprutn .!. I . httu iV'llll I. 'tii.tv VK A -i t'SNKI.I Ofllca Wnnhingt-.u l ' Hrhus. ! ii-i ru.i iii m r I ttl" kc t ill nj I)1 K ri-li i, i - , iiib nt o!IU-u bi'Ui 10 Hito l.'a in and lui kitJ tilm t. MJp iu HuiMlny ! W I III h V K I. I.I.N uU eoi L..;k W.lliliM Uliil WMlhibsftOD KVaM 'Vt LoJl RUl fttlkiu bloli . uQliotiuUlM, lUlulM 111 stil l vitu 4 i n ; vvkriiWigi Ml itvMt;iikii, UU N V tuitilligUjIi mt ISh. C. L FKBT, HrMtlw n J to IU X I kn I ul lliu I.i L-:. Illl I t.. Xittft WolUlUti AVaJ and ThiUal Itasldenca, .'.'a Vlue I III I M I II OATES, Du VVa.hingtou Aienu?. Icon i, i I,, e a iii . I .situ J and .' i ill. to I p in IUIIN L WKNT.. M D, Offloe IS ami '.) I I ouiiiiou n'ual tb bulhlina: resldunce 711 Madlaoaave: oMotkoura (9 to IS, -to 4, 7 to I; Sunda,. J IAI to 4. evening, at lualdeuca A ape.-htll, made of dienasua of tbu eyu, ekr. u..sa .mil throat aud gyntHVilugy. il D Ml RRAY, alio, laity ineil.i oi die eaaea of eye and bkln .M w youilua Ave bourg I otl UJ a D .' I" I and I 1" a p n. I". I lib. I i I ItlNAItt SI RCEOMg L SIT'ROE. S'eierinarv Kurgeou, la. tlatry a specialty, gold medalist of tarlo cierinar, i olle, Httry, ICR Du hi. ueai Telephone So. l.i Den On. ge office anarner heller's cai i lege t. ,. Connolly &, Wallace . '' ; at- A Great Opportunity for KID CLOVE Buyers. Fur La- diea and Gentlemen. 50 Dozen PIQUE GLOVES. I out button Length. ENGLISH REDS AND TANS For genuine ;iervic6 there is nothing to oqual it, and they tit perfectly. Sold by our neighbors aa a bargain at a dollar, and really so, but our price is 87c. CONNOLLY & WALLACE I Hlllliv I M CRANCK-S Law and Oolleetlon of tl . lice. No JIT Spruce St., opposite Forest House. BcrantoBi Pa.; colltctioua a specialty Ibroiiiih.'Ut PeniiiiyDania, reliable correspond eLta iu every county. I EBSl i'n i II l.di. Attorntyt and Counsel .1 lota at Law, Loiuiuonnealib BBlldlnc, WaahmgloU eve. W H..lLs.L'P. ll.niAclE Hvxn. Vf. 11 Jiski'p. Ja II.I.ARD W'AHKI.S Jt KNAPP. Attor ne a au.M dun.fl"ri at I.aiv, iLpuhncau I uildine. Waabington ave.. Mciantoti l'a. UATTEKSUN i VVUA'uX, Attoruers and I I -i.i.atliur at Law; otb u o and 5 Library building, bcrkutuu. l'a KlisWEI.L II W1I44AM A. w I'ATTBRSOB. H ILi OX ALFRED HAND WILLIAM J HAND. At i torBtn aud Counaellora. OoBlBMBWaaitk hiuldinii Room IN, and il MKSRV M SEEl.Y Law nffloeg in Re publican blllldtllt? L'RAXK T "Ii. I.I. I f. Tual Exchange MILTON W l OW BY; C. H VON BTORA'H A I.., ATt.'ltiev at Law. Rotuu hcrauton. Pa. Att'y. a; Washing ton av . t H. suuare OAKKuHD. Attorney at Law I "iiiiuonw-alDi Ii l W. EDOaR, Attorney ar Lav, Jl" Spruces! . Scranion. Pa. Vi'ATREs. Attorney at Law. Vii kaivauna aue Srnutoii Pa I' SAHTH ' ouiiaullor at l.aa liftlire. riKiins M. "'.. 'al rouiiuo.iiv.-alth brdjmOS R PIT! HER. Attorne. ai Law. Cru rn.'na-ea th bwflatng. ScraatOB, l'a M60V8, ,.'! Spluce -t KEPLOQUL Atounei i.u.n.a aaan liated on real i state security Ilia Hpru.-. Kll.LxM. Attoroev-kV-Law, l-J W uitng avenue r l.intou. VEYOl'R DEEtft AN'D Mull 1 14 A u re written and atkaowledced of J W. ERoWN'LSO. AH. a in ) an l Sotai y l'libllc. J i'oiunionaealtb i . . . ti. i IAMBS W .I riins ell in and uV OAMUEL O urtic L. p, c. I I I til . '", li .OK M mini v THE LACK A U ANNA. Sjcran btldien L!l BOO I I' ton l'a ptep.ie h.'y.atid Kirls fur colleg or 1'iiaine.a thoiouglily liaius vouna cat.iuauo al reiu.-it Bit THOMAS H CA.1B. W vt , M II BtTBl.t I lv- WORt'ESTEB'S Kl.NDEHUAKl l.N .'I anl V I, ol. Il- A.iauia av nue i'.idiI all S.-atteim wiu open n t eivi il laiiuat v in illi. I i LAUBAC H burgeon " . W yotrnng are it M - I UATTUN Dentist, Nu. 11 fill e Coal Esrhange I n V Ht 'I'llt hLprpl.t)' Sauna I , tatl.in will I" it. i ' 'i in 'in and Loan As i .ill eaiilet lamia and pay vu hatter on InTeatiie nt than any other association Tall mi S N i'AI.L1 N DER, Dliin- Kanli buiMtna H I ' I I I - Mi Mil. IKITAURANT ' I ' ii r. iii.-i'iinvMi'.K, ii. in wyoin mi I eve ll""ina heateil with "team all iniaT trn Iniprovementt M Tiu'mar. Hi op rlEOLEB'S HOTEL. Ml Lackawanna ai It nue, n. i anion Rule, reasonable. r 7.IIUI in Prtprtetot t i Hi.---1 1. n in .I i i. W U si :l ,N i K. Buutr aVMl kl It FIHM ir tft i.fb utiftpt, "iin 1'lin It tnt t.r Hronilwit). nl I iiiun Sguitri', New ,mk A Hit I tl ilh 1'Ull .l W " r NE dai an-1 npwai.l IHU'wE iirop.-aii plan; i-oni irna luam da, arid Male. Rin aut. piled with tliu lieal P ii i c ',i i rogflator ci' in ryn tint ai mai 1 1 u a w pa i I'1 - I(A Mi i KNTKAL 'Ibe largex kail baat ... nni.e.1 hotel iu aiieut'iKU. l'a i'and IIM il. Pi upl I. -t"i enifei dep.A Cunductisl oe the Emopean VICTOR am rropiaagui eu ilppeil hotel I d 1 ai pei day VP ion D rates II i I.I II I I I i la nVh HI'HT. Arokltei.-M Hooifct Si M and M ConirnoBwaaltb n Id e Borajiton l.s L VV Al. I i ll. Ar. bite. it. i.ibrai i i- i l a. inv w i iidue ateaot (MraBlua I.i 1. URiiWN Anh U An Lite. I I'rhi I . liuliSina.lM ti'sshlngton Av. ,i-i lantoli 1,1 1 II" ' U' l t1 1 " I Slls( IMAM OliS ORTII.4 D P'WaRTH Vvilul. KHALI luiiih. i, i and V Dime Hank I ..il.li.ig Berk at OP, fa MKd ARtiEE llRO'l It ERM, PRINTERS supplies envelope., taper hngs. tivltie. Warahoiiae, 1JU Watthlnglou aie, Scratiton, Pa (ill l h'lli, .. W. l.Mt kaaeiiiik avenue Ml!IO KlH ll"-l.itl.llla, wed ncerl n oik luini.ltit tor t.imi adriieaa II J. Baunr, tonduntor. IU Wyoming ave . over- niilinirt s nnialc stole 209 WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. 3BBMB j RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RA1LK0AD OF N, J. LfcHlGH AND SUSiDU E H AN N A DIVISION tluairsl) in. nr ing Anthracite i . irauliiies and i uktd anfoi t Tiab iAiiit.iNgrii.il ice i MM Tialns leave Huanton foi llttstnn Wnae. iv.ire, et. . ate lo. tr li, il 10 u, , j Bj, -' ou g Hi. IRJ 7 ii. il ui i, u. Mmauya sii a m 100, SOU. 7 10 p in fur Atlalitn i Ity, s pi a. uL Foi New Yoik. Hajrark ami Eliabetb - iu in. 1 lerpicas uilh bud. i parlor ear), HSO (tipriMi p in Bandar, too b, in i nu maii ii i. in k. ai li ion . Ban au li l.a, Ea.H'N and I'uu voai.eiila, ' il a iu lin.1,80. 6 ijO (tiltpl PbUadtJpBlu p m. Muudav. U Ou p iu Pw feOM BaARCa. OCKAH UROVI tb at - lUa. n. . , , i . For Reading LtDBBOB and Haii.sbuig Ma Allsntulvn, S 10 a Di Ix IX) : I U ti m H..ndai i Ul p. Bl For PotUviile. I UJ a in . )8 i p iu. Returniuj lean- Se Yoik. foot o' Liberty (.treat. North rivet at i.lu raiprtssi a. In.. I in, 1 JU, 4.10 leHpleas Willi bnltel pal .01 I M p. in. fiuudky. 180 a 111 l.eaie Philadelphia Reading; Teimiuki y.UU a in AkJ khd 4 X) p ui. Huiidey c tl a 11.. '1 hi DBak tickets tu all oo.ntH : k,.w..i rata may oe uaa on applieatloii in aavan-v iiiuiiimiiiaiiJiiiuiiiuiuiiiiUsaiug ACADEMY OF MUSIC J I III J.-llAV. FEB. 6. OUR 'JneC.evIo Hero:'. A- tl v. I AaNFu nPDvnnvi noiiuu LI JU XV Xi U J IA RANK I' UIHiWN X 10. WIU.iLI' I '.li. .I.al.i. in Win'ila-aie. IVinluirii and IIAL'ERM liRiTIKTR IJ ball, ploiiloa j. inline I.V.RA FINN ,V .ONI4. builder and 1 outran I 4 tnra Yards Punier ollre at and Adam rive . corner Ash al and Hi nn ave . Scranl III Its. I'LAKK It I II S, e.l.tlii.11 M'.ruit. and Nurserymen: eture 140 Wasbtngtou avenue; grims nonae, liiiu North main avenue More telephone .f'.' (l. ai 1 I AS. UBANU IN ION TEA OO. .tone Bros VVIltli MKi N. JUS K.L-ETTEL, Oij Lackawanna avenui. BcrsntoB, Pa . manuf'r of Wire Sureotu i 3 ATT1MTI v tun s lUKTAlNb h .1 ' . '. ... .:vi I F.Hina vallev bail road la 1 til 11. law Ti am I. .in-- b. iant.ai 1'i.iiu.i. ,1.1.. . 1 Sc-w York via. D i H R It at 1 a na 12.10. LM and 11 36 o m via D LA- H . H H . ii 00. us.ll liUk ro .knd LM p. in. latava scrantou ror Hittst .n and Wilkea Harre via D., L A W li R , u Uj. a Ui. il fj m.lll aivi 6 07. Ii 11 p in Willi,- Hai..n H. I.t.ii, I'ottaville and all iiuinta ou tue hiavar Meadow and Pottaiille brauehet, da E a- W V., H4.ie.Bi . Via D. A-H R R. at a ui 12.10 LM 4 Is p.m . via D . 1. ft W. H H.i. UO, on .1 ui., 1 ju, ijo p in i.eave i5crain.,n for lli-thli-heui. t-.ast .n. Readiiit. Hairiahura and all inteniieiiate point via D H R. R . e a M ,U K, I H, II 16 tu.tiaU. L A W R H lieu Us. HSU a- Bi . Iu p m. Leave ScrBn ton lorTaBkhamia w TnvanAa. Elmira Ithaca lieneva and all intermediate p.nnts via D. A 11 R K..PUT a in 1: In and IIJS p, in iia D L, i V R H.. 3O1 kin ..l.aup m l.eava ncraiiion r.,r Rocheater B'jffalo. n. agara Falls, Detroit v'hieairo and ail potlts ivutvlaD4H R. B V 07 a.ui ..IS ion 1 .", .1 IB, n. via D 1. A V R It. and Pitnton jabotioo.lMaan,, i ioegai. m. ni' A- W r k.. a. 1 1 u. tn. Fot Elmirn and tu n-rbl via Salaui 11 0 . v ia c IB El l.oTk.ra . i.Vn 15 p naD. 1, VV tt R. lOla.a., 1 11 and ,f in I'ullUian pat I. i and aleepiug ol L V dial al a on all 11 ..a., t.. -u ,.,i, 1. .t i T. Wilkes Harre and New York Philadalnhl. Butialo and Snspiiaiou i-tridue Rl il. LIN H Wll.HiiR ,, ia,,,,, i:t L,,, ' HAfc t-. I:E Oan P.. 1,-i Phil. P. A VV NuNSEM M HER An l a i. Pa. Ag t South Bethlehem. Pa 11. krt airent at lb- .iatiou H H BALDWIN, il.u Pki- Agent il OUfTAUBCN, Deii Bapt, the IIIIIUIIMIIIIIIINIIIHIIIHIIUHIIUIIS Ate worth folBsalOnf dittaocato g ee. .No shcu colJecliou can be I lonao nenrtr than -ew tork cr Pbiladtipfaia,and tben it bl notsnr pasted iu tb. matter ct unlove and ekciUklVe dealkTBS. or riumess, dain tines, and delicacy of natt rial, In a Word, cur Curtain Hoik tbit tali reacbti cur highest ideal of what is should be. ttd cacbot fail to meet tbe approval of tbe rxioii refined and aitist.c ttstes. Yet all this does nut rx.es n bigo MriGM ijd the coBtraTv.tbeaiun we now offer are tubixiitted for your c' .. Of course, we ve C eci inaxe end noons tbem will S b found the very chuice.t cret B none in Hrossels. Irish Point, SwibB, B N'o ttingham and other Lace Gc. Sg m rtr' the New S-Bowf.k Bslitl S Kith bilk Btripa iu cotTtrattiai S .-r- Al.o lu.i ..Lei ol i m Btripta, " apcati .t:. ; :. a. S irdet I La Belle Marie I Or, k IOIU'3 RITEIGI L'adtl tb. uaaukgeuient of Jl. a JbI.ii. BAXI opens titiipai ACADEMY Dh MUSIC 1 RIOAT, iku m ! I 7. 5 1 1 1 MR. GtOhGE THATCHER And a .e .ei DOMBbB oJ Ccdnwy i-itrt.-tis .l tb. l.k aiusica. EitraVagtMi AFRICA In tniee kcts. wiin elat-orate tetSMrr oa-...t-c-i best uei.r.vW as (shOWI All 1 i( s V,, fumaiitK A1 "1 - iis.NjLii rra S.c open: WedLe-dav SlIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltB Mr. I HILL k CONNELL I DELAVI ARt A.N D Ht'l. SOB Railroad CusBBMBglBg Mil cV IbVi in. in w ill run as follows Trains h ave Bridge Street Station S, lanton for Pitta toil. WUkt Batie.et. 100 "T, 37, 10 42 a 111 12.10 I Si S 4 II. fi 1 '. n 1... a 13 arid 11,11 p ni. For No iv fork an.l 1 hila ilelnhia. I 00a B) II '.e . IS S Je 4 H) and 1 1 i.i p m Em Honed.ile .from D. mwne Lackauauna and westeiu depot). ' Oil. - IB, 10 In a. in . 1. oi n., V IT '1 10 p ni. Foi OarbMraala ami iuii i iu iiala statlona iM T.CO. s.K) hi 10 11 m . IS 00 111 ,1.11 1.9a '. Itl 0 4i and V X, p. 10 fi.au Bl idge Bile. 1 D. 1 1 .'ill ,. jii. 5 Kami II ,"5 p. iu Fast .(pre., to ilbai.i Saratoga, tbe Adl -r..i.i i McnintaitiS, Boetou and Sen Ei. gland nointa B.40 a 111 a iiviat at Albanv L8.U Sal. toga : IU p ill , nd leaving Scranti-.i at B p in auirliiu d Mhnnv at a Je p in Sara tia-a UfoAA, ra ami B slo-i lliu 11 Tbeonl) din t tout, la-lvieen the ooal ticld an.l Boston The LtkdlBg Tourisla Route v f Am. 1I1: a to the Adirondack MoanMln re ... its. lake. lie. rgl and I'bamplain Montreal, etc Tiuia 1 ablas iBoa lag local BBd tbrougk 1 1 am tfl vi. e bet wren .tall.ifis on all dii tsiona Deli, ware- and Hiui.on vteiii mai he , bl.it n. .t -,-all Dulawaie and Hudson ticket offices H II YOI NU ' W BURDICK Second Vice Pi tttdtlt Hi ti. Paai. Agt. DELAWARE LAl'KAWAiSNA AND WKATEH n H V 1 1 ROAD Tralat Matt SoraBMa aa fattpwi Eaprttt t"i N Ymk and all point East I (W. S 40, a li, s IDand n ,'al a in . IS ID ami 3 U u, m nspiea. lot Batten, Trenton Pkifaaelpbla ami the s. nth I If ami ,,,i jn , n, JB ml i Ml p iu Washington and wat tatkiiit, i 40 p in Tubyhanna aotMiMMMatllM, H h p m. Exp) ... lei Piushauilju, .a Elm a ' n Hath PahSVlllc Mount Moi rts and Unltale 1-10 Ilia in and 1 21 n m making Ji se i wiiiiatioiw at UuffWk' to all pAitt. la tba WmI Kuiliiwast aud Suutheeti Huttklb at. BimiataUiyn V OK a ni lUufhamtcn idd a-ay ttattoii Itl p tu Nliholafln ami vav atath na ' i i lll&gh.inlon ami F.llulin Eipreia. nil) p in Espies. I'm I'm Hand Mieiius O.wego. I Ilea and hh hfi'l I iprngs i ht a m and I M p in ltha. s. Ill BBd H'll a in and I S4 p in for Nor lliiiinl.clli. nd, I 'tit. I on. vVukts Btrrt, PurBOBlk Itlia.lriSI'iirg and 1 i . - lea.- eoiiue. tlons at Sollbumhct land Fol Wllliaiueioil llaiiiabnrg. Haltluime Waab Ingloii and the Bortata noitbiiuiheilaud and iuteiiuedlaleslate.il.. uxt i. o ,. m and I Aland go p in Nautlcvke and HUM mediate . tatlons. SUe ami II. (U a m PlviBtiitii and intsrmedlat -lal -n UMand p. in I'ldlinau parlor aud slecplna . uacbe on all ararets traina For iletalleil Into mation po. let tlm. table., etc . apnli to M L SoBtb, Hty lloketSBCS It' l.a. Kaaraiiua avenue, or depot ticket ofTl..e 19 MiRh ONT Villi i AND VV K 1 1 MM Ralliuad ...I ,n Du '.-ion l ima table In i-lfe. I Nov IV. l!W.i Tialns leave S lauron foi Cartundale .-Nil. S IW. 11 OA a in , 1 0J. U IU p lu For H.acoOk Junction and main cmiiiectmn II 06 a in 0 10 p ui Trains leave Mai. ... . Junction for mam lint connection toi Scranion. I. 00 mm. S US P ui Train laale I 'arboiidale for BcrkBteB ' li II 4 a.m.. I III. H.l4, S I.', p m, J 0 ANDERSON. OnUeral I'kaaellgel AW"Ul, New Vork T. IT.ITPRllFT. lilstrlrf Passenger Agent, BtVBBtOB SCRANT0N, PA. niMiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiil DUPONT'S MlSlNci, BLAlTTNa AND SPORTING POWDER Uanufactui id nt the Wapaallopeti Mills Lu ..me county Pa. tad at Wi; mingtun Del. n are HENRY BELIN, Jr. QtBtral Agent for tbe WyotBsBg District. ill vYyom ng Ave , Scranton Pa I bird HltkMII Hank Building, aulNc'iFS 7UOI EciRD PittFton Fa Jc'HN B BMfTB II BOaVi Plymouth Fa F W Stl'l.IIOAN W-.lke- hart,- Pk Agents for tbe Rapauno OtsMMOal COM I any . High Etplosivea N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, ViVOMlNOAVx eVRA.N.c'Na SIT'IWV AY Jt SOI in i hi k ltRoritKita at KUAN ti ll A BAl'k H i t I. IV. .V DAI I D PIANOS l B . larite .toc-k M Biat-elau ORGANS MVtlOAI IIIKni'HWliDlb; Ml BIO, k.TC.. KTU ACADEMY OF MUSIC. BATCBDAT, U.B IT. KATI EMMETT IL Co:. T ilfpty a play. I KILLAHXEY i iie: MaaagMBtBt J Mr Karri W";i.n:s Great Scenea of Ireland MISS EMMETT S SEW SoXiiS- Littae be Psn a tut. :. ..: sjaawovi. Ax. Irui ctide. and "Sprmgtia.e sale opeLs Thtrac.y ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, FEB m. I Blageiuei,: : tbe Eatst:.: i . eo-. SOL SMITH RUSSELL A Poor Relation bV II i vv . L E.DDER I Y 1 LI I SI i ST PKCIAL m exeat. I'rili'E Parloi and wr BtMli .naire . i iaat three rl.w o.-wn stairs and Art! tax iCK-aon taicvi r. To; : lemkiiasr of bkiOeBy -Wc ek'.lery 2ic. trals opens Fnaa. Week MONDAV EKR 1 WONDBRLANIYI XKW STOCK DRAMATIC CO. IN TWO GREAT PLAYS. Xlv .ijgi . ,;'sd.tj m..j WvH.rjeiH'y Romance and Reality Thursdaj, Fr-.daj and Saturday. OLIVER TWIST Vi I Vi ifSliiN 10, gO aad M CENTS Oyera 1 .-bans can brvsrrtd by nurcher every ai terpooa tromlJO to efo (or the ereBtot's inteiiau.wrnt Ferlormai-.cijeiery afternocr. SICtp .vionaays ar.o iburMayt at t.V at A VtSUB st u uoon optB at 1 H an.l 1.1) CVI IbPM MATTHEWS BROS. Druggists ASD DLALER3 I.N 'BURNING and al I O LUBRICATING VlLw 'Atlantic lead aud French Zluo. Pure Linseed Oil. Turpenllue aud Varnlsli.i PETE AND WVOMINU 4 HUAD TP ce.-vKiral SMBrSMsj c 9' VALLEV RAIL Tialn leave Sciantuu for New Vvrk and in i , . , .a .. ,a, Haarlev aud --) tiTinediiite nuint ou the Lrie and ka-al imlnts ut 11 MS. V le a. ui and 3.U i Train leaving at S 4A a in and 124 p m ' are thiuugh tiains tu and tr.iu Honeadale- Tiatns leave tu WllVsl Barrsat I 40 a. m au I 8 41 p Bi. 1 l.tlders' VThitlu,. Paris White and Kalsumlne, Oil Vitrol. Marble Oust and WTakeW OUu DON'T FORGET Thai we are n....i, i ; - lor evorrthina in in. inc. or MAIIHCS It yuu have kn Idea I of pur. basing uuv kind ot a Watch, '.it or gent's Hold or Silver, you wtl! mske a rrlev ous mistake it you do nut five us a call and j.t our iirice. whlth you will flud far helos all otnere, especially lu all tbe high grades of Elgin, Walthaiu mid Rimpden morkmeltt If yuu bare auy doubts and are at all posted oo pi Ice gDc- ui a call and w. n id bave no truuble IB couvluciug y ou. WastiU have a Ur. stock to dlspo.u of. and will offer you wee derlul iuducsnianM In Jewelry, Silverware. Clocks and all other guuds which we 'have lo stock C. W. Freeman Pcbq Ati. and dprucc St.